<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom=""> <channel> <title>Calenda</title> <link></link> <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <description></description> <generator>Lodel 1.0</generator> <item> <title>Maritime Knowledge for Asian Seas</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <pubDate>Mon, 19 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0100</pubDate> <description>This conference will close a four-years French-Taiwanese research project (ANR/MOST) on Maritime Knowledge for Asian seas (seaFaring), which propose to reconsider, and possibly to review, our knowledge on China’s seafaring tradition through a new approach focusing on the practical know-how available to the craftsmen, seamen and merchants during the 16th-18th centuries, with special emphasis on sailing and trading knowledge and practices. </description> <category domain="">Colloque</category> <category domain="">Paris (75016 | 75004 | 75006)</category> <author> (Céline Guilleux)</author> </item> <item> <title>Femmes artistes à l’âge classique (arts du dessin, peinture, sculpture, gravure) </title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <pubDate>Fri, 04 May 2018 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate> <description>Comment ces artistes sont-elles désignées, et de quelle manière préfèrent-elles se nommer ? Le siècle hésite à se saisir d’expressions pour les qualifier. Quelles sont les conditions de travail et de vie de ces artistes ? De quelles façons apprennent-elles leur art, où peuvent-elles l’exercer et l’exposer, avec qui à leurs côtés ? Quelle est la réception de leur art dans les Salons et les journaux de l’époque, en France et en Europe ? En quelle réputation – nationale et internationale, bonne ou mauvaise – sont-elles ? </description> <category domain="">Colloque</category> <category domain="">Paris (75010)</category> <author> (Anastasia Giardinelli)</author> </item> <item> <title>Contextualizing bankruptcy</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <pubDate>Fri, 16 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0100</pubDate> <description>Although bankruptcy was a rather exceptional situation in the life of a merchant, it has explanatory power for routines of economic stakeholders, for their space of experience and their horizon of expectation. We can therefore use the irregularity of failure as an indicator of regularities. Considering the long, non-uniform and unsteady transition from merchant capitalism to industrial and financial capitalism, we suggest to start a dialogue between modernistes and contemporanéistes. The workshop focuses on the various forms of contextualizing business failure and puts forward three major research axes: Covering and Uncovering: Secrecy and Publicity; Economic Space and Area of Jurisdiction; Temporal Narratives of (In)Solvency. </description> <category domain="">Colloque</category> <category domain="">Paris (75003)</category> <author> (Elsa Zotian)</author> </item> </channel> </rss>