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Jana Mou膷ky">Archiv ing. arch. Jana Mou膷ky</option><option value="Arnika">Arnika</option><option value="Asociace pro vodu 膶R">Czech Water Association</option><option value="Astronomick媒 煤stav">Astronomical Institute</option><option value="Autorsk茅 pr谩ce">Author works</option><option value="Bakal谩艡sk茅 pr谩ce">Bachelor's theses</option><option value="Banky">Banks</option><option value="Bibliografie">Personal bibliographies</option><option value="Biofyzik谩ln铆 煤stav">Institute of Biophysics</option><option value="Biologick茅 centrum">Biology Centre</option><option value="Biotechnologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Biotechnology</option><option value="Botanick媒 煤stav">Institute of Botany</option><option value="Bro啪ury">Brochures</option><option value="Bulletiny">Newsletters</option><option value="CENIA">CENIA</option><option value="Centrum dopravn铆ho v媒zkumu, v.v.i. Brno">Transport Research Centre</option><option value="Centrum pro dopravu a energetiku">Centre for Transport and Energ...</option><option value="Centrum pro region谩ln铆 rozvoj 膶esk茅 republiky">The Centre for Regional Develo...</option><option value="Centrum pro studium vysok茅ho 拧kolstv铆">Centre for Higher Education St...</option><option value="Centrum v媒zkumu glob谩ln铆 zm臎ny">Global Change Research Institu...</option><option value="膶esk谩 asociace ergoterapeut暖">Czech Association of Occupatio...</option><option value="膶esk谩 asociace paraplegik暖">Czech Paraplegic Association</option><option value="膶esk谩 n谩rodn铆 banka">The Czech National Bank</option><option value="膶esk谩 rada d臎t铆 a ml谩de啪e">Czech Council of Children and ...</option><option value="膶esk谩 spole膷nost ornitologick谩">Czech Society for Ornithology</option><option value="膶esk谩 zem臎d臎lsk谩 univerzita">Czech University of Life Scien...</option><option value="膶esk茅 vysok茅 u膷en铆 technick茅 v Praze">Czech Technical University in ...</option><option value="膶esk媒 statistick媒 煤艡ad">Czech Statistical Office</option><option value="CESNET">CESNET</option><option value="Cestovn铆 zpr谩vy">Travel reports</option><option value="Chmela艡sk媒 institut">Hop Research Institute</option><option value="膶lov臎k v t铆sni, o.p.s">People in Need Czech Republic</option><option value="data">data</option><option value="Digit谩ln铆 repozit谩艡">National Repository of Grey Li...</option><option value="Diplomov茅 pr谩ce">Master鈥檚 theses</option><option value="Diserta膷n铆 pr谩ce">Doctoral theses</option><option value="doc. RNDr. Ji艡铆 Sou膷ek, DrSc.">doc. RNDr. Ji艡铆 Sou膷ek, DrSc.</option><option value="Ekodomov">Ekodomov</option><option value="Entomologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Entomology</option><option value="Etnologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Ethnology</option><option value="Evropsk茅 hodnoty o.s.">European Values o.s.</option><option value="Fairtrade 膶esko a Slovensko">Fairtrade Czech Republic &amp; Slo...</option><option value="Fakulty UK (V艩KP)">Charles University Faculties (...</option><option value="Farmakologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Pharmacology</option><option value="Filosofick媒 煤stav">Institute of Philosophy</option><option value="Firemn铆 literatura">Trade literature</option><option value="Firemn铆 tisk">Trade print</option><option value="Fyzik谩ln铆 煤stav">Institute of Physics</option><option value="Fyziologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Physiology</option><option value="Galerie">Galleries</option><option value="Galerie v媒tvarn茅ho um臎n铆 v Ostrav臎">The Gallery of Graphic Arts in...</option><option value="Gender Studies, o.p.s.">Gender Studies, o.p.s.</option><option value="Geofyzik谩ln铆 煤stav">Institute of Geophysics</option><option value="Geografick媒 煤stav MU">Department of Geography, Masar...</option><option value="Geologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Geology </option><option value="GLE, o.p.s.">GLE o.p.s.</option><option value="Grantov茅 zpr谩vy">Grant reports</option><option value="Habilita膷n铆 pr谩ce">Habilitation theses</option><option value="HESTIA">HESTIA</option><option value="Historick媒 煤stav">Institute of History</option><option value="Hydrobiologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Hydrobiology</option><option value="Institut um臎n铆 - Divadeln铆 煤stav">The Arts and Theatre Institute</option><option value="Iuridicum Remedium, o.s.">Iuridicum Remedium</option><option value="Jiho膷esk谩 univerzita v 膶esk媒ch Bud臎jovic铆ch">University of South Bohemia in...</option><option value="Jihomoravsk茅 muzeum ve Znojm臎">South Moravian Museum in Znojm...</option><option value="Katalogy v媒robk暖">Product catalogues</option><option value="Katalogy v媒stav">Exhibition catalogues</option><option value="Katedra soci谩ln铆 geografie a region谩ln铆ho rozvoje P艡F UK">Department of Social Geography...</option><option value="Knihovna AV 膶R">Library of the ASCR</option><option value="Knihovny">Libraries</option><option value="Konferen膷n铆 materi谩ly">Conference materials</option><option value="Kultura">Culture</option><option value="Let谩ky">Flyers</option><option value="Liter谩rn铆 akademie">Literary Academy (Internationa...</option><option value="Mapov谩 sb铆rka P艡F">The Map Collection at Charles ...</option><option value="Masarykova univerzita">Masaryk University</option><option value="Masaryk暖v 煤stav + Archiv">Masaryk Institute and Archives...</option><option value="Matematick媒 煤stav">Institute of Mathematics</option><option value="Mendelova univerzita v Brn臎">Mendel University in Brno</option><option value="Metodiky">Methods</option><option value="Mikrobiologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Microbiology</option><option value="Ministerstva">Ministries</option><option value="Ministerstvo obrany">Ministry of Defence</option><option value="Ministerstvo spravedlnosti">Ministry of Justice</option><option value="Ministerstvo 啪ivotn铆ho prost艡ed铆">Ministry of the Environment</option><option value="Monografie">Monographs</option><option value="Moravsk谩 galerie v Brn臎">The Moravian Gallery in Brno</option><option value="Moravsk谩 zemsk谩 knihovna">Moravian Library</option><option value="Muzea">Museums</option><option value="Muzeum Brn臎nska">Museum of the Brno Region</option><option value="Muzeum skla a bi啪uterie v Jablonci nad Nisou">Museum of Glass and Jewellery ...</option><option value="Muzeum v媒chodn铆ch 膶ech v Hradci Kr谩lov茅">Museum of Eastern Bohemia in H...</option><option value="Nadace Prom臎ny">Karel Kom谩rek Family Foundatio...</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 archiv">National archives</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 filmov媒 archiv">National Film Archive</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 h艡eb膷铆n Kladruby nad Labem">The National Stud at Kladruby ...</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 informa膷n铆 a poradensk茅 st艡edisko pro kulturu (NIPOS)">Nati颅o颅nal Infor颅mation and Co...</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 knihovna 膶R">National Library of the Czech ...</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 l茅ka艡sk谩 knihovna">National Medical Library</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 muzeum">National Museum</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 pam谩tkov媒 煤stav">National Heritage Institute</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 technick谩 knihovna">National Library of Technology</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 technick茅 muzeum">National technical museum</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 煤stav lidov茅 kultury">National Institute of Folk Cul...</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 煤stav pro vzd臎l谩v谩n铆">National Institute for Educati...</option><option value="N谩rodn铆 zem臎d臎lsk茅 muzeum">The National Museum of Agricul...</option><option value="narodni_muzeum_v_prirode">National Open-Air Museum</option><option value="N谩rodohospod谩艡sk媒 煤stav">Economics Institute</option><option value="Neziskov茅 organizace">Nonprofit organizations</option><option value="Orient谩ln铆 煤stav">Oriental Institute</option><option value="OSEVA v媒voj a v媒zkum s.r.o.">OSEVA Development and Research...</option><option value="Osobn铆 arch铆vy">Personal archives</option><option value="Ostatn铆">Miscellaneous</option><option value="Ostravsk谩 univerzita">University of Ostrava</option><option value="Pam谩tn铆k n谩rodn铆ho p铆semnictv铆">The Museum of Czech Literature</option><option value="Parazitologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Parasitology</option><option value="Parlamentn铆 institut">Parliamentary Institute</option><option value="Person谩lia">Biographies</option><option value="Portf贸lia">Portf贸lia</option><option value="Postery">Posters</option><option value="Postprinty">Postprints</option><option value="Prague College">Prague College</option><option value="Preprinty">Preprints</option><option value="P艡铆sp臎vky z konference">Papers</option><option value="Programy">Programmes</option><option value="Propaga膷n铆 materi谩ly">Promotional and educational ma...</option><option value="Pr暖b臎啪n茅 zpr谩vy z projektu">Progress reports</option><option value="Pr暖vodce expozic铆">Exhibition guides</option><option value="Psychologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Psychology</option><option value="Refer谩ty">Reviews</option><option value="Rigor贸zn铆 pr谩ce">Rigorous theses</option><option value="Sborn铆ky">Proceedings</option><option value="Sdru啪en铆 pro integraci a migraci">Association for Integration an...</option><option value="Severo膷esk茅 muzeum v Liberci">The North Bohemian Museum in L...</option><option value="SIRIRI">SIRIRI</option><option value="艩kolstv铆">Universities and colleges</option><option value="Slezsk谩 univerzita v Opav臎">Silesian University in Opava</option><option value="Slezsk茅 zemsk茅 muzeum">The Silesian Museum</option><option value="Slovansk媒 煤stav">Institute of Slavonic Studies</option><option value="Sociologick媒 煤stav">Institute of Sociology</option><option value="Sociologick媒 煤stav (CVVM)">Institute of Sociology (CVVM)</option><option value="Soukrom茅 vysok茅 拧koly">Private colleges</option><option value="Specializovan谩 pracovi拧t臎 UK">Specialized departments</option><option value="Spr谩va 煤lo啪i拧钮 radioaktivn铆ch odpad暖">Czech Radioactive Waste Reposi...</option><option value="Statistick茅 zpr谩vy">Statistical reports</option><option value="St谩tn铆 spr谩va">Administration</option><option value="St谩tn铆 煤艡ad pro jadernou bezpe膷nost">State Office for Nuclear Safet...</option><option value="St谩tn铆 zem臎d臎lsk谩 a potravin谩艡sk谩 inspekce">Czech Agriculture and Food Ins...</option><option value="Studie">Studies</option><option value="Technick茅 muzeum v Brn臎">Technical Museum in Brno</option><option value="Technick茅 zpr谩vy">Technical reports</option><option value="Technologick茅 centrum">Technology Centre</option><option value="Tematick茅 sborn铆ky">Thematic collections</option><option value="Tiskov茅 zpr谩vy">Press releases</option><option value="Um臎leckopr暖myslov茅 museum">The Museum of Decorative Arts ...</option><option value="Univerzita Hradec Kr谩lov茅">University of Hradec Kr谩lov茅</option><option value="Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyn臎">Jan Evangelista Purkyn臎 Univer...</option><option value="Univerzita Karlova v Praze">Charles University</option><option value="Univerzita Palack茅ho v Olomouci">Palack媒 University Olomouc</option><option value="Univerzita Pardubice">University of Pardubice</option><option value="脷艡ad pr暖myslov茅ho vlastnictv铆">Industrial Property Office of ...</option><option value="脷stav analytick茅 chemie">Institute of Analytical Chemis...</option><option value="脷stav anorganick茅 chemie">Institute of Inorganic Chemist...</option><option value="脷stav archeologick茅 pam谩tkov茅 p茅膷e severoz谩padn铆ch 膶ech, v.v.i.">Institute of Archeological and...</option><option value="脷stav biologie obratlovc暖">Institute of Vertebrate Biolog...</option><option value="脷stav chemick媒ch proces暖">Institute of Chemical Process ...</option><option value="脷stav d臎jin um臎n铆">Institute of Art History</option><option value="脷stav experiment谩ln铆 botaniky">Institute of Experimental Bota...</option><option value="脷stav experiment谩ln铆 medic铆ny">Institute of Experimental Medi...</option><option value="脷stav fotoniky a elektroniky">Institute of Photonics and Ele...</option><option value="脷stav fyzik谩ln铆 chemie J. Heyrovsk茅ho">J. Heyrovsky Institute of Phys...</option><option value="脷stav fyzik谩ln铆ho in啪en媒rstv铆">Institute of Physical Engineer...</option><option value="脷stav fyziky atmosf茅ry">Institute of Atmospheric Physi...</option><option value="脷stav fyziky materi谩l暖">Institute of Physics of Materi...</option><option value="脷stav fyziky plazmatu">Institute of Plasma Physics</option><option value="脷stav geoniky">Institute of Geonics</option><option value="脷stav informatiky">Institute of Computer Science</option><option value="脷stav jadern茅 fyziky">Nuclear Physics Institute</option><option value="脷stav makromolekul谩rn铆 chemie">Institute of Macromolecular Ch...</option><option value="脷stav molekul谩rn铆 biologie rostlin">Institute of Plant Molecular B...</option><option value="脷stav molekul谩rn铆 genetiky">Institute of Molecular Genetic...</option><option value="脷stav organick茅 chemie a biochemie">Institute of Organic Chemistry...</option><option value="脷stav p艡铆strojov茅 techniky">Institute of Scientific Instru...</option><option value="脷stav pro 膷eskou literaturu">Institute of Czech Literature</option><option value="脷stav pro d臎jiny um臎n铆 FF UK">Institute of Art History, Char...</option><option value="脷stav pro elektrotechniku">Institute of Electrical Engine...</option><option value="脷stav pro hydrodynamiku">Institute of Hydrodynamics</option><option value="脷stav pro jazyk 膷esk媒">Institute of the Czech Languag...</option><option value="脷stav pro klasick谩 studia">Institute for Classical Studie...</option><option value="脷stav pro soudob茅 d臎jiny">Institute of Contemporary Hist...</option><option value="脷stav pro studium totalitn铆ch re啪im暖">The Institute for the Study of...</option><option value="脷stav p暖dn铆 biologie">Institute of Soil Biology</option><option value="脷stav slovansko-germ谩nsk媒ch studi铆">Institute of Slavonic-German S...</option><option value="脷stav st谩tu a pr谩va">Institute of State and Law</option><option value="脷stav struktury a mechaniky hornin">Institute of Rock Structure an...</option><option value="脷stav teoretick茅 a aplikovan茅 mechaniky">Institute of Theoretical and A...</option><option value="脷stav teorie informace a automatizace">Institute of Information Theor...</option><option value="脷stav termomechaniky">Institute of Thermomechanics</option><option value="脷stav 啪ivo膷i拧n茅 fyziologie a genetiky">Institute of Animal Physiology...</option><option value="脷stavy AV 膶R">Institutes ASCR</option><option value="V臎da a v媒zkum">Research</option><option value="Ve艡ejn茅 vysok茅 拧koly">Public universities</option><option value="V臎stn铆ky">Gazettes</option><option value="vugtk">Research Institute of Geodesy,...</option><option value="VVI">Scientific research institutio...</option><option value="V媒ro膷n铆 zpr谩vy">Annual reports</option><option value="Vysok谩 拧kola chemicko-technologick谩 v Praze">University of Chemistry and Te...</option><option value="Vysok谩 拧kola ekonomick谩 v Praze">University of Economics, Pragu...</option><option value="Vysok谩 拧kola evropsk媒ch a region谩ln铆ch studi铆, o.p.s.">The College of European and Re...</option><option value="Vysok谩 拧kola finan膷n铆 a spr谩vn铆">The University of Finance and ...</option><option value="Vysok谩 拧kola mana啪ersk茅 informatiky a ekonomiky">College of Information Managem...</option><option value="Vysok茅 拧koly">Universities</option><option value="Vysok茅 u膷en铆 technick茅 v Brn臎">Brno University of Technology</option><option value="Vysoko拧kolsk茅 kvalifika膷n铆 pr谩ce">Academic theses (ETDs)</option><option value="V媒zkumn茅 煤stavy">Research institutes</option><option value="V媒zkumn茅 zpr谩vy">Research reports</option><option value="V媒zkumn媒 a v媒vojov媒 煤stav d艡eva艡sk媒, Praha, s.p.">Timber Research and Developmen...</option><option value="V媒zkumn媒 煤stav bezpe膷nosti pr谩ce, v.v.i.">Occupational Safety Research I...</option><option value="V媒zkumn媒 煤stav lesn铆ho hospod谩艡stv铆 a myslivosti, v.v.i.">Forestry and Game Management R...</option><option value="V媒zkumn媒 煤stav potravin谩艡sk媒 Praha, v.v.i.">Food Research Institute Prague</option><option value="V媒zkumn媒 煤stav pr谩ce a soci谩ln铆ch v臎c铆, v.v.i.">Research Institute for Labour ...</option><option value="V媒zkumn媒 煤stav rostlinn茅 v媒roby">Crop Research Institute</option><option value="V媒zkumn媒 煤stav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasn茅 zahradnictv铆, v.v.i.">The Research Landscape Institu...</option><option value="V媒zkumn媒 煤stav vodohospod谩艡sk媒 T. G. Masaryka">T. G. Masaryk Water Research I...</option><option value="Woodexpert">Woodexpert</option><option value="Z谩pado膷esk谩 univerzita v Plzni">University of West Bohemia </option><option value="Z谩pado膷esk茅 muzeum v Plzni">Westbohemian Museum in Pilsen</option><option value="Z谩v臎re膷n茅 zpr谩vy z projektu">Final reports</option><option value="沤ivotopisy">Biographies</option><option value="Zpr谩vy">Reports</option><option value="Zpr谩vy o stavu">Status reports</option><option value="Zpr谩vy z pr暖zkumu">Survey reports</option></select> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- Dik insert bottom9--> </td> <td width="50%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!--/Dik insert bottom9--> <!-- Dik insert top10--> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="searchhalfpage" width="50%"> <!--/Dik insert top10--> <table class="searchbox"> <thead> <tr> <th class="searchboxheader"> Sort by: </th> <th class="searchboxheader"> Display results: </th> <th class="searchboxheader"> Output format: </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="searchboxbody"> <select name="sf" class="address"><option value="" selected="selected">latest first</option><option value="year">publication date</option><option value="author">author</option><option value="recid">record ID</option></select> <select name="so" class="address"><option value="a">asc.</option><option value="d" selected="selected">desc.</option></select> <select name="rm" class="address"><option value="" selected="selected">- or rank by -</option><option value="wrd">word similarity</option></select> </td> <td class="searchboxbody"> <select name="rg" class="address"><option value="10" selected="selected">10 results</option><option value="25">25 results</option><option value="50">50 results</option><option value="100">100 results</option></select> <select name="sc" class="address"><option value="0" selected="selected">single list</option><option value="1">split by collection</option></select> </td> <td class="searchboxbody"><select name="of" class="address"><option value="hc2">citace</option><option value="hb" selected="selected">HTML brief</option><option value="hbpsh">HTML brief + PSH</option><option value="hcs">HTML citesummary</option><option value="hm">MARC</option><option value="ris">Refman RIS</option></select></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- Dik insert bottom10--> </td> <td width="50%"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!--/Dik insert bottom10--> </form> <a name="1"></a> <form action="" method="get"> <table class="searchresultsbox"><tr><td class="searchresultsboxheader" align="left"> <strong><big><a href="">National Repository of Grey Literature</a></big></strong></td> <td class="searchresultsboxheader" align="center"> <strong>269</strong> records found &nbsp;1 - 10<a href=";p=keywords%3A%22environmental+education%22&amp;jrec=11" class="img"><img src="" alt="next" border="0" /></a><a href=";p=keywords%3A%22environmental+education%22&amp;jrec=260" class="img"><img src="" alt="end" border="0" /></a><input type="hidden" name="p" value="keywords:&quot;environmental education&quot;" /><input type="hidden" name="cc" value="Digit谩ln铆 repozit谩艡" /><input type="hidden" name="f" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="sf" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="so" value="d" /><input type="hidden" name="of" value="hb" /><input type="hidden" name="rg" value="10" /><input type="hidden" name="as" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="ln" value="en" /><input type="hidden" name="p1" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="p2" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="p3" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="f1" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="f2" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="f3" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="m1" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="m2" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="m3" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="op1" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="op2" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="sc" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d1y" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d1m" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d1d" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d2y" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d2m" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d2d" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="dt" value="" />&nbsp; jump to record: <input type="text" name="jrec" size="4" value="1" /></td><td class="searchresultsboxheader" align="right"><small>Search took 0.01 seconds.</small>&nbsp;</td></tr></table></form> <form action="" method="post"> <table> <tr><td valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="669785"></abbr> </td><td valign="top"><div class="record_brief"> <strong><a href=''>Ecologically Interesting Areas of the City of Mlad谩 Boleslav: A Project for a Secondary Vocational School</a><br /></strong> <small><a href=''>艩picarov谩, Ad茅la</a> ; <a href=''>Pavlasov谩, Lenka</a> (advisor) ; <a href=''>Ehler, Edvard</a> (referee)</small> <br /><small>This thesis focuses on ecological issues in the city of Mlad谩 Boleslav and combines theoretical knowledge from the fields of ecology, project-based learning, and the concept of Local Based Learning. The aim of the thesis was to design and implement a project focusing on student research into ecologically interesting areas of the city. The project involved creating a brochure that mapped ecologically significant locations and provided students with the opportunity to actively engage in solving ecological problems in their immediate surroundings. The practical part of the thesis describes the setting of goals, project structure, planning activities, and preparation for lessons. Emphasis was placed on using teaching methods that support the development of civic competence and sustainable development. The evaluation of the project includes an analysis of the achieved goals from the perspective of both students and teachers. The discussion focuses on the benefits of the project for students and suggests possibilities for expanding it into other educational contexts. The project's output is a brochure that highlights ecologically valuable areas of Mlad谩 Boleslav and encourages students' active participation in the protection of their urban environment. KEYWORDS Ecology, project-based teaching, secondary...</small> </div><div class="moreinfo"><span class="moreinfo"><a href="" class="moreinfo">Detailed record</a></span></div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="669635"></abbr> </td><td valign="top"><div class="record_brief"> <strong><a href=''>Working with emotions through drama education in primary school environmental education</a><br /></strong> <small><a href=''>艩afa艡铆kov谩, M谩ja</a> ; <a href=''>Zemanov谩, Blanka</a> (advisor) ; <a href=''>Star谩, Jana</a> (referee)</small> <br /><small>Diploma thesis focuses on the use of drama education methods in environmental education, specifically for working with emotions. The theoretical part of the thesis gathers the existing knowledge on how and why it is possible and desirable to work with pupils' emotions in environmental education through drama education methods, and to contribute to the enrichment of the existing knowledge through its own empirical investigation. The empirical part of the thesis presents 3 lessons with elements of drama education created on the basis of a literature search. The lessons focus on sensitivity, graduating through more concrete to more abstract experiences. As part of the qualitative research, these lessons were applied in an elementary school first grade classroom. Based on observations and teacher interviews, lesson implementation methods, student reactions during the lesson, and student and teacher evaluations of the lessons implemented were described and compared. The aim of the research is to investigate the potential of drama methods in environmental education to build pro-environmental behaviour in primary school pupils in the first grade. A sub-objective is to develop lessons that can be a suitable tool for teachers in the first grade of primary school.</small> </div><div class="moreinfo"><span class="moreinfo"><a href="" class="moreinfo">Detailed record</a></span></div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="667162"></abbr> </td><td valign="top"><div class="record_brief"> <strong><a href=''>School gardens and their potencional for process of education</a><br /></strong> <small><a href=''>Raj膷incov谩, Veronika</a> ; <a href=''>Jan膷a艡铆kov谩, Kate艡ina</a> (advisor) ; <a href=''>Valkounov谩, Tereza</a> (referee)</small> <br /><small>This diploma thesis deals with a utilization of school gardens for education at primary schools. It draws on historical development of school gardens and tries to emphasize an importance of their incorporation into an educational process, their positive impact on health and growth of pupils, and improvement of their skills and knowledge. Thesis also analyses relationships with Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education. Research itself deals with current state and utilization of school gardens by primary school teachers at Kolin district. It focuses on a school garden ownership, frequency of their usage, personal experience and needs of teachers for giving lectures in gardens. It also discusses areas of education for which the gardens are mostly used. Keywords School garden, natural garden, natural classroom, environmental education, human alientation from nature, Horticultural Therapy, Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education, teaching</small> </div><div class="moreinfo"><span class="moreinfo"><a href="" class="moreinfo">Detailed record</a></span></div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="664947"></abbr> </td><td valign="top"><div class="record_brief"> <strong><a href=''>Education for Citizenship and Environmental Education in the Secondary and High School</a><br /></strong> <small><a href=''>Tou啪imsk谩, Zuzana</a> ; <a href=''>Havl铆nov谩, Ivana</a> (advisor) ; <a href=''>Jir谩skov谩, V臎ra</a> (referee)</small> <br /><small>This diploma thesis deals with the environmental education of young people and it highlights its importance for the transfer towards the sustainable society. It emphasizes the need to get into the core of the problem, which is the emotional alienation of present-day people from the nature and environment. In the theoretical part it proves the existence of many various attitudes towards the world and the possibility of environmental education to bring students to those less self-centred and more considerate. It then presents the basis of environmental education, its development and mainly its trends reflecting today's need to focus on environmental sensitivity and personal responsibility of each individual. It shows that both areas are possible to cultivate in lessons of civics and social sciences, which provide significant space for the integration of environmental education. These subjects stress the need to educate students in the way which would help them to acquire skills of both responsible citizens of the society and considerate inhabitants of this beautiful planet. The practical part therefore suggests concrete ways for integration of environmental education into the subjects of civics and social sciences which would lead students towards sustainable living in the society and in the whole of...</small> </div><div class="moreinfo"><span class="moreinfo"><a href="" class="moreinfo">Detailed record</a></span></div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="659778"></abbr> </td><td valign="top"><div class="record_brief"> <strong><a href=''>艩umava National Park as an area for leisure activities of pupils from lower elementary school</a><br /></strong> <small><a href=''>P臎g艡铆mkov谩 Weissov谩, Lenka</a> ; <a href=''>Andreska, Jan</a> (advisor) ; <a href=''>Hanel, Lubom铆r</a> (referee)</small> <br /><small>The 艩umava National Park as an area for leisure activities of pupils from lower elementary school Abstract: This thesis deals with the creation of a fully-fledged program at the school in the countryside, where the 艩umava National Park is an area for leisure activities of 1st stage of elementary school. It deals with forming a plan of excursions complemented by observations of nature, labor - creative activities and movement, to bring the emotionalexperiences of the participants in contact with animate nature and landscape. This should lead the children to a positive relationship to nature and its protection in the future. Key words: Environmental education, 艩umava, National park, digressions, experiential Education</small> </div><div class="moreinfo"><span class="moreinfo"><a href="" class="moreinfo">Detailed record</a></span></div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="658781"></abbr> </td><td valign="top"><div class="record_brief"> <strong><a href=''>Education projects focused on the area of Mil铆膷ov forest and ponds</a><br /></strong> <small><a href=''>Kuskov谩, Lenka</a> ; <a href=''>Sk媒bov谩, Jana</a> (advisor) ; <a href=''>Pavlasov谩, Lenka</a> (referee)</small> <br /><small>Title: Educational projects focused on the area of Mil铆膷ov forest and ponds. This graduation thesis deals with project education in the field of natural monument Mil铆膷ov forest and ponds. It directly borders with southern city housing estate. Result of this work is a collection of materials focusing on environmental education and upbringing pupils on 2nd stage of basic schools, which are located near this monument. These are mainly a methodology for teachers, manual to the project education, worksheets for pupils and creative solution of worksheets for teachers. The starting point for creating projects has been a partial study, questionnaire and open discussion with students. Teoretical part at its beginning describes general conservation and special nature protection, to place issues in a boarder context. The historical aspect is also mentioned. In the thesis are also defined Mil铆膷ov forests and ponds characteristics, taking into account their rarities. It is mainly dealt with occurring of important species and specially protected species in this area. In my work is also given the emphasis on the General educational program, environmental education, analysis of schoolbooks and organizational forms of teaching. I bear on didactic theory of which I issued in projects creating. Keywords: General...</small> </div><div class="moreinfo"><span class="moreinfo"><a href="" class="moreinfo">Detailed record</a></span></div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="655481"></abbr> </td><td valign="top"><div class="record_brief"> <strong><a href=''>The concept of sense of place in geography education</a><br /></strong> <small><a href=''>Rub谩拧, Dominik</a> ; <a href=''>Mat臎j膷ek, Tom谩拧</a> (advisor) ; <a href=''>Hofmann, Eduard</a> (referee) ; <a href=''>艩er媒, Miloslav</a> (referee)</small> <br /><small>Sense of place and place attachment are topics that resonate within the discourse of subject didactics, including geography education, and is also reflected in the new Framework Educational Program for Basic Education. Although research on the concept of sense of place in geographical education is well-developed in foreign literature, this is not the case in the Czech context. The aim of this dissertation is to partially change this situation and contribute to greater academic interest in researching sense of place and place attachment, as well as their more effective implementation in the educational process in Czechia. The theoretical part of the dissertation presents the theoretical foundations used in the research part. It addresses the concept of place; the interaction between place and person; the concept of sense of place; place and place attachment in geographical and environmental education; the local landscape and region; the concept of regional identity; and the relationship to nature and field education. The goal of this section is to provide a theoretical definition of the concept of sense of place within geography education. The research section presents the results of seven studies. The specification of research topics and the resulting research questions were based on an extensive...</small> </div><div class="moreinfo"><span class="moreinfo"><a href="" class="moreinfo">Detailed record</a></span></div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="654157"></abbr> </td><td valign="top"><div class="record_brief"> <strong><a href=''>Developing environmental literacy through an educational programme on fire-making</a><br /></strong> <small><a href=''>Juhas, Stanislav</a> ; <a href=''>Voj铆艡, Karel</a> (advisor) ; <a href=''>Svobodov谩, Silvie</a> (referee)</small> <br /><small>The aim of the diploma thesis is to develop the environmental literacy of 2nd stage primary school pupils in the areas of distribution and use of natural resources, human interaction with the environment and place. Nowadays, environmental education has the task of raising an environmentally literate individual who will be able to defend and apply the information, skills and attitudes acquired in his adult life in his actions and decision making. The means to this end is the creation and practical verification of a teaching program using the topic of fire-making using various techniques. The proposed program was implemented five times for a total of 80 pupils. The verification of the program took place through a test that the pupils completed before and after completing the educational program. The tests were evaluated using the open coding method. It was found that completing the educational program had a positive effect on the pupils' environmental literacy and it was proven that the program is well applicable to the set goal.</small> </div><div class="moreinfo"><span class="moreinfo"><a href="" class="moreinfo">Detailed record</a></span></div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="654001"></abbr> </td><td valign="top"><div class="record_brief"> <strong><a href=''>The Use of Content Analysis of Articles in the Journal Ochrana p艡铆rody in Environmental Education</a><br /></strong> <small><a href=''>Hobl铆kov谩, R谩chel</a> ; <a href=''>Hanel, Lubom铆r</a> (advisor) ; <a href=''>Andreska, Jan</a> (referee)</small> <br /><small>This diploma thesis deals with the content analysis of articles published in the journal Ochrana p艡铆rody from 1946 to 2020. The aim of the research was to determine how the thematic focus of the journal has changed in the context of significant historical and socio- political events and how the frequency of articles focused on biodiversity and ecosystem protection has evolved. A secondary aim was to describe the use of the content of the articles in the journal for environmental education. Two main hypotheses were formulated: (1) significant historical and socio-political events led to an increase in articles reflecting these events in the following decade, and (2) since the 1980s, there has been an increase in the frequency of articles focused on biodiversity and ecosystem protection. The analysis confirmed the first hypothesis and refuted the second one. The results of this study are significant for environmental education as they provide a valuable source of information for educational programs. The thesis includes a description of several ways to implement the journal Ochrana p艡铆rody in environmental education. Historical and contemporary articles in the journal offer an overview of key topics and events that have shaped the environmental discourse in the Czech Republic. The study also...</small> </div><div class="moreinfo"><span class="moreinfo"><a href="" class="moreinfo">Detailed record</a></span></div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="653408"></abbr> </td><td valign="top"><div class="record_brief"> <strong><a href=''>Environmental education in drama in education projects</a><br /></strong> <small><a href=''>Zich谩膷kov谩, Marie</a> ; <a href=''>Maru拧谩k, Radek</a> (advisor) ; <a href=''>Hany拧 Holem谩, Irena</a> (referee)</small> <br /><small>This thesis focuses in detail on the use of drama education as an innovative approach to environmental education in the Czech school system. It describes the Framework Educational Programme (FEP) with an emphasis on environmental education, which is often only formally implemented and considered as a marginal part of education. Emphasis is placed on how drama education can serve as an effective method to deepen understanding of environmental issues. This method not only develops creative and critical thinking in pupils, but also contributes to fulfilling the key competences of personal development, values and attitudes. The thesis presents methodical procedures and specific recommendations for the implementation of drama education in environmental education. This can make teaching not only more effective but also more engaging for pupils, which can subsequently be positively reflected in their attitudes and responsible behaviour in terms of environmental protection and sustainability. These findings could also contribute to the discussion on innovation in education and thus form the basis for further research on the integration of drama and environmental education. The practical part focuses on specific projects for primary school teachers and can thus serve as a stimulus and inspiration for how...</small> </div><div class="moreinfo"><span class="moreinfo"><a href="" class="moreinfo">Detailed record</a></span></div></td></tr></table> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="colid" value="0" /> </form> <div style="clear:both"></div> <form action="" method="get"><div align="center"> <small>National Repository of Grey Literature : <strong>269</strong> records found &nbsp; 1 - 10<a href=";p=keywords%3A%22environmental+education%22&amp;jrec=11" class="img"><img src="" alt="next" border="0" /></a><a href=";p=keywords%3A%22environmental+education%22&amp;jrec=260" class="img"><img src="" alt="end" border="0" /></a><input type="hidden" name="p" value="keywords:&quot;environmental education&quot;" /><input type="hidden" name="cc" value="Digit谩ln铆 repozit谩艡" /><input type="hidden" name="f" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="sf" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="so" value="d" /><input type="hidden" name="of" value="hb" /><input type="hidden" name="rg" value="10" /><input type="hidden" name="as" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="ln" value="en" /><input type="hidden" name="p1" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="p2" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="p3" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="f1" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="f2" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="f3" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="m1" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="m2" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="m3" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="op1" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="op2" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="sc" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d1y" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d1m" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d1d" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d2y" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d2m" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="d2d" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="dt" value="" />&nbsp; jump to record: <input type="text" name="jrec" size="4" value="1" /></small></div></form><a name="googlebox"></a> <table class="googlebox"><tr><th class="googleboxheader">Interested in being notified about new results for this query?</th></tr> <tr><td class="googleboxbody">Subscribe to the <a href=";p=keywords%3A%22environmental+education%22"><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a> <a class="google" href=";p=keywords%3A%22environmental+education%22">RSS feed</a>.</td></tr> </table> </div></div> <div class="pagefooter"> <!-- replaced page footer --> <div class="pagefooterstripeleft"> Digital Repository&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Search</a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Submit</a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Personalize</a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Help</a> <br /> Powered by <a class="footer" href="">Invenio</a> v1.1.2 <br /> Maintained by <a class="footer" href=""></a> <br /> </div> <div class="pagefooterstriperight"> This site is also available in the following languages:<br /><a href="/search?ln=cs&amp;p=keywords%3A%22environmental+education%22" class="langinfo">膶esky</a> &nbsp;<span class="langinfo">English</span> </div> <!-- replaced page footer --> </div> </div><!-- end containing box --> <!-- Hanka je proste nejlepsi! --> </body> </html>

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