{"title":"Feasibility Analysis Studies on New National R&D Programs in Korea","authors":"Seongmin Yim, Hyun-Kyu Kang","volume":59,"journal":"International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering","pagesStart":1657,"pagesEnd":1660,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/12670","abstract":"As a part of evaluation system for R&D program, the\r\nKorean government has applied feasibility analysis since 2008.\r\nVarious professionals put forth a great effort in order to catch up the\r\nhigh degree of freedom of R&D programs, and make contributions to\r\nevolving the feasibility analysis. We analyze diverse R&D programs\r\nfrom various viewpoints, such as technology, policy, and Economics,\r\nintegrate the separate analysis, and finally arrive at a definite result;\r\nwhether a program is feasible or unfeasible. This paper describes the\r\nconcept and method of the feasibility analysis as a decision making\r\ntool. The analysis unit and content of each criterion, which are key\r\nelements in a comprehensive decision making structure, are examined","references":"[1] Y. B. Lee, J. Hwang, \"A Study on Correlation Between Elements of AHP\r\nfor Government R&D Programs,\" Proceedings of the International\r\nSymposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 2011.\r\n[2] E. Triantaphyllou, Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods: A\r\nComparative Study, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.\r\n[3] William N. Dunn, Public Policy Analysis; An introduction, 4th edition,\r\nPrentice-Hall, 2000\r\n[4] Thomas L. Saaty, Luis G. Vargas, Decision Making with The Analytic\r\nNetworking Process; Economic, Political, Social and Technological\r\nApplications with Benefits, Opportunities, Costs and Risks, Springer.\r\n2006.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 59, 2011"}