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Gracia and Timothy B. Noone</strong></td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=p --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Publish Info</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2003</td></tr> </table> <!-- END INNER BIB TABLE --> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END BIBDETAIL TABLE --> <!-- end recordinfo:! --> <!-- start ifhaspatrate --> <!-- end ifhaspatrate --> </td><!-- close bibDisplayLayout cell 1 --> </div><!-- close bibDisplayLayout --> <!-- start bloblinks --> <!-- end bloblinks --> <!-- start xmlframe --> <!-- end xmlframe --> <p><small></strong> Bookmark this record as <<a id="recordnum" href="/record=b21754353"></a>><strong></small></p> <!-- start holdingslink --> <!-- end holdingslink --> <!-- start URLS --> <!-- end URLS --> <!-- start holds --> <!-- end holds --> <table class="holdingsContainer"> <tr><td class="holdingsHiderShower"> <p id="holdingsHider" onclick="toggleHoldings('hide'); return false">[Hide]</p> <p id="holdingsShower" style="display: none" onclick="toggleHoldings('show'); 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26 cm</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=s --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Series</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Blackwell companions to philosophy ; 24</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=s --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search?/qBlackwell+companions+to+philosophy+%3B/qblackwell+companions+to+philosophy/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Blackwell companions to philosophy ;</a> <a href="/search?/tBlackwell+companions+to+philosophy+%3B+24/tblackwell+companions+to+philosophy+++++++24/-3,-1,0,B/browse">24</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Note</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Includes bibliographical references (pages 720-724) and indexes</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Contents</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> pt. I. The historical context -- 1. The ancient philosophical legacy and its transmission to the Middle Ages / Charles H. Lohr -- 2. The patristic background / Stephen F. Brown -- 3. Philosophy in the Latin Christian West: 750-1050 / Peter King -- 4. The school of Chartres / Winthrop Wetherbee -- 5. Religious orders / M. Mich猫le Mulchahey and Timothy B. Noone -- 6. Scholasticism / Timothy B. Noone -- 7. The Parisian condemnations of 1270 and 1277 / John F. Wippel -- pt. II. The authors -- 1. Adam of Wodeham / Rega Wood -- 2. Adelard of Bath / Jeremiah Hackett -- 3. Alan of Lille / John Marenbon -- 4. Albert of Saxony / Edward Grant -- 5. Albertus Magnus / Mechthild Dreyer -- 6. Albumasar (Ab奴 Ma始shar) / Jeremiah Hackett -- 7. Alexander of Hales / Christopher M. Cullen -- 8. Alfarabi (Al-F膩r膩b墨) / Deborah L. Black -- 9. Algazali (Al-Ghaz膩l墨) / Th茅r猫se-Anne Druart -- 10. Alhacen (Al-Hasan) / David C. Lindberg -- 11. Alkindi (Al-Kindi) / Jean Jolivet -- 12. Alrazi (Al-R膩z墨) / Th茅r猫se-Anne Druart -- 13. Anselm of Canterbury / Jasper Hopkins</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 14. Arnaldus of Villanova / Francisco Bertelloni -- 15. Augustine / Scott MacDonald -- 16. Avempace (Ibn B谩jjah) / Idris Samawi Hamid -- 17. Avencebrol (Ibn Gabirol) / Tamar Rudavsky -- 18. Averroes (Ibn Rushd) / Richard C. Taylor -- 19. Avicenna (Ibn S墨n膩) / David B. Burrell -- 20. Bernard of Clairvaux / Brian Patrick McGuire -- 21. Berthold of Moosburg / Bruce Milem -- 22. Boethius / John Magee -- 23. Boethius of Dacia / B. Carlos Baz谩n -- 24. Bonaventure / Andreas Speer -- 25. Dante Alighieri / Timothy B. Noone -- 26. Denys the Carthusian / Kent Emery, Jr. -- 27. Dietrich of Freiberg / Roland J. Teske -- 28. Dominicus Gundissalinus / R.E. Houser -- 29. Durand of St. Pour莽ain / Russell L. Friedman -- 30. Francis of Marchia / Russell L. Friedman -- 31. Francis of Meyronnes / Roberto Lambertini -- 32. Gabriel Biel / Russell L. Friedman -- 33. Gaetano of Thiene / Stephen E. Lahey -- 34. Gersonides / Sarah Pessin -- 35. Gilbert of Poitiers / John Marenbon -- 36. Giles of Rome / Silvia Donati -- 37. Godfrey of Fontaines / John F. Wippel</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 38. Gonsalvo of Spain / A.G. Traver -- 39. Gregory of Rimini / Jack Zupko -- 40. Guido Terrena / Francisco Bertelloni -- 41. Hasdai Crescas / Tamar Rudavsky -- 42. Henry of Ghent / R. Wielockx -- 43. Henry of Harclay / Mark G. Henninger -- 44. Hervaeus Natalis / Roland J. Teske -- 45. Heymeric of Camp / Peter J. Casarella -- 46. Hildegard of Bingen / Bruce Milem -- 47. Hugh of St. Victor / Michael Gorman -- 48. Isaac Israeli / Sarah Pessin -- 49. Isidore of Seville / Sandro D'Onofrio -- 50. James of Metz / Russell L. Friedman -- 51. James of Viterbo / Mark D. Gossiaux -- 52. Jean de la Rochelle / G茅rard Sondag -- 53. Jerome of Prague / Jonathan J. Sanford -- 54. John Baconthorpe / Richard Cross -- 55. John Buridan / Gyula Klima -- 56. John Capreolus / Kevin White -- 57. John Dumbleton / Edith Dudley Sylla -- 58. John Duns Scotus / Stephen D. Dumont -- 59. John Gerson / James B. South -- 60. John of Jandun / James B. South -- 61. John of Mirecourt / Mauricio Beuchot -- 62. John of Paris / Russell L. Friedman -- 63. John Pecham / Girard J. Etzkorn</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 64. John Philoponus / James B. South -- 65. John of Reading / Kimberly Georgedes -- 66. John of Salisbury / C.H. Kneepkens -- 67. John Scotus Eriugena / Carlos Steel and D.W. Hadley -- 68. John Wyclif / John D. Kronen -- 69. Landulph Caracciolo / Christopher Schabel -- 70. Marsilius of Inghen / Maarten J.F.M. Hoenen -- 71. Marsilius of Padua / Francisco Bertelloni -- 72. Martin of Dacia / Jos茅 Luis Rivera -- 73. Matthew of Aquasparta / R.E. Houser -- 74. Maximus Confessor / Eric D. Perl -- 75. Meister Eckhart / Jan A. Aertsen -- 76. Michael of Massa / Christopher Schabel -- 77. Moses Maimonides / Alfred L. Ivry -- 78. Nicholas of Autrecourt / Mauricio Beuchot -- 79. Nicholas of Cusa / Louis Dupr茅 and Nancy Hudson -- 80. Nicole Oresme / Edward Grant -- 81. Paul of Pergula / Stephen E. Lahey -- 82. Paul of Venice / Alan Perreiah -- 83. Peter Abelard / John Marenbon -- 84. Peter Auriol / Lauge Olaf Nielsen -- 85. Peter of Auvergne / Robert Andrews -- 86. Peter of Candida / Christopher Schabel -- 87. Peter Ceffons / Christopher Schabel</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 88. Peter Damian / Jonathan J. Sanford -- 89. Peter Helias / C.H. Kneepkens -- 90. Peter Lombard / Philipp W. Rosemann -- 91. Peter Olivi / Fran莽ois-Xavier Putallaz -- 92. Peter de Rivo / Christopher Schabel -- 93. Peter of Spain / Gyula Klima -- 94. Peter the Venerable / Jonathan J. Sanford -- 95. Philip the Chancellor / R.E. Houser -- 96. Pierre d'Ailly / Richard A. Lee, Jr. -- 97. Pierre de Maricourt / Jos茅 Luis Rivera -- 98. Pseudo-Dionysius / Eric D. Perl -- 99. Radulphus Brito / Gordon A. Wilson -- 100. Ralph Strode / Kimberly Georgedes -- 101. Ramon Lull / Charles H. Lohr -- 102. Richard Brinkley / Kimberly Georgedes -- 103. Richard of Campsall / Kimberly Georgedes -- 104. Richard Fishacre / R. James Long -- 105. Richard Fitzralph / Kimberly Georgedes -- 106. Richard Kilvington / Edith Dudley Sylla -- 107. Richard of Middleton / Richard Cross -- 108. Richard Rufus of Cornwall / Rega Wood -- 109. Richard of St. Victor / Kent Emery, Jr. -- 110. Richard Swineshead / Edith Dudley Sylla -- 111. Robert Grosseteste / Neil Lewis -- 112. Robert of Halifax / Kimberly Georgedes</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 113. Robert Holcot / Kimberly Georgedes -- 114. Robert Kilwardby / A. Broadie -- 115. Roger Bacon / Jeremiah Hackett -- 116. Roger Marston / Gordon A. Wilson -- 117. Saadiah / Sarah Pessin -- 118. Siger of Brabant / B. Carlos Bazan -- 119. Simon of Faversham / John Longeway -- 120. Thomas Aquinas / Brian Davies -- 121. Thomas Bradwardine / Stephen E. Lahey -- 122. Thomas of Erfurt / Mauricio Beuchot -- 123. Thomas Wilton / Gyula Klima -- 124. Thomas Wilton / Cecilia Trifogli -- 125. Ulrich of Strassburg / Kent Emery, Jr. -- 126. Vital du Four / A.G. Traver -- 127. Walter Burley / M.C. Sommers -- 128. Walter Chatton / Girard J. Etzkorn -- 129. William of Alnwick / Stephen D. Dumont -- 130. William Arnaud / Stephen E. Lahey -- 131. William of Auvergne / Roland J. Teske -- 132. William of Auxerre / Jack Zupko -- 133. William of Champeaux / John Marenbon -- 134. William Crathorn / Robert Pasnau -- 135. William Heytesbury / John Longeway -- 136. William of Ockham / Timothy B. Noone -- 137. William of Sherwood / John Longeway -- 138. William of Ware / Richard Cross</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Summary</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> "The volume is organized into two sections. In the first, essays cover the historical context within which philosophy in the Middle Ages developed. Topics include the ancient philosophical legacy, the patristic background, the School of Chartres, religious orders, scholasticism, and the condemnation of various views in Paris in the thirteenth century. Within these clear, jargon-free expositions, the authors make the latest scholarship available while also presenting their own distinctive perspectives."</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> "The second section is composed of alphabetically arranged entries on 138 philosophically significant authors - European, Jewish, and Arabic - living between the fourth and fifteenth centuries. These essays contain biographical information, summaries of significant philosophical arguments and viewpoints, and conclude with bibliographies of both primary and secondary sources."--Jacket</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=d --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Subjects</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search?/dPhilosophy%2C+Medieval/dphilosophy+medieval/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Philosophy, Medieval</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=j --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Genre/Form</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Textbooks (form) gtt</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=b --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Alt Name</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search?/aGracia%2C+Jorge+J.+E/agracia+jorge+j+e/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Gracia, Jorge J. E</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=b --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search?/aNoone%2C+Timothy+B/anoone+timothy+b/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Noone, Timothy B</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=c --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">LC NO</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> B721 .C54 2003</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=c --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Dewey No</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 189 21</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=o --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">OCLC #</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 49519174</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">ISBN</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 0631216723 (alk. paper)</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 9780631216728 (alk. paper)</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 0631216731</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 9780631216735</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Isn/Std #</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> (OCoLC)49519174 (OCoLC)51272635 (OCoLC)606290061 (OCoLC)1004590653</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=l --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">LCCN</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 2002066421</td></tr> </table> <!-- END INNER BIB TABLE --> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END BIBDETAIL TABLE --> </div> </div><!-- close bibDisplayContent --> </div><!-- close bibDisplayBody --> <p><small></strong> Bookmark this record as <<a id="recordnum" href="/record=b21754353"></a>></small></p><strong> <!-- <div align="center"> <a href="/search/"><img src="/screens/start_over.png" alt="Start Over" border="0" /></a> <a href="/search?/i9780631216728/i9780631216728/1,1,1,B/frameset&FF=i9780631216728&1,1,?save=b21754353"><img src="/screens/save_lg.png" alt="Export" border="0" /></a> <a onclick="setRequestEventCookie()" href="/search?/i9780631216728/i9780631216728/1%2C1%2C1%2CB/marc&FF=i9780631216728&1%2C1%2C"><img src="/screens/marc_format.png" alt="MARC Display" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="/screens/ohpir.gif" border=0 alt="Find it on SearchOhio"></a> <a href="/search/i"><img src="/screens/another_search.png" alt="Another Search" border="0" /></a> <p><font size=+2 color="red"></font><p></div> --> <!-- GBS Starts --> <!-- Google Book Search viewability API script for bib record--> <script type='text/javascript'> // Find all the td elements var tdList = document.getElementsByTagName("td"); 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