Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: Editorial Board

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "html.dtd"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: Editorial Board</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BACKGROUND="images/backgrnd.gif"> <A HREF="./"><IMG BORDER="0" ALIGN="left" HSPACE="5" SRC="m1.gif"></A><BR> <FONT SIZE="+3"><B><CENTER>Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics<BR></FONT> <P><FONT SIZE="+2">Submission Guidelines</FONT></CENTER></P></B> <BR CLEAR="all"> &nbsp;<BR> <HR NOSHADE> <! SUBMISSION -- GUIDLINES> <P> <B>Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics</B> is designed particularly for long (up to 120 pp) research papers on ordinary and partial differential equations and their applications. The papers should contain original new results with complete proofs. Periodically, short communications (up to 10pp) are published containing main results of talks reported on Tbilisi Seminar on Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. The decision about publishing both long papers and short communications is taken after reviewing.</P> <P> Manuscripts submitted for publication should be typewritten in English and double spaced on standard size A4 paper. When listing references, please follow the standards of Mathematical Reviews. After the references please give authors' addresses. The first page of articles submitted as long paper should include only the name(s) of author(s) and the title of the article. The second page should be started with the abstract (at least 1 sentence and at most 300 words) and followed with 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification numbers and key words and phrases. In the articles submitted as short communication, an abstract, 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification and keywords and phrases are also needed. </P> <P> We encourage the submission of manuscripts in electronic form (on disk or by e-mail) using <KBD>TeX</KBD> (<KBD>LaTeX</KBD>, <KBD>AmSLaTeX</KBD>) macro package. The typefont for the text of a long paper (<A HREF="mdemp_template.tex">mdemp_template.tex</A>, <A HREF="mdemp_template.pdf">mdemp_template.pdf</A>)&nbsp; and for short communication (<A HREF="mdemp(short)_template.tex">mdemp(short)_template.tex</A>, <A HREF="mdemp(short)_template.pdf">mdemp(short)_template.pdf</A>) is ten points roman with the baselineskip of twelve point. Text area is 230 &times; 155mm excluding page numbers. Final pagination will be done by the publisher. </P> <P> Please submit the manuscripts at <A HREF=""></A>, <A HREF=""></A></P> <P> <HR NOSHADE> <EM>Comments: </EM><I> <A HREF=""></A></I><EM> <BR>&#169 Copyright 2017, Razmadze Mathematical Institute.</EM> </FONT> </BODY> </HTML>

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