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Teil" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Allgemeine Protozoologie" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Cytophysiologie de la motilit\u00e9 chez un h\u00e9liozoaire p\u00e9doncul\u00e9" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Magyarorsz\u00e1g \u00e1llatvil\u00e1ga I" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Biologie animale" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Biologie animale" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Protozoa and other protists" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Protozoa and their role in marine processes" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Dinoflagellates from the International Indian Ocean Expedition" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Structures and organelles in pathogenic protists" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Heliozoa" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Protozoan plankton ecology" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Fundamentals of paleontology" }, { "url": "", "@title": "Detection methods for algae, protozoa, and helminths in fresh & drinking water" } ], "image": "", "sameAs": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } </script> <script> var BASE_URL = ""; var DATADIR_URL = ""; 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