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class="hide_init mrpdata-u-display-block"> <div class="auto-opt-in"></div> </div> <!-- End NonGDPR Auto Opt-In Pixel --> <div id="content" class="content"> <main> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row p-top--half p-bottom"> <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2"> <article id="post-31" class="post-31 page type-page status-publish hentry"> <h1 class="entry-title">Privacy Policy</h1> <h3>Market Resource Partners Privacy Policy</h3> <p>Last revised: March 05, 2019</p> <p><strong>I. Introduction</strong></p> <p>Market Resources Partners, LLC and its affiliates (<strong>MRP</strong>) value the data protection and privacy rights of the persons (“<strong>you</strong>” or “<strong>your</strong>”) whose information we collect or receive. This privacy policy (“<strong>Policy</strong> “) explains who we are and the practices that govern how we collect, use, share and protect the information you provide to us and other information we may collect about you and other individuals and companies.</p> <p>We recommend that you read this Policy in full to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the data that we collect and how we collect and use that data.</p> <p>We also describe the choices that we offer, including how you can change your preferences regarding how we collect and use your information.</p> <p>As used in this Policy, ‘<strong>Personal Information</strong>’ means information that may be used to identify you personally, such as your name, address, email or telephone number and any other information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.</p> <p>This Policy does not address, and we are not responsible for, the privacy, information or other practices of any third parties, including our vendors or any other third party operating any site or service such as publishers that display advertising served by MRP.</p> <p><strong>II. About us</strong></p> <p>MRP is a marketing and sales solutions company that provides integrated, multi-channel communications strategies, self-service client technology platforms and complete, in-depth data analytics to help achieve revenue goals for our clients and partners worldwide across a variety of industries.</p> <p>MRP operates its websites <u><a href=""></a></u> and <u><a href=""></a></u> and also ad hoc microsites (e.g. and landing pages on behalf of clients (collectively, the <strong>MRP Sites</strong>).</p> <p>MRP also provides a analytics-based platform called Prelytix (<strong>Prelytix</strong>) aimed at helping its clients predict in real-time, what products and services businesses s are likely interested in. MRP also provides advertising services (<strong>MRP Ad Services</strong>) to clients, helping them to display relevant online advertising to end users (<strong>End Users</strong>) who interact with third party websites (<strong>Third Party Sites</strong>). In addition, MRP also offers clients a suite of marketing related services including email, mail and telemarketing.</p> <p><strong>III. What Information Does MRP collect and How is It Collected?</strong></p> <p>The types of information that we may collect (directly from you or from third-party sources) and our privacy practices depend on the nature of the relationship you have with MRP and the requirements of applicable law. This section describes how we collect and use that information. This includes an overview of the type of information that we collect directly and automatically, the types of information that we receive from other sources and why we collect that information.</p> <p><strong>A. Information That You Provide to Us.</strong></p> <p><em>MRP Sites</em></p> <p>Certain parts of the MRP Sites may ask you to provide Personal Information voluntarily. For example, we collect Personal Information when you apply for a job at MRP, request a Prelytix demo, express an interest in obtaining additional information about MRP or our services, subscribe to marketing emails, or otherwise contact us. This Personal Information is collected by MRP to provide you with the best and most useful content and services, and to offer you opportunities to obtain other products and services from us and our Partners.</p> <p>The Personal Information we collect may include business contact information (e.g. your name, mailing address, telephone number or email address) and contact preferences. It may also include professional information (e.g. your job title, department or job role) as well as the nature of your request or communication. We also collect information that you choose to provide to us when you complete ‘free text’ boxes on our forms.</p> <p>Through Prelytix, clients may be able to provide additional data, including their authorised user and target contact information. MRP uses this information only to provide clients with services and as otherwise agreed to in their respective agreements. MRP may derive insights from usage of these features and types of insight typically derived from client usage and customer-provided data but does not use any client-provided data except to provide its services.</p> <p><em>During marketing services</em></p> <p>You may provide us with information (which may include Personal Information) during a marketing call or in response to an email or direct mail campaign e.g. you may provide us information regarding alternative contacts methods or updating details. The Personal Information we collect during the marketing services may include business contact information (e.g. your name, mailing address, telephone number or email address) and contact preferences. We may also collect professional information (e.g. your job title, department or job role).</p> <p><strong>B. Information That We or Third Parties collect automatically</strong></p> <p><em>MRP Sites</em></p> <p>When using the MRP Sites, we or our Partners may automatically collect certain information from your device. In some countries including countries in the EU, this information may be considered Personal Information under data protection laws. The information we collect automatically may include your IP address, your operating system, your browser ID, your browsing activity, your URL and other information about your system, connection and how you interact with MRP Sites. We may collect this information using cookies, pixels and/or web beacons (<strong>Technologies</strong>), as explained further in our <strong><a href="">Cookie Policy</a></strong>.</p> <p><em>MRP Ad Services</em></p> <p>When End Users visit Third Party Sites, we may (and our Partners or vendors may) use and deploy Technologies to automatically collect certain information about the End Users and their devices. Some of this information (including, for example, an IP address and unique identifiers stored in a cookie) may identify a computer or device and may in certain circumstances be considered “Personal Information”. However, the MRP Ad Services are designed to process information in such a manner that the information cannot be directly attributed to a specific, identifiable individual without the use of additional information (such as your name, address, or email address). We may collect this information by assigning a random unique identifier to your device the first time you interact with an advertisement on a Third-Party Site. This unique identifier may then associate you with information that we may collect about you. This information we may collect includes information about your browser and device information, information about your online behaviour and information about ads served, viewed or clicked on.</p> <p><strong>C. Information we receive from other Sources</strong></p> <p>We may also combine, merge, and/or enhance the information we collect about you with information collected from third parties such as other web-based and mobile networks, exchanges and websites (“<strong>Partners</strong> “) or our clients.</p> <p>This information may include hashed identifiers derived from other information such as email addresses, mobile device IDs, demographic or interest data (like your industry, employer, company size, job title or department) and content viewed or actions taken on a Third-Party Site to help make the ads served to an End User more relevant while limiting exposure to less relevant ads.</p> <p>As part of our marketing services, we may receive business contact lists from our clients to use as part of a marketing campaign. This data is only used for the client providing the information and in accordance with the client’s instructions. From time to time, we may also obtain information from the reception of a business which may include business contact information (e.g. your name, mailing address, telephone number or email address) and professional information (e.g. your job title, department or job role).</p> <p>Data contained in the MRP database originates from a variety of sources including data suppliers, campaigns and MRP’s own research.</p> <p><strong>IV. What is the Legal Basis for the Processing of Personal Information?</strong></p> <p>MRP relies on both consent and legitimate interest for processing Personal Information.</p> <p>MRP may process Personal Information pursuant to specific purposes which are in our interests and that enable us to enhance the services we provide. For example, we may process Personal Information pursuant to legitimate business purposes to respond to your inquiries and to fulfill your requests, to send you relevant marketing information and offers, or to complete transactions; we may share the information provided by you with third parties, who use this information to recognise you across different channels and platforms over time for advertising, analytics, attribution and reporting purposes</p> <p>If you are an individual from the EEA, our legal basis for collecting and using Personal Information will depend on the Personal Information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we normally rely on our legitimate interests to collect Personal Information from you, except where such interests are overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.</p> <p>If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your Personal Information, please contact us using the contact details provided under the ‘contact us’ section below.</p> <p><strong>V. What is the purpose for using your Information?</strong></p> <p>We may use and process your information based on the legal grounds and for the legitimate business purposes outlined in this Policy:</p> <p><strong>For providing and improving our services.</strong> MRP may use information it acquires to operate, improve, and personalize its business and services, including Prelytix and the MRP Sites. This use includes deriving insights, trends, use, and analytics, whether actual or predicted, from the data collected. MRP may also work with third parties to receive data or insights and combine that information with the data and insights provided by MRP. When providing our services, MRP often uses the data it collects with other data in our possession or customer-provided data as part of our services. For example, MRP may use information to provide clients with support or improve accuracy and develop new features based on historical use and trends.</p> <p><strong>Advertising (including ‘interest based’ advertising) and marketing for itself and customers.</strong>MRP may use the information it collects for advertising and marketing, such as creating data segments/audiences, analyzing and predicting business buying behavior or business interests and delivering interest-based advertising and content to you, such as ads, widgets, or website content tailored to you on behalf of advertisers, across websites, devices, and over time. MRP may also use the information for performing email, mail and/or telemarketing services for its clients.</p> <p><strong>As required by applicable law, legal process, or regulation.</strong> MRP may use all data it collects or receives as required under law, legal or financial processes like audits or regulations.</p> <p><strong>To provide reporting.</strong> MRP may create reports (such as performance analytics, statistics, metrics, and other details) for MRP clients on the companies and/or users that complete certain actions, such as completing a survey, opening/clicking email, visiting an MRP managed site or a client managed site.</p> <p><strong>For running its business.</strong> MRP may use the information it collects for billing, account management, invoicing, investigating security and privacy incidents, as well as other legitimate business interests.</p> <p><strong>For ID synching. </strong>We or our third party providers may also use information to undertake ‘ID synching’ or ‘user matching’ which means that we may share the information provided by you with third parties, who use this information to recognise you across different channels and platforms over time for advertising, analytics, attribution and reporting purposes.</p> <p>We may also use the information: (i) to respond to or provide you with information you request; (ii) f you have applied for a role with MRP, for recruitment related purposes; and (iii) to prevent, detect, respond and protect against potential or actual claims, liabilities, prohibited behaviour and criminal activity<strong><em>.<br/> </em></strong></p> <p><strong>VI. Who do we Share Your Information With?</strong></p> <p><strong>How do we share your information</strong></p> <p>MRP will only share or disclose information in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Examples include:</p> <p><strong>With clients and Partners.</strong> For example, MRP shares information to provide MRP Prelytix and its services. MRP also shares information for marketing, advertising, and engagement with their customers, such as market research, providing interest-based advertising (including retargeting), analytics, and advertising and marketing optimization. A client may choose to add Personal Information within their possession to MRP Prelytix. Clients may also elect to have insights and data shared with third party integrations. MRP also shares company or Personal Information with its clients for reporting and marketing purposes. In addition, MRP may share this information with third parties on behalf of the client where MRP have been specifically requested to do so by the client or through a contractual arrangement e.g. a client has appointed a third party to analyse the data or carry out a further service on the client’s behalf.</p> <p><strong>Improving Ad Personalization. </strong>MRP may share data collected from its own products or services or data collected from third party sources and use that data to create targeting segments to enable companies to better personalize advertising.</p> <p><strong>Business Activities.</strong> MRP shares information for its legitimate business needs, for example, in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of assets, financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company or any other similar business, audit, or legal disclosure need. MRP may also share information with third party vendors consultants, and other service providers who work on our behalf and need access to your information to carry out their work for us and may use your information in connection with the provision of such services.</p> <p><strong>Security.</strong> MRP may share information for security, fraud prevention, law and policy enforcement purposes, such as responding to legal matters or law enforcement requests or enforcing our policies and terms, protecting rights, property, and safety of individuals or other third parties.</p> <p><strong>Marketing.</strong> Any information volunteered for marketing purposes or otherwise, may be shared with i) the other third party, client or partner mentioned when you provide such information or are contacted by MRP or ii) clients who have products or services that may be of interest to you. Clients and other third parties may combine the data we share (including personal and demographic data) with additional data they have for their marketing and sales purposes. MRP offers a real-time technology, so data provided by MRP Prelytix and derived insights may be shared with third parties in real-time.</p> <p><strong>Website advertising partners.</strong> We may partner with third party advertising networks and exchanges to display advertising Third Party Sites, or to manage and serve our advertising on such sites and may share your Personal Information with them for this purpose.</p> <p><strong>Vital interests and legal rights</strong>. We may disclose information about you if we believe it necessary to protect the vital interests or legal rights of MRP, you or any other person.</p> <p><strong>To our affiliates.</strong> We may provide your information to our affiliates (meaning any subsidiary, parent company or company under common control with MRP). Our affiliates will use your information only for the purposes described in this Policy.</p> <p><strong>Business transfers</strong>: We may share your information with a third party in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets or sock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings).</p> <p><strong>For legal purposes</strong>: We may share your information as we believe to be necessary or appropriate: (a) under applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence; (b) to comply with subpoenas, warrants, or other legal process; (c) to respond to requests from public and government authorities including public and government authorities outside your country of residence; (d) to enforce our terms and conditions; (e) to protect our operations or those of any of our affiliates; (f) to protect our rights, privacy, safety or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you or others; and (g) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.</p> <p><strong>With consent</strong>: We may disclose an individual’s information to any other person with the individual’s consent to such disclosure</p> <p><strong>VII. Data Security</strong></p> <p>MRP takes precautions to protect data and information under its control from misuse, loss or alteration. MRP has put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the information we hold. MRP’s security measures include technology and equipment to help protect our information, segregated databases and systems, firewalls, systematic controls and maintained security measures regarding who may and may not access our databases, systems etc.</p> <p><strong>VIII. Opting Out and Your Privacy Rights</strong></p> <p>MRP will only use your Personal Information for the purposes described in this Policy or as subsequently authorised by you. We also wish to offer you with choices about how your Personal Information is used and shared, as further outlined below.</p> <p><strong>A. Opting-Out</strong>. MRP provides Users with several ways in which they can easily opt-out of MRP’s services.</p> <p><strong>1. Opting out of receiving email, mail and telemarketing communications</strong></p> <p>If you no longer want to receive marketing-related emails, mail or telemarketing from us on a going-forward basis, you may opt out of receiving these marketing-related communications by (i) visiting the <a href="">MRP Privacy Hub</a> and changing your preferences; (ii) clicking on the unsubscribe link within the email message that you receive from us; or (iii) notifying us during a marketing call. Please also note that if you do opt out of receiving marketing-related emails from us, we may still be required to send you administrative messages relating to our services from time to time.</p> <p><strong>2. Opting out of our sharing of your Personal Information with affiliates for their direct marketing purposes </strong></p> <p>If you would prefer that we do not share your Personal Information in the future with our affiliates for their direct marketing purposes, you may opt out of this sharing by contacting us at <u><a href=""></a></u></p> <p><strong>3. Opting out of MRP cookies</strong></p> <p>See <u><a href="">MRP’s Cookie Policy </a></u>for information on how MRP uses Technologies.</p> <p>If you wish to opt-out of being tracked by us using cookies please go to the <a href="">MRP Privacy Hub</a>.</p> <p>When you opt-out, we will place an MRP cookie on or otherwise identify your browser in a way that informs our systems not to record information related to your business research activities. However, please note that if you browse the web from multiple devices or browsers, you will need to opt-out from each device or browser to ensure that we prevent personalisation tracking on all of them. For the same reason, if you use a new device, change browsers, delete the MRP opt-out cookie or clear all cookies, you will need to perform this opt-out task again.</p> <p>Please note that the use of online tracking mechanisms by third parties is subject to those third parties’ own privacy policies, and not this Policy. If you prefer to prevent third parties from setting and accessing cookies on your computer, you may set your browser to block cookies.</p> <p>More information on all aspects of cookies can be found at <u><a href=""></a></u></p> <p><strong>B. Your Privacy Rights</strong></p> <p>(a) You have the right to request <strong>access to </strong>or that we <strong>change, update, or delete your Personal Information </strong>at any time.</p> <p>(b) If we have collected and process your Personal Information with your consent, then you can <strong>withdraw your consent</strong> at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your Personal Information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.</p> <p>(c) The right to <strong>opt out of</strong> receiving marketing communications from us. See above for further information.</p> <p>(d) If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), you may also have the following rights:</p> <p>(i) The right to<strong> object to processing </strong>of your personal information, <strong>restrict processing</strong> of your personal information, or <strong>request</strong> <strong>portability</strong> of your personal information. To exercise these rights email <u><a href=""></a></u>; and</p> <p>(ii) The right to <strong>complain to a data protection authority</strong> about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority.</p> <p><em>MRP participates in the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework and complies with its Specifications and Policies. MRP’s identification number within the framework is 614.</em></p> <p><strong>IX. How Do We Transfer Information?</strong></p> <p>Personal Information collected outside the United States, including in the European Economic Area (“<strong>EEA</strong> “), is transferred to and stored on our servers in the United States and potentially in or to other countries whose data protection laws may be different to the laws in your country. We will protect your Personal Information in accordance with this Policy wherever it is processed.</p> <p>In accordance with our commitment to protect personal privacy, MRP adheres to the principles of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and have certified compliance with the U.S. Department of Commerce. Please see our “<u><a href="">Privacy Shield Policy.</a></u>” to learn more about the Privacy Shield Program and to view our certification, please visit <u><a href=""></a></u>.</p> <p><strong>X. General</strong></p> <p><strong>Industry Standard Practices</strong></p> <p>MRP follows generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal and other information covered by this Policy. We have training and policies and procedures in place to address the security of our workplaces and the integrity and protection of electronic records stored in our systems. MRP’s systems uses firewalls and Secure Socket Layers to help protect and safely transmit information.</p> <p><strong>Social Media Features</strong></p> <p>The MRP Sites may include Social Media Features, such as the Facebook Like button. These Features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on the MRP Sites, and may set a cookie to enable the Feature to function properly. Social Media Features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on the MRP Sites. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.</p> <p><strong>Data Retention</strong></p> <p>We will retain Personal Information we collect from visitors as well as data we process on behalf of our Clients for as long as needed provide our services to our visitors and Clients. We will retain Personal Information only as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements in your (respective) jurisdiction(s). Cookie information is retained for up to 13 months and is deleted thereafter.</p> <p><strong>Change of Control</strong></p> <p>In the event of a merger or acquisition of our company, the sale of substantially all its assets related to the operation of the Sites, or other change of corporate control, all information concerning visitors would be transferred to or controlled by the successor entity. Such information would remain subject to the principles and guidelines set forth in our Policy.</p> <p><strong>Privacy of Children</strong></p> <p>MRP does not intentionally collect information from persons under the age of 13. Neither the MRP Sites nor the MRP Ad Services are intended for use by children under the age of 13.</p> <p><strong>Privacy Policy Updates</strong></p> <p>This Privacy Policy will be updated periodically to comply with the evolving legal framework and to conform to our current business practices. Unless stated otherwise, our current Policy applies to all information that we have collected concerning a visitor to this Site or through our Ad Services or other means. If we make any material changes we will notify visitors by means of a notice on website prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage visitors to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. Visitors with questions or concern about our privacy practices see “Obtaining Information From Us & Communicating With Us” below.</p> <p><strong>Obtaining Information From Us & Communicating With Us</strong></p> <p>Upon a visitor’s request (using any of the contact methods below) concerning their Personal Information, we will provide and/or correct or delete such information that we may have in the MRP database collected from and our associated systems in reasonably obtainable form. Visitors may also contact us (using any of the contact methods below) to express their preferences on how we communicate with them, to ask questions relating to this Policy, or to request that they be removed from our database. MRP will respond to your access request within 30 days.</p> <p><strong>Access to Information Controlled by MRP</strong></p> <p>In the event that you wish to access, change or update any information we hold on you please contact <u><a href=""></a></u> and we will endeavour to respond to your request within 30 business days.</p> <p><strong>Access to Data Controlled by our Clients</strong></p> <p>An individual who seeks access, or who seeks to correct, amend, or delete inaccurate data should direct his query to MRP. If the data was initially provided by a client, then MRP will redirect the request to the client and respond as appropriate. If MRP is the controller of the data, then MRP will deal with the request and respond to the individual.</p> <p><strong>Complaints and Dispute Resolution</strong></p> <p>If you have any concerns regarding the privacy of your data you can contact us directly via the methods set out below. All complaints or concerns and appropriate resolution relating to the practices of handling Personal Information will be logged.</p> <p>You also have the right to use the dispute resolution service provided by Privacy Trust (you can contact PrivacyTrust online via <a href=""></a>) or lodge your complaint directly with the UK supervisory authority, the ICO (you can contact the ICO online via <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>Contact Us</strong></p> <p>We are happy to provide any additional information or explanation needed or if you have any questions about this Policy.</p> <p>You can contact us;</p> <p>By post –</p> <p><strong>Our US address</strong></p> <p>Market Resource Partners LLC.<br/> 1818 Market Street, 37<sup>th</sup> Floor<br/> Philadelphia, PA 19103</p> <p><strong>Our EU address</strong></p> <p>Market Resource Partners Limited</p> <p>Weaving Works</p> <p>11 Ormeau Avenue,</p> <p>Belfast Northern Ireland</p> <p>BT2 8YB</p> <p> </p> <p>By Email – <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Please note that email communications are not always secure.</p> <p>Through our website – <u><a href=""></a></u></p> <p> </p> <p>Please direct all correspondence <u>FAO MRP Privacy</u>.</p> </article><!-- #post-## --> </div> </div> </div> </main><!-- #main --> <!-- Start Consent Banner --> <link rel="stylesheet" id="mrpdata_style" href=""/> <iframe id="hidden_gdpr" name="hidden_gdpr" style="display:none;"></iframe> <script> jQuery("#hidden_gdpr").on("load", function(){ var new_time_css = new Date(); jQuery("#mrpdata_style").attr("href","" + new_time_css.getMilliseconds()); }) </script> <div class="cookie_consent_banner hide_init mrpdata-e-display-none mrpdata-u-display-none mrpdata-w-display-block" style="z-index:2147483001;"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row cookie_consent_inside"> <div class="cookie_consent_message col-md-9 col-sm-11 col-xs-12"> <p>MRP uses cookies for functional, performance and analytical purposes. 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