About Project Runeberg

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An empty search brings up the author search form.">&nbsp;&nbsp; </b></small></td></tr></table></form> <h1>About Project Runeberg</h1> <p><b>What is Project Runeberg?</b> <ul> <li>Project Runeberg publishes <i>Nordic literature on the Internet since 1992</i>. <li>This means <i>free electronic editions</i> of old books from Sweden and the Nordic countries. <li>For comparison, visit some <a href="foreign.html" >Other Digital Library Projects</a>. <li><a href="" >Your questions and comments are most welcome</a>! We answer letters in English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, German, and French. </ul> <p><b>What has Project Runeberg done?</b> <ul> <li>Our <a href="/katalog.html" >Alphabetic Catalog</a> lists hundreds of titles in several languages. <li><a href="/" >Most recent additions</a> to our collection. <li>Most popular items, <a href="kanon.html" >En nordisk kanon</a> / <a href="canon.html" >A Nordic Canon</a> <li>Take a look at <a href="timeline.html" >Project Runeberg's Timeline</a> and the <a href="media.html" >Media Coverage of Project Runeberg</a>. </ul> <p><b>Who is behind this?</b> <ul> <li>Project Runeberg was made by volunteers like you! <li>This is an open and voluntary initiative to publish free electronic editions of Nordic literature. You are welcome to <a href="volunteer.html" >join our team of volunteers</a>. <br><a href="frivillig.html" >Anm盲l dig som frivillig medarbetare</a>. <li>We need more <a href="sponsors.html" >sponsors</a>. <li>We have a small editorial office at <a href="" >Link枚ping University</a> in Link枚ping, Sweden, and hundreds of volunteers around the world. We are supported by the university, but smart solutions, small costs, and happy volunteers mean more than the funding we get. <li>The project lives at <a href="" >LYSATOR Academic Computer Society</a>, one of the world's first web sites. Read more <a href="whatis-runeberg.html" >about Project Runeberg</a> and <a href="whatis-lysator.html" >about LYSATOR</a>. </ul> <p><b>Is this legal?</b> <ul> <li>Project Runeberg is <i>very careful to respect copyright</i> held by authors, illustrators, and translators. But when they have been dead for more than 70 years, the copyright expires, and we are free to publish their works. <li><a href="copyright.html" >Learn more about copyright</a>. <li>You can <a href="/" >Search for Nordic Authors</a> to find out <i>who died when</i>, biographies, bibliographic data, literary societies and links to other useful web sites. </ul> <p><b>Can you trust Project Runeberg?</b> <ul> <li>Old poems are still beautiful, but old facts might be obsolete, sometimes even dangerous. We take no responsibility for actions that you take after reading information that we publish. <li>If you need quotes for your thesis or paper, be careful to use the right edition. We try our best to select the best editions, and to copy them as accurately as we can. But there can always be mistakes. <li>To avoid suspicions against OCR errors and typing mistakes, we introduced <i>electronic facsimile editions</i> in the fall of 1998. This means you can see an image (bitmap) of the printed page. Some of our editions do not have this feature. <li><a href="" >If you suspect errors or have questions, do write to our editors</a>. We have an open attitude and invite your suggestions for improving Project Runeberg. </ul> <p><b>Why?</b> <ul> <li>Why did we start to publish <i>literature</i> on the Internet? We wanted to publish something on the Internet without having to create the contents ourselves. Literature (text) was easier to handle on the early 1990s computers than music, maps, and movies. <li>Why do we publish so <i>old</i> literature? Because it must be out of copyright. <a href="copyright.html" >Learn more about copyright</a>. <li>Why <i>Nordic</i> literature? The Nordic countries have a long common history. See the <a href="" >Nordic FAQ</a>. Only 10 million people speak Swedish, but the Nordic languages together have 25 million speakers. And many others are publishing literature in other languages. <li>Read more about <a href="decisions.html" >Project Runeberg's Design Decisions</a>. </ul> <hr noshade> <p><b>On this page:</b> <a href="#usage" >Ways to Use Project Runeberg</a> - <a href="#howto" >How it Works</a> - <a href="#help" >How You Can Help</a> <h2><a name="usage" >Ways to Use Project Runeberg</a></h2> <dl> <dt><b><a href="howto-find.html" >Hitta r盲tt i Projekt Runeberg</a></b> <dd>En v盲gledning som beskriver hur man bl盲ddrar och hittar i den nordiska litteraturen p氓 Internet. <dt><b><a href="pilot.html" >Read our books on your 3Com Palm Pilot</a></b> <dd>Electronic books that fit in your pocket. </dl> <h2><a name="howto" >How it Works</a></h2> <dl> <dt><b><a href="decisions.html" >Design Decisions of Project Runeberg</a></b> <dd>Explaining why we do it the way we do. <dt><b><a href="editions.html" >Electronic Editions</a></b> <dd>This text explains some of the administrative routines used by the editors of Project Runeberg. If you want to help the project as a volunteer, this information can be very useful to you. Even if you are only reading or using the editions that we publish, this text will give you a better understanding of how some things are organized. <dt><b>Free Electronic Dictionaries</b> <dd>See our subproject <i><a href="/words/" >Nordic Words</a></i>, aiming to compile free dictionaries, and our <a href="/tema/dict.html" >scanned dictionaries</a>. <dt><b>Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)</b> <dd>Here you can find both the <a href="teip3files.html">TEI P3 file list</a> and the older <a href="teifiles.html">TEI file list</a>. Both lists are quite old, and it ain't getting any better. <p>Related pages: <ul> <li><a href="makefile.html">Makefile conventions</a> <li><a href="languages.html">Language codes</a> <li><a href="rtml.html">Runeberg Text Markup Language</a> <li><a href="auto.html">Internal workings of the automatic build process</a> </ul> </dl> <h2><a name="help" >How You Can Help</a></h2> <dl> <dt><b>We will help you! - Will you help us?</b> <dd>Project Runeberg is built on voluntary cooperation. There are many ways you can help us, and we hope we can help you. Help you to find the Nordic literature and art you are looking for. Help you understand how we work. This is "About Project Runeberg", a section of our project devoted to these matters. The structure of this section will improve. For the moment, <a href="" >send your questions to us by e-mail</a>. We answer every letter! <dt><b>Vi vill hj盲lpa dig! - Vill du hj盲lpa oss?</b> <dd>Project Runeberg bygger p氓 frivillig samverkan. Det finns m氓nga s盲tt du kan hj盲lpa oss, och vi hoppas vi kan hj盲lpa dig. Hj盲lpa dig att hitta det du letar efter inom nordisk litteratur och konst. Hj盲lpa dig att f枚rst氓 hur vi arbetar. Detta 盲r "About Project Runeberg", en avdelning av v氓rt projekt som enbart handlar om detta. Just nu 盲r den lite r枚rig, men det ska bli b盲ttre. Om du undrar 枚ver n氓got, <a href="" >skicka dina fr氓gor till oss med e-post</a>. Vi besvarar alla brev! </dl> <p> <br clear=all> <hr noshade> <a href="/wiki/Korrstapel" >Korrstapel</a> / <a href="/wiki/Proof_bar" >Proof bar</a> for this volume <br> <a href="/admin/gotopage" ><img src="/img/proofbar/admin" ISMAP alt="" height=20 border=0></a> <h2>Table of Contents</h2> <br>About Project Runeberg <br><a href="media.html" >Media Coverage of Project Runeberg</a> <br><a href="volunteer.html" >Volunteer</a> <br><a href="frivillig.html" >Frivilliga medarbetare</a> <br><a href="sponsors.html" >Sponsors and donations to Project Runeberg</a> <br><a href="copyright.html" >What is Copyright?</a> <br><a href="authors.html" >How to Write Presentations of Nordic Authors</a> <br><a href="paper.html" >About Paper</a> <br><a href="sv.html" >Project Runeberg 1995 Swedish Front Page</a> <br><a href="foreign.html" >Other Digital Library Projects</a> <br><a href="kanon.html" >En nordisk kanon</a> <br><a href="canon.html" >A Nordic Canon</a> <br><a href="decisions.html" >Design Decisions of Project Runeberg</a> <br><a href="editions.html" >Electronic Editions</a> <br><a href="unicode.html" >Unicode character set</a> <br><a href="uchars.html" >Commonly used Unicode characters</a> <br><a href="pilot.html" >Support for 3Com PalmPilot</a> <br><a href="wince.html" >Support for Windows CE</a> <br><a href="pdf.html" >PDF downloads</a> <br><a href="datasets.html" >Datasets for Natural Language Processing and Text Mining</a> <br><a href="scan.html" >About Scanning and Images</a> <br><a href="scanhelp.html" >Hj盲lp oss att scanna det vi saknar!</a> <br><a href="snuff.html" >S氓 scannar vi</a> <br><a href="camera.html" >Capturing books with a digital camera</a> <br><a href="fakskorr.html" >Korrekturl盲sning av elektroniska faksimilutg氓vor</a> <br><a href="faxproof.html" >Proofreading an Electronic Facsimile Edition</a> <br><a href="proofrunes.html" >Proofreading text with runes and other strange characters</a> <br><a href="scannedby.html" >Scanned by...</a> <br><a href="scannb.html" >Scanned by Nasjonalbiblioteket</a> <br><a href="metadata.html" >Metadata</a> <br><a href="timeline.html" >Project Runeberg Timeline</a> <br><a href="19910721.html" >From LysKOM in July 1991</a> <br><a href="19920819.html" >About Lysator's Gopher server in August 1992</a> <br><a href="maj94sv.html" >Presentation i maj 1994</a> <br><a href="apr95en.html" >Announcement, April 1995</a> <br><a href="95bokmes.html" >Inf枚r bokm盲ssan 1995</a> <br><a href="95rixdan.html" >Letter to Swedish parliament, 16 October 1995</a> <br><a href="95hurry.html" >About our Hurry in the End of 1995</a> <br><a href="95yule.html" >December 1995 front page</a> <br><a href="960207.html" >February 1996 front page</a> <br><a href="9604.html" >April 1996 front page</a> <br><a href="9605.html" >May 1996 front page</a> <br><a href="9607.html" >July 1996 front page</a> <br><a href="9609.html" >September 1996 front page</a> <br><a href="9612.html" >December 1996 front page</a> <br><a href="1996bibl.html" >De 200 mest utl氓nade f枚rfattarna i folk- och skolbibliotek 1996</a> <br><a href="9703.html" >March 1997 front page</a> <br><a href="9704.html" >April 1997 front page</a> <br><a href="19970418_inl.html" >System 1997</a> <br><a href="19970418_krav.html" >Kravspecifikation</a> - 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