Privacy and Terms of Use | California ISO

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class="dropdown-desc"><p>The California ISO manages the flow of electricity across high-voltage, long-distance power lines, operates a competitive wholesale energy market, and oversees transmission planning.</p></div> <div class="dropdown-desc-links"> <a href="">Job opportunities</a> <a href="/about/news/energy-matters-blog">Energy Matters blog</a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-5 border-lg-left px-lg-4"> <div class="row"> <!--<div class="col-sm-6">--> <div class="col-lg-6"> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/about/our-business" >Our business</a> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/about/our-leadership" >Our leadership</a> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/about/governance-committees" >Governance and committees</a> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/about/news" >Newsroom</a> </div> <div class="col-lg-6"> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/about/careers" >Careers</a> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/about/financials" >Financials</a> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/about/contact" >Contact 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non-discriminatory access to the transmission grid, supported by a competitive energy market for resources generating one megawatt or more.</p></div> <div class="dropdown-desc-links"> <a href="/generation-transmission/resource-adequacy/power-contracts-bulletin-board">Power Contracts Bulletin Board</a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-5 border-lg-left px-lg-4"> <div class="row"> <!--<div class="col-sm-6">--> <div class="col-lg-5"> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/generation-transmission/generation" >Generation</a> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/generation-transmission/transmission" >Transmission</a> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/generation-transmission/load" >Load</a> </div> <div class="col-lg-7"> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/generation-transmission/resource-adequacy" >Resource adequacy</a> <a class="dropdown-item " href="/generation-transmission/metering-telemetry" >Metering and telemetry</a> </div> <!--</div>--> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item dropdown"> 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All materials and information contained on this Website and the California ISO mobile application are made available subject to the Terms of Use, which must be agreed to by users as a condition to the use of this Website and the California ISO mobile application. </div> <p> The California ISO maintains a secured section on this Website to distribute and make available certain material and information that requires access control restrictions. Validated users who demonstrate a verifiable need-to-know will be granted access privileges to such secured section in accordance with the California ISO security procedures. Such security procedures require that potential users provide the California ISO with some personal information for access review, security background check, and secured section use purposes. Safeguarding the privacy of individuals seeking access to and visiting the secured section of this Website and the California ISO mobile application is of the utmost importance to the California ISO. </p> <h4> <i><strong>Information Collected and Stored</strong></i> </h4> <p> This Website and the California ISO mobile application (the “App”) use "cookies" and “anonymous identifiers” to help personalize your online experience and to collect usage statistics. Cookies store your site usage, preferences and user information, which will facilitate the future implementation of personalization and provides us valuable information for site and application improvements. Anonymous identifiers are random strings of characters that are used for the same purposes as a cookie on platforms, including certain mobile devices, where cookie technology is not available. </p> <p> If you prefer not to receive cookies while browsing this Website and the California ISO mobile application, you can set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies and refuse the cookie when your browser alerts you to its presence. You can also refuse all cookies by turning them off in your browser, although you may not be able to take full advantage of this Website and the California ISO mobile application if you do so. Except as described in this statement, we will not disclose your personal information unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. </p> <p> The California ISO also may permit third party analytics providers, such as Google Analytics, Fabric and Site Improve to use cookies and anonymous identifiers to collect and process certain non-personally identifiable information that helps us understand your usage of this Website and the California ISO mobile application. For example, Google Analytics may collect and process information such as how often users visit this Website or the California ISO mobile application, what pages they visit when they do so, and what other websites or mobile applications they used prior to coming to this Website or the California ISO mobile application.<br /> <br /> For information on how Google Analytics uses, stores and processes data, you should review “How Google uses data when you use our partners' websites located at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>. For information on how Fabric uses, stores and processes data for iOS, you should review “Privacy and Security” located at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>. For information on how Fabric uses, stores and processes data for Android, you should review “Privacy and Security” located at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>. For information on how Site Improve uses, stores and processes data, you should review “Privacy and Security” located at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>. </p> <p> If you require access to the secured section of this Website, you must complete the Application Access Request Form indicating, among other things, the reason for your need. If you meet the access requirements, you will be granted access privileges. You must agree to comply with the terms set forth in the <a href="#terms-of-use">Terms of Use</a> below. </p> <p> The information collected on the Access Request Form includes:<br /> <br /> The Requestor's: </p> <ul> <li> Company Name </li> <li> Name and Title </li> <li> Address </li> <li> Email </li> <li> Telephone Number </li> </ul> <p> <br /> The Requestor Supervisor's: </p> <ul> <li> Name and Title </li> <li> Address </li> <li> Email </li> <li> Telephone Number. </li> </ul> <p> <br /> Additional Information: </p> <ul> <li> Employment Verification Contact Name and Telephone Number (individual or HR Department) </li> <li> Job Function (requestor's job function, e.g., Grid Planner, Transmission Planner, etc.) </li> <li> Need-to-Know Reason (Detailed explanation of why you need access to restricted information.) </li> </ul> <p> <br /> This information is primarily collected to allow the California ISO to assess your need to access the secured section and to determine whether or not to grant you access privileges. The California ISO will store the collected information on a secured system with access control restrictions to protect its privacy. The California ISO will take additional steps, such as a background check, to validate and verify your identity based on the collected information. The California ISO will not divulge or share this information with any other individual or entity unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. </p> <h4> <i><strong>Security, Intrusion, and Detection</strong></i> </h4> <p> For site security purposes, and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, all network traffic is monitored in order to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage or conduct criminal activity. To protect the system from unauthorized use and to ensure that the system is functioning properly, individuals accessing the secured section are subject to having all of their activities monitored and recorded by personnel authorized to do so by the Information Security Service Department of the California ISO (and such monitoring and recording will be conducted). Anyone accessing the secured section expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals evidence of possible abuse or criminal activity, system personnel may provide the results of such monitoring to appropriate law enforcement agencies. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on, or otherwise cause damage to, the secured section are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under applicable federal and state laws and regulations. </p> <div> The California ISO does not collect information through its Website or the California ISO mobile application regarding consumers. There may be limited instances where the California ISO collects personal information about a California resident, such as through our Job Site. In those instances, the California ISO has implemented and will continue to maintain reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the information. These security procedures and practices are designed to protect the personal information from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification and disclosure. </div> <h2 id="terms-of-use"> <strong>Terms of Use</strong> </h2> <hr /> <div> <span>PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE OR MOBILE APPLICATION</span> </div> <div> <p> <strong>Created on: </strong><span>06/09/2003</span><br /> <strong>Last Updated on:</strong> 10/02/2018 </p> <div> By using this Website and the California ISO mobile application, you agree to adhere to these Terms of Use. Your use of this Website and the California ISO mobile application is conditioned on such agreement. Further, you expressly acknowledge that you use this Website and the California ISO mobile application at your sole risk. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Restrictions on Use of Materials</strong></i> </h4> <div> This Website and the California ISO mobile application is operated and maintained by the California Independent System Operator Corporation (referred to as the "California ISO" herein). No material or information from this Website or the California ISO mobile application may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed except (i) as authorized in these Terms of Use, (ii) as expressly authorized in the materials and/or information contained on this Website, or (iii) as expressly authorized in writing by the California ISO. </div> <div> Materials and information on this Website and the California ISO mobile application are provided as a public service. Most of the materials and information contained on this Website and the California ISO mobile application were generated, compiled or assembled from materials and information that are freely available for public use consistent with the general policies of the Public Records Act (California Government Code section 6250, et seq.), as provided by California Public Utilities Code section 345.5, and may be used by you provided that you keep intact all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices and that you credit the California ISO when using such materials and/or information. Third parties generated some of the materials and information contained on this Website and the California ISO mobile application, including, without limitation, icons and graphics used in links from this Website to other sites. You are reminded that you must respect the copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights of such third parties in such materials and/or information. If you seek to use or modify such materials and/or information, you should contact the third party provider directly. </div> <div> The California ISO maintains a secured section on this Website to distribute and make available certain material and information that requires access control restrictions. The Terms of Use applicable to such secured section includes the Additional Provisions set forth at the end of this document. </div> <div> Questions concerning the use of materials and/or information on this Website and the California ISO mobile application should be directed to <a href=""></a>. </div> <div> The California ISO reserves the right to change, without notice, these Terms of Use at any time. It is your responsibility to consult the most recent version of the Terms of Use (not an older cached version) each time you view this Website and the California ISO mobile application. Use of this Website and the California ISO mobile application constitutes your acceptance of these Terms of Use, in their current form at the time of such use. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Disclaimer of Liability</strong></i> </h4> <div> The California ISO shall not be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the materials and/or information described and/or contained on this Website and the California ISO mobile application and assumes no responsibility for user's use of them. In no event shall the California ISO be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this Website and the California ISO mobile application or materials and/or information contained hereon, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury relating to the use of this Website and the California ISO mobile application (including but not limited to those caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of materials and/or information contained on this Website and the California ISO mobile application) whether based on breach of contract, tortuous behavior, negligence or on any other legal theory or cause of action. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Disclaimer of Warranties / Freedom from Computer Viruses / Accuracy and Use of Information / Continuous Service</strong></i> </h4> <div> The materials and information contained on this Website and the California ISO mobile application are provided "AS IS" and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. The California ISO disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. </div> <div> The California ISO does not warrant that the functions contained in materials on this Website and the California ISO mobile application will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this Website and the California ISO mobile application or the server that makes it available are free from viruses or other harmful components. </div> <div> The California ISO does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the materials and/or information contained on this Website and the California ISO mobile application, or the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability, or usefulness of any such materials and/or information. Changes may be periodically made to source materials and/or information used on this Website and the California ISO mobile application , and such changes may or may not be reflected in the materials and/or information as presented on this Website and the California ISO mobile application. Additionally, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, materials and information freely available one day may be restricted the next day, or may become undiscoverable due to changes in the organization of menus, homepages or files. </div> <div> If you have obtained materials and/or information claimed to be from the California ISO from a source other than the California ISO or this Website and the California ISO mobile application, be aware that electronic data can be altered subsequent to original distribution. Also, data and information can quickly become out-of-date. It is recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of any metadata associated with a file, and that the originator of the data or information be contacted with any questions regarding its appropriate use. If you find any errors or omissions in the materials and/or information contained on this Website and the California ISO mobile application, we encourage you to report them to the California ISO Web Administrator (<a href=""></a>). </div> <h4> <i><strong>Disclaimer of Endorsement</strong></i> </h4> <div> Reference in this Website and the California ISO mobile application to any specific commercial product, process or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise, does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the California ISO. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Disclaimer for Hypertext Links</strong></i> </h4> <div> The California ISO is not responsible for the contents of any off-site materials referenced. The user specifically acknowledges that the California ISO is not liable for the defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of other users, links or third parties, and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. </div> <div> Links from this Website and the California ISO mobile application to other sites on the World Wide Web do not constitute an endorsement of the linked website and the California ISO mobile application by the California ISO. These links are provided for convenience and informational purposes only. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate the content and usefulness of materials and/or information obtained from other sites. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Indemnification</strong></i> </h4> <div> To the extent permitted by applicable law, user agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, the California ISO and/or its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against all claims and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of the user's use of this Website and the California ISO mobile application and the materials and/or information contained herein. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Choice of Law / Interpretation</strong></i> </h4> <div> These Terms of Use, including the legal disclaimers and indemnification, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. If any provision of these Terms of Use is declared unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from the other terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. </div> <h3> Additional Provisions Applicable To Secured Section Access </h3> <h4> <br /> <i><strong>Secured Access Privilege: User Account, Password, and Security</strong></i> </h4> <div> The California ISO maintains a secured section of this Website to distribute and make available certain materials and information that require access control restrictions. Validated users that demonstrate a verifiable need-to-know will be granted access privileges to such secured section in accordance with the California ISO's security procedures. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their assigned User ID and password, and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under their account. The California ISO shall not be liable or responsible in any respect for such use. </div> <h4> <i><strong>General Security Practices and Termination</strong></i> </h4> <div> Users of the secured section of this Website acknowledge that general security practices are employed in connection with the use of such secured section. The user will only be allowed read access and download privileges to files protected by copyright laws, as well as to files containing proprietary agreements. The California ISO has the right to log off accounts that are logged in and show no activity for more than a four-hour period of time, as well as account inactivity for more than 180 days. The California ISO reserves the right to change these general security practices at any time with or without notice. </div> <div> As a condition of the grant of access to the secured section, the user must agree that the California ISO, in its sole discretion, may terminate the user's account and its access privilege for any reason, including, without limitation, for lack of use of such secured section or if the California ISO believes that the user has violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of any of the Terms of Use. The user must also agree that any termination of its access privileges may be effected without prior notice, and that the California ISO may at any time immediately deactivate or delete the user's account and bar the user from further access to the secured section of the Website. Furthermore, the user must agree that the California ISO shall not be liable in any respect to the user or to any third-party for any termination of the user's access to the secured section of the Website. </div> </div> <h2 id="api-terms-of-use"> <strong>API Terms of Use</strong> </h2> <hr /> <p> <strong>Created on: </strong>08/22/2019<br /> <strong>Last Updated on:</strong> 08/22/2019 </p> <h4> <i><strong>Introduction</strong></i> </h4> <div> By using the CAISO API you are agreeing to the terms and conditions contained below (“Terms”). Your license to use the CAISO API is conditioned upon your agreement and conformant with the Terms. We reserve the right to update and otherwise amend the Terms from time to time without notice. </div> <h4> <i><strong>License</strong></i> </h4> <div> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">License grant.</span> CAISO hereby grants you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicenseable, non-transferable, limited license to use the CAISO API solely in accordance with the Terms. Your license is automatically revoked if (i) you violate any of the Terms, (ii) we send a written notice of termination to you, or (iii) we disable your use of the CAISO API. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Restrictions</strong></i> </h4> <div> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Adverse and Excessive Use.</span> Users are prohibited from using the CAISO API in a manner that adversely impacts the performance of CAISO's systems, including but not limited to CAISO's servers or other applications. The ISO reserves the right to suspend or terminate a user's access to the CAISO API if that user is connecting to or retrieving data from an ISO Production system for non-production purposes or is using CAISO systems in an excessive or unnecessary manner that adversely impacts the performance of those systems. </div> <div> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monitoring.</span> You may not use or access the CAISO API for purposes of monitoring the availability, performance or functionality of any of CAISO's systems or services or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes. </div> <div> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Third Party Access.</span> You may provide access to the CAISO API to third party developers (e.g. agencies or partners). You are responsible for ensuring that any third party to whom you provide access abides by the Terms. Further, CAISO reserves the right to reject third party access to the CAISO API. </div> <div> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Laws; Regulations; Privacy Policy.</span> You may not use the CAISO API in any manner or for any purpose that violates any law, regulation, code or any rights of any person or entity, including but not limited to intellectual property rights or rights of privacy. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Ownership</strong></i> </h4> <div> CAISO owns all right, title and interest in and to the CAISO API and CAISO Data. For the purpose of these Terms of Use, “CAISO Data” means any and all data and other intellectual property in which CAISO may claim proprietary rights without conflict to any pre-existing contractual agreement. These terms grant you no right, title or interest in any intellectual property owned or licensed by CAISO, including without limitation the CAISO API and any CAISO Data. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Disclaimer of Warranty</strong></i> </h4> <div> The CAISO API is provided “as is” and CAISO disclaims all warranties, conditions, or representations (express, implied, oral or written) with respect to the CAISO API and any support related thereto, including all warranties of merchantability, compatibility, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, non-interference, accuracy of data, and warranties arising from a course of dealing. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Limitation of Liability</strong></i> </h4> <div> The following limitations of liability apply irrespective of any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy, and also apply regardless of the legal or equitable theory on which damages are sought. </div> <div> TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, TORT, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL CAISO BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY MONEY DAMAGES, WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF EARNINGS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF CONTRACT OR LOSS OF GOODWILL, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE CAISO API OR CAISO DATA, EVEN IF CAISO SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY, AND REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE). </div> <h4> <i><strong>Release and Waiver</strong></i> </h4> <div> To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby release and waive all claims against CAISO, and its, officers, agents, licensors, and employees from any and all liability for claims, damages (actual and/or consequential), costs and expenses (including litigation costs and attorneys' fees) of every kind and nature, arising from or in any way related to your use of the CAISO API. If you are a California resident, you waive your rights under California Civil Code 1542, which states, “A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.” You understand that any fact relating to any matter covered by this release may be found to be other than now believed to be true and you accept and assume the risk of such possible differences in fact. In addition, you expressly waive and relinquish any and all rights and benefits which you may have under any other state or federal statute or common law principle of similar effect, to the fullest extent permitted by law. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Hold Harmless and Indemnity</strong></i> </h4> <div> To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to hold harmless and indemnify CAISO and its officers, agents, licensors, employees and agents from and against any third party claim arising from or in any way related to your use of the CAISO API, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and/or consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs and attorneys' fees, of every kind and nature. CAISO will use good faith efforts to provide you with prompt written notice of such claim, suit or action. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Modifications to CAISO API</strong></i> </h4> <div> CAISO will occasionally make changes to its API, including backwards incompatible changes. Accordingly, you should consider registering at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a> to access API specifications and scheduled modifications. Also, parts of the CAISO API are undocumented, including certain methods, events, and properties. Given that these undocumented aspects of the CAISO API may change at any time, you should not rely on their behaviors. </div> <h4> <i><strong>Miscellaneous</strong></i> </h4> <div> The Terms are governed by the laws of the State of California (excluding any rule or principle that would refer to and apply the substantive law of another state or jurisdiction). Further, you and CAISO agree that any claim or cause of action under or relating to the Terms must be brought in the state or federal courts located in Sacramento, California and you agree to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of such courts. The Terms constitute the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter stated herein, and supersedes all previous communications, representations, understandings, and agreements, either oral, electronic, or written. If any provision of the Terms, or the application thereof, is for any reason and to any extent determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, a valid provision that most closely matches the intent of the original will be substituted and the remaining provisions of the Terms will be interpreted so as best to reasonably affect its original intent. </div> <h2 id="flex-alert-terms-of-service"> <strong>Flex Alert Terms of Service</strong> </h2> <hr /> <p> <strong>Created on: </strong>07/01/2021<br /> <strong>Last Updated on:</strong> 07/01/2021 </p> <h4> <i><strong>Introduction</strong></i> </h4> <div> <p> A Flex Alert is a call for consumers to voluntarily conserve electricity when there is an anticipated shortage of energy supply, especially if the grid operator needs to use reserves to maintain grid integrity. When consumers reduce electricity use during a Flex Alert, it can prevent more dire emergency measures, including rotating power outages. <a href="">Learn more about Flex Alerts</a>. </p> </div> <h4> <i><strong>Email Terms of Service</strong></i> </h4> <div> <ol> <li> You can cancel the Email service at any time by clicking Unsubscribe link in the bottom of each Flex Alert email. We will send you an email to confirm that you have been unsubscribed. After this, you will no longer receive Flex Alert emails from us. If you want to join again, just sign up from the settings page in your paired browser and we will start sending Flex Alert emails to you again. </li> <li> If you are experiencing issues with the email program you can get help by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">contacting us</a>. </li> <li> Email frequency varies but should be less than 30 messages/month. </li> </ol> </div> <h4> <i><strong>SMS Terms of Service</strong></i> </h4> <div> <ol> <li> You can cancel the SMS service at any time. Just text "<strong>STOP</strong>" to the short code. After you send the SMS message "<strong>STOP</strong>" to us, we will send you an SMS message to confirm that you have been unsubscribed. After this, you will no longer receive SMS messages from us. If you want to join again, just sign up from the settings page in your paired browser and we will start sending SMS messages to you again. </li> <li> If you are experiencing issues with the messaging program you can reply with the keyword <strong>HELP</strong> for more assistance, or you can get help by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">contacting us</a>. </li> <li> Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages. </li> <li> As always, message and data rates may apply for any messages sent to you from us and to us from you. Message frequency varies but should be less than 30 messages/month. If you have any questions about your text plan or data plan, it is best to contact your wireless provider. </li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer id="footer"> <div class="fat-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-5"> <h5>California ISO</h5> <ul class="row"> <li class="col-md-4 col-lg-6"> <a href="/about">About</a> </li> <li class="col-md-4 col-lg-6"> <a href="/emergency-notifications">Emergency notifications</a> </li> <li class="col-md-4 col-lg-6"> <a href="/about/news">Newsroom</a> </li> <li class="col-md-4 col-lg-6"> <a href="/legal-regulatory/business-practice-manuals">Business Practice Manuals</a> </li> <li class="col-md-4 col-lg-6"> <a href="/about/governance-committees">Governance and committees</a> </li> <li class="col-md-4 col-lg-6"> <a href="/legal-regulatory/tariff">Tariff</a> </li> <li class="col-md-4 col-lg-6"> <a href="/about/careers">Careers</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-8 col-lg-5"> <h5>Related websites</h5> <ul class="row"> <li class="col-md-6"> <a href="">OASIS</a> </li> <li class="col-md-6"> <a href="">Market Participant Portal</a> </li> <li class="col-md-6"> <a href="">Western Energy Markets</a> </li> <li class="col-md-6"> <a href="">WEIM Portal</a> </li> <li class="col-md-6"> <a href="">RC Portal</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-lg-2"> <h5>Support</h5> <ul class="row"> <li class="col-12"> <a href="/about/contact">Contact us</a> </li> <li class="col-12"> <a href="/stakeholder/training">Training center</a> </li> <li class="col-12"> <a href="">Developer Portal</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bottom-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row notifications"> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="iso-today"> <a href="/iso-today">ISO Today</a> <span class="desc">Free mobile app to monitor grid conditions, receive alerts and track calendar events.</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="daily-briefing"> <a href="/daily-briefing">Daily Briefing</a> <span class="desc">Daily email summarizing the day&#039;s notices.</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="news"> <a href="/about/news/news-releases">News releases</a> <span class="desc">Email with the latest Board of Governors decisions and breaking developments.</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="flex-alert"> <a href="">Flex Alert</a> <span class="desc">A call for consumers to voluntarily conserve electricity when there is a predicted shortage of energy supply.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 text-center"> <div class="social-container"> <h5>Follow Us</h5> <ul class="social"> <li class="bluesky"><a href="">Bluesky</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a href="">X (Twitter)</a></li> <li class="facebook"><a href="">Facebook</a></li> <li class="linkedin"><a href="">LinkedIn</a></li> <li class="youtube"><a href="">YouTube</a></li> </ul> <a href="/subscriptions" class="btn btn-xs btn-outline-gray mt-2 mt-md-0">Subscriptions</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row basement"> <div class="col-12"> <p class="copyright">Copyright &copy;&nbsp;2025 California Independent System Operator. 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