Showstoppers 2022-23 | Forbes India's list of India's top 50 celebrities in cinema, OTT and sports

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While Showstoppers 2022-23 features high-profile superstars, it also includes talented individuals who might be lesser talked-about, but have proven their mettle this year"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" /> <!-- Add RSS feed link --> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Forbesindia RSS Articles" href=""> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Forbesindia RSS Audios" href=""> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Forbesindia RSS Vidoes" href=""> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Forbesindia RSS Blogs" href=""> <link rel="preconnect" href="" /> <link rel="preconnect" href="" /> <link rel="image_src" href="" /> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> <!-- for Facebook --> <meta property="fb:pages" content="97368389993" /> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Showstoppers 2022-23 | Forbes India's list of India's top 50 celebrities in cinema, OTT and sports" /> <meta property="og:description" content="Our first-ever Showstoppers list features 50 personalities from entertainment and sports whose achievements have made them outperformers in their respective fields in 2022. The list of 50 consists of 20 from films, 15 from OTT and 15 from sport, and is curated by a jury of experts. While Showstoppers 2022-23 features high-profile superstars, it also includes talented individuals who might be lesser talked-about, but have proven their mettle this year" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Forbes India" /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <meta property="og:image:width" content="800" /> <meta property="og:image:height" content="600" /> <!-- for Twitter --> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@forbesindia"> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Showstoppers 2022-23 | Forbes India's list of India's top 50 celebrities in cinema, OTT and sports"> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Our first-ever Showstoppers list features 50 personalities from entertainment and sports whose achievements have made them outperformers in their respective fields in 2022. The list of 50 consists of 20 from films, 15 from OTT and 15 from sport, and is curated by a jury of experts. While Showstoppers 2022-23 features high-profile superstars, it also includes talented individuals who might be lesser talked-about, but have proven their mettle this year"> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@forbesindia"> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> <meta name="twitter:domain" content=""> <!-- link for skeleton --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <!-- link for skeleton --> <style type="text/css"> @font-face{font-family:'MerriweatherBlack';src:url( format("woff")}@font-face{font-family:'MerriweatherRegular';src:url( format("woff")}@font-face{font-family:'MerriweatherBold';src:url( format("woff")}@font-face{font-family:'OpenSansBold';src:url( format("woff")}@font-face{font-family:'OpenSansRegular';src:url( format("woff")}@font-face{font-family:'WorkSansBold';src:url( format("woff")}@font-face{font-family:'WorkSansMedium';src:url( format("woff")}@font-face{font-family:'WorkSansRegular';src:url( 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"position": 3, "item":{ "@id": "", "name": "Showstoppers 2022-23 | Forbes India's list of India's top 50 celebrities in cinema, OTT and sports" } }] } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context" : "", "@type" : "ItemList", "url" : "", "numberofitems" : "50", "itemListElement" : [ { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Abhay Pannu", "Description" : "Abhay Pannu has brought the lesser-known stories of India's scientific community to life in Rocket Boys. His restraint in using the material avaiable to him to build the story is commendable. Pannu's take on patriotism, pacifism, and the dark side of the arm's race never gets into the jingoism that seems to be prevalent today. Eight episodes present a captivating story of a struggling nation.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Filmmaker" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Aishwarya Lekshmi", "Description" : "This was the year Aishwarya Lekshmi proved that she could excel in playing a range of characters, right from the commercial ‘heroine' to strong, unconventional performances. She managed to make her mark as a sincere and bankable performer across Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam cinema. Some of her biggest successes include Ammu, Kumari, Gatta Kusthi and Gargi (where she was also a co-producer). She also starred in the Amazon Prime anthology Putham Pudhu Kaalai Vidiyaadhaa and stood her ground among Mani Ratnam's star-studded ensemble in Ponniyin Selvan: 1.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Alia Bhatt", "Description" : "She began 2022 with a bang with an acclaimed performance in Gangubai Kathiawadi and followed it with another stellar act in Darlings, cementing her position as one of the most bankable actors in the Hindi film industry. Bhatt, who had a cameo in RRR, also turned producer with Darlings, which released on Netflix. Later in the year, she was seen in Brahmastra.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Amit Sial", "Description" : "Amit Sial has been working on back-to-back OTT projects and, this year, he captivated the audience with his performances in the second season of Jamtara and Maharani. In the past, he has also played the lead role in Kathmandu Connection. Sial has been in the industry for more than 15 years now, and has worked in several Bollywood films, television shows and OTT projects.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Avinash Sable", "Description" : "Track and field athlete Avinash Sable won the silver in the 3,000 m steeplechase in the Commonwealth Games, breaking the absolute dominance the Kenyans have had in the sport for over three decades. With his medal, Sable not only became the first Indian to win a medal in the sport, but also the only non-Kenyan to make it to the podium since 1988.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Ayushmann Khurrana", "Description" : "The actor starred in three films—Anek, Doctor G and An Action Hero—in 2022, none of which worked at the box office. The last two, however, brought him acclaim for his varied choices and performances. He'll be seen in Dream Girl 2 next.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "D Gukesh", "Description" : "He is India's youngest grandmaster and the youngest player to have taken down Magnus Carlsen since he became a world champion. Gukesh was also in red-hot form in the Chess Olympiad, registering eight wins in a row and helping India B win the bronze. He also won an individual gold in the tournament. Besides, Gukesh has earned a few tournament victories in the year, including the Gijon Masters and the La Roda Open Chess Tournament.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Deepak Kumar Mishra", "Description" : "A mechanical engineer from IIT Mumbai, Deepak Kumar Mishra went on to work with TVF, with no formal training in filmmaking. In 2016, he directed and acted in the romantic comedy Permanent Roommates-2 and directed Humorously Yours that released in 2019. He also played Tyagi Ji in the much loved series Gullak. Mishra is popularly known for creating and directing the slice-of-life drama Panchayat. He is now working on the third season of the series.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Filmmaker" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Dhanush", "Description" : "It was an exciting year for the National Award-winning actor, singer and producer, who starred in four films, and also crossed borders to reach Hollywood. His most appreciated performance was in the Tamil film Thiruchitrambalam, while his most talked-about film this year was the English film The Gray Man, directed by the Russo Brothers.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Darshana Rajendran", "Description" : "Having proved her mettle in a short career span, she had tremendous box office successes in 2022, as well as critical appreciation for her performances in Malayalam cinema. She had a strong start to the year with Hridayam, and her depth and range as an actor came through in Dear Friend and Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Dulquer Salmaan", "Description" : "With the role of Lieutenant Ram in the Telugu period romance film Sita Ramam, which ranked five in IMDB's Best Indian Movies of 2022, Salmaan won over a pan-India audience. Besides the romance genre, this year he also starred in thriller films such as Salute and Chup, the latter being acclaimed as an authentic Balki craft.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Eldhose Paul", "Description" : "Eldhose Paul, who fought several personal odds to pursue his sport, became the first Indian triple jumper to qualify for the World Championships, and finished within the top eight. A few weeks later, he won a gold at the Commonwealth Games 2022, again becoming the first Indian to win a medal in the sport.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Gautham Ramachandran", "Description" : "The filmmaker's courtroom drama Gargi received a good response from critics and audiences for the sensitive portrayal of a child rape investigation, while touching upon issues like media trials, the lapses and loopholes in the Indian criminal justice system, and the courage of the human spirit.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Filmmaker" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Geetanjali Kulkarni", "Description" : "With projects such as Taj Mahal, Selection Day, Cobalt Blue, Unpaused: Naya Safar and three seasons of Gullak under her belt, actor Geetanjali Kulkarni is a known name in Marathi cinema, and has even been part of a National Award winning film, Court (2014). Last seen in Rangbaaz: Darr Ki Rajneeti, the actor has already shot for a film, Minimum, and is currently shooting for OTT series Moonwalk.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Hardik Pandya", "Description" : "The flashy middle-order all-rounder left a forgettable 2021 behind him with a convincing 2022 performance. Pandya led his IPL team Gujarat Titans to their debut title victory and by the year-end, he was the stand-in captain in T20Is against New Zealand. In T20Is this year, he scored 607 runs and took 20 wickets in 27 matches. He also put in a decent performance in the ODIs during the England summer of July 2022.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Huma Qureshi", "Description" : "From Monica O My Darling, Mithya and Maharani 2, Huma Qureshi has been winning the hearts of audiences with her remarkable performance. Her second outing as Rani Bharti in Maharani 2, the idealistic princess in the murk of Bihar politics of the '90s, has won many accolades. Her grounded performance in the engaging political drama is perfectly suitable for the story of an underdog.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Jasmeet K Reen", "Description" : "Starting her career in the advertising world, Jasmeet K Reen's love for cinema bought her to Bollywood. After working as the chief assistant director, associate director, and screenplay writer in the industry, she began writing her debut film Darlings. Starring Alia Bhatt, Shefali Shah and Vijay Varma, it had the highest global opening for a non-English language Indian film on Netflix in 2022.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Jerlin Anika", "Description" : "Shuttler Jerlin put in a stellar performance in 2022, winning three gold medals in badminton—the singles, mixed doubles and the India team mixed gold—at the 24th Summer Deaflympics in Brazil. She had gone medal-less at a similar event in Turkey in 2017. The Brazil performances brought her national recognition, and she was awarded the Arjuna Award in November. She is now training for the World Deaf Championships in 2023.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Joju George", "Description" : "From Solomante Theneechakal, Peace, Thuramukham to Buffoon, it was quite a year for Joju George as he featured in nine OTT shows including both web series and movies. He is a Malayalam actor known for his performance in supporting and comedy roles.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Karthi", "Description" : "Karthi had an excellent year, cementing his position as one of Tamil cinema's strongest actors. After excelling in his performance as Vanthiyadevan in Mani Ratnam's Ponniyan Selvan: 1, a role that came loaded with expectations, the actor continued his winning streak with a double role in PS Mithran's Sardar. He also received appreciation for the titular role in Viruman.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Kunchacko Boban", "Description" : "One of Malayalam cinema's most underrated, versatile and bankable actors, Boban had four film releases in 2022, the highlights being Nna Thaan Case Kodu, a legal satire that he also produced, and Pada, a political thriller. Boban has been making interesting and offbeat script choices of late, and his strong and sincere performances in these films in 2022 took his standing as an actor up by a notch.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Lakshya Sen", "Description" : "The 20-year-old shuttler won the Indian Open beating world champion Loh Kean Yew. He also made it to the final of the All-England Championship, only the fifth Indian to do so. Sen also played a crucial role in India's historic victory at the Thomas Cup and continued his purple patch, winning the Commonwealth Games singles gold. But he ended the year on a tough note following a nasal surgery and a few early exits thereafter.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Lokesh Kanagaraj", "Description" : "It's rare in Tamil cinema to have a genre-specific action film. And Lokesh Kanagaraj's Vikram, starring Kamal Haasan, Vijay Sethupathi and Fahadh Faasil—with tonnes of fanboy moments and Easter egg references—was one of the biggest hits of 2022, and kept people talking for days.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Filmmaker" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Madhuri Dixit", "Description" : "After making several appearances on reality shows as the judge or as a guest on the small screen, actor Madhuri Dixit made her OTT debut in 2022 with Netflix thriller The Fame Game, after doing films for close to four decades. Dixit starrer, Maja Ma, also released the same year, on Amazon Prime Video, which was the OTT platform's first India original.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Mammootty", "Description" : "The veteran actor, who is synonymous with Malayalam cinema, impressed everyone with his versatility, choice of scripts and performances. In 2022, his films include Puzhu, Rorschach and Bheeshma Parvam—as diverse as they get—through which he was able to reiterate his status as one of India's best actors of all time.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Mani Ratnam", "Description" : "He was the force behind one of India's most acclaimed and well-received films of 2022, Ponniyin Selvan: 1. The epic historical drama, which grossed more than Rs 300 crore in India, is also co-written and co-produced by Ratnam, who is set to release the sequel in the coming year.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Filmmaker" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Manisha Ramadass", "Description" : "This 17-year-old won the BWF Para-Badminton World Championship in the SU5 category this year, defeating the Japanese powerhouse of previous years. This was followed by the female para-badminton Player of the Year award in December, when she claimed 11 gold and five bronze medals, after making her international debut just in March.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Mirabai Chanu", "Description" : "Weightlifter Mirabai Chanu continued her good run from the Olympics by winning the gold in the 49-kg category at the Commonwealth Games. Her combined lift of 201 kg was a Commonwealth and Games record in snatch, and a Games record in clean and jerk. She finished the year with flying colours, winning a silver in the elite World Championships.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Neeraj Chopra", "Description" : "The Olympic gold medallist followed up a spectacular 2021 with an equally stunning 2022 despite an injury that kept him away from CWG. Chopra became the first Indian ever to win the elite Diamond League, and the second after Anju Bobby George to win a medal in the World Championships, finishing the event with a silver.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Nikhat Zareen", "Description" : "Boxing's rising star and reigning world champion, Zareen started the year well by winning a gold at Strandja Memorial Boxing Tournament in Sofia. She followed it up with another gold at the IBA World Boxing Championships, becoming the fifth Indian to finish first in the tournament. She continued her golden run at the Commonwealth Games too, winning in the light flyweight category.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Nithya Menen", "Description" : "After her debut as a producer with Telugu period drama comedy Skylab last year, Nithya Menen has had a fantastic 2022 with a mix of OTT shows and film releases. She has proved she is a bankable actor across genres and languages with her performances in Malayalam films 19(1)(a) and Wonder Women, Tamil film Thiruchitrambalam, Hindi OTT show Breathe: Into the Shadows, and Modern Love: Hyderabad in Telugu.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Priyanka Mohite", "Description" : "Priyanka Mohite became the first Indian woman to scale five peaks above 8,000 m after she climbed Mount Kanchenjunga recently. Last April, she scaled Mount Annapurna (8,091 m), the 10th highest mountain peak in the world, becoming the first Indian woman climber to achieve the feat. The mountaineer from Satara has also climbed the world's highest peak, Mount Everest (8,849 m) in 2013, Mount Lhotse (8,516 m) in 2018, Mount Makalu (8,485 m) and Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m) in 2016. The 30-year-old has also been the recipient of Tenzing Norgay Adventure Award in 2020.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Pushkar Gayathri", "Description" : "The film-making duo's Suzhal: The Vortex was one of the most successful Tamil OTT shows in 2022. It was appreciated both by critics and the audience for its layered and nuanced storytelling. The Hindi remake of their 2017 film Vikram Vedha also received rave reviews. These creators capped off 2022 with another Tamil web series release Vadhandhi: The Fable of Velonie.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "R Vaishali", "Description" : "R Vaishali, was recently crowned the first-ever women's blitz champion at the Tata Steel Chess in Kolkata—a massive feat for women's chess in India. She became a grandmaster at the age of 17 and in 2021 became an International Master. Additionally, she was also part of the gold medal-winning Indian team at the Online Olympiad 2020, which included players like Viswanathan Anand, Koneru Humpy and her brother Praggnanandhaa. She is one of the top 50 women in the world rankings.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Rajkummar Rao", "Description" : "He started the year with a bang, playing a gay character in Badhai Do, a drama film commenting on the homophobia that exists in society and the fear it brings with it. On the OTT front, Rao acted in a couple of diverse films by Netflix, HIT: The First Case and Monica, O My Darling, proving his versatility as an actor.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Richie Mehta and Tanuj Chopra", "Description" : "Canadian film director and writer Richie Mehta created and directed the drama series Delhi Crime, based on the 2012 Delhi gang rape case. The series won the International Emmy Award for Best Drama Series in 2020. The second season of the series, centred on the notorious crimes by the Kaccha-Baniyan gang of Delhi, was directed by Indo-American filmmaker Tanuj Chopra.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Filmmaker" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Rishab Shetty", "Description" : "The actor has received tremendous adulation and appreciation for his performance in the Kannada blockbuster Kantara, which he also directed. The movie has earned over Rs 400 crore at the box office. He's now prepping for its sequel.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Sai Pallavi", "Description" : "She starred in the Tamil film Gargi, a sensitive legal drama in which she is said to have given the best performance of her career so far. Her performance was also appreciated in the Telugu period drama Virata Parvam.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Sakshi Tanwar", "Description" : "It is difficult to forget the fame Balaji Telefilms' soap opera Kahani Ghar Ghar Kii brought for Sakshi Tanwar. She has categorically picked projects to break that mould and with the Netflix series Mai, she might have finally achieved that in 2022. While the web series received a mixed response, Tanwar's performance was admired.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Sanjay Leela Bhansali", "Description" : "The filmmaker's Gangubai Kathiawadi brought people to the theatres after the pandemic-induced shutdown. Based on the book, Mafia Queens of Mumbai, it tells the story of a young girl who came to Mumbai to become an actor, but is forced into prostitution. Eventually, she becomes their voice and takes on the bigwigs.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Filmmaker" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Shefali Shah", "Description" : "2022 was the year of Shefali Shah. It began with her performance as the ruthless Dr Gauri Nath in the medical thriller Human. That was followed by a social thriller titled Jalsa along with Vidya Balan. Her portrayal of street-smart mother Shamshu in Alia Bhatt's dark comedy Darlings was another fierce performance. She returned with the next season of Delhi Crime to critical acclaim. Shah capped off the year with another medical role with Ayushmann Khurrana's Doctor G as Dr Nandini Srivastav.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Shriya Pilgaonkar", "Description" : "Actor and stage performer, Shriya Pilagaonkar's appearance as Sweety Gupta in Mirzapur made her a recognisable face across India. In 2022, she acted in three shows—Guilty Minds, The Broken News, and The Gone Game (season 2). She also bagged a Filmfare OTT award for best actor in a drama series for her work in Guilty Minds.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "SS Rajamouli", "Description" : "The Telugu filmmaker's RRR, which followed his massive hit Baahubali, has collected Rs 1,200 crore worldwide and is currently proving to be a rage in Japan. After its pan-India success, the film continues to make waves globally. It has been nominated in the Best Foreign Film category at the Golden Globe Awards and its song ‘Naatu, Naatu' has bagged a nomination for Best Original Song.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Filmmaker" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Suraj Venjaramoodu", "Description" : "He has been a familiar face in Malayalam cinema over the years, first getting noticed for his comic roles and then pivoting to a range of versatile characters. He has now cemented his position as a lead and character actor in Malayalam films, with 2022 taking his career to greater heights through strong roles in films Jana Gana Mana and Heaven.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Surya Kumar Yadav", "Description" : "Indian cricket's flavour of the season. A late bloomer who made his international debut in 2021, Yadav's innovative shotmaking has drawn parallels with Mr 360, AB de Villiers. In 38 T20 innings he's played for India, Yadav has amassed 1,284 runs that includes a century, 12 half centuries and a strike rate of 179. He finished the T20 World Cup as the third-highest run-getter and during the tournament became the first Indian to score 1,000 T20I runs in a calendar year.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Tabu", "Description" : "Having performed phenomenally well in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 this year, Tabu also starred in Drishyam 2, the sequel of a hit Bollywood remake of a Malyalam film with the same name. Critics and audience alike praised Tabu's work in Bhool Bhulaiyaa which went on to do great numbers for the box office, earning more than Rs 200 crore in India.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Tahir Raj Bhasin", "Description" : "Tahir Raj Bhasin has been grabbing a lot of appreciation for his stint and versatility, and this year he had a successful hattrick on OTT—Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein, Looop Lapeta to Ranjish Hi Sahi, all his projects have turned out to be massive hits.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "OTT, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Thomas Cup-winning badminton team", "Description" : "The Indian men's badminton team scored a historic first this year by winning the prestigious Thomas Cup. In the final, considered to be the world championships for teams, they beat defending champions and 14-time winners Indonesia with a dominant 3-0 margin. Lakshya Sen started off the proceedings by winning his singles tie, while the doubles pair of Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty closed off a sensational three-setter to give India a 2-0 lead. Kidambi Srikanth won the final singles for an unassailable 3-0 scoreline.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Tovino Thomas", "Description" : "He has emerged as one of the most popular actors in Malayalam cinema, and had ended 2021 with a bang through his hit superhero film Minnal Murali. In 2022, he picked roles that showcased his range as a performer, including courtroom drama Vaashi, newsroom thriller Naaradan (where he played a negative role) and action film Thallumaala.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Cinema, Actor" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "Name" : "Women's hockey team", "Description" : "India's women's hockey team rounded off 2022 with an impressive victory beating Spain 1-0 in the finals of the inaugural FIH Nations Cup played at Valencia. India won the tournament with a perfect record of five wins in five matches, defeating Chile, Japan, South Africa and Ireland. This has marked a continuous improved run for the team, which also won bronze at the Birmingham Women's Commonwealth Games in July-August.", "Image" : "", "jobTitle" : "Sports" } ] } </script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style> /* Gotham Black */ @font-face { font-family: 'Gotham Black'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; src: local(''), url('') format('woff2'), /* Chrome 26+, Opera 23+, Firefox 39+ */ url('') format('woff'); /* Chrome 6+, Firefox 3.6+, IE 9+, Safari 5.1+ */ } /* Gotham Black */ /* Gotham Bold */ @font-face { font-family: 'Gotham Bold'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; src: local(''), url('') format('woff2'), /* Chrome 26+, Opera 23+, Firefox 39+ */ url('') format('woff'); /* Chrome 6+, Firefox 3.6+, IE 9+, Safari 5.1+ */ } /* Gotham Bold */ /* Gotham Book */ @font-face { font-family: 'Gotham Book'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: local(''), url('') format('woff2'), /* Chrome 26+, Opera 23+, Firefox 39+ */ url('') format('woff'); /* Chrome 6+, Firefox 3.6+, IE 9+, Safari 5.1+ */ } /* Gotham Book */ /* Gotham Light */ @font-face { font-family: 'Gotham Light'; 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background-color: #ffe1f1; } .wp-breadcrumb {overflow: hidden; display: block; padding: 0; margin-left: 0;} .wp-breadcrumb li { float: left; font-family: 'PoynterOSDisplay', sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; } .wp-breadcrumb li + li::before { content: '/'; padding: 0 5px; color: #000; } .wp-breadcrumb li a { color: #000; font-family: inherit; font-weight: normal; font-family: 'PoynterOSDisplay', sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; } @media (max-width: 991px) { .wp-breadcrumb-w { /* background-color: #ecc1f3; */ background-color: #ffe1f1; } } </style> <div class="wp-breadcrumb-w"> <div class="forbescontainer"> <ol class="wp-breadcrumb"> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Home</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lists</a></li> <li class="active">Showstoppers 2022-23</li> </ol> </div> </div> <style> /* intro video. */ .intro--section {position: relative; z-index: 1; max-height: 1400px; display: flex; justify-content: center;overflow: hidden;background:#fff} .intro-container {position: relative; 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The list of 50 consists of 20 from films, 15 from OTT and 15 from sport, and is curated by a jury of experts. While Showstoppers 2022-23 features high-profile superstars, it also includes talented individuals who might be lesser talked-about, but have proven their mettle this year <br class="vom"> <a href="" class="rl-rm-link" target="_blank">Read more...</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="down-arrow"> <img src="images/down-arrow.png" alt="down arrow"> </div> </div> <style> .ds-item {padding-bottom: 25px; } .ds-item:last-child {margin-bottom: 0;} .ds-year {font-size: 103px; color: #fff; border-bottom: 5px solid #fff; font-family: "Gotham Ultra";line-height: normal; margin-bottom: 50px; display: inline-block;} .ds-meta {white-space: normal;} .ds-title {font-size: 25px; font-family: "Gotham", sans-serif;line-height: normal; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0; color: #fff; border: 0; padding: 0; text-transform: initial;} .at-ds-tag {font-size: 22px; font-family: "Gotham Book", sans-serif; line-height: normal; color: #fff; margin: 10px 0;} .ds-desc {font-size: 22px; font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; 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His restraint in using the material avaiable to him to build the story is commendable. Pannu's take on patriotism, pacifism, and the dark side of the arm's race never gets into the jingoism that seems to be prevalent today. Eight episodes present a captivating story of a struggling nation.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Aishwarya-Lekshmi"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Aishwarya Lekshmi</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Aishwarya-Lekshmi.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>This was the year Aishwarya Lekshmi proved that she could excel in playing a range of characters, right from the commercial 'heroine' to strong, unconventional performances. She managed to make her mark as a sincere and bankable performer across Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam cinema. Some of her biggest successes include <em>Ammu, Kumari, Gatta Kusthi and Gargi</em> (where she was also a co-producer). She also starred in the Amazon Prime anthology <em>Putham Pudhu Kaalai Vidiyaadhaa</em> and stood her ground among Mani Ratnam's star-studded ensemble in <em>Ponniyin Selvan: 1</em>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Alia-Bhatt"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Alia Bhatt</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Alia-Bhatt.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>She began 2022 with a bang with an acclaimed performance in <em>Gangubai Kathiawadi</em> and followed it with another stellar act in <em>Darlings</em>, cementing her position as one of the most bankable actors in the Hindi film industry. Bhatt, who had a cameo in <em>RRR</em>, also turned producer with <em>Darlings</em>, which released on Netflix. Later in the year, she was seen in <em>Brahmastra</em>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-actor" data-name="Amit-Sial"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Amit Sial</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Amit-Sial.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Amit Sial has been working on back-to-back OTT projects and, this year, he captivated the audience with his performances in the second season of <em>Jamtara</em> and <em>Maharani</em>. In the past, he has also played the lead role in <em>Kathmandu Connection</em>. Sial has been in the industry for more than 15 years now, and has worked in several Bollywood films, television shows and OTT projects.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Avinash-Sable"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Avinash Sable</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Avinash-Sable.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Track and field athlete Avinash Sable won the silver in the 3,000 m steeplechase in the Commonwealth Games, breaking the absolute dominance the Kenyans have had in the sport for over three decades. With his medal, Sable not only became the first Indian to win a medal in the sport, but also the only non-Kenyan to make it to the podium since 1988.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Ayushmann-Khurrana"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Ayushmann Khurrana</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Ayushmann-Khurrana.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The actor starred in three films—<em>Anek, Doctor G</em> and <em>An Action Hero</em>—in 2022, none of which worked at the box office. The last two, however, brought him acclaim for his varied choices and performances. He'll be seen in <em>Dream Girl 2</em> next.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="D-Gukesh"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">D Gukesh</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/D-Gukesh.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>He is India's youngest grandmaster and the youngest player to have taken down Magnus Carlsen since he became a world champion. Gukesh was also in red-hot form in the Chess Olympiad, registering eight wins in a row and helping India B win the bronze. He also won an individual gold in the tournament. Besides, Gukesh has earned a few tournament victories in the year, including the Gijon Masters and the La Roda Open Chess Tournament.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-filmmaker" data-name="Deepak-Kumar-Mishra"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Deepak Kumar Mishra</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Filmmaker</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Deepak-Kumar-Mishra.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>A mechanical engineer from IIT Mumbai, Deepak Kumar Mishra went on to work with TVF, with no formal training in filmmaking. In 2016, he directed and acted in the romantic comedy <em>Permanent Roommates-2</em> and directed <em>Humorously Yours</em> that released in 2019. He also played Tyagi Ji in the much loved series <em>Gullak</em>. Mishra is popularly known for creating and directing the slice-of-life drama <em>Panchayat</em>. He is now working on the third season of the series.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Dhanush"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Dhanush</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Dhanush.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>It was an exciting year for the National Award-winning actor, singer and producer, who starred in four films, and also crossed borders to reach Hollywood. His most appreciated performance was in the Tamil film <em>Thiruchitrambalam</em>, while his most talked-about film this year was the English film <em>The Gray Man</em>, directed by the Russo Brothers.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Darshana-Rajendran"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Darshana Rajendran</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/darshana-rajendran.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Having proved her mettle in a short career span, she had tremendous box office successes in 2022, as well as critical appreciation for her performances in Malayalam cinema. She had a strong start to the year with <em>Hridayam</em>, and her depth and range as an actor came through in <em>Dear Friend</em> and <em>Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey</em>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Dulquer-Salmaan"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Dulquer Salmaan</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Dulquer-Salmaan.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>With the role of Lieutenant Ram in the Telugu period romance film <em>Sita Ramam</em>, which ranked five in IMDB's Best Indian Movies of 2022, Salmaan won over a pan-India audience. Besides the romance genre, this year he also starred in thriller films such as <em>Salute</em> and <em>Chup</em>, the latter being acclaimed as an authentic Balki craft.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Eldhose-Paul"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Eldhose Paul</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Eldhose-Paul.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Eldhose Paul, who fought several personal odds to pursue his sport, became the first Indian triple jumper to qualify for the World Championships, and finished within the top eight. A few weeks later, he won a gold at the Commonwealth Games 2022, again becoming the first Indian to win a medal in the sport.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-filmmaker" data-name="Gautham-Ramachandran"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Gautham Ramachandran</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Filmmaker</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Gautham-Ramachandran.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The filmmaker's courtroom drama <em>Gargi</em> received a good response from critics and audiences for the sensitive portrayal of a child rape investigation, while touching upon issues like media trials, the lapses and loopholes in the Indian criminal justice system, and the courage of the human spirit.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-actor" data-name="Geetanjali-Kulkarni"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Geetanjali Kulkarni</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Geetanjali-Kulkarni.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>With projects such as <em>Taj Mahal, Selection Day, Cobalt Blue, Unpaused: Naya Safar</em> and three seasons of <em>Gullak</em> under her belt, actor Geetanjali Kulkarni is a known name in Marathi cinema, and has even been part of a National Award winning film, <em>Court</em> (2014). Last seen in <em>Rangbaaz: Darr Ki Rajneeti</em>, the actor has already shot for a film, <em>Minimum</em>, and is currently shooting for OTT series <em>Moonwalk</em>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Hardik-Pandya"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Hardik Pandya</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Hardik-Pandya.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The flashy middle-order all-rounder left a forgettable 2021 behind him with a convincing 2022 performance. Pandya led his IPL team Gujarat Titans to their debut title victory and by the year-end, he was the stand-in captain in T20Is against New Zealand. In T20Is this year, he scored 607 runs and took 20 wickets in 27 matches. He also put in a decent performance in the ODIs during the England summer of July 2022.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-actor" data-name="Huma-Qureshi"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Huma Qureshi</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Huma-Qureshi.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>From <em>Monica O My Darling, Mithya and Maharani 2</em>, Huma Qureshi has been winning the hearts of audiences with her remarkable performance. Her second outing as Rani Bharti in <em>Maharani 2</em>, the idealistic princess in the murk of Bihar politics of the '90s, has won many accolades. Her grounded performance in the engaging political drama is perfectly suitable for the story of an underdog.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-filmmaker" data-name="Jasmeet-K-Reen"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Jasmeet K Reen</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Filmmaker</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Jasmeet-K-Reen.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Starting her career in the advertising world, Jasmeet K Reen's love for cinema bought her to Bollywood. After working as the chief assistant director, associate director, and screenplay writer in the industry, she began writing her debut film <em>Darlings</em>. Starring Alia Bhatt, Shefali Shah and Vijay Varma, it had the highest global opening for a non-English language Indian film on Netflix in 2022.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Jerlin-Anika"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Jerlin Anika</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Jerlin-Anika.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Shuttler Jerlin put in a stellar performance in 2022, winning three gold medals in badminton—the singles, mixed doubles and the India team mixed gold—at the 24th Summer Deaflympics in Brazil. She had gone medal-less at a similar event in Turkey in 2017. The Brazil performances brought her national recognition, and she was awarded the Arjuna Award in November. She is now training for the World Deaf Championships in 2023.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-actor" data-name="Joju-George"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Joju George</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Joju-George.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>From <em>Solomante Theneechakal, Peace, Thuramukham to Buffoon</em>, it was quite a year for Joju George as he featured in nine OTT shows including both web series and movies. He is a Malayalam actor known for his performance in supporting and comedy roles.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Karthi"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Karthi</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Karthi.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Karthi had an excellent year, cementing his position as one of Tamil cinema's strongest actors. After excelling in his performance as Vanthiyadevan in Mani Ratnam's <em>Ponniyan Selvan: 1</em>, a role that came loaded with expectations, the actor continued his winning streak with a double role in PS Mithran's <em>Sardar</em>. He also received appreciation for the titular role in <em>Viruman</em>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Kunchacko-Boban"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Kunchacko Boban</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Kunchacko-Boban.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>One of Malayalam cinema's most underrated, versatile and bankable actors, Boban had four film releases in 2022, the highlights being <em>Nna Thaan Case Kodu</em>, a legal satire that he also produced, and <em>Pada</em>, a political thriller. Boban has been making interesting and offbeat script choices of late, and his strong and sincere performances in these films in 2022 took his standing as an actor up by a notch.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Lakshya-Sen"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Lakshya Sen</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Lakshya-Sen.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The 20-year-old shuttler won the Indian Open beating world champion Loh Kean Yew. He also made it to the final of the All-England Championship, only the fifth Indian to do so. Sen also played a crucial role in India's historic victory at the Thomas Cup and continued his purple patch, winning the Commonwealth Games singles gold. But he ended the year on a tough note following a nasal surgery and a few early exits thereafter.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-filmmaker" data-name="Lokesh-Kanagaraj"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Lokesh Kanagaraj</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Filmmaker</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Lokesh-Kanagaraj.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>It's rare in Tamil cinema to have a genre-specific action film. And Lokesh Kanagaraj's <em>Vikram</em>, starring Kamal Haasan, Vijay Sethupathi and Fahadh Faasil—with tonnes of fanboy moments and Easter egg references—was one of the biggest hits of 2022, and kept people talking for days.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-actor" data-name="Madhuri-Dixit"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Madhuri Dixit</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Madhuri-Dixit.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>After making several appearances on reality shows as the judge or as a guest on the small screen, actor Madhuri Dixit made her OTT debut in 2022 with Netflix thriller <em>The Fame Game</em>, after doing films for close to four decades. Dixit starrer, <em>Maja Ma</em>, also released the same year, on Amazon Prime Video, which was the OTT platform's first India original.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Mammootty"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Mammootty</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Mammootty.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The veteran actor, who is synonymous with Malayalam cinema, impressed everyone with his versatility, choice of scripts and performances. In 2022, his films include <em>Puzhu, Rorschach and Bheeshma Parvam</em>—as diverse as they get—through which he was able to reiterate his status as one of India's best actors of all time.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-filmmaker" data-name="Mani-Ratnam"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Mani Ratnam</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Filmmaker</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Mani-Ratnam.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>He was the force behind one of India's most acclaimed and well-received films of 2022, <em>Ponniyin Selvan: 1</em>. The epic historical drama, which grossed more than Rs 300 crore in India, is also co-written and co-produced by Ratnam, who is set to release the sequel in the coming year.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Manisha-Ramadass"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Manisha Ramadass</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Manisha-Ramadass.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>This 17-year-old won the BWF Para-Badminton World Championship in the SU5 category this year, defeating the Japanese powerhouse of previous years. This was followed by the female para-badminton Player of the Year award in December, when she claimed 11 gold and five bronze medals, after making her international debut just in March.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Mirabai-Chanu"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Mirabai Chanu</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Mirabai-Chanu.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Weightlifter Mirabai Chanu continued her good run from the Olympics by winning the gold in the 49-kg category at the Commonwealth Games. Her combined lift of 201 kg was a Commonwealth and Games record in snatch, and a Games record in clean and jerk. She finished the year with flying colours, winning a silver in the elite World Championships.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Neeraj-Chopra"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Neeraj Chopra</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Neeraj-Chopra.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The Olympic gold medallist followed up a spectacular 2021 with an equally stunning 2022 despite an injury that kept him away from CWG. Chopra became the first Indian ever to win the elite Diamond League, and the second after Anju Bobby George to win a medal in the World Championships, finishing the event with a silver.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Nikhat-Zareen"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Nikhat Zareen</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Nikhat-Zareen.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Boxing's rising star and reigning world champion, Zareen started the year well by winning a gold at Strandja Memorial Boxing Tournament in Sofia. She followed it up with another gold at the IBA World Boxing Championships, becoming the fifth Indian to finish first in the tournament. She continued her golden run at the Commonwealth Games too, winning in the light flyweight category.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-actor" data-name="Nithya-Menen"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Nithya Menen</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Nithya-Menen.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>After her debut as a producer with Telugu period drama comedy <em>Skylab</em> last year, Nithya Menen has had a fantastic 2022 with a mix of OTT shows and film releases. She has proved she is a bankable actor across genres and languages with her performances in Malayalam films <em>19(1)(a)</em> and <em>Wonder Women</em>, Tamil film Thiruchitrambalam, Hindi OTT show <em>Breathe: Into the Shadows, and Modern Love: Hyderabad</em> in Telugu.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Priyanka-Mohite"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Priyanka Mohite</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Priyanka-Mohite.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Priyanka Mohite became the first Indian woman to scale five peaks above 8,000 m after she climbed Mount Kanchenjunga recently. Last April, she scaled Mount Annapurna (8,091 m), the 10th highest mountain peak in the world, becoming the first Indian woman climber to achieve the feat. The mountaineer from Satara has also climbed the world's highest peak, Mount Everest (8,849 m) in 2013, Mount Lhotse (8,516 m) in 2018, Mount Makalu (8,485 m) and Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m) in 2016. The 30-year-old has also been the recipient of Tenzing Norgay Adventure Award in 2020.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-filmmaker" data-name="Pushkar-Gayathri"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Pushkar Gayathri</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Filmmaker</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Pushkar-Gayathri.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The film-making duo's <em>Suzhal: The Vortex</em> was one of the most successful Tamil OTT shows in 2022. It was appreciated both by critics and the audience for its layered and nuanced storytelling. The Hindi remake of their 2017 film <em>Vikram Vedha</em> also received rave reviews. These creators capped off 2022 with another Tamil web series release <em>Vadhandhi: The Fable of Velonie</em>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="R-Vaishali"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">R Vaishali</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/R-Vaishali.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>R Vaishali was recently crowned the first-ever women's blitz champion at the Tata Steel Chess in Kolkata—a massive feat for women's chess in India. She became a grandmaster at the age of 17 and in 2021 became an International Master. Additionally, she was also part of the gold medal-winning Indian team at the Online Olympiad 2020, which included players like Viswanathan Anand, Koneru Humpy and her brother Praggnanandhaa. She is one of the top 50 women in the world rankings.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Rajkummar-Rao"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Rajkummar Rao</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Rajkummar-Rao.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>He started the year with a bang, playing a gay character in <em>Badhai Do</em>, a drama film commenting on the homophobia that exists in society and the fear it brings with it. On the OTT front, Rao acted in a couple of diverse films by Netflix, <em>HIT: The First Case and Monica, O My Darling,</em> proving his versatility as an actor.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-filmmaker" data-name="Richie-Mehta-and-Tanuj-Chopra"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Richie Mehta and Tanuj Chopra</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Filmmaker</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Richie-Mehta-and-Tanuj-Chopra.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Canadian film director and writer Richie Mehta created and directed the drama series <em>Delhi Crime</em>, based on the 2012 Delhi gang rape case. The series won the International Emmy Award for Best Drama Series in 2020. The second season of the series, centred on the notorious crimes by the Kaccha-Baniyan gang of Delhi, was directed by Indo-American filmmaker Tanuj Chopra.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Rishab-Shetty"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Rishab Shetty</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Rishab-Shetty.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The actor has received tremendous adulation and appreciation for his performance in the Kannada blockbuster <em>Kantara</em>, which he also directed. The movie has earned over Rs 400 crore at the box office. He's now prepping for its sequel.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Sai-Pallavi"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Sai Pallavi</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Sai-Pallavi.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>She starred in the Tamil film <em>Gargi</em>, a sensitive legal drama in which she is said to have given the best performance of her career so far. Her performance was also appreciated in the Telugu period drama <em>Virata Parvam</em>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-actor" data-name="Sakshi-Tanwar"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Sakshi Tanwar</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Sakshi-Tanwar.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>It is difficult to forget the fame Balaji Telefilms' soap opera <em>Kahani Ghar Ghar Kii</em> brought for Sakshi Tanwar. She has categorically picked projects to break that mould and with the Netflix series <em>Mai</em>, she might have finally achieved that in 2022. While the web series received a mixed response, Tanwar's performance was admired.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-filmmaker" data-name="Sanjay-Leela-Bhansali"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Sanjay Leela Bhansali</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Filmmaker</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Sanjay-Leela-Bhansali.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The filmmaker's <em>Gangubai Kathiawadi</em> brought people to the theatres after the pandemic-induced shutdown. Based on the book, Mafia Queens of Mumbai, it tells the story of a young girl who came to Mumbai to become an actor, but is forced into prostitution. Eventually, she becomes their voice and takes on the bigwigs.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-actor" data-name="Shefali-Shah"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Shefali Shah</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Shefali-Shah.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>2022 was the year of Shefali Shah. It began with her performance as the ruthless Dr Gauri Nath in the medical thriller <em>Human</em>. That was followed by a social thriller titled <em>Jalsa</em> along with Vidya Balan. Her portrayal of street-smart mother Shamshu in Alia Bhatt's dark comedy <em>Darlings</em> was another fierce performance. She returned with the next season of <em>Delhi Crime</em> to critical acclaim. Shah capped off the year with another medical role with Ayushmann Khurrana's <em>Doctor G</em> as Dr Nandini Srivastav.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-actor" data-name="Shriya-Pilgaonkar"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Shriya Pilgaonkar</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Shriya-Pilgaonkar.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Actor and stage performer, Shriya Pilagaonkar's appearance as Sweety Gupta in <em>Mirzapur</em> made her a recognisable face across India. In 2022, she acted in three shows—<em>Guilty Minds, The Broken News,</em> and <em>The Gone Game (season 2)</em>, and also bagged a Filmfare nomination for OTT best actor in a drama series for her work in <em>Guilty Minds</em>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-filmmaker" data-name="SS-Rajamouli"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">SS Rajamouli</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Filmmaker</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/SS-Rajamouli.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The Telugu filmmaker's <em>RRR</em>, which followed his massive hit <em>Baahubali</em>, has collected Rs 1,200 crore worldwide and is currently proving to be a rage in Japan. After its pan-India success, the film continues to make waves globally. It has been nominated in the Best Foreign Film category at the Golden Globe Awards and its song <em>'Naatu, Naatu'</em> has bagged a nomination for Best Original Song.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Suraj-Venjaramoodu"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Suraj Venjaramoodu</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Suraj-Venjaramoodu.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>He has been a familiar face in Malayalam cinema over the years, first getting noticed for his comic roles and then pivoting to a range of versatile characters. He has now cemented his position as a lead and character actor in Malayalam films, with 2022 taking his career to greater heights through strong roles in films <em>Jana Gana Mana</em> and <em>Heaven</em>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Surya-Kumar-Yadav"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Surya Kumar Yadav</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Surya-Kumar-Yadav.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Indian cricket's flavour of the season. A late bloomer who made his international debut in 2021, Yadav's innovative shotmaking has drawn parallels with Mr 360, AB de Villiers. In 38 T20 innings he's played for India, Yadav has amassed 1,284 runs that includes a century, 12 half centuries and a strike rate of 179. He finished the T20 World Cup as the third-highest run-getter and during the tournament became the first Indian to score 1,000 T20I runs in a calendar year.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Tabu"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Tabu</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Tabu.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Having performed phenomenally well in <em>Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2</em> this year, Tabu also starred in <em>Drishyam 2</em>, the sequel of a hit Bollywood remake of a Malyalam film with the same name. Critics and audience alike praised Tabu's work in <em>Bhool Bhulaiyaa</em> which went on to do great numbers for the box office, earning more than Rs 200 crore in India.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="ott-actor" data-name="Tahir-Raj-Bhasin"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Tahir Raj Bhasin</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">OTT, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Tahir-Raj-Bhasin.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>Tahir Raj Bhasin has been grabbing a lot of appreciation for his stint and versatility, and this year he had a successful hattrick on OTT—<em>Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein, Looop Lapeta to Ranjish Hi Sahi,</em> all his projects have turned out to be massive hits.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Thomas-Cup-winning-badminton-team"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Thomas Cup-winning badminton team</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Thomas-Cup-winning-badminton-team.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>The Indian men's badminton team scored a historic first this year by winning the prestigious Thomas Cup. In the final, considered to be the world championships for teams, they beat defending champions and 14-time winners Indonesia with a dominant 3-0 margin. Lakshya Sen started off the proceedings by winning his singles tie, while the doubles pair of Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty closed off a sensational three-setter to give India a 2-0 lead. Kidambi Srikanth won the final singles for an unassailable 3-0 scoreline.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="cinema-actor" data-name="Tovino-Thomas"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Tovino Thomas</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Cinema, Actor</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Tovino-Thomas.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>He has emerged as one of the most popular actors in Malayalam cinema, and had ended 2021 with a bang through his hit superhero film <em>Minnal Murali</em>. In 2022, he picked roles that showcased his range as a performer, including courtroom drama <em>Vaashi</em>, newsroom thriller <em>Naaradan</em> (where he played a negative role) and action film <em>Thallumaala</em>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wp-slides" data-category="sports" data-name="Womens-hockey-team"> <div class="wp-lightbox"> <div class="wp-lightbox-cont"> <h2 class="lgt-name">Women's hockey team</h2> <div class="lgt-desg">Sports</div> <img src="image/profiles/h/Womens-hockey-team.jpg" alt="" title="" class="wp-profile-thumb"> <div class="lt-desc"> <p>India's women's hockey team rounded off 2022 with an impressive victory beating Spain 1-0 in the finals of the inaugural FIH Nations Cup played at Valencia. India won the tournament with a perfect record of five wins in five matches, defeating Chile, Japan, South Africa and Ireland. This has marked a continuous improved run for the team, which also won bronze at the Birmingham Women's Commonwealth Games in July-August.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="wp-prev" onclick="plusSlides(-1)"><svg height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" fill="#fff"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"/><path d="M21 11H6.83l3.58-3.59L9 6l-6 6 6 6 1.41-1.41L6.83 13H21v-2z"/></svg><span>PREVIOUS</a> <a class="wp-next" onclick="plusSlides(1)"><svg height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" fill="#fff"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"/><path d="M21 11H6.83l3.58-3.59L9 6l-6 6 6 6 1.41-1.41L6.83 13H21v-2z"/></svg><span>NEXT</a> </div> </div> <!--js--> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/forbes.js"></script> <script> var field = 'profile'; var originalUrl = window.location.href; var currentUrl = window.location.origin+window.location.pathname; var new_url=currentUrl; var slideIndex = 1; /* Lightbox JS */ var body = document.body; 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