<strong>Paper Title</strong><br> Printed Circuit Board Defects Detection Based on Oriented Fast and Rotational Brief with Super Resolution<br> <br> <strong>Abstract</strong><br> Abstract – PCBs-Printed Circuit Board with a single defect will cause the board to dysfunction. Checking and assessing the printed circuit board (PCB) is very important in the electronics manufacturing industry to provide quality assurance of the device and durability, slice fabricating cost and to build creation. Just a manual method of review level isn't to the point of actually looking at the nature of PCB. So there is a requirement for robotized investigation. The PCB review includes discovery of imperfections in the PCB and characterization of those surrenders to recognize the underlying foundations of deformities. In this paper, abandons are recognized and are arranged in all potential classes utilizing a referential review approach. Keywords – Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Printed Circuit Board; Positive Defect; Negative Defect; Image Segmentation; Defect Classification; Defect Detection; Neural Networks