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I am trying to organize materials in a logical way. As I add things, I'm moving them around as seems appropriate, and organizing some topics into subfolders. <P> If you were sent here by a link contained in, for example, a <A HREF="">time-nuts</A> posting, the odds are that the page in question has either been moved into a subfolder, or renamed. Feel free to browse around the <A HREF="/pages">/pages<A/> folder; you'll probably find what you're looking for somewhere in there. <P> <B><U>NOTE 2:</U></B> Most of the other documents at this site are located under the following URLs: <P> <UL> <LI> <A HREF=/time-freq/index.html>/time-freq/</A> (Time and Frequency, including NTP) <BR> <LI> <A HREF=/geekworks/index.html>/geekworks/</A> (John's Miscellaneous Projects) <BR> <LI> <A HREF=/gallery/index.html>/gallery/</A> (John's Photo Gallery) <BR> <LI> <A HREF=/eyes/index.html>/eyes/</A> (Keratoconus and Cornea Transplants) <BR> <LI> <A HREF=/hamdocs/index.html>/hamdocs/</A> (Ham Radio Documents) <BR> <LI> <A HREF=/reference/index.html>/reference/</A> (Ham Radio Reference Materials) <BR> <LI> <A HREF=/law/index.html>/law/</A> (Materials on Computer Law and the GPL) <BR> <LI> <A HREF=/packet/index.html>/packet/</A> (Packet Radio Networking) </UL> <P> Each of these directories has an index page that will help you get to any of the documents in that directory. To get to that index, use the directory name in your URL (<I>e.g.</I>, <code></code>), or take the easy way out and just click on the appropriate link above -- that will take you to the main page for that topic. <P> If you're looking for a specific document other than the index file, you can add the appropriate directory name before the file name (for example, <code></code>). <P> <B><U>NOTE 3:</U></B> If you're trying to reach the web-based interface to the Mailman mailing list system, try: <A HREF=""> <B></B></A>. Note that all the Mailman pages use SSL, so you need to preface the URL with "https://". <P> <B><U>NOTE 4:</U></B> All HTML documents at this site end with <code>.html</code> (<I>e.g.</I>, <code>foo.html</code>). If you used <code>.htm</code> or some other extension in the URL you typed, please change it to <code>.html</code> and try again. <P> If you entered the correct URL, but <I>still</I> got this message, please send an email telling me what didn't work, so I can fix it. Just click on the "Send Email" link to the left. <P> </div> <div id=footer> <HR> <I> <small> <B> Copyright 1996 - 2019 by <A HREF="/jra.html">John Ackermann</A> unless otherwise noted above. <BR> See <A HREF="/copyright.html">Copyright and Other Legal Stuff</A> for more information. </B> <BR> <BR> /system/missing.html was last updated: Saturday, 28-Nov-2020 21:41:24 UTC </small> </I> <BR> <BR> <tt>This site was created with <b><a href="">vi</a></b></tt> </div> </body> </HTML>