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Is there an accompanying paper?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#how-to-refer-to-mlir-in-publications-is-there-an-accompanying-paper>¶</a></h2><p>MLIR has been presented in the 2021 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, the full text of the paper is <a href=>available from IEEE</a>. A pre-publication draft is available on <a href=>arXiv</a> but may be missing improvements and corrections. Please also note that MLIR keeps evolving and IR snippets presented in the paper may no longer use modern syntax, refer to the MLIR documentation for the new syntax.</p><p>To cite MLIR in academic or other publications, please use: <em>Chris Lattner, Mehdi Amini, Uday Bondhugula, Albert Cohen, Andy Davis, Jacques Pienaar, River Riddle, Tatiana Shpeisman, Nicolas Vasilache, and Oleksandr Zinenko. &ldquo;MLIR: Scaling compiler infrastructure for domain specific computation.&rdquo; In 2021 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), pp. 2-14. IEEE, 2021.</em></p><p>The BibTeX entry is as follows.</p><pre tabindex=0><code>@inproceedings{mlir, author={Lattner, Chris and Amini, Mehdi and Bondhugula, Uday and Cohen, Albert and Davis, Andy and Pienaar, Jacques and Riddle, River and Shpeisman, Tatiana and Vasilache, Nicolas and Zinenko, Oleksandr}, booktitle={2021 {{IEEE/ACM}} International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)}, title={{{MLIR}}: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure for Domain Specific Computation}, year={2021}, volume={}, number={}, pages={2-14}, doi={10.1109/CGO51591.2021.9370308} } </code></pre><p>Please do <strong>not</strong> cite the arXiv preprint as it is not a formal peer-reviewed publication.</p><h2 id=why-is-small-feature-not-available-in-mlir>Why is &lt;small feature> not available in MLIR?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#why-is-small-feature-not-available-in-mlir>¶</a></h2><p>On general basis, there is never a reason why a small feature is not available in MLIR other than nobody needed it enough to implement it. Consider submitting a patch. For larger features and dialects, follow the <a href=>request-for-comments</a> process.</p><h2 id=mlir-is-too-heavy-framework-should-i-just-reimplement-my-own-compiler-from-scratch>MLIR is too heavy framework, should I just reimplement my own compiler from scratch?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#mlir-is-too-heavy-framework-should-i-just-reimplement-my-own-compiler-from-scratch>¶</a></h2><p>Maybe: it is hard to tell as it depends on your requirements, even C++ may already be too large for some micro-controllers. In our experience most projects ends up growing beyond what their original author intended, and reimplementing the features you would get from MLIR would also have a footprint. MLIR footprint is representative of the features it provides. More importantly we have a &ldquo;you don&rsquo;t pay for what you don&rsquo;t use&rdquo; approach: MLIR is very modular and you can link a binary with a very minimal set of libraries. If you use just the core IR, some pieces of the infrastructure, and a few dialects you should expect a few MBs. We have <a href=>three examples</a> in the repo showing some small possible configurations of MLIR, showing that the core of MLIR can take around 1MB.</p><h2 id=what-is-the-difference-between-the-tensor-and-vector-types>What is the difference between the Tensor and Vector types?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#what-is-the-difference-between-the-tensor-and-vector-types>¶</a></h2><ol><li>Conceptual: vectors are meant to and occur in lower level dialects - often where you expect hardware to have registers of that size. Tensors model higher-level &ldquo;closer to the source&rdquo; abstract representation. This is reflected in the abstraction modeled by the operations from the <a href=><code>vector</code> dialect</a>, while Tensors would be more naturally present in the operations of the <a href=><code>linalg</code> dialect</a>.</li><li>Tensors can be dynamically shaped, unranked, or have 0 dimensions ; but Vectors can&rsquo;t be.</li><li>You can have a memref (a buffer in memory) containing Vectors but you can&rsquo;t have a memref of a tensor type.</li><li>The set of allowed element types is different: the Tensor type isn&rsquo;t limited while Vector is limited to float and integer types.</li><li>Tensors accept an optional &ldquo;encoding&rdquo; attribute, vector don&rsquo;t at the moment.</li></ol><h2 id=registered-loaded-dependent-whats-up-with-dialects-management>Registered, loaded, dependent: what&rsquo;s up with Dialects management?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#registered-loaded-dependent-whats-up-with-dialects-management>¶</a></h2><p>Before creating an Operation, a Type, or an Attribute, the associated Dialect must be already <em>loaded</em> in the <code>MLIRContext</code>. For example the Toy tutorial explicitly loads the Toy Dialect before emitting the Toy IR from the AST.</p><p>The process of loading a Dialect in the context is not thread-safe, which forces all involved Dialects to be loaded before the multi-threaded pass manager starts the execution. To keep the system modular and layered, invoking a pass pipeline should never require pre-loading dialects explicitly. This is achieved by requiring every pass to declare a list of <em>dependent</em> Dialects: these are Dialects for which an entity (Operation, Type, or Attribute) can be created by the pass, other than for Dialects that would already be in the input. For example, a <code>convertLinalgToLoops</code> pass would declare the <code>SCF</code> Dialect as dependent, but does not need to declare <code>Linalg</code>. See also <a href=>dependent dialects</a> in the pass infrastructure documentation.</p><p>Finally, dialects can be <em>registered</em> with the context. The sole purpose of the registration is to make these dialects available for the textual parser used by tools like <code>mlir-opt</code> or <code>mlir-translate</code>. A compiler frontend emitting the IR programmatically and invoking a pass pipeline would never need to register any dialects.</p><h2 id=in-dialect-conversion-i-want-an-operation-to-be-removed-after-its-users-get-converted-how-do-i-do-that>In dialect conversion, I want an operation to be removed after its users get converted, how do I do that?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#in-dialect-conversion-i-want-an-operation-to-be-removed-after-its-users-get-converted-how-do-i-do-that>¶</a></h2><p>This operation can be marked &ldquo;illegal&rdquo; and you can just do speculatively <code>rewriter.eraseOp(op);</code>. The operation won&rsquo;t be actually removed right now, instead when mark something as erased you are basically saying to the driver &ldquo;I expect all uses of this to go away by the time everything is over&rdquo;. The conversion will fail if the operation you marked as erased doesn&rsquo;t actually get erased at the end.</p><h2 id=why-is-dialect-x-missing-feature-y>Why is dialect X missing feature Y?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#why-is-dialect-x-missing-feature-y>¶</a></h2><p>Most likely, nobody has had a need for it yet. Many MLIR components, dialects even more than others, grew out of specific needs and are extended by volunteers sending patches to add the missing bits. Everybody is welcome to contribute!</p><p>In some specfic cases, the dialect design might have explicitly decided against implementing a feature or chose an alternative modeling that provides a similar functionality. Such design decisions are usually noted in the dialect or rationale documents.</p><h2 id=many-dialects-define-a-constant-operation-how-do-i-get-a-constant-value-generically>Many dialects define a <code>constant</code> operation, how do I get a constant value generically?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#many-dialects-define-a-constant-operation-how-do-i-get-a-constant-value-generically>¶</a></h2><div class=highlight><pre tabindex=0 class=chroma><code class=language-c++ data-lang=c++><span class=line><span class=cl><span class=cp>#include</span> <span class=cpf>&#34;mlir/IR/Matchers.h&#34;</span><span class=cp> </span></span></span><span class=line><span class=cl><span class=cp></span> </span></span><span class=line><span class=cl><span class=c1>// Return the constant attribute, or null if the Operation isn&#39;t a constant. </span></span></span><span class=line><span class=cl><span class=c1></span><span class=n>Attribute</span> <span class=nf>getConstantAttr</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=n>Operation</span> <span class=o>*</span><span class=n>constantOp</span><span class=p>)</span> <span class=p>{</span> </span></span><span class=line><span class=cl> <span class=n>Attribute</span> <span class=n>constant</span><span class=p>;</span> </span></span><span class=line><span class=cl> <span class=n>matchPattern</span><span class=p>(</span><span class=n>value</span><span class=p>.</span><span class=n>getDefiningOp</span><span class=p>(),</span> <span class=n>m_Constant</span><span class=p>());</span> </span></span><span class=line><span class=cl> <span class=k>return</span> <span class=n>constant</span><span class=p>;</span> </span></span><span class=line><span class=cl><span class=p>}</span> </span></span></code></pre></div><h2 id=what-is-the-difference-between-traits-and-interfaces>What is the difference between traits and interfaces?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#what-is-the-difference-between-traits-and-interfaces>¶</a></h2><p>Both <a href=>traits</a> and <a href=>interfaces</a> can be used to inject common behavior into operations, types and attributes without introducing duplication. However, conceptually these are quite different.</p><p>Traits inject static behavior into operations/types/attributes whereas interfaces dynamically dispatch behavior based on their runtime type. For instance, since <a href=><code>ModuleOp</code></a> implements the <a href=><code>SymbolTable</code></a> trait, <code>mlir::ModuleOp</code> exposes <code>lookupSymbol</code> as a member function. However, there is no type-erased way to access this functionality &ndash; it is available only via <code>mlir::ModuleOp</code>. On the other hand, if an operation implements <a href=><code>CallOpInterface</code></a>, its implementation of <code>getCallableForCallee</code> can be invoked in a type-erased manner by <code>dyn_cast</code>ing the operation to a <code>CallOpInterface</code>. The caller does not need to know the concrete type of the operation to do this.</p><p>There is one similarity between interfaces and traits: both their presence can be checked dynamically (i.e. without access to the concrete type). Specifically, presence of traits can be checked using <a href=><code>Operation::hasTrait</code></a> and presence of interfaces can be checked using <code>isa&lt;></code>. However, this similarity does not run deep, and was only added for practical ergonomic reasons.</p><h2 id=how-to-convert-a-memref-to-a-pointer>How to convert a <code>memref</code> to a pointer?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#how-to-convert-a-memref-to-a-pointer>¶</a></h2><p>It is impossible in the general case. Structured memory reference (<code>memref</code>) type <strong>is not (only) a pointer</strong>. This type supports multi-dimensional indexing and customizable data layouts to support advanced yet analyzable addressing modes. Implementing address computation requires understanding the layout and storing additional information such as sizes and layout parameters that would be impossible with a plain, single-typed pointer to a contiguous block of data. Even the single-dimensional <code>memref&lt;?xi8></code> with the default layout is <em>not a pointer</em> as it must store at the very least the size of the data (think C++ <code>std::string</code> vs. C <code>NULL</code>-terminated <code>const char *</code>).</p><p>It is, however, possible to define operations that create pointer-like types out of a <code>memref</code> as well as operations that, conversely, create <code>memref</code> out of pointers combined with additional information. Before implementing such operations, dialect authors are advised to carefully consider the implication of such operations on aliasing properties of the resulting IR.</p><p>Interoperability with C is often cited to motivate an opaque cast from <code>memref</code>s to pointers. The <a href=>LLVM IR target</a> provides an interface compatible with C for a well-defined subset of <code>memrefs</code> with <a href=>strided layout</a>. At the function boundary, it even provides a minimalist support for passing memrefs as <a href=>bare pointers</a> provided their sizes are known statically and their layout is trivially identity.</p><h2 id=whats-with-op-symbol-declaration-cannot-have-public-visibility>What&rsquo;s with &ldquo;op symbol declaration cannot have public visibility&rdquo;?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#whats-with-op-symbol-declaration-cannot-have-public-visibility>¶</a></h2><p>A common mistake is to try to provide a function declaration (that is a function without a body) but leaving it &ldquo;public&rdquo;. Declaration must be private, only definitions can be public in the MLIR symbol system. See the <a href=>symbol visibility</a> documentation.</p><h2 id=im-confused-about-iterating-on-getusers-vs-getuses-whats-the-difference>I&rsquo;m confused about iterating on <code>getUsers()</code> vs <code>getUses()</code>: what&rsquo;s the difference?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#im-confused-about-iterating-on-getusers-vs-getuses-whats-the-difference>¶</a></h2><p>The &ldquo;users&rdquo; of an SSA value are instances of <code>Operation</code>, while the &ldquo;uses&rdquo; refer to the operands of these operations. For example considering <code>test.op(%0, %0) : ...</code>, when iterating on the &ldquo;uses&rdquo; of <code>%0</code> you would see two instances of <code>OpOperand</code> (one for each use in <code>test.op</code>), whereas iterating on the &ldquo;users&rdquo; of <code>%0</code> would yield directly two <code>Operation *</code> corresponding to <code>test.op</code>. Note that you see <code>test.op</code> twice as it is twice a user of <code>%0</code>, it&rsquo;s up to the call site to use a set to unique these if needed. <a href=>The tutorial on use-def chains</a> may help understand the details as well.</p><h2 id=how-to-programmatically-obtain-the-name-of-the-ssa-value-foo>How to programmatically obtain the &ldquo;name&rdquo; of the SSA value (<code>%foo</code>)?&nbsp;<a class=headline-hash href=#how-to-programmatically-obtain-the-name-of-the-ssa-value-foo>¶</a></h2><p>The values names are <em>not part of the IR</em> and are only there to make textual representation of the IR easier for humans to read. They are generated by the IR printer on-the-fly and may differ depending on the printer configuration. While it is technically possible to configure the printer to produce predictable names, in particular names with specific prefixes via the <a href=><code>OpAsmOpInterface</code></a>, one is strongly discouraged from relying on the textual names. Therefore there is intentionally no support for obtaining these names easily.</p><div class=edit-meta><br><a href= class=edit-page><i class="fas fa-pen-square"></i> Edit on GitHub</a></div><nav class=pagination><a class="nav nav-prev" href= title="Debugging Tips"><i class="fas fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden=true></i> Prev - Debugging Tips</a> <a class="nav nav-next" href= title="How to Contribute">Next - How to Contribute <i class="fas fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden=true></i></a></nav><footer><p class=powered>Powered by <a href=>Hugo</a>. Theme by <a href=>TechDoc</a>. 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