Apprenticeships and Internships | INEOS Careers

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Koln (Germany): <svg class="o-icon " width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path d="m12.916 8-.707.706-6 6-.709.71L4.084 14l.707-.706L10.084 8l-5.29-5.294L4.084 2 5.5.584l.706.707 6 6 .71.709Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="c-page-nav-item "> <a href="#apprenticeships_ineos-acetyls-hull-england" class="c-page-nav-link js-section-trigger"> INEOS Acetyls Hull (England): <svg class="o-icon " width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path d="m12.916 8-.707.706-6 6-.709.71L4.084 14l.707-.706L10.084 8l-5.29-5.294L4.084 2 5.5.584l.706.707 6 6 .71.709Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="c-page-nav-item "> <a href="#apprenticeships_dual-learning-programmes-zwijndrecht-belgium" class="c-page-nav-link js-section-trigger"> Dual Learning Programmes, Zwijndrecht, Belgium <svg class="o-icon " width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path d="m12.916 8-.707.706-6 6-.709.71L4.084 14l.707-.706L10.084 8l-5.29-5.294L4.084 2 5.5.584l.706.707 6 6 .71.709Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="c-page-nav-item "> <a href="#apprenticeships_inovyn-international" class="c-page-nav-link js-section-trigger"> INOVYN (International): <svg class="o-icon " width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path d="m12.916 8-.707.706-6 6-.709.71L4.084 14l.707-.706L10.084 8l-5.29-5.294L4.084 2 5.5.584l.706.707 6 6 .71.709Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="c-page-nav-item "> <a href="#apprenticeships_petroineos-lavera-france" class="c-page-nav-link js-section-trigger"> PETROINEOS, Lavera (France): <svg class="o-icon " width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path d="m12.916 8-.707.706-6 6-.709.71L4.084 14l.707-.706L10.084 8l-5.29-5.294L4.084 2 5.5.584l.706.707 6 6 .71.709Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="c-page-nav-item "> <a href="#apprenticeships_ineos-phenol-gladbeck-germany" class="c-page-nav-link js-section-trigger"> INEOS Phenol, Gladbeck (Germany): <svg class="o-icon " width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path d="m12.916 8-.707.706-6 6-.709.71L4.084 14l.707-.706L10.084 8l-5.29-5.294L4.084 2 5.5.584l.706.707 6 6 .71.709Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </nav> <article> <div id="apprenticeships_we-run-apprenticeship-programmes-each-year-based-at-our-manufacturing-sites" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">We run apprenticeship programmes each year, based at our manufacturing sites</span></h3> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To secure one of our apprenticeships, you&rsquo;ll stand out from a crowd of thousands of other applicants. Your can-do attitude and interest in science and technology will shine through. You will have drive and determination and crave responsibility. We call it the INEOS Difference. In return, you&rsquo;ll enjoy an exciting role which will see you working at our plants and studying alongside, earning as you learn.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Find out more about some of our apprenticeship opportunities below:</span></p> </div> <div id="apprenticeships_ineos-modern-apprentices-grangemouth-scotland-koln-germany-" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h2>INEOS Modern Apprentices, Grangemouth (Scotland) &amp; Koln (Germany): </h2> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Year 1 of your 4-year Modern Apprenticeship will be primarily spent at college. The remaining years are based at our Grangemouth or K&ouml;ln sites, where you'll be assigned to a working team and attend college on day release. This gives you hands-on, competency-based skills training as you work towards completing your studies. By the end of the apprenticeship, you'll have achieved qualifications in your chosen discipline, and earned valuable experience along the way.</span></p> </div> <div id="apprenticeships_ineos-acetyls-hull-england" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h2>INEOS Acetyls Hull (England):</h2> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The Acetyls business in Hull has apprenticeship opportunities within the manufacturing function of the business, as operations technicians, maintenance technicians and lab technicians. The business looks for apprentices who like a challenge and are great team players, with a good understanding of science and engineering. In return, the business offers apprentices exceptional support and training, helping them develop into skilled technicians. Vacancies are promoted in Q4, with apprenticeships starting each September.</p> </div> <div id="apprenticeships_dual-learning-programmes-zwijndrecht-belgium" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h2>Dual Learning Programmes, Zwijndrecht, Belgium</h2> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">At our Zwijndrecht site in Belgium, we offer &ldquo;dual learning&rdquo; programmes allowing for the completion of technical Bachelor Degree-level qualifications alongside working onsite. These provide training for future Process Operators, complementing theoretical learning with practical experience on site.&nbsp;</span></p> </div> <div id="apprenticeships_inovyn-international" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h2>INOVYN (International):</h2> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our INOVYN business, which manufactures chlor-alkali and PVC products, offers apprenticeships across the majority of its operations in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Norway and Sweden.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Working closely with a range of education institutions, apprenticeships are offered across a broad spectrum of disciplines including production, laboratory analysis, finance, procurement, commercial and human resources. In the UK, for instance, INOVYN&rsquo;s key technical training internships often develop into full time roles in the process operations and maintenance teams.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A large number of our graduate hires have previously undertaken a placement with us prior to joining either the Core INEOS Graduate Programme or a Direct Entry graduate job.</span></p> </div> <div id="apprenticeships_petroineos-lavera-france" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h2>PETROINEOS, Lavera (France):</h2> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">An apprenticeship is ideal for those wishing to kickstart a career in the petrochemical industry. At our Lavera site in France we offer training which starts between 2-5 years after finishing high school, and provides the opportunity to qualify as a technician or engineer in process engineering and chemical engineering, as well as mechanical, instrument, electrical or support functions.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The apprenticeship is a competency-based multi-year program, with the chance to gain a BTS/DUT (at Level Bac+2) up to a Masters Degree/ Engineering Diploma (Bac+5) level in a chosen discipline. We offer unrivalled support and mentorship both on-site and in partnership with the University of Aix-Marseille, ENSIC, ENSIACET, and the IFP School. </span></p> </div> <div id="apprenticeships_ineos-phenol-gladbeck-germany" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h2>INEOS Phenol, Gladbeck (Germany):</h2> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">At our Phenol plant in Gladbeck, Germany, we offer an apprenticeship programme running over 3 and a half years. This provides both technical schooling alongside a business education. With approximately 20 apprentices learning with us at any one time, this is our main vehicle for developing our future plant operators.&nbsp;</span></p> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-block-wrapper lg:bg-gradient-to-r lg:from-accent-1-bg lg:from-25% lg:to-surface-light lg:to-75%"> <div class="o-block is-wide px-0"> <div class="b-quote-bb"> <div class="b-quote-bb-left"> <blockquote class="c-quote is-large"> <svg class="text-icon size-[72px]" xmlns="" width="40" height="37" viewBox="0 0 40 37" fill="none" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M18.148 19.163v16.915H0V14.733c0-4.646 1.178-8.4 3.791-10.982C6.401 1.173 10.207 0 14.957 0h3.078v9.182h-3.414c-1.736 0-2.807.445-3.452 1.09-.646.645-1.09 1.717-1.09 3.452v5.439h8.069ZM8.682 20.56v-6.836c0-3.922 2.017-5.939 5.939-5.939h2.017V1.397h-1.68c-9.078 0-13.56 4.483-13.56 13.336V34.68H16.75V20.56H8.682ZM40 19.163v16.915H21.852V14.733c0-4.646 1.178-8.4 3.792-10.982C28.254 1.173 32.06 0 36.81 0h3.078v9.182h-3.415c-1.735 0-2.807.445-3.452 1.09s-1.09 1.717-1.09 3.452v5.439H40Zm-9.466 1.397v-6.836c0-3.922 2.017-5.939 5.94-5.939h2.017V1.397H36.81c-9.078 0-13.56 4.483-13.56 13.336V34.68h15.353V20.56h-8.069Z" /> </svg> <p class="c-quote-text">I really enjoyed engineering at school, and continuing my learning through an apprenticeship has allowed me exposure to practical based, hands on learning. I am proud to be developing my career towards being one of the 13% of women in the overall UK STEM workforce.</p> <hr class="w-full text-border-light"> <cite class="c-quote-author"> <span class="c-quote-author-name">Grace Robinson, 2nd Year Science Industry Maintenance Technician L3, Runcorn site</span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="b-quote-bb-right"> <div class="b-quote-bb-svg"> <svg width="395" height="375" viewBox="0 0 395 375" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path fill="currentColor" opacity="0.25" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M41.3263 187.476C41.3263 146.398 53.0178 99.6704 78.6129 63.2216C100.777 31.6586 133.367 7.80142 177.84 1.98261C196.741 0.219149 215.861 1.03865 234.56 4.44111C272.058 12.969 300.193 35.0274 320.002 63.2364C345.602 99.6901 357.297 146.418 357.297 187.476C357.297 228.535 345.608 275.274 320.012 311.74C302.52 336.66 278.534 356.782 247.336 367.022C219.708 373.881 190.809 374.962 162.781 370.264C125.916 361.531 98.1956 339.65 78.613 311.755C53.0178 275.294 41.3263 228.555 41.3263 187.476ZM162.419 370.811C124.088 364.339 87.3923 347.091 57.7725 319.066C-19.2575 246.186 -19.2575 128.023 57.7725 55.142C91.2123 23.5035 133.671 5.5997 177.319 1.4306C184.349 0.490453 191.675 0 199.303 0C212.051 0 223.956 1.37026 235.044 3.92039C272.299 10.768 307.868 27.8419 336.723 55.142C413.753 128.023 413.753 246.186 336.723 319.066C311.156 343.256 280.316 359.417 247.704 367.549C233.157 372.345 217.047 375 199.303 375C186.116 375 173.831 373.533 162.419 370.811ZM154.739 368.753C119.367 361.376 85.731 344.673 58.2196 318.643C-18.5635 245.996 -18.5636 128.212 58.2196 55.5649C88.4293 26.9825 126.024 9.6456 165.192 3.55425C126.894 11.9007 98.2198 34.2295 78.1093 62.8679C52.4286 99.4386 40.7108 146.296 40.7108 187.476C40.7108 228.657 52.4286 275.526 78.1093 312.108C96.3463 338.087 121.626 358.878 154.739 368.753ZM238.173 369.688C226.21 372.735 213.265 374.385 199.303 374.385C190.215 374.385 181.557 373.686 173.32 372.357C194.905 374.838 216.84 373.949 238.173 369.688ZM254.551 365.091C284.459 356.498 312.63 341.016 336.276 318.643C413.059 245.996 413.059 128.212 336.276 55.565C310.241 30.9322 278.721 14.6518 245.435 6.7237C277.782 16.7801 302.555 37.3197 320.506 62.8827C346.191 99.4583 357.913 146.315 357.913 187.476C357.913 228.637 346.197 275.506 320.515 312.094C304.289 335.21 282.487 354.221 254.551 365.091Z" /> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-block-wrapper bg-light"> <div class="o-block is-wide py-s"> <div class="c-section"> <div class="c-section-wrapper"> <div class="c-section-body"> <div class="o-grid"> <div class="o-grid-item is-one-per-row"> <div class="b-cta"> <div class="flex flex-col items-start lg:flex-row lg:items-center lg:contents gap-4"> <h2 class="b-cta-title">Search Apprenticeships</h2> <div class="b-cta-description">Find your next challenge with us</div> </div> <a href="/careers/jobs/" target="_self" class="c-button is-primary b-cta-button has-arrow-right"> Search Apprenticeships </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-block-wrapper lg:bg-gradient-to-r lg:from-accent-1-bg lg:from-25% lg:to-surface-light lg:to-75%"> <div class="o-block is-wide px-0"> <div class="b-quote-bb"> <div class="b-quote-bb-left"> <blockquote class="c-quote is-large"> <svg class="text-icon size-[72px]" xmlns="" width="40" height="37" viewBox="0 0 40 37" fill="none" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M18.148 19.163v16.915H0V14.733c0-4.646 1.178-8.4 3.791-10.982C6.401 1.173 10.207 0 14.957 0h3.078v9.182h-3.414c-1.736 0-2.807.445-3.452 1.09-.646.645-1.09 1.717-1.09 3.452v5.439h8.069ZM8.682 20.56v-6.836c0-3.922 2.017-5.939 5.939-5.939h2.017V1.397h-1.68c-9.078 0-13.56 4.483-13.56 13.336V34.68H16.75V20.56H8.682ZM40 19.163v16.915H21.852V14.733c0-4.646 1.178-8.4 3.792-10.982C28.254 1.173 32.06 0 36.81 0h3.078v9.182h-3.415c-1.735 0-2.807.445-3.452 1.09s-1.09 1.717-1.09 3.452v5.439H40Zm-9.466 1.397v-6.836c0-3.922 2.017-5.939 5.94-5.939h2.017V1.397H36.81c-9.078 0-13.56 4.483-13.56 13.336V34.68h15.353V20.56h-8.069Z" /> </svg> <p class="c-quote-text">As an apprentice, I have access to develop many technical and interpersonal skills. My time at INOVYN has provided me with access to highly skilled colleagues and a practical learning environment which has been very valuable to my development.</p> <hr class="w-full text-border-light"> <cite class="c-quote-author"> <span class="c-quote-author-name">Paul Simcott, 3rd Year Laboratory Technician L3, Runcorn site</span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="b-quote-bb-right"> <div class="b-quote-bb-svg"> <svg width="395" height="375" viewBox="0 0 395 375" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path fill="currentColor" opacity="0.25" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M41.3263 187.476C41.3263 146.398 53.0178 99.6704 78.6129 63.2216C100.777 31.6586 133.367 7.80142 177.84 1.98261C196.741 0.219149 215.861 1.03865 234.56 4.44111C272.058 12.969 300.193 35.0274 320.002 63.2364C345.602 99.6901 357.297 146.418 357.297 187.476C357.297 228.535 345.608 275.274 320.012 311.74C302.52 336.66 278.534 356.782 247.336 367.022C219.708 373.881 190.809 374.962 162.781 370.264C125.916 361.531 98.1956 339.65 78.613 311.755C53.0178 275.294 41.3263 228.555 41.3263 187.476ZM162.419 370.811C124.088 364.339 87.3923 347.091 57.7725 319.066C-19.2575 246.186 -19.2575 128.023 57.7725 55.142C91.2123 23.5035 133.671 5.5997 177.319 1.4306C184.349 0.490453 191.675 0 199.303 0C212.051 0 223.956 1.37026 235.044 3.92039C272.299 10.768 307.868 27.8419 336.723 55.142C413.753 128.023 413.753 246.186 336.723 319.066C311.156 343.256 280.316 359.417 247.704 367.549C233.157 372.345 217.047 375 199.303 375C186.116 375 173.831 373.533 162.419 370.811ZM154.739 368.753C119.367 361.376 85.731 344.673 58.2196 318.643C-18.5635 245.996 -18.5636 128.212 58.2196 55.5649C88.4293 26.9825 126.024 9.6456 165.192 3.55425C126.894 11.9007 98.2198 34.2295 78.1093 62.8679C52.4286 99.4386 40.7108 146.296 40.7108 187.476C40.7108 228.657 52.4286 275.526 78.1093 312.108C96.3463 338.087 121.626 358.878 154.739 368.753ZM238.173 369.688C226.21 372.735 213.265 374.385 199.303 374.385C190.215 374.385 181.557 373.686 173.32 372.357C194.905 374.838 216.84 373.949 238.173 369.688ZM254.551 365.091C284.459 356.498 312.63 341.016 336.276 318.643C413.059 245.996 413.059 128.212 336.276 55.565C310.241 30.9322 278.721 14.6518 245.435 6.7237C277.782 16.7801 302.555 37.3197 320.506 62.8827C346.191 99.4583 357.913 146.315 357.913 187.476C357.913 228.637 346.197 275.506 320.515 312.094C304.289 335.21 282.487 354.221 254.551 365.091Z" /> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="internships" class="c-page-nav-anchor"></div> <div class="o-block-wrapper"> <div class="o-block is-wide"> <div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row gap-12 py-s"> <nav class="c-page-nav is-stacked" aria-label="Navigate to a section of the page" data-module="page-nav"> <div class="c-page-nav-title-wrapper"> <div class="c-page-nav-divider"></div> <h2 class="c-page-nav-title">Internships</h2> </div> <ul class="c-page-nav-list"> <li class="c-page-nav-item "> <a href="#internships_how-to-apply-for-an-internship" class="c-page-nav-link js-section-trigger"> How to Apply for an Internship <svg class="o-icon " width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path d="m12.916 8-.707.706-6 6-.709.71L4.084 14l.707-.706L10.084 8l-5.29-5.294L4.084 2 5.5.584l.706.707 6 6 .71.709Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="c-page-nav-item "> <a href="#internships_summer-internships-in-us" class="c-page-nav-link js-section-trigger"> Summer Internships in US <svg class="o-icon " width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path d="m12.916 8-.707.706-6 6-.709.71L4.084 14l.707-.706L10.084 8l-5.29-5.294L4.084 2 5.5.584l.706.707 6 6 .71.709Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="c-page-nav-item "> <a href="#internships_structured-learning-in-lavera" class="c-page-nav-link js-section-trigger"> Structured Learning in Lavera <svg class="o-icon " width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path d="m12.916 8-.707.706-6 6-.709.71L4.084 14l.707-.706L10.084 8l-5.29-5.294L4.084 2 5.5.584l.706.707 6 6 .71.709Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="c-page-nav-item "> <a href="#internships_school-internships-in-koln" class="c-page-nav-link js-section-trigger"> School Internships in Koln <svg class="o-icon " width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path d="m12.916 8-.707.706-6 6-.709.71L4.084 14l.707-.706L10.084 8l-5.29-5.294L4.084 2 5.5.584l.706.707 6 6 .71.709Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </nav> <article> <div id="internships_interns-at-ineos" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h3><span style="font-weight: 400;">Interns at INEOS</span></h3> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We&rsquo;ll give you first-hand experience of our unique culture. And as a fully-fledged member of our team, you will be given responsibility from day one. As you&rsquo;ll discover, an internship with us will provide you with an invaluable opportunity to learn and grow. In return, we expect you to be creative, bright and full of energy.</span></p> </div> <div id="internships_how-to-apply-for-an-internship" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h2>How to Apply for an Internship</h2> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We offer internships based across several of our sites and offices, with differing structures and durations. Some are short term tasters of work for school leavers, others are more formal placements in industry organised as part of academic courses. We offer priority access to internships via affiliated schools and universities in our communities, but also list internship vacancies on our jobs page.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Find out more about some of our internship opportunities below:</span></p> </div> <div id="internships_summer-internships-in-us" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h2>Summer Internships in US</h2> <p>O&amp;P USA offers paid summer internships to students across&nbsp;various degrees, including but not limited to Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Finance, Information Technology, Human Resources, and Supply Chain.&nbsp; Eligible candidates must have completed at least two years of college.&nbsp; Successful applicants can anticipate being located at one of our manufacturing sites located in LaPorte, Texas (Battleground Manufacturing Complex), Alvin, Texas (Chocolate Bayou Works), or Carson, CA&nbsp;(Carson) or at our headquarters located in League City, Texas.&nbsp; Internship assignments typically span from mid-May to mid-August.&nbsp; Our internships provide valuable developmental opportunities and offer&nbsp;real-world experience in the industry.&nbsp; Students will be paired with a mentor and will work on one or more projects relevant to their discipline, gaining practical insights and skills that will benefit their future careers.&nbsp;</p> <p class="x_MsoNormal"><span data-ogsc="black">Click on the link below for available positions.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="x_MsoNormal"><u><span data-ogsc="black"><a href=";!!BuQPrrmRaQ!k8LBtMuE-sLJQEbYFvyEzWYdoZwHwM2by3knD0K5ohy1PGgecpoNC-TPwYhZ4BpIQTmagdCkjqBn73QhyZZQm5c-U63UD0s$" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-auth="NotApplicable" data-linkindex="0" data-ogsc="">INEOS O&amp;P Careers</a></span></u></p> </div> <div id="internships_structured-learning-in-lavera" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h2>Structured Learning in Lavera</h2> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">At our site in Lavera, placements are offered for durations of between 8-24 weeks in a chosen business area, and interns are set to work on a project with a direct impact on the business. This provides the opportunity to discover the skills needed to develop in the workplace, along with structured and constructive feedback. It also provides a valuable chance to build networks and contacts for future career opportunities. Occasionally, our exceptional interns win an offer of an apprenticeship contract, fixed term contract, or permanent position.&nbsp;</span></p> </div> <div id="internships_school-internships-in-koln" class="s-wys pb-6"> <h2>School Internships in Koln</h2> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Benedikt Billig had watched YouTube videos and already knew a little of his father&rsquo;s work at INEOS in K&ouml;ln. But nothing could replace the experience of being on-site, to help him identify his skills and interests. He completed a three-week school internship, which included two weeks in the workshop and one in a training centre. &ldquo;From then on, my decision to train as an industrial mechanic was clear. It was really exciting to get a taste of work for myself.&rdquo;</span></p> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-block-wrapper lg:bg-gradient-to-r lg:from-accent-1-bg lg:from-25% lg:to-surface-light lg:to-75%"> <div class="o-block is-wide px-0"> <div class="b-quote-bb"> <div class="b-quote-bb-left"> <blockquote class="c-quote is-large"> <svg class="text-icon size-[72px]" xmlns="" width="40" height="37" viewBox="0 0 40 37" fill="none" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M18.148 19.163v16.915H0V14.733c0-4.646 1.178-8.4 3.791-10.982C6.401 1.173 10.207 0 14.957 0h3.078v9.182h-3.414c-1.736 0-2.807.445-3.452 1.09-.646.645-1.09 1.717-1.09 3.452v5.439h8.069ZM8.682 20.56v-6.836c0-3.922 2.017-5.939 5.939-5.939h2.017V1.397h-1.68c-9.078 0-13.56 4.483-13.56 13.336V34.68H16.75V20.56H8.682ZM40 19.163v16.915H21.852V14.733c0-4.646 1.178-8.4 3.792-10.982C28.254 1.173 32.06 0 36.81 0h3.078v9.182h-3.415c-1.735 0-2.807.445-3.452 1.09s-1.09 1.717-1.09 3.452v5.439H40Zm-9.466 1.397v-6.836c0-3.922 2.017-5.939 5.94-5.939h2.017V1.397H36.81c-9.078 0-13.56 4.483-13.56 13.336V34.68h15.353V20.56h-8.069Z" /> </svg> <p class="c-quote-text">We offer young people the broadest possible picture of the requirements, content, skills and fields of activity. To this end, we visit schools in the surrounding area and make internships possible on site.</p> <hr class="w-full text-border-light"> <cite class="c-quote-author"> <span class="c-quote-author-name">SIEGFRIED FRANKE - Head of Training at INEOS in Koln.</span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="b-quote-bb-right"> <div class="b-quote-bb-svg"> <svg width="395" height="375" viewBox="0 0 395 375" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <path fill="currentColor" opacity="0.25" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M41.3263 187.476C41.3263 146.398 53.0178 99.6704 78.6129 63.2216C100.777 31.6586 133.367 7.80142 177.84 1.98261C196.741 0.219149 215.861 1.03865 234.56 4.44111C272.058 12.969 300.193 35.0274 320.002 63.2364C345.602 99.6901 357.297 146.418 357.297 187.476C357.297 228.535 345.608 275.274 320.012 311.74C302.52 336.66 278.534 356.782 247.336 367.022C219.708 373.881 190.809 374.962 162.781 370.264C125.916 361.531 98.1956 339.65 78.613 311.755C53.0178 275.294 41.3263 228.555 41.3263 187.476ZM162.419 370.811C124.088 364.339 87.3923 347.091 57.7725 319.066C-19.2575 246.186 -19.2575 128.023 57.7725 55.142C91.2123 23.5035 133.671 5.5997 177.319 1.4306C184.349 0.490453 191.675 0 199.303 0C212.051 0 223.956 1.37026 235.044 3.92039C272.299 10.768 307.868 27.8419 336.723 55.142C413.753 128.023 413.753 246.186 336.723 319.066C311.156 343.256 280.316 359.417 247.704 367.549C233.157 372.345 217.047 375 199.303 375C186.116 375 173.831 373.533 162.419 370.811ZM154.739 368.753C119.367 361.376 85.731 344.673 58.2196 318.643C-18.5635 245.996 -18.5636 128.212 58.2196 55.5649C88.4293 26.9825 126.024 9.6456 165.192 3.55425C126.894 11.9007 98.2198 34.2295 78.1093 62.8679C52.4286 99.4386 40.7108 146.296 40.7108 187.476C40.7108 228.657 52.4286 275.526 78.1093 312.108C96.3463 338.087 121.626 358.878 154.739 368.753ZM238.173 369.688C226.21 372.735 213.265 374.385 199.303 374.385C190.215 374.385 181.557 373.686 173.32 372.357C194.905 374.838 216.84 373.949 238.173 369.688ZM254.551 365.091C284.459 356.498 312.63 341.016 336.276 318.643C413.059 245.996 413.059 128.212 336.276 55.565C310.241 30.9322 278.721 14.6518 245.435 6.7237C277.782 16.7801 302.555 37.3197 320.506 62.8827C346.191 99.4583 357.913 146.315 357.913 187.476C357.913 228.637 346.197 275.506 320.515 312.094C304.289 335.21 282.487 354.221 254.551 365.091Z" /> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-block-wrapper bg-light"> <div class="o-block is-wide py-s"> <div class="c-section"> <div class="c-section-wrapper"> <div class="c-section-body"> <div class="o-grid"> <div class="o-grid-item is-one-per-row"> <div class="b-cta"> <div class="flex flex-col items-start lg:flex-row lg:items-center lg:contents gap-4"> <h2 class="b-cta-title">Search Apprenticeships</h2> <div class="b-cta-description">Find your next challenge with us.</div> </div> <a href="/careers/jobs/" target="_self" class="c-button is-primary b-cta-button has-arrow-right"> Search Apprenticeships </a> 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