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class="welcome-content"> <div class="body-text -centered -hero"> <p> <a href="#" class="signin-text-link">Sign in</a> or <a href="/create-account/" class="create-account-link">register</a> to get started. We’re your home for logging, rating and reviewing films, your watchlist of titles to see, your source for lists and inspiration, a cast and crew database and an activity stream of passionate film criticism, discussion and discovery. </p> </div> <h1 class="title-hero">How Letterboxd works</h1> </div> <section class="tour"> <div class="tour-item -left"> <figure class="-overlap"> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Poster overlays" /> </figure> <div class="body-text -hero" id="mark-watched"> <h2 class="title-1 -mute">Tell us what you’ve seen</h2> <p> Get your Letterboxd underway by visiting our <a href="/films/popular/" target="_blank">Popular</a> section and marking a few films you’ve seen. Click the <i class="ir s icon -inline -watch">‘eye’</i> on any film poster to tell us you’ve watched it (add a <i class="ir s icon -inline -like">‘like’</i> if you liked it and/or a rating). We add all watched titles to your <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/films/">Films</span> tab and then we can show you reviews containing spoilers (usually hidden) and other cool stuff. If you’re <a href="/pro/" target="_blank">Pro</a> we compute detailed stats based on all your watched films (see <a href="#stats">below</a>). </p> </div> </div> <div class="tour-item -right" id="your-films"> <figure> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Member’s films" /> </figure> <div class="body-text -hero"> <h2 class="title-1 -mute">Browse your watched films</h2> <p> Now that you’ve added some films, you can find them in the <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/films/">Films</span> tab of your profile. As you add more content, your profile starts to reflect your taste. You can also browse the films of other members, or the <a href="/films/by/rating/" target="_blank">community</a>, with <strong>Hide watched films</strong> activated to find more great films to watch. </p> <p> If you’ve previously saved film-related activity at IMDb or another service, we can help you <a href="/about/importing-data/" target="_blank">import</a> this, too. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tour-item -left" id="watchlist"> <figure class="-overlap"> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Member’s films" /> </figure> <div class="body-text -hero"> <h2 class="title-1 -mute">Save films to watch later</h2> <p> One of our most-loved features, the <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/watchlist/" target="_blank">Watchlist</span>, lets you keep a list of films you want to see. Start in <a href="/films/upcoming/" target="_blank">Most Anticipated</a> and mark a few films you want to see—use the <i class="ir s icon -inline -watchlist">‘clock’</i> on a film or review page, or open the options menu on any poster (shown opposite). If you subsequently log or mark a film as watched, we’ll move it from your Watchlist to your <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/films/" target="_blank">Films</span> (and add it to your <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/films/diary/" target="_blank">Diary</span>, if you provide a date—more on that&nbsp;<a href="#logging-films">below</a>). </p> </div> </div> <div class="tour-item -right" id="account-menu"> <figure class="-overlap"> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Member’s menu" /> </figure> <div class="body-text -hero"> <h2 class="title-1 -mute">Your account, profile and&nbsp;settings</h2> <p> Click your username (at the top of each page) for shortcuts to the main sections of your account. Your <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/">Profile</span>, <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/films/">Films</span>, <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/films/diary/">Diary</span>, <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/watchlist/">Watchlist</span> and other pages are here. </p> <p> You can customize your name, location, website, bio and favorite films in <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/settings/">Settings</span>. We use your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">X / Twitter</a> avatar if you connect your account, or a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Gravatar</a> matching the email on&nbsp;your profile. </p> <p> Note: your profile (and any other content you publish, with the exception of private lists) is visible to others, and to search engines. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tour-item -left" id="logging-films"> <figure class="-overlap"> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Diary Entry screen" /> </figure> <div class="body-text -hero"> <h2 class="title-1 -mute">Log a film</h2> <p> Log a film to tell us you watched it on a particular date, and to attach a review, rating and tags. We put all films you log with a date into your <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/films/diary/">Diary</span>, a great reference for when it comes time to compile your year-end list. </p> <p> You can rate films without logging them too, either on a film or review page, or from the ‘more options’ menu on a poster. </p> <p class="hide-when-logged-out">Try logging a film now…</p> <a class="button -action js-button-add -divider has-icon signin-text-link" href="#">Sign in to add films</a> </div> </div> <div class="tour-item -right" id="activity"> <figure> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Activity stream" /> </figure> <div class="body-text -hero"> <h2 class="title-1 -mute">Following and activity</h2> <p> The best way to find members to follow is by reading reviews of films you like, to identify the voices and opinions you dig. Our <a href="/members/" target="_blank">Members</a> page lists popular accounts. </p> <p> As you follow more people, we create a personalized <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/activity/">Activity</span> stream full of reviews and recommendations from these members (and you’re bound to find new people to follow from the Likes included here). Use the <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/activity/incoming/">Incoming</span> tab to see who’s interacting with you, and upgrade to <a href="/pro/" target="_blank">Pro</a> to personalize the types of activity you see on each device. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tour-item -left" id="lists"> <figure> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="List" /> </figure> <div class="body-text -hero"> <h2 class="title-1 -mute">Make and share lists</h2> <p> Lists are a great way to share a collection of related films, or to rank the films of your favorite genre, star, director or franchise. It’s&nbsp;fun to welcome suggestions for your lists from other members. </p> <p> Start a list on your <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/lists/">Lists</span> tab, then add films on the ‘Edit’ screen (or from the ‘more options’ menu on a poster). The first time you make a list public, it’s shared with your&nbsp;followers. </p> <a class="button -action js-button-add -divider has-icon signin-text-link" href="#">Sign in to make lists</a> </div> </div> <div class="tour-item -right" id="stats"> <figure class="-overlap"> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Stats" /> </figure> <div class="body-text -hero"> <h2 class="title-1 -mute">Upgrade for stats + more!</h2> <p> The more films you log on Letterboxd, the more ways we have to analyze your movie-watching habits. Upgrade to a <a href="/pro/">Pro or Patron</a> account and we’ll generate all-time stats based on every film you’ve added to your profile, and annual stats for each year with at least ten films logged. </p> <p> Stats include overview by week/year, highest rated decades, most watched and highest rated actors and directors, progress against milestone lists, genre, language and country breakdowns, and lots more. </p> </div> </div> </section> </div> <section class="strip"> <div class="content-wrap"> <h2 class="title-hero">Here’s what you’ll find in our main sections…</h2> <ul class="columns-4"> <li class="body-text"> <h3 class="title-2 -mute"><a href="/">Homepage</a></h3> <p>If you’re signed in, you’ll see a selection of popular films, reviews and lists from Letterboxd members. As you follow more people, we personalize this page to show what’s popular in&nbsp;your network.</p> </li> <li class="body-text"> <h3 class="title-2 -mute"><a href="/films/">Films</a></h3> <p>This section shows which films our members are watching and reviewing the most. It’s also your starting point for browsing the whole database, by decade/year, genre, popularity, rating, streaming service and more.</p> </li> <li class="body-text"> <h3 class="title-2 -mute"><a href="/lists/">Lists</a></h3> <p>This section shows our most popular lists, and a selection of recently added content. From here you can create a list of your own, browse more popular lists, or browse by the tags applied to each by its creator.</p> </li> <li class="body-text"> <h3 class="title-2 -mute"><a href="/members/">Members</a></h3> <p>Here you’ll find others whose content is being enjoyed most by our community. Click through to see if you like their style, or locate your real-life Facebook friends that also use Letterboxd.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <div class="content-wrap -section-gap"> <h1 class="title-hero">More tips and tricks</h1> <ul class="columns-4 content-grid"> <li class="body-text"> <figure class="-frame"> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Film actions" /> </figure> <h3 class="title-2 -mute">Film actions</h3> <p>On a film or review page, use these controls to tell us you’ve seen (and liked) the film, and how you rated it. Add it to your <span class="link-if-member" data-href="/{username}/watchlist/">Watchlist</span> if you plan to see it later. You can also log the film or add it to a list from here.</p> </li> <li class="body-text"> <figure class="-frame"> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Tags" /> </figure> <h3 class="title-2 -mute">Tagging films</h3> <p>Adding tags as you log films lets you easily recall them based on any criteria. Tags can be used to encode how, where or with whom you saw a film, or to categorize films by your own genre or content taxonomy.</p> </li> <li class="body-text"> <figure class="-frame"> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Numbered list" /> </figure> <h3 class="title-2 -mute">Reordering lists</h3> <p>To quickly move a film to another position when editing, show List Numbers, then click the number of the entry to move. Type a new position and hit Return. The film will instantly move to that&nbsp;position.</p> </li> <li class="body-text"> <figure class="-frame"> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="Upgrade to Pro" /> </figure> <h3 class="title-2 -mute">Upgrade to Pro!</h3> <p><a href="/pro/">Pro accounts</a> unlock additional capabilities: an all-time Stats page and annual Year in Review pages for each year of activity. Filter your activity view, filter film lists by service availability, clone lists and more!</p> </li> </ul> <div class="welcome-footer body-text -hero -section-gap"> <h2 class="title-hero show-when-logged-in">Next up: <a href="/settings/" target="_blank">complete your profile</a> and add some <a href="/films/popular/" target="_blank">popular films</a> you’ve seen…</h2> <h2 class="title-hero show-when-logged-out"><a href="#" class="signin-text-link">Sign in</a> or <a href="/create-account/" class="create-account-link">create an account</a> to get started!</h2> <p class="body-text -centered">Then grab our <a href="/apps/" target="_blank">apps</a> and see our <a href="/about/" target="_blank">questions</a> page for more&nbsp;answers.</p> </div> <section class="split-columns -section-gap"> <div class="split-column -column-4 -column-left"> <h2 class="title-hero">Import your films</h2> <h3 class="title-2 -mute -long -centered">Free to all members. Create your own CSV file, or import from another service. We support these IMDb exports:</h3> <ul class="icon-list -gap-4"> <li><i class="ir s big-icon -rate"></i> Ratings</li> <li><i class="ir s big-icon -watch"></i> Check-ins</li> <li><i class="ir s big-icon -list"></i> Lists</li> <li><i class="ir s big-icon -watchlist"></i> Watchlists</li> </ul> <div class="-centered-content"> <a class="micro-button -large -gap-1" href="/about/migrating-from-imdb/" target="_blank">Read our IMDb migration&nbsp;guide</a> <p class="body-text -small">or see our <a href="/about/importing-data/" target="_blank">import format documentation</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="split-column -column-7 -column-right"> <h2 class="title-hero">Discover more films</h2> <h3 class="title-2 -mute -long -centered">Here’s a selection of our highest rated narrative feature films. The <a href="/dave/list/official-top-250-narrative-feature-films/" target="_blank">complete list of 250</a> is maintained by the tireless Dave Vis. How many have you seen?</h3> <ul class="poster-list -p70 -grid -scaled64 -scaled64-2rows -gap-3"> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-43015 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="43015" data-item-id="film:43015" data-film-slug="harakiri" data-poster-url="/film/harakiri/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/harakiri/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_85488461" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="Harakiri"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-36192 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="36192" data-item-id="film:36192" data-film-slug="come-and-see" data-poster-url="/film/come-and-see/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/come-and-see/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_0308090d" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="Come and See"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-51700 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="51700" data-item-id="film:51700" data-film-slug="12-angry-men" data-poster-url="/film/12-angry-men/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/12-angry-men/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_898104d3" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="12 Angry Men"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-51716 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="51716" data-item-id="film:51716" data-film-slug="seven-samurai" data-poster-url="/film/seven-samurai/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/seven-samurai/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_8373b3f9" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="Seven Samurai"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-51816 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="51816" data-item-id="film:51816" data-film-slug="the-godfather-part-ii" data-poster-url="/film/the-godfather-part-ii/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/the-godfather-part-ii/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_0bb814d3" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="The Godfather Part II"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-44542 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="44542" data-item-id="film:44542" data-film-slug="high-and-low" data-poster-url="/film/high-and-low/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/high-and-low/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_85a183f9" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="High and Low"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-29108 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="29108" data-item-id="film:29108" data-film-slug="the-human-condition-iii-a-soldiers-prayer" data-poster-url="/film/the-human-condition-iii-a-soldiers-prayer/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/the-human-condition-iii-a-soldiers-prayer/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_8a0d6dea" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-51778 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="51778" data-item-id="film:51778" data-film-slug="the-shawshank-redemption" data-poster-url="/film/the-shawshank-redemption/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/the-shawshank-redemption/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_8a4ca048" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="The Shawshank Redemption"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-426406 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="426406" data-item-id="film:426406" data-film-slug="parasite-2019" data-poster-url="/film/parasite-2019/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/parasite-2019/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_0968db69" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="Parasite"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-51818 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="51818" data-item-id="film:51818" data-film-slug="the-godfather" data-poster-url="/film/the-godfather/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/the-godfather/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_a5328be2" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="The Godfather"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-35988 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="35988" data-item-id="film:35988" data-film-slug="yi-yi" data-poster-url="/film/yi-yi/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/yi-yi/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_0a9311df" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="Yi Yi"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-51523 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="51523" data-item-id="film:51523" data-film-slug="city-of-god" data-poster-url="/film/city-of-god/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/city-of-god/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_8e447c64" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="City of God"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-51671 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="51671" data-item-id="film:51671" data-film-slug="schindlers-list" data-poster-url="/film/schindlers-list/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/schindlers-list/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_0108d01f" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="Schindler's List"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-49595 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="49595" data-item-id="film:49595" data-film-slug="ikiru" data-poster-url="/film/ikiru/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/ikiru/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_8d65f5fb" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="Ikiru"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-51928 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="51928" data-item-id="film:51928" data-film-slug="the-lord-of-the-rings-the-return-of-the-king" data-poster-url="/film/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-return-of-the-king/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-return-of-the-king/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_81bd790a" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-31363 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="31363" data-item-id="film:31363" data-film-slug="the-human-condition-i-no-greater-love" data-poster-url="/film/the-human-condition-i-no-greater-love/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/the-human-condition-i-no-greater-love/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_09ad5dea" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="The Human Condition I: No Greater Love"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-51684 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="51684" data-item-id="film:51684" data-film-slug="la-haine" data-poster-url="/film/la-haine/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/la-haine/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_0a86d5c0" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="La Haine"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-45108 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="45108" data-item-id="film:45108" data-film-slug="ran" data-poster-url="/film/ran/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/ran/" data-target-link-target="" data-cache-busting-key="_0274a1d4" data-show-menu="true" > <img src="" class="image" width="70" height="105" alt="Ran"/> <span class="frame"><span class="frame-title"></span></span> </li> <li class="really-lazy-load poster film-poster film-poster-42089 linked-film-poster" data-type="film" data-image-width="70" data-image-height="105" data-film-id="42089" data-item-id="film:42089" data-film-slug="a-brighter-summer-day" data-poster-url="/film/a-brighter-summer-day/image-150/" data-linked="linked" data-target-link="/film/a-brighter-summer-day/" data-target-link-target="" 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