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For 3 decades, we have been a trusted source of news for millions worldwide. As India’s most trusted window to the world, we don’t just report the news; we uncover the ‘why’ and ‘what’s next’, ensuring every story informs, inspires, and empowers. From breaking headlines to deep-dive analyses, our team of dedicated journalists, analysts, and tech experts works relentlessly to decode complexities, amplify unheard voices, and deliver news that truly matters. </p> <p> NDTV takes immense pride in leveraging its platform to create a better, more informed world. Decades of pioneering programming have spotlighted critical social issues, sparked dialogue, and inspired action. Campaigns like <i>India Sustainability Mission, Save Our Tigers,</i> and <i>Greenathon</i> brought environmental and cultural concerns to the forefront, while initiatives like <i>Jeene Ki Asha, Kushalta ke Kadam, Marks for Sports, Support My School,</i> and the <i>Justice For Every Child</i> nurtured hope and progress. In recent years, NDTV’s impactful campaigns and initiatives - <i>Banega Swasth India,</i> and <i>Samarth by Hyundai</i> have championed public health, safety, and empowerment. </p> <p> <b>Where Innovation Meets Integrity</b> At NDTV, journalism is more than reporting; it’s about meaningful engagement with our audience. From our cutting-edge studios in Noida and Mumbai, we deliver news with unmatched clarity, precision, and relevance. Our diverse portfolio of news brands—<strong>NDTV 24x7, NDTV India, NDTV World, NDTV Profit, NDTV Rajasthan, NDTV Madhya Pradesh–Chhattisgarh,</strong> and <strong>NDTV Marathi</strong> —consistently set benchmarks for credible journalism. Whether through live updates, data-driven insights, exclusive investigative reports, or interactive digital content, NDTV redefines how news is consumed by seamlessly blending innovation with authenticity. </p> <p> <b>Celebrated Excellence</b> Our legacy is defined by a commitment to excellence, as reflected in the numerous accolades we continue to earn. In 2024, NDTV received an astounding <strong>43 ENBA awards,</strong> including <strong>English News Channel of the Year,</strong> and another 38 trophies at News Television Awards, 2024 including <strong>Best News Channel Website.</strong> NDTV 24x7 and NDTV India consistently lead as India’s most-watched news channels, while <strong></strong> and <strong></strong> dominate as the nation’s top news websites. According to the <i>Reuters Institute’s Digital News Report 2024,</i>NDTV resonates strongly with younger, urban audiences, way ahead of other news platforms in the country. </p> <p> <b>Global Reach, Local Relevance</b> As a pioneer in Indian journalism, NDTV has cemented its place as a global voice from Asia, connecting the Indian diaspora across the UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, the Middle East, and beyond. NDTV is also the UK’s longest-running Indian news channel, consistently ranked as the most-watched Indian news broadcaster, according to the Broadcasters' Audience Research Board (BARB). With the launch of NDTV World, our global presence is stronger than ever, ensuring we remain a trusted source for the Indian diaspora worldwide. </p> <p> <b>Part of a Larger Vision</b> Now a subsidiary of AMG Media Networks Limited, an Adani Group Company, NDTV is poised for even greater innovation and growth. Recently re-joining the Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC), NDTV continues to set benchmarks in viewership and trust across all platforms. </p> </div> </div> <!--include file="../new/components/footer_invester.html--> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <title></title> <style> .copyright a { border-right: solid 1px #c3c3c3; display: inline-block; padding-right: 10px; margin-right: 8px; } </style> <form method="post" action="../new/components/footer_invester.aspx" id="form1"> <div class="aspNetHidden"> <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwUJOTg2ODYxNjM4ZGSTG+jpEkhkWGLaDZX1Kunugs0GtaE3a1wCLH/qGeiSqQ==" /> </div> <div class="aspNetHidden"> <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" id="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" value="A9A45E57" /> </div> <div id="super_top_nav_expand" class="footer2014"> <ul class="iconli"> <li><a href="" class="rss"><span>RSS</span></a></li> <li><a href="" class="apps"> <span>Apps</span></a></li><li><a href="" class="apple"><span> Apple</span></a></li><li><a href="" class="droid"> <span>Android</span></a></li><!--<li><a href="" class="windows"> <span>Windows</span></a></li>--><li><a href="" class="fb"> <span>Facebook</span></a></li><li><a href="" class="twt"><span> Twitter</span></a></li><!--<li><a href="" class="gp"> <span>Google +</span></a></li>--><li><a href="" class="lnkdin"> <span>LinkedIn</span></a></li></ul> <ul class="footer_link"> <li><a class="" href="">About Us</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">Advertise</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">EPG Services</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">Channels</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">Disclaimer</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">Feedback</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">Investors</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">Redressals</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">Privacy Policy</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">Terms & Conditions</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">Partner Content</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a class="" href="">Archives</a>&nbsp;</li> </ul> <div class="copyright"> <a href="">This website follows the DNPA Code of Ethics </a> &copy; Copyright NDTV Convergence Limited 2025. 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