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In this post, we reveal the top 10 qualities of a good CFO to go down as one of the strongest finance leaders in history....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Sabrinthia Donnelly </div> <a href="/author/sabrinthia/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/04/me.jpeg" alt="Sabrinthia Donnelly" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">5 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/how-to-avoid-burnout-as-a-high-growth-cfo/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2023/01/workplace-burnout-high-growth-cfo.jpg" alt="How to avoid burnout as a high-growth CFO" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/how-to-avoid-burnout-as-a-high-growth-cfo/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">Advice</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">How to avoid burnout as a high-growth CFO</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>As a high-growth CFO, the pressure to meet financial targets, manage budgets, and make strategic decisions can be overwhelming. In this post, we’ll discuss practical ways for CFOs to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Sabrinthia Donnelly </div> <a href="/author/sabrinthia/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/04/me.jpeg" alt="Sabrinthia Donnelly" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">6 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/3-principles-to-lead-with-confidence-through-change/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2022/12/Finance-leader.jpg" alt="3 principles for finance leaders to lead with confidence through change" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/3-principles-to-lead-with-confidence-through-change/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">C-Suite</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">3 principles for finance leaders to lead with confidence through change</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>As a finance leader, you need to learn how to lead through change with confidence & in this post, Stephen Newland, Director of FP&A, shares how....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Stephen Newland, CMA </div> <a href="/author/stephen/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/12/Stephen-Newland.jpeg" alt="Stephen Newland, CMA" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">5 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/team-cfo-and-cmo-maximizing-data-to-weather-downturns/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2022/11/leaf-g059f46a0a_1920.jpg" alt="Team CFO and CMO: Maximizing data to weather downturns" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/team-cfo-and-cmo-maximizing-data-to-weather-downturns/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">C-Suite</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">Team CFO and CMO: Maximizing data to weather downturns</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>When economic times are tough, budget cuts follow, and my marketing colleagues know as well as I do that our budgets can seem like low-hanging fruit for firms looking to reduce spend....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Fleur Sohtz </div> <a href="/author/fleur/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/11/Fleur.jpeg" alt="Fleur Sohtz" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">4 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/how-a-startup-cfo-can-lead-a-new-company-to-success/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2022/10/startup-CFO-road-image.jpg" alt="How a startup CFO can lead a new company to success" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/how-a-startup-cfo-can-lead-a-new-company-to-success/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">C-Suite</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">How a startup CFO can lead a new company to success</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>As the CFO of a startup, you have a huge role to play in navigating the company toward growth and financial prosperity. This article takes a closer look at the role of a startup CFO and how you can help your startup scale up......</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Sabrinthia Donnelly </div> <a href="/author/sabrinthia/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/04/me.jpeg" alt="Sabrinthia Donnelly" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">8 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/why-leading-cfos-prioritize-employees-mental-health-at-work/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2022/10/mental-health-at-work.jpg" alt="Why leading CFOs prioritize employees’ mental health at work" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/why-leading-cfos-prioritize-employees-mental-health-at-work/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">Advice</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">Why leading CFOs prioritize employees’ mental health at work</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>To be a truly great CFO and leader, you need empathy and an understanding of mental health. In this article, I talk about the importance of addressing mental health and how you can better support your employees’ mental health at work, as well as your own....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Tim Schöler </div> <a href="/author/tim/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/07/Tim-Sch-ler.jpg" alt="Tim Schöler" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">12 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/5-ways-cfos-can-support-the-ceo/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2024/06/FA_Framework_Tiles_6_partner_with_ceo.jpg" alt="5 ways CFOs can support the CEO" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/5-ways-cfos-can-support-the-ceo/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">C-Suite</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">5 ways CFOs can support the CEO</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>In this post, you’ll learn what a CEO needs from their CFO, and what you can do to support the CEO on a day-to-day basis....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Sabrinthia Donnelly </div> <a href="/author/sabrinthia/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/04/me.jpeg" alt="Sabrinthia Donnelly" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">9 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/why-cfos-need-financial-data-management/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2022/08/Finanical-data-management.jpg" alt="Why CFOs need to embrace financial data management" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/why-cfos-need-financial-data-management/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">Financial Operations</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">Why CFOs need to embrace financial data management</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>With financial data management (FDM) tools evolving rapidly, CFOs are seeing a vast improvement in everything from corporate-level forecasting to streamlined reporting. In this article, we explore why financial data management is still a top priority for CFOs and how it works....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Sabrinthia Donnelly </div> <a href="/author/sabrinthia/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/04/me.jpeg" alt="Sabrinthia Donnelly" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">8 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/podcast/4-roles-every-cfo-must-dominate-changing-role-of-the-cfo/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2022/08/Role-of-the-CFO.jpg" alt="4 roles every CFO must dominate: The changing role of the CFO" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/podcast/4-roles-every-cfo-must-dominate-changing-role-of-the-cfo/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">Podcast</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">4 roles every CFO must dominate: The changing role of the CFO</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>Traditionally, the roles of the CFO consisted of the Operator and Steward. But now, those roles have evolved. Discover the 4 roles every CFO must master in this podcast episode and blog post....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Sabrinthia Donnelly </div> <a href="/author/sabrinthia/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/04/me.jpeg" alt="Sabrinthia Donnelly" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">10 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/can-a-cfo-be-a-ceo/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2022/06/can-a-cfo-be-ceo.png" alt="Can a CFO be a CEO?" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/can-a-cfo-be-a-ceo/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">Career development</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">Can a CFO be a CEO?</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>Do you have what it takes to be a CEO? The CFO role has evolved from a financial steward and architect to a strategic business advisor to the CEO and the C-Suite......</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Tjendra Halima </div> <a href="/author/tjendra/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/04/Tjendra-1.jpg" alt="Tjendra Halima" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">5 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/use-management-dashboards-to-make-fast-data-driven-decisions/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2022/05/stephen-dawson-qwtCeJ5cLYs-unsplash-2.jpg" alt="Use financial management dashboards to make fast data-driven decisions" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/use-management-dashboards-to-make-fast-data-driven-decisions/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">C-Suite</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">Use financial management dashboards to make fast data-driven decisions</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>You can bet that the CFO and other members of the C-Suite will want to cast their eye on your finance management dashboard, which is why it's important that you know how to create one. Read this article to find out more!...</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Peter Turner </div> <a href="/author/peter/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2024/06/Screenshot-2024-06-25-at-13.51.16.png" alt="Peter Turner" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">4 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/breaking-down-the-fp-a-function-of-the-cfo-suite/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2022/05/entrepreneur-g544a615c4_640.jpg" alt="Breaking down the FP&A function of the CFO Suite" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/breaking-down-the-fp-a-function-of-the-cfo-suite/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">FP&A</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">Breaking down the FP&A function of the CFO Suite</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>When hiring your first CFO, it’s important to understand how the FP&A function works. Read this post to learn about the inner workings of FP&A functions....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Alex Lee </div> <a href="/author/alex/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/04/Alex-.jpeg" alt="Alex Lee" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">6 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/best-practices-from-the-cfo-suite/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2022/04/team-ge72fc7a6a_1920-2.jpg" alt="Best Practices from the CFO Suite" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/best-practices-from-the-cfo-suite/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">C-Suite</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">Best Practices from the CFO Suite</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>In the current economic crisis, business leaders from early-stage startups to large multinational corporations, have to make difficult decisions. The financial implication of these decisions is critical. The CFO helps the CEO navigate these decisions....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Alex Lee </div> <a href="/author/alex/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/04/Alex-.jpeg" alt="Alex Lee" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">10 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/the-seven-ps-of-a-highly-successful-cfo/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2024/06/FA_Framework_Tiles_2_csuite_leader.jpg" alt="The seven Ps of a highly successful CFO" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/the-seven-ps-of-a-highly-successful-cfo/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">C-Suite</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">The seven Ps of a highly successful CFO</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>If you want to be a truly successful CFO, you must close the gap or risk losing the front seat as the trusted co-pilot in the C-suite to deliver enterprise value to company shareholders. But what are the distinguishing qualities or characteristics of a highly successful CFO?...</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Tjendra Halima </div> <a href="/author/tjendra/" class="static-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w100/2022/04/Tjendra-1.jpg" alt="Tjendra Halima" /> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">6 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-nav"> <div class="section-wrapper"> <div class="section-title"> Subscribe for free </div> <section class="subscribe-form"> <p>Get industry insights</p> <form data-members-form="subscribe"> <input data-members-email type="email" required="true" placeholder=""/> <br> <button type="submit">Join</button> </form> </section> </div> <div class="section-wrapper section-events-list-wrapper"> <div class="section-title"> Event List </div> <div class="section-events-list"></div> </div> <script> var getEventListContainer = document.querySelector('.section-events-list'); if (getEventListContainer && typeof eventsList !== 'undefined' && eventsList) { for (var i = 0; i < eventsList.length; i++) { if (eventsList[i] && eventsList[i].title && eventsList[i].date && eventsList[i].location && eventsList[i].url) { var eventListItemWrapper = document.createElement('a'); eventListItemWrapper.classList.add('section-events-item'); eventListItemWrapper.setAttribute('href', eventsList[i].url); eventListItemWrapper.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); var eventListItemTitle = document.createElement('div'); eventListItemTitle.classList.add('section-events-title'); eventListItemTitle.innerHTML = eventsList[i].title; eventListItemWrapper.appendChild(eventListItemTitle); var eventListItemDate = document.createElement('div'); eventListItemDate.classList.add('section-events-date'); eventListItemDate.innerHTML = eventsList[i].date; eventListItemWrapper.appendChild(eventListItemDate); var eventListItemLocation = document.createElement('div'); eventListItemLocation.classList.add('section-events-location'); eventListItemLocation.innerHTML = eventsList[i].location; eventListItemWrapper.appendChild(eventListItemLocation); getEventListContainer.appendChild(eventListItemWrapper); } } } else { document.querySelector('.section-events-list-wrapper').style.display = 'none'; } </script> <!-- <div class="section-wrapper"> <div class="section-title"> Become an author </div> <section class="subscribe-form"> <p>If you'd like to post content please request access</p> <form action="" method="post" data-drip-embedded-form="24507411" class="form-group"> <div> <input class="subscribe-email" type="email" id="drip-email" name="fields[email]" value="" placeholder="" /> </div> <div style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="website">Website</label><br /> <input type="text" id="website" name="website" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="false" value="" /> </div> <div> <button type="submit" value="Sign Up" data-drip-attribute="sign-up-button">Request Access</button> </div> </form> </section> </div> --> </div> </main> <div class="footer"> <div class="footer-wrapper"> <div class="site-footer-content"> <div class="site-footer-content-logo"> <a href="/"> <img src="" /> </a> </div> <div class="site-footer-content-title"> Finance Alliance launched in 2022 with a mission to connect a global network of finance leaders to enable and empower each other to thrive in their existing roles and beyond. </div> </div> <div class="site-footer-social social-links"> <a href=" " target="_blank"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 22.0.1, SVG Export Plug-In . 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