Reactivity | CAMEO Chemicals | NOAA

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Some chemical changes are harmless, but others can lead to hazardous conditions. For example, two chemicals might react together and produce a toxic gas or cause an explosion. </p> <p> When two or more substances have been added to the MyChemicals collection, you can see predictions about how they might react if they were mixed together. Each chemical in the database has been assigned to one or more <a href="/help/reactivity/reactive_groups.htm" target="_blank">reactive groups</a> based on its chemistry, and the predictions are based on the <a href="/help/reactivity/how_reactivity_is_predicted.htm" target="_blank">pair-wise reactions</a> that might occur between reactive groups. Note that when there are three or more substances in the mix, they may react together in ways that CAMEO Chemicals' pair-wise reactions can't predict. </p> </div> </p> <h2 class="reactivity" id="backtochart">Compatibility Chart</h2> <table class="materials-list" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8" summary="for page layout only"> <tr> <td align="left"> <em> Add two or more substances to MyChemicals, then return here to see the compatibility chart with reactivity predictions. </em> </td> </tr> </table> <p> To add a substance to the MyChemicals collection, start with a <a href="/search/simple">search</a>. Once you've found a substance of interest, click Add to MyChemicals. </p> <!-- END page content --> <!-- BEGIN page footer --> <div class="footer"> <div class="sitelinks"> <a href="/about">About</a> | <a href="/privacy">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="/help/intro/contact_us.htm" target="_blank">Contact Us</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Website Satisfaction Survey</a><img src="/static/images/external_link.svg" alt="external_link" class="external-link" /> | <a href="">Mobile Site</a> </div> <div class="meatball-container"> <img class="meatball" src="/static/images/noaa-logo-rgb-2022.svg" alt="NOAA logo." width="80" height="80" /> <div class="meatball-text"> <p>Web site owner: <a href="" target="_blank">Office of Response and Restoration</a><img src="/static/images/external_link.svg" alt="external_link" class="external-link" />, <a href="" target="_blank">National Ocean Service</a><img src="/static/images/external_link.svg" alt="external_link" class="external-link" />, <a href="" target="_blank">National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration</a><img src="/static/images/external_link.svg" alt="external_link" class="external-link" />. <a href="" target="_blank"></a><img src="/static/images/external_link.svg" alt="external_link" class="external-link" />. </p> <p>CAMEO Chemicals version 3.1.0 rev 1.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END page footer --> </div> <!-- END main div --> </body> </html>

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