GAMMCDD2025 | Axiom Meetings

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// // return false // // } // // Validate payment method // var paymentMethod = $("input[name='payment_method']:checked").val(); // if (!paymentMethod) { // $("<span class='error' style='color:red'>Please choose a payment method</span>") // .insertAfter("input[name='payment_method']"); // return false // } // var country = $("input[name='country']").val(); // if (!country) { // $("<span class='error' style='color:red'>Please add country</span>").insertAfter( // "input[name='country']"); // return false // } // var phone_no = $("input[name='phone_no']").val(); // if (!phone_no) { // $("<span class='error' style='color:red'>Please add Phone Number</span>").insertAfter( // "input[name='phone_no']"); // return false // } // var city_state = $("input[name='city_state']").val(); // if (!city_state) { // $("<span class='error' style='color:red'>Please add City/State</span>").insertAfter( // "input[name='city_state']"); // return false // } // var affiliation = $("input[name='affiliation']").val(); // if (!affiliation) { // $("<span class='error' style='color:red'>Please add affiliation</span>").insertAfter( // "input[name='affiliation']"); // return false // } // var address = $("input[id='address']").val(); // if (!address) { // $("<span class='error' style='color:red'>Please add address</span>").insertAfter( // "input[id='address']"); // return false // } // var registration_category = $("input[id='registration_category']").val(); // if (!registration_category) { // $("<span class='error' style='color:red'>Please add Registration Category</span>") // .insertAfter( // "input[id='registration_category']"); // return false // var accommodation = $('#accommodation').val(); // if (!accommodation) { // var no_of_nights = $('#accommodation').val(); // if (!no_of_nights) { // $("<span class='error' style='color:red'>Please add Nights</span>").insertAfter( // "input[id='no_of_nights']"); // return false // } // } // return true; // } // }); // Function to check if the email is valid // function isValidEmail(email) { // var emailRegex = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/; // return emailRegex.test(email); // } var is_accommodation_selected = false; $('#accommodation').change(function() { // Get the selected option value var selectedOption = $(this).val(); if (selectedOption != null && selectedOption.trim() != "") { is_accommodation_selected = true; $("#no-of-nights").prop("required", true); $("#no-of-nights").prop("disabled", false); } else { is_accommodation_selected = false; $("#no-of-nights").prop("required", false); $("#no-of-nights").prop("disabled", true); } $("#no-of-nights").empty().html('<option value="">Select No. of Nights</option>'); $.ajax({ url: 'get-accommodation-fee', // Replace with your actual API endpoint method: 'GET', data: { accommodation: selectedOption }, before: function() {}, success: function(data) { if (data.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { $("#no-of-nights").append( `<option value='${data[i].id}'>${data[i].night}</option>` ); } // $("#no-of-nights").append(`<option value='${data[0].one_night}'>One Night</option>`) // $("#no-of-nights").append(`<option value='${data[0].two_nights}'>Two Night</option>`) // $("#no-of-nights").append(`<option value='${data[0].three_nights}'>Three Night</option>`) // $("#no-of-nights").append(`<option value='${data[0].four_nights}'>Four Night</option>`) // $("#no-of-nights").append(`<option value='${data[0].four_nights}'>Four Night</option>`) // $("body").append( // `<input type="hidden" id="accommodation_fee_id" value="${data[0].id}">` // ); $('.select2-single-one').niceSelect('update'); } }, error: function(error) { console.error('AJAX request failed:', error); } }); }); $('#registration_category, #no-of-nights').change(function() { ajaxCall(); }); }); </script> <script> $('#resetBtn').on('click', function(e) { $('select').val(''); $('select').niceSelect('update'); $('#no-of-nights').prop('disabled', true); }); </script> </html>

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