Reasons not to use funding sites
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Reasons not to use funding sites</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link media="all" href="/common/stallman.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/common/rms.png" /> </head> <body> <h1>Richard Stallman's personal site.</h1> <h2><a href="/"></a></h2> <p> For current political commentary, see the <a href="/archives/polnotes.html">daily political notes</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/biographies.html#serious">RMS's Bio</a> | <a href="">The GNU Project</a> </p> <hr /> <div class="c2"> What's bad about: <a href="/airbnb.html">Airbnb</a> | <a href="/amazon.html">Amazon</a> | <a href="/amtrak.html">Amtrak</a> | <a href="/ancestry.html">Ancestry</a> | <a href="/apple.html">Apple</a> | <a href="/"></a> | <a href="/chatgpt.html">ChatGPT</a> | <a href="/cloudflare.html">Cloudflare</a> | <a href="/discord.html">Discord</a> | <a href="/disney.html">Disney</a> | <a href="/ebooks.pdf">Ebooks</a> | <a href="/eventbrite.html">Eventbrite</a> | <a href="/evernote.html">Evernote</a> | <a href="/twitter.html">Ex-Twitter</a> | <a href="/facebook.html">Facebook</a> | <a href="/flixbus.html">FLIXbus</a> | <a href="/frito-lay.html">Frito-Lay</a> | <a href="/frontier.html">Frontier</a> | <a href="/google.html">Google</a> | <a href="/gofundme.html">Gofundme</a> | <a href="/food-delivery.html">Grubhub</a> | <a href="/in-n-out-burger.html">In-N-Out Burger</a> | <a href="/intel.html">Intel</a> | <a href="/linkedin.html">LinkedIn</a> | <a href="/lyft.html">Lyft</a> | <!-- has the same injustices as and they share one page --> <a href="/eventbrite.html">Meetup</a> | <a href="/microsoft.html">Microsoft</a> | <a href="/netflix.html">Netflix</a> | <a href="/patreon.html">Patreon</a> | <a href="/pay-toilets.html">Pay Toilets</a> | <a href="/privatization.html">Privatization</a> | <a href="/skype.html">Skype</a> | <a href="/slack.html">Slack</a> | <a href="/spotify.html">Spotify</a> | <a href="/tesla.html">Tesla</a> | <a href="/threads.html">Threads</a> | <a href="/ticketmaster.html">Ticketmaster</a> | <!--<a href="/twitter.html">Ex-Twitter</a> |--> <a href="/uber.html">Uber</a> | <a href="/wendys.html">Wendy's</a> | <a href="/whatsapp.html">WhatsApp</a> | <a href="/zoom.html">Zoom</a> | </div> <h1 id="heading">Reasons not to use funding sites</h1> <p> The sites in which people ask for funding (including both Patreon and Gofundme) require the donor to run nonfree software. For this reason, I would never entertain the idea of donating through those sites. <p> In addition, donating usually requires one of the usual payment systems that make donors identify themselves. Can anyone tell me? I would be willing to identify myself to the recipient person or organization, for instance by sending per or it a check, but identifying myself to a data base company is another matter. <p> I would guess that requesting and receiving donations also requires running nonfree software. Can anyone tell me? <p> Copyright 2021 Richard Stallman released under Creative Commons Attribution Noderivs 3.0 unported </p> </html>