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<li><strong><u><a href="#section2">Who are we?</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section3">What information will ABC collect about me?</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section4">How will ABC use the information it collects about me?</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section5">Your ABC Account</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section6">When will ABC contact me?</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section7">Will I be contacted for marketing purposes?</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section8">Will ABC share my personal information with anyone else?</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section9">How long will ABC keep my personal information?</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section10">Photography & film</a></u></strong></li> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <li><strong><u><a href="#section11">Can I delete my data?</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section12">Can I find out what personal information ABC holds about me?</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section13">Web browser cookies</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section14">Do not track (DNT) browser setting</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section15">App Devices</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section16">Where we store your information</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section17">Changes to ABC ’s Privacy & cookies policy</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section18">Contacting ABC about this Privacy & Cookies Policy</a></u></strong></li> <li><strong><u><a href="#section19">Data Breach </a></u></strong></li> </div> </div> </div> </ol> <p>Last updated October 2022</p> <hr> <div id="section1"><h1>1. Introduction & General Terms</h1> <p>Angel Business Communications (ABC) is committed to protecting your personal information when you are using ABC services & products. We want our services to be safe and enjoyable environments for our audience. This Privacy and Cookies Policy relates to our use of any personal information we collect from you via the following online services & products:</p> <ul> <li>Any ABC website that links to this Privacy and Cookies Policy;</li> <li>Apps</li> <li>Digital publications</li> <li>Conferences</li> <li>Events</li> <li>Webinars</li> <li>Email shots</li> <li>Email Platform</li> </ul> <p>It also relates to our use of any personal information you provide to us by email and information you provide on our websites.</p> <p>In order to provide you with the full range of ABC services and products we sometimes need to collect information about you.</p> <p>This Privacy and Cookies Policy explains the following: </p> <ul> <li>what information ABC may collect about you;</li> <li>how ABC will use information we collect about you;</li> <li>when ABC may use your details to contact you;</li> <li>whether ABC will disclose your details to anyone else;</li> <li>your choices regarding the personal information you provide to us;</li> <li>the use of cookies on ABC websites and how you can reject cookies.<br clear="all"> </li> </ul> <p>ABC is committed to safeguarding your personal information. Whenever you provide such information, we are legally obliged to use your information in line with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal information, including the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). No website can be completely secure; if you have any concerns that your ABC account could have been compromised e.g. someone could have discovered your password, please get in touch straight away. Email <a href=""></a></p> <p>ABC’s websites contain hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. These third-party websites have their own privacy policies, and are also likely to use cookies, and we therefore urge you to review them. They will govern the use of personal information you submit when visiting these websites, which may also be collected by cookies. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third-party websites and your use of such websites is at your own risk.</p> <hr></div><div id="section2" > <h1>2. Who are we?</h1> <p>Angel Business Communications was established in 1981 and is a leading business-to-business (B2B) media, conference, awards and exhibition organiser, serving a wide range of markets worldwide.</p> <h2>Our online services</h2> <p>Our websites, apps and digital magazines are run by ABC. These sites are not limited by location or browsers.</p> <p>Our websites include:<br>,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, <a href=""></a> ,,,,</p> <p>Other services may run under the Angel license. These must operate to </p> <p>ABC’S standards but please make sure you always check the privacy policy of the website you use so you know who runs the website and how they will use your data.</p> <p>When we refer to ‘we’ or ‘our’ or ‘ ABC’ we are referring to Angel Business Communications Ltd. </p> <hr></div><div id="section3"> <h1>3. What information will ABC collect about me?</h1> <p>When you participate in, access or sign up to any of ABC’s services, activities or online content, such as newsletters, competitions, live chats, web and mobile notifications, vote, book tickets or register for an ABC event or create an account using ABC’s online registration system we may receive personal information about you. This can consist of information such as your name, job title, email address, postal address, telephone and mobile number, as well as information collected about your use of ABC services, products or events, such as what you read or watch on ABC Online and items you have “added” when signed in to your ABC account. </p> <p>ABC collects information about how you use our websites or content online, and the device(s) you use to access the services. This includes collecting unique online identifiers such as IP addresses, which are numbers that can uniquely identify a specific computer or other network device on the internet. For more information, please see <u><a href="#section12">section 12</a></u> of this policy, on ABC’s use of cookies and similar technologies, and <u><a href="#section13">section 13</a></u>, on information collected by ABC when you use ABC Apps on your mobile device. </p> <hr></div><div id="section4"> <h1>4. How will the ABC use the information it collects about me?</h1> <p>ABC will use your personal information for a number of purposes including the following:</p> <ul> <li>to provide our services, products and events or online content, to provide you with information about them and to deal with your requests and enquiries;</li> <li>to provide you information about an event by SMS, providing you have agreed at the point of registration to be contacted by this method.</li> <li>to provide you with the most user-friendly online navigation experience;</li> <li>for "service administration purposes", which means that ABC may contact you for reasons related to the service, activity or online content you have signed up for, as set out in <u>section 5</u> below (e.g. to provide you with password reminders, to notify you of a particular service, activity or online content, to notify you of updates to our Privacy and Cookies Policy or Terms of Use.</li> <li>where we provide personalised services, we may analyse the information you supply, as well as your activity on our (and other) services, so that we can offer a more relevant, tailored service. For instance; tailor news that is relevant to you. If you don’t want to receive these services you can unsubscribe by contacting <a href=""></a> .</li> <li>we may also show you relevant advertising on third party sites, as set out in <u><a href="#section7">section 7</a></u>; </li> <li>to contact you about a submission you have made, including any content you provide. For additional information, please see theTerms of Use;</li> <li>to use IP addresses and device identifiers to identify the location of users, to block disruptive use, to establish the number of visits from different countries. </li> <li>for analysis and research purposes so that we may improve the services offered by ABC. This can include using geo-demographic information from external sources, where this helps us ensure we are making something for everyone;</li> <li>we may also use and disclose information in aggregate (so that no individuals are identified) for marketing and strategic development purposes.</li> </ul> <hr></div><div id="section5"> <h1>5. Your ABC Account</h1> <p>If you register for a product or service on one of ABC’s sites this will allow you access to the website, event and/or digital publication. These services may be run via each individual site, or on ABC’s Publishing Ninja platform. To provide you with seamless experience it may be necessary to share this information within these services that you are using – we will never routinely share all of the data we hold about you. Your Angel account will always be covered by the policies of this website. But please be aware that additional policies may apply if your Angel account is linked to another account.</p> <hr></div><div id="section6"> <h1>6. When will ABC contact me?</h1> <p>ABC may contact you:</p> <ul> <li> in relation to any service, event, activity or online content you have signed up for, in order to ensure that ABC can deliver the services, e.g. to verify your email when you sign up for an ABC account, or to help you reset your password; </li> <li>in relation to any correspondence we receive from you or any comment or complaint you make about ABC’s products or services;</li> <li>in relation to any contribution you have submitted to ABC, e.g. editorial submissions;</li> <li>to invite you to participate in surveys about ABC services and products (participation is always voluntary);</li> <li>for marketing purposes, as set out in <u><a href="#section7">section 7</a></u>.</li> </ul> <p><em>We will never contact you to ask for your ABC account password, or other login information. Please be cautious if you receive any emails or</em> <em>calls from people asking for this information and claiming to be from ABC.</em></p> <hr></div><div id="section7"> <h1>7. Will I be contacted for marketing purposes?</h1> <p>ABC will only send you marketing emails or contact you on ABC products events or services where you have agreed to this or ABC have identified that there is a legitimate interest. </p> <p>We offer regular emails, including a weekly update, such as industry news and marketing for events. </p> <p>We may personalise the message content based upon any information you have provided to us and your use of ABC services and products.</p> <p>By attending any session being held at an ABC event/conference and allowing your badge to be scanned on entry to the session you are agreeing to be contacted by the company delivering the presentation about their goods and services. You will be subject to their communications and privacy policy and must opt-out with them directly. If you do not want to receive this information please ask for your badge NOT TO BE SCANNED.</p> <p>If you allow your badge to be scanned by a sponsor/exhibitor at an event you are consenting to your personal data being provided to that sponsor/exhibitor; this being your personal information (name/address/telephone/email) submitted when registering for the event. They may use this data for marketing their goods or services, analytics and statistics. Some of the sponsors/exhibitors may also be located outside of the EEA, therefore by consenting to give them your personal data, in some cases you are consenting to the transfer of your data outside the EEA. If you would like more information about this, you can request a copy of the sponsor’s/exhibitor’s privacy policy directly from them prior to having your badge scanned. If you do not want to receive this information please ask for your badge NOT TO BE SCANNED.</p> <p>If at any time you wish to have your preferences for being contacted changed ie: to opt out of receiving marketing information then please contact <a href=""></a> giving details of who you are and what you are requesting to opt-out from.</p> <hr></div><div id="section8"> <h1>8. Will ABC share my personal information with anyone else?</h1> <p>We will keep your information within ABC except where disclosure is required or permitted by law. </p> <p>We may share your information with ABC’s partners such as an event that is a joint venture with another company. Generally, we will use your information within ABC and will only share it outside ABC where you have given us permission to do so. <br> </p> <p>We use a third party to host webinars, the company is called Workcast, when you sign up for a webinar your details that you supply such as; name, job title, company, email and telephone number and any qualifying questions will be held on Workcast’s database to enable you to join the webinar. Once the webinar has taken place your data will be deleted by Workcast. If you do not wish your data to be given to Workcast then do not complete your details. Please refer to Workcast’s privacy policy <a href=""></a> for details on what workcast do with your data. ABC will also hold your details for this webinar to enable us to send you further information regarding the webinar.<strong><u> </u></strong></p> <hr></div><div id="section9"> <h1>9. How long will ABC keep my personal information?</h1> <p>We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity. If you delete your Angel account then your personal information is deleted immediately, and the remaining information is anonymized for analytical purposes. For further information about deleting your ABC account, please see <u><a href="#section11">section 11</a></u>below.</p> <hr></div><div id="section10"> <h1>10. Photography and film </h1> <p>Photographs will be taken at Events, conferences & Awards dinners by an official photographer; such photographs may be used in post-event or Awards publicity and on future marketing materials. By completing and submitting the Booking form you are consenting to the official photographer taking such photographs, which may feature you. If you do not wish to be included in a photograph please step aside so you are not included.</p> <hr></div><div id="section11"> <h1>11. Can I delete my data?</h1> <p>You can always delete your ABC account or registration. Find out how to delete your account by contacting<u> </u><a href=""></a><u> </u></p> <hr></div><div id="section12"> <h1>12. Can I find out what personal information ABC holds about me?</h1> <p>Under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) you have the right to request a copy of the personal information ABC holds about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. We will use reasonable efforts consistent with our legal duty to supply, correct or delete personal information about you on our files. Please address requests and questions about this or any other question about this Privacy and Cookies Policy to Data Protection Officer, Angel Business Communications, 6 Bow Court, Fletchworth Gate, Burnsall Rd, Coventry CV5 6SP, UK. or email <u></u>.</p> <p>We will need a copy of identification, which can be your Passport<br> or driving licence.</p> <hr></div><div id="section13"> <h1>13. Web browser cookies</h1> <h2>A. What is a cookie?</h2> <p>A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes a unique identifier that is sent to your computer, tablet or mobile phone (all referred to here as a "device") web browser from a website's computer and is stored on your device's hard drive. Each website can send its own cookie to your web browser if your browser's preferences allow it. Many websites do this whenever a user visits their website in order to track online traffic flows. Similar technologies are also often used within emails to understand whether the email has been read or if any links have been clicked. If you continue without changing your settings, we’ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the ABC website. However, you can <u>change your cookie settings</u> at any time <u>(<a href="#section13d">Section 13d</a>)</u>.</p> <p>On ABC websites, cookies record information about your online preferences and allow us to tailor our websites to your interests.</p> <p>During the course of any visit to an ABC website, the pages you see, along with a cookie, are downloaded to your device. Many websites do this, because cookies enable website publishers to do useful things like find out whether the device (and probably its user) has visited the<br> website before. This is done on a repeat visit by checking to see, and finding, the cookie left there on the last visit.</p> <h2>B. How does ABC use cookies?</h2> <p>Information supplied by cookies can help us to understand the profile of our visitors and help us to provide you with a better user experience. It also helps us recognise when you are signed in to your ABC account and to provide a more personalised experience. For example, tailor news for your interest, product and services relevant to you.</p> <h2>C. Third Party Cookies in embedded content on ABC pages</h2> <p>Please note that during your visits to ABC websites you may notice some cookies that are not related to ABC.</p> <p>To support our product and services we sometimes embed content from social media and other third-party websites. These may include YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, SoundCloud, Vine, Instagram, Pinterest and Flickr.<br> As a result, when you visit a page containing such content, you may be presented with cookies from these websites and these third-party cookies may track your use of ABC websites. ABC does not control the dissemination of these cookies and you should check the relevant third party's website for more information. If you continue without changing your settings we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the ABC website. However, you can find out about changing your cookie settings <u>here (<a href="#section13d">Section 13d</a>)</u>.</p> <p>Where ABC embeds content from social media and other third-party websites, some websites may use Google Analytics to collect data about user behaviour for their own purposes. ABC does not control this. For more information, see the Google webpage <u>“<a href="">How</a></u> <a href=""><u>Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps [</u></a><u>]”.</u></p> <div id="section13d"><h2>D. ABC cookies and how to reject cookies</h2> <p>We use different types of cookies for different things, such as: </p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Analysing how you use Angel Sites</li> <li>Giving you a better, more personalised experience</li> <li>Recognising when you’ve signed in</li> </ul> <p>To learn how to turn off cookies please go to: <a href=" to/disable-third-party-cookies-in-ie-firefox- and-google-chrome/"></a></p> <p><strong>Strictly Necessary cookies</strong><br> These cookies let you use all the different parts of Angel sites. Without them services that you have asked for cannot be provided.</p> <p>Some examples of how we use these cookies are:</p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Signing into your account</li> <li>Remembering previous actions such as text entered into a registration form when navigating back to a page in the same session</li> <li>Remembering security settings which restrict access to certain content.<strong> </strong></li> </ul> <p><strong>Functional cookies</strong><strong> </strong><br> These help us personalise Angel sites for you. For instance, they remember what type of article you have read, and suggest other articles from the same categories.<br> Some examples of these cookies are:</p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Remembering if you visited the website before so that messages for new visitors are not displayed to you</li> <li>Remembering settings applied to the website such as colour, font size and layout.</li> </ul> <p>If you have concerns about the information that may be stored on your device by Angel, then you may wish to review your browser settings. For more information go to:<br> <a href=""></a></p></div> <h2>E. Other information collected from web browsers</h2> <p>Your web browser may also provide ABC with information about your device, such as an IP address and details about the browser that you are using. This tracking is for analysis of our products and services. </p> <p>If you have any concerns about the way that we use cookies or respect your settings, then please contact <a href=""></a></p> <hr></div><div id="section14"> <h1>14. Do Not Track (DNT) browser setting</h1> <p>DNT is a feature offered by some browsers which, when enabled, sends a signal to websites to request that your browsing is not tracked, such as by third party ad networks, social networks and analytic companies. This website does not currently respond to DNT requests.</p> <hr></div><div id="section15"> <h1>15. Apps, Devices </h1> <p>When you download or use ABC apps on your mobile device information may be accessed from or stored to your device. Most often this is used in a similar way to a web browser cookie, such as by enabling the app to ‘remember’ you or provide you with the content you have requested.</p> <p>Your web browser or device may also provide ABC with information about your device, such as a device identifier or IP address. Device identifiers may be collected automatically, such as the device ID, IP address, MAC address, IMEI number and app ID (a unique identifier relating to the particular copy of the app you are running).</p> <p>When you sign in to an ABC app, your sign-in details may be stored securely on the device you are using, so you can access other ABC apps on the same device without needing to enter your sign-in details again.<br> If you have any concerns about the information which might be accessed from or stored on your device by ABC, you may wish to only access ABC content through a web browser and review your web browser settings. See <u><a href="#section13">section 13</a></u>.</p> <hr></div><div id="section16"> <h1>16. Where we store your information </h1> <p>Our servers are situated in Germany, France and Finland, and all of the information that we collect about you will be stored on these servers. We take all necessary steps to ensure that any of your information is adequately protected in accordance with this privacy policy. </p> <p>Currently Angel BC has servers hosted with Scaleway, OVH and Hetzner, all based within the EU.</p> <hr></div><div id="section17"> <h1>17. Changes to ABC’s Privacy and Cookies Policy</h1> <p>This Privacy and Cookies Policy may be updated from time to time so you may wish to check the policy each time you submit personal information to ABC. The date of the most recent revisions will appear on the front page of this policy. If you do not agree to these changes, please do not continue to use ABC websites to submit personal information to ABC. You can also delete your ABC account at any time – please see<a href="#section11"> <u>section 11</u></a> for details. </p> <hr></div><div id="section18"> <h1>18. Contacting ABC about this Privacy and Cookies Policy</h1> <p>If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy and Cookies Policy please contact: The Data Protection Officer, Angel Business Communications Ltd, 6 Bow Court, Fletchworth Gate, Burnsall Rd, Coventry CV5 6SP. (Email: <a href=""></a>)</p> <hr></div><div id="section19"> <h1>19. Data Breach </h1> <p>We will report any unlawful data breach to any and all relevant persons and authorities within 72 hours of the breach coming to our attention if it is apparent that personal data stored in an identifiable manner has been stolen.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-4"> <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 a-skyscraper"> <a href="" target='_blank'><img src="" style="width:100%;border:1px solid #ccc;" alt="Interesting" /></a> </div> <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 a-skyscraper"> <a href="" target='_blank'><img src="" style="width:100%;border:1px solid #ccc;" alt="Interesting" /></a> </div> <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 a-skyscraper"> <a href="" target='_blank'><img src="" style="width:100%;border:1px solid #ccc;" alt="Interesting" /></a> </div> <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 a-skyscraper"> <a href="" target='_blank'><img src="" 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