Customer testimonials | Crowdin Online Translation Platform
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2.5.542.974.888 2.062 1.038 3.262l.075 1.3c.3.15.542.37.725.662. .367-.092.692-.275.975-.183.283-.425.5-.725.65V19c0 .55-.196 1.02-.587 1.413A1.926 1.926 0 0 1 19 21h-8Zm-2-7a.967.967 0 0 1-.713-.287A.968.968 0 0 1 8 13c0-.283.096-.52.287-.713A.967.967 0 0 1 9 12c.283 0 .52.096.713. 0 0 1 9 14Zm6 0a.968.968 0 0 1-.713-.287A.968.968 0 0 1 14 13c0-.283.096-.52.287-.713A.968.968 0 0 1 15 12c.283 0 .52.096.713. 0 0 1 15 14Zm-8.975-1.55c-.067-.983.07-1.875.412-2.675.342-.8.8-1.48 1.375-2.038A6.05 6.05 0 0 1 9.8 6.45c.75-.3 1.5-.45 2.25-.45 1.517 0 2.83.48 3.938 1.438S17.767 9.591 18 11.024c-1.567-.017-2.983-.438-4.25-1.263s-2.225-1.895-2.875-3.212a7.985 7.985 0 0 1-1.688 3.587 7.78 7.78 0 0 1-3.162 2.313Z"/></g></svg> </span> <span>Support</span> </p> <p class="text-muted mb-0 subtitle">Create and maintain multilingual support docs and other important content</p> </a> </li> <li class="megamenu__content__item"> <a href="/teams/designers" class="" > <p class="title mb-1"> <span 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class="megamenu__content list-unstyled teams-solutions order-1"> <li class="border-0"> <h4 class="dropdown-header">Use Cases</h4> <ul class="list-unstyled megamenu__content__wrapper"> <li class="megamenu__content__item"> <a href="/software-localization" class="" > <p class="title mb-1"> <span class="megamenu__content__item__icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" fill="none"><mask id="a" width="24" height="24" x="0" y="0" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" style="mask-type:alpha"><path fill="#D9D9D9" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/></mask><g mask="url(#a)"><path fill="currentColor" d="m8 18-6-6 6-6 1.425 1.425-4.6 4.6L9.4 16.6 8 18Zm8 0-1.425-1.425 4.6-4.6L14.6 7.4 16 6l6 6-6 6Z"/></g></svg> </span> <span>Software Localization</span> </p> <p class="text-muted mb-0 subtitle">Set an automated process once and receive continuous localization in parallel with development</p> </a> </li> <li class="megamenu__content__item"> <a href="/mobile-app-localization" class=""> <p class="title mb-1"> <span 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5.45c-.083.483-.316.88-.7 1.188a2.02 2.02 0 0 1-1.3.462h-6.4Zm0-2h6.4l.95-5.45-4.15-2.05h-1.75v-6a.49.49 0 0 0-.137-.362.49.49 0 0 0-.363-.138.49.49 0 0 0-.362.138.49.49 0 0 0-.138.362v10.6l-4.25-.9 3.8 3.8Z"/></g></svg> </span> <span>UI Localization</span> </p> <p class="text-muted mb-0 subtitle">Localize your product's user interface and create global design</p> </a> </li> <li class="megamenu__content__item"> <a href="/website-translation" class="" > <p class="title mb-1"> <span class="megamenu__content__item__icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" fill="none"><mask id="a" width="24" height="24" x="0" y="0" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" style="mask-type:alpha"><path fill="#D9D9D9" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/></mask><g mask="url(#a)"><path fill="currentColor" d="M9.4 19.55c-.3-.55-.563-1.12-.787-1.713A14.688 14.688 0 0 1 8.05 16H5.1a8.3 8.3 0 0 0 1.813 2.175A7.195 7.195 0 0 0 9.4 19.55ZM4.25 14h3.4a13.208 13.208 0 0 1-.15-2 13.208 13.208 0 0 1 .15-2h-3.4A7.959 7.959 0 0 0 4 12a7.959 7.959 0 0 0 .25 2Zm.85-6h2.95c.15-.633.337-1.246.563-1.838C8.838 5.571 9.1 5 9.4 4.45c-.933.3-1.763.758-2.488 1.375A8.298 8.298 0 0 0 5.1 8Zm5 0h3.8c-.2-.733-.458-1.425-.775-2.075A12.701 12.701 0 0 0 12 4.05c-.433.6-.808 1.225-1.125 1.875-.317.65-.575 1.342-.775 2.075Zm5.85 0h2.95a8.298 8.298 0 0 0-1.813-2.175A7.196 7.196 0 0 0 14.6 4.45c.3.55.563 1.12.787 1.712.226.592.413 1.205.563 1.838ZM12 22a9.676 9.676 0 0 1-3.875-.788 10.144 10.144 0 0 1-3.188-2.15 10.142 10.142 0 0 1-2.15-3.187A9.676 9.676 0 0 1 2 12c0-1.383.263-2.68.788-3.887a10.183 10.183 0 0 1 2.15-3.175 10.143 10.143 0 0 1 3.187-2.15A9.676 9.676 0 0 1 12 2c1.383 0 2.68.263 3.887.788a10.183 10.183 0 0 1 3.175 2.15 10.184 10.184 0 0 1 2.15 3.175A9.649 9.649 0 0 1 22 12a10.051 10.051 0 0 1-.05 1h-2.025c.033-.167.054-.33.063-.488.008-.158.012-.329.012-.512a7.953 7.953 0 0 0-.25-2h-3.4a13.208 13.208 0 0 1 .15 2v.512c0 .159-.008.321-.025.488h-2a4.89 4.89 0 0 0 .025-.488V12a13.208 13.208 0 0 0-.15-2h-4.7a13.208 13.208 0 0 0-.15 2 13.208 13.208 0 0 0 .15 2H13v2h-2.9c.2.733.458 1.425.775 2.075.317.65.692 1.275 1.125 1.875a16.913 16.913 0 0 0 1-1.65v3.65a10.307 10.307 0 0 1-1 .05Zm7.95-.625L17 18.425v2.225h-2V15h5.65v2H18.4l2.95 2.95-1.4 1.425Z"/></g></svg> </span> <span>Website Localization</span> </p> <p class="text-muted mb-0 subtitle">Create a multilingual website by integrating Crowdin and your website’s CMS.</p> </a> </li> <li class="megamenu__content__item"> <a href="/multilingual-support" class=""> <p class="title mb-1"> <span class="megamenu__content__item__icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" fill="none"><mask id="a" width="24" height="24" x="0" y="0" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" style="mask-type:alpha"><path fill="#D9D9D9" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/></mask><g mask="url(#a)"><path fill="currentColor" d="M12 22a9.738 9.738 0 0 1-3.9-.788 10.099 10.099 0 0 1-3.175-2.137c-.9-.9-1.612-1.958-2.137-3.175A9.738 9.738 0 0 1 2 12c0-1.383.263-2.683.788-3.9a10.099 10.099 0 0 1 2.137-3.175c.9-.9 1.958-1.612 3.175-2.137A9.738 9.738 0 0 1 12 2c1.383 0 2.683.263 3.9.788a10.098 10.098 0 0 1 3.175 2.137c.9.9 1.613 1.958 2.137 3.175A9.738 9.738 0 0 1 22 12a9.738 9.738 0 0 1-.788 3.9 10.098 10.098 0 0 1-2.137 3.175c-.9.9-1.958 1.613-3.175 2.137A9.738 9.738 0 0 1 12 22Zm-2.9-2.55 1.2-2.75a4.677 4.677 0 0 1-1.813-1.162A5.672 5.672 0 0 1 7.3 13.7l-2.75 1.15c.383 1.067.975 2 1.775 1.725 1.4 2.775 1.8ZM7.3 10.3c.283-.7.68-1.313 1.188-1.838A4.677 4.677 0 0 1 10.3 7.3L9.15 4.55c-1.067.4-2 1-2.8 1.8-.8.8-1.4 1.733-1.8 2.8L7.3 10.3ZM12 15c.833 0 1.542-.292 2.125-.875A2.893 2.893 0 0 0 15 12c0-.833-.292-1.542-.875-2.125A2.893 2.893 0 0 0 12 9c-.833 0-1.542.292-2.125.875A2.893 2.893 0 0 0 9 12c0 .833.292 1.542.875 2.125A2.893 2.893 0 0 0 12 15Zm2.9 4.45a7.78 7.78 0 0 0 2.763-1.787A7.78 7.78 0 0 0 19.45 14.9l-2.75-1.2c-.25.7-.633 1.304-1.15 1.813a5.597 5.597 0 0 1-1.8 1.187l1.15 2.75Zm1.8-9.2 2.75-1.15a7.78 7.78 0 0 0-1.787-2.762A7.78 7.78 0 0 0 14.9 4.55l-1.15 2.8c.683.25 1.275.63 1.775 1.095 1.175 1.762Z"/></g></svg> </span> <span>Multilingual Support</span> </p> <p class="text-muted mb-0 subtitle">Translate customer service chatbots, emails, and documentation</p> </a> </li> <li class="megamenu__content__item"> <a href="/game-localization" class=""> <p class="title mb-1"> <span class="megamenu__content__item__icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" fill="none"><mask id="a" width="24" height="24" x="0" y="0" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" style="mask-type:alpha"><path fill="#D9D9D9" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/></mask><g mask="url(#a)"><path fill="#81C784" d="M4.725 20c-1 0-1.854-.358-2.563-1.075a3.748 3.748 0 0 1-1.112-2.6 4.074 4.074 0 0 1 .1-.9l2.1-8.4c.233-.9.708-1.63 1.425-2.188A3.88 3.88 0 0 1 7.125 4h9.75c.916 0 1.733.28 2.45.838a3.952 3.952 0 0 1 1.425 2.187l2.1 8.4c. 0 1.017-.363 1.88-1.088 2.587A3.605 3.605 0 0 1 19.275 20c-.7 0-1.35-.183-1.95-.55a3.458 3.458 0 0 1-1.35-1.5l-.7-1.45a.817.817 0 0 0-.375-.375 1.16 1.16 0 0 0-.525-.125h-4.75a1.16 1.16 0 0 0-.525.125.817.817 0 0 0-.375.375l-.7 1.45c-.3.633-.75 1.133-1.35 1.5-.6.367-1.25.55-1.95.55Zm.075-2a1.594 1.594 0 0 0 1.45-.925l.7-1.425c.25-.517.616-.92 1.1-1.213A2.993 2.993 0 0 1 9.625 14h4.75c.566 0 1.091.15 1.575.45.483.3.858.7 1.125 1.2l.7 1.425a1.594 1.594 0 0 0 1.45.925c.466 0 .866-.154 1.2-.462a1.6 1.6 0 0 0 .525-1.163c0 .017-.017-.142-.05-.475l-2.1-8.375a2.033 2.033 0 0 0-.7-1.1A1.889 1.889 0 0 0 16.875 6h-9.75c-.467 0-.88.142-1.238.425-.358.283-.587.65-.687 1.1L3.1 15.9c-.034.1-.05.25-.05.45 0 .467.17.858.512 1.175.342.317.754.475 1.238.475Zm8.7-7c.283 0 .52-.096.712-.287A.968.968 0 0 0 14.5 10a.967.967 0 0 0-.288-.713A.968.968 0 0 0 13.5 9a.968.968 0 0 0-.713.287.967.967 0 0 0-.287.713c0 . 0 .52-.096.712-.287A.967.967 0 0 0 16.5 8a.967.967 0 0 0-.288-.713A.968.968 0 0 0 15.5 7a.968.968 0 0 0-.713.287A.967.967 0 0 0 14.5 8c0 . 4c.283 0 .52-.096.712-.287A.968.968 0 0 0 16.5 12a.968.968 0 0 0-.288-.713A.968.968 0 0 0 15.5 11a.968.968 0 0 0-.713.287.968.968 0 0 0-.287.713c0 . 0 .52-.096.712-.287A.968.968 0 0 0 18.5 10a.967.967 0 0 0-.288-.713A.968.968 0 0 0 17.5 9a.968.968 0 0 0-.713.287.967.967 0 0 0-.287.713c0 . 1.5a.728.728 0 0 0 .75-.75v-1h1A.728.728 0 0 0 11 10a.728.728 0 0 0-.75-.75h-1v-1a.729.729 0 0 0-.75-.75.728.728 0 0 0-.75.75v1h-1A.728.728 0 0 0 6 10a.728.728 0 0 0 .75.75h1v1a.728.728 0 0 0 .75.75Z"/></g></svg> </span> <span>Game Localization</span> </p> <p class="text-muted mb-0 subtitle">Translate your game and enter the international market</p> </a> </li> <li class="megamenu__content__item"> <a href="/e-commerce-localization" class=""> <p class="title mb-1"> <span class="megamenu__content__item__icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="25" height="24" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 25 24"><mask id="mask0_12943_33343" width="25" height="24" x="0" y="0" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" style="mask-type:alpha"><path fill="#D9D9D9" d="M.5 0h24v24H.5z"/></mask><g mask="url(#mask0_12943_33343)"><path fill="#81C784" d="M7.5 22c-.55 0-1.02-.196-1.412-.587A1.926 1.926 0 0 1 5.5 20c0-.55.196-1.02.588-1.413A1.926 1.926 0 0 1 7.5 18c.55 0 1.02.196 1.412.587.392.392.588.863.588 1.413s-.196 1.02-.588 1.413A1.926 1.926 0 0 1 7.5 22Zm10 0c-.55 0-1.02-.196-1.413-.587A1.926 1.926 0 0 1 15.5 20c0-.55.196-1.02.587-1.413A1.926 1.926 0 0 1 17.5 18c.55 0 1.02.196 1.413.587.391.392.587.863.587 1.413s-.196 1.02-.587 1.413A1.926 1.926 0 0 1 17.5 22ZM6.65 6l2.4 5h7l2.75-5H6.65ZM5.7 4h14.75c.383 0 .675.17.875.513.2.341.208.687.025 1.037l-3.55 6.4c-.183.333-.43.592-.738.775A1.945 1.945 0 0 1 16.05 13H8.6l-1.1 2h12v2h-12c-.75 0-1.317-.33-1.7-.988-.383-.658-.4-1.312-.05-1.962L7.1 11.6 3.5 4h-2V2h3.25l.95 2Z"/></g></svg> </span> <span>E-commerce Localization</span> </p> <p class="text-muted mb-0 subtitle">Automate localization of your e-commerce website and reach global customers.</p> </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="megamenu__content megamenu__content--fill-row-lg megamenu__content megamenu__content--bento order-0 order-xl-1 mt-lg-2 pb-0"> <a href="" 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14.9619 1.92848L14.2074 3.81473C13.9533 4.44998 13.45 4.95334 12.8147 5.20744L10.9285 5.96194C10.5932 6.09605 10.5932 6.57062 10.9285 6.70472L12.8147 7.45922C13.45 7.71333 13.9533 8.21668 14.2074 8.85194Z" fill="#6FC6A7"/> <path d="M18.3171 19.2927L18.8374 20.5935C18.8961 20.7403 19.1039 20.7403 19.1626 20.5935L19.6829 19.2927C19.7942 19.0146 20.0146 18.7942 20.2927 18.6829L21.5935 18.1626C21.7403 18.1039 21.7403 17.8961 21.5935 17.8374L20.2927 17.3171C20.0146 17.2058 19.7942 16.9854 19.6829 16.7073L19.1626 15.4065C19.1039 15.2597 18.8961 15.2597 18.8374 15.4065L18.3171 16.7073C18.2058 16.9854 17.9854 17.2058 17.7073 17.3171L16.4065 17.8374C16.2597 17.8961 16.2597 18.1039 16.4065 18.1626L17.7073 18.6829C17.9854 18.7942 18.2058 19.0146 18.3171 19.2927Z" fill="#6FC6A7"/> <path d="M7.26265 19.9691L8.00361 21.8215C8.13771 22.1568 8.61229 22.1568 8.74639 21.8215L9.48735 19.9691C10.1226 18.381 11.381 17.1226 12.9691 16.4873L14.8215 15.7464C15.1568 15.6123 15.1568 15.1377 14.8215 15.0036L12.9691 14.2627C11.381 13.6274 10.1226 12.369 9.48735 10.7809L8.74639 8.92848C8.61229 8.59322 8.13771 8.59322 8.00361 8.92848L7.26265 10.7809C6.6274 12.369 5.36901 13.6274 3.78087 14.2627L1.92848 15.0036C1.59322 15.1377 1.59322 15.6123 1.92848 15.7464L3.78087 16.4873C5.36901 17.1226 6.6274 18.381 7.26265 19.9691Z" fill="#6DB2AA"/> </svg> </span> <span class="text">AI Translation</span> </p> <p class="mb-0 subtitle">Empower your business with an AI translator fine-tuned to your company's needs and get 95% publishable translations</p> </a> <a href="/localization-best-practices" class="megamenu__content__item megamenu__content__item--gray d-flex "> <span class="title mb-1">Crowdin Resources</span> <span class="mb-1 subtitle">Resources on localization services, translation and localization tips</span> <div class="resources-badges-wrapper subtitle"> <span class="resources-badges-wrapper__item">📚 Free e-books</span> <span class="resources-badges-wrapper__item">📺 Webinars</span> <span 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<section class="crowdin-section crowdin-customers-testimonials"> <div class="container"> <div class="row crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper"> <div class="offset-xl-1 offset-lg-0 col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__column crowdin-customers-testimonials__column--mt-minus"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> First, I have to say I have really enjoyed using Crowdin for a few years now. Besides the fact that it is the only service that supports all of our file formats, the ease of use, comfortable API and editing options, and especially your quick and professional support team have made our experience amazing! If someone were to ask me about a localization service to use for their app, I would definitely recommend Crowdin. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Gilad Noy</p> <div class="title"> Software Developer, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Intel </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin has been the cornerstone upon which we have built our community-driven localization efforts, helping us better connect with our non-English speaking communities and provide a better, more personalized experience for all our global users <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Esteban</p> <div class="title"> Producer, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">VRChat </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Working with Crowdin has been an outstanding experience for Tonebase. Translating thousands of videos seemed unrealistic, but Crowdin’s fast service and flexible platform made it possible. Their tools, AI technology, and seamless collaboration with our Peru-based team have greatly enhanced our workflow. Crowdin’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction makes them an invaluable partner in our localization efforts. In a short time, they’ve developed meaningful new features that continuously improve our process. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Daniel Kurganov</p> <div class="title"> Producer, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Tonebase </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__column crowdin-customers-testimonials__column--mt-plus"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin has been a huge help to our open source community as we localize our curriculum into many world languages. Their customizable workflows have made it much easier for us to coordinate our translation effort. So far, more than 100 volunteers have contributed, thanks to Crowdin's ease-of-use and intuitive contributor experience. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Quincy Larson</p> <div class="title"> The teacher who founded, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">freeCodeCamp </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin`s responsive customer support, even through online chat, and seamless onboarding make a real difference. Their willingness to adapt the product to our needs turns our collaboration into a true partnership, where we help improve their product, and they enhance our integrations and processes. The user-friendly dashboard and intuitive UI make the platform easy to navigate, boosting our team`s efficiency. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Naomi Voet</p> <div class="title"> Localization Manager, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Mews </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> When we evaluated localization options for the Electron project, Crowdin stood apart from the competition. It’s free for open source projects, it integrates well with GitHub, and has moderation controls for managing large translator communities. Crowdin’s support and engineering staff are also friendly and helpful. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Zeke Sikelianos</p> <div class="title"> Senior Engineer, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">GitHub </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--1'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--2'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--3'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--4'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--5'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--6'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="crowdin-customers-success-stories"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="offset-xl-1 col-xl-10"> <h2>Success stories</h2> <p class="subtitle-h2">From start-ups to big companies, everyone wants to reach new markets and grow their audience. With Crowdin, your team can bring your product to any country, as we provide a technical solution to streamline all the time-consuming steps in localization.</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="offset-xl-1 col-xl-10 crowdin-customers-success-stories__booklet-holder"> <div class="crowdin-customers-success-stories--grid"> <a href="/case-studies/ethereum.pdf" class="crowdin-customers-success-stories__item crowdin-customers-success-stories__item--ethereum rounded-sm" > <div class="logo-container"> <figure class="logo-container__logo mb-3"> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <div class="desc"> <div class="desc__top mb-3"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin is the best localization tool with collaboration features. If you need hundreds and thousands of people to collaborate on a project, you can choose Crowdin. Besides it, we really like content management options, translation memory, and glossary features that help us speed up the process. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="author mb-3"> <div class="author__label mb-2"> <p class="name">Luka Kropec</p> <div class="title"> Translation Project Lead at </div> </div> </div> <span class="desc__bottom"> View Case Study </span> </a> <a href="/case-studies/grandpad.pdf" class="crowdin-customers-success-stories__item crowdin-customers-success-stories__item--grandpad rounded-sm" > <div class="logo-container"> <figure class="logo-container__logo mb-3"> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <div class="desc"> <div class="desc__top mb-3"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin gave us the ability to implement localization into the entire platform development process. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="author mb-3"> <figure class="author__pic mr-2 mb-2"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author__label mb-2"> <p class="name">Earl Chen</p> <div class="title"> Chief Technology Officer at GrandPad </div> </div> </div> <span class="desc__bottom"> View Customer Story </span> </a> <a href="/case-studies/scs.pdf" class="crowdin-customers-success-stories__item crowdin-customers-success-stories__item--scs rounded-sm" > <div class="logo-container"> <figure class="logo-container__logo mb-3"> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <div class="desc"> <div class="desc__top mb-3"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin platform is easy enough for anybody. Everything you need is in your browser, you just open it, and can start localizing. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="author mb-3"> <figure class="author__pic mr-2 mb-2"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author__label mb-2"> <p class="name">Patrik Rak</p> <div class="title"> Lead Programmer at SCS Software </div> </div> </div> <span class="desc__bottom"> View Customer Story </span> </a> <a href="/case-studies/khan-academy.pdf" class="crowdin-customers-success-stories__item crowdin-customers-success-stories__item--violet rounded-sm" > <div class="logo-container"> <figure class="logo-container__logo mb-3"> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <div class="desc"> <div class="desc__top mb-3"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> The localization tool has enabled us to build strong partnerships with organizations around the world, leading to a dramatic increase in international awareness and product usage. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="author mb-3"> <figure class="author__pic mr-2 mb-2"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author__label mb-2"> <p class="name">Natalie Rothfels</p> <div class="title"> Translations Project Coordinator </div> </div> </div> <span class="desc__bottom"> View Customer Story </span> </a> <a href="/case-studies/eXo-platform.pdf" class="crowdin-customers-success-stories__item crowdin-customers-success-stories__item--exo-yellow rounded-sm" > <div class="logo-container"> <figure class="logo-container__logo mb-3"> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <div class="desc"> <div class="desc__top mb-3"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> With Crowdin, localization delays release by zero time. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="author mb-3"> <figure class="author__pic mr-2 mb-2"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author__label mb-2"> <p class="name">Patrice Lamarque</p> <div class="title"> Chief Product Officer </div> </div> </div> <span class="desc__bottom"> View Customer Story </span> </a> <a href="" class="crowdin-customers-success-stories__item crowdin-customers-success-stories__item--wildlife-violet rounded-sm" target="_blank" > <div class="logo-container"> <figure class="logo-container__logo mb-3"> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <div class="desc"> <div class="desc__top mb-3"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin has been instrumental in streamlining our localization efforts and ensuring consistency across our games. It’s comprehensive translation memory and collaborative features have significantly improved our workflow. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="author mb-3"> <figure class="author__pic mr-2 mb-2"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author__label mb-2"> <p class="name">Anderson Lebrão Sanchez</p> <div class="title"> Head of Organic Growth and Localization </div> </div> </div> <span class="desc__bottom"> View Customer Story </span> </a> <a href="/case-studies/crowdin-storyblok-linearity.pdf" class="crowdin-customers-success-stories__item crowdin-customers-success-stories__item--linearity rounded-sm" > <div class="logo-container"> <figure class="logo-container__logo mb-3"> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <div class="desc"> <div class="desc__top mb-3"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> The integration of Crowdin and Storyblok has revolutionized our content localization process. Thanks to Storyblok, its multilingual feature, and the Crowdin app, we can now sync content effortlessly, reducing manual efforts and saving valuable time for other tasks. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="author mb-3"> <div class="author__label mb-2"> <p class="name">Sam Eckert</p> <div class="title"> Design, Product & Strategy Lead at Linearity </div> </div> </div> <span class="desc__bottom"> View Case Study </span> </a> <a href="/case-studies/creative-words-crowdin.pdf" class="crowdin-customers-success-stories__item crowdin-customers-success-stories__item--creative-words rounded-sm" > <div class="logo-container"> <figure class="logo-container__logo mb-3"> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <div class="desc"> <div class="desc__top mb-3"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> The partnership between Crowdin and Creative Words enabled Harri to significantly reduce the translation management related cost of internal staff and ensure a streamlined process for continuous localization. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <span class="desc__bottom"> View Case Study </span> </a> </div> <figure class="crowdin-customers-success-stories__booklet-holder__bg crowdin-customers-success-stories__booklet-holder__bg--1"> <img class="img-fluid" src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" > </figure> <figure class="crowdin-customers-success-stories__booklet-holder__bg crowdin-customers-success-stories__booklet-holder__bg--2"> <img class="img-fluid" src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" > </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="crowdin-customers-logos"> <div class="crowdin-customers-logos__set crowdin-customers-logos__set--1 mb-lg-3"> <div class="crowdin-customers-logos__set-wrapper d-flex flex-row flex-nowrap align-items-center"> <div class="part part--1"> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Commusoft"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="BetterTTV"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Videra Health"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Creatio"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="SafeHouse Tech"> </div> </div> <div class="part part--2"> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Pipplet"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Iterpro"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Kls Desk"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Ai Sight"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Grafana Labs"> </div> </div> <div class="part part--3"> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Commusoft"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="BetterTTV"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Videra Health"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Creatio"> </div> <div class="logo-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="SafeHouse Tech"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="crowdin-customers-testimonials"> <div class="container"> <div class="row crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper"> <div class="offset-xl-1 offset-lg-0 col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__column"> <h2>You’re in good company</h2> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin streamlined our translation process with a tight GitLab integration. By automatically presenting new strings to our community for translation, we’re able to save time and get our community engaged quickly. The integration also allows us to immediately present new translations in a new merge request when they get approved by our community proofreaders, helping us integrate new translations quickly. We’re big fans! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Jeremy Watson</p> <div class="title"> Product Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">GitLab </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> It’s the best translation tool for us to localize our user interface with a global community of volunteers. Both volunteers and in-house proofreaders can interact on the same platform, ask questions and exchange opinions about the best possible translation. Crowdin also makes it very easy for new translators to join our project to empower people to fix their stuff and save money while keeping electronics out of landfills. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Sandra Hiller</p> <div class="title"> Head of Translations , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">iFixit </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> When we developed Docusaurus to make it easy to create great open source websites, localization was a primary support feature. Crowdin has made it easy for those websites to add translations, helping project owners provide a more global documentation reach. And the Crowdin support team is awesome! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Joel Marcey</p> <div class="title"> Developer Advocate , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Facebook </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> I was super impressed by the Crowdin in-context localization feature – I didn’t even know that something like this would be possible, when I first started looking for TMS solutions for our company; but once I’d seen it, I knew that it was something that I definitely had to have. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Merit Burenkov</p> <div class="title"> Localization Lead , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Pipedrive </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> I18n can be scary for any company, but Crowdin made it incredibly easy to onboard and offboard both translators and proofreaders. Without Crowdin’s generous open source plan, we would likely not be supporting over 35 languages in our app. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Peer Richelsen</p> <div class="title"> Co-founder , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__column crowdin-customers-testimonials__column--mt-plus"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Let’s Encrypt serves a global audience, so it is important to us that our website is approachable to people all over the world. For years, we couldn’t find a good translation service to facilitate our needs. Then we found Crowdin. It’s been a great solution because of its ease of use both for translators and us. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Sarah Gran</p> <div class="title"> VP Brand & Donor Development, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Let’s Encrypt </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> We’ve been using the service since 2017. We especially value flexibility in terms of file formats, integrations and the ability to detect variables and pluralizations in strings. It’s awesome that providing context to translators is so easy–you just need to attach a screenshot. Thanks to Crowdin our platform is now available in 15 different language versions and is more accessible worldwide. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Kate Maslenkova</p> <div class="title"> Lead UX writer, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Preply </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> When we were searching for new tool for our localization process, Crowdin was one of the candidates. Now, after months of using Crowdin, we can say it's a great choice! It has helped us to better connect with translators and to give them everything they need, including context, screenshots, and immediate answers to their questions. Additionally, the Crowdin support service is very professional and helpful. We're happy with Crowdin and can only recommend the tool! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Simona Stančeková</p> <div class="title"> QA Engineer, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Avast </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Thank you so much! Your platform looks awesome. I wish we had known this earlier. We will advertise the fact we are using your service whenever possible. We have a large fan base, and volunteers eager to contribute. Cheers! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Changpeng Zhao</p> <div class="title"> Head of Development, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Blockchain </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card rounded-sm"> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> With Crowdin, we were able to reach 25 million monthly active users by translating content from our web and apps in 43 languages. We were able to seamlessly integrate localization and it’s been a game-changer for us. We're grateful for the impact it's had on our growth! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Tena Novak</p> <div class="title"> Localization Specialist, <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Sofascore </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--1'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--2'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--3'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--4'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--5'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--6'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__view-more"> <button id="view-more" class="btn btn-outline-primary">View More</button> </div> <div id='view-more-wrapper' class="row crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper--load-more" style="display: none"> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin is essential for fulfilling the localization needs of our AiSight solution. Thanks to Crowdin, we now have a streamlined localization workflow for our AiSight Machine Insight Center. We can easily communicate with our translators, provide them with context through screenshots, and address any questions they may have about specific strings. The Crowdin UI is highly intuitive, and the ICU support including date formatting and pluralization, coupled with the preview function, proves invaluable for our work. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Norman Rusch</p> <div class="title"> Senior Frontend Developer , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">AiSight GmbH </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Thanks to Crowdin and its integrations, we’ve been able to translate Kls Desk in less than a week for a minimal cost. Integrating translations into our development process was very simple. The support team was helpful when needed. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Antoine Préveaux</p> <div class="title"> CTO and co-founder , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Kls Desk </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> We've been very pleased with how easy it has been to integrate Crowdin with our tooling. We continuously push strings to Crowdin on every code change, and the translation memory makes re-using identical strings in our various different apps simple. For larger translation jobs, our vendors were able to use the platform to both translate and review their work. We use integrated Crowdin vendors for smaller jobs and find those to be quick and accurate. Crowdin is the only tool we've needed. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Mitchell Harris</p> <div class="title"> Technical Lead , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Videra Health </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> As a language assessment company with a B2B clientele spanning over 40 languages, we needed a reliable localization system to adapt our tests seamlessly. Crowdin’s localization system has been a game-changer for us. It has empowered us to effortlessly cater to our global audience, ensuring that our assessments are accurately translated and culturally adapted. Using their platform, we have been able to provide a professional and consistent experience across all languages. Thanks to Crowdin’s localization system, we are proud to offer a comprehensive and accessible language assessment solution worldwide. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Borja Domínguez</p> <div class="title"> (Linguistics) Project Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Pipplet </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin has been a huge help in helping us understand what has been translated and what hasn't. It's let us understand context better as previous systems just showed us that a string hadn't been translated, but ultimately we had no idea where in the product that string was being used which made it very difficult to provide a quality translation. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Jason Morjaria</p> <div class="title"> Founder/CEO , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Commusoft </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin is an exceptional localization platform with top-notch integrations, easy-to-use interface, and excellent customer support. It has allowed us to automate our in-app localization process, saving us time and money. Highly recommended for any team looking to streamline their localization workflows. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Tommy Desilets</p> <div class="title"> VP of Engineering , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">LANDR </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin has been a fantastic partner in making our localization efforts more scalable. Thanks to Crowdin, we manage dozens of translators and proofreaders easily, cultivate collaboration between remote project members, and bring additional languages to our users quickly. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Zara Mae Lobrin</p> <div class="title"> Head of Support , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Bounce </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> The combination of a strong localization management tool, like Crowdin, and GTE Lokalize, translation agency made my job easier and freed up the time I could spend on other priorities. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <div class="author"> <p class="name"></p> <div class="title"> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">AXI + GTE Localize </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Localization has had such a big impact as Bridebook has expanded into international markets and Crowdin has been a great partner for us in that process. Easy-to-use technology like Crowdin's new In-context translation tool, means that we can rapidly localize and get new markets live in record time <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=" schultze.png"> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Markian Mysko Von Schultze</p> <div class="title"> Head of Marketing and International Expansion , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Bridebook </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> At Envision, creating assistive technology products, localisation is one of the key elements in having a great user experience for the end-user. But localising our platforms was a long and difficult process, both for the developers and for the translators. This is where Crowdin came in, and fulfilled all of our expectations in any way possible. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Ferkan</p> <div class="title"> Product Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Envision </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin allowed us to set up our localization process around a variety of technology we use. Integrations, API & customer service are great, too. We love Screenshots and how easy it is to start using them to add more context for translators. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Aleksandra Narożna-Chadała</p> <div class="title"> Localization Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">GetResponse </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> With Crowdin we found a solution that helped us leverage our crypto offering to the next level. We are based in Switzerland but would like to enable access to digital assets to as many as possible throughout the world - the demand for multi-language is therefore high. With the automated integrations and workflows that Crowdin provides, this project was a breeze and led to a great client experience in their language of choice. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Gianni Rüegg</p> <div class="title"> Product Owner , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Bitcoin Suisse AG </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Unlike other online tools, Crowdin had real potential for professional translators, not just hobbyists and volunteers <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Benjamin Zadik</p> <div class="title"> Founder , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Babble-on </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin helped us scale our translation processes providing an easy-to-use and fun online software. On top of that, the API makes our developers happy and the customer service is exceptional. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Steffen Schebesta</p> <div class="title"> Founder & Managing Director , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Newsletter2Go </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin has been central to Wire’s growth for years now. It allowed us to quickly scale to tens of new languages added by fans/volunteers while keeping the workflow straightforward. And their support is phenomenal! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Siim Teller</p> <div class="title"> Head of Marketing , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Wire </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> One year. 45+ languages. 630 translators. Over 400.000 new users. Crowdin has been with us from the very start of our internationalization journey. Over the last year Listonic - Smart Shopping List has been translated into more than 45 languages by passionate volunteer translators. Thanks to the platform, we can keep in contact with them even after the translation has been done. We can't imagine working with any other translation platform. Thanks for everything, guys! :) <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Aleksandra Małecka</p> <div class="title"> Localization Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Listonic </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin provided the perfect solution for OpenCart when we needed to increase the number of language packs. Although our community is very diverse we had no single location where users could collaborate, the Crowdin platform was a perfect fit allowing us to still manage the languages how we needed. As an unexpected benefit, the quality of some language packs improved thanks to more of our users having an input to help decide the best translation. Thank you for the great product and support you have provided us! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">James Allsup</p> <div class="title"> Technical Advisor , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">OpenСart </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Learning Equality has been using Crowdin as our localization platform from the very start. Due to the nature of our work, we have projects all over the world and varied language needs. The vision for our second-generation platform, Kolibri, is to have it available in as many languages as we can, so everyone can realize their right to a free and quality education, without needing the internet. Crowdin makes it easier for us to connect with people from all corners of the globe, build community, get feedback and the job done! And have we mentioned their support team is amazing? We heart you, Crowdin! We hope to continue growing together. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Carine Diaz</p> <div class="title"> Translation Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Learning Equality </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Localization is a must for what we do and our experience with Crowdin has been nothing short of spectacular. We've been using it for quite some time now and everything has been seamless. It's intuitive to use even for beginners, has all the tools for our needs, and customer support is blazing fast. Highly highly recommended! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Melvin Dichoso</p> <div class="title"> Community Director , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">SplitmediaLabs </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> After discovering Crowdin in an open source context, we have been using this Platform for translation of some Orange smartphone applications. The Platform saved the development team a lot of time compared with previous process. You can start with a very simple process, but the Platform allows you to progress to advanced usages easily. The stability of the platform is just perfect. The support team answers are always very high quality and within one or two hours. Thanks. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Nicolas Bossard</p> <div class="title"> Orange Labs France , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Orange </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Managing translations has never been so simple! Crowdin is so easy to use that we decided to manage all our translations through it. Based on different technologies, our Nuxeo Platform and applications are now translated in around 20 languages thanks to passionate translators. As soon as the translation is ready on Crowdin it’s directly synchronized with our products and I know that if needed I can quickly contact the Crowdin Support team. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Manon Lumeau</p> <div class="title"> Lead Technical Writer , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Nuxeo </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Keycafe works with guests traveling from all over the world and must present its entire product in many different languages. Crowdin has become a very valuable tool to easily localize our materials. We also are constantly improving our product and Crowdin makes it easy to ensure all languages are updated with the latest information. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Clayton Brown</p> <div class="title"> Founder and CEO , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Keycafe </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> As the world’s largest digital gaming marketplace, we regularly translate content for our site into 15 languages. Crowdin has helped us to easily keep all translations in one place while connecting our copywriting, translating, UX and IT teams in one, all-inclusive and transparent service. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Gabriela Lefanowicz</p> <div class="title"> Communications Specialist and Copywriting Team Leader , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">G2A.COM </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> As an online language learning platform with students from over 100 countries, our translations need to be perfect. At italki we wanted a fast and easy way to work with our network of translators, and Crowdin was the best choice for us. Uploading copy, getting translations, and handling proofreading can all be done with just a few clicks. With Crowdin’s help, our site now operates in 19 languages, and represents us with the quality that our users expect. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Kevin Zhu</p> <div class="title"> Teacher Team , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">italki </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> is a global marketplace available in multiple languages. Our agressive growth strategy forces us to be able to launch in new markets with new languages quickly. Crowdin has been a key feature in making this possible. With their amazing API, good documentation and great pricing model, we were able to scale to multiple languages without any problems. I won’t hesitate to recommend this to other developers looking for a localization tool. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Chris Kjær Sørensen</p> <div class="title"> Co-Founder & Chief Architect , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> 2 years ago, we decided at Evaneos to completely rethink our translation process and tools to tackle the internationalization challenge we were facing. Crowdin has been such a game changer in that, helping us scale our translation process, giving our translators a clean interface to work. After 2 years using Crowdin, we are very happy with it. It's now used on web and mobile application, internally, saving us a lot of time. We particularly love the in-context translation as it gives full context to translators to perfectly adapt wordings. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Vianney Briois</p> <div class="title"> Digital Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Evaneos </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> After we started using Crowdin for our localization we've never felt the need to try something else. The ability to easily provide context, communicate with translators and let our fanbase help out has been very valuable for both us and our fans. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Johannes Aspeby</p> <div class="title"> Studio Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Coffee Stain Studios </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin help both Bonitasoft employees and community translators to collaborate in order to easily translate our application development solution. Every time I reach out to Crowdin support they were really helpful: provide several options and recommendations to solve issues, reach out to Crowdin development team if needed and always in a very timely manner! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Antoine Mottier</p> <div class="title"> Technical Evangelist , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Bonitasoft </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> At Eagle Eye Networks we provide cloud-based video surveillance platforms that are built to scale. With a growing number of worldwide connections, local data centers on every continent, and continues feature updates - we need to deliver and maintain our products in a wide range of languages. Managing multiple languages while adding new features like analytics, new camera support, and white labels can be a tough challenge. Thanks to Crowdin we can deliver a global service for a local audience. The option to connect with translating services of our own choice, helped us find the best value for our money without the need to switch platforms. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Rishi Lodhia</p> <div class="title"> Managing Director , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Eagle Eye Networks </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin takes the stress out of localization. Thanks to the automation tools and the integration with translation vendors, getting new translations done is a breeze. Even in the last days of our sprint, we can just run a script to upload new strings, get the translations done over night, and download them with another script, all without having to worry about deciding up front what stories need translations and getting quotes and schedules sorted. Combine that with the translation memory and the easy to use UI's and I don't see why anyone would do it any other way. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Jahmai Lay</p> <div class="title"> CTO , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">CriticalArc </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Volunteers are translating our app into numerous languages, making it accessible to even more people worldwide. Managing that amount of contributions as a small team can be a very time consuming task. Crowdin is our platform of choice, as it enables us to manage and distribute translations on a weekly basis in an effective manner using the easy to use integrations they provide. Additionally, Crowdin Support has been helpful answering both technical questions, as well as linguistic ones, with a short response time. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">André Schmidt</p> <div class="title"> Senior Software Engineer , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Be My Eyes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> During the past year, Crowdin has been a corner stone for Aptoide's localization strategy. As an open source platform that keeps evolving and adapting to changing markets and audiences, we are dependent on a system that allows us to easily manage more than 30 languages and 40 translators on different projects. And Crowdin is exactly that platform with the most effective and quick Support Team you can imagine. Thanks for helping us bring the best apps worldwide! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Carlos Garrido</p> <div class="title"> Translation and Localization Specialist , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Aptoide </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> We are long time users of Crowdin. They provide a flexible platform for streamlining localization projects with numerous integration options and automation capabilities. As we transition to their enterprise solution, Crowdin support never lets you down when a question arises. They are also great partners as we collaborate on enhancements and features. I can't say enough good things about Crowdin! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Roy Duvall</p> <div class="title"> Head of Technology , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Calendly </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin has helped our engineering and business team to quickly iterate on copy and translations. It’s easy to use, intuitive and very reliable. One of the key differentiators is the excellent customer support which makes the setup very fast and enjoyable. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Emanuel Moecklin</p> <div class="title"> Chief Software Architect , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Airfox </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> After evaluating a lot of tools, we finally decided for crowdin because of the amazing in-context translation, which works well in our agile processes. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Felix Bauer</p> <div class="title"> VP of Engineering , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">3YOURMIND </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> The feeling of having friends come into a community is so great. Thanks given to Crowdin team for creating such a community and offering help when in need. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Ada Lixue</p> <div class="title"> Globalization Project Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Huawei </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> As soon as our developers update our app, Crowdin invites our translators to update their translations. They have everything they need at hand with Crowdin's user-friendly webinterface and their changes are collected automatically. Developers incorporate the new translations into our app with the click of a button. My efforts in managing the translations are limited to clarifying text to translate with a screenshot. Crowdin saves everybody a lot of time and hassle and offers superb support when you need it. That's coming from people working in the customer support industry <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Patrick Mackaaij</p> <div class="title"> Marketing , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Worcade </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> With over 300 translators working on our projects, managing the translation is no easy task. Luckily, your platform has proved to be very helpful and I am very happy with the service. I'd also like to add that your customer support team is amazing — always sending quick and easy-to-follow instructions. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Stefan Lučić</p> <div class="title"> Translation Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Crowdin made it easy for us to simply share a link to our project to enable fans from around the world to help us get our app working great in their native language. Because it was so simple for them to help, they really have. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Ryan Oldenburg</p> <div class="title"> Co-founder and CEO , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Pushbullet </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> With the help of their translation management tool and Crowdin’s extremely responsive and helpful support team, we at Xactware have been able to save countless hours in processing times. All of our language specialists and translation partners are thrilled to be using a product that centralizes communication. <nobr>We love it!</nobr> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Casey Garland</p> <div class="title"> Senior Localization Specialist , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Xactware </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> Ever since we at Visma started using Crowdin for our UI-text management, we have noticed that we save lots of time and enable our customers to gain benefit from new and updated functionality quicker and with better quality. We especially appreciate the In-context feature. We also appreciate the amazing support we get whenever needed. You guys are truly awesome! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Per Karlsson</p> <div class="title"> Content Manager , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Visma Spcs AB </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> What we like about Crowdin the most is this cool feature that automatically detects strings that are present in a new screenshot that we upload. This works great in providing context surrounding the string, to everybody working on it. Also, Crowdin is very easy to use, even for newbies who are not familiar with the platform. A very simple UI and comprehensive documentation makes the onboarding process a walk in the park. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Anna Iokhimovich</p> <div class="title"> Head of Localization , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Paxful </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> We at HeroX value Crowdin for helping us handle translations quickly and effortlessly. We use Crowdin's API and our files are automatically synced and updated. Localization is one aspect of our business that does not require constant control. Thanks, Crowdin! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Kal K. Sahota</p> <div class="title"> VP Possibilities , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">HeroX </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> I love Crowdin, it has driven out translations for our applications quickly thanks to 600 passionate translators. Thank you for helping us translating MusiXmatch in 42 languages, you are awesome! <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Massimo Ciociola</p> <div class="title"> Founder and CEO , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">MusixMatch </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-5 col-lg-6 crowdin-customers-testimonials__card" style="margin-left: "> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__header"> <figure class="logo"> <img src=""> </figure> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__body"> <p class="hanging"> <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--start">“</span> When the team set out with the goal of exposing 10 million students to computer science during Computer Science Education Week, internationalization wasn't even on our radar. There was simply an impossible number of things to do and our small team was focused on the US. But once we saw the international response to our promotional efforts, we knew we needed to localize, and fast! Crowdin was the clear tool of choice and the Crowdin support team was instrumental in helping make CS Ed Week a global success, with 15 million participants from over 150 countries, and available in more than 20 languages. <span class="hanging-quote hanging-quote--end">”</span> </p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-testimonials__card__footer"> <figure class="pic"> <img class="rounded-circle" src=""> </figure> <div class="author"> <p class="name">Brandon Bloom</p> <div class="title"> Engineer , <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--1'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes--2'> <img class="img-fluid" src=""> </figure> <figure class='crowdin-customers-testimonials__wrapper__bg-quotes 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class="desc">localization projects</p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-numbers__number text-center text-md-left"> <span class="title">2,7M<span class="plus">+</span></span> <p class="desc">registered users</p> </div> <div class="crowdin-customers-numbers__number text-center text-md-left"> <span class="title">160<span class="plus">+</span></span> <p class="desc">customer countries</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="crowdin-home-try-today"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="offset-xl-1 col-xl-10"> <div class="crowdin-home-try-today__wrapper px-4"> <div class="shine-ellipse shine-ellipse--1"></div> <div class="shine-ellipse shine-ellipse--2"></div> <div class="container" style="position: relative; z-index: 10;"> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class=" offset-xl-2 col-xl-8 col-md-12" > <form class="d-flex flex-column justify-content-center text-center" id="main_bottom_form" method="post" action="/join"> <h2>Get started with 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