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We provide a host of technologically-advanced services including <a href=\"/specialties/cardiology/\">cardiovascular care<\/a>, <a href=\"/specialties/neurological-care\">neurological care<\/a>, <a href=\"/specialties/orthopedic-care\">orthopedic care<\/a> and general surgery.<\/p>","orgLevel":"Facility","title":"Regional Medical Center of San Jose","taleoFacilityId":"08385","type":"[Hospital]","division":"Far West","hcaLineOfBusiness":"Hospital Operations","mhoEnabled":"true","default":"[Yes]","programName":"","financialServiceNumber":"pricing-estimate~Regional Medical Center of San Jose~888-253-1108\ncustomer-service~Regional Medical Center of San Jose~800-307-7135","marketingSpecialty":"n/a","primaryGradient":"#0074B8","id":"97a91930-65f4-41ca-a421-5f974a8338ba","state":"CA","fax":"(408) 729-2884","lat":"37.362568","group":"American","zip":"95116","ctaButton":"","image":"/contentAsset/raw-data/97a91930-65f4-41ca-a421-5f974a8338ba/image","hours":"","lng":"-121.849745","address2":"","urlTitle":"","contactEmail":"","address1":"225 North Jackson Ave","secondaryCtaButton":"","coid":"08385","rsid":"","erFeed":"`Regional Medical Center","accessPoint":"regional-medical-center-of-san-jose","legalChargeMaster":{"legalChargeMasterDisclaimer":{"identifier":"b1127969-45cf-437d-be7e-1cd43d9abaab","title":"DISCLAIMER A - DEFAULT","disclaimerContent":"<p>The attached machine-readable file contains certain charge and rate information for items and services that may be offered by Regional Medical Center of San Jose (including any additional hospital campus(es) and off-site emergency department(s) listed in the file). This information is subject to the following:<\/p>\n\n<ol>\n <li>The file does <strong><u>not<\/u><\/strong> contain information concerning patient's expected <strong>copayments, deductible amounts, or coinsurance obligations. For payment estimates specific to the amount you may owe for items and services you may receive at this hospital, please call <a href=\"tel:\" class=\"pfa-call\"><\/a>.<\/strong><\/li>\n <li>The file will be fully updated on an annual basis. The \"Last Full Update\" date contained in the file reflects the date the file was last fully updated. The file may also contain technical revisions, corrections or additions after the Last Full Update, which are noted using a \"Last Revision\" date. Changes in charges, rates, network participation or other data elements that become effective following the date of the Last Full Update may not be shown, regardless of the Last Revision date.<\/li>\n <li>Rates are based upon the specific facts and circumstances of the care provided to an individual patient. For example, the items and services furnished to the patient (i.e., drugs and implants) vary by patient circumstance and the product used.<\/li>\n <li>Comparisons of rates within the file between payers or comparison of files between hospitals <strong><u>will not<\/u><\/strong> reflect distinctions in prices due to variations in pricing methodology. For example, if an item or service is priced as a case rate (a set rate for an episode of care) with a particular payer or for a particular hospital, but as a per day rate with a different payer or hospital, then these rates cannot be compared without first determining the patient's length of stay and then applying the applicable contractual enhancements (e.g., stoploss or trauma activation).<\/li>\n <li>The file does not include information for non-facility items and services, including the rates for care provided by physicians and other professionals that are not Regional Medical Center of San Jose employees.<\/li>\n <li>The minimum and maximum results in the file represent the high and low payer-specific negotiated charge by service description. Because items and services are priced differently by payers (i.e., case rate, daily rate, base rate), the minimum and maximum rates may not reflect the highest or lowest dollar value for a given service across all payers. For example, the maximum rate for an item may show Payer A's rate (the highest rate shown), but when the payers' rates are applied to an actual patient stay, Payer B;s rate may in fact be the maximum rate for that particular stay.<\/li>\n <li>In the case of multi-campus hospitals, the file is encoded with location data for each hospital location for inpatient or emergency services that is on the same license and uses the same standard charges. Some locations may offer a more limited set of items and services, and some items and services may be available at certain locations but not others<\/li>\n<\/ol>"},"drgFileName":"FarWestDivision_RegionalMedicalCenterOfSanJose_DRG.csv","id":"afb47b66-4007-4ddc-b181-34eef40bdd29","facilityName":"Regional Medical Center of San Jose","cmFileName":"77-0498674_REGIONAL-MEDICAL-CENTER-OF-SAN-JOSE_standardcharges"},"market":"","phone":"(408) 259-5000","sortOrder":"0","billPayValue":"ODM4NQ==","extraCtaButton":"","secondaryGradient":"#067F5A","providerLocationUrlTitle":"","secondaryColor":"#00805d"}]; var hostCurrentLocationUrl = ""; var hostCurrentLocationTitle = ""; var hostFacilityName = "Regional Medical Center of San Jose"; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//" defer></script> </head> <body class="page-aside-right page-aside-right-default patients unified interior theme-2016 "> <div id="page-wrap"> <a href="#page" tabindex="1" id="skip-nav-accessibility-aid">Skip to main content</a> <!--[if lte IE 9]> <div id="update-browser-warning" class="alert alert-info"> <strong>You are using an outdated browser</strong> <p>It is limiting your browser experience. 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This move would enable the County to integrate RMC with the Santa Clara Valley Healthcare system operated by the County.</p> <div class="emergency-alerts-content__links"> <a class="emergency-alert__link" data-analytics='{"feature": "ea", "name": "linkClick"}' href="">Read more</a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div><!-- /header-wrap --> <div id="page"> <div class="heading-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <h1 id="section-heading" class="heading-underline">Patient Rights & Responsibilities</h1> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-fluid bread-crumb-wrapper hidden-xs"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="breadcrumb"> <ul> <li> <a href="/"> <i class="icon-sl-house-2" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only" aria-label="Home" >Regional Medical Center of San Jose</span> </a> <meta content="1" /> <span class="separator">/</span> </li> <li> <a href='/patients'><span>Patients & Visitors</span></a> <meta content="2" /> <span class="separator">/</span> </li> <li>Patient Rights & Responsibilities</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="featured-wrap"> <div id="featured"> </div> </div><!-- /featured-wrap --> <div id="content-wrap"> <div class="row"> <aside id="aside-a" role="complementary"> <div id="sub-navigation-menu"> <div class="field-icon"> <i class="icon icon-sort-desc-custom"></i> <i class="icon icon-angle-down"></i> <select class="form-control" onchange="openPage(this);"> <option value="--">Sub Menu</option> <option value="/patients">Patients & Visitors</option> <option value="/patients/pluscarenetwork">Plus Care Network</option> <option value="/patients/covid-19">COVID-19</option> <option value="/patients/">Patient Rights & Responsibilities</option> <option value="/patients/">Accepted Insurance Plans</option> <option value="/patients/">Campus Amenities</option> <option value="/patients/">For visitors</option> <option value="/patients/">DAISY Award for Nurses</option> <option value="/patients/">Surgery Text Messaging</option> <option value="/patients/">Local Guide</option> <option value="/patients/">Medical Records</option> <option value="/patients/patient-information">Patient Information</option> <option value="">Patient Financial Resource</option> <option value="">MyHealthONE®</option> <option value="/patients/">Registration Information</option> <option value="">Patient Payment Estimator</option> <option value="/patients/">Care During a Public Health Emergency</option> </select> </div> <div class="card"> <ul class="lvl2 card-nav"> <li class="heading"> <a href="/patients" class="cdp-sideNav">Patients & Visitors</a> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/pluscarenetwork" class="cdp-sideNav">Plus Care Network</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/covid-19" class="cdp-sideNav">COVID-19</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li class="active"> <a href="/patients/" class="active cdp-sideNav">Patient Rights & Responsibilities</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/" class="cdp-sideNav">Accepted Insurance Plans</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/" class="cdp-sideNav">Campus Amenities</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/" class="cdp-sideNav">For visitors</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/" class="cdp-sideNav">DAISY Award for Nurses</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/" class="cdp-sideNav">Surgery Text Messaging</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/" class="cdp-sideNav">Local Guide</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/" class="cdp-sideNav">Medical Records</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/patient-information" class="cdp-sideNav">Patient Information</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="" class="cdp-sideNav">Patient Financial Resource</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="" class="cdp-sideNav">MyHealthONE®</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/" class="cdp-sideNav">Registration Information</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="" class="cdp-sideNav">Patient Payment Estimator</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> <li> <a href="/patients/" class="cdp-sideNav">Care During a Public Health Emergency</a> <hr aria-hidden="true"> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </aside> <section id="content-main"> <main role="main"> <div class="article-pre"> </div><!-- /article-pre --> <article id="content-main-body"> <div class="syndicated-web-page-content"> <div class="privacy_statement_language"> <a class="right" href="?lang=sp">En Espa帽ol</a> <br><br> </div> <ul class="clear"> <li><a href="#patient-rights">Patient Rights</a></li> <li><a href="#patient-responsibilities">Patient Responsibilities</a></li> <li><a href="#visitation-rights">Visitation Rights</a></li> </ul> <hr /> <h2 id="patient-rights">PATIENT RIGHTS</h2> <p><em>Regional Medical Center of San Jose respects the dignity and pride of each individual we serve. We comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, disability, race, color, ancestry, citizenship, religion, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, medical condition, marital status, veteran status, payment source or ability, or any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law. Each individual shall be informed of the patient's rights and responsibilities in advance of administering or discontinuing patient care. We adopt and affirm as policy the following rights of patient/clients who receive services from our facilities:</em></p> <h3>Considerate and Respectful Care</h3> <ul> <li>To receive <strong>ethical, high-quality, safe and professional care</strong> without discrimination</li> <li>To be free from all forms of <strong>abuse and harassment</strong></li> <li>To be treated with <strong>consideration, respect and recognition</strong> of their individuality, including the need for privacy in treatment. This includes the right to request the facility provide a person of one's own gender to be present during certain parts of physical examinations, treatments or procedures performed by a health professional of the opposite sex, except in emergencies, and the right not to remain undressed any longer than is required for accomplishing the medical purpose for which the patient was asked to undress</li> </ul> <h3>Information regarding Health Status and Care</h3> <ul> <li>To be <strong>informed of his/her health status</strong> in terms that patient can reasonably be expected to understand, and to participate in the development and the implementation of his/her plan of care and treatment</li> <li>The right to be informed of the <strong>names and functions</strong> of all physicians and other health care professionals who are providing direct care to the patient</li> <li>The right to be informed about any <strong>continuing health care requirements</strong> after his/her discharge from the hospital. The patient shall also have the right to receive assistance from the physician and appropriate hospital staff in arranging for required follow-up care after discharge.</li> <li>To be informed of <strong>risks, benefits and side effects</strong> of all medications and treatment procedures, particularly those considered innovative or experimental </li> <li>To be informed of all appropriate <strong>alternative treatment procedures</strong></li> <li>To be informed of the <strong>outcomes</strong> of care, treatment and services</li> <li>To appropriate assessment and <strong>management of pain</strong></li> <li>To be informed if the hospital has authorized <strong>other health care and/or education institutions</strong> to participate in the patient's treatment. The patient shall also have a right to know the identity and function of these institutions, and may refuse to allow their participation in his/her treatment</li> </ul> <h3>Decision Making and Notification</h3> <ul> <li>To choose a person to be his/her <strong>healthcare representative and/or decision maker</strong>. The patient may also exercise his/her right to exclude any family members from participating in his/her healthcare decisions.</li> <li>To have a family member, chosen representative and/or his or her own physician notified promptly of <strong>admission</strong> to the hospital</li> <li>To <strong>request or refuse treatment</strong>. This right must not be construed as a mechanism to demand the provision of treatment or services deemed medically unnecessary or inappropriate</li> <li>To be included in <strong>experimental research</strong> only when he or she gives informed, written consent to such participation. The patient may refuse to participate in experimental research, including the investigations of new drugs and medical devices</li> <li>To formulate <strong>advance directives</strong> and have hospital staff and practitioners who provide care in the hospital comply with these directives</li> <li>To <strong>leave the</strong> healthcare facility against one's physician's advice to the extent permitted by law</li> </ul> <h3>Access to Services</h3> <ul> <li>To receive, as soon as possible, the free services of a <strong>translator and/or interpreter, telecommunications devices</strong>, and any other necessary services or devices to facilitate communication between the patient and the hospitals' health care personnel (e.g., qualified interpreters, written information in other languages, large print, accessible electronic formats)</li> <li>To bring a service animal into the facility, except where service animals are specifically prohibited pursuant to facility policy (e.g., operating rooms, patient units where a patient is immunosuppressed or in isolation)</li> <li>To <strong>pastoral counseling</strong> and to take part in <strong>religious and/or social activities</strong> while in the hospital, unless one's doctor thinks these activities are not medically advised</li> <li>To <strong>safe, secure and sanitary accommodation</strong> and a nourishing, well balanced and varied diet</li> <li>To access people outside the facility by means of verbal and written <strong>communication</strong></li> <li>To have <strong>accessibility</strong> to facility buildings and grounds. Regional Medical Center of San Jose recognizes the Americans with Disabilities Act, a wide-ranging piece of legislation intended to make American society more accessible to people with disabilities. The policy is available upon request</li> <li>To a prompt and reasonable <strong>response to questions and requests</strong> for service</li> <li>To meet with others and participate in activities of social, religious and community groups</li> <li>To request a discharge planning evaluation</li> </ul> <h3>Access to Medical Records</h3> <ul> <li>To have his/her <strong>medical records</strong>, including all computerized medical information, kept confidential and to access information within a reasonable time frame. The patient may decide who may receive copies of the records except as required by law</li> <li>Upon leaving the healthcare facility, patients have the right to obtain <strong>copies</strong> of their medical records </li> </ul> <h3>Ethical Decisions</h3> <ul> <li>To participate in <strong>ethical decisions</strong> that may arise in the course of care including issues of conflict resolution, withholding resuscitative services, foregoing or withdrawal of life sustaining treatment, and participation in investigational studies or clinical trials</li> <li>If the healthcare facility or its team decides that the patient's refusal of treatment prevents him/her from receiving appropriate care according to ethical and professional standards, the <strong>relationship with the patient</strong> may be terminated</li> </ul> <h3>Protective Services</h3> <ul> <li>To access <strong>protective and advocacy services</strong></li> <li>To be <strong>free from restraints</strong> of any form that are not medically necessary or are used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation by staff</li> <li>The patient who receives treatment for <strong>mental illness or developmental disability</strong>, in addition to the rights listed herein, has the rights provided by any applicable state law</li> <li>To all <strong>legal and civil rights</strong> as a citizen unless otherwise prescribed by law</li> <li>To have upon request an impartial review of <strong>hazardous treatments</strong> or irreversible surgical treatments prior to implementation except in emergency procedures necessary to preserve one's life</li> <li>To an impartial review of alleged <strong>violations of patient rights</strong></li> <li>To expect <strong>emergency procedures</strong> to be carried out without unnecessary delay</li> <li>To give consent to a procedure or treatment and to access the information necessary to provide such consent</li> <li>To not be required to perform <strong>work for the facility</strong> unless the work is part of the patient's treatment and is done by choice of the patient</li> <li>To file a complaint with the Department of Health or other quality improvement, accreditation or other certifying bodies if he /she has a concern about <strong>patient abuse</strong>, neglect, about misappropriation of a patient's property in the facility or other unresolved complaint, patient safety or quality concern</li> </ul> <h3>Payment and Administration</h3> <ul> <li>To examine and receive an explanation of the patient's <strong>healthcare facility's bill</strong> regardless of source of payment, and may receive upon request, information relating to the availability of known financial resources </li> <li>A patient who is eligible for <strong>Medicare</strong> has the right to know, upon request and in advance of treatment, whether the health care provider or health care facility accepts the Medicare assignment rate</li> <li>To receive, upon request, prior to treatment, a reasonable <strong>estimate of charges</strong> for medical care </li> <li>To be informed in writing about the <strong>facility policies and procedures</strong> for initiation, review and resolution of patient complaints, including the address and telephone number of where complaints may be filed </li> <li>To be free from any requirement to purchase drugs or rent or purchase medical supplies or equipment from any particular source in accordance with the provisions of Section 1320 of the Health and Safety Code.</li> </ul> <h3>Additional Patient Rights</h3> <ul> <li>Except in emergencies, the patient may be <strong>transferred to another facility</strong> only with a full explanation of the reason for transfer, provisions for continuing care and acceptance by the receiving institution</li> <li>To initiate their own contact with the <strong>media</strong></li> <li>To get the <strong>opinion of another physician</strong>, including specialists, at the request and expense of the patient</li> <li>To wear appropriate personal clothing and <strong>religious or other symbolic items</strong>, as long as they do not interfere with diagnostic procedures or treatment </li> <li>To request a <strong>transfer to another room</strong> if another patient or a visitor in the room is unreasonably disturbing him/her</li> <li>To request pet visitation except where animals are specifically prohibited pursuant to the facility's policies (e.g., operating rooms, patient units where a patient is immunosuppressed or in isolation) </li> </ul> <h2 id="patient-responsibilities">PATIENT RESPONSIBILITIES</h2> <p>The care a patient receives depends partially on the patient him/herself. Therefore, in addition to the above rights, a patient has certain responsibilities. These should be presented to the patient in the spirit of mutual trust and respect.</p> <ul> <li>To provide accurate and complete information concerning his/her health status, medical history, hospitalizations, medications and other matters related to his/her health</li> <li>To report perceived risks in his/her care and unexpected changes in his/her condition to the responsible practitioner</li> <li>To report comprehension of a contemplated course of action and what is expected of the patient, and to ask questions when there is a lack of understanding</li> <li>To follow the plan of care established by his/her physician, including the instructions of nurses and other health professionals as they carry out the physician's orders</li> <li>To keep appointments or notifying the facility or physician when he/she is unable to do so</li> <li>To be responsible for his/her actions should he/she refuse treatment or not follow his/her physician's orders</li> <li>To assure that the financial obligations of his/her healthcare care are fulfilled as promptly as possible</li> <li>To follow facility policies, procedures, rules and regulations</li> <li>To be considerate of the rights of other patients and facility personnel</li> <li>To be respectful of his/her personal property and that of other persons in the facility</li> <li>To help staff to assess pain, request relief promptly, discuss relief options and expectations with caregivers, work with caregivers to develop a pain management plan, tell staff when pain is not relieved, and communicate worries regarding pain medication</li> <li>To inform the facility of a violation of patient rights or any safety concerns, including perceived risk in his/her care and unexpected changes in their condition </li> </ul> <h2 id="visitation-rights">VISITATION RIGHTS</h2> <p><em>Regional Medical Center of San Jose recognizes the importance of family, spouses, partners, friends and other visitors in the care process of patients. We adopt and affirm as policy the following visitation rights of patients/clients who receive services from our facilities:</em></p> <ul> <li>To be informed of their visitation rights, including any clinical restriction or limitation of their visitation rights </li> <li>To designate visitors, including but not limited to a spouse, a domestic partner (including same sex), family members, and friends. These visitors will not be restricted or otherwise denied visitation privileges on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability. All visitors will enjoy full and equal visitation privileges consistent with any clinically necessary or other reasonable restriction or limitation that facilities may need to place on such rights</li> <li>To receive visits from one's attorney, physician or clergyperson at any reasonable time</li> <li>To speak privately with anyone he/she wishes (subject to hospital visiting regulations) unless a doctor does not think it is medically advised</li> <li>To refuse visitors</li> <li>Media representatives and photographers must contact the hospital spokesperson for access to the hospital</li> </ul> </div> </article><!-- /main-content --> <div class="article-post"> </div><!-- /article-post --> </main><!-- /main --> </section><!-- /content-main --> <aside id="aside-b" role="complementary"> </aside><!-- /aside-b --> </div><!-- /row --> </div><!-- /content-wrap --> <div id="post-content-wrap"> <div id="post-content"> </div> </div><!-- /post-content-wrap --> </div><!-- /page --> <div 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Actual results returned from querying the feeds var er_feeds = []; // List of actual URLs to query and status var total_er_feeds = 0; var er_feeds_processed = 0; var er_use_cufon = false; var er_max_feed_attempts = 5; var er_feed_attempt_interval = 2000; var feed_pub_datetime = ""; var feed_pub_date = ""; var feed_pub_time = ""; var er_wait_time_loaded = false; // Initialize google feeds for AJAX query of ER Feeds // google.load("feeds", "1"); // On Page Load, get the feed $(window).load(function () { // vars var er_feed_names = []; // Unique list of feed names from the widget data // Save all the required feeds to a list removing duplicates if(widget_data.feed_titles.length > 0) { $(widget_data.feed_titles).each(function() { var found = false; var facility_title = $.trim(this); // Look up feeds from feed titles for(var i = 0; i < er_feed_names.length; i++) { // If it already is in the list, its a dup, ignore it if(facility_title == er_feed_names[i]) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) { er_feed_names.push(facility_title); } }); } else { // Only a single record, check for dups var found = false; // Look up feeds from feed titles for(var i = 0; i < er_feed_names.length; i++) { // If it already is in the list, its a dup, ignore it if(widget_data.feed_titles == er_feed_names[i]) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) { er_feed_names.push(widget_data.feed_titles); } } // Only setup the drop down functionality if dropdown is selected // ONLY 1 DROPDOWN per page will function correctly if(widget_data.facilities.length > 2) { $('.ehc-er-disclaimer').hide(); $('.ehc-er-facility-select').change(function() { if($(this).val() == 'Select Facility') { $('.ehc-er-facility-option[rel]').hide(); $('.ehc-er-disclaimer').hide(); $('.ehc-er-facility-dropdown-message').show(); } else { $('.ehc-er-facility-option[rel]').hide(); $('li[rel="ER Time '+$(this).val() + '"]').show(); $('.ehc-er-facility-dropdown-message').hide(); $('.ehc-er-disclaimer').show(); } }); } // Cache the widget data er_widget_data.push(widget_data); // Look up the actual feed URL and other info in the global variable ER_WAIT_TIME_FEEDS for (var i = 0; i < er_feed_names.length; i ++) { for (var j = 0; j < ER_WAIT_TIME_FEEDS.length; j++) { if (er_feed_names[i] == ER_WAIT_TIME_FEEDS[j].feed_name) { // console.log("feed name "+ER_WAIT_TIME_FEEDS[j].feed_name); var er_feed_map = { "feed_info" : ER_WAIT_TIME_FEEDS[j], "status" : "setup" }; er_feeds.push(er_feed_map); total_er_feeds = total_er_feeds + 1; break; } } } // Go through each feed and cache the feed data $(er_feeds).each(function() { getFeed(this); // console.log("get some feeds") }); // Sleep in an iterative loop and use a for loop to check if all feeds were successful setTimeout(function(){checkFeedsForSuccess(0)},3000); }); // Recursive function - need to make sure it stops itself after max feed attempts is reached function checkFeedsForSuccess(attempts) { // Double check and make sure that not all feeds have returned if(er_feeds_processed != total_er_feeds) { // Hide message, show loader // $('.ehc-er-loading .ehc-er-load-message').hide(); // $('.ehc-er-loading img').show(); $('.ehc-er-wait').addClass('feed-loading').removeClass('feed-error'); // Check feeds var done_searching = true; $(er_feeds).each(function() { if(this.status != "success") { getFeed(this); done_searching = false; } }); attempts = attempts + 1; if (attempts < er_max_feed_attempts && !done_searching) { t=setTimeout("checkFeedsForSuccess("+attempts+")",er_feed_attempt_interval); } else { if (typeof console !== "undefined") { console.log("Too many tries") } // Max tries, hide the loading bar and present message (retry calls this method again) $('.ehc-er-wait').addClass('feed-error').removeClass('feed-loading'); // $('.ehc-er-loading .ehc-er-load-message').show() // .html("Could not retrieve ER feeds. <a href='javascript:checkFeedsForSuccess(0)'>Retry</a>"); } } } // Retrieves the feed and sends the JSON data to processFeed function getFeed(er_feed_map,fallback) { var er_feed_url = er_feed_map.feed_info.json_url, division_feed = er_feed_map.feed_info.feed_name; $.support.cors = true; var json_request; if (window.XDomainRequest) { // keep old url er_feed_url = location.protocol+"//"; er_feed_url += (location.protocol.indexOf("https") > -1) ? "" : ""; er_feed_url += "/src/widgets/er-wait-times/pages/"+division_feed; json_request = new XDomainRequest();"GET",er_feed_url); } else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // modern browsers supported IE11+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari json_request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET",er_feed_url,true); } else { json_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); er_feed_url = location.protocol+"//"; er_feed_url += (location.protocol.indexOf("https") > -1) ? "" : ""; er_feed_url += "/src/widgets/er-wait-times/pages/"+division_feed; json_request = new XDomainRequest();"GET",er_feed_url); } json_request.onload = function() { var JSON = $.parseJSON(json_request.responseText); if (JSON == null || typeof (JSON) == 'undefined') { JSON = $.parseJSON(data.firstChild.textContent); } getFeedSuccess(JSON,er_feed_map); } json_request.send(); json_request.onerror = function () { er_feed_map.status = "fail"; }; } function getFeedSuccess(data,er_feed_map) { var items =; if (items.length > 0) { $(items).each(function() { // Add all variables from feed into JS array var feed_result = []; er_feed_map.status = "success"; feed_result.feed_info = er_feed_map.feed_info; feed_result.facility = this.title; feed_result.pub_date = this.pubDate; feed_result.er_time = this.description; feed_result.pub_date_formatted = false; er_feed_results.push(feed_result); }); er_feeds_processed = er_feeds_processed + 1; setupFacilitiesForWidgets(); } else { er_feed_map.status = "fail"; } } function setupFacilitiesForWidgets() { // Only run this function once all facilities are returned if(er_feeds_processed == total_er_feeds) { // For each widget, we'll need to find the facilities for those widgets in the cached feeds $(er_widget_data).each(function() { var current_widget_data = this; // For each facility specified in the widget var results = []; $(current_widget_data.facilities).each(function() { var er_facility = this; er_facility = $.trim(er_facility); // For each er_feed_result for(i = 0; i < er_feed_results.length; i++) { // Find a match for the widget's specified facility in the feed results if(er_feed_results[i].facility == er_facility) { // Add 00: to beginning and strip off Mins var time = er_feed_results[i].er_time; if(time.indexOf("Coming Soon") == -1) { time = time.replace("Mins","").replace(" ",""); if(current_widget_data.include_hours == "true") { // Add hours if (time.length == 1) { time = "0" + time; } time = "00:" + time; } } else { time = "Coming Soon"; } er_feed_results[i].er_time = time; // Setup the date based on the publication date set var already_formatted = er_feed_results[i].pub_date_formatted; if (already_formatted != true) { var pub_date_org = er_feed_results[i].pub_date; pub_date_org = pub_date_org.replace(/ -0700/,""); //.replace(/AM/," am").replace(/PM/," pm"); // Check for and save any timezone info // - all feeds are standard format with last 3 characters as timezone var timezone = pub_date_org.substring(pub_date_org.length - 3, pub_date_org.length); pub_date_org = pub_date_org.substring(0,pub_date_org.length - 4); // includes removing the space // Date formats are different for different feeds var old_date_format = er_feed_results[i].feed_info.date_format; var new_date_format = current_widget_data.pub_date_format; var new_time_format = current_widget_data.pub_time_format; var pub_date = moment(pub_date_org,old_date_format).format(new_date_format); pub_time = moment(pub_date_org,old_date_format).format(new_time_format); // For customizing based on area var new_header_date_format = current_widget_data.pub_date_format_header; var new_header_time_format = current_widget_data.pub_time_format_header; var pub_date_header = moment(pub_date_org,old_date_format).format(new_header_date_format); var pub_time_header = moment(pub_date_org,old_date_format).format(new_header_time_format); // Add timezone back to date pub_time = pub_time + " " + timezone; er_feed_results[i].pub_date = pub_date; er_feed_results[i].pub_time = pub_time; er_feed_results[i].pub_date_formatted = true; er_feed_results[i].pub_date_header = pub_date_header; er_feed_results[i].pub_time_header = pub_time_header; } results.push(er_feed_results[i]); break; // Need to use 'for loop' so can break before end if match if found (can't use $.each) } } }); // Calculate columns var columns = current_widget_data.columns; if (columns == undefined || columns == "") { columns = 1; } columns = parseInt(columns); // Round down, keep a column count so that if we're on the last column, keep going if((results.length/columns) % 1 >= 0.5) { var items_per_column = Math.floor(results.length / columns) + 1; } else { var items_per_column = Math.floor(results.length / columns); } // Print results in the er-wait div var counter = 0; var column_count = 0; var feed_html = ""; var er_wait_container = $(".ehc-er-wait"); for(e = 0; e < er_wait_container.length; e++) { if(current_widget_data.facilities.length > 2) { var options = $(".ehc-er-facility-select"); // Add in column logic $(results).each(function() { // Add results to the DOM var this_er_time = parseInt(this.er_time); var er_wait_time_class = "wait-time"; if (this_er_time > 60) { er_wait_time_class += " high"; } else if (this_er_time > 30) { er_wait_time_class += " med"; } else { er_wait_time_class += " low"; } //If wait time is 1 min, change "mins" to "min" or "Minutes" to "Minute" if (this_er_time == 1) { var minsOrMinutes = $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html(); if (minsOrMinutes == "mins") { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html("min"); } else if (minsOrMinutes == "Minutes") { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html("Minute"); } } $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time').attr('class',er_wait_time_class); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .time').html(this.er_time); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] a[data-wait-time]').attr("data-wait-time",this.er_time.replace(/\s/g,"")); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubdate').html(this.pub_date); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubtime').html(this.pub_time); }); $(er_wait_container[e]).removeClass("feed-loading"); } else { // Add in column logic $(results).each(function() { // Logic for creating columns (ul) if(counter == 0) { column_count = column_count + 1; } else if (counter % items_per_column == 0 && column_count != columns) { column_count = column_count + 1; } var this_er_time = parseInt(this.er_time); var er_wait_time_class = "wait-time"; if (this_er_time > 60) { er_wait_time_class += " high"; } else if (this_er_time > 30) { er_wait_time_class += " med"; } else { er_wait_time_class += " low"; } //If wait time is 1 min, change "mins" to "min" if (this_er_time == 1) { var minsOrMinutes = $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html(); if (minsOrMinutes == "mins") { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html("min"); } else if (minsOrMinutes == "Minutes") { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html("Minute"); } } // console.log("Current facility "+this.facility); // Add results to the DOM $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time').attr('class',er_wait_time_class); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .time').html(this.er_time); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] a[data-wait-time]').attr("data-wait-time",this.er_time.replace(/\s/g,"")); // $(er_wait_container[e]).find('.feed.published .pubtime').html(feed_pub_time); if($(er_wait_container[e]).attr("id") == "header-wait-times") { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubdate').html(this.pub_date_header); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubtime').html(this.pub_time_header); } else { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubdate').html(this.pub_date); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubtime').html(this.pub_time); } $(er_wait_container[e]).removeClass("feed-loading"); // $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubdate').html(this.pub_date); // $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubtime').html(this.pub_time); }); } } }); // Hide the loading bar $('.ehc-er-loading').hide(); // TRIGGER EVENT ONCE THE ER WAITS HAVE LOADED // TRIGGER EVENT ONCE THE ER WAITS HAVE LOADED if (document.createEvent) { var event = document.createEvent('Event'); // Define that the event name is 'build'. event.initEvent('er_wait_loaded', true, true); document.dispatchEvent(event); } else { document.fireEvent("er_wait_loaded"); } // set a continuos loop, check for the latest ER Wait Time every 5 minutes if (er_wait_time_loaded === false){ window.setInterval(function(){ update_er_wait_times() }, 300000); } er_wait_time_loaded = true; // this is for changing image in background if less than 480 $(window).resize(function() { var browserWidth = $(window).outerWidth(); if (browserWidth < 640) { $(".map-wrap img").attr("src","//"); } else { $(".map-wrap img").attr("src","//"); } }).resize(); } } function update_er_wait_times() { // reset counters er_feeds_processed = 0; er_feed_results.length = 0; $(er_feeds).each(function() { getFeed(this); }); } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <!-- END ER WAIT JAVASCRIPT --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script> // masonry containers var msnry_containers = document.querySelectorAll('.tab-pane.masonry-tab div.row[data-masonry="true"]'); 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