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class="easy-breadcrumb_segment-separator"> </span><span class="easy-breadcrumb_segment easy-breadcrumb_segment-title">Industrial Corridors</span></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=""> <div class="inner-content"> <h1 class="heading">Industrial Corridors</h1> <div class="color-border"></div> <div class="panel-display panel-1col clearfix" > <div class="panel-panel panel-col"> <div><div class="panel-pane pane-views pane-schemes" > <div class="view view-schemes view-id-schemes view-display-id-block_2 view-dom-id-79afbf7bd2e919b0d57c6267a065f88a"> <div class="view-content"> <div class=""> <div class="views-field views-field-title views-accordion-header"> <div><b>Brief about the Scheme</b></div> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-body"> <div class="field-content"><!--<div class="teaser"> --><p>1.1 Government of India is developing various Industrial Corridor Projects as part of National Industrial Corridor programme which is aimed at development of futuristic industrial cities in India which can compete with the best manufacturing and investment destinations in the world. The program is aimed at providing complete "plug and play" infrastructure till the plot level along with building resilient and sustainable future ready cities.</p> <p>1.2. This Programme is being developed on the overall framework of PM GatiShakti to provide a systematic, multi modal connectivity to these economic zones for seamless movement of people, goods &amp; services resulting in efficient conduct of logistics and economic activities.</p> <p>1.3. Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor is the first Industrial Corridor project which is being implemented in the country wherein substantial progress has been made. For coordinated and unified development of industrial corridor projects, Government of India on 7th December 2016, approved expansion of the scope of existing DMIC Project Implementation Trust Fund (PITF) and re-designated it as National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT).</p> <p>1.4. National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (NICDC) [erstwhile Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Ltd. (DMICDC)] was incorporated in January, 2008 for development, coordination, and implementation of this ambitious programme. The company has an equity stake of 49% by DPIIT (Govt. of India), 26% by Government of Japan and remaining by public financial institutions like HUDCO, IIFCL, and LIC.</p> <p>1.5 1.5. Presently, as part of National Industrial Corridor Programme, following 11 Industrial Corridors are being taken up for development </p> <p>I. Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC);</p> <p>II. Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC);</p> <p>III. Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor (AKIC);</p> <p>IV. East Coast Industrial Corridor (ECIC) with Vizag Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) </p> <p>V. Bengaluru Mumbai Industrial Corridor (BMIC);</p> <p>VI. Extension of CBIC to Kochi via Coimbatore;</p> <p>VII. Hyderabad Nagpur Industrial Corridor (HNIC);</p> <p>VIII. Hyderabad Warangal Industrial Corridor (HWIC);</p> <p>IX. Hyderabad Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (HBIC);</p> <p>X. Odisha Economic Corridor (OEC) and</p> <p>XI. Delhi Nagpur Industrial Corridor (DNIC).</p> <h3>1.6 Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC):</h3> <p>1.6.1. This project was launched with the cooperation of Government of Japan. The project is being developed on either side, along the alignment of the 1,504 km long Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC) between Dadri (UP) and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), Navi Mumbai, broadly aimed to develop futuristic industrial cities in India which can compete with the best manufacturing and investment destinations in the world and converging next generation technologies across different sectors thereby creating employment opportunities and economic growth leading to overall socioeconomic development. The project covers six States namely Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra.</p> <p>1.6.2 1.6.2. The project has been planned for implementation in phases. Perspective planning for the entire DMIC corridor has been completed. Subsequently master planning and preliminary engineering of the nodes/ cities identified as part of phase-I in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh has also been completed.</p> <p>1.6.3. The Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) Project has made considerable progress wherein of Major Trunk Infrastructure works have been completed in the States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The details of these projects are as under:</p> <p>a. Dholera Special Investment Region in Gujarat (5,560 acres).</p> <p>b. Shendra-Bidkin Industrial Area in Maharashtra (4,584).</p> <p>c. Integrated Industrial Township Project at Greater Noida in Uttar Pradesh (747.5 acre).</p> <p>d. Integrated Industrial Township Project 'Vikram Udyogpuri' near Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh (1100 acre).</p> <p>1.6.4. Hon'ble Prime Minister dedicated Shendra Industrial Area including AURIC Hall to the Nation on 7th September, 2019. Integrated Industrial Townships at Vikram Udyogpuri in Ujjain (MP) and Greater Noida (UP) were dedicated to the Nation by Hon'ble Prime Minister on 2nd October, 2023 and 25th Jan, 2024 respectively. Additionally, foundation stone of TATA Electronics plant at Dholera was also laid by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 13th March,2024.</p> <p></p><p>Total of 320 plots covering an area of 3,380 acre have been allotted in above mentioned 4 cities. Some of the prominent investors include - Hyosung, Haier, AMUL, TATA Electronics, Fuji Silvertech, Ather Energy, Toyota Kirloskar, Piramal Pharma, -, ReNew Power and, PepsiCo India, Perkins etc. 80 companies have started their commercial operations and - 83 companies are under construction in these 04 cities. Total developed land available which is ready for allotment to industries is 1,787 acre and 2,251 acre for commercial/ residential/ other land use.</p> <p>1.6.5. The following standalone projects are also being implemented</p> <p>a. Multi Modal Logistics Hub (MMLH) at Dadri and Multi Modal Transport Hub (MMTH) at Boraki in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh (1,182 acre)</p> <p>b. Integrated Multimodal Logistics Hub (IMLH) at Nangal Chaudhary, Haryana. (886 acre)</p> <p>1.6.6. In addition, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired by the Hon’ble Prime Minister has approved below project proposals in its meeting on 28th Aug, 2024:</p> <p>a. Dighi Port Industrial Area (DPIA) (6,056 acres) in Maharashtra</p> <p>b. Jodhpur Pali Marwar Industrial Area (JPMIA) (1,577 acres) in Rajasthan</p> <h3>1.7. Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC):</h3> <p>1.7.1. The Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor proposes to address infrastructure bottlenecks through a holistic approach while benefiting from the inherent strengths and competitiveness of each of the CBIC states. The perspective plan has been completed for the overall CBIC region and - priority nodes have been identified for further development.</p> <p>1.7.2. CBIC is planned to achieve accelerated development and regional industry agglomeration in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly, high impact/ market driven nodes at strategic locations are being developed at Krishnapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) of 2,006 acre and Tumakuru (Karnataka) of 1,722 acre within the corridor to provide transparent and investment friendly facility. </p> <p>1.7.3. These regions are proposed to be self-sustained nodes with world-class infrastructure, road, and rail connectivity for freight movement to and from ports and logistics hubs, served by reliable power, quality social infrastructure, and provide a globally competitive environment conducive for setting up businesses</p> <p>1.7.4. For Krishnapatnam and Tumakuru, project development activities have been completed and these projects have been approved by GoI. EPC contractors have already been appointed for both the projects and works on ground has been initiated </p> <p>1.7.5. Hon’ble Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of Tumakuru Industrial Township on 06th February 2023.</p> <p>1.7.6. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired by the Hon’ble Prime Minister in its meeting on 28th Aug, 2024 has approved Palakkad Industrial Area (1,710 acres) in Kerala.</p> <h3>1.8. Other Industrial Corridors (AKIC, HBIC, HNIC &amp; VCIC)</h3> <p>1.8.1. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired by the Hon’ble Prime Minister in its meeting on 28th Aug, 2024 has approved the below projects:</p> <p>a. IMC Rajpura (1,099 acres) under AKIC in Punjab</p> <p>b. IMC Khurpia (1,002 acres) under AKIC in Uttarakhand,</p> <p>c. IMC Agra (1,058 acres) under AKIC in Uttar Pradesh,</p> <p>d. IMC Prayagraj (351 acres) under AKIC in Uttar Pradesh,</p> <p>e. IMC Gaya (1,670 acres) under AKIC in Bihar,</p> <p>f. Orvakal Industrial Area (2,621 acres) under HBIC in Andhra Pradesh,</p> <p>g. Kopparthy Industrial Area (2,595 acres) under VCIC in Andhra Pradesh,</p> <p>h. Zaheerabad Industrial Area (3,245 acres) under HNIC in Telangana,</p> <h3>1.9. Other key standalone projects</h3> <h3>1.9.1. Indian International Convention &amp; Expo Centre (IICC), Dwarka</h3> <p> The Government of India has approved the development of the India International Convention and Expo Centre (IICC) in Sector-25, Dwarka, New Delhi, and allied infrastructure in both PPP and non-PPP modes. This includes exhibition and convention spaces, an arena, trunk infrastructure, Metro/NHAI connectivity, hotels, office and retail spaces, etc.</p> <p> The Government has further approved the incorporation of a new Government company as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for the implementation and development of the IICC Dwarka project, with 100% equity from Government through DPIIT. Accordingly, the SPV, India International Convention and Exhibition Centre Limited (IICC Ltd), was incorporated on December 19, 2017.</p> <p> The project is being implemented in two phases. The Hon'ble Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of this project on September 20, 2018.</p> <p> The EPC component of Phase-1 of the project, comprising the convention centre, two exhibition halls with foyers, the trunk infrastructure, and utilities, is substantially complete and was dedicated to the nation by Hon'ble Prime Minister on September 17, 2023 with regular events/exhibitions/trade fairs being held. </p> <p> In Phase-2 of the project, three more exhibition halls will be developed, along with the PPP component of the project, which comprises an arena, hotels, retail, and office spaces.</p> <h3>1.9.2. Logistic Data Bank Project</h3> <p> Logistics Data Bank (LDB) system is a single window, logistics visualization solution </p> <p>a. which provides container movement tracking using only container numbers; </p> <p>b. from the Ports to Inland Container Depot’s/ Container Freight Stations;</p> <p>c. and across the port associated Parking Plazas, Toll Plaza Railways stations, SEZs, Industrial zones during the import and export journey</p> <p> LDB began its operations in the Western Corridor, at</p> <p>a. Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) in 2016;</p> <p>b. Hazira and Mundra ports of Adani in year 2017;</p> <p>c. Since November 2020, the services have been extended to all domestic ports engaged in EXIM containers in India.</p> <p>d. Currently, LDB Pan India coverage integrates</p> <p>- 18 Ports (comprising 29 port terminals) </p> <p>- 437 CFSs, ICDs, Empty Yards and Parking Plazas </p> <p>- 163 Toll Plazas </p> <p>- 03 ICPs </p> <p>- 77 SEZs (RFID Infrastructure)</p> <p>- 06 Industrial Zones</p> <p>- 5800 railway stations (Freight Operations Information System). </p> <p> LDB has tracked 73.99 million EXIM containers since its launch in July 2016. </p> <p> LDB handles 100% of India’s EXIM container volume. It uses RFID technology through Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Cloud-based solution to provide real-time tracking of EXIM container movement in India.</p> <p> The integration of ports, CFSs, ICDs, toll plazas, SEZs, integrated check points and empty yards of the LDB project with the PM GatiShakti portal has been completed successfully</p> <p> Integrated with 16 container handling terminals to provide visibility of domestic and coastal containers in India. </p> <p> Supporting visibility on empty container availability for export.</p> <p> For the proactive yard management of port terminals, CRIS’ pre-arrival advance intimation of the trains was integrated with LDB.</p> <p>LDB also publishes analytics reports for its stakeholders on monthly, quarterly and yearly basis</p> <h3>1.9.3. Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP)</h3> <p> Hon’ble Prime Minister of India launched the Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) under the purview of National Logistics Policy (NLP) on 17th September 2022.</p> <p> ULIP is integrated through Application Programming Interface (APIs) with the logistics systems of various Government departments in a secured environment and connectivity. The integration of ULIP with 37 systems of 10 different Ministries through 118+ APIs, covering 1800+ fields has been completed successfully.</p> <p> Over 48 crore transactions have been completed on the ULIP portal since January 2022.</p> <p> The ULIP portal ( has witnessed 1000+ registrations from the private sector since its launch.</p> <p> Currently, 830+ use cases of the 285+ private players have been verified. Over 81 Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) have been signed with the private players for the development of the use cases. </p> <p> Completed ULIP’s integration with FCI to support real-time boarded transporters credentials and tracking of goods movement. </p> <p> Completed ULIP’s integration with GSTN for E-way bill </p> <p> Completed new API integration of Rail Freight Calculator with Ministry of Railway. Also completed ULIP’s integration with Ministry of Road Transport and Highways for E-challan.</p> <h3>1.9.4. Model Solar Power Project in Neemrana Rajasthan</h3> <p> NICDC Neemrana Solar Power Limited (NNSPL) (formerly known as DMICDC Neemrana Solar Power Company Limited- DNSPCL) -incorporated - in March-2014 -is a wholly owned subsidiary of NICDC Ltd.</p> <p> The principal business of the company is to generate, develop and accumulate solar power and to transmit, distribute and supply such power and to carry on the business to promote, develop, undertake, engineer, construct, complete, establish, operate, maintain, augment, modernise and upgrade the Model Solar Plants, one of 5 MW capacity and other of 1MW capacity at Neemrana, District Alwar, Rajasthan.</p> <p> In accordance with the approval of CCEA, amount of Rs. 13 Crore was transferred to NICDC Neemrana Solar Power Limited (NNSPL) towards Equity Contribution of NICDC Limited on behalf of Trust (NICDIT)</p> <p> The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the 5 MW Solar Power Project had been executed with NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVNL) on 05th June, 2015.</p> <p> The 5 MW Solar Plant has been connected to the State Grid on 23rd July, 2015 and subsequently got commissioned on 3rd September, 2015. - The power is being supplied to the State Grid (i.e. 220kV RRVPNL GSS Neemrana) -as per the executed Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).</p> <p> The 1 MW model solar power project is conceived as the first Smart Micro-Grid Project in India.-</p> <p> The MoU between NEDO, Japan, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of New &amp; Renewable Energy was extended up to August 2019.</p> <p> Micro-grid Solar Power Supply project was commissioned on 10th July 2017 of a capacity of 1MW during the demonstration period for two years. The Off-grid Hybrid power was supplied to Mikuni India Private Limited and after successful completion of the demonstration period the PPA had been mutually foreclosed on 20.02.2020 </p> <p> Another Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between NICDC Neemrana Solar Power limited (formerly known as DMICDC Neemrana Solar Power Company Limited) and Toyoda Gosei Minda India Pvt. Ltd. (TGMIPL) has been executed on 12th Feb 2020 for third party sale of 1MW solar power supply for a period of 10 years which may be extended for further period of 10 years as per mutual agreement.</p> <p> The 1 MW Solar Power Plant has been set up for third party sale of 1MW solar power through open access as per Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy, 2019.</p> <p> The 1 MW Solar Power Plant has been connected to grid on 8th April 2021 and subsequently got synchronized &amp; commissioned on 19th April, 2021. The solar power is being fed to State Discom Grid (i.e. 33/11 kV JVVNL 2nd GSS Neemrana) and third-party sale of solar power through open access has commenced to TGMIPL from 1st June 2021.</p> <!--New Start Above--><!-- <p><p>1.1 Government of India is developing various Industrial Corridor Projects as part of National Industrial Corridor programme which is aimed at development of futuristic industrial cities in India which can compete with the best manufacturing and investment destinations in the world. The program is aimed at providing complete "plug and play" infrastructure till the plot level along with building resilient and sustainable future ready cities.</p> <p>1.2 This Programme is being developed on the overall framework of PM GatiShakti to provide a systematic, multi modal connectivity to these economic zones for seamless movement of people, goods &amp; services resulting in efficient conduct of logistics and economic activities.</p> <p>1.3 Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor is the first Industrial Corridor project which is being implemented in the country wherein substantial progress has been made. For coordinated and unified development of industrial corridor projects, Government of India on 7th December 2016, approved expansion of the scope of existing DMIC Project Implementation Trust Fund (PITF) and re-designated it as National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT).</p> <p>1.4 National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (NICDC) [erstwhile Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Ltd. (DMICDC)] was incorporated in January, 2008 for development, coordination, and implementation of this ambitious programme. The company has an equity stake of 49% by DPIIT (Govt. of India), 26% by Government of Japan and remaining by public financial institutions like HUDCO, IIFCL, and LIC.</p> <p>1.5 Presently, as part of National Industrial Corridor Programme, following 11 Industrial Corridors are being taken up for development with 32 Projects to be developed in 04 phases forming part of National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP):</p> <p>I. Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC);</p> <p>II. Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC);</p> <p>III. Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor (AKIC);</p> <p>IV. East Coast Industrial Corridor (ECIC) with Vizag Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) as Phase 1;</p> <p>V. Bengaluru Mumbai Industrial Corridor (BMIC);</p> <p>VI. Extension of CBIC to Kochi via Coimbatore;</p> <p>VII. Hyderabad Nagpur Industrial Corridor (HNIC);</p> <p>VIII. Hyderabad Warangal Industrial Corridor (HWIC);</p> <p>IX. Hyderabad Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (HBIC);</p> <p>X. Odisha Economic Corridor (OEC) and</p> <p>XI. Delhi Nagpur Industrial Corridor (DNIC).</p> <h3>1.6 Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC):</h3> <p>1.6.1 This project was launched with the cooperation of Government of Japan. The project is being developed on either side, along the alignment of the 1,504 km long Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC) between Dadri (UP) and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), Navi Mumbai, broadly aimed to develop futuristic industrial cities in India which can compete with the best manufacturing and investment destinations in the world and converging next generation technologies across different sectors thereby creating employment opportunities and economic growth leading to overall socioeconomic development. The project covers six States namely Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra.</p> <p>1.6.2 The project has been planned for implementation in phases. Perspective planning for the entire DMIC corridor has been completed. Subsequently master planning and preliminary engineering of the nodes/ cities identified as part of phase-I in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh has also been completed.</p> <p>1.6.3 The Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) Project has made considerable progress wherein of Major Trunk Infrastructure works have been completed in the States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The details of these projects are as under:</p> <p>a. Dholera Special Investment Region in Gujarat (22.5 sq. kms Phase-I).</p> <p>b. Shendra-Bidkin Industrial Area in Maharashtra (18.55 sq. kms Phase-1).</p> <p>c. Integrated Industrial Township Project at Greater Noida in Uttar Pradesh (747.5 acre).</p> <p>d. Integrated Industrial Township Project 'Vikram Udyogpuri' near Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh (1100 acre).</p> <p>1.6.4 Hon'ble Prime Minister dedicated Shendra Industrial Area including AURIC Hall to the Nation in September, 2019. Total of 239 plots covering an area of 1468 acre have been allotted so far till 15th May,2023 with a committed investment of around Rs. 1,71,546 Crore in above mentioned 4 cities. Some of the prominent investors include - HYOSUNG, AMUL, Piramal Pharma, Vedanta-Foxconn, ReNew, Power and TATA Chemicals. 28 companies have started commercial operations and 72 companies are under construction in these 04 cities. Total developed land available which is ready for allotment to industries is 2169 acre and 2502 acre for commercial/ residential/ other land use.</p> <p>1.6.5 Apart from the above city/node level projects, following standalone projects are also being implemented as part of phase-1 development of DMIC Project:</p> <p>a. Multi Modal Logistics Hub (MMLH) at Dadri and Multi Modal Transport Hub (MMTH) at Boraki in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh (1182 acre)</p> <p>b. Integrated Multimodal Logistics Hub (IMLH) at Nangal Chaudhary, Haryana. (886 acre)</p</p> <h3>1.7 Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC):</h3> <p>1.7.1 The Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor proposes to address infrastructure bottlenecks through a holistic approach while benefiting from the inherent strengths and competitiveness of each of the CBIC states. The perspective plan has been completed for the overall CBIC region and three priority nodes have been identified for further development.</p> <p>1.7.2 CBIC is planned to achieve accelerated development and regional industry agglomeration in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly, high impact/ market driven nodes at strategic locations are being developed at Krishnapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) of 2006 acre and Tumakuru (Karnataka) of 1722 acre within the corridor to provide transparent and investment friendly facility. However, due to non-availability of suitable land in Ponneri (Tamil Nadu), currently no project development activities under CBIC are being undertaken in the State of Tamil Nadu. </p> <p>1.7.3 These regions are proposed to be self- sustained nodes with world-class infrastructure, road, and rail connectivity for freight movement to and from ports and logistics hubs, served by reliable power, quality social infrastructure, and provide a globally competitive environment conducive for setting up businesses.</p> <p>1.7.4 For Krishnapatnam and Tumakuru, project development activities have been completed and these projects have been approved by GoI. EPC contractor has already been appointed and works on ground has been initiated for Phase-A, activation area admeasuring 1722 acre for Tumakuru.</p> <p>1.7.5 Hon’ble Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of Tumakuru Industrial Township on 06th February 2023.</p> <p>1.8 Project Development activities have been initiated in some of the other Industrial Corridor projects based upon the availability of land by the respective State Government. </p> <h3>1.9 Other key standalone projects</h3> <h2>1.9.1 Indian International Convention &amp; Expo Centre (IICC), Dwarka</h2> <p> The Government of India has approved the development of the India International Convention and Expo Centre (IICC) in Sector-25, Dwarka, New Delhi, and allied infrastructure in both PPP and non-PPP modes. This includes exhibition and convention spaces, an arena, trunk infrastructure, Metro/NHAI connectivity, hotels, office and retail spaces, etc., with an estimated cost of Rs. 25,703 crore by the year 2025.</p> <p> The Government has further approved the incorporation of a new Government company as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for the implementation and development of the IICC Dwarka project, with 100% equity from Government through DPIIT. Accordingly, the SPV, India International Convention and Exhibition Centre Limited (IICC Ltd), was incorporated on December 19, 2017.</p> <p> The project is being implemented in two phases. The EPC component of Phase-1 of the project, comprising the convention centre, two exhibition halls with foyers, the trunk infrastructure, and utilities, is currently under development. The Hon'ble Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of this project on September 20, 2018. As of end of April 2023, 86.03% of physical progress of EPC works of Phase 1 have been achieved. The EPC works of Phase 1 are expected to be completed by July 2023.</p> <p> In Phase-2 of the project, three more exhibition halls will be developed on an EPC basis, along with the PPP component of the project, which comprises an arena, hotels, retail, and office spaces to be implemented through PPP developers.</p> <p> Other allied works of external infrastructure for the project are being executed by respective agencies and are in advanced stages of completion viz; electricity power connection by BSES Rajdhani Pvt. Ltd., fresh water supply and sewer connection by Delhi Jal Board, external road connectivity to the project site by the National Highway Authority of India, Piped Natural Gas connection by Indraprastha Gas Limited.</p> <p> An MoU has been signed with Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) for the extension of the Airport Express line to the IICC Project. The construction works of DMRC metro station and metro tunnel under the IICC complex are almost complete. Currently, trial runs by DMRC are underway.</p> <p> An agreement between IICC Ltd. and SBI has been executed for providing a term loan of Rs. 2150.16 crore for the project works of Phase 1.</p> <h2>1.9.2 Logistic Data Bank Project</h2> <p> Logistics Data Bank (LDB) system is a single window, cloud-based logistics visualization solution </p> <p>a. which provides container movement tracking using only shipping container numbers; </p> <p>b. from the Ports to Inland Container Depot’s/ Container Freight Stations;</p> <p>c. and across the port associated Parking Plazas, Toll Plaza &amp; Railways.</p> <p> LDB began its operations in the Western Corridor, at</p> <p>a. Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) in 2016;</p> <p>b. Hazira and Mundra ports of Adani in year 2017;</p> <p>c. Since November 2020, the services have been extended to all domestic ports engaged in EXIM containers in India.</p> <p>d. Currently, LDB Pan India coverage integrates</p> <p>- 17 Ports (comprising 27 port terminals) (Port IT systems)</p> <p>- 358 CFSs, ICDs, Empty Yards and Parking Plazas (RFID Infrastructure)</p> <p>- 91 Toll Plazas (RFID Infrastructure)</p> <p>- 03 ICPs (RFID Infrastructure)</p> <p>- 37 SEZs (RFID Infrastructure)</p> <p>- 5800 railway stations (Freight Operations Information System). </p> <p> LDB has tracked 58 million EXIM containers since its launch in July 2016. </p> <p> LDB handles 100% of India’s EXIM container volume. It uses RFID technology through Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Cloud-based solution to provide real-time tracking of EXIM container movement in India.</p> <p> The integration of ports, CFSs, ICDs, toll plazas, SEZs, integrated check points and empty yards of the LDB project with the PM GatiShakti portal has been completed successfully.</p> <p> Integrated with 16 container handling terminals to provide visibility of domestic and coastal containers in India. </p> <p> Supporting visibility on empty container availability for export.</p> <p> For the proactive yard management of port terminals, CRIS’ pre-arrival advance intimation of the trains was integrated with LDB. </p> <h2>1.9.3 Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP)</h2> <p> Hon’ble Prime Minister of India launched the Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) under the purview of National Logistics Policy (NLP) on 17th September 2022.</p> <p> ULIP is integrated through Application Programming Interface (APIs) with the logistics systems of various Government departments in a secured environment and connectivity. The integration of ULIP with 33 systems of 07 different Ministries through 106+ APIs, covering 1600+ fields has been completed successfully.</p> <p> Over 7 crore transactions have been completed on the ULIP portal since January 2022.</p> <p> The ULIP portal ( has witnessed 500+ registrations from the private sector since its launch.</p> <p> Currently, 297 use cases of the 104 private players have been verified. Over 81 Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) have been signed with the private players for the development of the use cases. </p> <p> Completed ULIP’s integration with FCI to support them in real-time verification of credentials of on-boarded transporters and tracking of goods movement. </p> <h2>1.9.4 Model Solar Power Project in Neemrana Rajasthan</h2> <p> NICDC Neemrana Solar Power Limited (NNSPL) (formerly known as DMICDC Neemrana Solar Power Company Limited- DNSPCL) is a Special Purpose Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 in March-2014 as a wholly owned subsidiary of NICDC Ltd.</p> <p> The principal business of the company is to generate, develop and accumulate solar power and to transmit, distribute and supply such power and to carry on the business to promote, develop, undertake, engineer, construct, complete, establish, operate, maintain, augment, modernise and upgrade the Model Solar Plants, one of 5 MW capacity and other of 1MW capacity at Neemrana, District Alwar, Rajasthan.</p> <p> In accordance with the approval of CCEA, amount of Rs. 13 Crore was transferred to NICDC Neemrana Solar Power Limited (NNSPL) towards Equity Contribution of NICDC Limited on behalf of Trust (NICDIT)</p> <p> The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the 5 MW Solar Power Project had been executed with NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVNL) on 05th June, 2015.</p> <p> The 5 MW Solar Plant has been connected to the State Grid on 23rd July, 2015 and subsequently got commissioned on 3rd September, 2015. The commissioning certificate was issued by Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Limited (RRECL). The power is being supplied to the State Grid (i.e. 220kV RRVPNL GSS Neemrana) at the agreed tariff of Rs.8.77/kwh as per Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).</p> <p> The 1 MW model solar power project is conceived as the first Smart Micro-Grid Project in India, demonstrating the integration of solar power with industrial diesel generator sets.</p> <p> The MoU between NEDO, Japan, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of New &amp; Renewable Energy was extended up to August 2019.</p> <p> Micro-grid Solar Power Supply project was commissioned on 10th July 2017 of a capacity of 1MW during the demonstration period for two years. The Off-grid Hybrid power was supplied to Mikuni India Private Limited and after successful completion of the demonstration period the PPA had been mutually foreclosed on 20.02.2020 </p> <p> Another Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between NICDC Neemrana Solar Power limited (formerly known as DMICDC Neemrana Solar Power Company Limited) and Toyada Gosei Minda India Pvt. Ltd. (TGMIPL) has been executed on 12th Feb 2020 for third party sale of 1MW solar power supply for a period of 10 years which may be extended for further period of 10 years as per mutual agreed terms &amp; conditions of PPA.</p> <p> The 1 MW Solar Power Plant has been set up for third party sale of 1MW solar power through open access as per Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy, 2019.</p> <p> The 1 MW Solar Power Plant has been connected to grid on 8th April 2021 and subsequently got synchronized &amp; commissioned on 19th April, 2021. The solar power is being fed to State Discom Grid (i.e. 33/11 kV JVVNL 2nd GSS Neemrana) and third-party sale of solar power through open access has commenced to TGMIPL from 1st June 2021 at the agreed tariff of Rs. 4.60 per unit including 50% share of Open access charges.</p> <p>--> <!-- <!--<div class="teaser"><p>1.21.1 Government of India is developing various Industrial Corridor Projects as part of the National Industrial Corridor programme, aimed at developing futuristic industrial cities in India that can compete with the world's best manufacturing and investment destinations. The program aims to provide multi-modal connectivity with complete "plug and play" infrastructure to the plot level and build resilient and sustainable future- ready cities.</p> <p>1.21.2 Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor is the first Industrial Corridor project which is being implemented in the country wherein substantial progress has been made. For coordinated and unified development of industrial corridor projects, the Government of India, on 7th December 2016, approved the expansion of the scope of the existing DMIC Project Implementation Trust Fund (PITF) and re-designated it as National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT).</p> <p>1.21.3 National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (NICDC) [erstwhile Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Ltd. (DMICDC)] was incorporated in January 2008 for the development, coordination and implementation of the project. The company has an equity stake of 26% from the Government of Japan and the remaining from the Government of India and public financial institutions like HUDCO, IIFCL, and LIC.</p> <p>1.21.4 Presently, as part of the National Industrial Corridor Programme, the following 11 Industrial Corridors are being taken up for development, with 32 Projects to be developed in 04 phases forming part of the National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP): </p> <p>I. Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC);</p> <p>II. Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC);</p> <p>III. Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor (AKIC);</p> <p>IV. East Coast Industrial Corridor (ECIC) with Vizag Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) as Phase 1;</p> <p>V. Bengaluru Mumbai Industrial Corridor (BMIC);</p> <p>VI. Extension of CBIC to Kochi via Coimbatore;</p> <p>VII. Hyderabad Nagpur Industrial Corridor (HNIC);</p> <p>VIII. Hyderabad Warangal Industrial Corridor (HWIC);</p> <p>IX. Hyderabad Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (HBIC);</p> <p>X. Odisha Economic Corridor (OEC) and</p> <p>XI. Delhi Nagpur Industrial Corridor (DNIC).</p> <h3>1.21.4 Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC):</h3> <p> This project was launched with the cooperation of the</p> <p>Government of Japan. The project is being developed on either side, along the alignment of the 1,504 km long Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC) between Dadri (UP) and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), Navi Mumbai, broadly aimed to develop futuristic industrial cities in India which can compete with the best manufacturing and investment destinations in the world and converging next generation technologies across different sectors thereby creating employment opportunities and economic growth leading to overall socioeconomic development. The project covers six states: Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra. </p> <p> The project has been planned for implementation in phases. Perspective planning for the entire DMIC corridor has been completed. Subsequently, master planning and preliminary engineering of the nodes/ cities identified as part of phase-I in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh has also been completed.</p> <p> The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) Project has made considerable progress. Construction activities are nearing completion in the States of Gujarat and Maharashtra and have been completed in the States of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The details of these projects are as under:</p> <p>I. Dholera Special Investment Region in Gujarat (22.5 sq. kms Phase-I).</p> <p>II. Shendra-Bidkin Industrial Area in Maharashtra (18.55 sq. kms Phase-1).</p> <p>III. Integrated Industrial Township Project at Greater Noida in Uttar Pradesh (747.5 acres).</p> <p>IV. Integrated Industrial Township Project 'Vikram Udyogpuri' near Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh (1100 acres).</p> <p> Hon'ble Prime Minister dedicated Shendra Industrial Area, including AURIC Hall, to the Nation in September 2019. A total of 227 plots covering an area of 1205 acre have been allotted so far with a committed investment of around Rs. 18,291 Crore in the above highlighted 4 cities. Some prominent investors include HAIER, HYOSUNG, AMUL, Piramal Pharma, ReNew Power and TATA Chemicals. 24 companies have started commercial operations, and 71 are under construction in these 04 cities. The total developed land available for allotment to industries is 2432 acres and 2502 acres for commercial/ residential/ other land use.</p> <p> Apart from the above city/node level projects, following standalone projects are also being implemented as part of phase-1 development of DMIC Project:</p> <p>I. Multi Modal Logistics Hub (MMLH) at Dadri and Multi-Modal Transport Hub (MMTH) at Boraki in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh (1182 acre)</p> <p>II. Integrated Multimodal Logistics Hub (IMLH) at Nangal Chaudhary, Haryana. (886 acre)</p> <p>III. Bhimnath Dholera Rail Link Project in Gujarat and MRTS Project from Manesar to Bawal in Haryana and Ahmedabad to Dholera in Gujarat.</p> <p>IV. Greenfield International Airport Project at Dholera in Gujarat and Bhiwadi in Rajasthan.</p> <h3>1.21.5 Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC):</h3> <p> The Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor proposes to address infrastructure bottlenecks through a holistic approach while benefiting from the inherent strengths and competitiveness of each CBIC state. The perspective plan for the overall CBIC region has been completed, and three priority nodes have been identified for further development.</p> <p> Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC) is planned to achieve accelerated development and regional industry agglomeration in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly, high impact/market-driven nodes at strategic locations are being developed at Krishnapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) of 2006 acre and Tumakuru (Karnataka) of 1722 acre within the corridor to provide transparent and investment friendly facility. However, due to the non-availability of suitable land in Ponneri (Tamil Nadu), no project development activities under Industrial Corridor Projects are currently being undertaken in the State.</p> <p> These regions are proposed to be self-sustained nodes with world-class infrastructure, road and rail connectivity for freight movement to and from ports and logistics hubs, served by reliable power and quality social infrastructure, and provide a globally competitive environment conducive to setting up businesses.</p> <p> For Krishnapatnam and Tumakuru, project development activities have been completed. Hon’ble Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of Tumakuru Industrial Township on 06th February 2023, as part of the National Industrial Corridor Development Programme under CBIC in Karnataka. EPC contractor has already been appointed, and works on the ground have been initiated for Phase-A, an activation area admeasuring 1722 acre for Tumakuru.</p> <p> Further, CBIC extension to Kochi via Coimbatore was approved, with Dharmapuri Salem in Tamil Nadu and Palakkad Industrial Area in Kerala as the priority nodes for development. The project aims to integrate Kerala and Western Tamil Nadu with the country's economic and industrial corridors with a focus on increasing the share of manufacturing, facilitating existing and upcoming manufacturing units through world-class service industries, and promoting balanced regional growth and developing Southern India. Project development activities have been initiated for Palakkad in Kerala. However, due to the non- suitability of land in Dharmapuri Salem (Tamil Nadu), no project development activities under CBIC Extension Project are currently being<br /> undertaken in the State. </p> <h3>1.21.6 Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor (AKIC):</h3> <p> AKIC is being developed along the alignment of the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) traversing a route length of 1839 km in six States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal. The objectives of AKIC are to optimise the region's present economic and employment potential, stimulate investments, particularly in the manufacturing, agro-processing, services and export-oriented units and promote the area's overall economic development through the creation of high-standard infrastructure and an enabling pro-business environment. AKIC will have an influence area across eight States of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal for the development of Integrated Manufacturing Clusters (IMCs).</p> <p> The Perspective Plan for the overall AKIC region has been completed, and eight Integrated Manufacturing Clusters (lMCs) sites, one in each AKIC State(s) are proposed to be developed. Due to the non- availability of suitable land in West Bengal, no project development activities under Industrial Corridor Projects are currently being undertaken in the State.</p> <p> For Punjab (Rajpura Patiala), Uttarakhand (Prag Khurpia), Haryana (Hisar), Uttar Pradesh (Agra, Prayagraj), for Bihar (Gaya) and Jharkhand, the project development activities have been initiated.</p> <h3>1.21.7 East Coast Industrial Corridor (ECIC) with Vizag Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) Project as part of phase-I:</h3> <p> East Coast Industrial Corridor linking Kolkata- Chennai - Tuticorin has been envisaged with VCIC as phase-1 of the project. VCIC region encompasses one of the largest concentrations of industrial, mineral and urban nodes supplemented by strong local factor advantages which inter alia include good connection with its hinterland and major ports in the proximity of East Asian economies (around 80% of Andhra Pradesh).</p> <p> For VCIC, Conceptual Development Plan (CDP) has been prepared by Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Kopparthy and Chittoor in Andhra Pradesh have been identified to be developed under NICDP and project development activities have been initiated. Also, State Govt. has initiated the project development activities for the Vizag node.</p> <h3>1.21.8 Odisha Economic Corridor (OEC):</h3> <p>It has been planned wherein two nodes, i.e. Gopalpur-Bhubaneswar- Kalinganagar (GBK) and Paradip-Kendrapara-Dhamra-Subarnarekha (PKDS) have been identified for development, and project development activities are being initiated. </p> <h3>1.21.9 Bengaluru Mumbai Industrial Corridor (BMIC) Project:</h3> <p>The Bengaluru-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (BMIC) is envisioned to facilitate the development of a well-planned and resource-efficient industrial base for the two states of Karnataka and Maharashtra. Perspective Plan for the overall corridor has been prepared, and Dharwad (Karnataka) and Satara (Maharashtra) have been identified as the priority nodes.</p> <h3>1.21.10 Hyderabad Warangal and Hyderabad Nagpur Industrial Corridor:</h3> <p>The Government of India has considered Hyderabad Warangal and Hyderabad Nagpur Industrial Corridors, which would have an Influence Area spread across the states of Telangana and Maharashtra. Strong connectivity through road, rail and airways shall be a critical factor in boosting industrial growth, making it a potential hub for attracting investors and industries from across the globe. Zaheerabad, as part of the Hyderabad Nagpur Industrial Corridor and Hyderabad, as part of the Hyderabad Warangal Corridor, has been identified for development. Currently, no new nodes are being developed under HWIC.</p> <h3>1.21.11 Hyderabad Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (HBIC):</h3> <p>The government of India has recently approved the development of the Hyderabad Bengaluru Industrial Corridor, which will have an Influence Area spread across Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, connecting the central parts of the country with the southern parts. Under HBIC, the Orvakal node in Andhra has been identified for development in the initial phase, and project development activities have been initiated.</p> <h3>1.21.12 Delhi Nagpur Industrial Corridor (DNIC):</h3> <p> The proposed Delhi Nagpur Industrial Corridor will leverage the existing NH 44 network and the future North-South DFC and plan to achieve accelerated development in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. The project development activities for preparing Perspective Plan for the overall DNIC region have been initiated- in consultation with the State Govt. departments. Discussion with State Govt. is undergoing to finalise corridor alignment and identify land parcels for development under DNIC.</p> <h3>1.22 Indian International Convention &amp; Expo Centre (IICC),Dwarka</h3> <p>The Government of India has approved the development of the India International Convention and Expo Centre (IICC) in Sector-25, Dwarka, New Delhi, and allied infrastructure in both PPP and non-PPP modes. This includes exhibition and convention spaces, an arena, trunk infrastructure, Metro/NHAI connectivity, hotels, office and retail spaces, etc., with an estimated cost of Rs. 25,703 crore by 2025.</p> <p>T h e Government has further approved the incorporation of a new Government company as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for implementing and developing the IICC Dwarka project, with 100% equity from Government through DPIIT. Accordingly, the SPV, India International Convention and Exhibition Centre Limited (IICC Ltd), was incorporated on December 19, 2017.</p> <p>The project is being implemented in two phases. The EPC component of Phase-1 of the project, comprising the convention centre, two exhibition halls with foyers, the trunk infrastructure and utilities, is currently under development. The Hon'ble Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of this project on September 20, 2018. As of mid-March 2023, 83.71% of the physical progress of EPC works of Phase 1 has been achieved. The EPC works of Phase 1 are expected to be completed by July 2023.</p> <p>In Phase-2 of the project, three more exhibition halls will be developed on an EPC basis, along with the PPP component of the project, which comprises an arena, hotels, retail, and office spaces to be implemented through PPP developers.</p> <p>Other allied works of external infrastructure for the project are being executed by respective agencies and are in advanced stages of completion viz; electricity power connection by BSES Rajdhani Pvt. Ltd., fresh water supply and sewer connection by Delhi Jal Board, external road connectivity to the project site by the National Highway Authority of India, Piped Natural Gas connection by Indraprastha Gas Limited.</p> <p>An MoU has been signed with Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) to extend the Airport Express line to the IICC Project. The DMRC metro station and metro tunnel construction works under the IICC complex are almost complete. Currently, trial runs by DMRC are underway.</p> <p>An agreement between IICC Ltd. and SBI has been executed for providing a term loan of Rs. 2150.16 crore for the project works of Phase 1.</p> <p></BR></p> <p>Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) project was approved by Union Cabinet of India in 2007. Later, the institutional and financial structure of the project was approved by the Government of India are the Scheme was launched in September, 2011. Further, NICDIT(National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust) under this Department was approved on 07/12/2016 for the expansion of the scope of existing DMIC-Project. (The details in respect of other Industrial Corridors are given in <a href="../../sites/default/files/Annexure-ii-09July2020.pdf" target="_BLANK" title="PDF file that opens in a new window.">Annexure-III</a>.)</p> </div> <div class=""> <strong>Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)</strong></p> <p>Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) project is a flagship programme of the Government of India with aim to enhance India’s competitiveness significantly in manufacturing through creation of world class infrastructure with reduced logistics costs. The project aims to create smart, sustainable industrial cities by leveraging high speed, high capacity connectivity backbone provided by the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) to reduce logistic costs in an enabling policy framework. These new cities will come up in the States of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra. This is the first time that the geographical planning was integrated with the digital planning with an Information &amp; Communication Technology (ICT) backbone to create Smart cities of the future. In essence, technology is being used to enable India to leap frog in the process of urbanisation.</p> <p>The Perspective Plan prepared for DMIC had identified 24 investment nodes {11 Investment Regions (IRs) and 13 Industrial Areas (IAs)} spanning across six States after wide consultations with stakeholders including the State Governments and the concerned Central Government Ministries. Out of the 8 Industrial Cities proposed in the first phase, work has commenced in 4 cities for which sanction was received in 2014–15 and 2015-16. This is the first time; India had embarked on the process of planned urbanisation with manufacturing as the key economic driver.</p> <p><strong>Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC)</strong></p> <p>The Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor proposes to address infrastructure bottlenecks through a holistic approach while benefiting from the inherent strengths and competitiveness of each of the CBIC states. Accordingly high impact/ market driven nodesat strategic locations are proposed to be developed within the corridor to provide transparent and investment friendly facility these regions are proposed to be self- sustained nodes with world-class infrastructure, road and rail connectivity for freight movement to and from ports and logistics hubs, served by reliable power, quality social infrastructure, and provide a globally competitive environment conducive for setting up businesses.</p> <p>CBIC Region covers parts of three States, referred as CBIC states, (viz. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh). CBIC Region comprises of a combined population of about 47.5 Million constituting approximately 3.7% of total population of the country.</p> <p><strong>Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor (AKIC)</strong></p> <p>Amritsar-Kolkata Industrial Corridor (AKIC) is being developed along the alignment of the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) traversing a route length of 1839 km in six States. Objectives of AKIC to optimise the present economic and employment potential of the region, stimulate investments particularly in the manufacturing, agro-processing, services and export oriented units and promote overall economic development of the area through creation of high standard infrastructure and an enabling pro-business environment. AKIC is proposed to be developed in a band of 150-200 Kms on either side of EDFC, in a phased manner. AKIC will have an influence area across seven States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.</p> <p><strong>East Coast Economic Corridor with phase-1 as Vizag- Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC):</strong></p> <p>East Coast Economic Corridor linking Kolkata- Chennai – Tuticorin has been envisaged with VCIC as phase-1 of the project. VCIC region encompasses one of the largest concentrations of industrial, mineral and urban nodes supplemented by strong local factor advantages which inter alia include good connection with its hinterland and major ports in the proximity of East Asian economies (around 80% of Andhra Pradesh).</p> <p>Further, Odisha Economic Corridor is also being developed as part of East Coast Economic Corridor.</p> <p><strong>Bengaluru Mumbai Industrial Corridor (BMIC)</strong></p> <p>The Government of India is also developing Bengaluru Mumbai Industrial corridor between Bengaluru and Mumbai, which would have an Influence Area spread across the states of Karnataka and Maharashtra.</p> <p>The Bengaluru Mumbai Industrial Corridor is intended to facilitate development of a well- planned and resource-efficient industrial base served by world-class sustainable connectivity infrastructure, bringing significant benefits in terms of innovation, manufacturing, job creation and resource security to the two states. The availability of world class infrastructure along the Corridor shall also enable increased investments in manufacturing and industrial activityinthetwostates.Attractingmore companies, inparticularmanufacturing companies, will be effective in strengthening global competitiveness of local manufacturers, which may result in accelerated regional development.</p> <p><strong>Hyderabad Warangal and Hyderabad Nagpur Industrial Corridor:</strong></p> <p>The Government of India is also considering Hyderabad Warangal and Hyderabad Nagpur Industrial Corridors, which would have an Influence Area spread across the states of Telangana and Maharashtra. These Industrial Corridors will facilitate development of a well- planned and resource-efficient industrial base served by world-class sustainable connectivity infrastructure, bringing significant benefits in terms of innovation, manufacturing, job creation and resource security to the identified areas.</p> <p><strong>Hyderabad Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (HBIC):</strong></p> <p>The Government of India has recently received a request for developing Hyderabad Bengaluru Industrial Corridor, which would have an Influence Area spread across the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. This corridor will act as an extension of Hyderabad Nagpur Industrial Corridor thereby connecting the central parts of the country with southern parts. </p> <p><strong>Detailed Write-up :</strong></p> <ol type="i"> <li> <p><strong>Scheme Objectives:</strong> To enhance India’s competitiveness in manufacturing through the creation of world class infrastructure and reduced logistics costs.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Coverage &amp; Eligibility:</strong></p> <ol type="a"> <li>DMIC project covers six different States i.e. Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.</li> <li>AKIC Project covers seven different states i.e. Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.</li> <li>CBIC with extension to Kochi via Coimbatore includes 4 states, i.e. Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.</li> <li>ECEC with 1st phase of VCIC includes the state of Andhra Pradesh</li> <li>BMIC Project includes the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <p><strong>Budget Availability / Utilization-</strong> “National Industrial Corridor Programme” as an overarching scheme withan overallsanctioned corpus of Rs. 20,084 crore out of which Rs. 6,115 crore has been utilized till date. </p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Physical Progress against milestones:</strong> </p> <p>The detailed status of various Industrial Corridor Projects is enclosed at <a href="" target="_blank">“Annexure-I”</a></p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Salient Features: </strong></p> <ol type="a"> <li> <p>In case of DMIC project, the construction related activities were initiated and are nearing completion at the following four locations:</p> <ul> <li>Activation area for Dholera Special Investment Region in Gujarat admeasuring 22.5 sq. kms;</li> <li>Phase-1 of Shendra Bidkin Industrial Area in Maharashtra admeasuring 18.55 sq. kms;</li> <li>Integrated Industrial Township project at Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh admeasuring 747.5 acres;</li> <li>Integrated Industrial Township project at Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh admeasuring approx. 1100 acres.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Land allotment policies have also been finalized at all the above highlighted locations and a total of <b>67 plots have been allotted with a committed investment of Rs. 10,060 crore</b>. </p> </li> <li> <p>Apart from the above highlighted projects, project developmental activities are also being taken forward for the following projects:</p> <ul> <li>Integrated Multi Modal Logistics Hub (IMLH) Project, Nangal Chaudhary at Haryana;</li> <li>Greenfield International Airport Project at Dholera in Gujarat;</li> <li>Multi Modal Logistics Hub (MMLH) and Multi Modal Transport Hub (MMTH) at Dadri, Uttar Pradesh;</li> <li>Multi Modal Logistics Park at Sanand in Gujarat;</li> <li>Aerotropolis Project at Rajasthan;</li> <li>Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) Project from Gurgaon to Bawal in Haryana and Ahmedabad to Dholera in Gujarat;</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <p><strong>Implementing Agency:</strong> DNational Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (NICDC) [erstwhile Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (DMICDC)] is the implementing agency which an acts as a knowledge partner to NICDIT in respect of all the Industrial Corridor projects for undertaking various project development activities.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Monitoring and Review Mechanism:</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 600;"> National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT)</p> <ol type="a"> <li> <p>For coordinated and unified development of all the industrial corridors projects including DMIC, GoI on December 7, 2016 approved the expansion of the scope of existing DMIC-Project Implementation Trust Fund (PITF) and re-designated it as National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT). Accordingly, NICDIT is under the administrative control of DPIIT for coordinated and unified development of all the industrial corridors which are at various stages of development and implementation. Secretary, DPIIT is the chairman of NICDIT with CEO, NITI Aayog and other Secretaries to Govt. of India as its members.</p> <p>All the corridors namely Delhi – Mumbai Industrial Corridor, Amritsar – Kolkata Industrial Corridor, Bengaluru – Mumbai Industrial Corridor, Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor, Vizag Chennai Industrial Corridor and other corridors in future will function under the administrative control of NICDIT.</p> </li> <li>An Apex Monitoring Authority under the chairmanship of the Finance Minister has been set up to periodically review the activities of NICDIT and progress of the projects. It consists of Minister-in-charge of Ministry of Commerce &amp; Industry, Minister of Railways, Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Minister of Shipping, Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog and Chief Ministers of State concerned as Members.</li> <li>Each industrial city /node in the Industrial Corridors is envisaged to be implemented by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) in the form of a company set up under the Companies Act, as a joint venture between Govt. of India represented through NICDIT, and the respective State Government, in the manner approved for NICDIT (earlier DMIC Trust). The Board of the respective SPV’s is chaired by Principal Secretary (Industries)/Additional Chief Secretary (Industries Dept.) of the respective State Govt.(s).</li> <li>Progress of the Industrial Corridor projects is being monitored by DPIIT on a regular basis and the project is also being reviewed as part of the Project Monitoring Group (PMG), within DPIIT on a regular basis.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </div> <p>--> <br /><div class="more">more...</div><p>&nbsp;</p><ul class="arrows"><li>Brief note on Industrial Corridor Projects<a href="" title="The pdf file Open in new window" target="_BLANK"> (255.55 KB) <span class="f_icon"></span></a></li><li class="embebpdf"><embed src="" width="1180" height="800" alt="pdf" ></li><li><a href="" title="External site that opens in a new window" target="_BLANK">DMU Report for the month of October 2024</a></li></ul></div> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-field-further-contact-details"> <div class="field-content"></div> </div> </div> </div> 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