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Despite this, <em>infrastructure to support the preservation, discovery, reuse, and attribution of software</em> lags substantially behind that of other research products such as journal articles and research data. This lag is driven not so much by a lack of technology as it is by a lack of unity: existing mechanisms to archive, document, index, share, discover, and cite software contributions are heterogeneous among both disciplines and archives and rarely meet best practices (<a href= title="Software in the scientific literature: Problems with seeing, finding, and using software mentioned in the biology literature">Howison 2015</a>). Fortunately, a rapidly growing movement to improve preservation, discovery, reuse and attribution of academic software is now underway: a recent <a href=>NIH report</a>, conferences and working groups of <a href=>FORCE11</a>, <a href=>WSSSPE</a> & <a href=>Software Sustainability Institute</a>, and the rising adoption of repositories like <a href=>GitHub</a>, <a href=>Zenodo</a>, <a href=>figshare</a> & <a href=>DataONE</a> by academic software developers. Now is the time to improve how these resources can talk to each other.</p> <h2 id=what-can-software-metadata-do-for-you>What can software metadata do for you?</h2> <p>What metadata you want from software is determined by your use case. If your primary concerns are credit for academic software, then you’re most interested in <em>citation</em> metadata. If you’re trying to replicate some analysis, you worry more about versions and dependencies than about authors and titles. And if you seek to discover software you don’t already know about that is suitable for a particular task, well then you are interested more in keywords and descriptions. Frequently, developers of scientific software, repositories that host that software, and users themselves are interested in more than one of these objectives, and others besides.</p> <p>Different software repositories, software languages and scientific domains denote this information in different ways, which makes it difficult or impossible for tools to work across these different sources without losing valuable information along the way. For instance, a fantastic collaboration between GitHub and figshare provides researchers a way to import software on the former into the persistent archive of the latter, getting a permanent identifier, a DOI in the process. To assign a DOI, figshare must then pass metadata about the object to DataCite, the central DOI provider for all repositories. While this makes DataCite a powerful aggregator, the lack of a crosswalk table means that much valuable metadata is currently lost along the way, such as the original software license, platform, and so forth. Any tool or approach working across software repositories faces similar challenges without a crosswalk table to translate between these.</p> <p>For more detail, <a href=>visit the project on GitHub</a> or check back here soon.</p> <h4 id=special-thanks-to-our-supporters>Special thanks to our supporters</h4> <img width=50px src=./img/nsf.jpg> <img width=50px src=./img/datacite.png> <img width=50px src=./img/github.png> <img width=50px src=./img/figshare.png> <img width=50px src=./img/zenodo.jpg> </div> <div class=row> <div class=col-11> <div class=article> <h2><a href=./crosswalk/wikidata/> <img src=./img/wikidata.png height=50px> Crosswalk for WikiData Properties</a></h2> </div> <div class=article> <h2><a href=./crosswalk/datacite/> <img src=./img/datacite.png height=50px> Crosswalk for DataCite metadata</a></h2> </div> <div class=article> <h2><a href=./crosswalk/debian/> <img src=./img/debian.png height=50px> Crosswalk for Debian packages</a></h2> </div> <div class=article> <h2><a href=./crosswalk/doap/> <img src=./img/codemeta.png height=50px> Crosswalk for DOAP Ontology</a></h2> </div> <div class=article> <h2><a href=./crosswalk/github/> <img src=./img/github.png height=50px> Crosswalk for GitHub API</a></h2> </div> <div class=article> <h2><a href=./crosswalk/java/> <img src=./img/java.png height=50px> Crosswalk for Java's Maven metadata</a></h2> </div> <div class=article> <h2><a href=./crosswalk/node/> <img src=./img/npm.png height=50px> Crosswalk for NodeJS package.json</a></h2> </div> <div class=article> <h2><a href=./crosswalk/python/> <img src=./img/python.png height=50px> Crosswalk for Python distutils</a></h2> </div> <div class=article> <h2><a href=./crosswalk/r/> <img src=./img/R.png height=50px> Crosswalk for R Packages</a></h2> </div> <div class=article> <h2><a href=./crosswalk/ruby/> <img src=./img/ruby.png height=50px> Crosswalk for Ruby gems</a></h2> </div> </div> <nav> <ul class=pager> <li><a href=./page/2/>Next »</a></li> </ul> </nav> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class=footer> <div class=container> <nav class=pull-left> <ul> </ul> </nav> <div class="copyright pull-right"> <img src=./img/cc-by.svg> </div> </div> </footer> </body> <script src=./js/core/jquery.min.js type=text/javascript></script> <script src=./js/core/popper.min.js type=text/javascript></script> <script src=./js/core/bootstrap-material-design.min.js type=text/javascript></script> <script src=./js/plugins/moment.min.js></script> <script src=./js/plugins/bootstrap-datetimepicker.js type=text/javascript></script> <script src=./js/plugins/nouislider.min.js type=text/javascript></script> <script src=./js/plugins/jquery.sharrre.js type=text/javascript></script> <script src="./js/material-kit.min.js?v=2.0.4" type=text/javascript></script> <script>$(document).ready(function(){$('body').bootstrapMaterialDesign()})</script> </html>