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Note that Section 16 (Dispute Resolution) contains a mandatory arbitration clause, a\n jury waiver and a class action\n waiver. By agreeing to these Terms, you agree to resolve all disputes through binding individual\n arbitration,\n which means that you waive any right to have those disputes decided by a judge or jury, and that you cannot\n participate in class actions, class arbitrations, or representative actions.</b></p>\n <p><b>\n These Terms of Service are effective as of the Effective Date above or, if required by law, 30 days after\n notice to you. If you do not agree with these Terms, including the Dispute Resolution section, your sole\n remedy is to not use our Services. By continuing to use the Services after the Effective Date, you agree to\n and accept these Terms.\n </p></b>\n <p> and other Forbes websites (collectively, the \"<u>Website</u>\") are digital services owned and operated\n by Forbes Media LLC (\"<u>Forbes,</u>\" \"<u>our,</u>\" or \"<u>we</u>\"). Forbes is dedicated to providing visitors\n to the Website with a highly interactive and positive experience, while at the same time protecting our rights\n and the rights of our users. We have developed these Terms of Service (\"<u>Terms</u>\") to govern your use of the\n Website as well as your use of or interaction with any other Forbes owned or operated digital service or\n channel, including without limitation our mobile site, mobile applications, digital membership products, print\n or online magazine subscription(s), digital games, events, and social media and other channels (e.g., Forbes’\n profiles and Content on social media platforms; newsletters; emails) (\"<u>Forbes Channels</u>\"). We, along with\n our affiliates, partners, and advertisers, provide content and services to you via the Website and Forbes\n Channels subject to the following conditions. Your use of the Website and/or Forbes Channels tells us you have\n read and agreed to these Terms. Please read them carefully. These Terms are a binding contract between you and\n Forbes regarding your use of the Website and Forbes Channels, unless a different set of terms of service is set\n out on a specific site or channel, in which case these Terms will supplement the applicable set of terms of\n service. Forbes' subscriptions, surveys, contests, and sweepstakes may have additional terms and conditions that\n supplement these terms, like Forbes’ <a href=\"\"\n target=\"_top\">Digital\n Terms of Sale</a>. If you do not agree with any of these terms, please stop using the Website and cease use\n of any Forbes Channels.</p>\n <p>The Website and Forbes Channels are not meant for or targeted to anyone under the age of 16, and you must be at\n least 16 years of age or over to use the Website or Forbes Channels. Your parent or guardian must review and\n accept these Terms on your behalf if you are below the age of consent under your location’s applicable law.</p>\n <p>To learn how Forbes collects, processes, and shares personal information, please consult Forbes’ <a\n href=\"\" target=\"_top\">Privacy Statement</a>.</p>\n <ol>\n <li style=\"padding-top:0px;\">\n <h4>The Content</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>1.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>All of the information, content, services and software displayed on, transmitted through, or used\n in connection with the Website or Forbes Channels, including for example, advertising,\n directories, lists, guides, articles, opinions, reviews, text, photographs, images,\n illustrations, graphics, games, audio, video, html, source and object code, software, data, and\n all the selection and arrangement of the aforementioned and the \"look and feel\" of this Website\n and Forbes Channels (collectively, the \"<u>Content</u>\"), are protected under applicable\n copyrights and other proprietary rights and are the intellectual property of Forbes and its\n affiliated companies, licensors and suppliers. Forbes actively protects its rights to the\n Content to the fullest extent of the law. You may not use the Content except as expressly\n provided in these Terms.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>1.2</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>The Content includes logotypes, trademarks and service marks (collectively \"<u>Marks</u>\") and\n patents owned by Forbes, and Marks owned by other information providers and third parties. For\n example, \"Forbes\" is a registered trademark of Forbes. No Marks or patents may be used in any\n manner unless approved in advance, in writing by Forbes.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>1.3</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>You may use the Website, Forbes Channels, and Content online and solely for personal,\n non-commercial, and informational/entertainment use, and you may download or print a single copy\n of any downloadable portion of the Content, where permitted, for your personal, non-commercial,\n and informational use, provided you do not remove any trademark, copyright or other notice\n contained in such Content. No other use is permitted without securing the prior written consent\n of Forbes.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>1.4</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Requests to use the Content for any purpose other than as permitted in this Section 1 should be\n submitted as directed on the Website or Forbes Channels, as applicable.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>1.5</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Access to Content on the Website is possible, in part, due to the paid advertising that appears\n on the Website. In exchange for your access to this Content, and except where contrary to\n applicable law, you agree that you will not, and will not permit any third party to, remove,\n obstruct, modify, or otherwise interfere with the delivery or display of advertisements on the\n Website.\n </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>1.6</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Forbes respects the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work has been\n copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement or are aware of any infringing material\n placed by any third party on the Website, please contact our designated copyright agent, in\n writing, either by email at or by regular mail at Forbes Media LLC,\n 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310, USA, Attn: Legal Department, Copyright Agent, DMCA\n Complaints, and provide the designated copyright agent with the following information consistent\n with the form required by the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act of the\n Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. Section 512(c)(3):</p>\n <ol>\n <li>A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of\n an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;\n </li>\n <li>Identification of the copyright work claimed to have been infringed;</li>\n <li>Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of\n infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and\n information reasonably sufficient to locate the material;\n </li>\n <li>Information sufficient to permit us to contact the complaining party, including address,\n telephone number, and e-mail address;\n </li>\n <li>A statement that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that use of the material in\n the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;\n and\n </li>\n <li>A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of\n perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an\n exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.\n </li>\n </ol>\n <br />\n <p>Please note that attachments cannot be accepted at the e-mail address for security reasons.\n Accordingly, any notification of infringement submitted electronically with an attachment will\n not be received or processed. Forbes will terminate the account of any user that is determined\n to be a repeat copyright infringer.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Prohibited Uses of Website and Forbes Channels</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>2.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>By accessing or using the Website and/or Forbes Channels, including any Content, you agree to use\n them only as expressly permitted by these Terms. Unless you have Forbes’ prior written\n permission, you shall not:</p>\n <ul>\n <li>Alter, copy, rearrange, broadcast, rewrite, redistribute, transfer, sell, republish, modify,\n use for broadcast or publication in any medium, directly or indirectly, any Forbes\n intellectual property, Content or any other part of the Website or Forbes Channels;\n </li>\n <li>Remove, suppress, or alter the display of advertising, except where applicable law expressly\n grants such rights;\n </li>\n <li>Frame or utilize framing techniques that involve any trademark, logo, copyrighted material,\n patented creations, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layouts,\n or forms) of any portion of the Website or Forbes Channels;\n </li>\n <li>Archive, cache, store, or incorporate into a database any Content or any other part of the\n Website or Forbes Channels;\n </li>\n <li>Decompile, reverse engineer, decrypt, disassemble, or circumvent any aspect of the Website\n or Forbes Channels;\n </li>\n <li>Insert or introduce any malicious or otherwise unauthorized code, device, or means, or take\n any action that may impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our\n infrastructure;\n </li>\n <li>Use any data mining, robot, spider, cancelbot, Trojan horse, or any data gathering,\n scraping, indexing, or extraction method on any part of the Website or Forbes Channels;\n </li>\n <li>Use the Website or Forbes Channels in a manner that violates applicable laws or regulations\n or violates the rights of a third party; or\n </li>\n <li>Violate any of these Terms, including without limitation the Posting Rules below.</li>\n </ul>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Account Registration</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>3.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Certain areas of the Website or Forbes Channels may require account registration or may otherwise\n ask you to provide information to participate in certain features or access certain Content. The\n decision to provide this information is purely optional. However, if you elect not to provide\n such information, you may not be able to access certain Content or features or participate in\n various areas of the Website or Forbes Channels. When you register or become a member of the\n Website or Forbes Channels or provide information to the Website or Forbes Channels in any other\n manner, you agree to provide only true, accurate, current, and complete information. Using a\n name other than your own legal name or otherwise impersonating another person is prohibited. You\n agree that Forbes may use the information you provide to us according to its <a\n href=\"\" target=\"_top\">Privacy Statement</a>.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>3.2</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>If you create an account with the Website or Forbes Channels, you agree to accept responsibility\n for all activities that occur under your account or password and agree that you will not sell,\n transfer, or assign your account or any account rights. Each registration or account is for a\n single user only. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and\n for restricting access to your computer so that others may not access the Website or Forbes\n Channels using your credentials. Forbes reserves the right to terminate your account and/or deny\n access to the Website or Forbes Channels to any person Forbes suspects has violated or is\n violating these Terms.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>3.3</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Website or applicable Forbes Channel accounts may sometimes be provided through another party,\n for instance, an institution of higher learning where you are a student or a provider of\n electronic wallet services with whom you have an account. In such circumstances, information\n about you necessary to provide you with an account---like your school or personal email address,\n or electronic-wallet address---may have been provided to us by that third party.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Other Information Content Providers</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>4.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>The Website and Forbes Channels may distribute content supplied by other information content\n providers such as non-staff contributors and commenters. We use these providers to enhance your\n experience on the Website and Forbes Channels. Forbes, the Website, and Forbes Channels are not\n responsible for the statements and opinions expressed by those content providers. Responsibility\n for the accuracy and completeness of such content lies solely with those content providers and\n is not guaranteed by Forbes.</p>\n <p>Pursuant to 47 U.S.C.§ 230, Forbes is not the publisher of such information and is therefore not\n liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in such Content. Given the volume of\n information posted by such providers, the Website cannot and does not monitor all of the\n information posted to the Website or Forbes Channels and assumes no duty to monitor the Website\n or Forbes Channels for inappropriate or inaccurate Content. Neither Forbes nor its affiliates or\n employees shall be liable to any user or anyone else for claims of defamation, libel, slander,\n infringement, invasion of privacy and publicity rights, obscenity, pornography, fraud or\n misrepresentation arising from such Content. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Forbes reserves the\n right to remove information provided by other information content providers at any time in its\n sole discretion.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>User-Generated Content, Comments, Game Participation, Generative AI Search, and Other Submissions</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>5.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>The interactive areas of the Website and Forbes Channels are provided to give users a compelling\n way to search and ask questions for factual information\n and/or an interesting and stimulating forum to express their opinions and share their ideas and\n information, sometimes with one another, and sometimes directly with Forbes. To protect your\n safety, please use your best judgment when submitting information to the Website and Forbes\n Channels. We particularly discourage divulging personal phone numbers, addresses, or other\n personal or personally identifiable information in public areas of the Website and Forbes\n Channels. Forbes reserves the right to delete, move, or edit any Post (as defined below) at any\n time, for any reason, but Forbes has no obligation to review or remove any such content. Forbes\n does not endorse any information or user views communicated by users of the Website or Forbes\n Channels in any public areas, including in any summary or output of a generative AI search\n functionality or the interpretation of such results.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>5.2</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>The Website and Forbes Channels may also offer areas for you to provide Forbes and its affiliates\n and related entities your feedback and opinions (e.g., a Website user survey), some of which may\n have additional terms that supplement these Terms. If you respond to a survey or provide\n feedback, you do so voluntarily, and you agree to abide by these Terms and acknowledge that\n Forbes will process the information you provide in accordance with its Privacy Statement.\n Forbes, in its sole discretion, will be free to use (or not use) any feedback or suggestion\n provided, and you will not be entitled to any compensation, nor will Forbes have any obligation\n towards you.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>5.3</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>By storing, submitting, posting, uploading, creating, communicating, responding with, or placing\n any content on or to the Website or Forbes Channels (collectively, \"<u>Post</u>\" or \"\n <u>Posting</u>\"), you represent and warrant that: (a) you own or otherwise have all necessary\n rights and permissions to the content that you Post; (b) the content you Post is accurate and\n does not violate applicable law, these Terms, or another person’s or entity’s rights; (c) you\n will not use automated means to Post or distribute content; and (d) the content you Post will\n not cause injury to any person or entity, nor cause Forbes to violate the rights of any third\n party. You are solely responsible for your Posts and your access to and interactions with\n Content and others’ Posts. You recognize that storing, transmitting, distributing, or\n transmitting content, material, or information that is unlawful or otherwise in violation of\n these Terms may expose you to criminal and/or civil liability.\n </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>5.4</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>By Posting content to the Website or Forbes Channels, including using any\n generative AI search functionality, or by otherwise playing a Forbes game, you\n grant Forbes and its affiliates and related entities a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide,\n royalty-free, sub-licensable, transferable, non-exclusive right and license to (and permit\n others to) use, copy, modify, relocate, display, archive, store, distribute, reproduce, and\n create derivative works from and otherwise exploit all content you Post to the Website or Forbes\n Channels, or otherwise make available in a Forbes game, including your name and other\n biographical information contained in the content you Post, in any form, media, software, or\n technology of any kind, whether now existing or developed in the future. Without limiting the\n generality of the previous sentence, you authorize Forbes to include the information you Post or\n make available in a Forbes game in a searchable format that may be accessed by other users. The\n rights and licenses granted in this paragraph also include any material, information, ideas,\n concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in any Post. All rights granted in this paragraph\n may be enjoyed and exploited without providing you compensation or attribution of any sort.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>5.5</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Please note that Forbes does not accept unsolicited materials or ideas for use or publication.\n Forbes is not responsible for the similarity of any of its content or programming in any media\n to materials or ideas transmitted to Forbes.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>5.6</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>If you use any Forbes generative AI search functionality, like Adelaide by Forbes,\n on a Website or Forbes Channel, you agree that you will adhere to the Posting\n Rules below. Such functionality is solely intended to provide you with a more\n effective and engaging search interface. It is not intended to be used in\n connection with your personal information, and you should not enter any\n personal information as an input. You hereby acknowledge that using any\n generative AI may provide output that is inaccurate or not intended, and you\n agree not to rely on any output, including with respect to the accuracy, relevancy,\n or relatedness of any results or collection of results returned in response to the\n prompt or question posed.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Posting Rules</h4>\n <br />\n <p>Interactive areas of the Website and Forbes Channels are intended to encourage active and thoughtful\n public discussion and/or provide a way for you to share your opinions. We expect opinions to differ. By\n using areas of the Website and Forbes Channels that allow for public discourse, you are participating in\n a community that is intended for all our users. We reserve the right to remove any content Posted on the\n Website or Forbes Channels at any time for any reason without notice. Decisions as to whether content\n violates any of Forbes’ posting rules will be made by Forbes in its discretion after we have actual\n notice of such posting. Without limiting our right to remove any content, you shall not Post content to\n the Website or Forbes Channels, including when using generative AI search functionality, that:</p>\n <ul>\n <li>Contains unlawful, vulgar, profane, obscene, pornographic, abusive, violent, threatening, or hateful\n language or content relating to third parties, or otherwise attacks other users or depicts nudity or\n contains sexually\n explicit content;\n </li>\n <li>Discriminates on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender\n identity, age, disability, and/or marital status;\n </li>\n <li>Includes content relating to third partis that is defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent,\n inaccurate, incoherent, or contains gross\n exaggerations or unsubstantiated claims;\n </li>\n <li>Violates the rights of Forbes or any third party, including privacy and intellectual property rights\n (for example, Posting copyrighted material without the express permission of the owner);\n </li>\n <li>Violates any law, rule, regulation, or ordinance, or attempts to encourage or promote the evasion or\n violation of such;\n </li>\n <li>Unfairly interferes with another’s uninterrupted use and enjoyment of the Website or Forbes\n Channels;\n </li>\n <li>Advertises, promotes, or offers to trade any good or service, except in areas specifically\n designated for such purposes;\n </li>\n <li>Discloses, uses, or attempts to use another’s account, password, service, or system, except as\n expressly permitted by these Terms;\n </li>\n <li>Contains, introduces, or transmits viruses, malware, ransomware, or other malicious code, means, or\n devices; or otherwise disrupts or interferes with the security of the Website, or any service,\n system resource, account, credential, password, server, or network connected to or accessible\n through the Website, Forbes Channels, or affiliated or linked sites;\n </li>\n <li>Spams an individual or entity by repeatedly responding to their Posts or sending them repeated\n messages; or duplicates a prior Post under multiple threads or subjects;\n </li>\n <li>Disguises the origin of the Post or is otherwise designed to impersonate another person or entity;\n or\n </li>\n <li>Collects or stores other users’ personal information or discloses personal, sensitive, or account\n log-in information of another person.\n </li>\n </ul>\n <br />\n <p>Certain violations of these rules may be referred to law enforcement authorities. Forbes reserves the\n right to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation, or governmental request.\n </p>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Website Security Rules</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>7.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>You are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Website or Forbes\n Channels, including without limitation, (a) accessing data not intended for you or logging into\n a server or account which you are not authorized to access, (b) attempting to probe, scan, or\n test the vulnerability of a system or network, or to breach security or authentication measures\n without proper authorization, (c) attempting to interfere with any service to any user, host, or\n network, including, without limitation, via means of submitting a virus to the Website,\n overloading, \"flooding,\" \"mailbombing,\" or \"crashing,\" (d) forging any TCP/IP packet header or\n any part of the header information in any e-mail, forum, or newsgroup posting, or (d) scraping\n or otherwise collecting data or information through automated means. Violations of system or\n network security may result in civil or criminal liability. Forbes will investigate occurrences\n which may involve such violations and may involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement\n authorities in prosecuting those who are involved in such violations.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Third Parties</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>8.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Your dealings or communications through the Website and Forbes Channels with any party other than\n Forbes are solely between you and that third party. For example, certain areas of the Website\n and Forbes Channels may allow you to conduct transactions or purchase goods or services. In most\n cases, these transactions will be conducted by our third-party partners and vendors. Under no\n circumstances will Forbes be liable for any goods, services, resources, or content available\n through such third-party dealings or communications, or for any harm related thereto. Please\n review carefully that third party’s policies and practices and make sure you are comfortable\n with those policies and practices before you engage in any transaction. Any complaints,\n concerns, or questions you may have relating to materials provided by third parties should be\n forwarded directly to the third party.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>8.2</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Forbes may sometimes engage in affiliate marketing, embedding affiliate links into certain pages\n of our Website or Forbes Channels. Forbes will provide notice when it embeds such affiliate\n links. Clicking on or purchasing products or services through affiliate links may result in\n Forbes earning a commission. Any purchase you make through an affiliate link is made directly\n with those third parties, not Forbes, and these third parties often have their own terms and\n conditions and privacy statements, which Forbes encourages you to review. Forbes is not\n responsible for evaluating any offer made by these third parties; Forbes makes no warranty about\n these third parties or offerings; and Forbes does not assume any liability for any act,\n omission, product, or service of these third parties. </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Software Available On This Website</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>9.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Any software that is made available to download from the Website or Forbes Channels (\"\n <u>Software</u>\") is the copyrighted work of Forbes' suppliers, unless otherwise indicated. Use\n of the Software is governed by the terms of the end-user license agreement, if any, which\n accompanies or is included with the Software (\"<u>License Agreement</u>\"). End users shall not\n install or use any Software that is accompanied by or includes a License Agreement, unless the\n end user first agrees to the License Agreement’s terms. Any such Software is not available to\n users in territories where its distribution is prohibited by law.\n </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>International Users</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>10.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>The Website and certain Forbes Channels are controlled, operated, and administered by Forbes from\n its offices within the United States. Forbes makes no representation that materials or Content\n available through the Website or Forbes Channels are appropriate or available for use outside\n the United States, and access to them from territories where their contents are illegal is\n prohibited. You may not use the Website or Forbes Channels or export the Content in violation of\n U.S. export laws and regulations. If you access the Website or Forbes Channels from a location\n outside the United States, you are responsible for compliance with all local laws.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>E-Mail Addresses</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>11.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>You hereby acknowledge and agree that any notice or disclosure Forbes sends to the email address\n you provide to us satisfies any requirement that such notice, disclosure, or communication be\n provided in writing.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Modification</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>12.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Forbes shall have the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove terms of this\n agreement at any time without notice. Changes shall be effective immediately. You agree to\n review this agreement periodically since subsequent use by you of the Website or Forbes Channels\n shall constitute your acceptance of any changes. Forbes shall have the right at any time to\n change or discontinue any aspect of the Website or Forbes Channels, including, but not limited\n to, the community areas, Content, hours of availability, and equipment needed for access to use.\n Such changes, modifications, additions, or deletions shall be effective immediately upon\n posting, and any subsequent use by you after such posting shall conclusively be deemed to be\n acceptance by you of such changes, modifications, or deletions. Forbes may also restrict your\n access to certain portions of the Website or Forbes Channels for any reason and without\n providing any notice. Forbes may at any time charge a fee or require a subscription to access\n portions of the Website or Forbes Channels.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Notice of Availability of Filtering Software</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>13.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>You should know that parental control protections (such as computer hardware, software, or\n filtering services) are commercially available that may assist in limiting access to material\n that is harmful to minors. A report detailing some of those protections can be found at\n (Children's Internet Protection\n Act: Report on the Effectiveness of Internet Protection Measures and Safety Policies).</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Disclaimer</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>14.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE, FORBES CHANNELS, AND ITS CONTENTS IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. ALL MATERIALS AND\n SERVICES ON THE WEBSITE, FORBES CHANNELS, AND ANY THIRD-PARTY SITES TO WHICH THE FOREGOING LINKS\n ARE PROVIDED \"AS IS\" OR \"AS AVAILABLE\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. FORBES IS NOT RESPONSIBLE\n FOR THE AVAILABILITY OR CONTENT OF OTHER SERVICES THAT MAY BE LINKED TO THE WEBSITE OR FORBES\n CHANNELS. BECAUSE FORBES HAS NO CONTROL OVER SUCH SERVICES, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT\n FORBES IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE AVAILABILITY OF SUCH EXTERNAL SERVICES, AND THAT FORBES DOES\n NOT ENDORSE AND IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY CONTENT, ACCURACY, QUALITY, ADVERTISING,\n PRODUCTS OR OTHER MATERIALS ON OR AVAILABLE FROM SUCH EXTERNAL SERVICES. YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE\n AND AGREE THAT FORBES SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, FOR ANY DAMAGE\n OR LOSS CAUSED OR ALLEGED TO BE CAUSED BY OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF OR RELIANCE ON ANY\n CONTENT, GOODS, OR SERVICES AVAILABLE ON OR THROUGH SUCH EXTERNAL SERVICES. THE CONTENT\n PUBLISHED ON THE WEBSITE OR FORBES CHANNELS MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS.\n CHANGES ARE PERIODICALLY MADE TO THE INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE AND FORBES CHANNELS. FORBES\n AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS MAY MAKE IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR CHANGES TO THE WEBSITE OR FORBES CHANNELS AT\n ANY TIME INCLUDING CHANGES TO THESE TERMS. THE WEBSITE OFFERS A SEARCH FEATURE WITHIN THE SITE.\n FORBES EXPLICITLY DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONTENT OR AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION\n CONTAINED IN OUR SEARCH INDEX OR DIRECTORY. FORBES ALSO DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE\n COMPLETENESS OR ACCURACY OF ANY DIRECTORY OR SEARCH RESULT. FORBES AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS MAKE NO\n REPRESENTATIONS AND, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR\n IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A\n PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING THE SUITABILITY OF THE INFORMATION; THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY,\n AVAILABILITY, COMPLETENESS OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENT, SERVICES, PRODUCTS, TEXT, GRAPHICS,\n LINKS, GAME LOGIC, OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THE WEBSITE OR FORBES CHANNELS, OR THE\n RESULTS OBTAINED FROM ACCESSING AND USING THE WEBSITE OR FORBES CHANNELS AND/OR THE CONTENT\n CONTAINED THEREIN. FORBES DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE MATERIALS WILL BE\n UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THE WEBSITE, INCLUDING\n BULLETIN BOARDS OR THE SERVER THAT MAKES IT AVAILABLE, ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL\n COMPONENTS. THE USER ASSUMES THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY MAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR CORRECTION\n OF THE USER’S COMPUTER AND OTHER EQUIPMENT. NO CONTENT OR PART OF THE WEBSITE OR FORBES CHANNELS\n SHOULD BE RELIED ON AS A REPLACEMENT OR SUBSTITUTE FOR OR BE CONSTRUED TO BE FINANCIAL, MEDICAL,\n TAX, OR LEGAL ADVICE. FORBES IS NOT AN INVESTMENT ADVISOR, REGISTERED BROKER-DEALER, OR\n EXCHANGE, AND NOTHING IN THE WEBSITE OR OTHER CHANNELS SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS INVESTMENT ADVICE,\n RESEARCH OR INVESTMENT ADVISORY SERVICES. NO PART OF THE WEBSITE OR FORBES CHANNELS CONSTITUTES\n A SOLICITATION, OFFER, OPINION, ENDORSEMENT, OR RECOMMENDATION BY FORBES TO BUY OR SELL ANY\n SECURITY OR ANY SERVICE REGARDING THE PROFITABILITY OR SUITABILITY OF ANY SECURITY OR\n INVESTMENT.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Indemnity/Limitation of Liability</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>15.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>AS A CONDITION OF USE OF THIS WEBSITE AND ANY FORBES CHANNELS, YOU AGREE TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND\n HOLD HARMLESS, FORBES AND ITS SUPPLIERS, EACH OF THEIR PARENT AND AFFILIATED COMPANIES, AND EACH\n OF THEIR RESPECTIVE PARTNERS, SUPPLIERS, LICENSORS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, MEMBERS,\n EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, CONTRACTORS AND AGENTS, FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n LIMITED TO, CLAIMS FOR DEFAMATION, TRADE DISPARAGEMENT, PRIVACY AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY\n INFRINGEMENT) AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND COURT COSTS) ARISING FROM OR RELATING\n TO ANY ALLEGATION REGARDING: (A) YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE OR ANY FORBES CHANNELS; (B) FORBES’ USE\n OF ANY CONTENT OR INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE OR POST; (C) INFORMATION OR MATERIAL POSTED OR\n TRANSMITTED THROUGH YOUR ACCOUNT, EVEN IF NOT POSTED BY YOU; AND, (D) ANY VIOLATION OF THESE\n TERMS BY YOU. If you are dissatisfied with any Forbes material, or with any of Forbes' Terms,\n your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Website or Forbes Channels, as\n applicable.\n </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>15.2</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE, SHALL FORBES, OR ITS\n AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, THAT RESULT FROM: (A) THE USE OF,\n OR THE INABILITY TO USE, THE CONTENT, WEBSITE, OR FORBES CHANNELS; (B) UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR\n ALTERATION OF YOUR TRANSMISSIONS OR DATA, THE CONTENT, THE WEBSITE, OR FORBES CHANNELS; OR (C)\n ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE CONTENT, WEBSITE, OR FORBES CHANNELS. YOU SPECIFICALLY\n ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT FORBES IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY CONDUCT OF ANY USER.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>Dispute Resolution and Binding Arbitration</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>You and Forbes (the “Parties”, each a “Party”) agree to the following dispute resolution\n provisions of this Section 16 with respect to any claim, dispute, or controversy that you may\n have against Forbes and/or its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, and each of their respective\n current or former members, officers, directors, and employees, arising out of, relating to, or\n connected in any way with the Website, Forbes Channels, these Terms, our Digital or Print Terms\n of Sale, or any applicable end user license agreement (which are incorporated by reference\n herein) (a “Dispute”) and any lawsuit, arbitration or other proceeding that may arise out of\n such Dispute (an “Action”). The terms of Section 16 apply to all Disputes, even if the actions\n or relationship giving rise to such Disputes occurred prior to this version of the Terms (or\n such modification). However, these Dispute Resolution terms do not apply to any Dispute as to\n which you have personally initiated an Action prior to agreeing to these Terms.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.2</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Class Action and Jury Waiver.</b> THE PARTIES WAIVE THE RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY OR TO\n PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION, MASS ACTION, GROUP ACTION, REPRESENTATIVE ACTION, AND/OR\n COLLECTIVE ACTION IN ANY DISPUTE. EACH PARTY MAY ONLY PROCEED AS TO ANY DISPUTE IN THAT PARTY’S\n INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS ACTION, MASS\n ACTION, GROUP ACTION, REPRESENTATIVE ACTION, AND/OR COLLECTIVE ACTION. ANY ARBITRATION OR OTHER\n ACTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS; CLASS ARBITRATIONS AND CLASS ACTIONS ARE NOT\n PERMITTED.\n </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.3</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Limitation on Time to File Claim & Equitable Relief</b>. Neither Party may bring any Action\n more than one year after the cause of action has arisen (or if the Action relates to multiple\n similar events, more than one year from the date the first such event occurred).\n </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.4</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Governing Law.</b> These Terms and your use of the Services are governed by and shall be\n construed and enforced in\n accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without giving any regard to its conflict of\n law principles. However, any question as to whether a Dispute is subject to the Mandatory\n Arbitration Provision (below) is to be decided by applying the provisions of the Federal\n Arbitration Act, Title 9 of the U.S. Code (“FAA”).</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.5</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Venue.</b> For any Action allowed to proceed in court, or to enforce the terms of this\n Agreement, the Parties agree to exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue in the State courts of\n the State of New York or the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.\n </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.6</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Initial Dispute Resolution.</b> The parties agree to use their best efforts to settle any\n Dispute, directly through consultation and good faith negotiations pursuant to the following\n process (the “<u>Informal Dispute Resolution Process</u>”), which shall be a precondition to\n either party initiating a lawsuit or arbitration.</p>\n </dd>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.6.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>If you have a Dispute with us, you must send an individualized, written notice describing the\n Dispute to us via email to\n <a href=\"\"></a>. If we have a\n Dispute with you, we will send a written notice to the contact information we have for you.\n </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.6.2</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>Promptly following receipt of such notice, we will personally meet, via telephone or\n videoconference, in a good-faith effort to confer with each other and try to resolve\n informally the Dispute.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.6.3</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>You agree to participate in the conference personally. If you are represented by counsel,\n your counsel may participate in the conference as well, but you agree to fully participate\n in the conference personally. Likewise, if we are represented by counsel, our counsel may\n participate in the conference as well, but we agree to have a company representative fully\n participate in the conference. </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.6.4</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>The statute of limitations and any filing fee deadlines shall be tolled while the Parties\n engage in the Informal Dispute Resolution Process required by this paragraph.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.6.5</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>If the Dispute is not resolved within 60 days of the opposing party receiving the notice,\n then either you or we may initiate an action in a small claims court that has jurisdiction\n over the Dispute and is reasonably close to your place of residence or work, or initiate an\n arbitration as described below.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.7</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Mandatory Arbitration.</b> If the Parties do not reach an agreed upon solution pursuant to the\n Informal Dispute Resolution Process, you and Forbes each agree that any Dispute must be brought\n on an individual basis and will be resolved exclusively by final, non-appealable, and binding\n arbitration (“\n <u>Arbitration</u>”) before an arbitrator mutually selected by the Parties (the “\n <u>Arbitrator</u>”). The Arbitrator must have experience and expertise with the subject matter\n of the Dispute and be a former federal or state court judge.\n </p>\n </dd>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.7.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>If a Party brings an Arbitration without following the Informal Dispute Resolution Process,\n it is grounds for dismissal, and such Party is required to pay any reasonable costs and fees\n of the other Party.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.7.2</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>The Parties will meet and confer in good faith to select an arbitrator. For purposes of this\n Section, good-faith meet-and-confer efforts require that each Party propose at least three\n arbitrators who meet the qualifications described in these Terms.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.7.3</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>If, after 60 days of good faith meet and confer efforts, the Parties are unable to agree on\n an arbitrator, either Party may petition the State courts of the State of New York or the\n United States District Court for the Southern District of New York to appoint an arbitrator\n pursuant to a process whereby the court provides the Parties with a panel of five potential\n arbitrators meeting the requirements herein for an arbitrator, each Party strikes one\n arbitrator, and the court appoints the arbitrator from the remaining arbitrators on the\n panel based on the arbitrator’s qualifications and expertise, and the requirements of this\n Agreement. For purposes of this Section, good-faith meet-and-confer efforts require that\n each party propose at least three arbitrators who meet the qualifications described in these\n Terms.\n </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.7.4</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>The Arbitration shall be administered pursuant to JAMS’ Streamlined Arbitration Rules and\n Procedures or other comparable rules that the parties agree to. The selection of JAMS rules\n does not mean that JAMS will administer the Arbitration or appoint the Arbitrator.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.7.5</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>The Arbitration shall be conducted via electronic or telephonic means or by a submission of\n documents in lieu of a personal appearance by the parties. However, the arbitrator shall\n have discretionary authority to require a face-to-face meeting, if it determines that such\n face-to-face meeting is necessary for a fundamentally fair hearing. If the Party seeking\n Arbitration fails to appear at the administrative conference regardless of whether such\n Party's counsel attends, the Arbitrator will administratively close the Arbitration\n proceeding without prejudice, unless such Party shows good cause as to why they were not\n able to attend the conference.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.8</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Arbitration Costs</b>. If the Arbitrator finds that the costs and fees of an Arbitration you\n initiate will be prohibitive for you as compared to the costs of litigation, we will pay as much\n of your filing, arbitrator, and hearing fees in the Arbitration as the Arbitrator deems\n necessary to prevent the Arbitration from being cost-prohibitive, regardless of the outcome of\n the Arbitration, unless the Arbitrator determines that your claim(s) were frivolous or asserted\n in bad faith. If we initiate an Arbitration against you, we will pay all costs associated with\n the arbitration (other than your attorneys’ fees and expenses unless permitted to be recovered\n under the arbitration rules or applicable law).\n </p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.9</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Small Claims Court Claims</b>. Notwithstanding the parties' agreement to resolve all disputes\n through arbitration, either party may also seek relief in a small claims court for disputes or\n claims within the scope of that court’s jurisdiction. Any appeal of the decision in such small\n claims court shall be subject to these arbitration provisions.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.10</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Dispute Resolution Only If A Tribunal Has Ruled That\n Arbitration Is Prohibited.</b> If a court with appropriate jurisdiction prohibits\n arbitration of a dispute in accordance with this Section 16, then the state or federal courts in\n New York shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the dispute, and to the maximum extent permitted\n by the mandatory laws in your country of residence, these Terms and any dispute arising out of\n or related in any way to these Terms or their subject matter or formation (including\n non-contractual disputes), will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of\n the State of New York and the United States, without giving effect to any conflict of law\n principles.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.11</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Intellectual Property Claims.</b> Notwithstanding the arbitration\n provisions herein, to the extent you have in any manner violated or threatened to\n violate our intellectual property rights, We may seek injunctive or other\n appropriate relief in the state courts of the State of New York or the United\n States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and you consent to\n exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue in such courts.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.12</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>No Opt Out Rights.</b> You do not have the right to opt out of the Dispute\n Resolution section. Rather, your sole remedy if you do not accept these Terms of\n Use (including this Dispute Resolution section) is to stop using the Services and\n to terminate your account.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.13</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Forbes Right To Terminate Mandatory Dispute Resolution\n Provision.</b> At any time, Forbes may terminate its agreement to Section 16.\n That termination will not affect any Action that has already been initiated.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>16.14</dt>\n <dd>\n <p><b>Arbitration Agreement Survival.</b> This arbitration agreement will\n survive the termination of your relationship with Forbes.</p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n </li>\n <li>\n <h4>General</h4>\n <dl>\n <dt>17.1</dt>\n <dd>\n <p>These Terms shall be deemed to include all other notices, policies, disclaimers, and other terms\n contained on the Website and Forbes Channels; provided, however, that in the event of a conflict\n between such other terms and the terms of these Terms, the terms of these Terms shall control\n except where expressly stated otherwise. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, nothing\n contained in these Terms shall take precedent over Forbes’ <a\n href=\"\" target=\"_top\">Privacy Statement</a></p>\n </dd>\n </dl>\n <dl>\n <dt>17.2</dt>\n <dd>If any provision is deemed to be unlawful or unenforceable, that shall not affect the validity and\n enforceability of the remaining provisions. Any failure of Forbes to enforce or exercise any\n provision of this Agreement or related right shall not constitute a waiver of that right or\n provision. Neither the course of conduct between the parties nor trade practice shall act to modify\n any provision of these Terms. The section titles used in this Agreement are purely for convenience\n and carry with them no legal or contractual effect. In the event of termination of these Terms for\n any reason, you agree that the following provisions will survive: the provisions regarding the\n limitations on your use of Content, the license(s) you have granted to Forbes, and all other\n provisions for which survival is equitable or appropriate. 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