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We indicated at that time that it was just a matter of time -- in the end it took another three years... While it didn't happen at Christmas that year the company is now ready and will use the VoLTE service to enter this market, which will make it possible to replace Telstra with any other mobile operator around the world... he telcos are not ready for this. While they should be seen as the leaders in the voice call market they are too preoccupied with protecting their traditional business and it is companies like Apple and Samsung who are now leading the charge. </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a class="blue" href="" title="About the Author">Paul Budde</a></li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 16,929</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="/posts/20140616_ip_network_transformation_waiting_costs_more_than_you_think">IP Network Transformation: Waiting Costs More Than You Think</a></h3> <div class="byLine">Jun 16, 2014</div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_7253.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="" /> Few CSPs would dispute that IP-based mobile communications are the future. But some still see little reason to replace TDM switches that, on the surface, cost them little beyond energy and housing expenses. At the recent Neustar Interactive Insights Summit, telecommunications experts Jennifer Pigg, Vice President at Yankee Group, outlined the conundrum -- and revealed the cost of doing nothing is higher than many think. </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a class="blue" href="" title="About the Author">Gary Zimmerman</a></li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 13,686</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="/posts/20140521_webinaripv6_and_telecom_ipv4_is_finally_running_out_now_what">Webinar Tomorrow (May 22) - IPv6 and Telecom: IPv4 is Finally Running Out. Now What?</a></h3> <div class="byLine">May 21, 2014</div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_2673.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="" /> What is the impact of IPv6 on telecommunications, VoIP, unified communications, etc? Why should telecom operators care about IPv6? What VoIP systems already support IPv6? What efforts are underway within organizations like the IETF and the SIP Forum to ensure that telecommunications can work over IPv6? </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a class="blue" href="" title="About the Author">Dan York</a></li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 19,615</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="/posts/20130830_stir_working_group_formed_to_work_on_secure_caller_id_for_voip">STIR Working Group Officially Formed to Work on Secure Caller ID For VoIP</a></h3> <div class="byLine">Aug 30, 2013</div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_2673.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="" /> Interested in working on an open standard for "secure Caller ID" for voice-over-IP (VoIP)? If so, the new "Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR)" working group was just officially chartered within the IETF and the mailing list is open for all to subscribe. </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a class="blue" href="" title="About the Author">Dan York</a></li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 15,268</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="/posts/20130813_ietf_chair_jari_arkko_summarizes_activities_of_ietf_87_in_berlin">Video: IETF Chair Jari Arkko Summarizes The Activities of IETF 87 In Berlin</a></h3> <div class="byLine">Aug 13, 2013</div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_2673.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="" /> The 87th meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in Berlin, Germany, concluded on August 2, 2013. IETF Chair Jari Arkko recently published his summary of IETF 87 on the IETF Blog highlighting what he felt were some of the more important aspects of what was a very successful IETF meeting. I also had the privilege of interviewing Jari on video about the meeting. </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a class="blue" href="" title="About the Author">Dan York</a></li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 15,078</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="/posts/20130729_can_we_create_a_secure_caller_id_for_voip">Can We Create a Secure Caller ID For VoIP?</a></h3> <div class="byLine">Jul 29, 2013</div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_2673.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="" /> Can we create a "secure Caller ID" for IP-based communications, a.k.a. voice-over-IP (VoIP)? And specifically for VoIP based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)? Can we create a way to securely identify the origin of a call that can be used to combat robocalling, phishing and telephony denial-of-service (TDOS) attacks? That is the challenge to be undertaken by the "Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR)" group meeting tomorrow morning, July 30, 2013, at 9:00 am in Berlin, Germany, as part of the 87th meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a class="blue" href="" title="About the Author">Dan York</a></li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 18,229</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="/posts/200130727_why_the_opus_codec_matters_even_if_you_dont_care_about_audio">Why the Opus Codec Matters - Even if You Don&#8217;t Care About Audio</a></h3> <div class="byLine">Jul 27, 2013</div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_2673.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="" /> What makes the Opus codec so interesting? Why is there such a buzz about Opus right now? If you are not in telecom or doing anything with audio, why should you even remotely care about Opus? In a word... Innovation! And because Opus has the potential to let us communicate with each other across the Internet with a richer and more natural sound. You will be able to hear people or music or presenters with much more clarity and more like you are right there with them. </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a class="blue" href="" title="About the Author">Dan York</a></li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 50,200</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="/posts/20130531_moving_beyond_phone_numbers_the_need_for_application_layer">Moving Beyond Telephone Numbers - The Need for a Secure, Ubiquitous Application-Layer Identifier</a></h3> <div class="byLine">May 31, 2013</div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_2673.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="" /> Do "smart" parking meters really need phone numbers? Does every "smart meter" installed by electric utilities need a telephone number? Does every new car with a built-in navigation system need a phone number? Does every Amazon Kindle (and similar e-readers) really need its own phone number? In the absence of an alternative identifier, the answer seems to be a resounding "yes" to all of the above. </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a class="blue" href="" title="About the Author">Dan York</a></li> <li>Comments: 1</li> <li>Views: 18,129</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="/posts/20130422_sip_network_operators_conference_sipnoc_tonight_herndon_virginia">SIP Network Operators Conference (SIPNOC) Starts Tonight in Herndon, Virginia</a></h3> <div class="byLine">Apr 22, 2013</div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_2673.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="" /> Tonight begins the third annual SIP Network Operators Conference (SIPNOC) in Herndon, Virginia, where technical and operations staff from service providers around the world with gather to share information and learn about the latest trends in IP communications services - and specifically those based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Produced by the nonprofit SIP Forum, SIPNOC is an educational event sharing best practices, deployment information and technology updates. Attendees range from many traditional telecom carriers to newer VoIP-focused service providers and application developers. </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a class="blue" href="" title="About the Author">Dan York</a></li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 14,259</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="/posts/20130228_introduction_to_security_and_reliability_what_does_it_really_mean">An Introduction to Security and Reliability - What Does It Really Mean?</a></h3> <div class="byLine">Feb 28, 2013</div> <p> <img src="/images/member_photos/photo_1513.jpg" border="0" width="80" alt="" /> I co-authored a book in 2005, titled "Extreme Exploits: Advanced Defenses Against Hardcore Hacks." My chapters focused on securing routing protocols such as BGP, and securing systems related to DMZs, firewalls, and network connectivity. As I look back over those chapters, I realize that the basic fundamentals of network security really haven't changed much even though technology has advanced at an incredible pace. "Defense in depth" was a hot catch phrase seven years ago, and it still applies today. </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a class="blue" href="" title="About the Author">Brett Watson</a></li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 11,531</li> </ul> </div> <div class="pagination"> &nbsp;<a href="">&lt;</a>&nbsp;<a href="">1</a>&nbsp;<strong>2</strong>&nbsp;<a href="">3</a>&nbsp;<a href="">4</a>&nbsp;<a href="">&gt;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Last &rsaquo;</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="colB"> <div class="colPad"> <!-- industry --> <h2><a href="" class="red">Industry Updates</a></h2> <div class="postListMini"> <h3 style="padding-top:0;margin-top:0;border:none;"><a href="">NeuStar Completes Trial of SIP-IX VoIP Interconnection Exchange Service with COMPTEL Members</a></h3> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">GoDaddy Registry</a></li> <li>Oct 06, 2008</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">NeuStar Names Steven Edwards General Manager, Senior Vice President of Converged Addressing Services</a></h3> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">GoDaddy Registry</a></li> <li>Aug 25, 2008</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">NeuStar and NetNumber Partner to Accelerate Adoption of IP-Based Registry Services</a></h3> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">GoDaddy Registry</a></li> <li>Aug 06, 2007</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">UltraDNS Extends Leading Managed DNS Service Behind the Corporate Firewall</a></h3> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By <a href="" class="blue">GoDaddy Registry</a></li> <li>Mar 13, 2006</li> </ul> </div> <a href="" class="sectionFooter red">View More</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="footerContent"> <div style="float:left;"> <a href="/"><img src="/images/circleid.svg" border="0" style="width:140px;opacity: 0.9;" /></a><br /> <p style="font-size:14px;padding:11px 0 15px 0;margin:0;">A World-Renowned Source for Internet Developments. 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