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up-to-date... Updating via manifest... Gathering local manifest data... Fetching remote manifest data... <strong style="color: #D00; font-weight: bold">FATAL ERROR:</strong> Something's gone wrong with the remote data; I can't read its timestamp. Please report this! Falling back to a manual update... Downloading anchor data from Webref... <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Source map format specification', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Stage 0: Strawman, 21 January 2025', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Table of Contents', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Introduction', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Source Map specification', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '1', 'text': 'Scope', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '2', 'text': 'Conformance', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3', 'text': 'References', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3.1', 'text': 'Normative references', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3.2', 'text': 'Informative references', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4', 'text': 'Terms and definitions', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '5', 'text': 'Source map format', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '5.1', 'text': 'Mappings structure', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '5.1.1', 'text': 'Mappings for generated JavaScript code', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '5.1.2', 'text': 'Names for generated JavaScript code', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '5.2', 'text': 'Resolving sources', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '5.3', 'text': 'Extensions', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '6', 'text': 'Index map', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '6.1', 'text': 'Section', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '7', 'text': 'Retrieving source maps', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '7.1', 'text': 'Linking generated code to source maps', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '7.1.1', 'text': 'Linking through HTTP headers', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '7.1.2', 'text': 'Linking through inline annotations', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Extraction methods for JavaScript sources', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Extraction methods for CSS sources', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Extraction methods for WebAssembly binaries', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '7.2', 'text': 'Fetching source maps', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '8', 'text': 'Conventions', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '8.1', 'text': 'Source map naming', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '8.2', 'text': 'Linking eval’d code to named generated code', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '9', 'text': 'Language neutral stack mapping notes', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': '10. Multi-level mapping notes', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Index', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Terms defined by this specification', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Terms defined by reference', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Issues Index', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Bibliography', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Copyright & Software License', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Copyright Notice', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'License', 'spec': 'Source Map'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Web Speech API', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Draft Community Group Report, 18 August 2020', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Abstract', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Status of this document', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Table of Contents', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '1', 'text': 'Introduction', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '2', 'text': 'Use Cases', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3', 'text': 'Security and privacy considerations', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3.1', 'text': 'Implementation considerations', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4', 'text': 'API Description', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1', 'text': 'The SpeechRecognition Interface', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1.1', 'text': 'SpeechRecognition Attributes', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1.2', 'text': 'SpeechRecognition Methods', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1.3', 'text': 'SpeechRecognition Events', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1.4', 'text': 'SpeechRecognitionErrorEvent', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1.5', 'text': 'SpeechRecognitionAlternative', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1.6', 'text': 'SpeechRecognitionResult', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1.7', 'text': 'SpeechRecognitionResultList', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1.8', 'text': 'SpeechRecognitionEvent', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1.9', 'text': 'SpeechGrammar', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.1.10', 'text': 'SpeechGrammarList', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.2', 'text': 'The SpeechSynthesis Interface', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.2.1', 'text': 'SpeechSynthesis Attributes', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.2.2', 'text': 'SpeechSynthesis Methods', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.2.3', 'text': 'SpeechSynthesis Events', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.2.4', 'text': 'SpeechSynthesisUtterance Attributes', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.2.5', 'text': 'SpeechSynthesisUtterance Events', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.2.6', 'text': 'SpeechSynthesisEvent Attributes', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.2.7', 'text': 'SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent Attributes', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4.2.8', 'text': 'SpeechSynthesisVoice Attributes', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '5', 'text': 'Examples', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '5.1', 'text': 'Speech Recognition Examples', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '5.2', 'text': 'Speech Synthesis Examples', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Acknowledgments', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Conformance', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Index', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Terms defined by this specification', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Terms defined by reference', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'References', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Normative References', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Informative References', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'IDL Index', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Issues Index', 'spec': 'Web Speech API'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Writing Assistance APIs', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Abstract', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Status of this document', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Table of Contents', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '1', 'text': 'Introduction', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '2', 'text': 'Shared AI APIs and infrastructure', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3', 'text': 'The summarizer API', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3.1', 'text': 'Creation', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3.2', 'text': 'Availability', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3.3', 'text': 'The AISummarizer class', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3.4', 'text': 'Options', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '3.5', 'text': 'Errors', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '4', 'text': 'The writer API', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '5', 'text': 'The rewriter API', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Index', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Terms defined by this specification', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Terms defined by reference', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'References', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'Normative References', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Invalid heading - URL doesn't start with the spec's url <>. {'url': '', 'number': '', 'text': 'IDL Index', 'spec': 'Writing Assistance APIs'} <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Despite claiming to have a snapshot url, no snapshot data found for 'dom-level-2-style'. <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Despite claiming to have a snapshot url, no snapshot data found for 'selectors-nonelement-1'. <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> Despite claiming to have a snapshot url, no snapshot data found for 'tracking-dnt'. |████████████████████████████████████████| 580/580 [100%] in 6:05.2 (1.59/s) Success! Downloading biblio data... Success! Downloading boilerplates... Updating 273 files... Done! Downloading Can I Use data... Success! Downloading MDN Spec Links data... Success! Downloading link defaults... Success! Downloading languages... Success! Downloading web-platform-tests data... <strong style="color: #D00; font-weight: bold">FATAL ERROR:</strong> Bikeshed currently only knows how to handle WPT v8 manifest data, but got v9. Please report this to the maintainer! Cleaning up old data files... Success! 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Arbitrarily chose To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block: spec:css-overflow-3; type:property; text:overflow spec:css21; type:property; text:overflow 'overflow' <strong style="color: #AA0; font-weight: bold">LINK ERROR:</strong> Multiple possible 'shorthand property' dfn refs. Arbitrarily chose To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block: spec:css-cascade-5; type:dfn; text:shorthand property spec:css21; type:dfn; text:shorthand property <a bs-line-number="515" data-link-type="dfn" data-lt="shorthand property">shorthand property</a> <strong style="color: #AA0; font-weight: bold">LINK ERROR:</strong> Multiple possible 'padding' property refs. Arbitrarily chose To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block: spec:css-box-4; type:property; text:padding spec:css21; type:property; text:padding 'padding' <strong style="color: #AA0; font-weight: bold">LINK ERROR:</strong> Multiple possible 'shorthand property' dfn refs. Arbitrarily chose To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block: spec:css-cascade-5; type:dfn; text:shorthand property spec:css21; type:dfn; text:shorthand property <a bs-line-number="626" data-link-type="dfn" data-lt="shorthand property">shorthand property</a> <strong style="color: #AA0; font-weight: bold">LINK ERROR:</strong> Multiple possible 'margin' property refs. Arbitrarily chose To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block: spec:css-box-4; type:property; text:margin spec:css21; type:property; text:margin 'margin' <strong style="color: #08F; font-weight: bold">WARNING:</strong> W3C policy requires Privacy Considerations and Security Considerations to be separate sections, but you appear to have them combined into one. <strong style="color: #0D0; font-weight: bold">✔</strong> Successfully generated, but fatal errors were suppressed </pre><p>Last Bikeshed run at 2025-02-25 14:21:07 PST</p></div><div class='footer'><address>Please send comments, questions, and error reports to <a href=''></a></address></div></body></html>