Portuguese Flags (Portugal) from The World Flag Database

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style="font-size:0.7em;">Sub-national flags</span></p> <div class="divider"><img src="images/divider_long.gif" alt="" width="760" height="4" border="0" /></div> <div id="rightskyscrapper" style="float:right;width:160px;"> <script async src="//"></script> <!-- 160x600, created 14/08/09 --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:160px;height:600px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-0133249926912767" data-ad-slot="4011466556"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </div> <a name="PORT0100"></a> <div class="flag"> <img src="images/largeflags/PORT0100.GIF" border="0" alt="Image of The Azores" /> <img src="images/fiav_110000.gif" title="The FIAV Code [**....] shows flag usage. The top row of dots represent use on land for civil, state and military respectively, the bottom row represents use at sea." width="29" height="19" border="0" alt="FIAV Code **...." /> <p class="label">The Azores [2:3]</p> </div> <a name="PORT0101"></a> <div class="flag"> <img src="images/largeflags/PORT0101.GIF" border="0" alt="Image of Madeira" /> <img src="images/fiav_110000.gif" title="The FIAV Code [**....] shows flag usage. The top row of dots represent use on land for civil, state and military respectively, the bottom row represents use at sea." width="29" height="19" border="0" alt="FIAV Code **...." /> <p class="label">Madeira [2:3]</p> </div> <div id="extrasections"><div class="divider extraspace40"><img src="images/divider_long.gif" alt="" width="760" height="4" border="0" /></div> <p class="moreflags">To see more flags from this country click on one of the buttons below:</p> <div class="flagmenubutton"><a href="PORT.htm" style="background-image:url(images/smallflags/PORT0001.GIF);"><span>National flags</span></a></div> <div class="flagmenubutton"><a href="PORT02.htm" style="background-image:url(images/smallflags/PORT1001.GIF);"><span>Presidential flags</span></a></div> </div> <div class="divider extraspace20"><img src="images/divider_long.gif" alt="" width="760" height="4" border="0" /></div> <div id="copyright"> &copy;2017 The World Flag Database &amp; Graham Bartram<br /> Flag Drawings &copy; Graham Bartram, portions &copy; The Flag Institute &amp; Mario Fabretto </div> </div> </div> </td></tr></table> <div id="bottomsection"><script src="//"></script></div> </div> </body> </html>

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