SGIFF Film Fund 2025 - SGIFF
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</div> </div> <div class="swiper-pagination"></div> </article> </div> </div> </section> <p></p> <section class="c__pagetitle"> <div> <div class="s_header v_cols"> <h1>SGIFF Film Fund</h1> <div class="s_content"><section class="c__filmfundtitle"> <div class="s_title"> <div class="s_title"> <p>SGIFF is proud to announce the launch of the SGIFF Film Fund 2025, reaffirming our commitment to nurturing bold and visionary storytellers across the region.</p> <p>From <strong>20 January to 20 March 2025</strong>, we invite filmmakers from Southeast Asia to submit their projects for consideration. The SGIFF Film Fund supports creative excellence through two key grants: the <strong>Southeast Asian Short Film (SEA-SHORTS) Grant</strong>, and the <strong>Tan Ean Kiam Foundation-SGIFF Southeast Asian Documentary (SEA-DOC) Grant</strong>.</p> <p>Submissions are now closed. We will be announcing successful grant recipients by July 2025. Stay tuned!</p> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__awardlogo"> <div> <div class="s_header"> <h3>The Tan Ean Kiam Foundation-SGIFF Southeast Asian Documentary (SEA-DOC) 2025 Grant</h3> </div> <div class="s_logo"> <figure> <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="s_paragraph"> <p>The Tan Ean Kiam Foundation-SGIFF Southeast Asian Documentary (SEA-DOC) Grant supports the production and post-production of documentaries in Southeast Asia which tell engaging, urgent stories.</p> <p>The grant supports four projects annually with three production grants of S$30,000 each, and one post-production grant of S$20,000.</p> <p>The grant has been made possible by the support of the Tan Ean Kiam Foundation since 2018.</p> <p class="s_p0">The SEA-DOC Grant is supported by:</p> </div> <div class="s_logo"> <figure> <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="u__primarybtn" style="margin-top:50px;"> <a href="" >Submission Guidelines</a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__spacingblock"> </section> <section class="c__awardlogo"> <div> <div class="s_header"> <h3>The SGIFF Southeast Asian-Short Film (SEA-SHORTS) 2025 Grant</h3> </div> <div class="s_logo"> <figure> <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="s_paragraph"> <p>The SGIFF Southeast Asian-Short Film (SEA-SHORTS) Grant aims to be a launchpad for the brightest upcoming names in filmmaking from the region.</p> <p>In 2025, the grant support will be awarded to three short films, each with a cash amount of S$5,000 and post-production support including colour-grading, subtitling and DCP conversion.</p> <p>The SEA-SHORTS Grant is supported by:</p> </div> <div class="s_logo"> <figure> <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="u__primarybtn" style="margin-top:50px;"> <a href="" >Submission Guidelines</a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__pagetitle"> <div> <div class="s_header v_cols"> <h1>Past Grant Recipients <p>2024</p></h1> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__profiles"> <div> <div class="s_header"><h3>2024 Tan Ean Kiam Foundation-SGIFF Southeast Asian Documentary (SEA-DOC) Grant</h3></div> <div class="s_profiles v_columns"> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>OMA (Grandmother)</i> by Armin Septiexan, Indonesia</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>After six decades, 84-year-old Oma Net Markus testifies in The Hague as a witness to Indonesia’s mass killings in 1965, which took the lives of her father and brother. Returning home to Kupang, West Timor, Oma is determined to uncover her buried family history and pass it on to her teenage grandson, Mikael.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>The Bamboo Family</i> by Sein Lyan Tun, Myanmar</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Facing growing resistance from his family, a filmmaker runs away from Myanmar and moves to Paris to pursue filmmaking. There, he revisits his family past while navigating an existential crisis and the guilt of leaving his family behind.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>Borrowed Time</i> by Miko Revereza, Mexico/Philippines</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>An artist couple documents their shifting creative and political consciousness over the course of a year. Carolina, a painter, and Miko, an experimental filmmaker, turn their lens on each other as they navigate creative and emotional labour in their relationship and the wider art world.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>Sandan Love Garden</i> by Luthfi Muhammad, Indonesia</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Amidst Bali’s deep-rooted traditions, organic farmers Wahyu and Ayu find themselves facing an uphill battle on their agricultural journey. Framed within a love story, the film explores the couple’s relationship with the land and their relentless pursuit for sustainable living.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__profiles"> <div> <div class="s_header"><h3>Selection Committee | The Tan Ean Kiam Foundation-SGIFF Southeast Asian Documentary (SEA-DOC) Grant</h3></div> <div class="s_profiles v_columns"> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Gugi Gumilang</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Program Director of In-Docs, Indonesia / Germany </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Gugi Gumilang is currently based in Jakarta and Berlin, where he is the program Director for In-Docs, the non-profit behind Docs by the Sea, Good Pitch Asia, and VitaminDocs. He was also elected by the Documentary Association of Europe (DAE) to its Executive Board in 2022 and recently joined Hot Docs as an International Film Programmer.</p> <p>Gugi has been involved as a selection committee and jury member for international film festivals and film funds such as the International Documentary Association (IDA), Purin Pictures, DOK Leipzig, Cannes Docs, IDFA Forum, CPH:DOX, Points North Institute, Dokufest, Ji.hlava IDFF, and more.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Joanna Vasquez Arong</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Documentary Filmmaker, Philippines </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Joanna Vasquez Arong is an award-winning documentary filmmaker known for her intimate storytelling and exploration of personal and intergenerational themes. Her debut feature, Neo-Lounge, delved into the lives of foreigners in Beijing seeking to redefine their past, earning four awards, including two Best Documentary accolades.</p> <p>Joanna has also created film installations for galleries and museums across the Philippines, Mexico, and the US. Currently based in Berlin after two decades in Asia, Joanna’s latest project, 116B University Avenue, Rangoon, was one of 19 projects chosen to pitch at the IF/Then Southeast Asia 2020 lab.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Rasha Salti</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Writer, researcher, art and film curator, France / Lebanon </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Rasha Salti is a researcher, writer and curator specialising in art and film. Based in Marseille, she has been a programmer at prestigious international film festivals including the Toronto Film Festival and the Abu Dhabi International Film Festival. She has also curated film programs at the Tate Modern in London and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.</p> <p>Her writing has been featured in international art journals such as Film Quarterly, World Records, and Third Text. Since 2017, she has served as the commissioner editor at Arte France for La Lucarne, Arte’s program slot dedicated to experimental documentaries.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__profiles"> <div> <div class="s_header"><h3>2024 SGIFF Southeast Asian Short Film Grant (SEA-SHORTS)</h3></div> <div class="s_profiles v_columns"> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>BLEAT!</i> by Ananth Subramaniam, Malaysia</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>An elderly Indian couple discovers their sacrificial goat to be pregnant. The only problem is that the goat is a male—or, at least, that’s what they were led to believe. Accompanied by lilting folk songs, the couple sets out to uncover the truth, or else risk incurring the wrath of their guardian god, Karuppar.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>The Wedding Gift</i> by Zaw Bo Bo Hein, Myanmar</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Ma Ei finds herself caught in a family rift one day when she faces pressure from her mother-in-law to send a wedding gift. Torn between her pragmatic mother-in-law and her wilful husband who refuses to attend the wedding, Ma Ei is also silently juggling her private fears and doubts.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>Monkey Graveyard</i> by Passakorn Sarnsirirat, Thailand</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>At a military zoo where orangutans are consecutively committing suicide, Phorn, a middle-aged soldier, dutifully cleans and sweeps the cages of the remaining orangutans under his care. One day, an unprecedented tragedy occurs, leading Phorn to confront his true feelings.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__profiles"> <div> <div class="s_header"><h3>Selection Committee | SGIFF SEA-SHORTS Grant 2024</h3></div> <div class="s_profiles v_columns"> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Richard Bolisay</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Writer, film critic and educator, Philippines </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Richard Bolisay is a writer, film critic and educator from the Philippines. He is the author of Break It to Me Gently: Essays on Filipino Film (2019) and Nothing Deep (2022), both finalists for the National Book Awards. He also edited the anthology Daang Dokyu: A Festival of Philippine Documentaries (2020) and co-organised the Alternative Cinema Initiatives Conference (2019). An alumnus of the Berlinale’s Talent Press and Locarno Critics Academy, he is currently a PhD student at the Department of Film Studies at the University of St Andrews.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Jukka-Pekka Laakso</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Festival Director of Tampere Film Festival, Finland </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Jukka-Pekka Laakso is the festival director of the Tampere Film Festival since 2002. He has been a member of more than 60 juries in film festivals, including Edinburg FF, Locarno FF, Festival du Noveau Cinema in Montreal, Canada, Hanoi FF and Morelia FF in Mexico.</p> <p>Jukka-Pekka also serves as the executive director of Pirkanmaa Film Centre, a local non-profit film centre in Tampere that operates an art-house cinema, distributes films in Finland, and is actively involved in media education. He is a member of the European Film Academy.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Lee Yve Vonn</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Producer at Afternoon Pictures, Malaysia </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Lee Yve Vonn is a Malaysian producer for Afternoon Pictures based in Kuala Lumpur. She has participated in the Busan Asian Film School (AFiS), SEAFIC x PAS Lab, Berlinale Talents, amongst other incubation platforms. Yve Vonn produced the Silver Hanuman winner of Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, OASIS OF NOW (Busan, Mumbai, Berlinale) by Chia Chee Sum and co-produced NETPAC award recipient, HUNGRY GHOST DINER (BiFAN, Goa, Rotterdam) by Wejun Cho. She is also a programme manager for mylab+, an Asian focus fiction feature film project development lab curated by international producer Lorna Tee.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__pagetitle"> <div> <div class="s_header v_cols"> <h1>Past Grant Recipients <p>2023</p></h1> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__profiles"> <div> <div class="s_header"><h3>The Tan Ean Kiam Foundation-SGIFF Southeast Asian Documentary (SEA-DOC) Grant Recipients</h3></div> <div class="s_profiles v_columns"> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>The Itinerant</i> by Ukrit Sa-nguanhai, Thailand</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>1966, in the middle of a long trip for an anti-communist itinerant film screening in rural Thailand. The itinerant film troupe finds a mutilated dead body in the Mekong River that resembles a dead body found in the present day but has gone missing.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>Invisible Labour</i> by Joanne Cesario, Philippines</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>The return of the Marcos family to the presidential palace amid the economic crisis, the documentary looks at the importance of preserving the history of massive labour struggles that fought for democratic rights and led to the downfall of Martial Law and its continuing relevance to the present struggle of Filipino workers.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>Baby Jackfruit Baby Guava</i> by Nong Nhat Quang from (Vietnam)</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>When an unplanned baby enters the lives of a conservative mother, mentally ill daughter, and detached gay son, the dysfunctional trio travels back in time through their diaries to mend ruptured bonds, rewrite memories, and prepare for a new cycle of motherhood. A creative documentary exploring the cycle of motherhood, plotted by the present with stories and sounds of the past.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>Under the Moonlight</i> by Tonny Trimarsanto from (Indonesia)</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Nur (40 years old) is a transgender who works as a cook in an Islamic School Al Fatah in Kota Gede, Yogyakarta. This school is a bit unique as all the students are Transgenders.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__profiles"> <div> <div class="s_header"><h3>Selection Committee | The Tan Ean Kiam Foundation-SGIFF Southeast Asian Documentary (SEA-DOC) Grant</h3></div> <div class="s_profiles v_columns"> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Arleen Cuevas</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Film Producer, Philippines / Netherlands </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Arleen Cuevas is the owner and producer for Cinematografica Films, a production company based in Manila that she co-founded with Raya Martin and Armi Cacanindin. She has produced over 15 feature films and documentaries which have screened and won awards in different international film festivals such as Cannes, Locarno, Rotterdam, IDFA, and Busan, among others. Her production company, Cinematografica, has produced the documentary, <i>Aswang</i> (dir: Alyx Arumpac), which won the FIPRESCI award at the 2019 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam. She also co-produces with Rein Entertainment and recently premiered the film, <i>A Silent Night</i> (dir. Shugo Praico) at the Metro Manila Film Festival in December 2022.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>María Palacios Cruz</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Director of Open City Documentary Festival, UK / Spain </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><div class="s_row v_borderTop"> <div class="s_text"> <p>María Palacios Cruz is a film curator, writer and educator. She is currently the director of the Open City Documentary Festival in London and has been a programmer for the Courtisane Festival since 2008. Between 2017 and 2021 she helped to conceive and lead the Film Curating course at Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola in San Sebastian (Spain), and was Deputy Director of LUX, the UK agency for artists’ moving image, from 2015 to 2020. María writes regularly on artists’ moving images and avant-garde cinema and is a co-founder of The Visible Press.</p> </div> </div> <div class="s_row v_borderTop"> <div class="s_img"></div> </div> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Wiwat Lertwiwatwongsa</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Film Critic and Writer, Thailand </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Wiwat Lertwiwatwongsa is a cinephile, film critic, writer, and editorial team member of Film Club Thailand. He is also the founder of Wildtype, a loose group of Thai cinephiles that organises film screenings, and seminars, and publishes film books in Thailand. Since 2008, Wiwat has curated and organised a series of Thai short film screenings called Filmvirs Wildtype, which focuses on overlooked Thai short films. Since 2018, he has collaborated with the Documentary Club to program film events and organise documentary film festivals.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__profiles"> <div> <div class="s_header"><h3>The SGIFF Southeast Asian Short Film (SEA-SHORTS) Grant Recipients</h3></div> <div class="s_profiles v_columns"> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>Vox Humana</i> by Don Josephus Raphael Eblahan from the Philippines</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>In the middle of a tropical jungle, a dreary sight unfolds: in a state of limbo and uncertainty tend to their gear, amuse themselves with twigs, and engage in a surreal exchange of animal sounds towards each other – lost in translation as they crawl and claw at each other.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>Termite Life</i> by Chonchanok Thanatteepwong from Thailand</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>An island woman comes to a town, full of mayflies to meet old friends in the rainy season, starting to cross between the dream and the reality.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>Children’s Day</i> by Giselle Lin from Singapore</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>With Children’s Day fast approaching, eight-year-old Xuan contemplates what to wear on that day, all the while navigating her place in school and at home.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p><i>The Storytellers</i> by Taufiqurrahman Kifu from (Indonesia)</p> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>With Children’s Day fast approaching, eight-year-old Xuan contemplates what to wear on that day, all the while navigating her place in school and at home.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="c__profiles"> <div> <div class="s_header"><h3>Selection Committee | SGIFF Southeast Asian-Short Film (SEA-SHORTS) Grant</h3></div> <div class="s_profiles v_columns"> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Thong Kay Wee</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> SGIFF Programme Director </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Thong Kay Wee is a cultural worker and moving image curator based in Singapore. He is currently the Programme Director at the Singapore International Film Festival (SGIFF), where he is responsible for the festival’s overall programming strategy. He was previously the Programmes and Outreach Officer at the Asian Film Archive (AFA) from 2014 to 2021. Aside from overseeing partnerships and promotions, he was responsible for establishing the AFA’s regular film programmes at its new dedicated cinematheque in 2019, with a focus on both contemporary and classic Asian film selections.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Maike Mia Höhne</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Artistic Director of Hamburg Short Film Festival, Germany </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Since March 2019, Maike Mia Höhne has been the artistic director of the Hamburg Short Film Festival since March 2019. She is a multi-award-winning filmmaker who has also participated in jury selections, committees and as a curator for film events internationally. From 2007 to 2019, she was head of Berlinale Shorts of the Berlin International Film Festival. Höhne is a professor of film at the University of Applied Sciences Europe in Hamburg and also teaches Film theory and making at the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s_profile clearfix"> <div class="s_imagename"> <figure > <img decoding="async" src=""> </figure> <div class="s_name"> <p>Ifa Isfansyah</p> <div class="s_title"> <p> Filmmaker and Festival Director of Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, Indonesia </p> </div> <div class="s_bio"> <p><p>Ifa Isfansyah is an Indonesian filmmaker. He co-founded Fourcolours Films in 2001 to produce and support Indonesian filmmakers. He has directed several short films and feature films, including <i>Garuda di Dadaku</i> (2009) which was a tremendous commercial success and <i>The Dancer</i> (2011), which won Best Director and Best Picture at the Indonesian Film Festival. He has also produced for Indonesian filmmakers such as Wicaksono Wisnu Legowo, Garin Nugroho and Kamila Andini. He is a co-founder and Festival Director of the JOGJA-NETPAC Asian Film Festival and a founder of the JOGJA FILM ACADEMY, which was established in 2014. He is currently working on the Netflix series <i>Cigarette Girl</i>.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </main> <footer> <div> <section class="c__mailinglist"> <div> <div class="s_mailchimp"> <div class="s_desc"> <h3>Join Our Mailing List</h3> <p>Sign up to receive updates and reminders for films screening and more.</p> </div> <div id="mc_embed_signup" class="s_mailinglist"> <form action="" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate="novalidate"> <div id="mc_embed_signup_scroll"> <div class="mc-field-group"> <input type="text" value="" name="FNAME" class="required" id="mce-FNAME" aria-required="true" required> <label>Name</label> </div> <div class="mc-field-group"> <input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="required email" id="mce-EMAIL" aria-required="true" required> <label>Email</label> </div> <div class="mc-checkbox-group"> <label for="id_subscribecheckbox"> By 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(/[!@#$%^&*]/.test(password)) { strength += 1; } return strength; } function displayPasswordStrength(strength) { var strengthText; var submitButton = $('.form-register__submit'); var regPsw = $('#reg_password'); switch (strength) { case 0: case 1: //strengthText = 'Weak'; strengthText = 'Password strength: Weak'; $('.form-register__submit').addClass('noPointer'); //regPsw.css('border', '1px solid red'); break; case 2: strengthText = 'Password strength: Medium'; $('.form-register__submit').removeClass('noPointer'); //regPsw.css('border', '1px solid #C4CED4'); break; default: strengthText = 'Password strength: Strong'; $('.form-register__submit').removeClass('noPointer'); //regPsw.css('border', '1px solid #C4CED4'); break; } $('#passwordStrength').text(strengthText); } function displayPasswordStrength2(strength) { var strengthText; var submitButton = $('.lost_confirm'); var regPsw = $('#update-password'); switch (strength) { case 0: case 1: //strengthText = 'Weak'; strengthText = 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confirmPassword || confirmPassword == '') { $('.con_psw').addClass("v_invalid"); $('.lost_confirm').css("pointer-events", 'none'); return false; } else { $('.con_psw').removeClass("v_invalid"); $('.lost_confirm').css("pointer-events", 'auto'); } }) $('.register-form').on('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Your custom logic here var validate = true; var $form = $(this); // Example: Perform form validation $(".register-form .form-row").each(function() { var $elm = $(this); var required = $"required"); if (required) { if (!validateElm($elm)) { validate = false; } } }); //validate = false; //console.log(validate, 'hi') if (validate) { reg_email = $('#reg_email').val(); reg_password = $('#reg_password').val(); $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'post', data: { action: 'register_custom_user_account', reg_email: reg_email, reg_password: reg_password }, success: function(data) { //console.log('what'); var modifiedData = data.slice(0, -1); $('#reg_email').val(''); $('#reg_password').val(''); $('#reg_confirm_password').val(''); $('.c__registerwelcome').css('display','block'); if (modifiedData == 'exit') { $('.c__registerwelcome').html('<ul class="error" role="alert"><li> Error: An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in.</li></ul>'); } else { $('.c__loginheader,.register-form').css('display','none'); $('.s_uniquecode a').html(modifiedData+'<span class="u__iconcopy"></span>'); //console.log(modifiedData); //window.location.href = '/my-account'; } }, error: function(data) { $('.c__registerwelcome').html('Something was wrong!'); } }); } }); $('.form-login__submit').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Your custom logic here var validate = true; var $form = $(this); // Example: Perform form validation $(".form-login .form-row").each(function() { var $elm = $(this); var required = $"required"); if (required) { if (!validateElm($elm)) { validate = false; } } }); var reg_email = $('#username').val(); var reg_password = $('#password').val(); //validate = false; //console.log(validate, reg_email,reg_password,'hi') if (validate) { $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'post', data: { action: 'login_user_account', reg_email: reg_email, reg_password: reg_password }, success: function(data) { // var modifiedData = data.slice(0, -1); //console.log(modifiedData,data); if (data == 'valid') { window.location.href = '/festival-schedule/'; }else if(data == 'feSche'){ window.location.href = '/my-schedule/'; document.cookie = 'feSche=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;'; }else { $('.s_status p').text(data); } }, error: function(data) { $('.s_status p').html('Something was wrong!'); } }); } }); $('.lost_reset_password').on('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Your custom logic here var validate = true; var $form = $(this); // Example: Perform form validation $(".lost_reset_password .form-row").each(function() { var $elm = $(this); var required = $"required"); if (required) { if (!validateElm($elm)) { validate = false; } } }); //validate = false; if (validate) { reg_email = $('#user_login').val(); $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'post', data: { action: 'custom_reset_password', reg_email: reg_email, }, success: function(data) { //console.log('what'); var modifiedData = data.slice(0, -1); $('.c__fpReturn').css('display','block'); if (modifiedData == 'invalid') { $('.c__fpReturn').css('display','block').text('Something wend wrong! Check your email'); } else { // console.log(modifiedData); $('.c__forgetpassword,.reset_form_wrap').css('display','none'); } }, error: function(data) { $('.c__fpReturn').html('Something was wrong!'); } }); } }); $('.lost_confirm').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Your custom logic here var validate = true; var $form = $(this); // Example: Perform form validation $(".update-password-form .form-row").each(function() { var $elm = $(this); var required = $"required"); if (required) { if (!validateElm($elm)) { validate = false; } } }); //validate = false; if (validate) { user_id = $('#reset_user').val(); password_2 = $('#update-password_2').val(); $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'post', data: { action: 'custom_update_password', user_id: user_id, password_2: password_2 }, success: function(data) { var modifiedData = data.slice(0, -1); //console.log(modifiedData); if (data == 'changed') { window.location.href = '/festival-schedule/'; }else if(data == 'feSche'){ window.location.href = '/my-schedule/'; document.cookie = 'feSche=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;'; }else { $('.s_status p').text(data); } $('.update-form-wrap').css('display','none'); }, error: function(data) { $('.c__resetpassword').html('Something was wrong!'); } }); } }); $('.u__iconbookmark').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Your custom logic here //pId = $('#id_bookmark0').val(); //wId = $('#id_bookmark1').val(); pId = $(this).attr('pId'); wId = $(this).attr('wpId'); var $checkbox = $(this).closest('.s_bookmark').find('input[type="checkbox"]'); if(wId == 0){ $('.c__schedulepop').removeClass('hidden'); }else{ $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'post', data: { action: 'update_bookmark_screen_time', pId: pId, wpId: wId }, success: function(data) { //console.log('what'); var modifiedData = data.slice(0, -1); if (window.location.pathname === '/my-schedule/') { // Reload the page location.reload(); } if(data == 'added'){ $checkbox.prop('checked', true); }else if(data == 'deleted'){ $checkbox.prop('checked', false); } window.location.href = '/my-schedule'; }, error: function(data) { //$('.c__register').html('Something was wrong!'); } }); } }); $('.remove_action').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Your custom logic here pId = $(this).attr('pid'); wId = $(this).attr('wpid'); var $tr = $(this).closest('tr'); $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'post', data: { action: 'delete_bookmark_screen_time', pId: pId, wpId: wId }, success: function(data) { //console.log('what'); var modifiedData = data.slice(0, -1); //console.log(modifiedData); //location.reload(); $tr.remove(); //$('.c__resetpassword').text(modifiedData); }, error: function(data) { //$('.c__register').html('Something was wrong!'); } }); }); $('.login-feSc').on('click',function(){ var expirationDate = new Date(); expirationDate.setTime(expirationDate.getTime() + (1 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); document.cookie = "feSche=true; expires=" + expirationDate.toUTCString() + "; path=/"; location.replace("/login"); }); $('.s_logout button').on('click',function(){ event.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '', data: { action: 'custom_logout' // Use your custom action name }, success: function () { // Redirect or perform any other actions after successful logout window.location.href = '/'; // Replace with the URL you want to redirect to } }); }); if ($('.s_quicklinks').length > 0) { // If it exists, add the .v_fixedside class to main.p__page $('main.p__page').addClass('v_fixedside'); $('.c__accordioncontent:first').before('<section class="u__wrapper"><div>'); $('.c__accordioncontent').appendTo($('.u__wrapper div')); var accordionSections = $('.c__accordioncontent'); // Select the .s_quicklinks ul var quickLinksUl = $('.s_quicklinks ul'); // Loop through each .c__accordioncontent section accordionSections.each(function(index) { $(this).attr('id', 'c__accordioncontent' + index); var h2Text = $(this).find('h2').text(); // Get the text from the h2 element // Create a new list item with a link var listItem = $('<li><a href="#c__accordioncontent' + index + '">' + h2Text + '</a></li>'); 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