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curriculum from anywhere in the world. We are the world’s largest online music school—30,000+ musicians from more than 140 countries have taken our courses—but classes cap at just 20 students per section. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> What does Berklee Online offer? </div> <div class="answer"> We offer award-winning <a href="/courses" itemprop="url">online courses</a>, <a href="/certificates" itemprop="url">multi-course certificate programs</a>, a <a href="/music-degrees" itemprop="url">Bachelor of Arts degree, a Master of Music degree, and a Master of Arts degree</a>. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Who is Berklee Online designed for? </div> <div class="answer"> Our programs provide lifelong learning opportunities to people interested in music and working in the music industry. The courses range from beginner to advanced graduate level. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> What kind of subjects are taught? </div> <div class="answer"> Berklee Online offers more than 200 courses in every musical interest area: Everything from instruction on specific instruments (guitar, piano, bass, drums, voice) to music production software (Ableton, Pro Tools, Logic, and more) to larger concepts in music business, songwriting, theory, and composing for film, TV, and games </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Do online students receive the benefits of an on-campus Berklee education? </div> <div class="answer"> Absolutely! Just like the students studying on Berklee’s Boston campus, Berklee Online students receive instruction from the same world-renowned faculty, with the added benefit of having music industry professionals from around the world teaching as well. You’ll also receive guidance from Berklee-trained Academic Advisors, and have the opportunity to walk at the Commencement ceremony in Boston with your cohort of graduates who studied online and in-person. </div> </div> <hr> <h4 id="admissions"> Admissions </h4> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> What is the process to apply for/enroll in a Berklee Online program or course? </div> <div class="answer"> Certificate programs and online courses are offered on an open enrollment basis. Simply complete the online enrollment form and provide payment prior to the course start date and you’re ready to go! Degree programs require an application and supporting documentation. See the <a href="/degrees/about/degree-admissions-requirements" itemprop="url">Admission Requirements</a> for more details. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Will I receive a Berklee ID and/or email address? </div> <div class="answer"> Berklee Online degree students are eligible to request a Berklee ID. Upon acceptance into the program, degree students are also given a email address. </div> </div> <hr> <h4 id="courses"> Courses </h4> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Can I take non-credit courses in a certificate? </div> <div class="answer"> All courses in a certificate program must be taken for credit. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Can I waive some for-credit courses into a certificate? </div> <div class="answer"> Students must enroll in a certificate by paying the $175 certificate registration fee prior to completing the final course in the program. All for-credit courses that have been awarded a passing grade and that align with a certificate program may transfer into that program. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Can I upgrade from a lower-level certificate to a higher-level certificate? </div> <div class="answer"> Yes! Berklee Online offers two certificate options: <ol> <li> CHANGE CERTIFICATE: When a student wants to change their lower-level certificate to a higher-level certificate (or vice versa) prior to the completion of the program. There are no additional fees for this option other than the cost of additional courses, and you will only earn one certificate upon completion. </li> <li> STARTING A NEW CERTIFICATE: When a student wants to earn more than one certificate by having the courses from their lower-level certificate waived into a higher-level certificate. In this case, an additional $175 registration fee is required. </li> </ol> </div> <hr> <h4 id="faculty"> Faculty </h4> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Who teaches Berklee Online courses? </div> <div class="answer"> Berklee faculty and seasoned professionals teach our courses. Our instructors are recognized experts in their respective fields—they’ve produced and engineered hundreds of artists and numerous award-winning projects, and several of their students have gone on to earn GRAMMY Award nominations. </div> </div> <hr> <h4 id="financial-aid"> Financial Aid </h4> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Am I eligible for financial aid? </div> <div class="answer"> Financial assistance is available for Berklee Online degree programs. This assistance may come from a variety of sources including federal awards, outside scholarships, and private loans. <br> <br> Federal financial aid is not available for non-degree programs. Non-degree students typically finance their costs out-of-pocket or with a private loan. Review our payment options. </div> </div> <hr> <h4 id="graduation"> Graduation </h4> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> What happens if I turn in my graduation application late? Do I still need to apply by December 1 even if I don’t want to walk in the Commencement ceremony? </div> <div class="answer"> Because we must coordinate with the Boston campus for Commencement, it is essential that students planning to walk in the ceremony submit their graduation application by 12:00 midnight ET on December 1. If you submit your application late, you will need to wait until the following year to walk. <br> <br> We ask all students planning to graduate within the current academic year to apply for graduation by December 1, regardless of their plans to participate in Commencement. Late application for students who do not wish to walk will result in processing delays for your academic record and diploma, and your name may not be listed in the ceremony program. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> What’s the difference between graduating and walking in Commencement? </div> <div class="answer"> Great question! Walking in Commencement and graduating are two separate things. <br> <br> You can walk in Commencement when you are nine (9) credits or less away from completing your degree requirements by the end of the spring term. Please note: Berklee Online degree students are not required to walk in Commencement in Boston. <br> <br> You graduate when you have met all of the following criteria: <ul> <li>Attained at least a 2.70 cumulative GPA in concentrate courses</li> <li>Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00</li> <li>Fulfilled all program requirements AND completed a minimum of 120 credits for a single major or 165 for a dual major</li> <li>Completed a minimum of 60 institutional credits for a single major or 105 institutional credits for a dual major</li> <li>Fulfilled all financial obligations to the college</li> </ul> <strong>Note</strong> Walking across the stage in Commencement <u>does not</u> mean that you have graduated. You will not officially graduate and receive your diploma until you meet all of the eligibility requirements. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> I just finished my last term at Berklee Online! What happens next? Is there anything I need to do? </div> <div class="answer"> Congratulations on finishing! If you have already filled out a graduation application, you will want to double-check the "<a href="/degrees/about/graduation-planning">Graduation Checklist</a>" to ensure you have taken care of all of the various items associated with graduating. If you have not filled out a graduation application, you will need to do that as soon as possible. You will not be able to graduate until we have received and processed your graduation application. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> When will I get my diploma? </div> <div class="answer"> You will receive your diploma within 6-8 weeks of completing your degree requirements. Please keep in mind that instructors have up to two (2) weeks to submit final grades after the term concludes. <br> <br> Diplomas are mailed to the address you include on your graduation application. If your mailing address changes after you have submitted your graduation application, be sure to update us at <a href=""></a>. <br> <br> Keep in mind that if you are walking in Commencement, you will not receive your official diploma at the ceremony. </div> </div> <hr> <h4 id="transfer-credits"> Transfer Credits </h4> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Can I find out how many transfer credits I am eligible for before I apply to the degree program? </div> <div class="answer"> If you are interested in applying to the Bachelor of Arts degree program and would like an estimate of the amount of transfer credit you would receive, you can request an unofficial transfer evaluation by emailing a copy of your transcript(s) to the Berklee Online Transfer Team at <a href=""></a>. Be sure to include your name, major of interest, and any additional questions you may have. You can expect to receive your assessment within 7-10 business days. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> I didn’t receive credit on my Official Evaluation for all of the courses that I thought I would. What should I do? </div> <div class="answer"> The earlier you contact us with questions or concerns regarding your evaluation, the easier it will be for us to address any issues. Therefore, it is very important when you first receive your official transfer evaluation that you review the information carefully. <br> <br> If you notice a remaining requirement that you believe you’ve already fulfilled, first consult our document on Common Reasons Credit Does Not Transfer. It’s possible that the course you are thinking of didn’t meet our eligibility requirements. <br> <br> If none of those exclusions apply, please fill out a Transfer Credit Equivalency Re-evaluation form for the courses you wish to have reconsidered. <br> <br> Sometimes, we are not able to locate specific information for a course online and we are not able to determine an equivalency, but we are always happy to review additional material which will help us make that determination. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Do my Berklee Online, Berklee campus, or Prior Learning Credit coursework count towards the 60 transfer credit limit? </div> <div class="answer"> No, credits completed at Berklee or through the prior learning process do not count towards the 60 transfer credit limit. This maximum is for credit-bearing exams and undergraduate-level coursework completed externally. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> What is a credit deficiency and why do I need to make up credit? </div> <div class="answer"> Credit deficiencies are caused by transferring a course that is less than three (3) credits to fulfill a three (3) credit Berklee Online requirement. Students with a credit deficiency will be short of the minimum number of credits required to graduate once they have completed their program requirements. In order to be eligible to graduate, you will need to make up the credits you are deficient in. <br> <br> While the Transfer Team does their best to avoid giving students credit deficiencies, it is not always possible. You can make up the credits you are deficient in by completing additional Berklee Online coursework, by applying for prior learning credit, or by completing additional external coursework in the area in which you are deficient. <br> <br> <strong>Note</strong> all external courses will first need to be approved by the Transfer Team. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Can transfer credit fulfill prerequisites? </div> <div class="answer"> It depends. Generally, transfer credit cannot be used to fulfill prerequisites unless we determine that the course you completed is a direct equivalent to one of the courses we offer at Berklee Online. Keep in mind that there are some courses which require you to pass a placement exam. For these you will need to achieve a passing grade on the test to fulfill the prerequisite, otherwise you will need to complete the appropriate Berklee Online course. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Can I transfer credits to Berklee Online after I have started the degree program? </div> <div class="answer"> Yes, you can. To determine if the coursework you already completed or are considering taking is eligible to fulfill your remaining degree requirements, contact the Transfer Team at <a href=""></a>. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> I am a Berklee campus student. Can I transfer courses from Berklee Online to my campus-based program? </div> <div class="answer"> View a <a href="" target="_blank">list of transferable courses</a> to Berklee’s campus programs. <br> <br> For additional questions about transferring courses from Berklee Online to Berklee's campus programs please contact the campus transcript evaluator at <a href=""></a>. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> Are Berklee Online courses transferable to other institutions? </div> <div class="answer"> Berklee Online is regionally accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), the same association that accredits our main campus and other leading academic institutions such as Harvard University and MIT. Our courses are transferable to other institutions, but it's up to the receiving institution to decide the number and types of courses that may transfer. We recommend getting a course pre-approved by an institution before enrolling. </div> </div> <hr> <h4 id="tuition"> Tuition </h4> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> How do Berklee Online’s costs compare to other education options? </div> <div class="answer"> Berklee Online’s programs have a tuition cost that is approximately 64 percent less than on-campus tuition at Berklee’s Boston campus. Moreover, a recent study revealed that the average annual tuition at for-profit colleges is more than twice as expensive as Berklee Online. Even average annual tuition at other accredited non-profit online universities is roughly $11,000 more expensive than tuition for a year with Berklee Online! </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> How much does a <a href="/certificates" itemprop="url">certificate program</a> cost? </div> <div class="answer"> There is a one time $175 registration fee per certificate program. Students may either pay per course term (at the $1,515 per credit course cost) or pay in full to receive a 10 percent discount. The registration fee and all courses for the term you wish to begin in must be paid in full in order to begin. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> How much does an online <a href="/music-degrees" itemprop="url">Bachelor’s degree</a> cost? </div> <div class="answer"> Online undergraduate degree tuition is $59,160 for 120 credits for all majors except the guitar major. Tuition for the guitar major is $63,660. Students taking 10 courses per year can complete the degree in four years at a cost of $14,790 per year. (Note: Tuition and fees are subject to change.) </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> How much does an online <a href="/music-degrees" itemprop="url">master's degree</a> cost? </div> <div class="answer"> Online graduate degree tuition is $33,120 for 36 credits. The Master of Music in Music Production and Master of Arts in Music Business programs are designed to be completed in one year of study. Both programs are comprised of 12 three-credit courses that can be taken during four 12-week semesters. </div> </div> <div class="question-block"> <div class="question"> What is included in the cost of a course? </div> <div class="answer"> The cost for an individual course includes the tuition fee. The cost of required books, hardware or software must be purchased separately, unless it is stated that these costs are included with your enrollment. Some courses may include additional fees for files or content. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <nav class="animate__animated animate__slideInLeft animate__faster" id="bo-collapse-nav"> <div id="bo-collapse-nav-header"> <div class="bo-collapse-logo"> <a href="/"> <img src="/assets/berklee-online-logo.svg?v=3"> </a> </div> <div id="bo-collapse-search-trigger"></div> <div id="bo-nav-close"> × </div> </div> <div id="bo-nav"> <ul> <li> <a class="parent" href="#"> All Programs <span class="chevron bottom"></span> </a> <ul class="bo-collapse bo-collapse-interests"> <li> <a href="/music-production" itemprop="url">Music Production</a> </li> <li> <a href="/music-business" itemprop="url">Music Business</a> </li> <li> <a href="/music-theory-harmony-and-ear-training">Music Theory, Harmony, and Ear Training</a> </li> <li> <a href="/guitar" itemprop="url">Guitar</a> </li> <li> <a href="/songwriting" itemprop="url">Songwriting</a> </li> <li> <a 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