Ancient Chinese Fish Charms
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Chinese parents therefore relied on charms and rituals to help protect their children as they faced these difficult passages and crises in growing up. <h2><a name="guan_sha_xiao_chu"></a>A Fish Charm to Protect Against Life's Barriers</h2> <p> The old charm shown here is in the shape of a carp fish because it is meant to symbolize persistence and effort in crossing life's barriers or gates as a child grows to maturity. </p> <p> <figure> <picture><source srcset="fishobv.webp" type="image/webp"><img src="fishobv.jpg" loading="lazy" width="265" height="162" alt="Old carp fish charm with inscription"></picture> <figcaption> Old carp fish charm <br>with inscription </figcaption> </figure> The inscription is read right to left as <i>guan sha xiao chu</i> (官煞消除). </p> <p> Just as the Chinese like to use animals and objects to symbolize other things with the same pronunciation (see <a href="impliedmeaning.html">hidden meaning</a>), in this inscription the first character <i></i>guan </i>(官), which means an official, should actually be written as <i>guan</i> (关) which means a gate or barrier. </p> <p> <i>Guan sha</i> (关煞) refers to the "crises in a child's life" and <i>xiao chu</i> (消除) means "to dispel or eliminate". </p> <p> For the Chinese language purists, the character <i>chu</i> (除) in the inscription is also written incorrectly with the radical " 亻". </p> <p> The charm in the shape of a carp fish with this inscription thus symbolizes perseverance in overcoming the barriers and gates a child must pass through to reach adulthood. </p> <p> <figure> <picture><source srcset="fishrev.webp" type="image/webp"><img src="fishrev.jpg" loading="lazy" width="265" height="170" alt="Reverse side of carp fish charm with no inscription"></picture> <figcaption> Reverse side of old carp fish charm <br>with no inscription </figcaption> </figure><br> The reverse side of the charm has no inscription. </p> <p> The prominent scales indicate that the fish is a carp. </p> <p> This charm has a maximum length of 59 mm and maximum width of 31 mm. </p> <p> The charm weighs 16.8 grams.<br><br><br> </p> <p> For other charms used by Chinese parents to protect their children please see <a href="locks.html">Chinese Lock Charms</a>. </p> <p> To see an ancient Chinese coin, with a fish depicted on its reverse side, which was cast in 214 AD during the Three Kingdoms period, please visit <a href="charmfeatures.html#zhi_bai_wu_zhu">Chinese Coins with Charm Features</a>.<br><br> </p> <p> Return to <a href="">Ancient Chinese Charms and Coins</a> <br><br> </p> </div> </main> <footer> <p> © 2008 - 2025 <br>All rights reserved <br><br> </p> </footer> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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