Trend Micro Global Severity Level Definitions and Target Initial Response Times
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class="product-version"> <h4 class="fs-200 ff-open-sans-600">Product / Version includes: </h4> <p class="fs-200 ff-open-sans"> </p> </div> <div class="hr bg-neutral-250" role="separator"></div> <div class="article-info flex items-center ff-open-sans fs-200"> <div> <svg class="square-shape" xmlns="" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1519_4109)"> <path d="M8.99984 0.666016C4.40609 0.666016 0.666504 4.4056 0.666504 8.99935C0.666504 13.5931 4.40609 17.3327 8.99984 17.3327C13.5936 17.3327 17.3332 13.5931 17.3332 8.99935C17.3332 4.4056 13.5936 0.666016 8.99984 0.666016ZM8.99984 16.6382C4.78803 16.6382 1.36095 13.2112 1.36095 8.99935C1.36095 4.78754 4.78803 1.36046 8.99984 1.36046C13.2116 1.36046 16.6387 4.78754 16.6387 8.99935C16.6387 13.2112 13.2116 16.6382 8.99984 16.6382Z" fill="#222222" /> <path d="M9.34679 8.02062V4.48589C9.34679 4.29492 9.19054 4.13867 8.99957 4.13867C8.80859 4.13867 8.65234 4.29492 8.65234 4.48589V8.02062C8.3572 8.12478 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13.0171 9.28385L12.5588 8.82552C12.6873 8.58941 12.788 8.34288 12.8644 8.08594H13.5137C13.7046 8.08594 13.8609 7.92969 13.8609 7.73872V6.09635C13.8609 5.90538 13.7046 5.74913 13.5137 5.74913H12.8644C12.788 5.49219 12.6838 5.24566 12.5588 5.00955L13.0171 4.55122C13.1526 4.4158 13.1526 4.19705 13.0171 4.06163L11.8574 2.90191C11.722 2.76649 11.5033 2.76649 11.3678 2.90191L10.9095 3.36024C10.6734 3.23177 10.4269 3.13108 10.1699 3.05469V2.40191C10.1699 2.21094 10.0137 2.05469 9.8227 2.05469H8.18034C7.98937 2.05469 7.83312 2.21094 7.83312 2.40191V3.05122C7.57617 3.1276 7.32964 3.23177 7.09353 3.35677L6.6352 2.89844C6.49978 2.76302 6.28103 2.76302 6.14562 2.89844L4.98589 4.05816C4.85048 4.19358 4.85048 4.41233 4.98589 4.54774L5.44423 5.00608C5.31576 5.24219 5.21506 5.48872 5.13867 5.74566H4.48589C4.29492 5.74566 4.13867 5.90191 4.13867 6.09288V7.73524C4.13867 7.92622 4.29492 8.08247 4.48589 8.08247H5.1352C5.21159 8.33941 5.31576 8.58594 5.44076 8.82205L4.98242 9.28038C4.84701 9.4158 4.84701 9.63455 4.98242 9.76997L6.14214 10.9297C6.27756 11.0686 6.49978 11.0686 6.6352 10.9332ZM6.16992 8.69358C5.96853 8.37413 5.8227 8.02344 5.73937 7.65885C5.70464 7.49913 5.56228 7.38802 5.39909 7.38802H4.83312V6.4401H5.40256C5.56576 6.4401 5.70464 6.32899 5.74284 6.16927C5.82617 5.80469 5.97201 5.45399 6.17339 5.13455C6.2602 4.99566 6.23937 4.81858 6.12478 4.70399L5.72201 4.30122L6.39214 3.63108L6.79492 4.03385C6.90951 4.14844 7.08659 4.16927 7.22548 4.08247C7.54492 3.88108 7.89562 3.73524 8.2602 3.65191C8.41992 3.61719 8.53103 3.47483 8.53103 3.31163V2.74913H9.47895V3.31858C9.47895 3.48177 9.59006 3.62066 9.74978 3.65885C10.1144 3.74219 10.4651 3.88802 10.7845 4.08941C10.9234 4.17622 11.1005 4.15538 11.2151 4.0408L11.6178 3.63802L12.288 4.30816L11.8852 4.71094C11.7706 4.82552 11.7498 5.0026 11.8366 5.14149C12.038 5.46094 12.1838 5.81163 12.2671 6.17622C12.3019 6.33594 12.4442 6.44705 12.6074 6.44705H13.1665V7.39497H12.597C12.4338 7.39497 12.2949 7.50608 12.2567 7.6658C12.1734 8.03038 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class="article-middle__summary rounded bg-neutral-100"> <h3 class="ff-inter-bold fs-400">Summary</h3> <p class="fs-300 ff-open-sans tracking"> <p>The following document outlines Trend Micro's global severity level definitions and target initial response time for commercial (business) customers.</p> <p>If you would like to get detailed information for the Japanese version, please contact the JP support center.</p> </p> </div> <div class="article-middle__content ff-open-sans"> <p>You may view or download the latest version of the Global Severity Level Definitions and Target Initial Response Times document by clicking the button below:</p> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-fa-left btn-download-readme" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-download"> </i>Download PDF</a> </div> </div> <div class="hr bg-neutral-250" role="separator"></div> <div class="article-bottom"> <div class="article-bottom__icons flex items-center"> <div title="Print" role="button" aria-label="print this article page"> 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