fix-lp1865218-mod-php-upgrade-groovy : lp:~bryce/ubuntu/+source/php7.4 : Git : Code : php7.4 package : Ubuntu
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Barbosa</a> <time title="2020-04-13 09:32:06 UTC" datetime="2020-04-13T09:32:06+00:00">on 2020-04-13</time> </dt> <dd class="subordinate commit-message"> <p>Import patches-unapplied version 7.4.3-4ubuntu2 to ubuntu/<wbr />focal-proposed</p> <p>Imported using git-ubuntu import.</p> <p>Changelog parent: 3971cb7b932e15f<wbr />901394f38ed4cbc<wbr />4831277746</p> <p>New changelog entries:<br /> * SECURITY UPDATE: Read one byte of uninitialized memory<br /> - debian/<wbr />patches/<wbr />CVE-2020-<wbr />7064.patch: check length in<br /> exif_<wbr />process_<wbr />TIFF_in_<wbr />JPEG to avoid read uninitialized memory<br /> ext/<wbr />exif/exif.<wbr />c, ext/exif/tests/<a href="/bugs/79282" class="bug-link">bug79282</a>.phpt.<br /> - CVE-2020-7064<br /> * SECURITY UPDATE: Memory corruption, crash and potentially code execution<br /> - debian/<wbr />patches/<wbr />CVE-2020-<wbr />7065.patch: make sure that negative values are<br /> properly compared in ext/mbstring/<wbr />php_unicode.<wbr />c,<br /> ext/<wbr />mbstring/<wbr />tests/<a href="/bugs/70371" class="bug-link">bug70371</a>.phpt.<br /> - CVE-2020-7065<br /> * SECURITY UPDATE: Truncated url due \0<br /> - debian/<wbr />patches/<wbr />CVE-2020-<wbr />7066.patch: check for get_headers<br /> not accepting \0 in ext/standard/url.c.<br /> - CVE-2020-7066</p> </dd> <dt class="commit-details"> <a href="">3971cb7...</a> by <a href="" class="sprite person">Bryce Harrington</a> <time title="2020-03-26 20:25:18 UTC" datetime="2020-03-26T20:25:18+00:00">on 2020-03-26</time> </dt> <dd class="subordinate commit-message"> <p>update-maintainer</p> </dd> <dt class="commit-details"> <a href="">0937ef6...</a> by <a href="" class="sprite person">Bryce Harrington</a> <time title="2020-03-26 20:25:12 UTC" datetime="2020-03-26T20:25:12+00:00">on 2020-03-26</time> </dt> <dd class="subordinate commit-message"> <p>changelog</p> </dd> <dt class="commit-details"> <a href="">06bad75...</a> by <a href="" class="sprite person">Bryce Harrington</a> <time title="2020-03-26 20:21:12 UTC" datetime="2020-03-26T20:21:12+00:00">on 2020-03-26</time> </dt> <dd class="subordinate commit-message"> <p> * d/control, d/ Conflict with mod-php from php7.2 and<br /> php7.3 to ensure safe upgrade path for apache2.<br /> (Fixes LP: <a href="/bugs/1850933" class="bug-link">#1850933</a>)</p> </dd> <dt class="commit-details"> <a href="">83925ff...</a> by <a href="" class="sprite person">Matthias Klose</a> <time title="2020-03-03 21:34:56 UTC" datetime="2020-03-03T21:34:56+00:00">on 2020-03-03</time> </dt> <dd class="subordinate commit-message"> <p>Import patches-unapplied version 7.4.3-4build2 to ubuntu/<wbr />focal-proposed</p> <p>Imported using git-ubuntu import.</p> <p>Changelog parent: d3958d1d7c84246<wbr />0b85d4e057ba7e7<wbr />8572104f50</p> <p>New changelog entries:<br /> * No-change rebuild for icu soname change.</p> </dd> <dt class="commit-details"> <a href="">d3958d1...</a> by <a href="" class="sprite person-inactive">Steve Langasek</a> <time title="2020-02-25 14:37:54 UTC" datetime="2020-02-25T14:37:54+00:00">on 2020-02-25</time> </dt> <dd class="subordinate commit-message"> <p>Import patches-unapplied version 7.4.3-4build1 to ubuntu/<wbr />focal-proposed</p> <p>Imported using git-ubuntu import.</p> <p>Changelog parent: 655018f462c0f7b<wbr />d2de4d97e0a4865<wbr />4e020187d3</p> <p>New changelog entries:<br /> * No-change rebuild to enable build for i386</p> </dd> <dt class="commit-details"> <a href="">655018f...</a> by <a href="" class="sprite person">Ond艡ej Sur媒</a> <time title="2020-02-23 08:07:28 UTC" datetime="2020-02-23T08:07:28+00:00">on 2020-02-23</time> </dt> <dd class="subordinate commit-message"> <p>Import patches-unapplied version 7.4.3-4 to debian/sid</p> <p>Imported using git-ubuntu import.</p> <p>Changelog parent: 4eaac2758c218ae<wbr />696cc1945ba1819<wbr />1b21d51228</p> <p>New changelog entries:<br /> * Remove /etc/init/<wbr />php@PHP_<wbr />VERSION@<wbr />-fpm.conf, not<br /> /etc/<wbr />init/php@<wbr />PHP_VERSION@<wbr />.conf (Closes: #951745)</p> </dd> <dt class="commit-details"> <a href="">4eaac27...</a> by <a href="" class="sprite person">Ond艡ej Sur媒</a> <time title="2020-02-21 18:01:35 UTC" datetime="2020-02-21T18:01:35+00:00">on 2020-02-21</time> </dt> <dd class="subordinate commit-message"> <p>Import patches-unapplied version 7.4.3-3 to debian/sid</p> <p>Imported using git-ubuntu import.</p> <p>Changelog parent: 2440719ccda30a5<wbr />d5ba22472acb01e<wbr />5bf0ad720e</p> <p>New changelog entries:<br /> * Fixup upstart removal (missing prepare-files update) (Closes: #951745)<br /> * Remove the PIDFile= setting from systemd unit file (it should not be<br /> needed with Type=notify)<br /> * Use php-fpm-<wbr />socket-<wbr />helper from php-common >= 1:73 to update the<br /> default socket</p> </dd> </dl> <div> » <span class="actions"><a class="menu-link-browse_commits" href="">All commits</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- yui-b --> 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