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Bitte <a class="extern" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span>nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf</span></a>!</p></div> <table data-loadmodule="datatable" data-filter-table data-datatable-sort-async='[0, "asc"]' data-datatable-sort-asc="aktivieren, um Spalte aufsteigend zu sortieren" data-datatable-sort-desc="aktivieren, um Spalte absteigend zu sortieren" class="table u--width-100 u--margin-bottom"> <thead> <tr> <th class="u--ta-left">Name</th> <th class="th--width-10-digit u--ta-right">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</th> <th class="th--width-10-digit u--ta-right">Größter Raum</th> <th class="th--width-10-digit u--ta-right">Anzahl Räume</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel0", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 89, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Donnerbrunnen", "cocktail": 50, "area": 75, "photo": null, "theatre": 50, "classroom,": 36, "ustyle": 40, "combined": false, "boardroom": 40, "lbh": "14,1/5,3/2,8", "configuration": { "classroom": 36, "theatre": 50, 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class="u--ta-right"> <span class="icon icon--green-red"> <span class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="117">117</td> <td class="u--ta-right">6</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel0", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 143, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Atelier 1", "cocktail": 0, "area": 23, "photo": null, "theatre": 25, "classroom,": 12, "ustyle": 14, "combined": false, "boardroom": 0, "lbh": "-/-/-", "configuration": { "classroom": 12, "theatre": 25, "ustyle": 14, "cocktail": 0, "boardroom": 0, "banquet": 8 }, "banquet": 8, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Atelier 2", "cocktail": 0, "area": 62, "photo": null, "theatre": 40, "classroom,": 20, "ustyle": 20, "combined": false, "boardroom": 0, "lbh": "-/-/-", "configuration": { "classroom": 20, "theatre": 40, "ustyle": 20, "cocktail": 0, "boardroom": 0, "banquet": 16 }, "banquet": 16, "photo_url": "" }, { 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class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="52">52</td> <td class="u--ta-right">1</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel3", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 338, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Schnitzler", "cocktail": 0, "area": 77, "photo": null, "theatre": 40, "classroom,": 30, "ustyle": 22, "combined": false, "boardroom": 27, "lbh": "9,2/8,5/3", "configuration": { "classroom": 30, "theatre": 40, "ustyle": 22, "cocktail": 0, "boardroom": 27, "banquet": 0 }, "banquet": 0, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Raimund", "cocktail": 0, "area": 51, "photo": null, "theatre": 30, "classroom,": 20, "ustyle": 15, "combined": false, "boardroom": 20, "lbh": "6/8,5/3", "configuration": { "classroom": 20, "theatre": 30, "ustyle": 15, "cocktail": 0, "boardroom": 20, "banquet": 0 }, "banquet": 0, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Nestroy", "cocktail": 0, "area": 53, "photo": null, "theatre": 30, "classroom,": 20, "ustyle": 15, "combined": false, "boardroom": 20, 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class="u--ta-right"> <span class="icon icon--green-red"> <span class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="95">95</td> <td class="u--ta-right">3</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "historical", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 0, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Loft", "cocktail": 99, "area": 200, "photo": null, "theatre": 99, "classroom,": 99, "ustyle": 99, "combined": false, "boardroom": 99, "lbh": "15/10/3,3", "configuration": { "classroom": 99, "theatre": 99, "ustyle": 99, "cocktail": 99, "boardroom": 99, "banquet": 99 }, "banquet": 99, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Turnhalle", "cocktail": 60, "area": 120, "photo": null, "theatre": 60, "classroom,": 60, "ustyle": 60, "combined": false, "boardroom": 60, "lbh": "16/6/5,5", "configuration": { "classroom": 60, "theatre": 60, "ustyle": 60, "cocktail": 60, "boardroom": 60, "banquet": 60 }, "banquet": 60, "photo_url": "" 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<span class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="260">260</td> <td class="u--ta-right">6</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "modern", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 0, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Belvedere Süd (8. 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"myviennalink": "/de/veranstaltungsplanung/venue-finder/qbc-congress-326498/@@add-to-trip" } }'>Conference Center QUARTIER BELVEDERE CENTRAL</a> </td> <td class="u--ta-right"> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="84">84</td> <td class="u--ta-right">5</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel0", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 196, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Kafka", "cocktail": 20, "area": 60, "photo": null, "theatre": 45, "classroom,": 28, "ustyle": 18, "combined": false, "boardroom": 16, "lbh": "7,5/8/2,7", "configuration": { "classroom": 28, "theatre": 45, "ustyle": 18, "cocktail": 20, "boardroom": 16, "banquet": 32 }, "banquet": 32, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Musil", "cocktail": 18, "area": 49, "photo": null, "theatre": 40, "classroom,": 24, "ustyle": 20, "combined": false, "boardroom": 16, "lbh": "8,3/5,9/2,7", "configuration": { "classroom": 24, "theatre": 40, "ustyle": 20, "cocktail": 18, "boardroom": 16, 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<span class="icon icon--green-red"> <span class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="60">60</td> <td class="u--ta-right">1</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "modern", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 0, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Loge", "cocktail": 18, "area": 20, "photo": null, "theatre": 0, "classroom,": 0, "ustyle": 0, "combined": false, "boardroom": 0, "lbh": "4/5/2,5", "configuration": { "classroom": 0, "theatre": 0, "ustyle": 0, "cocktail": 18, "boardroom": 0, "banquet": 10 }, "banquet": 10, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Ehrenloge", "cocktail": 78, "area": 80, "photo": null, "theatre": 100, "classroom,": 36, "ustyle": 0, "combined": false, "boardroom": 0, "lbh": "15,9/5/2,5", "configuration": { "classroom": 36, "theatre": 100, "ustyle": 0, "cocktail": 78, "boardroom": 0, "banquet": 50 }, "banquet": 50, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Festsaal Hussak", 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class="u--ta-right"> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="289">289</td> <td class="u--ta-right">4</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel0", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 205, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Salon 6", "cocktail": 30, "area": 40, "photo": null, "theatre": 24, "classroom,": 12, "ustyle": 10, "combined": false, "boardroom": 16, "lbh": "7/5,7/3", "configuration": { "classroom": 12, "theatre": 24, "ustyle": 10, "cocktail": 30, "boardroom": 16, "banquet": 0 }, "banquet": 0, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Salon 7", "cocktail": 30, "area": 34, "photo": null, "theatre": 24, "classroom,": 12, "ustyle": 6, "combined": false, "boardroom": 16, "lbh": "6/5,5/3", "configuration": { "classroom": 12, "theatre": 24, "ustyle": 6, "cocktail": 30, "boardroom": 16, "banquet": 0 }, "banquet": 0, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Salon 9", "cocktail": 60, "area": 65, "photo": null, "theatre": 56, "classroom,": 30, "ustyle": 22, 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class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="500">500</td> <td class="u--ta-right">3</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel0", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 25, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Saal", "cocktail": 0, "area": 160, "photo": null, "theatre": 150, "classroom,": 76, "ustyle": 32, "combined": false, "boardroom": 36, "lbh": "15,3/12,1/4,1", "configuration": { "classroom": 76, "theatre": 150, "ustyle": 32, "cocktail": 0, "boardroom": 36, "banquet": 50 }, "banquet": 50, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Galerie", "cocktail": 0, "area": 68, "photo": null, "theatre": 40, "classroom,": 28, "ustyle": 22, "combined": false, "boardroom": 28, "lbh": "11,3/6/3", "configuration": { "classroom": 28, "theatre": 40, "ustyle": 22, "cocktail": 0, "boardroom": 28, "banquet": 25 }, "banquet": 25, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Arkade", "cocktail": 0, "area": 90, "photo": 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class="u--ta-right"> <span class="icon icon--green-red"> <span class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="250">250</td> <td class="u--ta-right">6</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel4", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 56, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Salon Altenberg", "cocktail": 50, "area": 53, "photo": null, "theatre": 50, "classroom,": 16, "ustyle": 30, "combined": false, "boardroom": 20, "lbh": "9,6/5,5/3,4", "configuration": { "classroom": 16, "theatre": 50, "ustyle": 30, "cocktail": 50, "boardroom": 20, "banquet": 42 }, "banquet": 42, "photo_url": "" }], "vcb_combined_rooms": [], "number_of_function_rooms": 1, "is_green": true, "is_daylight": true, "is_outdoorArea": false, "is_garageParking": true, "zip": "1010", "zip_range": "1010", "is_meeting_hotel": true, "biggest_area": 53 }'> <td data-sort="Graben Hotel"> <a 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class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="237">237</td> <td class="u--ta-right">5</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "modern", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 0, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "MQ Libelle", "cocktail": 200, "area": 214, "photo": null, "theatre": 160, "classroom,": 72, "ustyle": 42, "combined": false, "boardroom": 42, "lbh": "17/12/4", "configuration": { "classroom": 72, "theatre": 160, "ustyle": 42, "cocktail": 200, "boardroom": 42, "banquet": 100 }, "banquet": 100, "photo_url": "" }], "vcb_combined_rooms": [], "number_of_function_rooms": 1, "is_green": true, "is_daylight": true, "is_outdoorArea": true, "is_garageParking": false, "zip": "1070", "zip_range": "1020,1090", "is_meeting_hotel": false, "biggest_area": 214 }'> <td data-sort="MQ Libelle - MuseumsQuartier Errichtungs- und BetriebsgesmbH"> <a 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"location": { "class": "location-nocategory", "long": "+16.3816030", "lat": "+48.2075970", "highlight": false, "id": "325964", "title": "MAK - Museum für angewandte Kunst", "category": "Historische Locations", "address": "Stubenring 5, 1010 Wien", "detailurl": "/content/325964/asJson", "myviennalink": "/de/veranstaltungsplanung/venue-finder/mak-325964/@@add-to-trip" } }'>MAK - Museum für angewandte Kunst</a> </td> <td class="u--ta-right"> <span class="icon icon--green-red"> <span class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="1474">1474</td> <td class="u--ta-right">5</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "historical", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 0, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Großer Saal", "cocktail": 800, "area": 713, "photo": null, "theatre": 1865, "classroom,": 550, "ustyle": 0, "combined": false, "boardroom": 0, "lbh": "32/23,4/17", "configuration": { 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class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="341">341</td> <td class="u--ta-right">13</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel0", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 140, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Smart", "cocktail": 60, "area": 60, "photo": null, "theatre": 40, "classroom,": 24, "ustyle": 20, "combined": false, "boardroom": 20, "lbh": "-/-/-", "configuration": { "classroom": 24, "theatre": 40, "ustyle": 20, "cocktail": 60, "boardroom": 20, "banquet": 0 }, "banquet": 0, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Connect", "cocktail": 40, "area": 53, "photo": null, "theatre": 30, "classroom,": 18, "ustyle": 12, "combined": false, "boardroom": 14, "lbh": "-/-/-", "configuration": { "classroom": 18, "theatre": 30, "ustyle": 12, "cocktail": 40, "boardroom": 14, "banquet": 0 }, "banquet": 0, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Inspire", "cocktail": 0, "area": 30, "photo": null, 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<td class="u--ta-right"> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="468">468</td> <td class="u--ta-right">11</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel4S", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 309, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Wien", "cocktail": 30, "area": 46, "photo": null, "theatre": 36, "classroom,": 24, "ustyle": 20, "combined": false, "boardroom": 24, "lbh": "6,9/6,7/4,1", "configuration": { "classroom": 24, "theatre": 36, "ustyle": 20, "cocktail": 30, "boardroom": 24, "banquet": 30 }, "banquet": 30, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Turin", "cocktail": 40, "area": 54, "photo": null, "theatre": 45, "classroom,": 30, "ustyle": 22, "combined": false, "boardroom": 28, "lbh": "7,3/6,9/4,1", "configuration": { "classroom": 30, "theatre": 45, "ustyle": 22, "cocktail": 40, "boardroom": 28, "banquet": 40 }, "banquet": 40, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Ludwig", "cocktail": 20, "area": 37, "photo": null, "theatre": 24, "classroom,": 16, 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"is_garageParking": true, "zip": "1100", "zip_range": "1100,1230", "is_meeting_hotel": true, "biggest_area": 528 }'> <td data-sort="Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof"> <a href="/de/veranstaltungsplanung/venue-finder/novotel-wien-hauptbahnhof-326236" data-location='{ "type": "detail", "location": { "class": "location-nocategory", "long": "+16.381577200000038", "lat": "+48.1856094", "highlight": false, "id": "326236", "title": "Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof", "category": "Meeting Hotels - 4 Sterne", "address": "Canettistraße 6, 1100 Wien", "detailurl": "/content/326236/asJson", "myviennalink": "/de/veranstaltungsplanung/venue-finder/novotel-wien-hauptbahnhof-326236/@@add-to-trip" } }'>Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof</a> </td> <td class="u--ta-right"> <span class="icon icon--green-red"> <span class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="528">528</td> <td class="u--ta-right">9</td> 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"detailurl": "/content/325026/asJson", "myviennalink": "/de/veranstaltungsplanung/venue-finder/austria-trend-parkhotel-schoenbrunn-325026/@@add-to-trip" } }'>Austria Trend Parkhotel Schönbrunn</a> </td> <td class="u--ta-right"> <span class="icon icon--green-red"> <span class="u--is-accessible-hidden">Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat</span> </span> </td> <td class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="620">620</td> <td class="u--ta-right">11</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel0", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 84, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Bibliothek", "cocktail": 40, "area": 38, "photo": null, "theatre": 36, "classroom,": 16, "ustyle": 18, "combined": false, "boardroom": 26, "lbh": "8,5/4,5/5,7", "configuration": { "classroom": 16, "theatre": 36, "ustyle": 18, "cocktail": 40, "boardroom": 26, "banquet": 0 }, "banquet": 0, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Salon Savoyen", "cocktail": 0, "area": 40, "photo": null, "theatre": 35, "classroom,": 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"cocktail": 287, "boardroom": 0, "banquet": 170 }, "banquet": 170, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Saal D1", "cocktail": 426, "area": 460, "photo": null, "theatre": 420, "classroom,": 198, "ustyle": 0, "combined": false, "boardroom": 0, "lbh": "-/-/-", "configuration": { "classroom": 198, "theatre": 420, "ustyle": 0, "cocktail": 426, "boardroom": 0, "banquet": 220 }, "banquet": 220, "photo_url": "" }], "vcb_combined_rooms": [{ "name": "Saal D (neu ab 2025)", "cocktail": 1354, "area": 1265, "photo": null, "theatre": 1354, "classroom,": 668, "ustyle": 0, "combined": true, "boardroom": 0, "lbh": "-/-/-", "configuration": { "classroom": 668, "theatre": 1354, "ustyle": 0, "cocktail": 1354, "boardroom": 0, "banquet": 710 }, "banquet": 710, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Saal L (L1+L2+L3)", "cocktail": 460, "area": 556, "photo": null, "theatre": 460, "classroom,": 229, "ustyle": 0, "combined": true, "boardroom": 0, "lbh": "-/-/3,2", "configuration": { "classroom": 229, "theatre": 460, "ustyle": 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class="u--ta-right" data-toggle-length-units-target="vcb-venuefinder" data-order="358">358</td> <td class="u--ta-right">15</td> </tr><tr data-filter-entry='{ "category": "meetingHotel4", "number_of_hotel_rooms": 74, "vcb_rooms": [{ "name": "Salon Hayek", "cocktail": 0, "area": 32, "photo": null, "theatre": 16, "classroom,": 10, "ustyle": 10, "combined": false, "boardroom": 10, "lbh": "-/-/3,3", "configuration": { "classroom": 10, "theatre": 16, "ustyle": 10, "cocktail": 0, "boardroom": 10, "banquet": 0 }, "banquet": 0, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Salon Suttner", "cocktail": 0, "area": 38, "photo": null, "theatre": 25, "classroom,": 12, "ustyle": 12, "combined": false, "boardroom": 12, "lbh": "7/5,5/3,3", "configuration": { "classroom": 12, "theatre": 25, "ustyle": 12, "cocktail": 0, "boardroom": 12, "banquet": 0 }, "banquet": 0, "photo_url": "" }, { "name": "Salon Fried", "cocktail": 0, "area": 32, "photo": null, "theatre": 18, "classroom,": 10, "ustyle": 10, "combined": false, 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