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Do NOT change the image without first discussing it on the talk page. --> | imagesize = 280 | converted = y | caption = Virgin cover of ''[[Web of Spider-Man]]'' #129.1<br>(October 2012), by [[Mike McKone]] and Morry Hollowell | alt = A drawing of Spider-Man crouched, looking up to the camera stricking a pose on a street-sign | publisher = [[Marvel Comics]] | debut = ''[[Amazing Fantasy]]'' #15<br>(August 1962) | creators = [[Stan Lee]]<br />[[Steve Ditko]] | full name = Peter Benjamin Parker | species = [[Mutation|Human mutate]]{{efn|In Marvel comics, the term "mutate" is used as a noun to designate characters that received superpowers from an external source, as opposed to Marvel's [[Mutant (Marvel Comics)|mutants]].}} | homeworld = [[Queens]], [[New York City]] | alliances = {{plainlist| * [[Avengers (comics)|Avengers]] * [[Fantastic Four]] * [[X-Men]] * [[Defenders (comics)|Secret Defenders]] * [[Future Foundation]] * ''[[Daily Bugle]]'' * [[Heroes for Hire]] * [[The Mighty Avengers|Mighty Avengers]] * [[The New Avengers (comics)|New Avengers]] * [[Spider-Verse#Web-Warriors|Spider-Army / Web-Warriors]] }} | partners = {{plainlist| * [[Black Cat (Marvel Comics)|Black Cat]] * [[Miles Morales|Spider-Man (Miles Morales)]] * [[Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)]] * [[Silk (comics)|Silk]] }} | aliases = The Amazing Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, The Spectacular Spider-Man, [[Ricochet (comics)|Ricochet]],<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' #434</ref> [[Dusk (comics)|Dusk]],<ref>''Spider-Man'' #91</ref> Prodigy,<ref>''Spectacular Spider-Man'' #257</ref> [[Hornet (comics)|Hornet]],<ref>''Sensational Spider-Man'' #27</ref> [[Ben Reilly]],<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man Annual'' #36</ref> [[Scarlet Spider]],<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' #149–151</ref> [[Captain Universe]]<ref>''What If?'' (vol. 2) #31</ref> | powers = * Superhuman strength, agility, reflexes, and durability * Ability to cling to solid surfaces * [[Precognition|Precognitive]] spider-sense * Genius-level intellect * Skilled hand-to-hand combatant * Proficient scientist and engineer * Utilizes wrist-mounted web-shooters | cat = super | subcat = Marvel Comics | hero = y | sortkey = Spider-Man }} '''Spider-Man''' is a <!--Do not add "fictional" as it is tautological; superheroes (and characters in general) are by definition implied to be fictionalized to some extent.-->[[superhero]] in [[American comic book]]s published by [[Marvel Comics]]. Created by writer-editor [[Stan Lee]] and artist [[Steve Ditko]], he [[first appearance|first appeared]] in the [[anthology]] comic book ''[[Amazing Fantasy]]'' #15 (August 1962) in the [[Silver Age of Comic Books]]. He has been featured in [[List of Spider-Man titles|comic books]], [[Spider-Man in television|television shows]], [[Spider-Man in film|films]], [[List of video games featuring Spider-Man|video games]], [[Spider-Man in literature|novels, and plays]]. Spider-Man has the [[secret identity]] of '''Peter Benjamin Parker'''. Initially, Peter was depicted as a teenage high-school student and an orphan raised by his [[Aunt May]] and [[Uncle Ben]] in [[New York City]] after his parents, [[Richard and Mary Parker]], died in a plane crash. Lee, Ditko, and later creators had the character deal with the struggles of adolescence and young adulthood and gave him many [[List of Spider-Man supporting characters|supporting characters]], such as [[Flash Thompson]], [[J. Jonah Jameson]], and [[Harry Osborn]]; romantic interests [[Gwen Stacy]], [[Mary Jane Watson]], and the [[Black Cat (Marvel Comics)|Black Cat]]; and [[List of Spider-Man enemies|enemies]] such as [[Doctor Octopus]], the [[Green Goblin]], and [[Venom (character)|Venom]]. In his [[origin story]], Peter gets his [[Superpower (ability)|superhuman]] spider powers and abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider. These powers include [[superhuman strength]], agility, reflexes, stamina, durability, coordination, and balance; clinging to surfaces and ceilings like a spider; and detecting danger with his precognition ability called "[[spider-sense]]". He builds wrist-mounted "[[web-shooters|web-shooter]]" devices that shoot artificial [[spider web|spider-webs]] of his own design, which he uses both for fighting and travel, or "web swinging" across the city. Peter Parker initially used his powers for his personal gain, but after his Uncle Ben was killed by [[Burglar (comics)|a thief]] that Peter could not stop, he began to use his powers to fight crime by becoming Spider-Man. Before Spider-Man first appeared in the early 1960s, teenagers in superhero comic books were usually relegated to the protagonist's [[sidekick]] role. The Spider-Man comic series broke ground by featuring Peter Parker, a high school student from the [[Queens]] borough of New York City, as Spider-Man's secret identity, whose "self-obsessions with rejection, inadequacy, and loneliness" were issues to which young readers could relate.<ref name="Wright">{{Cite book |last=Wright, Bradford W. |url= |title=Comic Book Nation |publisher=Johns Hopkins Press: Baltimore |year=2001 |isbn=978-0-8018-7450-5 |oclc=53175529}}</ref> While Spider-Man was a quintessential sidekick, unlike previous teen heroes [[Bucky Barnes]] and [[Dick Grayson|Robin]], Spider-Man had no superhero mentor like [[Captain America]] and [[Batman]]; he had learned the lesson for himself that "[[with great power comes great responsibility]]" —a line included in a text box in the final panel of the first Spider-Man's origin story, but later [[retroactive continuity|retroactively attributed]] to the late Uncle Ben Parker. Marvel has featured Spider-Man in several [[List of Spider-Man titles|comic book series]], the first and longest-lasting of which is ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man]]''. Since his introduction, the main-continuity version of Peter has gone from a high school student to attending college to currently being somewhere in his late 20s. Peter has been a member of numerous superhero teams, most notably the [[Avengers (comics)|Avengers]] and [[Fantastic Four]]. Doctor Octopus also took on the identity for a story arc spanning 2012–2014, following [[Dying Wish|a body swap plot]] in which Peter appears to die.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Sacks |first=Ethan |date=January 12, 2014 |title=Exclusive: Peter Parker to return from death in 'Amazing Spider-Man' #1 this April |newspaper=[[New York Daily News]] |url= |url-status=live |access-date=January 12, 2014 |archive-url= |archive-date=July 12, 2014}}</ref> Marvel has also published comic books featuring [[Alternative versions of Spider-Man|alternate versions of Spider-Man]], including ''[[Spider-Man 2099]]'', which features the adventures of [[Miguel O'Hara]], the Spider-Man of the future; ''[[Ultimate Spider-Man]]'', which features the adventures of a teenage [[Spider-Man (Ultimate Marvel character)|Peter Parker]] in [[Ultimate Marvel|the alternate universe]]; and ''[[Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man]]'', which depicts a teenager named [[Miles Morales]] who takes up the mantle of Spider-Man after Ultimate Peter Parker's apparent death. Miles later became a superhero in his own right and was brought into mainstream continuity during the ''Secret Wars'' event, where he sometimes works alongside the mainline version of Peter. Spider-Man is one of the most popular and commercially successful superheroes.<ref>{{Cite news |date=May 1, 2002 |title=Why Spider-Man is popular. |work=ABC News |url= |url-status=live |access-date=November 18, 2010 |archive-url= |archive-date=April 30, 2011}}</ref> He has appeared in countless [[Spider-Man in other media|forms of media]], including [[Spider-Man in television|several animated TV series]]: the first original animated series ''[[Spider-Man (1967 TV series)|Spider-Man]]'', with [[Paul Soles]] voicing the titular character, a [[Spider-Man television series|live-action television series]], [[Print syndication|syndicated]] newspaper [[The Amazing Spider-Man#Newspaper comic strip|comic strips]], and multiple [[Spider-Man in film|series of films]]. Spider-Man was first portrayed in live-action by Danny Seagren in ''[[Spidey Super Stories]]'', a recurring skit on ''[[The Electric Company]]'' from 1974 to 1977.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Weiss |first=Brett |date=October 2010 |title=Spidey Super Stories |journal=[[Back Issue!]] |publisher=[[TwoMorrows Publishing]] |issue=44 |pages=23–28}}</ref> In live-action films, Spider-Man has been portrayed by actors [[Tobey Maguire]] in [[Sam Raimi]]'s [[Spider-Man (2002 film series)|''Spider-Man'' trilogy]], by [[Andrew Garfield]] in [[The Amazing Spider-Man (2012 film series)|two films]] directed by [[Marc Webb]],<ref>{{Cite web |date=July 2, 2010 |title=It's Official! Andrew Garfield to Play Spider-Man! |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=July 19, 2012 |access-date=October 9, 2010 |}}</ref> and in the [[Spider-Man in film#Licensing agreement with Marvel Studios|Marvel Cinematic Universe]] by [[Tom Holland]]. [[Reeve Carney]] originally starred as Spider-Man in the 2010 [[Broadway musical]] ''[[Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark]]''.<ref>{{Cite web |date=August 16, 2010 |title=Complete Cast Announced for Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=January 12, 2012 |access-date=October 9, 2010 |}}</ref> Spider-Man was also voiced by [[Jake Johnson]] and [[Chris Pine]] in the animated film ''[[Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]]'', with the former reprising his role in the sequel, ''[[Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse]]''. ==Publication history== {{further|List of Spider-Man titles}} ===Creation and development=== [[File:Spider Strikes v1n1 i05 Wentworth.png|thumb|Richard Wentworth, {{A.k.a.}} the [[Spider (pulp fiction)|Spider]] in the pulp magazine ''The Spider''. Stan Lee stated the Spider influenced the creation of Spider-Man.<ref name="LeeMair" />|alt=A black and white picture of a man standing in front of a spider web.]] In 1962, with the success of the [[Fantastic Four]], Marvel Comics editor and head writer [[Stan Lee]] was casting for a new superhero idea. He said the idea for Spider-Man arose from a surge in teenage demand for comic books and the desire to create a character with whom teens could identify.<ref name="DeFalco">{{Cite book |last1=DeFalco, Tom |url= |title=Spider-Man: The Ultimate Guide |last2=Lee, Stan |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2001 |isbn=978-0-7894-7946-4 |editor-last=O'Neill, Cynthia |location=New York |author-link=Tom DeFalco |author-link2=Stan Lee}}</ref>{{rp|1}} As with Fantastic Four, Lee saw Spider-Man as an opportunity to "get out of his system" what he felt was missing in comic books.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Harrington |first=Richard |date=February 4, 1992 |title=Stan Lee: Caught in Spidey's Web |newspaper=[[The Washington Post]] |url= |url-status=live |access-date=May 27, 2021 |archive-url= |archive-date=November 23, 2020}}</ref> In his autobiography, Lee cites the non-superhuman [[pulp magazine]] crime fighter the [[Spider (pulp fiction)|Spider]] as a great influence,<ref name="LeeMair">{{Cite book |last1=Lee, Stan |title=Excelsior!: The Amazing Life of Stan Lee |last2=Mair, George |publisher=Fireside |year=2002 |isbn=978-0-684-87305-3 |author-link=Stan Lee}}</ref>{{rp||page=130}}<ref name=RetFan10>{{cite journal |last=Murray |first=Will |date=August 2020|title=The Secret Origin of Spider-Man |journal=RetroFan |publisher=[[TwoMorrows Publishing]] |location=United States|issue=10 |pages=24–29}}</ref> and in a multitude of print and video interviews, Lee stated he was inspired by seeing a spider climb up a wall—adding in his autobiography that he has told that story so often he has become unsure of whether or not this is true.<ref group="note">{{Cite book |last1=Lee, Stan |title=Excelsior!: The Amazing Life of Stan Lee |last2=Mair, George |publisher=Fireside |year=2002 |isbn=978-0-684-87305-3 |page=135 |author-link=Stan Lee}}</ref> Besides the name, the Spider was wanted by both the law and the criminal underworld (a defining theme of Spider-Man's early years) and had through years of ceaseless struggle developed a "sixth sense", which warns him of danger, the inspiration for Spider-Man's "spider-sense".<ref name=RetFan10/> Although at the time teenage superheroes were usually given names ending with "boy", Lee says he chose "Spider-Man" because he wanted the character to age as the series progressed, and felt the name "Spider-Boy" would have made the character sound inferior to other superheroes.<ref name="alter104">{{Cite journal |last=Thomas |first=Roy |date=August 2011 |title=Stan Lee's Amazing Marvel Interview! |journal=[[Alter Ego (magazine)|Alter Ego]] |publisher=[[TwoMorrows Publishing]] |issue=104 |pages=3–45}}</ref> He also decided to insert a hyphen in the name, as he felt it looked too similar to Superman, another superhero with a red and blue costume that starts with an "S" and ends with "man"<ref>{{Cite web |title=Little-known sci-fi fact: Why Stan Lee put a hyphen in Spider-Man – Syfy |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=June 25, 2019 |access-date=June 25, 2019}}</ref> (although artist [[Steve Ditko]] intended the character to have an orange and purple costume).<ref name="oandp">{{Cite web |last=Johnston |first=Rich |author-link=Rich Johnston |date=August 31, 2020 |title=Steve Ditko Designed Spider-Man to be Orange and Purple |url= |access-date=August 31, 2020 |language=en-GB |archive-date=September 2, 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> At that time, Lee had to get only the consent of Marvel publisher [[Martin Goodman (publisher)|Martin Goodman]] for the character's approval. In a 1986 interview, Lee described in detail his arguments to overcome Goodman's objections.<ref group="note">''[[Detroit Free Press]]'' interview with Stan Lee, quoted in ''The Steve Ditko Reader'' by [[Greg Theakston]] (Pure Imagination, Brooklyn, NY; {{ISBN|1-56685-011-8}}), p. 12 (unnumbered). "He gave me 1,000 reasons why Spider-Man would never work. Nobody likes spiders; it sounds too much like Superman, and how could a teenager be a superhero? Then I told him I wanted the character to be a very human guy, someone who makes mistakes, who worries, who gets acne, has trouble with his girlfriend, and things like that. [Goodman replied,] 'He's a hero! He's not an average man!' I said, 'No, we make him an average man who happens to have superpowers, that's what will make him good.' He told me I was crazy".</ref> Goodman eventually agreed to a Spider-Man tryout in what Lee, in numerous interviews, recalled as what would be the final issue of the science-fiction and supernatural anthology series ''Amazing Adult Fantasy'', which was renamed ''[[Amazing Fantasy]]'' for issue #15 ([[cover-date]]d August 1962, on sale June 5, 1962).<ref name="gcd-af">[ ''Amazing Fantasy'' (Marvel, 1962 series)] {{Webarchive|url= |date=March 10, 2011 }} at the Grand Comics Database: "1990 copyright renewal lists the publication date as June 5, 1962"; "[T]he decision to cancel the series had not been made when it went to print, since it is announced that future issues will include a Spider-Man feature."</ref> In particular, Lee stated that the fact that it had already been decided that ''Amazing Fantasy'' would be canceled after issue #15 was the only reason Goodman allowed him to use Spider-Man.<ref name="alter104" /> While this was the final issue, its editorial page anticipated the comic continuing and that "The Spider-Man ... will appear every month in ''Amazing''."<ref name=gcd-af/><ref>"Important Announcement from the Editor!", ''Amazing Fantasy'' #15 (Aug. 1962), reprinted at {{Cite book |title=Amazing Fantasy Omnibus |publisher=Marvel Publishing |year=2007 |isbn=978-0785124580 |editor-last=Sedlmeier |editor-first=Cory |page=394}}</ref> Regardless, Lee received Goodman's approval for the name Spider-Man and the "ordinary teen" concept and approached artist [[Jack Kirby]]. As [[comics historian]] [[Greg Theakston]] recounts, Kirby told Lee about an unpublished character on which he had collaborated with [[Joe Simon]] in the 1950s, in which an orphaned boy living with an old couple finds a magic ring that granted him superhuman powers. Lee and Kirby "immediately sat down for a story conference," Theakston writes, and Lee afterward directed Kirby to flesh out the character and draw some pages.<ref name="Theakston" /> Steve Ditko would be the inker.<ref group="note">{{Cite book |last=Ditko, Steve |title=Alter Ego: The Comic Book Artist Collection |publisher=[[TwoMorrows Publishing]] |year=2000 |isbn=978-1-893905-06-1 |editor-last=Roy Thomas |editor-link=Roy Thomas |author-link=Steve Ditko}} "'Stan said a new Marvel hero would be introduced in #15 [of what became titled ''Amazing Fantasy'']. He would be called Spider-Man. Jack would do the penciling, and I was to ink the character.' At this point still, Stan said Spider-Man would be a teenager with a magic ring that could transform him into an adult hero—Spider-Man. I said it sounded like the [[Fly (Red Circle Comics)|Fly]], which Joe Simon had done for [[Archie Comics]]. Stan called Jack about it, but I don't know what was discussed. I never talked to Jack about Spider-Man... Later, at some point, I was given the job of drawing Spider-Man'".</ref> When Kirby showed Lee the first six pages, Lee recalled, "I hated the way he was doing it! Not that he did it badly—it just wasn't the character I wanted; it was too heroic".<ref name="Theakston">{{Cite book |last=Theakston |first=Greg |title=The Steve Ditko Reader |publisher=Pure Imagination |year=2002 |isbn=978-1-56685-011-7 |location=Brooklyn, New York}}</ref>{{rp|12}} Lee turned to Ditko, who developed an art style Lee found satisfactory. Ditko recalled: {{blockquote|One of the first things I did was to work up a costume. A vital, visual part of the character. I had to know how he looked ... before I did any breakdowns. For example: A clinging power so he wouldn't have hard shoes or boots, a hidden wrist-shooter versus a web gun and holster, etc. ... I wasn't sure Stan would like the idea of covering the character's face but I did it because it hid an obviously boyish face. It would also add mystery to the character....<ref name="ditko-history" />}} Although the interior artwork was by Ditko alone, Lee rejected Ditko's cover art and commissioned Kirby to pencil a cover that Ditko inked.<ref name=gcd-af/> As Lee explained in 2010, "I think I had Jack sketch out a cover for it because I always had a lot of confidence in Jack's covers."<ref>{{Cite news |date=December 8, 2010 |title=Deposition of Stan Lee |page=37 |publisher=United States District Court, Southern District of New York: "Marvel Worldwide, Inc., et al., vs. Lisa R. Kirby, et al." |location=[[Los Angeles]], [[California]] |url= |access-date=August 8, 2011 |archive-date=February 5, 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>[[File:Amazing Fantasy 15.jpg|thumb|left|''Amazing Fantasy'' #15 (Aug. 1962) first introduced the character. It was a gateway to commercial success for the superhero and inspired the launch of ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man]]'' comic book. – Cover art by penciller [[Jack Kirby]] and inker [[Steve Ditko]]|alt=Cover art of Spider-Man, with big yellow letters "Amazing Fantasy".|343x343px]] In an early recollection of the character's creation, Ditko described his and Lee's contributions in a mail interview with Gary Martin published in ''Comic Fan'' #2 (Summer 1965): "Stan Lee thought the name up. I did costume, web gimmick on wrist & spider signal."<ref name="comicfan2">{{Cite web |last=Ditko interview |date=Summer 1965 |title=Steve Ditko – A Portrait of the Master |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=June 13, 2002 |access-date=April 3, 2008 |publisher=Comic Fan #2 (Larry Herndon) via (Blake Bell, ed.)}} Additional, February 28, 2012.</ref> At the time, Ditko shared a Manhattan studio with noted [[Sexual fetishism|fetish]] artist [[Eric Stanton]], an art-school classmate who, in a 1988 interview with Theakston, recalled that although his contribution to Spider-Man was "almost nil", he and Ditko had "worked on storyboards together and I added a few ideas. But the whole thing was created by Steve on his own&nbsp;... I think I added the business about the webs coming out of his hands."<ref name="Theakston" />{{rp|14}} Ditko claimed in a rare interview with [[Jonathan Ross]] that the costume was initially envisioned with an orange and purple color scheme, rather than the recognizable red and blue.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Johnston |first=Rich |date=August 31, 2020 |title=Steve Ditko Designed Spider-Man to be Orange and Purple |url= |access-date=August 31, 2020 |website=Bleeding Cool |archive-date=September 2, 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> Kirby disputed Lee's version of the story and claimed Lee had minimal involvement in the character's creation. According to Kirby, the idea for Spider-Man had originated with Kirby and [[Joe Simon]], who in the 1950s had developed a character called the Silver Spider for the [[Crestwood Publications]] comic ''[[Black Magic (comics)|Black Magic]]'', but the character was left unused.<ref group="note">Jack Kirby in "Shop Talk: Jack Kirby", ''[[Will Eisner]]'s [[Spirit (comics character)|Spirit]] Magazine'' #39 (February 1982): "Spider-Man was discussed between [[Joe Simon]] and myself. It was the last thing Joe, and I had discussed. We had a strip called 'The Silver Spider.' The Silver Spider was going into a magazine called ''Black Magic''. ''Black Magic'' folded with [[Crestwood Publications|Crestwood]] (Simon & Kirby's 1950s comics company) and we were left with the script. I believe I said this could become a thing called Spider-Man, see, a superhero character. I had a lot of faith in the superhero character that they could be brought back... and I said Spider-Man would be a fine character to start with. But Joe had already moved on. So the idea was already there when I talked to Stan".</ref> Simon, in his 1990 autobiography, disputed Kirby's account, asserting that ''Black Magic'' was not a factor and that Simon devised the name "Spider-Man" (later changed to "The Silver Spider"), while Kirby outlined the character's story and powers. Simon later elaborated that his and Kirby's character conception became the basis for Simon's [[Archie Comics]] superhero, the [[Fly (Red Circle Comics)|Fly]].<ref>{{Cite book |last=Simon |first=Joe |title=Joe Simon: My Life in Comics |publisher=[[Titan Books]] |year=2011 |isbn=978-1-84576-930-7 |location=London, UK}}</ref> Artist [[Steve Ditko]] stated that Lee liked the name [[Hawkman]] from [[DC Comics]], and that "Spider-Man" was an outgrowth of that interest.<ref name="ditko-history">{{Cite book |last=Ditko, Steve |title=Alter Ego: The Comic Book Artist Collection |publisher=[[TwoMorrows Publishing]] |year=2000 |isbn=978-1-893905-06-1 |editor-last=Roy Thomas |editor-link=Roy Thomas |author-link=Steve Ditko}}</ref> Simon concurred that Kirby had shown the original Spider-Man version to Lee, who liked the idea and assigned Kirby to draw sample pages of the new character, but disliked the results—in Simon's description, "[[Captain America]] with cobwebs".<ref group="note">Simon, Joe, with Jim Simon. ''The Comic Book Makers'' (Crestwood/II, 1990) {{ISBN|1-887591-35-4}}. "There were a few holes in Jack's never-dependable memory. For instance, there was no ''Black Magic'' involved at all. ... Jack brought in the Spider-Man logo that I had loaned to him before we changed the name to The Silver Spider. Kirby laid out the story to Lee about the kid who finds a ring in a spiderweb, gets his powers from the ring, and goes forth to fight crime armed with The Silver Spider's old web-spinning pistol. Stan Lee said, 'Perfect, just what I want.' After obtaining permission from publisher [[Martin Goodman (publisher)|Martin Goodman]], Lee told Kirby to pencil-up an origin story. Kirby... using parts of an old rejected superhero named Night Fighter... revamped the old Silver Spider script, including revisions suggested by Lee. But when Kirby showed Lee the sample pages, it was Lee's turn to gripe. He had been expecting a skinny young kid who is transformed into a skinny young kid with spider powers. Kirby had him turn into... Captain America with cobwebs. He turned Spider-Man over to Steve Ditko, who... ignored Kirby's pages, tossed the character's magic ring, web pistol and goggles... and completely redesigned Spider-Man's costume and equipment. In this life, he became high-school student Peter Parker, who gets his spider powers after being bitten by a radioactive spider. ... Lastly, the Spider-Man logo was redone and a dashing hyphen added".</ref> Writer [[Mark Evanier]] notes that Lee's reasoning that Kirby's character was too heroic seems unlikely—Kirby still drew the covers for ''Amazing Fantasy'' #15 and the first issue of ''The Amazing Spider-Man''. Evanier also disputes Kirby's given reason that he was "too busy" to draw Spider-Man in addition to his other duties, since Kirby was, said Evanier, "always busy".<ref name="Evanier">{{Cite book |last1=Evanier, Mark |title=Kirby: King of Comics |last2=Gaiman, Neil |publisher=Abrams |year=2008 |isbn=978-0-8109-9447-8 |author-link=Mark Evanier |author-link2=Neil Gaiman}}</ref>{{rp|127}} Neither Lee's nor Kirby's explanation explains why key story elements like the magic ring were dropped; Evanier states that the most plausible explanation for the sudden change was that Goodman, or one of his assistants, decided that Spider-Man, as drawn and envisioned by Kirby, was too similar to the Fly.<ref name="Evanier" />{{rp|127}} Author and Ditko scholar Blake Bell writes that it was Ditko who noted the similarities to the Fly. Ditko recalled that "Stan called Jack about the Fly", adding that "[d]ays later, Stan told me I would be penciling the story panel breakdowns from Stan's synopsis." It was at this point that the entire concept of the strip went through a major overhaul. "Out went the magic ring, adult Spider-Man and whatever legend ideas that Spider-Man story would have contained." Lee gave Ditko the premise of a teenager bitten by a spider and developing powers, where Ditko would expand upon to the point he became what Bell describes as "the first [[work for hire]] artist of his generation to create and control the narrative arc of his series". On the issue of the initial creation, Ditko stated, "I still don't know whose idea was Spider-Man".<ref>Bell, Blake. ''Strange and Stranger: The World of Steve Ditko'' (2008). Fantagraphic Books.p.54-57.</ref> Ditko did, however, view the published version of Spider-Man as a separate creation to the one he saw in the five pencilled pages that Kirby had completed. To support this, Ditko used the analogy of the Kirby/Marvel Thor, which was based on a name or idea of a character in Norse mythology: "If Marvel's Thor is a valid created work by Jack, his creation, then why isn't Spider-Man by Stan and me valid created work, our creation?" <ref>{{Cite journal |last=Ditko |first=Steve |date=Winter 1999 |title=An Insider's Part of Comics History Jack Kirby's Spider-Man |journal=Alter Ego |issue=3 |page=6}}</ref> Kirby noted in a 1971 interview that it was Ditko who "got ''Spider-Man'' to roll, and the thing caught on because of what he did".<ref>Skelly, Tim. "Interview II: 'I created an army of characters, and now my connection to them is lost.'" (Initially broadcast over WNUR-FM on "The Great Electric Bird", May 14, 1971. Transcribed and published in ''The Nostalgia Journal'' #27.) Reprinted in ''The Comics Journal Library Volume One: Jack Kirby'', George, Milo ed. May 2002, Fantagraphics Books. p. 16</ref> Lee, while claiming credit for the initial idea, had acknowledged Ditko's role, stating, "If Steve wants to be called co-creator, I think he deserves [it]".<ref>[[Jonathan Ross|Ross, Jonathan]]. ''[[In Search of Steve Ditko]]'', [[BBC Four]], September 16, 2007.</ref> He has further commented that Ditko's costume design was key to the character's success; since the costume completely covers Spider-Man's body, people of all races could visualize themselves inside the costume and thus easily identify with the character.<ref name="alter104" /> ===Commercial success=== A few months after Spider-Man's introduction, publisher Goodman reviewed the sales figures for that issue and was shocked to find it was one of the nascent Marvel's highest-selling comics.<ref name="Daniels">{{Cite book |last=Daniels, Les |title=Marvel: Five Fabulous Decades of the World's Greatest Comics |publisher=Harry N. Abrams |year=1991 |isbn=978-0-8109-3821-2 |location=New York |author-link=Les Daniels}}</ref>{{rp|97}} A solo [[ongoing series]] followed, beginning with ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man]]'' #1 ([[cover-date]]d March 1963). The title eventually became Marvel's top-selling series<ref name="Wright" />{{rp|211}} with the character swiftly becoming a [[cultural icon]]; a 1965 ''[[Esquire (magazine)|Esquire]]'' poll of college campuses found that college students ranked Spider-Man and fellow Marvel hero the [[Hulk]] alongside [[Bob Dylan]] and [[Che Guevara]] as their favorite revolutionary icons. One interviewee selected Spider-Man because he was "beset by woes, money problems, and the question of existence. In short, he is one of us."<ref name="Wright" />{{rp|223}} Following Ditko's departure after issue #38 (July 1966), [[John Romita Sr.]] replaced him as [[penciller]] and would draw the series for the next several years. In 1968, Romita would also draw the character's extra-length stories in the comics magazine ''[[The Spectacular Spider-Man#Magazine|The Spectacular Spider-Man]]'', a proto-[[graphic novel]] designed to appeal to older readers. It lasted for two issues and represented the first Spider-Man spin-off publication, aside from the original series' [[Annual publication|summer ''Annual''s]] that began in 1964.<ref>Saffel, Steve. ''Spider-Man the Icon: The Life and Times of a Pop Culture Phenomenon'' ([[Titan Books]], 2007) {{ISBN|978-1-84576-324-4}}, "A Not-So-Spectacular Experiment", p. 31</ref> An early 1970s Spider-Man story ultimately led to the revision of the [[Comics Code Authority]]. Previously, the Code forbade the depiction of the use of illegal drugs, even negatively. However, in 1970, the [[Richard Nixon|Nixon]] administration's [[Department of Health, Education, and Welfare]] asked Stan Lee to publish an anti-drug message in one of Marvel's top-selling titles.<ref name="Wright" />{{rp|239}} Lee chose the top-selling [[Green Goblin Reborn!|''The Amazing Spider-Man;'' issues #96–98]] (May–July 1971) feature a [[story arc]] depicting the negative effects of drug use. In the story, Peter Parker's friend [[Harry Osborn]] becomes addicted to pills. When Spider-Man fights the [[Green Goblin]] (Norman Osborn, Harry's father), Spider-Man defeats him by revealing Harry's drug addiction. While the story had a clear anti-drug message, the Comics Code Authority refused to issue its seal of approval. Marvel nevertheless published the three issues without the Comics Code Authority's approval or seal. The issues sold so well that the industry's self-censorship was undercut, and the Code was subsequently revised.<ref name="Wright" />{{rp|239}} In 1972, a second monthly [[ongoing series]] starring Spider-Man began: ''[[Marvel Team-Up]]'', in which Spider-Man was paired with other superheroes and supervillains.<ref>{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=60 |chapter=1970s}}</ref> From that point on, there have generally been at least two ongoing Spider-Man series at any time. In 1976, his second solo series, ''[[Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man]]'', began running parallel to the main series.<ref name="Vault">{{Cite book |last1=David |first1=Peter |url= |title=The Spider-Man Vault: A Museum-in-a-Book with Rare Collectibles Spun from Marvel's Web |last2=Greenberger |first2=Robert |publisher=[[Running Press]] |year=2010 |isbn=978-0762437726 |page=[ 113] |author-link=Peter David |author-link2=Robert Greenberger}}</ref> A third series featuring Spider-Man, ''[[Web of Spider-Man]]'', launched in 1985 to replace ''[[Marvel Team-Up]]''.<ref>{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |date=2012 |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=147 |chapter=1980s}}</ref> The launch of a fourth monthly title in 1990, the "adjectiveless" ''[[Peter Parker: Spider-Man|Spider-Man]]'' (with the storyline "[[Torment (comics)|Torment]]"), written and drawn by popular artist [[Todd McFarlane]], debuted with [[Variant cover|several different covers]], all with the same interior content. All four versions combined sold over three million copies, an industry record at the time. Several [[Limited series (comics)|miniseries]], [[One-shot (comics)|one-shot]] issues, and loosely related comics have also been published, and Spider-Man makes frequent [[Cameo appearance|cameo]]s and [[guest appearance]]s in other comic book series.<ref name="Vault" /><ref>{{Cite book |last=Cowsill |first=Alan |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=184 |chapter=1990s}}</ref> In 1996, ''[[The Sensational Spider-Man]]'' was created to replace ''Web of Spider-Man''.<ref>{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |chapter=1970s}}</ref> In 1998, writer-artist [[John Byrne (comics)|John Byrne]] revamped the origin of Spider-Man in the 13-issue limited series ''[[Spider-Man: Chapter One]]'' (Dec. 1998–Oct. 1999), similar to Byrne's adding details and some revisions to Superman's origin in [[DC Comics]]' ''[[The Man of Steel (comics)|The Man of Steel]]''.<ref name="Byrne">{{Cite web |last=Michael Thomas |date=August 22, 2000 |title=John Byrne: The Hidden Story |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=October 15, 2012 |access-date=May 27, 2011 |website=[[Comic Book Resources]]}}</ref> During that time, the original ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' ended with issue #441 (Nov. 1998), and ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' started with volume 2, #1 (Jan. 1999).<ref name="Marvel 500s">{{Cite web |last=Michael Thomas |date=August 5, 2008 |title=The Marvel 500s: How Many Are There? |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=July 9, 2015 |access-date=July 9, 2015 |website=[[Comic Book Resources]]}}</ref> In 2003, Marvel reintroduced the original numbering for ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' and what would have been volume 2, #59, became issue #500 (Dec. 2003).<ref name="Marvel 500s" /> When the main series ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' reached issue #545 (Dec. 2007), Marvel dropped its spin-off ongoing series and instead began publishing ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' three times monthly, beginning with #546–548 (all January 2008).<ref name="Avenging">{{Cite web |last=Schedeen |first=Jesse |date=November 8, 2011 |title=The Avenging Spider-Man #1 Review |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=March 23, 2013 |access-date=July 9, 2015 |website=[[IGN]] |publisher=[[j2 Global]]}}</ref> The scheduling of ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' lasted until November 2010, when the comic book expanded from 22 pages to 30 pages for each issue. Later on, ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' was published twice a month, beginning with #648–649 (both November 2010).<ref>{{Cite web |date=July 25, 2010 |title=IGN: SDCC 10: Spider-Man: The End of Brand New Day |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=January 16, 2014 |access-date=July 9, 2015 |website=[[IGN]] |publisher=[[j2 Global]]}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last1=Bremmer |first1=Robyn |last2=Morse |first2=Ben |date=September 27, 2010 |title=The Next Big Thing: Spider-Man: Big Time |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=July 18, 2012 |access-date=July 9, 2015 | |publisher=[[Marvel Entertainment]]}}</ref> The following year, Marvel launched ''[[Avenging Spider-Man]]'' as the first spin-off ongoing series in addition to ''The Amazing Spider-Man'', since the previous ones were canceled at the end of 2007.<ref name="Avenging" /> The ''Amazing'' series temporarily ended with [[Dying Wish|issue #700]] in December 2012 and was replaced by ''[[The Superior Spider-Man]]'', which had [[Doctor Octopus]] serve as the new Spider-Man by taking over Peter Parker's body. ''Superior'' was an enormous commercial success for Marvel,<ref>{{Cite web |date=January 12, 2014 |title=Peter Parker Resurrected in Slott's Amazing Spider-Man |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=April 29, 2014 |access-date=April 30, 2014 |website=[[Comic Book Resources]]}}</ref> and ran for 31 issues before the real Peter Parker returned in a newly relaunched ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #1 in April 2014.<ref name="CNN1">{{Cite web |last=Hanks |first=Henry |date=April 29, 2014 |title=Back from the brain dead, Peter Parker returns to 'Spider-Man' comics |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=July 15, 2014 |access-date=July 9, 2015 |website=[[CNN]]}}</ref> Following the 2015 ''[[Secret Wars (2015 comic book)|Secret Wars]]'' [[Crossover (fiction)|crossover event]], a number of Spider-Man-related titles were either relaunched or created as part of the "[[All-New, All-Different Marvel]]" event. Among them, ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' was relaunched and primarily focuses on Peter Parker continuing to run Parker Industries and becomes a successful businessman who is operating worldwide.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Arrant |first=Chris |date=June 30, 2015 |title=Peter Parker 'Stepped Up' As High Tech Tycoon In ''Amazing Spider-Man'' |work=Newsarama |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=September 6, 2015}}</ref> ==Fictional character biography== ===Early years=== In [[Forest Hills, Queens|Forest Hills]], [[Queens]], New York City,<ref name=kempton/> [[Midtown High School (comics)|Midtown High School]] student Peter Benjamin Parker is a science-whiz orphan living with his [[Uncle Ben]] and [[Aunt May]]. As depicted in ''[[Amazing Fantasy]]'' #15 (Aug. 1962), he is bitten by a [[radioactive]] spider (erroneously classified as an insect in the panel) at a science exhibit and "acquires the agility and proportionate strength of an [[arachnid]]".<ref name="Debut">{{Cite comic|date=August 1962|title=[[Amazing Fantasy]]|writer=[[Stan Lee|Lee, Stan]]|artist=[[Steve Ditko|Ditko, Steve]]|publisher=[[Marvel Comics]]|issue=15|location=New York City, NY}}</ref> Along with heightened athletic abilities, Parker gains the ability to adhere to walls and ceilings. Through his knack for science, he develops a gadget that lets him fire adhesive webbing of his own design through small, wrist-mounted barrels. Initially seeking to capitalize on his new abilities, Parker dons a costume and, as "Spider-Man", becomes a novelty television star. However, "[h]e blithely ignores the chance to stop a fleeing [[Burglar (comics)|thief]], [and] his indifference ironically catches up with him when the same criminal later robs and kills his Uncle Ben." Spider-Man tracks and subdues the killer and learns, in the story's next-to-last caption, "With great power there must also come—great responsibility!"<ref name="daniels95">[[Les Daniels|Daniels, Les]]. ''Marvel: Five Fabulous Decades of the World's Greatest Comics'' (Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1991) {{ISBN|0-8109-3821-9}}, p. 95.</ref> In the first issue of ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man]]'' (March 1963), despite his superpowers, Peter struggles to help his widowed Aunt May pay the rent, is taunted by Flash, and continues fighting crime and saving the city as Spider-Man, but his heroic deeds engender the editorial wrath of newspaper publisher of the ''[[Daily Bugle]]'', [[J. Jonah Jameson]], holds a grudge against Spider-Man, and continues making false statements about Spider-Man despite his heroism. Peter gets hired as a [[Freelancer|freelance]] photographer by Mr. Jameson to take pictures of Spider-Man, with him being unaware that Spider-Man is Peter Parker.<ref name="saffel21">Saffel, Steve. ''Spider-Man the Icon: The Life and Times of a Pop Culture Phenomenon'' ([[Titan Books]], 2007) {{ISBN|978-1-84576-324-4}}, p. 21.</ref><ref>{{Cite comic |writer=[[Stan Lee|Lee, Stan]] |artist=[[Steve Ditko|Ditko, Steve]] |story=Spider-Man"; "Spider-Man vs. the Chameleon"; "Duel to the Death with the Vulture; "The Uncanny Threat of the Terrible Tinkerer! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |volume=1 |issue=1–2 |date=March, May 1963 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]] |location=[[New York, NY]]}}</ref> Spider-Man fights his [[List of Spider-Man enemies|enemies]], including superpowered and non-superpowered [[supervillains]]—his [[archenemy|archenemy and nemesis]] [[Green Goblin]] and then [[Doctor Octopus]], [[Sandman (Marvel Comics)|Sandman]], [[Chameleon (Marvel Comics)|Chameleon]], [[Lizard (Marvel Comics)|Lizard]], [[Vulture (Marvel Comics)|Vulture]], [[Kraven the Hunter]], [[Electro (Marvel Comics)|Electro]], and [[Mysterio]], defeating them one by one<ref name="gcd">[ ''Amazing Spider-Man, The'' (Marvel, 1963 Series)] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 22, 2010 }} at the [[Grand Comics Database]]</ref>—but Peter finds juggling his personal and superhero life difficult. In time, Peter graduates from high school<ref>{{Cite comic |writer=[[Stan Lee|Lee, Stan]] |artist=[[Steve Ditko|Ditko, Steve]] |story=The Menace of the Molten Man! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |volume=1 |issue=28 |date=September 1965 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]] |location=[[New York, NY]]}}</ref> and enrolls at Empire State University (a fictional institution evoking the real-life [[Columbia University]] and [[New York University]]),<ref name="saffel51">Saffel, p. 51</ref> where he meets roommate and best friend [[Harry Osborn]] and girlfriend [[Gwen Stacy]],<ref name="mnyc">{{Cite book |last=Sanderson |first=Peter |title=The Marvel Comics Guide to New York City |publisher=[[Pocket Books]] |year=2007 |isbn=978-1-4165-3141-8 |location=New York City |pages=30–33}}</ref> and Aunt May introduces him to [[Mary Jane Watson]].<ref name=gcd/><ref>{{Cite comic |writer=[[Stan Lee|Lee, Stan]] |artist=[[John Romita Sr.|Romita, John]] |story=The Birth of a Super-Hero! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |volume=1 |issue=42 |date=November 1966 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]] |location=[[New York, NY]]}}</ref><ref name="saffel27">Saffel, p. 27</ref> As Peter deals with Harry's drug problems, and Harry's father, [[Norman Osborn]], is revealed to be the Green Goblin, Peter attempts to give up his costumed identity for a while.<ref>{{Cite comic |writer=[[Stan Lee|Lee, Stan]] |penciller=[[John Romita Sr.|Romita, John]] |inker=[[Mike Esposito (comics)|Mickey Demeo]] |story=Spider-Man No More! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |volume=1 |issue=50 |date=July 1967 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]] |location=[[New York, NY]]}}</ref><ref>{{Cite comic |writer=[[Stan Lee|Lee, Stan]] |penciller=[[Gil Kane|Kane, Gil]] |inker=[[Frank Giacoia|Giacoia, Frank]] |story=The Spider or the Man? |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |volume=1 |issue=100 |date=September 1971 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]] |location=[[New York, NY]]}}</ref> Gwen Stacy's father, [[New York City Police]] detective Captain [[George Stacy]], is accidentally killed during a battle between Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus (issue #90, November 1970).<ref name="saffel60">Saffel, p. 60</ref> ===1970s=== In [[The Night Gwen Stacy Died|issue #121]] (June 1973),<ref name = gcd/> the Green Goblin throws [[Gwen Stacy]] from a tower of either the [[Brooklyn Bridge]] (as depicted in the art) or the [[George Washington Bridge]] (as given in the text).<ref>"To address the contradiction in future reprints of the tale, though, Spider-Man's dialogue was altered so that he's referring to the Brooklyn Bridge. But the original snafu remains as one of the more visible errors in the history of comics." Saffel, p. 65</ref><ref>Sanderson, ''Marvel Universe'', p. 84, notes, "[W]hile the script described the site of Gwen's demise as the George Washington Bridge, the art depicted the Brooklyn Bridge, and there is still no agreement as to where it actually took place."</ref> She dies during Spider-Man's rescue attempt, and Spider-Man swears revenge against his nemesis; a note on the letters page of issue #125 states: "It saddens us to say that the [[Whiplash (medicine)|whiplash effect]] she underwent when Spidey's webbing stopped her so suddenly was, in fact, what killed her."<ref name="saffel65">Saffel, p. 65</ref> The following issue, Spider-Man vengefully attacks and overpowers the Green Goblin, who kills himself accidentally in the ensuing battle with Spider-Man.<ref name="GwenDeath">{{Cite comic |writer=[[Gerry Conway|Conway, Gerry]] |penciller=[[Gil Kane|Kane, Gil]] |inker=[[John Romita Sr.|Romita, John]] |story=The Night Gwen Stacy Died |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |volume=1 |issue=121 |date=June 1973 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]] |location=[[New York, NY]]}}</ref> Working through his grief, Peter eventually develops tentative feelings toward Mary Jane, and the two "become confidants rather than lovers".<ref name="Sanderson85">Sanderson, ''Marvel Universe'', p. 85</ref> A romantic relationship eventually develops, with Parker proposing to her in issue #182 (July 1978), and being turned down an issue later.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Blumberg |first=Arnold T. |date=Spring 2006 |title='The Night Gwen Stacy Died': The End of Innocence and the 'Last Gasp of the Silver Age' |journal=[[International Journal of Comic Art]] |volume=8 |issue=1 |page=208}}</ref> Peter went on to graduate from college in issue #185,<ref name=gcd/> and becomes involved with the shy Debra Whitman and the extroverted, flirtatious costumed thief Felicia Hardy, {{A.k.a.}} the [[Black Cat (Marvel Comics)|Black Cat]],<ref name="sanderson83">Sanderson, ''Marvel Universe'', p. 83</ref> whom he meets in issue #194 (July 1979).<ref name=gcd/> ===1980s=== [[File:Issue252.jpg|thumb|''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #252 (May 1984): The black costume debut was controversial among fans. The suit was later revealed as an alien [[Symbiote (comics)|symbiote]] and was used in the creation of the villain [[Venom (Marvel Comics character)|Venom]]. – Cover art by [[Ron Frenz]] and [[Klaus Janson]]|alt=The black costume of Spider-Man.]] From 1984 to 1988, Spider-Man wore a black costume with a white spider design on his chest. The new costume originated in the ''[[Secret Wars]]'' [[Limited series (comics)|miniseries]] on an alien planet where Spider-Man participates in a battle between Earth's major superheroes and supervillains.<ref>{{Cite comic |writer=[[Jim Shooter|Shooter, Jim]] |penciller=[[Mike Zeck|Zeck, Michael]] |inker=[[John Beatty (illustrator)|Beatty, John]], [[Jack Abel]] |story=Invasion |title=[[Secret Wars|Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars]] |volume=1 |issue=8 |date=December 1984 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]] |location=[[New York, NY]]}}</ref> He continues wearing the costume when he returns, starting in ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #252. The change to a longstanding character's design met with controversy, "with many hardcore comics fans decrying it as tantamount to sacrilege. Spider-Man's traditional red and blue costume was iconic, they argued, on par with those of his D.C. rivals [[Superman]] and [[Batman]]."<ref name="cc">Leupp, Thomas. [ "Behind the Mask: The Story of Spider-Man's Black Costume"] {{webarchive|url= |date=May 15, 2007 }},, 2007, n.d. [ WebCitation archive].</ref> The creators then revealed the costume was an alien [[Symbiote (comics)|symbiote]], which Spider-Man rejects after a difficult struggle,<ref>{{Cite comic |writer=[[Louise Simonson|Simonson, Louise]] |penciller=[[Greg LaRocque|LaRocque, Greg]] |inker=[[Jim Mooney|Mooney, Jim]] and [[Vince Colletta]] |story='Til Death Do Us Part! |title=[[Web of Spider-Man]] |volume=1 |issue=1 |date=April 1985 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]] |location=[[New York, NY]]}}</ref> though the symbiote returns several times as [[Venom (Marvel Comics character)|Venom]] for revenge.<ref name=gcd/> Peter proposes to Mary Jane in ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #290 (July 1987), and she accepts two issues later, with [[The Wedding! (comics)|the wedding]] taking place in ''The Amazing Spider-Man Annual'' #21 (1987)—promoted with a real-life mock wedding using actors at [[Shea Stadium]], with Stan Lee officiating, on June 5, 1987.<ref name="saffel124">Saffel, p. 124</ref> [[David Michelinie]], who scripted based on a plot by editor-in-chief [[Jim Shooter]], said in 2007, "I didn't think they actually should [have gotten] married. ... I had actually planned another version, one that wasn't used."<ref name=saffel124/> Peter publishes a book of Spider-Man photographs called ''Webs'',<ref>Ferraro, Ron. [ "Spidey Classics: ''Amazing Spider-Man'' #304"] (review),, February 2010. [ WebCitation archive].</ref> and returns to his Empire State University [[graduate school|graduate studies]] in [[biochemistry]] in #310 (Dec. 1988).<ref name=gcd/> ===1990s=== In the controversial<ref>Goletz, Andrew, and [[Glenn Greenberg]].{{Cite web |title="Life of Reilly", 35-part series, ''GreyHaven Magazine'', 2003, n.d. |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=March 27, 2006 |access-date=January 17, 2019 |}}</ref> 1990s storyline the "[[Clone Saga]]", a clone of Parker, created in 1970s comics by insane scientist [[Jackal (Marvel Comics)|Miles Warren]], a.k.a. the Jackal, returns to New York City upon hearing of [[Aunt May]]'s health worsening. The clone had lived incognito as [[Ben Reilly]], but now assumes the superhero guise the [[Scarlet Spider]] and allies with Parker. To the surprise of both, new tests indicate Ben is the original and Peter is the clone.<ref>Saunders, et al., ''Marvel Chronicle'', p. 271</ref> Complicating matters, Mary Jane announces in ''The Spectacular Spider-Man'' #220 (Jan. 1995) that she is pregnant with Peter's baby.<ref name= gcd/> Later, however, a resurrected [[Green Goblin]] (Norman Osborn) has Mary Jane poisoned, causing [[Preterm birth|premature labor]] and the death of her and Peter's unborn daughter.<ref name="chronicle281">Saunders, et al., ''Chronicle'', p. 281</ref> It is later revealed that The Green Goblin switched the results of the clone test in an attempt to destroy Peter's life by making him believe himself to be the clone. Ben is killed while saving Peter, in ''Peter Parker: Spider-Man'' #75 (Dec. 1996), and his body immediately crumbles into dust, confirming Ben was the clone.<ref name=chronicle281/> In issue #97 (Nov. 1998) of the second series titled ''Peter Parker: Spider-Man'',<ref>[ ''Spider-Man'' (Marvel, 1990 Series)] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 18, 2010 }} at the Grand Comics Database: "Cover title beginning with issue #75 is ''Peter Parker, Spider-Man''".</ref> Parker learns his Norman Osborn kidnapped Aunt May and her apparent death in ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #400 (April 1995) had been a hoax.<ref>Saunders, et al. ''Chronicle'', p. 273</ref><ref name="gcd2">[ ''Amazing Spider-Man, The'', Marvel, 1999 Series] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 29, 2010 }} (''The Amazing Spider-Man'' vol. 2) at the Grand Comics Database</ref> Shortly afterward, in ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' (vol. 2) #13 (#454, Jan. 2000), Mary Jane is killed in an airplane explosion.<ref name="ruby">Ruby, Sam. [ "Mary Jane Watson"], (fan site). [ WebCitation archive].</ref> She is revealed to be alive in volume 2, issue #28 (#469, April 2001),<ref name=ruby/> but she and Peter are completely separated in the following issue.<ref>Blumberg, Arnold T. [ "Face it Tiger – A Brief Look at the Life of Mary Jane Watson-Parker, Part 2"],, July 17, 2002. [ WebCitation archive].</ref> ===2000s=== ''[[Babylon 5]]'' creator [[J. Michael Straczynski]] began writing ''The Amazing Spider-Man'', illustrated by [[John Romita Jr.]], beginning with volume 2, #30 (#471, June 2001). Two issues later, Peter, now employed as a teacher at his old high school, meets the enigmatic [[Ezekiel Sims]], who possesses similar spider powers and suggests that Peter, having gained such abilities, might not have been a fluke—that Parker has a connection to a [[totem]]ic spider spirit. In vol. 2, #37 (#478, Jan. 2002), Aunt May discovers her nephew is Spider-Man.<ref name= gcd2/> Peter and Mary Jane reconcile in (vol. 2) #50 (#491, April 2003),<ref name= gcd2/> and in #512 (Nov. 2004)—the original issue numbering having returned with #500—Parker learns his late girlfriend [[Gwen Stacy]] had had two children with [[Green Goblin|Norman Osborn]].<ref name="gcd3">[ ''Amazing Spider-Man, The'', Marvel, 2003 Series] {{Webarchive|url= |date=June 29, 2010 }} (renumbering to return to original numbering from 1963) at the Grand Comics Database</ref> He joins the superhero team [[The New Avengers (comics)|The New Avengers]] in ''New Avengers'' #1–2. After a deranged, superpowered former high-school classmate destroys their respective homes, Peter, Mary Jane, and May move into [[Stark Tower]], and Peter begins working as [[Tony Stark]]'s assistant while freelancing for ''The [[Daily Bugle]]'' and continuing his teacher career. In the 12-part 2005 story arc "[[Spider-Man: The Other|The Other]]", Peter undergoes a transformation that evolves his powers. In the comic ''[[Civil War (comics)|Civil War]]'' #2 (June 2006), part of the company-wide [[Fictional crossover|crossover]] arc of that title, the U.S. government's [[Registration acts (comics)|Superhuman Registration Act]] leads Spider-Man to reveal his true identity publicly. A growing unease about the Registration Act prompts him to escape with May and Mary Jane and joins the anti-registration underground. In issue #537 (Dec. 2006), Aunt May is critically wounded from [[Kingpin (character)|Wilson Fisk]]'s sniper, and enters into a coma. Peter, desperate to save her, exhausts all possibilities and makes a [[Deal with the Devil|pact with the demon-lord]] [[Mephisto (comics)|Mephisto]], who saves May's life in exchange for Peter and Mary Jane agreeing to have their marriage and all memory of it disappear. In this changed reality, Spider-Man's identity is secret once again, and in #545 (Jan. 2008), Mary Jane returns and is cold toward him. The controversial<ref name="OMDPart1p1">Weiland, Jonah. [ storyline "The 'One More Day' Interviews with Joe Quesada, Pt. 1 of 5"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=October 26, 2008 }}, ''[[Newsarama]]'', December 28, 2007. [ WebCitation archive].</ref> storyline "One More Day" rolled back much of the fictional continuity at the behest of editor-in-chief [[Joe Quesada]], who said, "Peter being single is an intrinsic part of the very foundation of the world of Spider-Man".<ref name="OMDPart1p1" /> It caused unusual public friction between Quesada and writer Straczynski, who "told Joe that I was going to take my name off the last two issues of the [story] arc", but was talked out of doing so.<ref name="OMDPart2p1">Weiland, Jonah. [ "The 'One More Day' Interviews with Joe Quesada, Pt. 2 of 5"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=October 26, 2008 }}, ''[[Newsarama]]'', December 31, 2007. [ WebCitation archive].</ref> At issue with Straczynski's climax to the arc, Quesada said, was{{blockquote|...that we didn't receive the story and methodology to the resolution that we were all expecting. What made that very problematic is that we had four writers and artists well underway on [the sequel arc] "Brand New Day" that were expecting and needed "One More Day" to end in the way that we had all agreed it would. ... The fact that we had to ask for the story to move back to its original intent understandably made Joe upset and caused some major delays and page increases in the series. Also, the science that Joe was going to apply to the [[retcon]] of the marriage would have made over 30 years of Spider-Man books worthless, because they never would have had happened. ...[I]t would have reset way too many things outside of the Spider-Man titles. We just couldn't go there....<ref name=OMDPart2p1/>}} In this new continuity, designed to have very limited repercussions throughout the remainder of the [[Marvel Universe]], Parker returns to work at the ''Daily Bugle'', which has been renamed ''The DB'' under a new publisher.<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' #549</ref> He soon switches to the [[Alternative newspaper|alternative press]] paper ''[[Front Line (comics)|The Front Line]]''.<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' #568</ref> [[J. Jonah Jameson]] becomes the Mayor of New York City in issue #591 (June 2008).<ref name=gcd3/> Jonah's estranged father, J. Jonah Jameson Sr., marries May in issue #600 (Sept. 2009).<ref name = gcd3/><ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' #600</ref> During the "[[Secret Invasion]]" by shape-shifting extraterrestrials, the [[Skrull]]s, Norman Osborn shoots and kills the Skrull queen [[Veranke]].<ref name="Secret Invasion #8">{{Cite comic |Writer=[[Brian Michael Bendis]] |Penciller=[[Leinil Francis Yu]] |Inker=[[Mark Morales]] |Story=Secret Invasion |Title=Secret Invasion: Dark Reign |Issue=8 |Date=January 2009 |Publisher=[[Marvel Comics]]}}</ref> He leverages this widely publicized success, positioning himself as the new director of the S.H.I.E.L.D.-like paramilitary force [[H.A.M.M.E.R.]] to advance his agenda,<ref name="Secret Invasion #8" /> while using his public image to start his own [[Dark Avengers]]. Norman, by himself, leads the Dark Avengers as the Iron Patriot, a suit of armor fashioned by himself after [[Iron Man's armor]] with Captain America's colors.<ref name="dark#1">{{Cite comic |Writer=[[Brian Michael Bendis]] |Penciller=[[Mike Deodato]] |Inker=[[Mike Deodato]] |Story=Secret Invasion: Dark Reign |Title=Dark Avengers |Issue=1 |Date=Jan. 2009 |Publisher=[[Marvel Comics]]}}</ref> Harry is approached by Norman with the offer of a job within the Dark Avengers. It is later revealed that it is a ruse to coerce Harry into taking the American Son armor, whom Norman had planned to kill, in order to increase public sympathy. When Harry has the option of killing Norman, Spider-Man says to decapitate him, since Norman's healing factor may repair a blow to the head. Spider-Man also cautions Harry that killing Norman will cause Harry to "become the son Norman always wanted". Harry instead backs down, and turns away from his father forever.<ref name="dark#2">{{Cite comic |Writer=[[Joe Kelly (comics writer)|Joe Kelly]] |Penciller=Paulo Siqueira, [[Marco Checchetto]] |Inker=Paulo Siqueira, [[Marco Checchetto]] |Story=[[Dark Reign (comics)|Dark Reign]] |Title=The Amazing Spider-Man |Issue=596–9 |Date=Jun. 2009 |Publisher=[[Marvel Comics]]}}</ref> ===2010s=== At [[Loki (Marvel Comics)|Loki]]'s suggestion, Norman Osborn [[Siege (comics)|creates a rationale]] to invade [[Asgard (comics)|Asgard]], claiming the world poses a national security threat. He is defeated, and ends up incarcerated in the Raft penitentiary.<ref>[[Bendis, Brian Michael]]. ''Siege'' #1–4. Marvel Comics.</ref><ref name="Dark Avengers #16">{{Cite comic |Writer=[[Brian Michael Bendis]] |Penciller=[[Mike Deodato]] |Inker=[[Mike Deodato]] |Story=[[Siege (comics)|Siege]] |Title=Dark Avengers |Issue=16 |Date=May 2010 |Publisher=[[Marvel Comics]]}}</ref> A conflict between Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus over Osborn's son ends when it is revealed the child's father is Harry, who leaves town to raise him.<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' #648–654</ref> One of Doctor Octopus' Octobots swaps his and Spider-Man's personality, causing Peter to become trapped in the Doctor's dying body, while he in turn claimed Peter's life for himself. Though Peter failed to reverse the change, he manages to establish a weak link with the Doctor's mind, forcing him to relive all of his memories; Otto understands Peter's ideals of power and responsibility and swears to carry on with Peter's life with dignity as a "Superior" Spider-Man.<ref>''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #699.</ref><ref>''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #700.</ref> A portion of Peter survived in his original body in the form of a subconsciousness.<ref>''The Spider-Man'' #1</ref> Later, realizing that he failed in his role as the "Superior" Spider-Man, Otto willingly allows Peter to reclaim his body in order to defeat Osborn and save Anna Maria Marconi, Otto's love.<ref>''The Superior Spider-Man'' #27–30.</ref> In the aftermath of these events, Peter began to amend the relationships damaged by Otto's arrogance and negligence, both as Peter Parker and Spider-Man. He additionally took up the reins of Parker Industries, a small company founded by Otto after leaving Horizon Labs.<ref>''The Superior Spider-Man'' #31.</ref> Peter soon learns a second person had been bitten by the radioactive spider, [[Cindy Moon]].<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' (vol. 3) #1</ref> Spider-Man tracks her down and frees her from a bunker owned by the late Ezekiel Simms.<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' (vol. 3) #4</ref> Not long after rescuing Cindy, who went on to adopt her own heroine identity as Silk,<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' (vol. 3) #5</ref><ref>''Silk'' (vol. 1) #1</ref> Spider-Man encounters a contingent of spider-people from all over the [[Multiverse (Marvel Comics)|Multiverse]] that banded together to fight the Inheritors, a group of psychic vampires who had begun to hunt down the spider-totems of other realities.<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' (vol. 3) #9</ref> During a mission to gather more recruits in 2099, the Spider-Army stumbled upon another party of spider-people led by an alternate version of Otto Octavius.<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' (vol. 3) #10</ref> Together, they neutralize the Inheritors. Peter then stops a nefarious plan put forward by the Jackal.<ref name="DNM">''Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy'' (vol. 1) #1–5.</ref> After the events of "[[Go Down Swinging (comic book)|Go Down Swinging]]", Peter's life was plagued with problems on both sides. As Spider-Man, Mayor Fisk publicly supports him, condemning all other vigilantes in order to isolate him from his superhero peers. As Peter Parker, his academic credentials were revoked after accusations of plagiarizing his doctoral dissertation from Octavius, resulting in Peter being fired from the ''Daily Bugle''. Subsequently, Peter became romantically involved with Mary Jane.<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' (vol. 5) #1</ref> Briefly, Peter Parker and Spider-Man split into separate beings due to an accident involving the reverse-engineered Isotope Genome Accelerator. Peter eventually manages to reverse the process, and merges his two halves back together before the side-effects worsen and result in their death.<ref>''Amazing Spider-Man'' (vol. 5) #2–5</ref> ===2020s=== {{Further|Last Remains}} Kindred uses the [[Sins Rising (comics)|resurrected]] [[Sin-Eater]]'s sins to possess Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Woman, Anya Corazon, and Julia Carpenter. Doctor Strange, who manages to restrain a possessed Silk, agrees to help Spider-Man. However, Peter dies when fighting Kindred. While dead, Peter's consciousness remembers the fateful day of the start of ''[[Spider-Man: One More Day|One More Day]]''; Kindred is willing to resurrect Peter.<ref name="LastRemains">{{Cite comic |Story=[[Last Remains]] |writer=[[Nick Spencer]] |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=50–55 |date=October – December 2020 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]]}}</ref> ==Personality and themes== {{quote box | quote = "People often say glibly that Marvel succeeded by blending super hero adventure stories with soap opera. What Lee and Ditko actually did in ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man]]'' was to make the series an ongoing novelistic chronicle of the lead character's life. Most super heroes had problems no more complex or relevant to their readers' lives than thwarting this month's bad guys... Parker had far more serious concern in his life: coming to terms with the death of a loved one, falling in love for the first time, struggling to make a living, and undergoing crises of conscience." | source = Comics historian [[Peter Sanderson]]<ref>[[Peter Sanderson|Sanderson, Peter]]. ''Marvel Universe: The Complete Encyclopedia of Marvel's Greatest Characters'' (Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1998) {{ISBN|0-8109-8171-8}}, p. 75</ref> | width = 33% }} Sally Kempton for the ''[[Village Voice]]'' opined in 1965 that "Spider-Man has a terrible identity problem, a marked [[inferiority complex]], and a fear of women. He is [[Antisocial personality disorder|antisocial]], [[Castration anxiety|castration-ridden]], racked with [[Oedipus complex|Oedipal guilt]], and accident-prone ... [a] functioning [[neurosis|neurotic]]".<ref name="kempton">Kempton, Sally, "Spider-Man's Dilemma: Super-Anti-Hero in Forest Hills", ''[[The Village Voice]]'', April 1, 1965</ref> Agonizing over his choices, always attempting to do right, he is nonetheless viewed with suspicion by the authorities, who seem unsure as to whether he is a helpful vigilante or a clever criminal.<ref name="daniels96">Daniels, p. 96</ref> Cultural historian Bradford W. Wright notes: {{blockquote|Spider-Man's plight was to be misunderstood and persecuted by the very public that he swore to protect. In the first issue of ''The Amazing Spider-Man'', J. Jonah Jameson, publisher of the ''[[Daily Bugle]]'', launches an editorial campaign against the "Spider-Man menace". The resulting negative publicity exacerbates popular suspicions about the mysterious Spider-Man and makes it impossible for him to earn any more money by performing. Eventually, the bad press leads the authorities to brand him an outlaw. Ironically, Peter finally lands a job as a photographer for Jameson's ''Daily Bugle''.<ref name="Wright" />{{rp|212}}}} The mid-1960s stories reflect the political tensions of the time; early 1960s Marvel stories often deal with the [[Cold War]] and [[communism]].<ref name="Wright" />{{rp|220–223}} Wright writes: {{blockquote|From his high-school beginnings to his entry into college life, Spider-Man remained the superhero most relevant to the world of young people. Fittingly, then, his comic book also contained some of the earliest references to the politics of young people. In 1968, in the wake of actual militant [[student demonstration]]s at Columbia University, Peter Parker finds himself in the midst of similar unrest at his Empire State University.... Peter has to reconcile his natural sympathy for the students with his assumed obligation to combat lawlessness as Spider-Man. As a law-upholding liberal, he finds himself caught between militant leftism and angry conservatives.<ref name="Wright" />{{rp|234–235}}}} ==Powers, skills, and equipment== Peter Parker has superhuman spider-powers and abilities derived from mutations resulting from the bite of a radioactive spider.<ref name="Science">Gresh, Lois H., and Robert Weinberg. "The Science of Superheroes" (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002) {{ISBN|0-471-02460-0}} ([ preview] {{Webarchive|url=,M1 |date=July 22, 2011 }})</ref> Since the original [[Stan Lee|Lee]]-[[Steve Ditko|Ditko]] stories, Spider-Man has had the ability to cling to walls. This has been speculated to be based on a distance-dependent interaction between his body and surfaces, known as the [[van der Waals force]],<ref>{{Cite comic |writer=[[Sanderson, Peter]]; Lerner, Mark; [[DeFalco, Tom]] |penciller=[[Romita, John Jr.]] |inker=[[Rubinstein, Josef]] |story=Spider-Man |title=[[The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe]] |issue=10 |page=22 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]] |date=October 1983}}</ref> though in the [[Spider-Man (2002 film)|2002 ''Spider-Man'' film]], his hands and feet are lined with tiny clinging [[Cilium|cilia]] in the manner of a real spider's feet. Spider-Man's other powers include superhuman strength, agility, and balance and a precognitive sixth sense referred to as his "spider-sense", which alerts him to danger.<ref name="Science" /> Spider-Man has a [[healing factor]] that allows him to recover from injuries sustained during battle.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Harn, Darby |date=November 26, 2020 |title=10 Powers Spider-Man Technically Has (But Rarely Uses) |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=November 27, 2020 |access-date=October 25, 2021 |publisher=[[]]}}</ref> In the aftermath of the 1989 "[[Acts of Vengeance]]" storyline, Spider-Man was said to have "superhuman recuperative abilities" that sped up his recovery from the exhaustion he suffered in defeating the Tri-Sentinel.<ref>{{Cite comic |title=[[The Amazing Spider-Man]] |story=Power Prey |writer=[[Michelenie, David]] |penciller=[[Larsen, Erik]] |inker=Mushynsky, Andy |issue=329 |date=February 1990 |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]]}}</ref> The character was originally conceived by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko as intellectually gifted, and later writers have depicted his intellect at genius level.<ref>{{Cite book |last1=Kiefer, Kit |title=Marvel Encyclopedia Volume 4: Spider-Man |last2=Couper-Smartt, Jonathan |publisher=[[Marvel Comics]] |year=2003 |isbn=978-0-7851-1304-1 |location=New York}}</ref> Academically brilliant, Peter has expertise in the fields of [[applied science]], [[chemistry]], [[physics]], [[biology]], [[engineering]], [[mathematics]], and [[mechanics]]. {{anchor|Suit}}With his talents, he sews his own costume to conceal his identity, and he constructs many devices that complement his powers, most notably mechanical web-shooters that allow him to shoot webs, swing at high speeds throughout the city, and navigate and trap his enemies with his webs, additionally with a spider-signal as a flashlight and a warning beacon to criminals.<ref name="Science" /> [[Thomas Fireheart]]'s scientists, world-renowned, are unable to replicate the fluid Parker created while in high school.<ref name="ssmv1a7">{{Cite comic |Writer=Owsley, James |Penciller=Kupperberg, Alan |Copencillers=Jim Fern, Al Milgrom |Colorist=Ferriter, Julianna |Letterer=Parker, Rick |Editor=Salicrup, Jim |Story=The Honeymoon |Title=The Spectacular Spider-Man |Volume=1 |Issue=Annual 7 |Date=1986 |Publisher=Marvel Comics}}</ref> == Other versions == {{Unreferenced section|date=February 2024}} ''' Original depiction ''' {{main|Alternative versions of Spider-Man}} === Sky-Spider === In Marvel Comics Universe 2410, a boy named Petor was about to be born to a mother named Mari and a father named Rikkar, when suddenly an evil witch came to their village and contaminated the water well with her blood. Therefore, all the children of that village were born as mutants and monsters and were killed at birth. But Petor's mother did not want to kill him and raised him in the forest (without her husband knowing). 15 years later, the village was attacked by invaders called the Creons, so Petor came to the village to defend it. He managed to defeat the attackers, but he lost his mother and his father did not recognize him, and as a result, he was once again rejected from the village. === Spider-Man from Earth-93165 === This Spider-Man was seen in What If...? V1 55, titled "What If... The Avengers Lost Operation Galactic Storm?" In fact, "Operation Galactic Storm" was one of the most important and controversial events of Marvel, which was published in 1992. In this event, the Avengers get involved in a war between two alien races, the Kree and the Shi'ar. In this story, the Shi'ar detonate a bomb that kills millions of Kree. Then the Avengers realize that everything is under the supervision of a being called the Supreme Intelligence. They decide to execute him. Captain America strongly opposes this act. This controversial decision was unprecedented in the world of comics at that time. The Avengers manage to stop the killing of the Kree, but surprisingly, instead of thanking the Avengers, they attack and destroy Earth. In a panel, we see that Spider-Man takes the body of his wife, Mary Jane, and then everything is destroyed. ==Supporting cast== {{main|List of Spider-Man supporting characters|List of incarnations of Spider-Man}} [[File:Spider-Man characters.jpeg|thumb|Spider-Man contains a wide number of enemies and side characters. A variant cover art of ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' (vol. 3) #1 depicts the heads of various [[List of Spider-Man enemies|Spider-Man enemies]] behind Spider-Man (as drawn by [[Kevin Maguire (artist)|Kevin Maguire]]), shown in the center.|250x250px|alt=Spider-Man in front of multiple characters' heads.]] Spider-Man has had a large range of supporting characters introduced in the comics that are essential in the issues and storylines that star him. After [[Richard and Mary Parker|his parents]] died, Peter Parker was raised by his loving aunt, [[Aunt May|May Parker]], and his uncle and father figure, [[Uncle Ben|Ben Parker]]. After Uncle Ben is murdered by [[Burglar (comics)|a burglar]], Aunt May is virtually Peter's only family, and she and Peter are very close.<ref name="Debut" /> [[J. Jonah Jameson]] is the publisher of the ''[[Daily Bugle]]'' and Peter Parker's boss. A harsh critic of Spider-Man, he constantly features negative articles about the superhero in his newspaper. Despite his role as Jameson's editor and confidant, [[Robbie Robertson (comics)|Robbie Robertson]] is always depicted as a supporter of both Spider-Man and his alter ego Peter Parker.<ref name="saffel21" /> [[Flash Thompson|Eugene "Flash" Thompson]] is commonly depicted as Peter Parker's high school tormentor and bully, who idolizes Spider-Man, but is unaware that Spider-Man is Peter Parker. Later, he becomes a friend of Peter and adopts his own superhero identity, Agent Venom, after merging with the [[Venom (Marvel Comics character)|Venom]] [[Symbiote (comics)|symbiote]].<ref name=saffel21/> Meanwhile, [[Harry Osborn]], son of Norman Osborn, is most commonly recognized as Peter's best friend, although some versions depicted him as his rival.<ref name = gcd/> === Enemies === {{main|List of Spider-Man enemies}} Writers and artists over the years have established a [[rogues gallery]] of [[supervillains]] to [[List of Spider-Man enemies|face Spider-Man]], in comics and [[List of Spider-Man enemies in other media|in other media]]. As with Spider-Man, the majority of the villains' powers originate with scientific accidents or the misuse of scientific technology, and many have animal-themed costumes or powers.<ref group="note">{{Cite journal |last=Mondello |first=Salvatore |date=March 2004 |title=Spider-Man: Superhero in the Liberal Tradition |journal=The Journal of Popular Culture |volume=X |issue=1 |pages=232–238 |doi=10.1111/j.0022-3840.1976.1001_232.x | issn=0022-3840}}</ref> The following Spider-Man villains are listed in the ordering of their original chronological appearance: {{Clear}} {{color box|#ffffcc}} Indicates a group. {| class=wikitable |+Spider-Man's enemies |- |- ![[Supervillain]] name / Supervillain team name ![[Alter ego]] / group member ![[First appearance]] ![[List of comics creators|Creator]] |- | [[Chameleon (Marvel Comics)|Chameleon]] | Dmitri Nikolayevich |''[[The Amazing Spider-Man]]'' #1 (March 1963)<ref name="DeFalco87">{{Cite book |last=DeFalco |first=Tom |title=Marvel Chronicle A Year by Year History |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2008 |isbn=978-0756641238 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=87 |chapter=1960s |author-link=Tom DeFalco}}</ref><ref name="Newsarama 1">{{Cite news |last=Siegel, Lucas |title=The 10 Greatest SPIDER-MAN Villains of ALL TIME! |work=[[Newsarama]] |url= |url-status=live |access-date=January 2, 2014 |archive-url= |archive-date=March 9, 2014}}</ref> |[[Stan Lee]]<ref name="DeFalco87" /><ref name="Newsarama 1" /><br />[[Steve Ditko]]<ref name="DeFalco87" /><ref name="Newsarama 1" /> |- | [[Vulture (Marvel Comics)|Vulture]] |Adrian Toomes |''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #2 (May 1963)<ref name="Vulture 2">{{Cite web |last=Beard, Jim |title=ARCHRIVALS: SPIDER-MAN VS THE VULTURE |url= |access-date=January 2, 2014 |publisher=[[]] |archive-date=November 24, 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref><ref name="What Culture 7">{{Cite web |last=Kyle, Scmidlin |date=June 13, 2013 |title=10 Spider-Man Villains (And Combinations) Deserving Of The Big Screen (7. The Vulture) |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=January 26, 2016 |access-date=January 2, 2014 |publisher=What Culture!}}</ref> |Stan Lee<ref name="Vulture 2" /><ref>DeFalco "1960s" in Gilbert (2008), p. 92.</ref><br />Steve Ditko<ref name="Vulture 2" /> |- |[[Doctor Octopus]] | Otto Octavius{{ref|1|1}} | ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #3 (July 1963)<ref name="Newsarama 1" /> |Stan Lee<ref name="DeFalco p. 93">DeFalco "1960s" in Gilbert (2008), p. 93.</ref><ref name="Issue #3">{{Cite comic |writer=Lee, Stan |penciller=Ditko, Steve |inker=Ditko, Steve |story=Spider-Man Versus Doctor Octopus |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=3 |date=July 1963}}</ref><br />Steve Ditko<ref name="DeFalco" /><ref name="Issue #3" /> |- | [[Sandman (Marvel Comics)|Sandman]] | William Baker / Flint Marko | ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #4 (Sept. 1963)<ref name="Sandman">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=20 |chapter=1960s}}</ref><ref name="Issue #4">{{Cite comic |writer=Lee, Stan |penciller=Ditko, Steve |inker=Ditko, Steve |story=Nothing Can Stop...The Sandman! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=4 |date=September 1963}}</ref> |Stan Lee<ref name="Sandman" /><ref name="Issue #4" /><br />Steve Ditko<ref name="Sandman" /><ref name="Issue #4" /> |- | [[Lizard (character)|Lizard]] | Curt Connors |''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #6 (Nov. 1963)<ref name="Falco p. 95">DeFalco "1960s" in Gilbert (2008), p. 95</ref><ref name="issue #6">{{Cite comic |writer=Lee, Stan |penciller=Ditko, Steve |inker=Ditko, Steve |story=Face-to-Face With...the Lizard! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=6 |date=November 1963}}</ref><ref name="Kindersly">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=Dorling Kindersley |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=20 |chapter=1960s}}</ref> | Stan Lee<ref name="Falco p. 95" /><ref name="issue #6" /><ref name="Kindersly" /><br />Steve Ditko<ref name="Falco p. 95" /><ref name="issue #6" /><ref name="Kindersly" /> |- | [[Electro (Marvel Comics)|Electro]] | Max Dillon | ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #9 (Feb. 1964)<ref>DeFalco "1960s" in Gilbert (2008), p. 98</ref><ref>{{Cite comic |writer=Lee, Stan |penciller=Ditko, Steve |inker=Ditko, Steve |story=The Man Called Electro! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=9 |date=February 1964}}</ref> | Stan Lee<ref name="Kindersly 2">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=Dorling Kindersley |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=24 |chapter=1960s}}</ref><br /> Steve Ditko<ref name="Kindersly 2" /> |- | [[Mysterio]] | Quentin Beck | ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #13 (June 1964)<ref name="Issue #13">{{Cite comic |writer=Lee, Stan |penciller=Ditko, Steve |inker=Ditko, Steve |story=The Menace of... Mysterio! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=13 |date=June 1964}}</ref> |Stan Lee<ref name="Issue #13" /><ref name="Manning">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=Dorling Kindersley |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=25 |chapter=1960s}}</ref><br />Steve Ditko<ref name="Issue #13" /><ref name="Manning" /> |- | [[Green Goblin]]<ref name="GG">{{Cite web |last=Albert, Aaron |title=Green Goblin Profile |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=April 24, 2008 |access-date=January 3, 2014 | |df=mdy-all}}</ref> |[[Norman Osborn]]{{ref|2|2}}<br />[[Harry Osborn]]<ref name="Harry">{{Cite web |last=Beard, Jim |title=SPIDER-MAN 3: THE SPIDER & THE GOBLIN |url= |access-date=January 3, 2014 | |archive-date=January 25, 2016 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> | ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #14 (July 1964)<ref name="GG" /> | Stan Lee<ref name="GG" /><ref name="Kindersly4">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=Dorling Kindersley |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=26 |chapter=1960s}}</ref><br />Steve Ditko<ref name="GG" /><ref name="Kindersly4" /> |- | [[Kraven the Hunter]] | Sergei Kravinoff | ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #15 (Aug. 1964)<ref name="Kindersly4" /><ref>{{Cite comic |writer=Lee, Stan |penciller=Ditko, Steve |inker=Ditko, Steve |story=Kraven the Hunter! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=15 |date=August 1964}}</ref> | Stan Lee<ref name="Kindersly4" /><br />Steve Ditko<ref name="Kindersly4" /> |-bgcolor="#ffffcc" | [[Sinister Six]]<ref name="collider">{{Cite web |last=Valentine |first=Eve |date=December 21, 2013 |title=Who Are the Sinister Six? – An Introduction to Spider-Man's Supervillain Group |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=June 10, 2015 |access-date=June 14, 2015 |website=[[Collider (website)|Collider]]}}</ref> |[[List of Sinister Six members|List of members]] | ''The Amazing Spider-Man Annual'' #1 (1964) |Stan Lee<ref name="SS">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=27 |chapter=1960s}}</ref><br />Steve Ditko<ref name="SS" /> |- | [[Scorpion (Mac Gargan)|Scorpion]] | [[Mac Gargan]] | ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #20 (Jan. 1965) |Stan Lee<ref name="Kindersly5">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=Dorling Kindersley |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=28 |chapter=1960s}}</ref><br />Steve Ditko<ref name="Kindersly5" /> |- | [[Rhino (character)|Rhino]] |Aleksei Sytsevich | ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #41 (Oct. 1966)<ref>{{Cite comic |writer=Lee, Stan |penciller=Romita, John Sr. |inker=Esposito, Mike |story=The Horns of the Rhino! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=41 |date=October 1966}}</ref> | Stan Lee<ref name="Kindersly 6">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=Dorling Kindersley |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=36 |chapter=1960s}}</ref><br />[[John Romita Sr.]]<ref name="Kindersly 6" /> |- | [[Shocker (character)|Shocker]] |Herman Schultz | ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #46 (March 1967)<ref>{{Cite comic |writer=Lee, Stan |penciller=Romita, John Sr. |inker=Romita, John Sr. |story=The Sinister Shocker! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=46 |date=March 1967}}</ref> | Stan Lee<ref name="Kindersly7">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=38 |chapter=1960s}}</ref><br />John Romita Sr.<ref name="Kindersly7" /> |- | [[Kingpin (character)|Kingpin]] |Wilson Fisk |''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #50 (July 1967)<ref>DeFalco "1960s" in Gilbert (2008), p. 122: "Stan Lee wanted to create a new kind of crime boss. Someone who treated crime as if it were a business...He pitched this idea to artist John Romita and it was Wilson Fisk who emerged in ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #50."</ref><br /><ref>{{Cite comic |writer=Lee, Stan |penciller=[[John Romita Sr.|Romita, John Sr.]] |inker=[[Mike Esposito (comics)|Esposito, Mike]] |story=Spider-Man No More! |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=50 |date=July 1967}}</ref> | Stan Lee<ref name="Kindersly8">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=40 |chapter=1960s}}</ref><br />John Romita Sr.<ref name="Kindersly8" /> |- |[[Morbius]]<ref name="25.2">{{Cite web |last1=Yehl, April |last2=Schedeen, Jesse |title=Top 25 Spider-Man villains: Part 2 |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=April 18, 2014 |access-date=April 19, 2014 |website=IGN|date=April 16, 2014 }}</ref> | Michael Morbius |''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #101 (Jan. 1971)<ref name="Morbius">{{Cite book |last=Manning |first=Matthew K. |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=59 |chapter=1970s}}</ref> |[[Roy Thomas]]<ref name="Morbius" /><br />[[Gil Kane]]<ref name="confidential">{{Cite book |last=Gross |first=Edward |title=Spider-Man Confidential: From Comic Icon to Hollywood Hero |year=2002 |publisher=Hyperion |isbn=978-0786887224}}</ref> |- | [[Black Cat (Marvel Comics)|Black Cat]] |Felicia Hardy |''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #194 (July 1979)<ref name="Black Cat">Manning "1970s" in Gilbert (2012), p. 107: "Spider-Man wasn't exactly sure what to think about his luck when he met a beautiful new thief on the prowl named the Black Cat, courtesy of a story by writer Marv Wolfman and artist Keith Pollard."</ref> |[[Marv Wolfman]]<br />[[Keith Pollard]]<ref name="Black Cat" /> |- | [[Hobgoblin (comics)|Hobgoblin]] |[[Roderick Kingsley]]<br />[[Jason Macendale]]<ref name="Macendale">{{Cite web |last=David, Peter |title=The Amazing Spider-Man #289 (June 1987) |url= |access-date=November 10, 2022 | |archive-date=November 11, 2022 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref><br/>[[Ned Leeds]]<ref name="Macendale"/> |''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #238 (March 1983) |[[Roger Stern]]<ref name="Hobgoblin 1">Manning "1980s" in Gilbert (2012), p. 133: "Writer Roger Stern and artists John Romita Jr. and John Romita Sr. introduced a new – and frighteningly sane – version of the [Green Goblin] concept with the debut of the Hobgoblin."</ref><ref name="Vault68">David and Greenberger, pp. 68–69: "Writer Roger Stern is primarily remembered for two major contributions to the world of Peter Parker. One was a short piece entitled 'The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man'...[his] other major contribution was the introduction of the Hobgoblin."</ref><br /> John Romita Sr.<ref name="Hobgoblin 1" /><ref>{{Cite news |last=Greenberg |first=Glenn |author-link=Glenn Greenberg |date=August 2009 |title=When Hobby Met Spidey |pages=10–23 |work=[[Back Issue!]] |publisher=[[TwoMorrows Publishing]] |issue=35}}</ref> |- | [[Venom (character)|Venom]] |[[Eddie Brock]]{{ref|3|3}} |''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #300 (May 1988){{ref|15|15}}<ref name="Venom2">{{Cite magazine |title=Venom is the 33rd greatest comic book character. |url= |url-status=live |magazine=[[Empire (magazine)|]] |archive-url= |archive-date=July 1, 2015 |access-date=April 25, 2015}}</ref><ref>Manning "1980s" in Gilbert (2012), p. 169: "In this landmark installment [issue #298], one of the most popular characters in the wall-crawler's history would begin to step into the spotlight courtesy of one of the most popular artists to ever draw the web-slinger."</ref> |[[David Michelinie]]<ref>''Comics Creators on Spider-Man'', pg 148, Tom DeFalco. (Titan Books, 2004)</ref><br />[[Todd McFarlane]]<ref name="Venom">{{Cite web |title=Venom is number 22 on greatest comic book villain of all time |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=February 27, 2015 |access-date=April 25, 2015 |website=IGN}}</ref> |- | [[Carnage (character)|Carnage]] |[[Cletus Kasady]] |''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #361 (April 1992)<ref name="Carnage">{{Cite web |title=Carnage is number 90 on greatest comic book villain of all time |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=March 7, 2015 |access-date=April 25, 2015 |website=IGN}}</ref> |David Michelinie<ref name="Bagley" /><ref>{{Cite comic |writer=Michelinie, David |penciller=Bagley, Mark |inker=[[Randy Emberlin|Emberlin, Randy]] |story=Carnage: Part One |title=The Amazing Spider-Man |issue=361 |date=April 1992}}</ref><br />[[Erik Larsen]]<ref>{{Cite web |last=Papageorgiou, Solon |title=10 facts about Batman, Spider-Man, Iron Man you didn't know. |url=,manual |url-status=dead |archive-url=,manual |archive-date=April 25, 2015 |access-date=April 25, 2015 |publisher=[[Moviepilot]]}}</ref><br />[[Mark Bagley]]<ref name="Bagley">{{Cite book |last=Cowsill |first=Alan |title=Spider-Man Chronicle Celebrating 50 Years of Web-Slinging |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |year=2012 |isbn=978-0756692360 |editor-last=Gilbert |editor-first=Laura |page=197 |chapter=1990s}}</ref> |} Unlike most superheroes, Spider-Man does not have a single villain with whom he has come into conflict the most. Instead, he is often regarded as having three archenemies:<ref name="archenemy2">{{Cite web |last=Albert, Aaron |title=Top ten comic book archenemies |url= |access-date=3 January 2014 | |archive-date=January 28, 2012 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> # {{note|Arch1}}Doctor Octopus (a.k.a. Doc Ock) is a highly intelligent [[mad scientist]] who uses four mechanical appendages for both movement and combat. He has been described as Spider-Man's greatest enemy, and the man Peter Parker might have become if he had not been raised with a sense of responsibility.<ref name="DeFalco" /><ref name="CNN">{{Cite web |last=Hanks, Henry |date=December 26, 2012 |title=Events in landmark 'Spider-Man' issue have fans in a frenzy |url= |access-date=2 January 2014 |publisher=[[CNN]] |archive-date=June 4, 2013 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> Doc Ock is infamous for defeating him the first time in battle and for almost marrying Peter's [[Aunt May]]. He is also the core leader of the [[Sinister Six]], and at one point adopted the "Master Planner" alias. ("[[If This Be My Destiny...!]]")<ref name="CBR #52">{{Cite web |last=Cronin, Brian |date=May 2012 |title=50 Greatest Friends and Foes of Spider-Man: Villains #1–3 |url= |access-date=2 January 2014 |publisher=[[Comic Book Resources]] |archive-date=April 18, 2015 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> Later depictions revealed him in Peter Parker's body, where [[The Superior Spider-Man|he was the titular character for a while]].<ref name="CNN" /> # {{note|Arch2}}The Norman Osborn version of the Green Goblin is most commonly regarded as Spider-Man's [[arch-enemy]].<ref name="archenemy2" /><ref>{{Cite web |title=The ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN writer talks about Spidey's new Amazing Friends and lays the Osborns to rest once and for all &#124; News |url= |access-date=2010-04-27 | |archive-date=March 30, 2010 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |title=Love is in the air as's Secret Cabal picks the greatest Marvel romances of all in time for Valentine's Day &#124; News |url= |access-date=2010-04-27 | |archive-date=February 12, 2010 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> While Norman is usually portrayed as an amoral [[Business magnate|industrialist]] and the head of the [[Oscorp]] scientific corporation, the Goblin is a psychopathic alternate personality, born after Norman's exposore to some unstable chemicals that also increased his strength and agility. The Goblin is a [[Halloween]]-themed villain, dressing up like an actual [[goblin]] and utilizing a large arsenal of high tech weapons, including a glider and pumpkin-shaped explosives. Unlike most villains, who only aim to kill Spider-Man, the Goblin also targets his loved ones and shows no remorse in killing them as long as it caused pain to Spider-Man. His most infamous feat is killing [[Gwen Stacy|Spider-Man's girlfriend]], in what became [[The Night Gwen Stacy Died|one of the most famous Spider-Man stories]] of all time and helped to end the [[Silver Age of Comic Books]] and begin the [[Bronze Age of Comic Books]].<ref name="archenemy2" /> While the Goblin was killed in the same story, he returned in the 1990s to plague Spider-Man once again, committing more heinous acts (such as being involved in the murder of Aunt May). He also came into conflict with [[Dark Reign (comics)|other heroes]], such as the [[Avengers (comics)|Avengers]].<ref name="25.52">{{Cite web |last1=Yehl, Joshua |last2=Schedeen, Jess |title=Top 25 Spider-Man Villain: Part 5 |date=April 16, 2014 |url= |access-date=19 April 2014 |publisher=IGN |archive-date=April 18, 2014 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> Norman is sometimes depicted as an enemy of Spider-Man, even when not being the Green Goblin.<ref name="IGN #132">{{Cite web |title=Norman Osborn is number 13 on greatest comic book villain of all time. |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=21 October 2013 |access-date=3 January 2014 |publisher=IGN}}</ref> # {{note|Arch3}}The Eddie Brock incarnation of Venom is often regarded as Spider-Man's deadliest foe, and has been described as an evil mirror version of Spider-Man in many ways.<ref name="Venom2" /><ref name="Newsarama 1" /><ref name="archenemy2" /> He is also among Spider-Man's most popular villains.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Spider-Man villains tournament: Championship |date=February 2006 |url= |access-date=25 April 2015 |publisher=IGN |archive-date=June 18, 2015 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> Originally a reporter who grew to despise Spider-Man, Eddie later came into contact with the Venom symbiote, which had been rejected by Spider-Man. The symbiote merges with Eddie and gives him the same powers as Spider-Man, in addition to making him immune to the web-slinger's "spider-sense". Venom's main goal is to ruin Peter Parker's life and mentally confuse him in any way he can.<ref name="Venom" /> The character has a sense of honor and justice, and later starred in his own [[Venom (Marvel Comics character)|comic book stories]], where he is depicted as an [[antihero]] and has a desire to protect innocent people from harm. On several occasions, he and Spider-Man even put their differences aside and became allies.<ref name="Venom2" /><ref>{{Cite news |last=Shutt |first=Craig |date=August 1997 |title=Villain Turned Hero: Venom |page=37 |work=[[Wizard (magazine)|Wizard]] |issue=72}}</ref> === Romantic interests === Peter Parker's romantic interests range between his first crush, fellow high-school student [[Liz Allan]],<ref name="saffel21" /> to having his first date with [[Betty Brant]],<ref name="origins">Lee, Stan, ''[[Origins of Marvel Comics]]'' ([[Marvel Fireside Books|Simon and Schuster/Fireside Books]], 1974)<!--Book predates publisher's change to ampersand in corporate name--> p. 137</ref> secretary to the ''[[Daily Bugle]]'' newspaper publisher J. Jonah Jameson. After his breakup with Betty Brant, Peter eventually falls in love with his college girlfriend [[Gwen Stacy]],<ref name="gcd" /><ref name="mnyc" /> daughter of [[New York City Police Department]] detective Captain [[George Stacy]], both of whom are later killed by [[supervillain]] enemies of Spider-Man.<ref name="saffel60" /> [[Mary Jane Watson]] became Peter's best friend and eventually his wife.<ref name="saffel124" /> Felicia Hardy, the [[Black Cat (Marvel Comics)|Black Cat]], is a reformed [[cat burglar]] who had been Spider-Man's sole superhuman girlfriend and partner at one point.<ref name="sanderson83" /> === Children === Over the course of the comics, Peter Parker had several biological children across different continuities, usually with Mary Jane Watson, including [[Mayday Parker|Spider-Girl (Mayday Parker)]] and [[Benjy Parker]] from the MC2 universe, and Spiderling (Annie Parker) from Earth-18119.<ref>{{Cite web |first1=George |last1=Marston |date=April 27, 2022 |title=Spider-Man's children: The Marvel Comics history of Spider-Kids |url= |access-date=July 6, 2023 |website=[[GamesRadar+]]}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |title=Meet Spider-Man's Amazing Kids |url= |access-date=July 6, 2023 |publisher=Marvel Entertainment}}</ref> === Alternate versions of Spider-Man === {{main|Alternative versions of Spider-Man}} Within the [[Marvel Universe]], there exists a [[Multiverse (Marvel Comics)|multiverse]] with many variations of Spider-Man.<ref name="i09">{{Cite web |last=Whitbrook |first=James |title=The Greatest Spider-Men of All Time, Ranked |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=December 30, 2017 |access-date=December 30, 2017 |website=io9|date=July 7, 2017 }}</ref> An early character included in the 1980s is the fictional [[anthropomorphic animal]] [[parody]] of Spider-Man as a pig named [[Spider-Ham]] (Peter Porker).<ref name="Time">{{Cite magazine |date=September 3, 2009 |title=Top 10 Oddest Marvel Characters |magazine=Time |url= |url-status=live |access-date=March 4, 2010 |archive-url= |archive-date=January 7, 2012}}</ref> Many imprints of Spider-Men were created, like the futuristic version of Spider-Man in [[Marvel 2099]] named [[Spider-Man 2099|Miguel O'Hara]]. In the [[Marvel Comics 2]] imprint, Peter marries Mary Jane and has a daughter named [[Mayday Parker]], who carries on Spider-Man's legacy, while [[Marvel Noir]] has a 1930s version [[Spider-Man Noir|of Peter Parker]].<ref name="i09" /><ref name="Spider-Men">{{Cite web |title=10 Best SPIDER-MEN Of All Time |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=July 29, 2017 |access-date=December 30, 2017 |website=[[Newsarama]] |language=en}}</ref><ref name="FoxNews">{{Cite news |last=Robinson |first=Bryan |date=August 16, 2011 |title=Remembering the First – and Forgotten – Latino Spider-Man |publisher=[[Fox News]] Latino |url= |url-status=dead |access-date=August 19, 2011 |archive-url= |archive-date=September 12, 2011}}</ref> Other themed versions exist within the early 2000s, such as a [[Marvel Mangaverse]] version and an Indian version from ''[[Spider-Man: India]]'', [[Spider-Man (Pavitr Prabhakar)|Pavitr Prabhakar]].<ref name="i09" /><ref>{{Cite news |last1=Ong, Benjamin |last2=Kean Pang |date=July 16, 2008 |title=Remembering When West Has Met East |work=[[Newsarama]] |url= |url-status=live |access-date=July 26, 2015 |archive-url= |archive-date=December 31, 2017}}</ref> ''[[Ultimate Spider-Man]]'' was a popular modern retelling of Spider-Man, [[Spider-Man (Ultimate Marvel character)|Peter Parker]]. The version of Peter Parker would later be depicted as being killed off and replaced by a [[Black Hispanic and Latino Americans|Black Hispanic]] Spider-Man named [[Spider-Man (Miles Morales)|Miles Morales]].<ref name="USAToday1">{{Cite news |last=Truitt |first=Brian |date=August 2, 2011 |title=Half-black, half-Hispanic Spider-Man revealed |work=[[USA Today]] |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=August 3, 2011}}</ref> The storyline "[[Spider-Verse]]" brought back many alternate takes on Spider-Man and introduced many new ones, such as an alternate world where [[Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy)|Gwen Stacy]] gets bitten by a radioactive spider instead, along with a British-themed version named [[Spider-UK]], who is Billy Braddock from the [[Captain Britain Corps]].<ref name="Spider-Men" /><ref name="design">{{Cite web |last=Ching |first=Albert |date=March 13, 2015 |title=Slott Details the Unexpected Origins of Spider-Gwen and Spider-Punk |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=September 9, 2016 |access-date=September 9, 2016 |publisher=[[]]}}</ref> ==Legacy== In ''The Creation of Spider-Man'', comic book writer-editor and historian Paul Kupperberg calls the character's superpowers "nothing too original"; what was original was that outside his secret identity, he was a "nerdy high school student".<ref name="Kupperberg" />{{rp|5}} Going against typical superhero fare, Spider-Man included "heavy doses of [[Soap opera|soap-opera]] and elements of melodrama". Kupperberg feels that Lee and Ditko had created something new in the world of comics: "the flawed superhero with everyday problems". This idea spawned a comics revolution.<ref name="Kupperberg">{{Cite book |last=Kupperberg |first=Paul |url= |title=The Creation of Spider-Man |publisher=The Rosen Publishing Group |year=2007 |isbn=978-1-4042-0763-9 |quote=spiderman legacy ditko lee. |url-access=registration}}</ref>{{rp|6}} The insecurity and anxieties in Marvel's early 1960s comic books, such as ''The Amazing Spider-Man'', ''The Incredible [[Hulk]]'', ''The [[Fantastic Four]]'', and ''The [[X-Men]]'' ushered in a new type of superhero, very different from the certain and all-powerful superheroes before them, and changed the public's perception of them.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Fleming |first=James R. |year=2006 |title=Review of Superman on the Couch: What Superheroes Really Tell Us about Ourselves and Our Society. By Danny Fingeroth |url= |url-status=live |journal=ImageText |publisher=University of Florida |issn=1549-6732 |archive-url= |archive-date=December 9, 2015 |access-date=December 4, 2015}}</ref> After the comics depicted a real address in [[Forest Hills, Queens]], New York, as May Parker's residence, its residents received many letters from children to the superhero.<ref name="barron20230207">{{Cite news |last=Barron |first=James |date=2023-02-07 |title=Spider-Man, We Know Where You Live |language=en-US |work=The New York Times |url= |access-date=2023-03-01 |issn=0362-4331}}</ref> Spider-Man has become one of the most recognizable fictional characters in the world, and has been used to sell toys, games, cereal, candy, soap, and many other products.<ref name="Knowles">{{Cite book |last=Knowles |first=Christopher |title=Our Gods Wear Spandex |title-link=Our Gods Wear Spandex |publisher=Weiser |others=illustrated by Joseph Michael Linsner |year=2007 |page=[ 139] |author-link=Christopher Knowles (comics)}}</ref> He has been used as the company mascot. When Marvel became the first comic book company to be listed on the [[New York Stock Exchange]] in 1991, ''[[The Wall Street Journal]]'' announced "Spider-Man is coming to [[Wall Street]]"; the event was in turn promoted with an actor in a Spider-Man costume accompanying Stan Lee to the Stock Exchange.<ref name="Wright" />{{rp|254}} Since 1962, hundreds of millions of comics featuring the character have been sold around the world.<ref>{{Cite magazine |year=2002 |title=Spider-Man Weaving a spell |url= |magazine=Screen India |access-date=February 13, 2009}}{{dead link|date=November 2024|bot=medic}}{{cbignore|bot=medic}}</ref> Spider-Man is the world's most profitable superhero.<ref name="Davis">{{Cite web |last=Davis, Lauren |date=November 14, 2014 |title=This Superhero Is More Lucrative Than Batman And The Avengers Combined |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=March 13, 2016 |access-date=November 14, 2014 |website=[[io9]] |publisher=[[Gizmodo Media Group]]}}</ref>{{Update inline|date=July 2023|reason=This sentence cites an article from 2014.}} In 2014, global retail sales of licensed products related to Spider-Man reached approximately $1.3 billion.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Block, Alex |date=November 13, 2014 |title=Which Superhero Earns $1.3 Billion a Year? |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=November 16, 2014 |access-date=November 13, 2014 |website=[[The Hollywood Reporter]] |publisher=[[Lynne Segall]]}}</ref> Comparatively, this amount exceeds the global licensing revenue of [[Batman]], [[Superman]], and the [[Avengers (comics)|Avengers]] combined.<ref name="Davis" /> [[File:Barack Obama with Spider-Man.jpg|thumb|left|U.S. President [[Barack Obama]] pretending to be webbed up by a boy dressed in a Spider-Man costume inside the [[White House]]|alt=A boy in a Spider-Man costume pretends to shoot out spider webs towards Barack Obama.|251x251px]] Spider-Man joined the [[Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade]] from 1987 to 1998 as one of the balloon floats,<ref name="APCBS">[ "Spider-Man Returning to Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade"], [[Associated Press]] via [[WCBS (AM)]], August 17, 2009, {{Webarchive|url= |date=November 6, 2009 }}</ref> designed by [[John Romita Sr.]],<ref name=sketch45>Spurlock, J. David, and John Romita. ''John Romita Sketchbook''.<!--Note: No "The" in copyrighted title or on book cover--> (Vanguard Productions: Lebanon, N.J. 2002) {{ISBN|1-887591-27-3}}, p. 45: Romita: "I designed the Spider-Man balloon float. When we went to Macy's to talk about it, Manny Bass was there. He's the genius who creates all these balloon floats. I gave him the sketches and he turned them into reality".</ref> one of the character's signature artists. A new, different Spider-Man balloon float also appeared from 2009 to 2014.<ref name="APCBS" /> When Marvel wanted to issue a story dealing with the immediate aftermath of the [[September 11 attacks]], the company chose the December 2001 issue of ''The Amazing Spider-Man''.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Yarbrough, Beau |date=September 24, 2001 |title=Marvel to Take on World Trade Center Attack in "Amazing Spider-Man" |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=October 26, 2008 |access-date=April 28, 2008 |website=[[Comic Book Resources]]}}</ref> In 2006, Spider-Man garnered major media coverage with the revelation of the character's secret identity,<ref>{{Cite news |date=June 15, 2006 |title=Spider-Man Removes Mask at Last |work=[[BBC]] |url= |url-status=live |access-date=September 29, 2006 |archive-url= |archive-date=August 23, 2006}}</ref> an event detailed in a full-page story in the ''[[New York Post]]'' before the issue containing the story was even released.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Brady, Matt |date=June 14, 2006 |title=New York Post Spoils Civil War #2 |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=October 11, 2007 |access-date=April 2, 2008 |website=[[Newsarama]]}}</ref> In 2008, Marvel announced plans to release a series of educational comics the following year in partnership with the [[United Nations]], depicting Spider-Man alongside the [[UN Peacekeeping Forces]] to highlight UN peacekeeping missions.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Lane, Thomas |date=January 4, 2008 |title=Can Spider-Man help UN beat evil? |work=[[BBC]] |url= |url-status=live |access-date=April 29, 2008 |archive-url= |archive-date=February 19, 2008}}</ref> A ''[[BusinessWeek]]'' article listed Spider-Man as one of the top 10 most intelligent fictional characters in American comics.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Pisani |first=Joseph |author-link=Joseph Pisani |date=June 1, 2006 |title=The Smartest Superheroes |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=January 11, 2012 |access-date=November 25, 2007 |publisher=Business Week Online}}</ref> In 2015, the [[Supreme Court of the United States]] decided ''[[Kimble v. Marvel Entertainment, LLC]]'', a case concerning royalties on a [[patent]] for an imitation web shooter. The opinion for the Court, by Justice [[Elena Kagan]], included several Spider-Man references, concluding with the statement that "with great power, there must also come—great responsibility".<ref>{{Citation |last=Caldwell |first=Patrick |title=Justice Elena Kagan Had Some Fun Writing About Spider-Man |date=June 22, 2015 |url= |work=[[Mother Jones (magazine)|Mother Jones]] |archive-url= |access-date=June 23, 2015 |archive-date=June 23, 2015 |url-status=live}}</ref> Spider-Man has become a subject of scientific inquiry. In 1987, [[James Garbarino|researchers]] at [[Loyola University Chicago|Loyola University]] conducted a study into the utility of Spider-Man comics for informing children and parents about issues relating to [[Sexual abuse#Children|child abuse]].<ref name="pmid27065510">{{Cite journal |vauthors=Garbarino, J |year=1987 |title=Children's response to a sexual abuse prevention program: A study of the Spiderman comic |journal=Child Abuse & Neglect |volume=11 |issue=1 |pages=143–148 |doi=10.1016/0145-2134(87)90044-5 |pmid=3828869}}</ref> ===Reception=== {{Quote box |quote = The culmination of nearly every superhero that came before him, Spider-Man is the hero of heroes. He's got fun and cool powers, but not on the god-like level of [[Thor (Marvel Comics)|Thor]]. He's just a normal guy with girlfriend problems and money issues, so he's more relatable than playboy billionaire [[Iron Man]]. And he's an awkward teenager, not a wizened adult like [[Captain America]]. Not too hot and not too cold, Spider-Man is just right. |source = |align=right |width=25em |author = —IGN staff on placing Spider-Man as the number one hero of Marvel.<ref name="heroes" /> }} In 2005, [[Bravo (U.S. TV network)|Bravo]]'s ''Ultimate Super Heroes, Vixens, and Villains'' TV series declared that Spider-Man was the number 1 superhero.<ref>{{Cite magazine |title=Ultimate Super Heroes, Vixens, and Villains Episode Guide 2005 – Ultimate Super Villains |url= |url-status=live |magazine=[[TV Guide]].com |archive-url= |archive-date=May 1, 2011 |access-date=October 9, 2010}}</ref> ''[[Empire (magazine)|Empire]]'' magazine ranked him the fifth-greatest comic book character of all time.<ref>{{Cite magazine |title=The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters |url= |url-status=live |magazine=Empire Online |archive-url= |archive-date=January 22, 2012 |access-date=February 8, 2009}}</ref> ''[[Wizard (magazine)|Wizard]]'' magazine placed Spider-Man as the third-greatest comic book character on their website.<ref name="Wizard">{{Cite magazine |title=Top 200 comic book characters |magazine=[[Wizard (magazine)|Wizard]]}}</ref> In 2011, Spider-Man placed third on [[IGN]]'s Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All Time, behind [[DC Comics]] characters [[Superman]] and [[Batman]],<ref name="heroes">{{Cite web |title=IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=January 6, 2012 |access-date=May 9, 2011}}</ref> and sixth in their 2012 list of "The Top 50 Avengers".<ref>{{Cite web |date=April 30, 2012 |title=The Top 50 Avengers |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=August 31, 2015 |access-date=July 28, 2015 |website=[[IGN]]}}</ref> In 2014, IGN identified Spider-Man the greatest Marvel Comics character of all time.<ref name="Marvel">{{Cite web |last1=Yehl |first1=Joshua |last2=Lakes |first2=Jeff |title=Top 25 Best Marvel Superheroes – IGN – Page 5 |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=May 7, 2016 |access-date=May 4, 2016 |website=IGN}}</ref> A 2015 poll at [[Comic Book Resources]] named Spider-Man the greatest Marvel character of all time.<ref name="CBR">{{Cite web |last=Conin |first=Brian |date=November 5, 2015 |title=2015 Top 50 Marvel Characters 3–1 {{!}} Page 2 of 2 {{!}} Comics Should Be Good @ CBR |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=April 23, 2016 |access-date=May 4, 2016 |website=[[Comic Book Resources]]}}</ref> IGN described him as the common everyman that represents many normal people, but also noted his uniqueness compared to many superheroes with his depicted flaws as a superhero. IGN wrote that despite being one of the most tragic superheroes of all time, he is "one of the most fun and snarky superheroes in existence."<ref name="heroes" /> ''Empire'' praised Spider-Man's always-present sense of humor and wisecracks in the face of the many tragedies he faces. The magazine website appraised the depiction of his "iconic" superhero poses, describing it as "a top artist's dream".<ref name="Wizard" /> George Marston of ''[[Newsarama]]'' called Spider-Man's origin the greatest origin story of all time, opining that "Spider-Man's origin combines all of the most classic aspects of pathos, tragedy and scientific wonder into the perfect blend for a superhero origin."<ref name="Origin">{{Cite web |last=Marston |first=George |title=The 10 Best Superhero Origin Stories of ALL TIME! |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=May 8, 2016 |access-date=May 4, 2016 |}}</ref> ===Real-life comparisons=== Real-life people who have been compared to Spider-Man for their climbing feats include: *In 1981, skyscraper-safety activist [[Dan Goodwin]], wearing a Spider-Man suit, scaled the [[Sears Tower]] in [[Chicago]], [[Illinois]], the [[Renaissance Tower (Dallas)|Renaissance Tower]] in [[Dallas]], [[Texas]], and the [[John Hancock Center]] in Chicago.<ref name="Skyscraper Defense">{{Cite web |title=Skyscraper Defense |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=July 16, 2011 |access-date=July 4, 2011}}</ref> *[[Alain Robert]], nicknamed "Spider-Man", is a rock and urban climber who has scaled more than 70 tall buildings using his hands and feet, without using additional devices. He sometimes wears a Spider-Man suit during his climbs. In May 2003, he was paid approximately $18,000 to climb the {{convert|312|ft|adj=on|disp=flip}} [[Lloyd's building]] to promote the premiere of the movie ''Spider-Man'' on the British television channel [[Sky Movies]].<ref>{{Cite news |last=Moss |first=Stephen |date=2003-05-14 |title=I'm Spider-Man |language=en-GB |work=The Guardian |url= |access-date=2023-07-29 |issn=0261-3077}}</ref> *"The Human Spider", alias Bill Strother, scaled the [[Lamar Building]] in [[Augusta, Georgia]], in 1921.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Cobb |first=Jocelyn |date=September 19, 1999 |title=Recalls 1921 climb of 'human spider' |work=[[The Augusta Chronicle]] |url= |url-status=dead |access-date=June 2, 2013 |archive-url= |archive-date=December 11, 2007}}</ref> * In Argentina, [[Crime in Argentina|criminals]] that climb buildings and [[trespass]] into private property through the open balconies are said to use the "Spider-Man method" (in Spanish, ''el Hombre Araña'').<ref>{{Cite web |date=February 17, 2017 |title=Video: un robo con la modalidad "hombre araña"en un departamento de Belgrano |trans-title=Video: a theft with the "Spider-Man" method at a Belgrano apartment |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=November 10, 2017 |access-date=November 10, 2017 |publisher=Infobae |language=es}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news |date=January 17, 2008 |title=Un "hombre araña" asaltó y violó a una profesora de gimnasia |language=es |trans-title=A "Spider-man" raped and stole from a gym teacher |work=Clarín |url= |url-status=live |access-date=November 10, 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=November 10, 2017}}</ref> ==In other media== {{multiple image | align = right | direction = horizontal | background color = | total_width = 465 | caption_align = left | header_background = | header_align = | header = Spider-Man in film | image1 = Tobey Maguire 2014.jpg | width1 = | height1 = 200 | alt1 = Maguire at Spider-Man 3 premiere | caption1 = | image2 = Andrew_Garfield_by_Gage_Skidmore_(cropped).jpg | width2 = | height2 = 200 | alt2 = Garfield in 2013 | caption2 = | image3 = Tom Holland by Gage Skidmore.jpg | width3 = | height3 = 200 | alt3 = Holland in 2016 | caption3 = | footer_background = | footer_align = left | footer = [[Tobey Maguire]] (''left''), [[Andrew Garfield]] (''center''), and [[Tom Holland]] (''right'') have portrayed [[Spider-Man in film]]. }} {{Main|Spider-Man in other media}} {{Further|Spider-Man in film|Spider-Man in television|Spider-Man in literature|List of video games featuring Spider-Man}} Spider-Man has appeared in comics, cartoons, films, video games, coloring books, novels, records, children's books, and [[The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man|theme park rides]].<ref name="Knowles" /> On television, he first starred in the [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] animated series ''[[Spider-Man (1967 TV series)|Spider-Man]]'' (1967–1970),<ref>{{Cite web |title=Spider-Man (1967) |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=April 24, 2008 |access-date=February 13, 2009 |publisher=[[UGO Networks]]}}</ref> ''[[Spidey Super Stories]]'' (1974–1977) on [[PBS]], and the [[CBS]] live-action series ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man (TV series)|The Amazing Spider-Man]]'' (1978–1979), starring [[Nicholas Hammond]]. Other animated series featuring the superhero include the [[Broadcast syndication|syndicated]] ''[[Spider-Man (1981 TV series)|Spider-Man]]'' (1981–1982), ''[[Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends]]'' (1981–1983), [[Fox Kids]]' ''[[Spider-Man (1994 TV series)|Spider-Man]]'' (1994–1998), ''[[Spider-Man Unlimited]]'' (1999–2000), ''[[Spider-Man: The New Animated Series]]'' (2003), ''[[The Spectacular Spider-Man (TV series)|The Spectacular Spider-Man]]'' (2008–2009), ''[[Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series)|Ultimate Spider-Man]]'' (2012–2017),<ref>{{Cite web |date=November 30, 1999 |title=Ultimate Spider-Man |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=January 13, 2012 |access-date=November 18, 2010}}</ref> [[Disney XD]]'s ''[[Spider-Man (2017 TV series)|Spider-Man]]'' (2017–2020), and ''[[Spidey and His Amazing Friends]]'' (2021–present). A [[tokusatsu]] series featuring Spider-Man was produced by [[Toei Company|Toei]] and aired in Japan. It is commonly referred to by its Japanese pronunciation [[Spider-Man (Toei TV series)|''Supaidā-Man'']].<ref>{{Cite web |title=Japanese Spider-Man |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=January 3, 2012 |access-date=November 18, 2010}}</ref> Spider-Man also appeared in other print forms besides the comics, including novels, [[Children's literature|children's books]], and the daily newspaper comic strip ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man (comic strip)|The Amazing Spider-Man]]'', which debuted in January 1977, with the earliest installments written by Stan Lee and drawn by [[John Romita Sr.]]<ref>{{Cite web |title=John Romita Interview |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=February 6, 2012 |access-date=February 8, 2009 |}}</ref> Spider-Man has been adapted to other media including games, toys, collectibles, and miscellaneous memorabilia, and has appeared as the main character in [[Spider-Man video games|numerous computer and video games]] on over 15 gaming platforms. Spider-Man was featured in a [[Spider-Man in film|trilogy of live-action films]] directed by [[Sam Raimi]] and starring [[Tobey Maguire]] as the [[Peter Parker (Sam Raimi film series)|titular superhero]]. The first ''[[Spider-Man (2002 film)|Spider-Man]]'' film of the trilogy was released on May 3, 2002, followed by ''[[Spider-Man 2]]'' (2004) and ''[[Spider-Man 3]]'' (2007). A third sequel was originally scheduled to be released in 2011; however, [[Sony]] later decided to [[Reboot (fiction)|reboot]] the franchise with a new director and cast. The reboot, titled ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man (film)|The Amazing Spider-Man]]'', was released on July 3, 2012, directed by [[Marc Webb]], and starred [[Andrew Garfield]] as the [[Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man film series)|new Spider-Man]].<ref>{{Cite magazine |date=January 11, 2010 |title=EXCLUSIVE: 'Spider-Man 4' Scrapped; Sam Rami & Tobey Maguire & Cast Out; Franchise Reboot for 2012 |url= |url-status=live |magazine=[[Deadline Hollywood]] |archive-url= |archive-date=August 4, 2011 |access-date=January 11, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |date=January 11, 2010 |title="Spider-Man" Film Gets Reboot; Sam Raimi, Tobey Maguire Out |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=September 7, 2011 |access-date=January 11, 2010 |}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news |date=January 12, 2010 |title=Tobey Maguire and Sam Raimi part ways with Spider-Man franchise |url= |url-status=live |access-date=April 5, 2018 |archive-url= |archive-date=April 28, 2018}}</ref> It was followed by ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man 2]]'' (2014).<ref>{{Cite news |date=September 28, 2012 |title=Andrew Garfield & Marc Webb Return For 'Amazing Spider-Man 2' |work=Huffington Post |url= |url-status=live |access-date=December 15, 2013 |archive-url= |archive-date=December 13, 2013}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news |last=Truitt |first=Brian |date=July 20, 2013 |title=Garfield relishes web-swinging in 'Amazing Spider-Man 2' |work=USA Today |url= |url-status=live |access-date=December 15, 2013 |archive-url= |archive-date=September 21, 2013}}</ref> In 2015, Sony and [[Disney]] made a deal for Spider-Man to appear in the [[Marvel Cinematic Universe]].<ref>{{Cite web |last=Lesnick |first=Silas |date=February 9, 2015 |title=It's Official: Spider-Man Enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe! |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=February 10, 2015 |access-date=February 10, 2015 |publisher=SuperHeroHype}}</ref> [[Tom Holland]] made [[Peter Parker (Marvel Cinematic Universe)|his debut as Spider-Man]] in the MCU film ''[[Captain America: Civil War]]'' (2016), before later starring in his standalone film ''[[Spider-Man: Homecoming]]'' (2017), directed by [[Jon Watts]].<ref name="VarietyTitle">{{Cite web |last=Lang |first=Brett |date=April 12, 2016 |title='Spider-Man' Movie Gets Official Title |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=April 13, 2016 |access-date=April 13, 2016 |website=[[Variety (magazine)|Variety]]}}</ref><ref name="MarvelSonyJune23">{{Cite press release |title=Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios Find Their 'Spider-Man' Star and Director |date=June 23, 2015 | |url= |access-date=June 24, 2015 |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=June 23, 2015}}</ref> Holland reprised his role as Spider-Man in ''[[Avengers: Infinity War]]'' (2018),<ref>{{Cite news |last=Busch |first=Anita |date=February 11, 2017 |title=Robert Downey Jr. Confirms Spider-Man Character in 'Avengers: Infinity War' On FB Live |work=Deadline |url= |url-status=live |access-date=February 11, 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=February 11, 2017}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news |last=Goldberg |first=Matt |title='Avengers: Infinity War': Kevin Feige Reveals Spider-Man's Screentime |url= |url-status=live |access-date=April 27, 2018 |archive-url= |archive-date=April 28, 2018}}</ref> ''[[Avengers: Endgame]]'' (2019),<ref name="HollandAvengers4">{{Cite web |last1=Kit |first1=Borys |last2=Couch |first2=Aaron |date=April 18, 2017 |title=Marvel's Kevin Feige on Why the Studio Won't Make R-Rated Movies, 'Guardians 2' and Joss Whedon's DC Move |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=April 18, 2017 |access-date=April 18, 2017 |website=[[The Hollywood Reporter]]}}</ref> ''[[Spider-Man: Far From Home]]'' (2019),<ref>{{Cite web |last=D'Alessandro |first=Anthony |date=December 9, 2016 |title='Spider-Man: Homecoming 2' Shoots Web Around Independence Day 2019 Frame; 'Bad Boys 4' Moves To Memorial Day |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=December 10, 2016 |access-date=December 9, 2016 |website=[[Deadline Hollywood]]}}</ref> and ''[[Spider-Man: No Way Home]]'' (2021); Maguire and Garfield reprise their roles in the latter film.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Debruge |first=Peter |date=2021-12-14 |title='Spider-Man: No Way Home' Review: Tom Holland Cleans Out the Cobwebs of Sprawling Franchise With Multiverse Super-Battle |url= |access-date=2021-12-14 |website=Variety |language=en-US |archive-date=December 14, 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> [[Jake Johnson]] voiced an alternate universe version of Spider-Man in the animated film ''[[Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]]'',<ref>{{Cite web |last=Kit |first=Borys |date=June 22, 2016 |title=Sony Unveils Plans for Animated 'Spider-Man' and 'Emojimovie: Express Yourself' |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=January 26, 2017 |access-date=December 31, 2018 |website=[[The Hollywood Reporter]]}}</ref> and reprised the role in its sequel ''[[Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse]]'' (2023). [[Chris Pine]] also voiced another version of Peter Parker in ''Into the Spider-Verse''.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Schmidt |first=J.K. |date=November 29, 2018 |title='Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' Features Chris Pine in a Surprising Cameo |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=November 30, 2018 |access-date=November 30, 2018 |website=[[]]}}</ref> Following a brief contract dispute over financial terms, in 2019, Sony and Disney reached a deal to allow Spider-Man to return to the MCU, with the two studios jointly producing Spider-Man films.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Alexander |first=Julia |date=September 27, 2019 |title=Spider-Man returns to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Sony and Disney strike a new deal |url= |access-date=July 4, 2021 |archive-date=September 30, 2019 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> A [[Broadway musical]], ''[[Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark]]'', began previews on November 14, 2010, at the [[Foxwoods Theatre]] on [[Broadway theatre|Broadway]], with the official opening night on June 14, 2011.<ref name="Lustig">Lustig, Jay. [ "''Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark''"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=January 21, 2011 }}. [[New Jersey On-Line]]. January 18, 2011. Retrieved January 25, 2011.</ref><ref name="playaug">Gans, Andrew. [ "Reeve Carney, Jennifer Damiano, Patrick Page to Star in Spider-Man; Performances Begin in November"] {{webarchive|url= |date=May 1, 2011 }}., August 10, 2010</ref> The music and lyrics were written by [[Bono]] and [[The Edge]] of the rock group [[U2]], with a book by [[Julie Taymor]], [[Glen Berger]], and [[Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa]].<ref>{{Cite web | |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=January 4, 2012 |access-date=April 10, 2010 |}}</ref> ''Turn Off the Dark'' is currently the most expensive musical in Broadway history, costing an estimated $70 million.<ref name="March">Hetrick, Adam. [ "Troubled ''Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark'' Delays Broadway Opening Again"] {{webarchive|url= |date=January 17, 2011 }}. January 13, 2011. Retrieved January 15, 2011.</ref> In addition, the show's unusually high running costs are reported to have been about $1.2 million per week.<ref>[ "Could Spider-Man the Musical be the 'biggest disaster in Broadway history'?"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=January 20, 2011 }}. ''[[The Week]]''. August 13, 2010 (updated November 4, 2010).</ref> In the fine arts, since the [[Pop art|Pop Art]] period of the 1960s, the character of Spider-Man has been "appropriated" by multiple visual artists and incorporated into contemporary artwork, including [[Andy Warhol]],<ref>{{Cite news |last=Sargent |first=Antwaun |date=2018-11-01 |title=Seven Artists on the Warhol Influence |language=en-US |work=The New York Times |url= |access-date=2020-07-09 |issn=0362-4331 |archive-date=June 18, 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |title=Marvels |url= |access-date=2020-07-09 |website=The Andy Warhol Museum |date=August 11, 2011 |language=en-US |archive-date=July 17, 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> [[Roy Lichtenstein]],<ref>{{Cite web |last=Grebey |first=James |date=2018-12-11 |title=Forget Uncle Ben – Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse's real hero is Ben-Day dots |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=October 19, 2020 |access-date=2020-07-09 |website=SYFY WIRE |language=en}}</ref> [[Mel Ramos]],<ref>{{Cite web |date=2020-01-30 |title=From Superheroes to Pin-Up Girls |url= |access-date=2020-07-09 |website=Arts Scene |language=en |archive-date=August 7, 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> [[Vijay (actor)|Vijay]],<ref>{{cite web | title=Vaseegara Movie Scenes-Vijay in Spiderman costume | website=Youtube | date=2021-11-23 | url= | access-date=2024-05-30}}</ref> [[Dulce Pinzon]],<ref>{{Cite web |last=Pinzon |first=Dulce |title=Mexican Superheroes |url= |access-date=2020-07-09 |website=Mother Jones |language=en-US |archive-date=January 18, 2018 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> [[Mr. Brainwash]],<ref>{{Cite web |date=2019-10-18 |title=30 Life Is Beautiful Graffiti Pop Art By Mr Brainwash |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=August 6, 2020 |access-date=2020-07-09 | |language=en-US}}</ref> and [[F. Lennox Campello]].<ref>{{Cite web |title=Spiderman Naked (2013) {{!}} Washington Project for the Arts |url= |access-date=2020-07-15 |website=Washington Project for the Arts |archive-date=August 7, 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> ==See also== * [[List of Spider-Man storylines]] * [[List of Marvel Comics superhero debuts]] * [[With great power comes great responsibility]] * [[The Leopard from Lime Street]] ==Notes== {{Reflist|group=note}} {{notelist}} ==References== * [[File:CC BY-SA icon.svg|50px]] Content in this article was copied from [ Spider-Man] at the Fictional Characters wiki, which is licensed under the [ Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (Unported) (CC BY-SA 3.0) license]. {{Reflist}} ==External links== {{Sister project links|voy=no|wikt=spiderman|b=no|q=Spider-Man|s=no|commons=Category:Spider-Man and his cast|n=Spider-Man|v=no|d=Q79037}} * [ Spider-Man] at Marvel Universe Wiki * {{Comicbookdb|type=character|id=389|title=Spider-Man}} * [ The science of Spider-Man], ''[[Cosmos (Australian magazine)|Cosmos]]'' * {{Marveldatabase|Peter_Parker_(Earth-616)|Peter Parker (Earth-616)}} {{Spider-Man|state=expanded}} {{Navboxes |title= Related topics |state=collapsed |list1= {{Spider-Man characters}} {{Spider-Man publications}} {{Spider-Man in popular media}} {{Spider-Man films}} {{Spider-Man in TV}} {{Steve Ditko}} {{Stan Lee}} }} {{Navboxes |title= Related characters |list1= {{Avengers characters}} {{Captain America}} {{Daredevil}} {{Deadpool}} {{Defenders}} {{Fantastic Four}} {{Goblin (Marvel Comics)}} {{Hulk}} {{Iron Man}} {{New Avengers}} {{Sinister Six}} {{Spider-Woman}} {{Symbiote Family and Hosts}} {{Thor}} {{Wolverine}} {{X-Men characters}} }} {{Portal bar|United States|Comics|Speculative fiction}} {{Authority control}} [[Category:Spider-Man| ]] [[Category:Spider-Man characters]] [[Category:1962 comics debuts]] [[Category:Avengers (comics) characters]] [[Category:Characters created by Stan Lee]] [[Category:Characters created by Steve Ditko]] [[Category:Comics adapted into animated series]] [[Category:Comics adapted into plays]] [[Category:Comics adapted into radio series]] [[Category:Comics adapted into television series]] [[Category:Comics by Stan Lee]] [[Category:Comics by Steve Ditko]] [[Category:Comics characters introduced in 1962]] [[Category:Comics set in New York City]] [[Category:Experimental medical treatments in fiction]] [[Category:Fictional business executives]] [[Category:Fictional characters from Queens, New York]] [[Category:Fictional characters who have made pacts with devils]] [[Category:Fictional characters with precognition]] [[Category:Marvel Comics characters with spider powers]] [[Category:Fictional college students]] [[Category:Fictional defectors]] [[Category:Fictional inventors in comics]] [[Category:Fictional photographers]] [[Category:Fictional reporters and correspondents]] [[Category:Fictional schoolteachers]] [[Category:Fictional university and college personnel]] [[Category:Marvel Comics American superheroes]] [[Category:Marvel Comics adapted into films]] [[Category:Marvel Comics adapted into video games]] [[Category:Marvel Comics characters with accelerated healing]] [[Category:Marvel Comics characters with superhuman durability or invulnerability]] [[Category:Marvel Comics characters with superhuman senses]] [[Category:Marvel Comics characters with superhuman strength]] [[Category:Marvel Comics child superheroes]] <!-- The legal definition of "child" refers to a minor. 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