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Color10">10.0</span>] "I absolutely loved this belt, and it's easily my favorite-looking championship of all time. I get that not everyone is a fan of pink, but I personally love it, and I think the design was really cute. Sure, it's frustrating that the Divas weren't taken as seriously during this era--I hated that too. But at the end of the day, this was the one championship that women were competing for for years, and I actually think the feminine butterfly design was amazing. It made the title feel distinct, and despite the criticism, it still represented the top of the division. On top of that, the belt had an incredible lineage, being held by some of the most talented and memorable Divas like AJ Lee, Charlotte Flair, Michelle McCool, Melina, and Nikki Bella. Say what you want about the era, but this championship still carries a lot of history and significance."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">2</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><span class="TextHighlightBold">today</span><br />15:04&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=62591">Trombek Kushinika</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3102">WWE Universal Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color5">5.0</span>] "Im so glad WWE finally retired this attempt at a main belt. It was confusing as to why it was given such prominence considering it had zero lineage attached to it and was seemingly introduced as a way of say the Fed's top belt was bigger than everyone else's......... every company has a World title right? what's bigger than the World? The Universe. Add to this a plethora of rubbish reigns and title matches and this scored low for me. It would have scored lower if it wasn't for Roman Reign's epic run with the belt although arguably the best part of his run was when the his Universal strap was unified with the WWE one."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">3</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">16.02.2025<br />21:20&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79725">Keithnelson18</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4219">WWE 24/7 Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color0">0.0</span>] "No, just no. This title shouldn't have been invented. The only memorable champions I think of is R-Truth, Drake Maverick, &amp; Dana Brooke. That's it, no one else was memorable or just won the title cause WWE had nothing for them. How did The Revival hold this title? How did EC3 hold this title? How did Bobby Roode hold this title? How did Alexa Bliss hold this title? Thank god Triple H got rid of the this title"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">4</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">16.02.2025<br />20:22&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79761">Algo214</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6827">WWE NXT Women's North American Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "I loved this match, specially the finish, since it was a crescendo of moves and tension with the dragonscrew, knee hits and the proper finisher."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">5</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">16.02.2025<br />02:41&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79725">Keithnelson18</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=1912">WWE NXT Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "These are the greatest tag titles in pro wrestling history. I mean, nearly every single title defense of these titles were banger matches. Undisputed Era &amp; Fraxiom are my personal favorite champions. All of they're title defenses have been great matches, in fact, some are my favorite tag matches of all time, not just in NXT, but in wrestling. I love these title man"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">6</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">16.02.2025<br />00:04&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=70661">SebasDiazArgentina</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6827">WWE NXT Women's North American Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "A huge win this title was to make more rich and prove why NXT has the best women's division on WWE and some of the of best in all wrestling, after being announced on Stand and Deliver 2024 I knew this was a huge win, the title looks beautiful like the men's North American Title, even though the ladder match for this Title wasn't equally as good as the men's ladder match at all, but it's getting a good management and It's great they started these titles to give the women more opportunities, the mid card titles are a huge win for what the 2024 was for WWE, I don't have to give more points to prove why this title is a 10/10"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">7</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">15.02.2025<br />10:19&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=64043">tlaustin</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=62">WWE United States Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color6">6.0</span>] "This is the companion piece to the Intercontenial championship and, as a worker's mid card title, has many of the same type of highs and lows with it. For some reason I struggle to hold it in the same prestige class as its brand brother, and if I reflect on why that is, I guess it's just because it feels like the title itself so rarely features on PPVs anymore, and hasn't for a long time. It's not the worst title in the world and it often is nice to look at, but WWE never seems interested in investing in a big US champion the way they have with its more famous midcard title."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">8</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">15.02.2025<br />10:13&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=64043">tlaustin</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=16">WWE Intercontinental Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "The idea of the title itself as a sort of &quot;worker's&quot; title is 10 alone, and though it has a somewhat tarnished and complex history, it is still far and away my favorite title in WWE, and maybe the world. There are so many best-of-the-best ring work matches that were about this title, and it's position on the card is almost always about letting the wrestlers work first. If there's a title I like more, I'd have to really reflect on that, because it's not coming to me at the moment."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">9</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">15.02.2025<br />10:11&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=64043">tlaustin</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=141">GHC Hardcore Openweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color6">6.0</span>] "EDIT: I'm changing my stance here a bit. NOAH seems intent on rehabilitating this belt's dour image from the 15-minute Akiyama days. Ninja Mack's most recent title defense was a barn-burner 20 minute hardcore war with Alpha Wolf that was the pay off to a year-long rivalry between the two, and it was immediately followed up with a challenge by brutal Japanese legend Shuji Ishikawa. I think NOAH realizes they have something special building here in this second run, or at least I'd like to think they do. I've bumped up my score a bit here to more accurately reflect the efforts in making this belt matter. If Shuji/Mack ends up being a good program (I kind of don't care who wins between the two, at the moment--Ishikawa would be a great holder, but Mack is kind of a perfect spot-hungry Babyface for this title, and he is -wildly- over with the Japanese crowd) I think I might change my score to entirely reflect the &quot;new era&quot; of this belt, which is pretty positive thus far."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">10</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">15.02.2025<br />10:10&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=64043">tlaustin</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=645">Open The Owarai Gate Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color7">7.0</span>] "This title should probably be listed as active? Muto is defending it against Punch Tominaga tonight at -ZERO- Vol.4"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">11</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">15.02.2025<br />00:56&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=57357">Paul04</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6748">ROH Women's World Television Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color4">4.0</span>] "A fun tournament to crown Billie as the first time champion was fun, but then they have her LOSE THE TITLE ON HER FIRST DEFENSE, and when Velvet was showing that she has improve as a wrestler they turned her heel and now she's having boring matches again"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">12</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">14.02.2025<br />21:24&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=73866">fablezzzz</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=20">WWE Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color9">9.0</span>] "Easily the best match of the night. One of HHH's best singles matches ever and one of the best WM openers ever."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">13</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />22:16&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=73305">darkflame4527</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=1912">WWE NXT Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color9">9.0</span>] "One of the most prestigious titles in the business. Every match, with most champs, are bangers. Banger after banger."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">14</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />16:45&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79725">Keithnelson18</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3679">WWE NXT North American Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "One of my favorite championships not just in WWE, but of all time. Nearly all matches that were this championships were bangers and most of my favorite matches involve this championship. I will note that there were unnecessary title reigns, but most of the time there have been great title reigns, like Oba Femi, Carmelo Hayes, Wes Lee, Ricochet, Johnny Gargano, Keith Lee, &amp; Roderick Strong."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">15</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />16:42&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79725">Keithnelson18</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4578">AEW TNT Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color6">6.0</span>] "Never have I seen a title changed hands so many times in a company then this title. It's not on the levels of changing hands as the 24/7 or Hardcore title, but it's pretty close."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">16</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />16:41&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79725">Keithnelson18</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4331">AEW World Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color9">9.0</span>] "Pretty good title, most of AEW's best/greatest matches involve this title, but there are title reigns that emts nothing. Like both of CM Punk's title reigns and sadly Bryan Danielson's title reign. Love Danielson, but he really did nothing with the belt. Besides that, this title is great"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">17</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />16:39&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79725">Keithnelson18</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5548">AEW World Trios Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color0">0.0</span>] "I don't think AEW cares about these titles anymore, they are just never defended as much. Most of the time, they just give the titles to people and do nothing with them."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">18</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />16:37&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79725">Keithnelson18</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4066">WWE Women's Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color1">1.0</span>] "These titles had a strong start in the beginning, but sadly, they mean nothing now. Triple H tried to make them feel important, but it made me hate them even more because they got more PPV matches then the men's tag belts. I think it's time to retire these titles."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">19</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />16:35&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79725">Keithnelson18</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3102">WWE Universal Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color0">0.0</span>] "This title was cursed for soooooo many years, in fact, it was booed when it was first introduced at SummerSlam in 2016. Besides a few good title reigns from Kevin Owens and Roman Reigns, no one else had a memorable title reign, some did, but for wrong reasons. Finn's was cut short due to injury, Goldberg just won the title for pointless matches, Brock held it hostage, Braun's was boring, Bray's almost felt forced, &amp; Seth's just made people turn on him."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">20</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />14:51&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=57968">Mike Ehrmantraut</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4392">AEW World Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "Except for very brief moments, AEW Tag Team division is the best in USA. I don't like the Bucks neither as wrestlers nor people but I can't deny their huge contribute to the division. There are many other great teams who work a lot for elevating the prestige like The Acclaimed, FTR, The Gunns, Swerve and Keith Lee and now the Hurt Syndacate. The only bad ones were the Private Party."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">21</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />14:45&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=57968">Mike Ehrmantraut</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4578">AEW TNT Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color5">5.0</span>] "This title's history started fine thanks to Cody, Brody and Darby who gave it prestige, battled frequently with good matches and decent stories. Miro and Sammy first reign were ok but then... I don't know why Tony started booking like this but he destroyed all the importance of TNT! Scorpio Sky, in spite of Adam Lambert presence for a while, was dull, a very bad choice for representing the belt, Wardlow was completely pointlesse (and foeless), Joe and Hobbs reigns were too short, and the constant change of owner abysmally worsened the situation. Then Christian and Edge arrived and the did a great job... for nothing thanks to the idiotic Jack Perry and Mr. No Charisma Garcia."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">22</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />13:39&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76680">Maniaofmania</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5548">AEW World Trios Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color5">5.0</span>] "Belts like this prove only Lucha and Lucha infulaced promotion can book good trios. New Japan for example took nigh on 3 years for its trios belts to be seen by fans as being OK. That says so, thing back when new Japan could do no wrong according to some fans, so AEW are on a long train to nowhere with this. even if it was better booked . They have the talent, but not the booking. 5/10"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">23</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />12:41&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=58417">Pandevmonium</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5548">AEW World Trios Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color1">1.0</span>] "An unnecessary title, which ruined the tag category a little bit. The fact that those belts totally disappeared from shows during last months didn't help at all."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">24</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.02.2025<br />01:55&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=57876">GonzoAppreciator</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=143">GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color7">7.0</span>] "I wish NOAH would allow for longer reigns with these belts as the constant title changes prevents a lot of reigns from being all that memorable. Though the matches the belts are defended in are generally pretty great so I can't complain too much."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">25</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">11.02.2025<br />17:21&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=52185">zacharymahabir</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=20">WWE Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "Hard not to rate this with a perfect score. It is literally the most important championship in the entire history of pro wrestling."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">26</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">11.02.2025<br />17:18&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=52185">zacharymahabir</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=1">ECW Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color3">3.0</span>] "I love LOVE the original design of this belt and there was obviously so much potential for this championship to be incredibly important, but this ultimately became a giant waste of time and space. From the moment it went to Big Show, the entire championship was over. Yes, it managed to get held by a few incredibly popular and talented guys, but this was a bastardization of something really special. It's a sin that it even exists."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">27</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">11.02.2025<br />17:09&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=52185">zacharymahabir</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3672">WWF North American Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color5">5.0</span>] "Mostly going to focus on the design notes, it does look pretty cool. The color choice here is pretty bad, the two-tone does not work in this application. And the little emblem on the front with the dudes grappling is awful. I would say it's a bottom-half design."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">28</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">11.02.2025<br />01:53&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79725">Keithnelson18</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=16">WWE Intercontinental Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "One of my favorite championships in wrestling, some of my favorite matches of all time were for this belt. Gunther brought prestige back to this title."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">29</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">08.02.2025<br />17:26&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79852">TheDJZig</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=7006">KFW Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[] "Social media posts by NWA Kross Fire and the NWA indicates the name of the title is now the NWA Kross Fire Championship."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">30</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">08.02.2025<br />17:03&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79852">TheDJZig</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6932">NWA Exodus Pro Midwest Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[] "Title has been renamed the NWA Midwest Championship, per Instagram posts made by Pretty Boy Smooth and Dante Casanova."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">31</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">07.02.2025<br />18:46&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=54796">Tjl0106</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4219">WWE 24/7 Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color7">7.0</span>] "This title gets way too much disrespect. Sure, it might not have been as good as the Hardcore belt or even the DDT belt, but it still had some funny moments and the legend of R-Truth. I do agree that this belt could have been so, so much more than what it was, and it was clean towards it's end that it was being neglected by the WWE. And even it's destruction was a botched angle (Nikki missed the trash can completely, sending the belt crashing to the floor.) It still deserves much better than the 0s and 1s that it's getting though, because even with it being a 0 or 1 IN COMPARISON to the Hardcore title, it is still an above average belt for the purpose it served."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">32</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">07.02.2025<br />18:40&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=54796">Tjl0106</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4380">DDT Iron Man Heavy Metal Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "This may be my favorite professional wrestling championship ever when it comes to just having a good laugh. So many people, hell, THINGS have won this championship, and the ways they are won are extremely creative. We've seen a monkey, a dog, a cat, a ladder, multiple dolls, a pint of beer, a Christmas tree, an entire audience, Vince McMahon's Hollywood Walk of Fame star, and even 2 invisible wrestlers win this belt. We've seen Candice LeRae win the title IN A DREAM from Joey Ryan. What else could you possibly ask for? This is a comedy belt at its finest."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">33</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">07.02.2025<br />01:11&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=69657">V0icesAreLouder</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4331">AEW World Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "AEW has succeed in making all of the title matches a must watch on any given card, and with a list of iconic champions and reigns you cant deny the prestige this title has. However, ever since MJF's reign it feels like the title has lost a little of it's prestige, Swerve and Joe had okay reigns but not great compared to the past and hiccups are too be expected, but Danielson and Moxley have be disaster, not at the fault of Danielson, he was given a rough hand with Perry. But Moxley on the other hand is completely too blame for his horrendous storyline and for that I'm knocking it down to an 8. The design is amazing and may be the best CURRENT design of any world title."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">34</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">07.02.2025<br />00:05&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=70565">Willie 19200</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=20">WWE Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "The most well known championship in wrestling history with over 60 years of prestige and with some of the greatest wrestlers holding this belt. It's had many title reigns from the 8 year reign of Bruno Sammartino, to the the crowd favorite Hulk Hogan, The Texas Rattlesnake, some of the best in-ring like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, ect; to some of the most recognizable names in this sport like Roman Reigns, John Cena, Randy Orton, and so many more. Overall this belt stood the test of time and will probably remain as the most well known and important championship in North American wrestling."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">35</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">06.02.2025<br />00:19&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=71926">Pigeon Scratch</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=15">WWF Light Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color3">3.0</span>] "The history of this belt is more intriguing than the title itself, at least during it's time actually in the WWF. This was a belt that was created in partnership with the UWA, later on becoming a title in Michinoku Pro, before being returned to the company. There is a 16 year lineage spanning Mexico and Japan that they just straight up ignored when it was established once again in 1997. While I would love to rate this belt for it's entire 21 year history, and I have to assume that it was all round a decently booked belt in the companies it took place in (and it will always have it's connection to Ultimo Dragon at the end of the day), I don't think it's fair for me to give it a high rating on something I have no real opinion on to begin with. Besides, most people only know this belt for its time in the WWF, and it's a severe mixed bag. This company, whether it be when it was the WWF or the WWE, always had a problem with booking cruiserweight championships. Lack of care leads to an immediate glass ceiling, with the head of the company scratching his head, wondering why the belt isn't getting over at all. At least there are some good names attached to the belt, such as Dean Malenko, Jerry Lynn, X-Pac, Taka Michinoku, etc, but unfortunately this belt was severely devalued with it being completely forgotten and deemed as a joke belt around the waist of Duane Gill. Somehow never reached the levels of European belt, and that's just really sad."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">36</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">06.02.2025<br />00:04&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=71926">Pigeon Scratch</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4219">WWE 24/7 Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color1">1.0</span>] "1 point for R-Truth solely. This title is what happens when you take the old Hardcore Title, as well as the 24/7 rule that was imposed on it by Crash Holly, and then try to commercialize and mainstream it to the nth degree. It was a joke title that could be used for promotion of the WWE. Give it to Marshmello, or some sports commentator at Fox, or some other celebrity to get some more names on the promotion, and then easily change it to whoever is the main holder of the 24/7 title. That, and just how genuinely unfunny everything around the belt was, again asides from Truth trying his best. It's a total fucking bastardization of what made the Hardcore Title in the WWE good for a time, and a total disgrace to any other title that it is similar to. You can make a joke title like this work, such as DDT's Ironman Heavymetalweight, but if you don't put in the effort to either book something compelling enough, or to go batshit insane with it (or both! ), it's not gonna be anything of value. The 24/7 Championship was a promotional stunt, and it didn't even look good."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">37</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">05.02.2025<br />21:17&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79814">vincictor33</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6760">WWE Speed Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[] "P閟imo t韙ulo. Las sobras de las sobras. Y que casualidad que les dan esta porquer韆 a los mexicanos. Para llorar..."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">38</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">05.02.2025<br />21:07&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=54255">pacino84</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5224">AEW TBS Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "This title has been elevated to such an extent that it is on almost even footing with the women's world title in AEW. Mercedes has had several stellar matches with it, as did Willow and Statlander before her. It is far from its debut as a vehicle for Jade Cargill. I really do think it's turned into a really good belt to highlight good workers."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">39</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">05.02.2025<br />16:35&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=77968">Michael Shawns</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6827">WWE NXT Women's North American Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color6">6.0</span>] "So far so good for a secondary Women's title for NXT. It feels like the title scene in WWE is getting a bit bloated, but if it means titles like these are allowing women to gain more experience and opportunities in the future, then I'm all for it. Kelani was a good champion to start it off, while Henley will have some proving to do if she doesn't want to be remembered as a transitional champion."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">40</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">05.02.2025<br />09:29&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=70661">SebasDiazArgentina</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4799">WWE NXT Heritage Cup Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color7">7.0</span>] "I like it to be different from all the titles with it's own style of match and everything, but it has the bad luck that they don't know what to do It, It doesn't feel like It has some kind of prestige like the North American Title or the Tag Team Titles, but even though It had amazing matches, so that's a valid point I give It for a 7/10"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">41</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">03.02.2025<br />01:29&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=58355">Mister Cute Face</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6069">WWE World Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color6">6.0</span>] "This title is meaningless. They couldn't have Roman lose, so they made a pretend world title for Seth. Put Roman in one of those gimmick matches where the tag partner can lose the other's title and have Jey eat the pin leading to Roman vs Jey at the height of the bloodline story. Roman loses the World title, still has the streak with the universal title, and we can see world titles again. Instead they made a new title that will seemingly eventually replace the world title. Just silly. But Seth has been a great champion and putting the title on the map. This is also a beautiful title. Wish it meant something. UPDATE 2025.02.02 [6] - it means a little more than it did before. But I still have a hard time seeing it remotely a title worth pursuing when the WWE title is right there. I didn't care for the priest run but Gunther is making it look great"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">42</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">02.02.2025<br />17:54&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=61131">MooGati</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=1741">BJW World Strong Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color7">7.0</span>] "Held concurrently with Big Japan's top deathmatch title by Hideyoshi Kamitani, but precious few defenses."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">43</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">02.02.2025<br />15:06&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79694">nath123</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3102">WWE Universal Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[] "The Universal Title didn't have the best start with Finn Balor vacating the belt the day after he won it. There have been good reigns, most notably Kevin Owens, but this title's lineage is looked back on fondly due to people Lesnar and Reigns holding it hostage for long periods."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">44</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">01.02.2025<br />01:48&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=69657">V0icesAreLouder</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3400">IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color5">5.0</span>] "Shame, this title should've been the jump start for many people and in ways was. They just chose horrible champs multiple times. I would put this down to a 3 but Kenny, Jay, Juice and Ospreay all had memorable reigns with multiple good matches. Mox is the main bad spot but Tana, Cody and Lance all had horrendous matches defending the tile. Overall served it's purpose in some ways and failed in others."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">45</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">31.01.2025<br />03:51&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=69657">V0icesAreLouder</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4503">DDT Universal Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color5">5.0</span>] "I honestly feel like this title has become a joke, Mao has had the only good reign since the middle of '23 and after his reign (I know its only been a couple months) the reigns after have been a complete joke. And putting the title on Ueno was a bad idea, depending on how it goes. They could've put on someone unique or a younger guy to elevate them but I'm going in open minded and hoping for it be a success. Overall the title serves it's purpose well and has succeed. I like the design, it's unique."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">46</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">29.01.2025<br />11:16&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=64115">FrankHead</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5821">NJPW World Television Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color0">0.0</span>] "This championship means absolutely nothing. Half the belt holders are bloody awful And most reigns are short. This gives the belt zero credibility, as well as their other championships NJPW what exactly are you doing these days?"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">47</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">28.01.2025<br />20:55&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=73305">darkflame4527</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3102">WWE Universal Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color2">2.0</span>] "Finn Balor won it and immediately relinquished it due to injury. KO had a fun run but was kicked out by Goldberg. Brock Lesnar won and held it hostage for almost 2 years. Brock and Seth would trade horrible reigns until, a few forgetful champs later, Roman Reigns held it for a legendary 1316 days. Cody has it now and doesn't even dignify or acknowledge it's existence. Some good parts, but a large majority bad."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">48</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">28.01.2025<br />20:52&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=73305">darkflame4527</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=20">WWE Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "The most coveted championship in professional wrestling history. It has stood for 6 decades with absolutely 0 competition and has contained the greatest reigns of all time (Punk's 434 days, Roman's 3-4 year long reign, Bruno Sammartino's ridiculous reign etc)"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">49</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">26.01.2025<br />23:07&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=78425">ElGranJotafigaro</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6186">Mojonero Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color2">2.0</span>] "After his tenure in Dramatic Dream Team, Guanchulo was pushed as a national hero in Chile between 2018-2019. However, what both wrestlers and fans didn't suspect back then is that the guy wasn't goin to rely on Puroresu antics, but instead on the most bizarre, unfunny and idiotic schticks, supposedly mimicking DDT's style. One of them was this milestone. Guanchulo thought that saying &quot;moj髇&quot; (chilean slang for &quot;poop&quot;) was funny, so he, along with his tag team partner Anarko Monta馻, created the Campeonato Mojonero Milenario de los Siete Puntos de la Estrella de los Yeyos Mapaches (spanish for &quot;Shitty Milenary of the Seven-Point Star of the Yeyos Raccoons Championship&quot;). The championship was a rip-off of the DDT Iron Man Heavyweight Championship, as it was defended 24/7 and featured all kinds of absurd situations, like having a popcorn vase and a show poster as champions. The design featured a pink pile of poop emotic. Surprisingly enough, many of the &quot;cool guys&quot; in the chilean circuit, who always presented themselves as &quot;serious wrestlers&quot; and criticized others for the use of comedy in matches, actually fell for this stupidity, and held the championship (some of them even more than once). Not because they thought it was funny, but instead because they wanted some of Guanchulo's fame. So, the reason I'm giving this thing a 2 instead of a 0, is because of its meaning. It was further proof of the complete hipocresy of the &quot;elite&quot; and &quot;cool&quot; guys of the chilean circuit. They proved that comedy in wrestling is indeed great... as long as it's done by them, and not by someone else. On the other side, probably one of Anarko Monta馻 and Guanchulo's biggest acomplishments ever is to make all those guys look like complete fools for once."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">50</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">26.01.2025<br />02:40&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=66859">kirbystarwarrior</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4370">AEW Women's World Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "Timeless Toni Storm has really helped pull the title out from being the heatless hot potato it was in 2023. Every feud she's had since getting the title for a third time has led to not just her, but other women in the division to shine. Whether it be showing off great character work, allowing them to build themselves up through a series of matches, or using the feud with Toni to lead in to other storylines, such as Thunder Rosa and Deonna Purazzo's feud with each other. Mariah's subsequent reign has been a great follow up to it, having given focus to some more of the neglected women in the division such as Yuka Sakazaki and Anna Jay while also bringing out great character moments from champion and challenger alike. From Mina Shirakawa's conflicted feelings over Mariah's change and later on, Mariah's betrayal of her, to Anna Jay's frustrations over not being able to become champion despite her growth from her excursion to Japan, to Serena Deeb developing miniature feuds with Queen Aminata and Britt Baker as a result of the championship. The influence on the storylines is palpable in both direct and indirect ways, which really helps give it a sense of worth."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">51</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">25.01.2025<br />18:13&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=79102">Ualightning23</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=145">IWGP Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "Someone needs to bring this back and bring this back immediately. Not only it's one of the most beautiful belts ever but the matches it has provided and the lineage of champions render it the single most prestigious championship in wrestling. I get that at the time the title was inactivated NJPW was having hard times with everything but at least now they have to either bring it back alongside its legacy or just make the WHC look like this."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">52</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">23.01.2025<br />20:24&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=68300">jsborts</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=20">WWE Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "The best lineage of any title in north american pro wrestling today. I give WWE a ton of credit for revitalizing the importance of this belt after the hot shotting of the title in the late 90's/early 2000's, and then picking many of the wrong guys in the 2010's, this belt has been revitalized and feels incredibly important and has THE best lineage of any active title in America."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">53</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">23.01.2025<br />20:20&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=68300">jsborts</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=146">IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "One of the best titles of all time, has lead to legendary matches and been a terrific place to start a wonderful build. The PERFECT mid title card in all of wrestling."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">54</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">23.01.2025<br />12:16&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=64115">FrankHead</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6954">Marigold Twin Star Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[] "Although it is early days in Marigolds history, I feel their Twin Star Championships have already lost all their credibility with too many title changes and poor title holders. It's A shame really"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">55</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">21.01.2025<br />23:05&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76843">maven lover</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=2520">Canadian International Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color0">0.0</span>] "(Attention: This review only applies to TNA's work with this title in 2024, &amp; to TNA's work with Pierre Carl Ouellet during this time in general). This thing was only brought back via TNA to, I guess, give PCO 2 belts in order to make his Digital Media Title run more meaningful. TNA has recently come out &amp; stated that they were &quot;LiViD&quot; to discover that PCO went into action for himself at GCW, &amp; to that I have to say, is Anthem honestly surprised? Anthem failed in every sense of the word to book PCO well during what was ((the most painfully disappointing reign I've ever seen in my entire tenure as a wrestling fan)). Awesome hardcore matches with people like Alan Angels, Cody Deaner, Masha Slamovich, Frankie Kazarian, Sami Callihan, Tommy Dreamer, Eddie Edwards, &amp; Crazzy Steve were completely eschewed in favor of vast swaths of time of complete inactivity, profoundly accentuated by the rare (almost exclusively pre-show/TV) match that ranged from ho-hum to terrible; a casket match with Moose that was only 4 minutes long &amp; wasn't even featured on TV immediately after taping, a miserably-written 3-way intergender tag wherein he found himself in the opposite corner from his kayfabe wife as the awful match format nullified the 4 other talented workers that surrounded them, an especially nasty, no-good, &amp; poorly performed botchfest of a 5 minute Shera match that was especially difficult to watch as a person whom is a massive fan of PCO &amp; whom deeply cares for the guy's safety &amp; wellbeing. The Rhino match &amp; the Monster's Ball match with Matt Cardona (three months after winning the thing) were the only 2 times during this reign that I felt any positive emotion at all, &amp; then following this, he was put into a few dull tags with Callihan, &amp; then that was it! Then they planned to take the belt off of him; &amp; then dispose of this fun, unique, experienced worker like a box of garbage underneath the freeway while overbooking The System, the most boring stable TNA has ever seen, to death. I empathize with PCO over what he did at GCW, &amp; it can not be stated enough how poorly this reign was done. Cluttering a fun, unique wrestler's look with a completely (&amp; I mean completely! ) story-devoid second belt doesn't erase the fact that you are booking them like festering trash. Anthem should find things such as the awful JBL swerve at Bound For Glory '24, The System's unforgivable overbooking (despite them being less interesting than A&amp;8's) all year, or the utter failure at establishing Dana Brooke as a hard-edged heel to get &quot;LiViD&quot; about. I wish PCO the best, he deserved better."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">56</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">21.01.2025<br />06:11&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=68300">jsborts</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4331">AEW World Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color9">9.0</span>] "Done a wonderful job of making this title extremely important and have treated it correctly since day 1. Didn't love the hotshotting of the title in the Punk days with Moxley, but they've done a great job of never choosing an unworthy champion, and booking this tile like its important always"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">57</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">19.01.2025<br />19:59&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=50093">crs285</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=759">WCW United States Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "One of the best mid card titles in wrestling. Was definitely a workhorse belt and was treated well during most of its tenure. Like a lot of championships it took a hit once they brought in Vince Russo and the end of WCW."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">58</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">18.01.2025<br />03:28&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=78721">FutureWrestlerCeleb</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=7174">WWE Women's Intercontinental Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[] "Already predicted Lyra Valkyria would become the Inaugural WWE Women's Intercontinental Champion. WWE Has been trying to push her since the end of 2023."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">59</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">17.01.2025<br />22:55&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=72249">2pt0EcoBoostFusion</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6760">WWE Speed Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color1">1.0</span>] "I know I shouldn't give a title that is less than a year old a rating if at anything a negative one, but you know what, I don't care.. I'm going to be brutally honest, I hate the concept of short match tournaments to determine a champion, especially a championship that has little to no value despite some of the names that have held this belt so far. Of course, it boils down to being a consolation prize for wrestlers who have been not-so properly used on the main roster; Talking about the likes of Andrade and several others who will (unfortunately, because they are much more talented than what this championship is about) hold it in the future. Then the elephant in the room, which is only holding this championship back even further; being only exclusive to the social media platform Twitt-.. Oh wait, can't use that name anymore, damn it! Oh yeah, the platform now known as 'X'. I don't know how that came to be, but one could assume that when the owner of 'X', you know, the Visionary Egomaniac himself made a joke post about WWE in late 2023, Triple H and Elon, or at the very least his higher-ups at 'X', made some plan to have an exclusive deal to bring WWE content to 'X'. The unfortunate thing is that Elon has blocked non-users who often used to get news on the platform (like me) from seeing posts, profiles, commentary/replies and at the very least making it hard to find the matches and &quot;shows&quot; that took place on WWE Speed. It's crazy to think that years ago during WWE's worst era (2017-2020), WWE had a deal with FaceBook TV (or something like that, I dunno) to broadcast the Mixed Match Challenge and even though it didn't have any championship or prize for that matter, it was still *MILES* ahead of whatever the Speed concept is. Also helps that unlike 'X' in the modern day, you *could* watch the streams without an account. I'd much rather have a Mixed Tag Championship than a championship that only can have matches less than 5 minutes and have no build-up or any substance to fuel good feuds whatsoever. I don't see the Speed concept lasting for so long, and the quicker it phases out, the better."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">60</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">15.01.2025<br />22:18&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=64043">tlaustin</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=929">WCW World Women's Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color0">0.0</span>] "It takes a certain level of intentionality to book a women's division so poorly that you make Vince's early 90s women's division booking look better by comparison. WCW had access to the talent and absolutely no interest in using it."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">61</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">15.01.2025<br />07:08&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=70565">Willie 19200</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=145">IWGP Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "Easily the most prestigious and one of the best looking championships in the history of pro-wrestling. Not to mention it has one of the best lines of champions in history. Every design of this belt was beautiful and should've never been changed, the new belt design is still cool, however the lineage shouldn't have stopped, they should've continued the same lineage, and just change the belt design if they really wanted to, even though the fourth version of the belt design is my favorite belt designs in history. Overall the greatest championship in wrestling history."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">62</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">14.01.2025<br />22:15&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76326">Rosya</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3679">WWE NXT North American Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color7">7.0</span>] "A great way to test if a wrestler is ready to lead NXT or even be part of RAW or SmackDown. I would like to see more experiments like with Dominik Mysterio: so that rising stars of the main roster get the opportunity to fight for this title. I remember Sami Zayn fighting for it - it was unnecessary. But guys like Ludwig Kaiser, JD McDonagh and Jey Uso - why not"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">63</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">14.01.2025<br />22:06&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76326">Rosya</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6760">WWE Speed Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[] "Maybe someone will read it. Understand that this is a title for an alternative WWE Universe, which is limited to the social network &quot;X&quot;. Let WWE promote their product this way, maybe they will manage to attract a new audience. These short matches seem stupid to us for the reason that in theory wrestlers could win in a minute or two on weekly shows, but keep in mind that this is not done for us - this is all for the sake of a potential new fan who will say that Dragon Lee does a cool flips and moonsaults and decide to watch him in more important matches. Yes, this fan is unlikely to catch Dragon Lee on RAW, but he will see Jey Uso, Liv Morgan or Gunter - different characters, to his taste. Separately about the title: it is obvious to me that trophies attract people's attention, and colored ones - even more so. I can't evaluate this concept now, I don't understand how effective it is, but I will definitely say that it does not offend me"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">64</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">14.01.2025<br />21:57&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76326">Rosya</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=1912">WWE NXT Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "NXT has always been good at separating solo stars from team stars, so the tag team champions have been really experienced teams. The division has almost always been bright and intense. Even now, even though Axiom and Nathan Frazer are a hastily put together team, they have proven they can work as a team, also showing great matches"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">65</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">14.01.2025<br />21:53&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76326">Rosya</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3117">WWE Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color6">6.0</span>] "I have to admit that I like the history of these titles more than the world tag team titles one, since they were more often held by really established teams, and the feud between The Usos and The New Day will always be associated with the importance of being tag team champions. These belts were even held by a father and son (Mysterio). To my mind these titles are more prestige, and look way better than those on RAW"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">66</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">14.01.2025<br />21:48&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76326">Rosya</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=61">WWE World Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color5">5.0</span>] "The WWE tag team division is something that I have a hard time understanding. Titles can be held by guys who had nothing in common yesterday, and today they are the best of friends. I understand that sometimes it is funny to watch teams like RK-Bro as the world (RAW) tag team champions, the same Hell No were funny, but the vast majority of teams won the titles, having formed literally the other day, with no experience in tag team performances. It just begs the question: why do we need these titles then? Well, we are used to saying that women's tag team belts are not needed, but in the men's division things are no better. There are few teams i nthe roster at the moment, although War Raiders is exactly the team logically won the World Tag Team titles, because they have a lot of experience in tag team matches under their belts. Seriously, just analyze the history of the titles"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">67</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">14.01.2025<br />21:23&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76326">Rosya</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4331">AEW World Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color9">9.0</span>] "I don't watch AEW shows at all, but I do follow the news about this company from time to time. My assessment is based on objective data. The company is a direct main competitor of WWE, which once helped WWE to move, to go somewhere in a different direction, which improved the quality of content compared to 2018-2019. The title was held by Chris Jericho - an absolute legend, a man of ideas. The title also helped Isaiah Scott achieve recognition, which he could not do in WWE. I am aware of the dark times when CM Punk held the title, but there were many such times with the WWE title. The only reason I do not give it a 10 is its age. Yes, the title is young, it did not have time to give birth to stars who would be on everyone's lips now. Well, maybe only Swerve. The rest were already stars"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">68</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">14.01.2025<br />21:14&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76326">Rosya</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3102">WWE Universal Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color7">7.0</span>] "Honestly, I don't see any difference between this title and the WWE title except for the color texture. Well, yeah, it's not a great looking title, but it's quite legendary historically thanks to Roman Reigns. I'll joke Finn Balor did too. Brock Lesnar also held the title. I didn't like Brock being champion, but you can't deny having a machine like Lesnar added value to the title, which was being held back by some pretty hyped up guys like Braun Strowman, Samoa Joe, Finn Balor, and of course Roman Reigns. It feels like the title is being held so low just because of the name and the looks, which is hypocritical, especially now that we've been told outright that the title is equivalent to the WWE title, as both form the undisputed championship. I myself would not rate this title out of 10, like the WWE title, because from the same historical point of view the WWE title has many more iconic moments, but I would definitely not rate it below 5, knowing how many important confrontations have happened with this trophy on the line."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">69</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">14.01.2025<br />21:05&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76326">Rosya</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=16">WWE Intercontinental Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color7">7.0</span>] "It feels like a weathervane. No one can care about this title for years, but as soon as a real champion appears, the value of the title increases several times. Unfortunately, over time it falls again - and this happens all the time. Gunther was an excellent champion, but I can't help but admit that if it weren't for the fans on the Internet, then perhaps Gunther would have had a lackluster reign. After all, WWE likes to rely on people's opinions, and Gunther was very hot at the time, plus there was practically no need to put in any effort to come up with any storylines, because this title is just for cool wrestling guys who have no future in the world championship, main event shows. It's, you could say, a trial version of the world champion. Although I'm surprised that Bron Breakker has so few matches now, because he could well be as cool a champion as Gunther, if not even better - but he prefers to be used as a dude who watches the show in the spectators. Horrible.. Well, that's what I'm talking about. Of course, soon everything will change, and the title will be owned by the one who needs it. The problem is that Bron doesn't need the title. Specifically, the Intercontinental one. He needs the World Championship. I think Dominik Mysterio would be a good champion, and everybody would understand who this title belongs to"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">70</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.01.2025<br />22:20&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=62591">Trombek Kushinika</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3237">WWE NXT United Kingdom Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color7">7.0</span>] "Wanted to raise this title more than a 7 but for me it just never had the prestige that it could have had. Grant, having Walter hold it for so long helped its kudos but it was never given an outing at anything more high profile than an NXT Takeover show as far as I can remember. Perhaps im being too harsh here - aren't 2 of the top 5 WWE matches on the Cagematch Matchguide matches for this belt! ?"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">71</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">13.01.2025<br />17:30&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=68505">BigPeanutGuy</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5224">AEW TBS Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "I think Jade Cargill's reign really damaged this title to begin with. 508 days on a virtual rookie is a fantastic way to make a belt stink. But ever since, this thing has been a real highlight. Like a workhorse women's belt, a major distraction from the grand arching stories of the big world titles. Similar to the international title, in that way."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">72</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">12.01.2025<br />23:35&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=74950">dizzied</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5821">NJPW World Television Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color6">6.0</span>] "This title has opportunity to be more but right now dont feel like it is better than a 7. Hopefully with ELP's current reign he can elevate the belt. Poor choices of champions have ruined the belt (Narita and Riddle and out of prime Tanahashi). Also it was a poor choice to have NJPW PRESIDENT Tanahashi dethrone Zack's first reign with the belt. Felt it was more of a vanity situation. and only for him to lose it to BRO Matt Riddle, the worst reign ever. At least Zack got rewarded later in the year after having to job to Tanahashi with the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. not a bad upgrade."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">73</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">12.01.2025<br />08:42&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=74950">dizzied</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3400">IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color4">4.0</span>] "It's sad this belt had the opportunity to be something but some questionable champions (Juice, Cody, Archer, and way past his prime Tanahashi) and a stupid unofficial renaming of it to the IWGP UK Championship which was horrible helped bring the downfall of a belt that could have meant more of expansion of New Japan Wrestling in the United States."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">74</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">11.01.2025<br />23:32&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=61074">joethom</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5266">G-REX Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color5">5.0</span>] "The quality of the G-Rex Title matches has been to me the appeal of the title. El Lindaman set a high workrate on his run as first Champion. Ishida and T-Hawk have continued to make this Title a good one to follow. I'm revising my review of this belt as it has become a disappointing part of a joke promotion. No one even knows it exists after the Tamara run."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">75</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">11.01.2025<br />18:46&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=75847">glassasylum</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5548">AEW World Trios Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color3">3.0</span>] "The trios titles started off very strongly and had so much potential. I especially loved the best of 7 series between Death Triangle and The Elite. Since then though they've gradually become a waste of time and are barely even defended anymore. The trios division has also harmed the once great tag team division and now both are weak. I hoped things might improve when they united the AEW and ROH trios titles so they could float between shows and utilise both rosters, but they were split again soon after. The booking has been so poor. If they're not going to utilise them they might as well just scrap them. Either that or give Rated FTR a run with them and see if they can revive them."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">76</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">11.01.2025<br />10:03&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=77138">Treeface</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=656">WWF World Women's Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color9">9.0</span>] "IT is definitely a big missed opportunity. it makes it even worse the way the championship ended. I think all the matches I have seen to do with the belts have been great."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">77</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">11.01.2025<br />03:03&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=67825">Killerman</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=97">CZW Interpromotional Hardcore Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color1">1.0</span>] "So this is a interpromontion title, meaning this was sopost to be defended in other companies. Well that simply never happened(minus the first match). It doesn't help that only two outta the six matches that's recorded for this belt are just simply allright and the other four are terrible. Probably the most forgettable title in CZW history. Flop on every level"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">78</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">10.01.2025<br />05:06&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=60809">coppercowries</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5224">AEW TBS Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color5">5.0</span>] "At this time, this title is nothing more than an accessory with zero prestige or competitiveness. It has solely existed as a prop to keep Jade in the title scene. However, because of her limited experience, defenses of this belt have been limited to squashes and the occasional match that goes over 5 minutes. Feuds are restricted to undercard or the occasional midcard performers, so none of them get any real heat, as booking any of the much more experienced upper card ladies to lose to Jade would be nonsensical. This locks out a huge portion of the AEW women and has them competing solely for the only other existing female title. Until this belt is given to someone who can genuinely put on competitive matches, it will stay undesirable. Update 2025: The belt is much improved since the days of Cargill. Statlander and especially Mone have made the belt feel more desirable and the belt that has the better match quality surrounding it. Still think it has a ways to go but that's on the booking and Tony Khan marginalizing the women still."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">79</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">09.01.2025<br />22:39&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=56667">Enchantium</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6827">WWE NXT Women's North American Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "As of now the lineage has been rather short yet very promising. I believe this could be on a ride for one of the best histories of a title, but first they need to get it off Fallon Henley since she's hogging it and sitting behind tag team matches. I can't give it too high a rating, and maybe later down the line I will change the rating, but as of now, in early 2025, I will give it the benefit of the doubt since it has a lot of promise with potential holders of talents like Stephanie Vaquer and upcoming prospects like Tatum Paxley."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">80</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">09.01.2025<br />22:37&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=56667">Enchantium</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6760">WWE Speed Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color1">1.0</span>] "It is just another gimmick championship that holds no value besides a participation trophy for those who aren't utilised on the main roster properly. The short themed matches with a short time limit to fit the X restrictions are alright, but no one really pays attention to Speed at all since it gets hidden in WWE tweets as they like to overpromote on X. Unless this title is given to the 24/7 king, R-Truth, I can't really see this title ever being cared enough about."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">81</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">09.01.2025<br />19:16&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=78883">Jona5Holt on X</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4099">IWGP World Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "The belt design has grown on me, but nothing will ever be as good as the v4 design. I believe that this would still be the most prestigious belt in all of wrestling if they kept the historic lineage they had, but nope they got rid of it. So we'll see what the future holds for this title and New Japan as they're rebuilding."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">82</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">09.01.2025<br />19:11&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=78883">Jona5Holt on X</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=145">IWGP Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "This was the most prestigious title of all time and New Japan screwed up big time getting rid of it, AND ALL OF ITS LINEAGE. Even wrestlers in WWE said the IWGP is the greatest title of all time. Wish they would bring this beautiful belt back. Legendary lineage."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">83</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">09.01.2025<br />18:59&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=53406">Diamondmite</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4685">NJPW King Of Pro-Wrestling Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color3">3.0</span>] "Takagi, Taichi and ELP did everything in their power to bring this title back from the dead. This is a championship in which we have been given some of the best stipulations that we never knew we needed. Shoutout to Aaron Henare for his and Takagis insane triad match. Much as I love Yano, strapping this thing to him for 400+ days was a mistake. The last year and a half of its existence was also quite pitiful. For a title that had some highs, its existence limped on more often than not."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">84</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">08.01.2025<br />22:20&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=60911">LaothFrius</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3102">WWE Universal Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color0">0.0</span>] "This thing doesn't even exist anymore, but wwe insits on still counting reigns for this along with the WWE Title, i really hope it just gets eventually deativated, because this idea of it still being active with the other belt when there is only one strap i just dumb, i mean, this thing is so useless that it could even get unified normally."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">85</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">08.01.2025<br />21:02&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=77092">NoOne2</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=613">IWGP Third Belt Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "On January 4, 2006, Lesnar defeated Nakamura to become the new IWGP Heavyweight Champion, but due to a series of problems between Antonio Inoki and his son Simon, as well as Brock Lesnar, Brock had somehow taken the title hostage and would not return it (the matter is detailed and I will explain the process to you later). A year and a half later, a tournament was held to choose a new champion for the IWGP Heavyweight Title, until Hiroshi Tanahashi won the tournament and won the new title, but Lesnar retained the old title. The title was called the IWGP Third Belt. Some time later, when the Inokis almost left NJPW and Antonio Inokis got his wish, he almost mixed MMA and wrestling and founded the IGF, he wanted the main event to be the first event between Lesnar and his old friend, Kurt Angle (Angle was the TNA Champion at the time). Lesnar thought it would be his last match as a promoter (because he was going to MMA and in my conversation he said that the Inokis called him and told him that the main event would be in their new promotion and that he would lose the title to Angle and he had no problem with that). At Wrestle Kingdom 2, Angle defended his title against Yuji Nagata and Nakamura also won the new heavyweight title from Tanahashi. Then a month later, the two faced each other to unify the title and Nakamura won and the title finally returned to NJPW. This title has a very good history and the people who held it were very good wrestlers and it hasn't gone through a ridiculous process at all."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">86</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">08.01.2025<br />20:38&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=66859">kirbystarwarrior</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5224">AEW TBS Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color7">7.0</span>] "Mone's been doing a solid job bringing actual prestige to the title. Several matches that bring attention to the younger talent in the women's division such as Aminata, Anna Jay, and Statlander ranging from solid to spectacular (with the obvious exception of the match against Britt) and the title served as an excellent catalyst for Statlander's and Willow's feud. There's still a lot of work to be done though with all the prior reigns being either bad (Jade and Julia's) felt like there were barely any stories being told with it (Kris') or were just a tranistional period (Willow's) but right now, Mercedes' current run turned what was easily my least favorite title into one that I'm really interested in."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">87</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">08.01.2025<br />13:51&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=59580">sixxgod</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=122">ROH World Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color6">6.0</span>] "The ROH tag titles have a long, storied history with a genuinely insane list of former champions, as well as amazing matches with it on the line. But you wouldn't be able to tell based on how it's been treated for the past 5 years at least. What a shame"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">88</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">08.01.2025<br />12:49&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=59580">sixxgod</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=6506">IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "I've enjoyed almost every moment of this title's existence so far. Finlay was a great champion and made the belt feel important, and I have no doubt that Tsuji will match that"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">89</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">06.01.2025<br />01:36&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=50093">crs285</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=4994">Million Dollar Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color5">5.0</span>] "This title was a fun gimmick in the golden age with the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase. DiBiase Jr and The Ringmaster did not need the title and it did nothing for either. At least NXT had a nice feud over it"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">90</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">04.01.2025<br />21:55&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=70846">Jamesmac015</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=2906">WWE Women's Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "Amazing lineage of champions, besides a couple. (Ronda, Nikki ASH) Ever since this was transitioned to the WWE Women's Championship, the lineage has been amazing. This is definitely a more prestigious championship than the Women's World Championship."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">91</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">04.01.2025<br />00:11&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=78925">kabbal</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=143">GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[] "Excellent tag team match between 4 legendary wrestlers. A young Kentaro who will be talked about again, makes an excellent team with Marufuji whose fighting style is complementary to his own."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">92</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">03.01.2025<br />06:23&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=72249">2pt0EcoBoostFusion</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=904">WWE Divas Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color1">1.0</span>] "The 'Divas Era' of WWE is a rather unfortunate stain on WWE's legacy. Of course the reputation has very little to do with any of the women involved (I mean, there were bad wrestlers during the era but it wasn't completely any of their faults at all), but rather the insane, humiliating, disgraceful booking of the women by one of the biggest misogynists in the wrestling landscape, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Vince obviously was booking women badly on purpose to have a laugh backstage as he usually did with small wrestlers and giant wrestlers as well, anything that fulfilled his carny desires, he would do. Moving on from that and to the championship that was apart of the 'Divas' era from 2008-2016; Uhhh yeah, this championship was just really bad. As said before, it has little to do with the women who have held this belt; Given there are good wrestlers who have held this belt, from Charlotte Flair to Beth Phoenix. Back then, the women had very little screen time for wrestling and were given about on average 3 minutes to show off what they could do and very often the matches would be slow and sloppy and have no correlation. There's also an elephant in the room which is that this title is cursed, given many of it's past holders have been permanently injured, disappeared from the wrestling landscape, and only Charlotte Flair has been able to still be a massive star in the 2020s and everyone else who has held the belt either no longer wrestles or wrestles but only does so on a very limited basis. The best thing to happen to this championship was it's replacement by the WWE Women's Championship, which is still going strong today. I'll give 1 point for some of the good champions of this belt but the only thing we can do is leave this championship in the past as women's wrestling has evolved to much better."</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">93</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">03.01.2025<br />01:19&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=78909">Abductor2k25</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=3102">WWE Universal Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[] "I would love if WWE named it The Universal Heavyweight Championship, I wish that some wrestlers like Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt would have held it for longer, I liked Kevin Owens' Universal Title run but I hate how it ended due to Goldberg's WWE schedule as a part-timer, I love the belt's red version because the red made it look like a really big world title, I would love to see guys like AJ Styles and CM Punk with it and defending it for a long time, I don't understand why many people hate this championship despite its matches, just give it some time to build a bigger image and reputation, I think this title is underrated"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">94</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">02.01.2025<br />21:43&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76326">Rosya</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=2021">WWE NXT Women's Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "This title has never had a bad design, and its history is even better than the men's, only because it doesn't have people like Adam Cole, who didn't go to the main roster after losing the title, and then left the company altogether. Of course, there is a chance that Roxanne Perez will drop everything and leave forever, but I don't believe it. Even if we talk about those who came back from the main roster to NXT, Mandy Rose, having won the title, sparkled with new colors, becoming one of the dominant champions in the women's division, and in the men's too, while Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler did not succeed as NXT champions so much. Of course, Becky Lynch also showed herself well as a fighting NXT champion. In general, there is a feeling that the NXT women's title helped talents much more than the men's, but it is worth admitting that the men's division has many more memorable matches. Finally, I will note that the champions of both divisions were future participants of the WrestleMania main event: Drew McIntyre, Seth Rollins, Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair. You can also add Becky Lynch here, although I am not sure that she is appropriate here, since she won the title after participating in the main event, 5 years later"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow1"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">95</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">02.01.2025<br />21:34&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=76326">Rosya</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=1789">WWE NXT Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color8">8.0</span>] "The title has never had bad designs. They were all different and tasteful. The history of the title is rich: it knows both successful and unsuccessful champions, which is typical for any title. Unfortunately, winning the NXT title does not guarantee a bright future on the main roster. Only 5 wrestlers, going through NXT as main champions, then achieved winning the world championship in WWE + Dolph Ziggler, who has the opposite situation. Adam Cole is considered to be the best champion, but for me he won't be such for the reason he did not even try to make a run on RAW or SmackDown. I don't know for sure whether he got scared or there were no plans for him, but the fact these were the most meaningless 396 days in the history of the NXT title. Seriously, just open the list of champions and you will see Adam Cole being the only one who did not move to the main roster after losing the title. Did we need such a champion? Hell no. This is clearly a dark spot in the history of the NXT belt. In many cases, it was not even the wrestlers themselves who were to blame, but the creative regime. Let's be honest, Aleister Black and Keith Lee could've succeeded if they hadn't stupid decisions with changing music, names and gimmicks. In general, the title rather does a good job of preparing talent for the big leagues. It bears main eventers, midcarders, sometimes jobbers like Bo Dallas and Karrion Kross"</div></div></td></tr><tr class="TRow2"><td class="TCol AlignCenter TextLowlight">96</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator">01.01.2025<br />23:14&nbsp;</td><td class="TCol TColSeparator"><div class="CommentForCommentHistory"><div class="CommentHeader"><a href="?id=68&amp;page=3&amp;user=78721">FutureWrestlerCeleb</a> wrote about <a href="?id=5&amp;nr=5224">AEW TBS Championship</a>:</div><div class="CommentContents">[<span class=" Rating Color10">10.0</span>] "The only reason it's a ten is because Jade Cargill was the AEW Inaugural TBS Champion, an achievement that set a significant milestone in the history of AEW's women's division. Her dominant reign as champion, which lasted for over 500 days, solidified her as one of the most impressive athletes in AEW, showcasing her athleticism, strength, and charisma. Jade's ability to captivate the audience with her performances, coupled with her undefeated streak during much of her reign, made her an undeniable force in the company. However, the landscape of the title picture has since shifted. Mercedes Mone, a veteran of the wrestling industry and one of the most recognized figures in women's wrestling, is the current AEW TBS Champion. She claimed the title by defeating Willow Nightingale at AEW's annual event, Double or Nothing, marking her first reign with the prestigious championship. Mone's victory was a defining moment, as it not only ended Nightingale's solid title run but also cemented Mercedes as a dominant figure in AEW, building anticipation for what will surely be an exciting new chapter in the TBS Championship's legacy."</div></div></td></tr></table></div></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="LayoutCopyright"><div class="Impressum"><a href=""></a> - &copy; 2001-2025 <a href="">Philip Kreikenbohm</a> - <a href="?id=402">Site Notice</a></div></div> </div> <script src="/2k16/scripts/cagematch.js?20240719"></script> </body> </html>

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