Mullet MadJack Releases A New Free DLC Crossover with Ultrakill! (2025)

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text-center font-semibold text-2xl xl:text-4xl !leading-common"> Mullet MadJack Releases A New Free DLC Crossover with Ultrakill! (2025) </h1> <div class="bg-primary-100 text-common !leading-common rounded-lg pl-5 pr-2 py-4 mb-2 space-y-2 text-primary-500"> <div class="font-semibold">Table of Contents</div> <a class="list-item toc-h3" href="#toc-0">What makes Mullet MadJack Unique</a> <a class="list-item toc-h3" href="#toc-1">ABOUT MULLET MADJACK</a> <a class="list-item toc-h3" href="#toc-2">ABOUT HAMMER95 STUDIOS</a> <a class="list-item toc-h3" href="#toc-3">ABOUT EPOPEIA GAMES</a> <a class="list-item toc-h2" href="#references">References</a> </div> <div class="text-center my-2 sm:my-4 " > <ins class="adsbygoogle adsense h-ad3 " data-ad-client="ca-pub-7799263889923495" style="display:block" data-ad-format="auto" data-ad-slot="7255837788" data-full-width-responsive="true" data-adtest="off" > </ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </div> <article class="article-detail"> <section class="entry-content paragraph"><div><p><b>Porto Alegre – December 19, 2024</b> – After a 6 months of a phenomenal reception (metascore of 88, 6.000 Steam user reviews, 97% of them positive and 560.000 wishlists), developer Hammer95 Studios and publisher Epopeia Games are proud to announce that their acclaimed indie retro FPS hit Mullet MadJack will offer a free update today containing a brand new Boss Rush Mode. Players will face a series of bosses in a race against the clock. The faster you defeat them, the higher your position in the global rankings will be. Show off your skills and reach the top!</p><p><a href="" imageanchor="1" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="" class="lazyload" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" alt="Mullet MadJack Releases A New Free DLC Crossover with Ultrakill! (1)" title="Mullet MadJack Releases A New Free DLC Crossover with Ultrakill! (1)" data-src="" data-src2="" onerror="if(this.src==this.getAttribute('data-src2')){onImageError(this,true)}else{this.src=this.getAttribute('data-src2')}"></a></p><p>ULTRAKILLER Spoiler: The final Boss Rush showdown features a special boss straight from ULTRAKILL! Yes, one of the most iconic villains in the ultra-violent universe is here, ready to test your skills to the extreme. Can you win this epic battle?</p><p>Mullet MadJack immerses players in an engaging retro FPS experience with roguelite elements, transporting them to an anime world full of excitement. With a unique fusion of elements influenced by classic 90s FPS games, strategy, and intense action, the game promises to keep players entertained for hours on end.</p><h4>ONE POLICE OFFICER WITH A MULLET, AGAINST A HORDE OF BILLIONAIRE ROBOTS!</h4><p>In an exciting journey inspired by classic anime, you will be immersed in the cyberpunk world of Mullet MadJack, set in the year 90...2090.</p><p>Your mission is clear: rescue the most famous influencer on the planet from the clutches of a dangerous criminal organization, made up of powerful billionaire robots. Meanwhile, you will face violent battles as you are a dopamine-addicted vigilante who will do anything to get his own dose beating deadly challenges as you progress floor by floor of a huge skyscraper.<div class="sm:flex sm:items-center sm:justify-center sm:flex-row sm:space-x-1 insert" style="margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;"><ins class="adsbygoogle sm:w-1/2" style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid" data-full-width-responsive="true" data-ad-slot="7255837788" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7799263889923495" data-adtest="off"></ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script><ins class="adsbygoogle sm:w-1/2" style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid" data-full-width-responsive="true" data-ad-slot="7255837788" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7799263889923495" data-adtest="off"></ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div></p><p>As you progress through the floors, an action-hungry crowd follows your every move via streaming broadcasts. This public exposure adds more tension, increasing the pressure on you and the need to perform increasingly impressive feats.</p><p>Your battle is not just to free the kidnapped influencer, but also to preserve her own reputation and entertain those watching.</p><p>Get ready for a journey full of dangers, exciting challenges and surprising twists in the best Badass Old-School style.</p><p><span class="block insert video-container" style="margin-top: 0.2rem; margin-bottom: 2rem"><iframe class="lazyload mt-2 mx-auto max-w-full" width="560" height="315" data-src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></span></p><h3 id="toc-0">What makes Mullet MadJack Unique</h3><div><ul><li>Exciting and dynamic combat: Race against time and infiltrate a building alone, overcoming each floor until you reach your objective.</li><li>Campaign mode: Clear floors filled with robots, and in crucial moments, execute ultraviolent finishes on your enemies to survive.</li><li>Survival mode: Utilize your skills in an endless mode and outdo your friends.</li><li>Boss Rush Mode in which players will face a series of bosses in a race against the clock. The faster you defeat them, the higher your position in the global rankings will be. Show off your skills and reach the top!</li><li>Unique visual and art style: The contrasting colors between black and vibrant neon evoke the aesthetics of violent and adult anime from the era of VHS tapes.</li><li>Engaging narrative: Set in an Old School cyberpunk world full of robots, the aesthetics of 90s anime merge with an action-packed environment.</li><li>Nostalgic soundtrack: Inspired by the synthwave genre, the soundtrack sets the tone and urban atmosphere of the game.</li><li>Evolve your character: Enhance your character with smart choices so that you can reach the top floor in the best possible time or you'll have to try again, all in the best Rogue-Lite style. But remember that each upgrade will affect how the game is played.</li></ul></div><p><a href="" imageanchor="1" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="" class="lazyload" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" alt="Mullet MadJack Releases A New Free DLC Crossover with Ultrakill! (2)" title="Mullet MadJack Releases A New Free DLC Crossover with Ultrakill! (2)" data-src="" data-src2="" onerror="if(this.src==this.getAttribute('data-src2')){onImageError(this,true)}else{this.src=this.getAttribute('data-src2')}"></a></p><h3 id="toc-1">ABOUT MULLET MADJACK</h3><p>Mullet MadJack is a highly fast-paced first-person action-adventure game designed for single-player. It draws inspiration from the Badass Old-School classic anime of the 80s and 90s, featuring a retro aesthetic and immersive gameplay that transports players back to the nostalgic era.</p><p>The game features vibrant colors, memorable characters, and a unique story, providing an authentic experience for both gaming enthusiasts and anime fans alike.</p><h3 id="toc-2">ABOUT HAMMER95 STUDIOS</h3><p>Hammer95 is a collective of 3 devs who love the aesthetic of old anime and aim to bring back that nostalgia!</p><p>For more information, please follow our social media profiles:<div class="sm:flex sm:items-center sm:justify-center sm:flex-row sm:space-x-1 insert" style="margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;"><ins class="adsbygoogle sm:w-1/2" style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid" data-full-width-responsive="true" data-ad-slot="7255837788" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7799263889923495" data-adtest="off"></ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script><ins class="adsbygoogle sm:w-1/2" style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid" data-full-width-responsive="true" data-ad-slot="7255837788" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7799263889923495" data-adtest="off"></ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div></p><div><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Tik Tok</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Twitter</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Instagram</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">YouTube</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Discord</a></li></ul></div><h3 id="toc-3">ABOUT EPOPEIA GAMES</h3><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Epopeia Games</a> is responsible for other games that have already been nominated for several awards, but now promises to innovate in terms of the farm game theme with its new release. Gaucho and the Grassland, which has already been awarded in the category: BEST REGIONAL ASSOCIATION GAME PITCH at the Big Festival 2022 in São Paulo, has a final release date planned for 2025, but in the future it will be released on other consoles such as Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4/5.</p><ul></ul><p><strong>Article by:</strong> <span>Susan N.</span></p><p>Share: <a href=";src=bm&amp;u=&amp;t=Mullet%20MadJack%20Releases%20A%20New%20Free%20DLC%20Crossover%20with%20Ultrakill!" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share this on Facebook"><i></i></a><a href="!%20--%20" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" title="Tweet This!"><i></i></a><a href=";media=;description=Mullet%20MadJack%20Releases%20A%20New%20Free%20DLC%20Crossover%20with%20Ultrakill!" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share on Pinterest"><i></i></a><span></span></p></div></section> <img class="lazyload" data-src=" MadJack Releases A New Free DLC Crossover with Ultrakill! (2025)" alt="Mullet MadJack Releases A New Free DLC Crossover with Ultrakill! (2025)" src=""/> <section> </section> </article> <h2 id="references" class="text-xl font-semibold mt-3 mb-3">References</h2> <ul class="ml-5 list-disc"> <li><a target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" class="text-sm break-all" href=""></a> </li> </ul> <div class="text-2xl font-semibold mt-5 mb-5">Top Articles</div> <div class="container-doc"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" Seeds: Benefits, Nutrients, Recipes and Side Effects" src=""/> <div class="group-hover:text-primary-500 block font-medium mt-5 text-2xl"> Pumpkin Seeds: Benefits, Nutrients, Recipes and Side Effects </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" You Eat *Too* Many Pumpkin Seeds? 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