March 2012 – Papers & Pencils
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data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="frontpage_background" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12329" srcset=" 589w, 300w, 111w" sizes="(max-width: 589px) 100vw, 589px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>As a general rule, I try to keep things on this blog strictly related to Paper & Pencil role playing games. Not only do I feel I owe it to my readers to provide content in keeping with the blog’s purported theme, but I find that having a focused topic helps me keep more of a focused mind. However, every now and again, something comes up which cannot go unshared. Something which may be only tangentially related to the blog’s subject matter, but is so profoundly awesome that to keep it to myself would be criminal. <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-31T00:50:21+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">Legends of Grimrock</a> is one of those somethings. It’s an oldschool style dungeon crawler, like the ones which were popular in the late 80s through mid 90s–many of which were licensed AD&D titles. Games like <em>Eye of the Beholder</em>, where the player took on the role of a party of adventurers, moving through a dungeon 5ft square by 5ft square.</p> <p>Legends of Grimrock appears to have taken that formula of a video game infused with <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-31T00:39:54+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">grognard</a> style, and updated it in the best way possible. Just take a look at their beautiful trailer:</p> <figure><iframe src="" width="560" height="315"></iframe></figure> <p>Looks amazing, right? But that’s just a trailer. Any game can have a good trailer, the question is what the game plays like, not how awesome it can look when you video-capture all the most visually impressive moments.</p> <p>Well they’ve got plenty of gameplay trailers out as well. Like this one:</p> <figure><iframe src="" width="560" height="315"></iframe></figure> <p>I’ve really been getting back into World of Warcraft the last few weeks. (<a href="">I used to be quite the WoW nerd!</a>) But after seeing these trailers, I can’t help but wonder if my subscription’s days are numbered. I haven’t been this excited about a game’s upcoming release since Batman: Arkham City.</p> <p>Legend of Grimrock will be released April 11th, and will be available through Steam for $14.99 USD. BUT, if you’re as excited as I am, save yourself a few bucks! Go to the <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-31T00:50:21+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">Legends of Grimrock website</a> and pre-order the game for a measly $11.99 USD.</p> <p>I’m sure I’ll be doing a full writeup of the game once I’ve had some time to play it. That is, if I remember I have a blog to maintain at all!</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-03-30T17:48:40-07:00">March 30, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-12T14:10:48-08:00">February 12, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Miscallaneous</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">News</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Video</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">1 Comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-1347" class="post-1347 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-single-page-setting-discussions tag-fluff"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Cultural Oddities</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="520" height="362" data-attachment-id="12331" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="520,362" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="4" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12331" srcset=" 520w, 300w, 155w" sizes="(max-width: 520px) 100vw, 520px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>Part of creating an immersive world is creating a wide variety of people to live in it. Variety which extends beyond accents and alignments. If you’ve ever had any kind of significant encounter with another culture, you begin to understand how very different humans can be. Things which you take for granted, things which seem fundamentally true, simply do not occur to someone raised on the other side of the world. Your fundamental beliefs about society and identity might even seem ludicrous to them. You may feel as though your way of thinking is the correct way, you may even be right to think that. I, personally, refuse to accept the profound sexism which is inherent to many cultures as a simple difference of opinion. But whether or not I accept it doesn’t mean jack shit to the ten million, or two hundred million, or two billion people who were raised in that culture. The fact is that culture defines us in ways that we cannot even comprehend. It’s something <a href="">I’ve touched on before</a>.</p> <p>When creating a unique culture for a game world, it never hurts to throw in a quirk or two which will help the players connect to just how different these people are. It’s not too terribly hard to come up with this kind of stuff, as sources for inspiration are plentiful. If you watch Star Trek (and lets face it, you do) there are plenty of episodes where cultural oddities are a plot point. This is a good source for inspiration on genetic oddities which would influence culture as well. You can also look at lists of wacky laws. The Internet has been in love with these since the earliest days of elderly folks forwarding emails to everyone they’ve ever met, so it should be no trouble to find them on google. And, as always, reality is a wonderful sourcebook. I just finished explaining how unusual human culture can get, and ten minutes of research will likely turn up a dozen things your players will find pretty damned unusual. No need to limit yourselves to humans either! Animals have their own cultures, and the <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-30T14:00:03+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">mating habits of the angler fish</a> would make a wicked awesome cultural quirk.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="400" height="264" data-attachment-id="12332" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="400,264" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="78827" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12332" srcset=" 400w, 300w, 164w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>To get you started, here’s a list of some stuff I came up with. Some of these are inspired by reality, others are straight up lifted from science fiction. Anybody who can guess where I lifted the third one down from gets a cookie.</p> <ul class="wp-block-list"><li>Either as a baby, or during a coming of age ritual, a child is bitten/stung by a poisonous animal which is sacred to the culture. The poison is allowed to fester, and the pain is seen as a spiritual test. The oddly shaped mark left by the experience will be interpreted by a religious figure within the culture. Generally the meaning will be derived from the scar’s shape.</li><li>Each member of a culture has a riding creature with which they form a special bond. If the two go into battle together and the riding creature is slain, but the rider is not, then the rider is sent alone into the wilderness. If they bond with another companion, then that creature is said to be the original creature, reincarnated. If the deceased companion instead wants its rider to join it in death, he or she will be unable to find a new companion creature.</li><li>A culture believes it is arrogant to use personal pronouns, because using one implies that everyone should know who you are. Instead, each creature uses its personal name whenever it needs to refer to itself. If a member of this culture is ashamed or embarrassed, they may seek anonymity by using their surname to refer to themselves (or in extreme cases, their clan, or even species name.)</li><li>The dead are buried in graves, but a small hole is left in the ground so that relatives may reach into it and touch the forehead of their loved ones.</li><li>This culture prefers dirt floors. Even if their civilization is advanced, with paved roads, and high towers, the floors of their homes will be dirt and plantlife. Even floors above ground level will have high enough ceilings that a couple feet of dirt can be piled onto the floor.</li><li>Most of a culture’s males are eunuchs. Depending on the size of the group, different numbers of breeding males will be allowed. Once a year, all males of a certain age gather for some form of contest. Either they fight for the right to breed, or the breeding males are selected by the culture’s females.</li><li>Male and female members of a culture live completely separately, coming together only occasionally to trade, and mate. As an example, the women of the culture build cities, and represent their culture to others, whilst the men of the culture are nomadic, and spend their lives hunting and patrolling the culture’s territory. The males return to the city perhaps once a year.</li><li>Certain tasks which are necessary are considered taboo, and cannot be performed in a direct manner. For example, a cleric can only examine a patient’s back by looking at it in a mirror, because the back is considered taboo.</li><li>Children are married to one another within the first few months of their lives, and one child is given to the parents of the other child. The “married couple” are then raised together by a single set of parents. Their upbringing focuses heavily on learning to function together as a unit.</li><li>A culture’s leaders are brought back as a special type of undead which exists primarily to give advice to the current leader. The leader of a small tribe might have a small council of 5-10 previous leaders to call upon. While the monarch of a long-standing kingdom might have an elaborate crypt filled with former rulers extending back dozens, or even hundreds of generations.</li><li>A certain day of the year is considered extremely unlucky, and any children born on this day are killed.</li><li>The wedding ceremony is a ritual combat between the bride and groom. The victor is the “head” of the relationship, and the other must swear to obey them.</li><li>While a mother is engaged in labor, the father must leave to search for a precious stone. This stone will be fashioned into a piece of jewelry which the child will wear throughout their entire life. He must return either before sundown, or before the child is fully born (whichever comes last), or the child will be given a simple piece of stone. Purchasing a stone, receiving help in finding the stone, or hiding the stone away before labor begins, is grounds to execute both father and child. The value the stone holds within the culture will determine the child’s social standing for the rest of their life.</li><li>One gender owns all property, but is not allowed to govern it themselves. The other gender may own no property, but governs over the property of their mates. The property-owning gender is at liberty to switch mates at any time if they are unhappy with their partner’s ability to govern.</li><li>All crimes are punishable by death. With such a steep cost, who would break even a simple rule? You’d have to be stupid to do something like step in somebody’s flower garden.</li><li>Ears, teeth and scalps are common “trophies” for savage races, but why stop there? Hands, tongues, noses, big toes, even internal organs like kidneys could be dried out and made into keepsakes.</li></ul> <p>Any thoughts of your own?</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-03-28T20:37:11-07:00">March 28, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-13T08:51:54-08:00">February 13, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Single Page Setting Discussions</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">fluff</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">5 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-1340" class="post-1340 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-single-post-discussions tag-gm-tips tag-my-games tag-stolen-from-other-blogs"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">How Players Make Enemies & Influence People</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="580" height="337" data-attachment-id="12334" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="580,337" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="cata-robby-flay-stormwind1" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12334" srcset=" 580w, 300w, 186w" sizes="(max-width: 580px) 100vw, 580px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>In my experience, NPCs are an underutilized element in most role playing games. They serve a few very limited, very one dimensional roles. That NPC is a quest giver, those NPCs are vendors, and this NPC is a villain. GMs tend either to treat NPCs as “their” characters (a bad idea), or as static game world elements which exist to serve the player. The king would never be found outside of his throne room unless it serves a specific purpose. And once an NPC’s immediate usefulness has ended, or the players have moved on to a new location, the NPC’s notes are filed away, or crumpled up and forgotten. This later method isn’t entirely bad, it’s just not as good as it can be. The basic premise of it is true: non-player characters exist for the sole purpose of serving the players in one way or another. The trick, though, is that the players shouldn’t realize the NPCs exist only to serve them. There are a number of ways to accomplish this which I may discuss at a later time, but for today I’d like to discuss <strong>Contacts</strong> and <strong>Foes</strong>.</p> <p>One of my favorite GMing tricks is one which I admittedly stole out of the online comic <a href=""><em>Goblins</em></a> by Tarol Hunt. When I’m first dealing with a group of new players, I like to start things out on the stereotypical side. Taverns, villages under attack, or any typical plot hook will do. Eventually this hook will lead the players to a tribe of typical level 1 monstrous humanoids, such as Kobolds, Goblins, Orcs, etc. Now I should point out that I always go out of my way to avoid having these creatures be responsible for anything evil, and I make sure to drop four or five hints that negotiation is an option. Most of the time, the players assume these creatures are evil, and attack. And <a href="">in another GM’s game, this might be the right choice</a>, but in my games the only creatures which are evil incarnate are creatures like demons or devils. In matter of fact, the creatures the players are attacking are usually neutral. The creatures defend their home, and then they die. I then point out to my players that they, not the monsters, were the aggressors in this situation. I don’t force any alignment change or anything like that, I simply let the players know that, in the future, they’ll want to pay more attention to the specifics of a situation. It’s a learning experience for them, and the hope is that they apply their learning to all aspects of the game. Players who pay attention are players who survive.</p> <p>The game moves on without the players being aware of the secret penalty I’ve given them. A group of creatures escaped the destruction of their tribe, and have vowed revenge. After acquiring a few class levels, they’ll hunt the PCs down, and attack them at a later date.</p> <p>If you think about it, players are making friends and enemies every day. Every person they kill is a person that other people card about. Every plan the players foil is a plan other people were invested in. Every treasure they recover is a treasure other people want. And it works the other way as well! Every person the players help is a potential ally in the future. That doesn’t mean that every creature the players encounter ought to show up at a later time, that would just be a clusterfuck of self referential bullshit. But if a character is interesting, or a quest is particularly engaging for the players, you can reintroduce those elements into your game in a completely different place an time.</p> <p>Not only does this give your game world more coherence, but it enhances the player’s sense that they’re having an impact on the world. Just don’t make the mistake of expecting your players to remember your pet NPC. I recently made that mistake myself by assuming my players would remember a halfling scout named Tacha. When they first met her she had been a bandit, but after briefly joining the PCs’ party, she decided to settle down. When she had been in the game, they players had loved her, and talked about her for several days afterwords. But even that level of involvement in the character didn’t mean they remembered her when they encountered her as the captain of a city’s guard a few years later.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-03-26T21:35:42-07:00">March 26, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-03T15:04:35-08:00">February 3, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Single-Post Rules Discussions</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">GM Tips</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">My Games</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Stolen from Other Blogs</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">1 Comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-1330" class="post-1330 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-play-reports category-single-post-discussions tag-monsters tag-personal-stories tag-player-perspective tag-zalekios"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">How Zalekios Gromar Learned Clarity</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="400" height="518" data-attachment-id="12336" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="400,518" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"4.0.1","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"4.0.1","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="4.0.1" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="<p>4.0.1</p> " data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12336" srcset=" 400w, 232w, 83w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px" data-recalc-dims="1" /><figcaption>4.0.1</figcaption></figure></div> <p>Today, for the first time in a few months now, I managed to get together with my friend Jeremy to play a session of our <a href="">Zalekios Gromar</a> campaign. For me, this is always a huge amount of fun. Not only is Jeremy an entertaining fellow to sit around and chat with, but he’s also the only person I know who is willing to occasionally take on the mantle of game master. Most of the time managing the game is my responsibility, and I love it. That’s why I have an entire site dedicated to running Pathfinder games. But being the game master can also be both limiting, and stressful. Taking some time to be a player rather than a GM lets me cut loose a little bit. All I really need to worry about is my own actions, and how I can survive and succeed with my own goals.</p> <p>Being a player also allows me the opportunity to see the game from the opposite perspective. No matter how concerned I am with ensuring that my players are having fun, it’s always valuable to sit down, <em><strong>be</strong></em> a player, and figure out what <em><strong>I</strong></em> want. Are the things I want as a player being facilitated in the games I run as the game master? Which elements of the game am I enjoying, and which am I finding arduous? I find that my occasional jaunts to the other side of the GM screen are often more educational than a week’s worth of reading blogs and old <em>Dragon</em> magazines. And tonight, two lessons stood out to me.</p> <p>First, some quick background on the game. Zalekios is currently working a number of angles within the game world, many of which are indirectly opposed to one another. Not only is he working for a kingdom, but he’s also working for someone else who wants to destroy all the kingdoms, whilst simultaneously attempting to establish his own kingdom. It can become a little confusing, but I’ve got 23 charisma and 10 wisdom, so what do you expect? Anyway, the kingdom Zalekios is working for (Angle #1) sent him to investigate some strange attacks which were destroying ships as they left a nearby port city. This worked to Zalekios’ advantage, since he needed to scout that same port city as part of a plot to destroy all the kingdoms (Angle #2). In the city, he booked passage on one of the ships, and sailed with it until it was attacked. He captured one of the Sahuagins, and forced it to lead the vessel to the mysterious “Wet Gnome Lord” who was behind these attacks.</p> <p>So here’s a bit which will become relevant later. Having captured this creature, I began forming plans for how I might find use for it as a minion. So, when we left the ship to venture to the island home of the Wet Gnome Lord, I took the Sahuagin with me. Memory may fail me, but my conversation with the GM went something like this:</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow"><p><strong>Me:</strong> I’d like to take the…Sha-hugga-mug with me.<br><strong>GM:</strong> The Sahuagin?<br><strong>Me: </strong>Yes. That. I’ll untie him from the mast, but leave him tied up with some loose rope for me to hang onto.<br><strong>GM:</strong> Like a leash?<br><strong>Me:</strong> Yeah, kinda like a leash. How long can he go without breathing water?<br><strong>GM:</strong> Lets say 48 hours.<br><strong>Me:</strong> Alright, well, we’ve been sailing for over 30, so I’ll let him swim to the island in the water, whilst I hold his leash from within a rowboat.</p></blockquote> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="234" height="283" data-attachment-id="12337" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="234,283" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Sahuagin2" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12337" srcset=" 234w, 89w" sizes="(max-width: 234px) 100vw, 234px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>Now, what I understood to be happening was that the Sha-hugga-mug’s arms were tied to its sides, and I had a rope around its neck to serve as a leash. I figured it could swim well enough with its legs, and if it couldn’t…well, Zalekios is Chaotic Evil. Keel hauling a sea creature is far from the worst thing he’s done. Hell, earlier in that same session I’d committed a murder simply to enhance an intimidation check. Then killed the fellow I had been intimidating to keep him from pinning the murder on me!</p> <p>Once we reached land, we entered the Wet Gnome Lord’s tower, and that’s about the time my ladyfriend joined the game, <a href="">once again playing as Zalekios’ four faithful level 1 goblins</a>. We encountered the wet gnome lord, and I completely ruined all my GM’s plans by negotiating with the session’s endboss. (Let that be a lesson to all GMs: players will always defy your expectations.) It ended up being well worth my while, because not only did I convince a powerful wizard to leave the ships alone (Thus fulfilling my obligation to Angle #1), but I also convinced him that we were allies, making him Angle #4. I am a devious little schemer, yes I am.</p> <p>To solidify our partnership, the Wet Gnome Lord asked Zalekios to take care of a golem which had gotten a little out of control. Zalekios agreed, and climbed up into the locked attic, where he found the golem walking around in circles, paying the intruders no mind. Zalekios moved off to kill the creature, and assumed the four goblins would find some way to help (or, more likely, find a way to make things much more difficult) We rolled initiative, and I leaped into combat. It was then that the GM asked;</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow"><p><strong>GM:</strong> So, wait a minute, you’re just leaving the Sahuagin there unattended?<br><strong>Me:</strong> So what? It’s tied up.<br><strong>GM: </strong>No, it only has a leash.<br><strong>Me:</strong> …fuck, yeah, I guess that’s how you would have interpreted that. What I meant is that its arms were still tied to its sides.<br><strong>GM:</strong> Then how would it have swam?<br><strong>Me: </strong>It has webbed feet, I figured that would be fine.<br><strong>GM:</strong> No, it would need its arms to swim effectively.</p></blockquote> <p>Oops.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="550" height="710" data-attachment-id="12338" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="550,710" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="MurlocRaneman" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12338" srcset=" 550w, 232w, 84w" sizes="(max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>I was already engaged with the golem, so I wasn’t going to bother with a low level creature like the Sha-hugga-mug when I was already facing something which could probably kill me. Fortunately, thanks to the marching order, my four goblin worshipers had the creature surrounded. So whilst I battled the golem, they subdued my prisoner. They even managed not to kill him! Though he will have a nasty burn on his face, and a bad limp from now on. Everything went better than expected, but this all goes to illustrate a point. I wrote recently on the point of <a href="">GM clarity</a>, but this story goes to show that <strong>player clarity is just as important</strong>. There was no clear point during play when my GM being more clear with me would have fixed the problem. Even if he had allowed me to have the creature’s arms bound due to the misconception, that would have meant changing a minor ruling from an hour’s worth of game time prior. (Namely, whether or note the creature could swim, and thus continue to survive on land). The entire problem could have been fixed had I, as the player, simply been more clear about my intentions.</p> <p>On an unrelated note, a funny story from this game session: one of the four goblins, named Poog, is a cleric. He cast the spell <em>Burning Hands</em> on the Sha-hugga-mug during combat, and I quickly looked it up in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, where I was surprised to learn it was a 15ft cone. My GM, also surprised, said “Well I guarantee you it wasn’t that way in 3.5.” So, I got out my 3.5 PHB, and we looked it up, and much to our surprise, it had been a 15ft cone in 3rd edition as well! Flustered, my GM added “They must have changed it from second edition!” So, I pulled out my 2nd edition PHB, and he found the spell and read the description aloud.</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow"><p><strong>GM:</strong> When the wizard casts this spell, a jet of searing flame shoots from his fingertips. His hands must be held so as to send forth a fanlike sheet of flames: the wizard’s thumbs must touch each other and the fingers must be spread. The burning hands send out flame jets 5 feet long in a horizontal arc about 120 degrees in front of the wizard.”<br><strong>Me:</strong> …So, it’s a cone?<br><strong>GM: </strong>Shut up.</p></blockquote> <p>Good times.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-03-25T20:53:01-07:00">March 25, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-13T08:56:06-08:00">February 13, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Play Reports</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">Single-Post Rules Discussions</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Monsters</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Personal Stories</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Player Perspective</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Zalekios</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">1 Comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-1325" class="post-1325 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-colorful-characters tag-colorful-characters tag-steal-this-for-your-game"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Colorful Characters 16: Novre Homberk, Tailor Savant</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="338" height="450" data-attachment-id="12340" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="338,450" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="TOKYF00Z" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12340" srcset=" 338w, 225w, 81w" sizes="(max-width: 338px) 100vw, 338px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>Little Novre Homberk never really seemed to be paying attention to anything. It concerned his parents, Helen and Krastus, that he would rarely look anyone in the eye, and did not start to talk until he was four years old. The child spent much of his time staring into the distance, twisting his fingers together and untwisting them, or playing games no one around him really understood. The other children sensed something was different about Novre. At first they avoided him out of fear, but as time passed, they took to teasing him for his apparent disconnect from the material plane.</p> <p>After Helen died, Krastus was left to raise his son alone. He started to drink heavily. Occasionally he would even beat his son whilst in a drunken rage, but he was not so much a monster that he didn’t regret it once he’d sobered up. His business as a small town’s clothier and tailor began to suffer. Orders were ignored, and the quality of his work began to drive people away. All Krastus could do was drink more and more heavily, decreasing the quality of his work further. Losing his livelihood seemed to be a foregone conclusion, until one day he stumbled in through his shop door to discover that he had accidentally locked 9 year old Novre in the night before; and that all of his tailoring work had been completed.</p> <p>And not only was everything finished. Everything was done with a remarkable quality which Krastus could never have matched in his life. His customers were ecstatic, and congratulated him on sobering up. Seeing an opportunity to make a great deal of money, Krastus took the money he had been spending on booze and bought materials of higher quality than he had purchased in many months. He gave the materials to Novre, and watched in astonishment as the child created some of the most beautiful clothes the tailor had ever seen. Elaborately embroidered dresses, robes, shirts, pants, gloves, the child seemed possessed of some type of divine talent, and Krastus was not about to let it go to waste. He immediately began selling the boy’s work as his own, and his business grew at an exponential rate. Within a year nobles were traveling for days simply to buy the magnificent clothing which Novre was quietly creating in the back room.</p> <p>A local wizard of small repute named Erlem, himself a member of the nobility, eventually came to investigate Krastus’ shop, and was very pleased by the elaborate and fashionable items sold there. He purchased a number of clothes for himself, and returned to his home. Erlem was proud of his new clothes, and wore them whenever he found an opportunity, but when he did he sensed something strange. The clothes felt somehow…off, to him. He began to study the clothing in earnest, and was surprised to discover that not only were the clothes very fine, they were <em>magical</em>. The pants he had purchased granted the wearer the ability to resist spells, and the gloves made his somatic gesturing somehow more precise. Erlem was pleased, but confused. He had paid a hefty price for the clothes, but the magical abilities of the clothes made them worth fifteen or twenty times more than what he had paid.</p> <p>Erlem was not very skilled with divination, but spent the next few days observing Krastus and Novre via an expensive crystal ball. That told him everything he needed to know: Krastus didn’t understand the depth of his son’s talent. Somehow the boy was creating powerful magical clothing, and the father was selling it for a pittance because he thought its value was purely aesthetic. Erlem returned to Krastus shop the next morning, and placed an order so large that the fraudulent old tailor fainted. It cost him much of his fortune to do so, but in the months following the delivery of the goods, Erlem made his fortune back many times over by quietly selling the clothes to adventurers and other wizards.</p> <p>That arrangement has existed now for a year or so. Erlem the wizard exploits Krastus the tailor by purchasing clothing well below market value, and reselling it at a fair price. Krastus, in turn, exploits his son by selling his son’s magnificent work as his own. And Novre, now a boy of 18, doesn’t care. He happily creates beautiful garment after beautiful garment, content in the act of creation.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Thoughts on Use</h3> <p>The players might encounter either Erlem, attempting to sell them magical items made of cloth. This encounter might end with the purchase of the clothing, or if the players have some reason to be suspicious, they might inquire as to how a low-level wizard of no great skill produced such fine garments. Erlem is terrible at keeping secrets, so it’s only a matter of time before he spills the beans to someone. Alternatively, the players might encounter Krastus as a purveyor of fine clothing.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Magical Garments</h3> <p>Novre can craft any magical item which is made from cloth within 1/8th the normal amount of time it would require, using materials which cost 1% of the normal cost for the item.</p> <p><strong>Novre Homberk (CR 2)</strong><br>XP: 600<br>Male Human Expert 4<br>CN humanoid<br><strong>Init</strong> +2; <strong>Senses</strong> Perception -3</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center">Defenses</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>AC</strong> 16, Flat Footed 14, Touch 16 [10 + Dex(2) + Jerkin of Deflection(4)]<br><strong>SR</strong> 19<br><strong>hp</strong> 28 (4d8 + 8)<br><strong>Fort</strong> +6 <strong>Ref</strong> +6 <strong>Will</strong> +11 (+2 to disbelieve Illusions)</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center">Offense</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>Speed</strong> 30ft<br><strong>Melee</strong> Unarmed +5 (1d3 + 2; 20/x2)</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center">Stats</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>Str</strong> 15 (+2) <strong>Dex</strong> 14 (+2) <strong>Con</strong> 10 (+0) <strong>Int</strong> 6 (-2) <strong>Wis</strong> 4 (-3) <strong>Cha</strong> 18 (+4)<br><strong>Base Atk</strong> +3; <strong>CMB</strong> +5; <strong>CMD</strong> 17<br><strong>Feats</strong> Naturally Gifted, Skill Focus (Craft: Cloth), Skill Focus (Craft: Clothing)<br><strong>Skills</strong> Craft(Cloth)(+10), Craft(Clothing)(+10), Spellcraft(+7), Use Magic Device(+7)<br><strong>Languages</strong> Common<br><strong>Gear</strong> Jerkin of Deflection +4, Sewing Kit</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>New Feat: Naturally Gifted<br></strong></p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p>You are able to call upon extraordinary abilities without first gaining the usual prerequisites.<br><strong>Prerequisites:</strong> Level 1, Character must be an NPC<br><strong>Benefit:</strong> Damned near anything. A natural gift can take whatever form the GM wishes. For Novre, it is an uncanny ability to create magical items of cloth. But for other characters it might be the ability to unerringly see the future, or to solve complex magical formulas.<br><strong>Drawback:</strong> While not strictly required, it is customary for characters who receive such marvelous gifts to suffer a corresponding drawbacks. Characters who can see the future may be blind, or they may be cursed to never be believed, or they may simply be unable to express themselves in a clear fashion. Novre has <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-31T01:14:58+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">savantism</a> as his drawback. While he excels in creating wondrous and magical clothing, he is disconnected from the real world, and will never be able to function as an adult.<br><strong>Normal:</strong> You’ve gotta kill a bunch of shit and take their stuff and level up and it’s this whole <em>thing</em>.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="434" height="205" data-attachment-id="12341" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="434,205" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="LJLycyoQUtrXtMCEewE" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12341" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-03-24T12:21:47-07:00">March 24, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-03T15:07:35-08:00">February 3, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Colorful Characters</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Colorful Characters</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Steal this for Your Game</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">3 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-1316" class="post-1316 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-single-page-setting-discussions tag-magic-items"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Unusual Magic Item Types</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1689" height="1191" data-attachment-id="12343" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1689,1191" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"Sir Thomas Malory","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"The Boy's King Arthur","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="The Boy’s King Arthur" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12343" srcset=" 1689w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 863w, 153w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" /></figure></div> <p>I’ve been feeling mentally drained lately, so I’m gonna keep things light around here for awhile. Fewer 2000 word posts where I try to suss out Pathfinder’s platonic ideal, more brief posts which don’t require much sussing at all. There has been an overabundance of sussing in my life, as of late. Doctor told me to cut back.</p> <p>I’ve always liked the idea of odd magical items. In fact, I’ve occasionally made a game out of giving my players the most absolutely useless magical items I could imagine, just to see how they would use them. They always seem to manage it somehow. One of my best is rope which immediately unties any knot as soon as the slightest amount of tension is placed upon it. But my favorite kind of unusual magic item is a type of item which is not normally magical at all. Weapons, armor, capes, and rings are almost magical by default in a Pathfinder world, while many other items are rarely even checked for dweomers. If you find a tapestry depicting a battle, rolled up in a dungeon, you’re likely going to view it as mundane treasure. But what if the tapestry is the result of an epic-level “Time Stop” spell cast upon a battlefield? If dispelled, the combatants depicted on the tapestry would suddenly appear in the room, and continue their fight.</p> <p>So lets jump into some of the types I’ve come up with:</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="348" height="515" data-attachment-id="12344" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="348,515" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="MagicItems001" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12344" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> <p><strong>Scabbards:</strong> It is a little known fact that the scabbard of Excalibur was actually much more valuable than the sword itself. I’m not exactly an Arthurian scholar, but none of the texts I’ve read paint Excalibur as anything other than a very good sword. In some stories it’s maybe a +1 Longsword, whilst in the film named for the blade, it might be as much as a +5. But that’s hardly impressive as magical items go. Excalibur’s scabbard, however, may be the most powerful magic represented in Arthurian myth. Any who wore it <em>could not be wounded</em>. Arthur would have been invincible, had he not allowed his sister Morgana Le Fay, to borrow the scabbard so she could “appreciate its beauty.” By which she meant “have someone make a copy, then throw the real one into a lake.”</p> <p>Giving a character an item which makes the invulnerable might be pushing it, but there’s no reason other magical affects couldn’t be granted by a scabbard. Fast healing, for example. Perhaps there could even be some manner of trade-off with the sword. When the sword is sheathed, the scabbard grants fast healing 10, or protection from arrows, or whatever. When the sword is drawn, the magic of the scabbard is reduced in power, or ends altogether. That could make the decision to engage an enemy much more relevant.</p> <p><strong>Tattoos:</strong> This one shows up now and again in various supplements–usually ones with an asian theme for some reason. Perhaps there is some originating mythology for magical tattoos found in asian cultures which I am unaware of. I don’t really care where it came from, it’s an awesome idea, and needs to be more prominent within fantasy. Whether it’s a tattoo of a magical beast which can “jump off” your body and aid you in battle, or something more mundane, it fits in with nearly any kind of setting where magic exists. And the possibilities are too numerous to name! What about a tattoo of an eye on the tip of your finger, which you could see out of by closing your eyes? Useful for looking around corners. What if clerics got their god’s holy symbol tattooed on their chests? It could never be taken away when you were captured. I once made a character who had tattoos of short swords on her forearms, and in a pinch she could reach “into” her arms and pull a masterwork short sword out of each.</p> <p><strong>Cosmetics:</strong> While on the subject of markings on the body, what about makeup? Not exactly the kind of thing we imagine a rough-and-tumble adventurer to be interested in, but adventurers aren’t always lacking in refinement. And even those who are lacking in refinement must often deal with the upper classes of society. Mayors, nobles, kings and queens; any or all might try to fool the adventurers with <em>Lipstick of Lying</em>. Or they could try to hypnotize the party with <em>Mesmerizing Mascara</em>.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="863" height="593" data-attachment-id="12345" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1000,687" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="splitting-treasure" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12345" srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w, 863w, 157w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p><strong>Piercings & Misc Jewelry:</strong> I honestly don’t understand why piercings are ignored by the rules. Earrings could be as versatile as Fingerrings. And a piercing could go any number of places! What about a tongue stud that made a wizard immune to any effect which would interfere with their spell’s verbal components? A belly ring could allow an adventurer to stave off hunger for weeks. Many types of obscure jewelry could be magical, in fact. Many cultures wear combs in their hair, and ancient Mayans used to replace some of their teeth with Jade. Tooth of Vecna, anyone?</p> <p><strong>Rations:</strong> We’ve all read Lord of the Rings, right? Or, at the very least, seen those films which were so popular? Lambas bread was a major plot point in the books, but you really don’t see anything like that in RPGs. This one might be more justifiable, simply because of the plethora of ways to avoid the need for rations in a basic D&D game. Clerics gain the ability to summon food and water pretty early on, and even if the party doesn’t have a cleric, bags of holding make it easy to carry a few month’s worth of rations with no problem. But still, you would think they’d put some rules for magic elven rations in the core rulebook.</p> <p><strong>Simple Tools:</strong> Hammers, Picks, Saws, etc could be enchanted to do their job exceptionally well. A saw which can cut down a tree in under a minute, or a pick which reduces an hour’s worth of work to a single swing. These items would have no combat benefits, but would make some types of work go much faster. This would be particularly useful to give to workers as they were constructing a stronghold.</p> <p>What are some unusual magic item types you’ve encountered, or come up with for your own games?</p> <p>Also, buttplug of protection +2. Because I can.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-03-21T20:54:36-07:00">March 21, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-03T15:17:02-08:00">February 3, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Single Page Setting Discussions</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Magic Items</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">9 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-1294" class="post-1294 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-miscallaneous tag-images tag-reality-is-my-sourcebook tag-steal-this-for-your-game"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Reality is my Sourcebook: Bejeweled Skeletons</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="503" height="600" data-attachment-id="12347" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="503,600" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"Photographer: Paul Freeman","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"Copyright: Paul Freeman 2009","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="St_Maximinus1" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12347" srcset=" 503w, 252w, 91w" sizes="(max-width: 503px) 100vw, 503px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>History is interesting.</p> <p>Like, <em>really</em> interesting.</p> <p>Americans, like myself, don’t tend to get a lot of historical education. I don’t know about the what others may have experienced, but looking back it seems as though I simply learned about the same things over and over. It wasn’t until a few into my university education that I realized I knew next to nothing about American history after the revolutionary war. I was even less familiar with the history of other countries, and even less familiar than that with the history of countries outside of the west. It is a failing I have been regrettably slow to correct, which is really too bad, because ya know all those people who were alive before our parents?</p> <p>They were awesome.</p> <p>I mean, they were awful. For most of history, every social group has been dirt under the feet of the social group above it. I firmly believe that the human race has, overall, improved as time has gone forward. But none the less, if you take the time to explore the past, I guarantee you’ll find something amazing. Something like bejeweled skeletons.</p> <p>I haven’t been able to find much more information than is given in my original source <em>(Defunct)</em>. The scant information I’ve been able to discover about the individuals has covered their lives, and stopped short after their death. But, apparently, these are all saints of the catholic church. As best I can determine, it seems that all died sometime before 1100 C.E. Each was taken from Rome (probably the catacombs under <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-31T01:19:36+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">Saint Peter’s Basilica</a>, though I’m not positive) sometime in the 1600s. Their remains were dressed in these elaborate, bejeweled imitations of what was then modern fashion. They were then re-interred in the catacombs of a small German chapel.</p> <p>I’d love to learn more if anyone can find anything on the subject. Though the benefit of not knowing is that I get to imagine the details for myself. Was this odd, elaborate ritual done peacefully, or were the remains stolen? If the former, why? Was the transfer of hallowed corpses a bargaining chip in a diplomatic negotiation, or were the corpses moved because it was felt they did not belong amongst the hallowed corpses? Perhaps they were garbed in such a rich fashion in an attempt to satiate their spirits for the dishonor of being removed from a more respectable grave. And if the latter, if the remains were stolen, why, and how? Was there a battle, or was their acquisition a daring act of subterfuge? Were they each members of some secret society, and were taken so they could be buried according to that society’s rituals, or were they all secretly members of a single family? The possibilities are enticing, and endless.</p> <p>This is the stuff adventures are made of. For a low level adventurer, finding just one of these skeletons would be worth delving through a 10-level dungeon. Even higher level adventurers would be awed to find a group of these skeletons posed around a table, perhaps reenacting some magnificent deed from their lives.</p> <p>Pictured above is Saint Maximinus, whom I imagine would not be a fun person to game with. Each of the skeletons below are labelled in turn. Many thanks for the beautiful photography must be given to Toby De Silva. You can see more of his work on his website. <em>(Defunct)</em> He’s got an eye for the macabre, which I like.</p> <figure data-carousel-extra='{"blog_id":1,"permalink":"https:\/\/\/reality-is-my-sourcebook-bejeweled-skeletons\/"}' class="wp-block-gallery columns-3 is-cropped wp-block-gallery-1 is-layout-flex wp-block-gallery-is-layout-flex"><ul class="blocks-gallery-grid"><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="500" height="600" data-attachment-id="12348" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="500,600" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="St_Alexander12" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" data-id="12348" data-link="" class="wp-image-12348" srcset=" 500w, 250w, 90w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="500" height="600" data-attachment-id="12349" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="500,600" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Photographer: Paul Freeman","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark II","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1267422913","copyright":"Copyright: Paul Freeman 2009","focal_length":"90","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"4","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="St_Deodatus1" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" data-id="12349" data-link="" class="wp-image-12349" srcset=" 500w, 250w, 90w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="500" height="600" data-attachment-id="12350" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="500,600" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Photographer: Paul Freeman","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark II","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1267424646","copyright":"Copyright: Paul Freeman 2009","focal_length":"90","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"3.2","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="St_Gratian" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" data-id="12350" data-link="" class="wp-image-12350" srcset=" 500w, 250w, 90w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="500" height="600" data-attachment-id="12351" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="500,600" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Photographer: Paul Freeman","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark II","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1267424005","copyright":"Copyright: Paul Freeman 2009","focal_length":"90","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"4","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="St_Maximus" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" data-id="12351" data-link="" class="wp-image-12351" srcset=" 500w, 250w, 90w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="500" height="600" data-attachment-id="12352" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="500,600" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Photographer: Paul Freeman","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark II","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1267422714","copyright":"Copyright: Paul Freeman 2009","focal_length":"90","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"6","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="St_Theodosi_Miles1" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" data-id="12352" data-link="" class="wp-image-12352" srcset=" 500w, 250w, 90w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="500" height="600" data-attachment-id="12353" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="500,600" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"Photographer: Paul Freeman","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark II","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1267422383","copyright":"Copyright: Paul Freeman 2009","focal_length":"90","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"4","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="St_Valantinus1" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" data-id="12353" data-link="" class="wp-image-12353" srcset=" 500w, 250w, 90w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="500" height="600" data-attachment-id="12354" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="500,600" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Photographer: Paul Freeman","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark II","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1267424828","copyright":"Copyright: Paul Freeman 2009","focal_length":"90","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"3.2","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="St_Victorius" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" data-id="12354" data-link="" class="wp-image-12354" srcset=" 500w, 250w, 90w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="500" height="600" data-attachment-id="12355" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="500,600" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Photographer: Paul Freeman","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark II","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1267424366","copyright":"Copyright: Paul Freeman 2009","focal_length":"90","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"4","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="St_Vitalian" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" data-id="12355" data-link="" class="wp-image-12355" srcset=" 500w, 250w, 90w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></li></ul></figure> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-03-19T19:46:29-07:00">March 19, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2020-12-17T08:35:39-08:00">December 17, 2020</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Miscallaneous</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Images</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Reality is my Sourcebook</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Steal this for Your Game</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">2 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-1268" class="post-1268 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-encumbrance tag-en tag-gm-tips tag-house-rules tag-steal-this-for-your-game tag-system-critique"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Making Encumbrance Work</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="632" height="923" data-attachment-id="12357" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="632,923" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="rpginventory-e1276294886170" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12357" srcset=" 632w, 205w, 74w" sizes="(max-width: 632px) 100vw, 632px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>Way back in November I wrote a piece entitled “<a href="">Stuff Which Never Works</a>.” The post details three elements of adventure gaming which I personally have never seen work well: ammunition tracking, encumbrance, and chase scenes. I actually started with a much larger list of things which need to be improved, but I boiled it down to these three items because each of them strike me as something which ought to work. Running out of arrows in the middle of combat, being unable to carry every single piece of treasure out of a collapsing dungeon, fleeing for your life; these are all staples of the novels and films which inspire our adventuring spirit. I tried to offer suggestions for improving the way each of these issues could be handled in Pathfinder, but none of my suggestions were very thoroughly considered, and I haven’t implemented anything in my games. However, as I mentioned in my much more recent post “<a href="">Making Travel More Engaging</a>,” the benefits of encumbrance are too valuable to pass up when you’re running a hex crawl.</p> <p>Before we start crafting a house rule, though, it’s always important to have a thorough understanding of how the official rules on the subject work. The excerpts from the book would be longer than I’d like to post here, but you can find the basic information starting on page 169 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook under “Carrying Capacity.” The information is arranged somewhat awkwardly in the book, so you may want to use the <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-31T01:31:33+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">Pathfinder SRD entry on Carrying Capacity</a> instead. The essential breakdown of the rule is that you consult table 7-4 to determine what your character’s light, medium, and heavy loads are based on their strength. Characters of larger or smaller sizes must multiply or divide the listed weights to get their correct carrying capacities. Light loads can can be carried with no penalties, while medium and heavy loads each reduce a characters maximum dexterity and speed, as well as bestowing a skill check penalty. A character’s maximum load is the upper-range of of their listed “heavy load.” Twice the maximum weight can be lifted, but characters can only hobble around in 5ft steps. Up to five times a character’s maximum load can be pushed or dragged along even ground.</p> <p>I think I can safely say that these rules are bad. I know I just finished saying that encumbrance is important, but it’s not <em>that</em> important. Figuring out whether their character is straining under the weight of their backpack is not why your players are sitting around your table. They’re sitting around your table because they want to go on adventures! They want to slay monsters and recover treasures and create fantastic, epic stories of heroism together! Nobody wants to spend time thumbing through the equipment chapter of the rulebook to find the weight of anything from a spyglass to a coil of rope. Anytime they got found a potion in a chest, or fired 10 arrows, they’d need to remember to recalculate their encumbrance. Not to mention consulting a chart every time their strength changes! With all of the abilities, potions, spells, and magic items that can alter a character’s strength, requiring the players to flip through the rulebook to find table 7-4 every time their strength changes is unacceptable.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="325" height="400" data-attachment-id="12358" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="325,400" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Encumberance_loRes" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12358" srcset=" 325w, 244w, 88w" sizes="(max-width: 325px) 100vw, 325px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>I realize that the game intends for people to play encumbrance less than exactly. Nobody is expected to track every single potion’s weight as it is added to and removed from the inventory. And 90% of the time that a character’s strength changes, knowing how their carrying capacity changes won’t be relevant. But the way in which the system is designed, that kind of exhaustive tracking is the ideal. Pathfinder’s encumbrance system works best when it is handled by a computer, and that is unacceptable to me. No rule that complicated should be allowed to remain in a tabletop RPG. And that is why I’ve neglected encumbrance for so many years.</p> <p>But as I’ve come to appreciate, encumbrance adds <em>so much</em> to a game. When the party is traveling, encumbrance affects their speed, which in turn changes how many days it can take to reach their destination. The need for the players to make decisions for how they will travel–decisions which affect how well they can travel–can be engaging. More importantly, anything the players need to leave behind is something they can come back for later. Returning to a dungeon to retrieve the piles of gold they were unable to carry can be an adventure in itself, requiring them to face unique challenges such as getting a large cart through the wilderness. In addition, it encourages the players to establish a base of operations. In all the time I’ve been GMing games, my players have never been really interested in buying a house in the city, or establishing a stronghold all their own, and it’s because they could carry as much as they wanted to on their backs. But if they can’t carry everything, they’re going to want to establish a place to keep everything. And once they have a fixed location, I can design adventures where those homes are attacked or burgled. And, perhaps best of all, enforcing an encumbrance system causes a bag of holding to actually <em>mean</em> something.</p> <p>Assuming you’ve agreed with me up to this point, we’ve established that 1) an encumbrance system is valuable to the game, and 2) the current encumbrance system is unacceptably bad. So step three is obvious: we make a better encumbrance system and use that instead.</p> <p class="has-text-color has-background has-very-dark-gray-color has-pale-pink-background-color"><strong>The Rule:</strong> Items are either Significant, or Insignificant, as determined by the GM. A character may carry any number of insignificant items without penalty. Significant items may be determined on the basis of either weight, or size, and most have a base encumbrance 1. Exceptionally heavy or unwieldy items may have an encumbrance of 2 or more. A character’s carrying capacity is based off of their strength score. An encumbrance equal to a character’s strength score is considered a light load, while a medium load would be twice that, and a heavy load would be three times that. Quadrapeds, such as horses, have double the standard encumbrance capacity. Lightly encumbered characters suffer no penalty. Characters with a medium encumbrance have their speed reduced by 1/4, and take a -3 penalty on all rolls relating to physical activity. Heavily encumbered characters have their speed reduced by 1/2, and take a -6 penalty on all rolls relating to physical activity.</p> <p>That’s the entire rule. It can be easily memorized, and doesn’t require looking at any charts. No accommodations need to be made for larger or smaller characters, because those differences will likely already be accounted for by the character’s strength. And in cases where they are not, I see no reason to penalize a halfling for being strong, or reward an giant for being weak. All that remains to be done is to determine <strong>what is significant</strong>? The rule establishes that it is determined by the GM, but there needs to be a baseline suggestion.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="500" height="400" data-attachment-id="12359" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="500,400" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="tumblr_lsq09wsmmw1ql55zvo1_500" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12359" srcset=" 500w, 300w, 135w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>The simple answer is that <strong>a significant item is any item which is heavy enough, or large enough, for the character to take notice of its addition to their equipment</strong>. If I’m wearing a backpack, and someone places a candle, or a pair of manacles, or a blanket in it, then I’m not likely to notice the addition of the weight. I might notice somebody fiddling with my backpack, but if they were sly about it, I might never know that my pack was technically heavier. And in some cases, an item might be noticeable not because it is heavy, but because it is large. A rapier, for example, is a good 4 feet long or more from pommel to point–even though it might be considered pretty light. Or, if you prefer, consider a fully inflated beach ball. It may weigh next to nothing, but there’s no way you’d miss its addition to your pack. If you need a more exact conversion, then use 5lb as a cutoff for insignificant items. That means that items such as a flask, grappling hook, hammer, or iron pot will be considered insignificant items. But items like a 10ft pole, tent, portable ram, or a 50ft coil of rope would be considered significant.</p> <p>Now that we have a method to figure out what a significant item is, the question becomes: how heavy does a significant item need to be to count for more than 1 encumbrance? Obviously there needs to be an upward limit on which significant items only count for 1. Otherwise a character with a strength of 12 could carry around a dozen 2-ton golden statues without hitting medium encumbrance. Once again, this should be determined by the GM. As a baseline, something which would normally require both hands to hold (such as a suit of full plate) should be considered to count for 2 encumbrance. If, on top of being heavy, it is also large (such as an empty chest) it might count as 3 or 4 encumbrance. Again, if you would like a more exact conversion, use 30lb as the weight at which a significant item becomes worth 2 encumbrance. Going from there you could use 60lb for three encumbrance, 90lb for four encumbrance, etc.</p> <p>There is one major flaw with this system to keep in mind: consumables. Food rations, torches, ammunition for bows and crossbows, and in particular <em>money</em>. Items like these are the kinds of things which players will carry an infinite amount of if they can. It doesn’t really matter all that much if your players decide they want to carry 40 cooking pots, but if you treat arrows as an insignificant item, then you may as well give the ranger a <em>Quiver of Infinite Arrows</em> at first level. To solve that problem, you can have vendors sell consumables in groups which amount to a single significant item. Some basic examples:</p> <ul class="wp-block-list"><li>1 week of rations (1 significant item.)</li><li>20 arrows/bolts/shurikens/throwing knives (1 significant item)</li><li>5 bags of caltrops / flasks of oil / torches (1 significant item)</li><li>250 coins of any denomination (1 significant item)</li></ul> <p>Keep in mind that this system is not meant to approximate reality. It is very possible for characters to end up carrying much more than they should be able to. But assuming you’re playing with rational adults, they’re not going to be trying to game the encumbrance system. The idea is not to make encumbrance accurate, it is to make encumbrance function in such a way that it serves its purpose with a minimum amount of negative impact on play. And that’s what I think this system does.</p> <p>I would love feedback on this, though. Having never played with encumbrance myself, this is all just theory.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-03-18T17:35:19-07:00">March 18, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-13T08:48:09-08:00">February 13, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Encumbrance</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">En</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">GM Tips</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">House Rules</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Steal this for Your Game</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">System Critique</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">23 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-1238" class="post-1238 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-magical-marvels tag-homebrew tag-magic-items tag-magical-marvels tag-my-games tag-steal-this-for-your-game tag-zalekios"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Magical Marvels 6: Succubic Shield</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="312" height="400" data-attachment-id="12361" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="312,400" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Succubus" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12361" srcset=" 312w, 234w, 84w" sizes="(max-width: 312px) 100vw, 312px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>Going through some old notes recently, I discovered the character sheet for a succubus named Setya. She’s the mother of the notorious <a href="">Zalekios Gromar</a>, and a former general in the Blood War under Malcanthet. After being taken as a prisoner of war, she was disgraced in her lady’s eyes, and ventured to the material plane to seek redemption. It was there that she sired Zalekios, and began shaping him into a paragon of chaos, which she hoped would please Malcanthet. On the character sheet I found a number of magical items I had created specifically for Setya, including this shield which I thought was interesting enough to share with all of you.</p> <p><strong>Succubic Shield<br></strong><em>Heavy Reinforced-Silver Shield<br></em></p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>PHYSICAL PROPERTIES</strong></p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>AC Bonus</strong> +4 [Shield(2) + Deflection Enchantment(2)]<br><strong>Construction</strong> The shield is composed of silver, reinforced by mithril.<strong><br>Weight</strong> 25lb<br><strong>Arcane Spell Failure Chance</strong> 15%<br><strong>Armor Check Penalty</strong> -1<br><strong>(Shield Spike)</strong><strong>(Attack)</strong> (Treat as one-handed, martial weapon)<br><strong>(Shield Spike)</strong><strong>(Damage)</strong> 1d6 (Piercing)(20/x2)</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>SPECIAL ABILITIES</strong></p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <ul class="wp-block-list"><li>Anyone who takes damage from the shield spike must make a DC 17 fortitude save. Failure indicates that the shield successfully inserts a tiny demonic parasite into the victim. This parasite immediately bestows one negative level on the victim. The parasite then remains dormant for 9 months before it awakens. The host is then entitled to another DC 17 fortitude save, or the parasite bestows another negative level on the host, before going dormant for another 9 months. This continues until either the host is dead, or the parasite is destroyed. The parasite cannot be discovered by divination magics. Removal of the parasite is difficult. The simplest method is to cast a spell of 6th level or higher with the [Good] descriptor on the host. However, if the host is able to save against three of the parasite’s level drains in a row, the parasite dies of starvation.</li></ul> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>APPEARANCE</strong></p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p>The surface of the shield is deeply embossed with intricate imagery. The center of the shield is dominated by a man, depicted as helpless against a flock of succubi which surround him. Each entices him in different ways: power, wealth, numerous permutations of lust. The shield spike extends from between the man’s legs, and is engraved to resemble a phallus–though the conical spike shape is not significantly altered by these engravings.</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>WHERE IT CAN BE FOUND</strong></p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p>A succubic shield is an item of exceeding rarity. They are only forged for those succubi who both participate in the blood war, and who choose to do so as members of the martial classes rather than as spellcasters. In all likelihood, the only way a party would encounter an item such as this would be to participate in the Blood War themselves. However, a handful of mortals, after doing just that, have managed to return to the material plane with a succubic shield. So in rare cases, it is possible to encounter these items in treasure hordes, or collections or rarities. It is also possible that one might encounter a succubus on the material plane who carries a succubic shield.</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>BACKGROUND<br></strong></p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p>Mortals live and die. Empires rise and fall. Planets are born only to crumble again into nothingness. Even planes occasionally fold into themselves, or merge with other planes, reshaping the face of existence. And through it all, the Blood War rages on. The wild hordes of the abyss clash with the regiments of the nine hells without end. Sometimes one gains the advantage, sometimes the other, yet neither can ever hold it for long enough to claim victory. Neither side can relent, nor would either side ever want to. Only the gods remember when the conflict began, and not even they can guess what would happen if it ended. Some surmise that all war is merely a reflection of this one eternal conflict–others think that preoccupation with the Blood War is all that stops either side from completely overrunning the rest of the multiverse.</p> <p>Every type of demonic and diabolic creature is represented in this conflict. From the mighty balors, to the lowly quaists, every vile creature has a role to play, including succubi. On this merciless battlefield, however, the seductive charms of a succubus are of little use. Most relegate themselves to supporting roles, serving as scouts and spies. Many others tap into their innate sorcerous abilities to serve as battlecasters. Some few succubi prefer to get their hands dirty. Those few train themselves in the skills of martial combat–often as anti-paladins–and wade into the thick of combat swinging a sword or flail. It was for these fearsome warriors that the succubic shield was first commissioned.</p> <p>Designed by a succubus anti-paladin who had risen to the rank of general; the succubic shield pays homage to the succubus’ primary skillset–with a cruel twist. Oftentimes those injured by this shield’s wicked spike overhear a mumbled comment about “sticking it in,” or “just the tip.” The demonic creatures take great delight in inflicting a deadly ‘pregnancy’ in others, though they rarely speak about it in mixed company. Even with other demons they are cautious, hoping that the long gestation period of the parasite will prevent anyone from realizing that it is their shields which plants it. The secret of the shield’s construction is a closely guarded secret as well, known only to a handful of smiths on the 570th layer of the Abyss.</p> <p><strong>Note: </strong>This entire post is completely overshadowed by <a href="">Tim Wright’s remarkable succubus art</a>. Damn.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-03-17T01:10:05-07:00">March 17, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-03T15:22:02-08:00">February 3, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Magical Marvels</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Homebrew</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Magic Items</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Magical Marvels</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">My Games</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Steal this for Your Game</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Zalekios</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">2 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-1242" class="post-1242 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-miscallaneous tag-images tag-rant"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1024" height="768" data-attachment-id="12364" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1024,768" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="1331027806957" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-12364" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 863w, 144w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" /></figure></div> <p>The trees bent aside like twigs to make way for the creature that stepped out of the darkness. It’s appearance was grotesque and alien. It wasn’t until it opened its colossal jaws to choke out a guttural roar that the adventurers even realized where its mouth was. Yaril drew his blades and stepped forward.</p> <p>“Alright kids, we do this by the book. I’ll try and sneak behind the bastard.” His apparent confidence was belied by the tremor in his voice. Graft none the less nodded silently and began pulling an arrow from his quiver. Behind them, Vortican was already mumbling the beginnings of a spell, arcs of magical energy gathering around his fingertips.</p> <p>“I’m going to seduce it.” Tassandra said. The rest of the party’s jaws dropped in unison. It was Vortican who spoke first.</p> <p>“How do you intend to do that?”</p> <p>“Well…ya know. I look at him with lusty eyes, and open my mouth just a little. Then I turn so he can get a really good view of my ass, with a little sideboob for good measure. Then I take this big stick thingie I have and hold it like its his penis, just to make sure he gets it.”</p> <p>“I’m pretty sure that’s not a valid strategy.” Yaril managed, still dumbstruck by his companion’s foolishness. “I’m not even sure that thing is a ‘he.'”</p> <p>“Shut up, it will totally work!” were the last words Tassandra spoke, before the entire party was devoured by The Beast Who Hates Sexist Fantasy Art.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-03-15T21:32:16-07:00">March 15, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-03T15:22:36-08:00">February 3, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Miscallaneous</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" 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Here\'s Magic in the Moment.\'>Magic Words suck. Here\'s Magic in the Moment.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fuck the King of Space: Post Mortem\'>Fuck the King of Space: Post Mortem</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is a God?\'>Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is a God?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Here Comes an Owl Bear\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Here Comes an Owl Bear</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is Treasure?\'>Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is Treasure?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Welcome to the New Papers & Pencils\'>Welcome to the New Papers & Pencils</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Death of Google+\'>The Death of Google+</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'\"All In One WP Migration\" is a scam.\'>\"All In One WP Migration\" is a scam.</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Papers & Pencils Has Been Hacked\'>Papers & Pencils Has Been Hacked</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Discovering Dungeon Moon: Base Camp\'>Discovering Dungeon Moon: Base Camp</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Developing a Setting: My Trouble with Dungeon Moon\'>Developing a Setting: My Trouble with Dungeon Moon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Looking Back at \"The Standing Stone\" by John D. 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collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Infallible Garrr\'>The Infallible Garrr</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'20 Architectural Features for Memorable Dungeons\'>20 Architectural Features for Memorable Dungeons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Want to Write About Board Games.\'>I Want to Write About Board Games.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On a Red World Alone: Active & Reactive Worlds, and Keeping a Mature Campaign Alive\'>On a Red World Alone: Active & Reactive Worlds, and Keeping a Mature Campaign Alive</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fuck the King of Space: Player's Guide\'>Fuck the King of Space: Player's Guide</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Value of Conspiracy\'>The Value of Conspiracy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'New Class: The Cleric, as Anti-Magician\'>New Class: The Cleric, as Anti-Magician</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fuck the King of Space\'>Fuck the King of Space</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dice, Take the Wheel!\'>Dice, Take the Wheel!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Two Years of Magic Words in ORWA\'>Two Years of Magic Words in ORWA</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Unusual Shops in Town\'>d100 Unusual Shops in Town</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Two Questions for Better Battlefields\'>Two Questions for Better Battlefields</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Silent Thief, Greedy Thief\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Silent Thief, Greedy Thief</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'New Class: The Machine Man\'>New Class: The Machine Man</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Four Christmas-Themed Magic Items\'>Four Christmas-Themed Magic Items</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sex in D&D\'>Sex in D&D</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 4: Faxanadu\'>NES OSR Bestiary 4: Faxanadu</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures: Arraku Arraku Arraku\'>Miscreated Creatures: Arraku Arraku Arraku</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures: Buzzbeard\'>Miscreated Creatures: Buzzbeard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures: Revisiting the Rotocula\'>Miscreated Creatures: Revisiting the Rotocula</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures: The Ugly Thing\'>Miscreated Creatures: The Ugly Thing</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Boardgame/RPG Hybrid\'>The Boardgame/RPG Hybrid</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Trick or Treating with NPCs\'>Trick or Treating with NPCs</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Neve Canri\'>Neve Canri</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 3: Castlevania\'>NES OSR Bestiary 3: Castlevania</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 2: Ninja Gaiden 2\'>NES OSR Bestiary 2: Ninja Gaiden 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 1: Dragon Warrior\'>NES OSR Bestiary 1: Dragon Warrior</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'15 Movement-Based Magic Items\'>15 Movement-Based Magic Items</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How to Keep Your Friends Alive When Everything Seems to Want Them Dead\'>How to Keep Your Friends Alive When Everything Seems to Want Them Dead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'If You're Not Metagaming, You're Not Trying Hard Enough\'>If You're Not Metagaming, You're Not Trying Hard Enough</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Materials your Post-Apocalyptic Armor is Made From\'>d100 Materials your Post-Apocalyptic Armor is Made From</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Free Adventure: Potatoes & Rats\'>Free Adventure: Potatoes & Rats</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Yes, No, and Maybe\'>Yes, No, and Maybe</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hashtag DIY30\'>Hashtag DIY30</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Basic Game Structure, & Hacking as an Involved Deviation\'>Basic Game Structure, & Hacking as an Involved Deviation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Breaking the Basics\'>Breaking the Basics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Blogs on Tape Update\'>Blogs on Tape Update</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Cozy Catacombs: A Demonstration of Flux Space\'>The Cozy Catacombs: A Demonstration of Flux Space</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Blogs on Tape\'>Blogs on Tape</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'8 Reasons Why D&D Is Better Than Video Games\'>8 Reasons Why D&D Is Better Than Video Games</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How I Construct Dragons\'>How I Construct Dragons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Your Dragons Suck\'>Your Dragons Suck</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Mercenary or Bandit Leaders\'>d100 Mercenary or Bandit Leaders</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Flux Space in Dungeons\'>Flux Space in Dungeons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Space Ships: Revisions, & Modules\'>Space Ships: Revisions, & Modules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Space Ships for D&D\'>Space Ships for D&D</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'My Players Captured Some Scientists\'>My Players Captured Some Scientists</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cybernetic Augmentations in ORWA\'>Cybernetic Augmentations in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Haven Turn\'>The Haven Turn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Adding Smartphones to your Game World\'>Adding Smartphones to your Game World</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Encumbrance in Online Games\'>Encumbrance in Online Games</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Investments, Citadels, and Domains\'>Investments, Citadels, and Domains</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Establishing a Religion\'>Establishing a Religion</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Players Are Never Going To Stop Calling Their Shots\'>Players Are Never Going To Stop Calling Their Shots</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stealth\'>Stealth</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fighter's Armies\'>Fighter's Armies</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Totem Magician (FFX Lulu)\'>LotFP Class: Totem Magician (FFX Lulu)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Payments\'>1d100 Payments</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Guns in ORWA\'>Guns in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rules for Gobbos\'>Rules for Gobbos</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple Socializing: The Give & Take System\'>Simple Socializing: The Give & Take System</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Methods for Writing d100 Tables\'>Methods for Writing d100 Tables</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Human Beings for Sale\'>d100 Human Beings for Sale</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'When a Skill is Justified, Superpower Skills, and Torture in ORWA\'>When a Skill is Justified, Superpower Skills, and Torture in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words: Laboratories\'>Magic Words: Laboratories</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A D&Drinking Game\'>A D&Drinking Game</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Better Wizard Staves + d100 Wizard Staves\'>Better Wizard Staves + d100 Wizard Staves</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Better Magic Wands + d100 Magic Wands\'>Better Magic Wands + d100 Magic Wands</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weird Cleric Magic: Oddities\'>Weird Cleric Magic: Oddities</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Trying out Glory from God: The Past Gods\'>Trying out Glory from God: The Past Gods</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weird Cleric Magic: Gods\'>Weird Cleric Magic: Gods</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Papers & Pencils Patreon!\'>Papers & Pencils Patreon!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Glory from God: Creating Spells\'>Glory from God: Creating Spells</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d30 Books you Find in the Wizard's Study\'>d30 Books you Find in the Wizard's Study</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Cleric Magic Weirder: Glory from God\'>Making Cleric Magic Weirder: Glory from God</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words in Practice: One Year of Magic Words in ORWA\'>Magic Words in Practice: One Year of Magic Words in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Nick LS Whelan Project Roundup\'>Nick LS Whelan Project Roundup</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Need to Improve on as a Referee, 2017 Edition\'>What I Need to Improve on as a Referee, 2017 Edition</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Structuring Encounter Tables\'>Structuring Encounter Tables</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Searching for Silver and Gold\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Searching for Silver and Gold</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Questgivers are Evil\'>Questgivers are Evil</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On a Red World Alone; Handling Factions\'>On a Red World Alone; Handling Factions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Santicore 2015: Dwarves' Beards: What are they for?\'>Santicore 2015: Dwarves' Beards: What are they for?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Reasons the Wizard is more than they Seem\'>d100 Reasons the Wizard is more than they Seem</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words Don't Need No Spell Levels\'>Magic Words Don't Need No Spell Levels</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words: Spell Failure\'>Magic Words: Spell Failure</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cointoss, a 200 Word RPG\'>Cointoss, a 200 Word RPG</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Exiled Prince\'>LotFP Class: The Exiled Prince</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Box of Nails\'>The Box of Nails</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon Mist\'>Dungeon Mist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Monster: The Seamster\'>LotFP Monster: The Seamster</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Torturer\'>LotFP Class: Torturer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Where Does Story Come From?\'>Where Does Story Come From?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Use for Excess Experience Points\'>A Use for Excess Experience Points</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Pieces of Technological Junk\'>d100 Pieces of Technological Junk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 27: Bric Shilic\'>Colorful Characters 27: Bric Shilic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Magic Words: Opposites, and Evocation\'>d100 Magic Words: Opposites, and Evocation</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Results of Drug-Addled Engineering\'>d100 Results of Drug-Addled Engineering</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Bringing PCs Back as Cyborgs\'>Bringing PCs Back as Cyborgs</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How I Use the Skills I Hate\'>How I Use the Skills I Hate</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money: Training\'>Spending Money: Training</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Magic Words: Body Parts & Simple Actions\'>d100 Magic Words: Body Parts & Simple Actions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Djinn Kin\'>LotFP Class: Djinn Kin</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Languages Relevant\'>Making Languages Relevant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Objects of Moderate Value\'>d100 Objects of Moderate Value</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Hate Choice\'>I Hate Choice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Windmaster\'>LotFP Class: The Windmaster</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Magic Words - Creatures & Evil\'>1d100 Magic Words - Creatures & Evil</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Fishmonger's Revenge\'>The Fishmonger's Revenge</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Curses\'>d100 Curses</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Skills: Mastery Versus Uncertainty\'>Skills: Mastery Versus Uncertainty</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 31: Getting Weird with the Classics 3\'>Magical Marvels 31: Getting Weird with the Classics 3</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Use of Waiting\'>Making Use of Waiting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Spy\'>LotFP Class: The Spy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Crafting as Jury Rigged Equipment\'>Crafting as Jury Rigged Equipment</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Magic Words - General\'>1d100 Magic Words - General</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Bangtail\'>LotFP Class: Bangtail</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Bear in Disguise\'>LotFP Class: Bear in Disguise</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 30: Getting Weird with the Classics 2\'>Magical Marvels 30: Getting Weird with the Classics 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Action Hero\'>LotFP Class: The Action Hero</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Small Town Quirks\'>1d100 Small Town Quirks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Figuratively +X Swords\'>Figuratively +X Swords</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Jumping on a 2-Year Old Bandwagon: Replacing +1 Swords\'>Jumping on a 2-Year Old Bandwagon: Replacing +1 Swords</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 30 / Magical Marvels 29: The Treasure Chest Card\'>Deadly Dungeons 30 / Magical Marvels 29: The Treasure Chest Card</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Formidable Factions 1: Techno Priests\'>Formidable Factions 1: Techno Priests</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On a Red World Alone Play Reports\'>On a Red World Alone Play Reports</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction: Forests\'>Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction: Forests</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Do not attempt to place dice in another person.\'>Do not attempt to place dice in another person.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Yet More Magic Words\'>Yet More Magic Words</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 28: Getting Weird With the Classics 1\'>Magical Marvels 28: Getting Weird With the Classics 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Need to Improve On as a Referee, 2016 edition\'>What I Need to Improve On as a Referee, 2016 edition</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Grizzled\'>The Grizzled</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction - Overland\'>Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction - Overland</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Gift Giver\'>LotFP Class: The Gift Giver</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Damage Dice the Ref Rolled High\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Damage Dice the Ref Rolled High</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Friendly Ghost\'>LotFP Class: The Friendly Ghost</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Lucky Motherfucker\'>LotFP Class: The Lucky Motherfucker</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Lawyer\'>LotFP Class: Lawyer</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Slasher\'>LotFP Class: Slasher</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Moral of the Story, a subsystem proposal for Masters of Carcosa\'>The Moral of the Story, a subsystem proposal for Masters of Carcosa</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'An interesting way of creating characters above first level.\'>An interesting way of creating characters above first level.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money 3: The Curio Shop\'>Spending Money 3: The Curio Shop</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money 2: Armor\'>Spending Money 2: Armor</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money 1: I've got thirty thousand gold pieces and nothing to spend them on.\'>Spending Money 1: I've got thirty thousand gold pieces and nothing to spend them on.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Better Use for Bookshelves\'>A Better Use for Bookshelves</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP/FFX Class: Wakka\'>LotFP/FFX Class: Wakka</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP/FFX Class: Yuna\'>LotFP/FFX Class: Yuna</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP/FFX Class: Auron\'>LotFP/FFX Class: Auron</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'More Magic Words in Action\'>More Magic Words in Action</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Miscreated Creatures Questions Applied to the Axe Beak\'>The Miscreated Creatures Questions Applied to the Axe Beak</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Miscreated Creatures Questions\'>The Miscreated Creatures Questions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Swallowed Whole\'>Swallowed Whole</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures Update, and Keeping House Rules to Yourself\'>Miscreated Creatures Update, and Keeping House Rules to Yourself</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words in Practice\'>Magic Words in Practice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spell lists suck. Here are some magic words.\'>Spell lists suck. Here are some magic words.</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How should mind affecting spells work on PCs?\'>How should mind affecting spells work on PCs?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 27: Swordaxe and Scroll on Pink Paper\'>Magical Marvels 27: Swordaxe and Scroll on Pink Paper</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The solution to running chases.\'>The solution to running chases.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 26: Raggi’s Rejects 6: The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus\'>Magical Marvels 26: Raggi’s Rejects 6: The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Bloodsoaked Boudoir of Velkis the Vile\'>The Bloodsoaked Boudoir of Velkis the Vile</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 25: Raggi’s Rejects 5: The Trifold Parchment\'>Magical Marvels 25: Raggi’s Rejects 5: The Trifold Parchment</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 24: Raggi’s Rejects 4: The Doll that Loves Every Child\'>Magical Marvels 24: Raggi’s Rejects 4: The Doll that Loves Every Child</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 23: Raggi’s Rejects 3: The Arm of Saint Lawrence\'>Magical Marvels 23: Raggi’s Rejects 3: The Arm of Saint Lawrence</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Death Touched\'>Death Touched</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 22: Raggi’s Rejects 2: The Scepter Prison of Thing No Thing\'>Magical Marvels 22: Raggi’s Rejects 2: The Scepter Prison of Thing No Thing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 21: Raggi's Rejects 1: The Bonebarrow\'>Magical Marvels 21: Raggi's Rejects 1: The Bonebarrow</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 2 of 2\'>Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 2 of 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 1 of 2\'>Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 1 of 2</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A look at Wonder & Wickedness by Brendan S.\'>A look at Wonder & Wickedness by Brendan S.</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Managing a Hub Town: Buying Equipment after first level\'>Managing a Hub Town: Buying Equipment after first level</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What's the best way to manage a small hub town?\'>What's the best way to manage a small hub town?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'World of Bellumus\'>World of Bellumus</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Single Saving Throw\'>A Single Saving Throw</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'New Look\'>New Look</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 20: The Skull Censer\'>Magical Marvels 20: The Skull Censer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sample Initiative\'>Sample Initiative</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Require of Initiative\'>What I Require of Initiative</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Defiler's Creature from “Better Than Any Man”\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Defiler's Creature from “Better Than Any Man”</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher's First Creature from "Better Than Any Man"\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher's First Creature from "Better Than Any Man"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 29: The Weathered Door\'>Deadly Dungeons 29: The Weathered Door</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 45: The Wizard's Challenge by David Hoffrichter\'>Picture Thursday 45: The Wizard's Challenge by David Hoffrichter</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 28: Ladder Conundrum\'>Deadly Dungeons 28: Ladder Conundrum</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 44: Brother System by Nick Patterson\'>Picture Thursday 44: Brother System by Nick Patterson</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher's Second Creature from "Better Than Any Man"\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher's Second Creature from "Better Than Any Man"</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 43: Oliphek by Heather Gwinn\'>Picture Thursday 43: Oliphek by Heather Gwinn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Defender's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Defender's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 27: Undead Disposal Chamber\'>Deadly Dungeons 27: Undead Disposal Chamber</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 42: The Secret Tower (II) by René Aigner\'>Picture Thursday 42: The Secret Tower (II) by René Aigner</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Mother's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Mother's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Provider's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Provider's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvel 19: Cloud Armor Ring\'>Magical Marvel 19: Cloud Armor Ring</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 41: Teeny Tiny Castle on the Water\'>Picture Thursday 41: Teeny Tiny Castle on the Water</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What is a rumor table?\'>What is a rumor table?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 18: The Toy Boat\'>Magical Marvels 18: The Toy Boat</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 40: Spider Dragon by Dan Merrell\'>Picture Thursday 40: Spider Dragon by Dan Merrell</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Maze of One-Way Doors\'>The Maze of One-Way Doors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 39: "For All that Could Have Been" by Noah Bradley\'>Picture Thursday 39: "For All that Could Have Been" by Noah Bradley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Link: Everyone is John\'>Link: Everyone is John</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Depths of the Dungeon Moon: 20+ Questions\'>The Depths of the Dungeon Moon: 20+ Questions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 17: Spell Lock Axe\'>Magical Marvels 17: Spell Lock Axe</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 38: Kel'Thuzad by unknown Blizzard artist\'>Picture Thursday 38: Kel'Thuzad by unknown Blizzard artist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A campaign setting which is most certainly NOT called "Dungeon World."\'>A campaign setting which is most certainly NOT called "Dungeon World."</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A fun alternative to dying.\'>A fun alternative to dying.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 16: Hellfire Jar\'>Magical Marvels 16: Hellfire Jar</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 37: Please Tell Me Who Made This! ("Skeleton Jelly")\'>Picture Thursday 37: Please Tell Me Who Made This! ("Skeleton Jelly")</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Adventure Module Review: "Fuck For Satan" by James Raggi\'>Adventure Module Review: "Fuck For Satan" by James Raggi</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon Tolls\'>Dungeon Tolls</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 26: Bugaboos\'>Deadly Dungeons 26: Bugaboos</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 36: Deplorable Book Molestation\'>Picture Thursday 36: Deplorable Book Molestation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 15: Deck of Illusions\'>Magical Marvels 15: Deck of Illusions</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 25: Mind and Body Passage\'>Deadly Dungeons 25: Mind and Body Passage</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 35: Tattooed Mage by Jason Rainville\'>Picture Thursday 35: Tattooed Mage by Jason Rainville</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'2nd Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Survey Results\'>2nd Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Survey Results</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Formatting a Monster Book\'>Formatting a Monster Book</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Use for Bookshelves: Rumor Tables\'>A Use for Bookshelves: Rumor Tables</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels: Hat of 5 Birds\'>Magical Marvels: Hat of 5 Birds</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday: Reschensee Church Tower\'>Picture Thursday: Reschensee Church Tower</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Link: Dungeon Robber\'>Link: Dungeon Robber</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Nope Slayer Class\'>The Nope Slayer Class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 24: Pools of Dimensionally Attuning Paint\'>Deadly Dungeons 24: Pools of Dimensionally Attuning Paint</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 23: Flippy Turny Fally Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 23: Flippy Turny Fally Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 33: "Dungeon" by Sebastian Wagner\'>Picture Thursday 33: "Dungeon" by Sebastian Wagner</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'2nd Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Survey\'>2nd Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Survey</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 13: Snowstorm Blade\'>Magical Marvels 13: Snowstorm Blade</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The New Project\'>The New Project</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 26: Ronder Thelleper, The Drunk Warlock\'>Colorful Characters 26: Ronder Thelleper, The Drunk Warlock</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ding! Level Three\'>Ding! Level Three</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Link: Gophers and Goblins\'>Link: Gophers and Goblins</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lamentations of the Flame Princess\'>Lamentations of the Flame Princess</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Not Everything Needs to be Finished\'>Not Everything Needs to be Finished</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 32: "Dungeon" by eWKn\'>Picture Thursday 32: "Dungeon" by eWKn</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LS and the Fuzz Covered Vessel\'>LS and the Fuzz Covered Vessel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dear Pathfinder,\'>Dear Pathfinder,</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 12: Silvertongue Ink\'>Magical Marvels 12: Silvertongue Ink</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 31: "Mage" by 88grzes\'>Picture Thursday 31: "Mage" by 88grzes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Look at "On the Non-Player Character - Solving the Social Trap" by Courtney Campbell\'>A Look at "On the Non-Player Character - Solving the Social Trap" by Courtney Campbell</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Return of the Blogger\'>The Return of the Blogger</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Free Module: The Hidden Tomb of Slagoth the Necromancer\'>Free Module: The Hidden Tomb of Slagoth the Necromancer</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 30: "Orpheus and Eurydice" G.F. Watts\'>Picture Thursday 30: "Orpheus and Eurydice" G.F. Watts</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vendor Saving Throw\'>Vendor Saving Throw</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 22: The Slide Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 22: The Slide Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 29: Abandoned Hotel in Colombia\'>Picture Thursday 29: Abandoned Hotel in Colombia</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The 1 Hour Dungeon\'>The 1 Hour Dungeon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 21: Firebelly Statue\'>Deadly Dungeons 21: Firebelly Statue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 28: Sitting Minotaur by Paul Reid\'>Picture Thursday 28: Sitting Minotaur by Paul Reid</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'You Don't Need to Roll a Character to Start Playing\'>You Don't Need to Roll a Character to Start Playing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 20: Dancing Skeleton Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 20: Dancing Skeleton Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 13: Simonlefera, or "Cricket Wizard"\'>Merciless Monsters 13: Simonlefera, or "Cricket Wizard"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 27: Alfred the Great\'>Picture Thursday 27: Alfred the Great</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 15: Oracle\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 15: Oracle</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 14: Inquisitor\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 14: Inquisitor</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 19: Bladesea Sailing Ship\'>Deadly Dungeons 19: Bladesea Sailing Ship</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 26: "Sound II" by Antony Gormley\'>Picture Thursday 26: "Sound II" by Antony Gormley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Are Dead Levels a Bad Thing?\'>Are Dead Levels a Bad Thing?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 13: Cavalier\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 13: Cavalier</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'When Ginny Bo Fails a Morale Check\'>When Ginny Bo Fails a Morale Check</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 18: The Steel Beast Throne Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 18: The Steel Beast Throne Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 25: Statue of Charlemagne, a statue at Grossmünster\'>Picture Thursday 25: Statue of Charlemagne, a statue at Grossmünster</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 17: The Battlefield Execution\'>Deadly Dungeons 17: The Battlefield Execution</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 16: Gold Egg Lure\'>Deadly Dungeons 16: Gold Egg Lure</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tavern Tales 3 & Deadly Dungeons 15: The Funny Tea Room\'>Tavern Tales 3 & Deadly Dungeons 15: The Funny Tea Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 14: Breaking Your Mother's Back\'>Deadly Dungeons 14: Breaking Your Mother's Back</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 24: Etchings from Francisco de Goya\'>Picture Thursday 24: Etchings from Francisco de Goya</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reader Mail: Player Driven Stories, How Do They Work?\'>Reader Mail: Player Driven Stories, How Do They Work?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Book Review: "At the Queen's Command," by Michael A. Stackpole\'>Book Review: "At the Queen's Command," by Michael A. Stackpole</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 13: Twisty Turny Dead End\'>Deadly Dungeons 13: Twisty Turny Dead End</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 23: Creepy Church by Nicole Cardiff\'>Picture Thursday 23: Creepy Church by Nicole Cardiff</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 12: Alchemist\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 12: Alchemist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Map Monday\'>Map Monday</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 12: The Hanging Crown Dining Hall\'>Deadly Dungeons 12: The Hanging Crown Dining Hall</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 22: Skeleton By Jérémie Fleury\'>Picture Thursday 22: Skeleton By Jérémie Fleury</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reader Mail: Demon Swords, and Tricking Your Players\'>Reader Mail: Demon Swords, and Tricking Your Players</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 11: The Midas Chest\'>Deadly Dungeons 11: The Midas Chest</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 21: "Entering the Tomb of..." by Jjnaas\'>Picture Thursday 21: "Entering the Tomb of..." by Jjnaas</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weather\'>Weather</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Video: "The Theatre of the Mind"\'>Video: "The Theatre of the Mind"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'X-Wing Miniatures Game\'>X-Wing Miniatures Game</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Kickstarter: Tales of Alethrion\'>Kickstarter: Tales of Alethrion</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon of Signs Map Contest Entry\'>Dungeon of Signs Map Contest Entry</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 11: The Steedmaker Barding\'>Magical Marvels 11: The Steedmaker Barding</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 20: Molten Cavern by IgorIvArt\'>Picture Thursday 20: Molten Cavern by IgorIvArt</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On Practicing the Dead Ways\'>On Practicing the Dead Ways</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 14\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 14</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple Attacks & Grapples\'>Simple Attacks & Grapples</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Killing My Babies\'>Killing My Babies</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 25: Sestronatara\'>Colorful Characters 25: Sestronatara</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Rings by *BATTLEFAIRIES\'>Magical Rings by *BATTLEFAIRIES</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 13\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 13</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 12\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 12</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ability Scores Weighted by Race\'>Ability Scores Weighted by Race</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 10: Glasstouch Dagger\'>Magical Marvels 10: Glasstouch Dagger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 18: The Master Sword from A Link to the Past\'>Picture Thursday 18: The Master Sword from A Link to the Past</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 11: Wizard\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 11: Wizard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 10: Sorcerer\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 10: Sorcerer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 9: Rogue\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 9: Rogue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LAWL! Plagiarism.\'>LAWL! Plagiarism.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 10: The Fleeing Golem\'>Deadly Dungeons 10: The Fleeing Golem</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 17: Titan of Braavos by Zippo514\'>Picture Thursday 17: Titan of Braavos by Zippo514</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 8: Ranger\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 8: Ranger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 7: Paladin\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 7: Paladin</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 6: Monk\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 6: Monk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 9: Staircase of Hunger\'>Deadly Dungeons 9: Staircase of Hunger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 16: THe Endless Stair by Jack Fred\'>Picture Thursday 16: THe Endless Stair by Jack Fred</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Resource: Traveling in the Roman World\'>Resource: Traveling in the Roman World</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple Skill System, Type II\'>Simple Skill System, Type II</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fast Playing Skirmishes\'>Fast Playing Skirmishes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 8: Shockfloor Crypt\'>Deadly Dungeons 8: Shockfloor Crypt</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 15: "Roll for Initiative..." by Jon Hodgson\'>Picture Thursday 15: "Roll for Initiative..." by Jon Hodgson</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Defense of Knowledge Skills\'>A Defense of Knowledge Skills</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Resource: Old Maps Online\'>Resource: Old Maps Online</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Player Agency\'>Player Agency</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 7: Skeletal Assembly Line\'>Deadly Dungeons 7: Skeletal Assembly Line</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 14: Sandwich the Drow Paladin by Slants\'>Picture Thursday 14: Sandwich the Drow Paladin by Slants</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 5: Fighter\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 5: Fighter</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 4: Druid\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 4: Druid</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Defense of Crafting\'>A Defense of Crafting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 6: The Fallback Corridor\'>Deadly Dungeons 6: The Fallback Corridor</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 13: Worm That Walks by Wayne Reynolds\'>Picture Thursday 13: Worm That Walks by Wayne Reynolds</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 3: Cleric\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 3: Cleric</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Crafting Weapons & Armor in Pathfinder\'>Crafting Weapons & Armor in Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Video: 'The Reward' from Animation Workshop\'>Video: 'The Reward' from Animation Workshop</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 5: Sepulchre of Order of The Gavel\'>Deadly Dungeons 5: Sepulchre of Order of The Gavel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reading "The Steading Of The Hill Giant Chief" as a Modern Gamer\'>Reading "The Steading Of The Hill Giant Chief" as a Modern Gamer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 12? Webbed by Jeff Dee\'>Picture Thursday 12? Webbed by Jeff Dee</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Designing a Pathfinder Skill\'>Designing a Pathfinder Skill</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 12: Rotocula (Female)\'>Merciless Monsters 12: Rotocula (Female)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 11: Inheritance by Eeliskyttanen\'>Picture Thursday 11: Inheritance by Eeliskyttanen</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Placing Treasure\'>Placing Treasure</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D-ish Stuff I've Been Doing\'>OD&D-ish Stuff I've Been Doing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 11: Rotocula (Male)\'>Merciless Monsters 11: Rotocula (Male)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 10: Death from Below by Samwise Didier\'>Picture Thursday 10: Death from Below by Samwise Didier</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'In Defense of Experience Points\'>In Defense of Experience Points</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 2: Bard\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 2: Bard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 4: The Wet Passage\'>Deadly Dungeons 4: The Wet Passage</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 9: The Iron Orb of the Duergar by Scott Burdick\'>Picture Thursday 9: The Iron Orb of the Duergar by Scott Burdick</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 11\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 11</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 3: Blastdoor Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 3: Blastdoor Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 8: "Cultural Misunderstandings 2" by 'hibbary\'>Picture Thursday 8: "Cultural Misunderstandings 2" by 'hibbary</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 10\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 10</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Dark Lord Wenceslaus\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Dark Lord Wenceslaus</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Checking for Traps is Bullshit\'>Checking for Traps is Bullshit</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 1: Barbarian\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 1: Barbarian</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Five\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Five</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 24: Kringular Clawfist\'>Colorful Characters 24: Kringular Clawfist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 7: Ogam Thorton by Gus L.\'>Picture Thursday 7: Ogam Thorton by Gus L.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 9\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 9</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Getting the Most out of D6 Weapons\'>Getting the Most out of D6 Weapons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Moving with Subtlety, and How to Roll Dice for it\'>Moving with Subtlety, and How to Roll Dice for it</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 9: Fifty Ring Descriptions\'>Magical Marvels 9: Fifty Ring Descriptions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Tuesdays 6 - Castle Grayskull by Ralph MaQuarrie\'>Picture Tuesdays 6 - Castle Grayskull by Ralph MaQuarrie</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 8\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 8</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tavern Tales 2: Ooze, Poison, and Near Death Experiences\'>Tavern Tales 2: Ooze, Poison, and Near Death Experiences</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Facilitating a Jailbreak\'>Facilitating a Jailbreak</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 10: Goldtooth Mosquito\'>Merciless Monsters 10: Goldtooth Mosquito</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 5: The Chaos Curse by Jeff Easley\'>Picture Thursday 5: The Chaos Curse by Jeff Easley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 4: NPCs and Foes\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 4: NPCs and Foes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 3: Equipment\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 3: Equipment</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 4: Skeleton on an Altar by Courtney Campbell\'>Picture Thursday 4: Skeleton on an Altar by Courtney Campbell</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 2: Skills\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 2: Skills</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 1: Characters\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 1: Characters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Critical Hit and Critical Fumble Charts for Pathfinder\'>Critical Hit and Critical Fumble Charts for Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple, Deadly Poisons\'>Simple, Deadly Poisons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 9: Kolera (a.k.a. Beetle People)\'>Merciless Monsters 9: Kolera (a.k.a. Beetle People)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursdays 3: Green Dragon by Larry Elmore\'>Picture Thursdays 3: Green Dragon by Larry Elmore</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Synchronizing Calendars To Avoid Temporal Displacement\'>Synchronizing Calendars To Avoid Temporal Displacement</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Nature Deities; Fertility and Destruction\'>Nature Deities; Fertility and Destruction</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 23: Higgins Dreadgrin\'>Colorful Characters 23: Higgins Dreadgrin</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 2: Battle with Trogdolytes by Darlene Pekul\'>Picture Thursday 2: Battle with Trogdolytes by Darlene Pekul</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Feat Slot System for Pathfinder\'>Feat Slot System for Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 2: Ironbone Tower, Sublevel 1\'>Deadly Dungeons 2: Ironbone Tower, Sublevel 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Changing my Dungeon Notation\'>Changing my Dungeon Notation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 11: The Ironbone Tower\'>Lively Locals 11: The Ironbone Tower</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 1: Floating Keep by Teddy Wright\'>Picture Thursday 1: Floating Keep by Teddy Wright</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Awesome Thing about Feats\'>The Awesome Thing about Feats</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Guest Post: Favored of the Great Pumpkin, by Jeff H.\'>Guest Post: Favored of the Great Pumpkin, by Jeff H.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tavern Tales 1: Hot Rocks, High Rolls, Whores, and Higgins\'>Tavern Tales 1: Hot Rocks, High Rolls, Whores, and Higgins</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rethinking Rations\'>Rethinking Rations</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 10: Rurik's Tree\'>Lively Locals 10: Rurik's Tree</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Partial Undeath\'>Partial Undeath</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Bow Before The Great Pumpkin\'>Bow Before The Great Pumpkin</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Evil Rituals\'>Evil Rituals</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'5 Killer Curses\'>5 Killer Curses</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 8: The Greatsword of Horrid Dreams\'>Magical Marvels 8: The Greatsword of Horrid Dreams</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vampiric Classifications 2: Types\'>Vampiric Classifications 2: Types</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1st Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Census Results\'>1st Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Census Results</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 8: The Gourd Golem\'>Merciless Monsters 8: The Gourd Golem</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vampiric Classifications 1: Hierarchy\'>Vampiric Classifications 1: Hierarchy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Natural Necromancy\'>Natural Necromancy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 22: Erol Gwindlin, and The Red Seamster\'>Colorful Characters 22: Erol Gwindlin, and The Red Seamster</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 9: Peaceful Crossing\'>Lively Locals 9: Peaceful Crossing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hireling Traits\'>Hireling Traits</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Identifying Magic Items in Pathfinder\'>Identifying Magic Items in Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Last Words of the Megalomaniacal Bard\'>Last Words of the Megalomaniacal Bard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Diseases: Commonplace Conditions\'>Pathfinder Diseases: Commonplace Conditions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Diseases: Magical Maladies\'>Pathfinder Diseases: Magical Maladies</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Four\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Four</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 8: Hero's Rest\'>Lively Locals 8: Hero's Rest</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'8 Rules for Dungeon Improvisation\'>8 Rules for Dungeon Improvisation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Campaign Management Toolbox\'>Campaign Management Toolbox</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Playing with Unbalanced Levels in Pathfinder\'>Playing with Unbalanced Levels in Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'(Un)Lively Locals 7: Lilbr, Village of the Dead\'>(Un)Lively Locals 7: Lilbr, Village of the Dead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Levels, and Adventurers\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Levels, and Adventurers</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Using an Open-World Video Game as a Campaign Setting\'>Using an Open-World Video Game as a Campaign Setting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Streamlined Skill Rolls\'>Streamlined Skill Rolls</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 7: Fotavyon\'>Merciless Monsters 7: Fotavyon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Zelda Adventure System: Rationale Behind the Game's Experience Mechanic\'>Zelda Adventure System: Rationale Behind the Game's Experience Mechanic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Artwork: Elderly Warlock Master\'>Artwork: Elderly Warlock Master</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Appendix N: The Zombie Survival Guide\'>Appendix N: The Zombie Survival Guide</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Problems\'>The Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Problems</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 21: Margo Waggletongue\'>Colorful Characters 21: Margo Waggletongue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Sage Spells\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Sage Spells</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Magic\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Magic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Seven Cursed Items for Fun & Profit\'>Seven Cursed Items for Fun & Profit</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 6: Octorok For Pathfinder\'>Merciless Monsters 6: Octorok For Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Need to Improve on as a Game Master\'>What I Need to Improve on as a Game Master</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Combat\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Combat</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 7\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 7</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 20: Melina Ayvon, The Apothocary\'>Colorful Characters 20: Melina Ayvon, The Apothocary</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Apendix N: The Divine Comedy\'>Apendix N: The Divine Comedy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'System In Progress: LOZAS\'>System In Progress: LOZAS</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Are Zocchi Dice Viable?\'>Are Zocchi Dice Viable?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters V: LOZAS Skeleton and Popo\'>Merciless Monsters V: LOZAS Skeleton and Popo</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Taking a Look at Called Shots\'>Taking a Look at Called Shots</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Investigating Ability Scores\'>Investigating Ability Scores</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reinventing the Wheel\'>Reinventing the Wheel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 6: The Godstone\'>Lively Locals 6: The Godstone</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1st Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Census\'>1st Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Census</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ding! Level Two\'>Ding! Level Two</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Termite Suicide Bombers: How the Animal Kingdom Should Influence Your Game\'>Termite Suicide Bombers: How the Animal Kingdom Should Influence Your Game</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Webcomic: Castle Greyhawk\'>Webcomic: Castle Greyhawk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 19: Henrietta Thaeblum, the Ghost of the Uprising\'>Colorful Characters 19: Henrietta Thaeblum, the Ghost of the Uprising</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Beauty of Character Death, and a Shameful Confession\'>The Beauty of Character Death, and a Shameful Confession</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Product Review: Using Banners on the Cheap for Maps\'>Product Review: Using Banners on the Cheap for Maps</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon Crawling at a Crawl\'>Dungeon Crawling at a Crawl</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 18: Laura Kraul\'>Colorful Characters 18: Laura Kraul</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Concede: OD&D Initiative is Superior\'>I Concede: OD&D Initiative is Superior</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tabletop Items from A Link to the Past\'>Tabletop Items from A Link to the Past</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Product Review: AD&D First Edition Reprints\'>Product Review: AD&D First Edition Reprints</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Post Without Value: My First Attempt to GM\'>A Post Without Value: My First Attempt to GM</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Love Creative Players\'>I Love Creative Players</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dragons & Warriors\'>Dragons & Warriors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Paizocon Con Report Ort\'>Paizocon Con Report Ort</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 5: Three Religious Sites\'>Lively Locals 5: Three Religious Sites</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tabletop Magic from Final Fantasy\'>Tabletop Magic from Final Fantasy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What It is that I'm Doing Here\'>What It is that I'm Doing Here</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeons & Dragons, Small Towns & Zealots\'>Dungeons & Dragons, Small Towns & Zealots</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 4: The Wood of Lost Paths\'>Lively Locals 4: The Wood of Lost Paths</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Crazy Straw of Race as Class\'>The Crazy Straw of Race as Class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weapon Mechanics\'>Weapon Mechanics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 6\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 6</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 3: Drummer's Field\'>Lively Locals 3: Drummer's Field</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Updated Forest Battlefield Generator\'>Updated Forest Battlefield Generator</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Why was This Dungeon Built?\'>Why was This Dungeon Built?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 5\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 5</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Serius Biznis\'>Serius Biznis</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 2: River of Blades\'>Lively Locals 2: River of Blades</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Problem with Diversity\'>The Problem with Diversity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Negune: The Nation of Stekett\'>Negune: The Nation of Stekett</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Want\'>What I Want</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 1: Maeglen Valley\'>Lively Locals 1: Maeglen Valley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fantasy Languages\'>Fantasy Languages</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Loot from the 25th Sublevel of the Dungeon\'>Loot from the 25th Sublevel of the Dungeon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissection of Pathfinder's Monster Entries\'>Dissection of Pathfinder's Monster Entries</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 17: Limenent Geary, Duchess of Greyholm\'>Colorful Characters 17: Limenent Geary, Duchess of Greyholm</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Wide-Swing Dilemma\'>The Wide-Swing Dilemma</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Abyssal Rambling\'>Abyssal Rambling</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 4\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 4</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 7: The Son's Service\'>Magical Marvels 7: The Son's Service</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Most Visually Impressive Appendix Ever\'>The Most Visually Impressive Appendix Ever</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Variant Spell Preperation\'>Variant Spell Preperation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Campaign Art: Gifts of a Wizard, and a Battle against Ogres!\'>Campaign Art: Gifts of a Wizard, and a Battle against Ogres!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Hungry Hungry Vampire\'>May of the Dead: Hungry Hungry Vampire</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Introducing New Characters to Your Campaign Milieu\'>Introducing New Characters to Your Campaign Milieu</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 3\'>Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 3</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reality is my Sourcebook: Outside\'>Reality is my Sourcebook: Outside</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The History of Dice\'>The History of Dice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Crypt of Ancient Wisdom\'>May of the Dead: Crypt of Ancient Wisdom</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 2\'>Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Looks Familiar...\'>Looks Familiar...</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Board Game: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft\'>Board Game: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Role of Military History\'>The Role of Military History</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Undead Items\'>May of the Dead: Undead Items</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How Saying 'Yes' to your Players Makes GMing Easier\'>How Saying 'Yes' to your Players Makes GMing Easier</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page By Page: Gary Gygax's DMG part 1\'>Page By Page: Gary Gygax's DMG part 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'More Goblins for 'We Be Goblins, You Be Food'\'>More Goblins for 'We Be Goblins, You Be Food'</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Variant Zombies\'>May of the Dead: Variant Zombies</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Playing The Other Side: Mindless Undead\'>Playing The Other Side: Mindless Undead</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Fun of Character Death\'>The Fun of Character Death</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Conclusion\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Conclusion</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Stealth to Use Magic Device\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Stealth to Use Magic Device</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Sense Motive To Spellcraft\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Sense Motive To Spellcraft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Perform to Ride\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Perform to Ride</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Perception\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Perception</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Knowledge and Linguistics\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Knowledge and Linguistics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Handle Animal to Intimidate\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Handle Animal to Intimidate</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Disable Device to Fly\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Disable Device to Fly</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Climb to Diplomacy\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Climb to Diplomacy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Acrobatics to Bluff\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Acrobatics to Bluff</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Introduction\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Introduction</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Twist on Race as Class\'>A Twist on Race as Class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Twittertop RPG\'>Twittertop RPG</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Easter Greetings\'>Easter Greetings</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 4: Telecanter's Three Spider Terrors\'>Merciless Monsters 4: Telecanter's Three Spider Terrors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Poker Comics: The Natural Order of Things\'>Poker Comics: The Natural Order of Things</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Learning Experience\'>A Learning Experience</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Behind the GM's Screen: ToKiTiMo 3\'>Behind the GM's Screen: ToKiTiMo 3</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Goblins Redux Illustrated\'>Goblins Redux Illustrated</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vidya: Legend of Grimrock\'>Vidya: Legend of Grimrock</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cultural Oddities\'>Cultural Oddities</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How Players Make Enemies & Influence People\'>How Players Make Enemies & Influence People</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How Zalekios Gromar Learned Clarity\'>How Zalekios Gromar Learned Clarity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 16: Novre Homberk, Tailor Savant\'>Colorful Characters 16: Novre Homberk, Tailor Savant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Unusual Magic Item Types\'>Unusual Magic Item Types</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reality is my Sourcebook: Bejeweled Skeletons\'>Reality is my Sourcebook: Bejeweled Skeletons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Encumbrance Work\'>Making Encumbrance Work</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 6: Succubic Shield\'>Magical Marvels 6: Succubic Shield</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things\'>This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Paladin's Oath, and GM Clarity\'>The Paladin's Oath, and GM Clarity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Paladin's Fall\'>A Paladin's Fall</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 15: Mahudar Kosopske\'>Colorful Characters 15: Mahudar Kosopske</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hex Crawling Encounters\'>Hex Crawling Encounters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Travel More Engaging\'>Making Travel More Engaging</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Half Price Books Haul\'>Half Price Books Haul</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 3: Draugr\'>Merciless Monsters 3: Draugr</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Player Agency in the Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon\'>Player Agency in the Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Of Forgotten Lore and Ancient Sourcebooks\'>Of Forgotten Lore and Ancient Sourcebooks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Welcome to Papers & Pencils!\'>Welcome to Papers & Pencils!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Comma, Blank_ Has Moved!\'>Comma, Blank_ Has Moved!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 2: Bloody Avenger (Bloody Mary)\'>Merciless Monsters 2: Bloody Avenger (Bloody Mary)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Suppositions on Tabletop RPG Time Tracking\'>Suppositions on Tabletop RPG Time Tracking</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Time Management\'>Time Management</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 5: The Glare of Vecna\'>Magical Marvels 5: The Glare of Vecna</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Negune: The Nation of Regalia\'>Negune: The Nation of Regalia</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Paizo's Year Long Retrospective: 1\'>Paizo's Year Long Retrospective: 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Koldonberane, The Forest Dragon\'>Koldonberane, The Forest Dragon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deities Defined\'>Deities Defined</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vecna Reborn\'>Vecna Reborn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 14: Moreven\'>Colorful Characters 14: Moreven</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reality is my Sourcebook: The Phylactery\'>Reality is my Sourcebook: The Phylactery</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Negune: Historical Overview\'>Negune: Historical Overview</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 4: Gravewhisper's Claw\'>Magical Marvels 4: Gravewhisper's Claw</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Creating an Evil Campaign Featuring the Undead\'>Creating an Evil Campaign Featuring the Undead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NPC Reactions\'>NPC Reactions</a></li></ul>'; 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