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short-include-2 --> <table style="margin-top:15px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr class="title" valign=top> <td width="1%" nowrap> AUT - </td> <td id="title"> Results for: Words-All fields= zikov谩 <!--; Sorted by: 03---A01---D--> </td> </table> <div style="margin-top:5; font-style:italic" class=text1> (Limit for display and sort is <b> 2500</b> records) </div> <table style="margin-top:15px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr valign=top> <td class=title width=20% nowrap> Records 1 - 10 of 28 </td> <td class=text3 id=bold width=30%> </td> <td align=right nowrap> <form method=get name=form_jumpText style="margin-bottom:5pt" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="short-jump-text"> <input type=image name=action_short_jump_text src="" alt="Jump to entry beginning with entered text" border=0> <input type=text size=5 maxlength=20 name="jump_text" value=""> </form> </td> <td width="5%" align=left valign=bottom nowrap> <form method=get name=form_jumpRecord 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method=GET><label for="select_row000001" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000001" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="60%">Pek谩rkov谩 Z铆kov谩, V臎ra <div style="margin:5px 20px">Ing., specialistka na l茅膷bu atopick茅ho ekz茅mu, vystudovala p艡铆rodn铆 v臎dy a chemii.</div></td> <td class=td1 width="35%">mzk20241243668 </td> <!--td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >Ing., specialistka na l茅膷bu atopick茅ho ekz茅mu, vystudovala p艡铆rodn铆 v臎dy a chemii. </td> <td class=td1 >001243668 </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body-aut10 --> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>2</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000002 method=GET><label for="select_row000002" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000002" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="60%">艩谩rkov谩, Danka, 1969- <div style="margin:5px 20px">Narozena 13. 2. 1969 v Praze. Psycholo啪ka zam臎艡en谩 na hlubinnou psychologii, pracuje v oblasti osobn铆ho rozvoje a alternativn铆 medic铆ny, extern铆 redaktorka a nakladatelka (vlastn铆 nakladatelstv铆 Anahita). T茅啪 autorka spole膷ensk媒ch rom谩n暖, knih pro d臎ti a kucha艡sk茅 knihy. Vede kurzy automatick茅ho psan铆.</div></td> <td class=td1 width="35%">xx0134945 </td> <!--td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >Narozena 13. 2. 1969 v Praze. Psycholo啪ka zam臎艡en谩 na hlubinnou psychologii, pracuje v oblasti osobn铆ho rozvoje a alternativn铆 medic铆ny, extern铆 redaktorka a nakladatelka (vlastn铆 nakladatelstv铆 Anahita). T茅啪 autorka spole膷ensk媒ch rom谩n暖, knih pro d臎ti a kucha艡sk茅 knihy. Vede kurzy automatick茅ho psan铆. </td> <td class=td1 >000634732 </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body-aut10 --> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>3</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000003 method=GET><label for="select_row000003" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000003" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="60%">艩vejd铆kov谩, Johana, 1977- <div style="margin:5px 20px">Narozena 27. 5. 1977. Ilustr谩torka, grafick谩 design茅rka, autorka komiks暖 a suven媒r暖 pro Prahu, 拧茅fredaktorka 膷asopisu pro d臎ti Raketa.</div></td> <td class=td1 width="35%">osa2018999518 </td> <!--td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >Narozena 27. 5. 1977. Ilustr谩torka, grafick谩 design茅rka, autorka komiks暖 a suven媒r暖 pro Prahu, 拧茅fredaktorka 膷asopisu pro d臎ti Raketa. </td> <td class=td1 >000999518 </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body-aut10 --> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>4</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000004 method=GET><label for="select_row000004" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000004" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="60%">Z铆kov谩, Alena, 1979- <div style="margin:5px 20px">Narozena 1979. RNDr., Ph.D., parazitolo啪ka. Pracovala v Parazitologick茅m 煤stavu Biologick茅ho centra Akademie v臎d 膶R v 膶esk媒ch Bud臎jovic铆ch, v sou膷asnosti p暖sob铆 ve v媒zkumn媒ch laborato艡铆ch v americk茅m Seattlu.</div></td> <td class=td1 width="35%">xx0116130 </td> <!--td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >Narozena 1979. RNDr., Ph.D., parazitolo啪ka. Pracovala v Parazitologick茅m 煤stavu Biologick茅ho centra Akademie v臎d 膶R v 膶esk媒ch Bud臎jovic铆ch, v sou膷asnosti p暖sob铆 ve v媒zkumn媒ch laborato艡铆ch v americk茅m Seattlu. </td> <td class=td1 >000571344 </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body-aut10 --> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>5</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000005 method=GET><label for="select_row000005" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000005" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="60%">Z铆kov谩, Al啪b臎ta <div style="margin:5px 20px">Lektorka Katedry mezin谩rodn铆ho obchodu na Metropolitn铆 univerzit臎 Praha, zam臎艡en谩 na statistiku a vyu啪it铆 subjektivn铆 statistiky v praxi. Autorka kapitoly Statistick茅 metody a n谩stroje vyu啪iteln茅 p艡i anal媒ze kapit谩lov媒ch trh暖 z publikace: Investov谩n铆 na kapit谩lov媒ch trz铆ch.</div></td> <td class=td1 width="35%">vse20191031543 </td> <!--td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >Lektorka Katedry mezin谩rodn铆ho obchodu na Metropolitn铆 univerzit臎 Praha, zam臎艡en谩 na statistiku a vyu啪it铆 subjektivn铆 statistiky v praxi. Autorka kapitoly Statistick茅 metody a n谩stroje vyu啪iteln茅 p艡i anal媒ze kapit谩lov媒ch trh暖 z publikace: Investov谩n铆 na kapit谩lov媒ch trz铆ch. </td> <td class=td1 >001031543 </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body-aut10 --> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>6</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000006 method=GET><label for="select_row000006" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000006" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="60%">Z铆kov谩, Eva <div style="margin:5px 20px">Histori膷ka um臎n铆.</div></td> <td class=td1 width="35%">jx20070530023 </td> <!--td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >Histori膷ka um臎n铆. </td> <td class=td1 >000398719 </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body-aut10 --> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>7</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000007 method=GET><label for="select_row000007" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000007" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="60%">Z铆kov谩, Helena, 1987- <div style="margin:5px 20px">Narozena 9. 10. 1987. P艡ekladatelka z angli膷tiny do 膷e拧tiny. Deleg谩tka cestovn铆 kancel谩艡e. Pracovnice on-line casina zam臎艡en谩 na prezentace her hr谩膷暖m, krupi茅rka.</div></td> <td class=td1 width="35%">xx0250385 </td> <!--td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >Narozena 9. 10. 1987. P艡ekladatelka z angli膷tiny do 膷e拧tiny. Deleg谩tka cestovn铆 kancel谩艡e. Pracovnice on-line casina zam臎艡en谩 na prezentace her hr谩膷暖m, krupi茅rka. </td> <td class=td1 >001081012 </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body-aut10 --> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>8</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000008 method=GET><label for="select_row000008" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000008" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="60%">Zikov谩, Ilona <div style="margin:5px 20px">Prozai膷ka, autorka knihy fantasy.</div></td> <td class=td1 width="35%">jx20080401023 </td> <!--td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >Prozai膷ka, autorka knihy fantasy. </td> <td class=td1 >000448373 </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body-aut10 --> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>9</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000009 method=GET><label for="select_row000009" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000009" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="60%">Z铆kov谩, Irena <div style="margin:5px 20px">Autorka publikac铆 z oboru ekonomie, p艡ekladatelka.</div></td> <td class=td1 width="35%">jx20061221041 </td> <!--td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >Autorka publikac铆 z oboru ekonomie, p艡ekladatelka. </td> <td class=td1 >000379749 </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body-aut10 --> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>10</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000010 method=GET><label for="select_row000010" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000010" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="60%">Z铆kov谩, Ivana <div style="margin:5px 20px">MUDr., onkolo啪ka (Klinick谩 onkologie, M臎stsk谩 nemocnice Ostrava).</div></td> <td class=td1 width="35%">xx0309225 </td> <!--td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >MUDr., onkolo啪ka (Klinick谩 onkologie, M臎stsk谩 nemocnice Ostrava). </td> <td class=td1 >001206064 </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-tail --> </table> <!-- filename: short-tail --> </form> <p align=right> <img src= border=0 alt='No Previous Page'> <a href= title=Next Page><img src= border=0 alt='Next Page'></a> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function get_counter() { var counter = document.createElement("img"); var doc_ref = document.referrer.replace(/\/F\/[0-9A-Z-]+/,"/F/"); counter.setAttribute("src","" + escape(doc_ref) + "&wi="+escape(window.screen.width) + "&he="+escape(window.screen.height) + "&t="+escape(document.title)); counter.setAttribute("width","1"); counter.setAttribute("height","1"); counter.setAttribute("border","0"); document.body.insertBefore(counter,document.getElementById("copyright")); } //--> </script> <noscript> <img src="" alt="TOPlist" border="0" width="1" height="1"/> </noscript> </a> <!-- filename: copyrights --> <br> <div id="copyright" class="copyright"> © 2015 Ex Libris<br> The National Library of the Czech Republic makes its databases available as <a href="" target="_blank">open data under the CC0 license</a></div> <br> </body> </html>