Ellie's World Archives 2014

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Dream On, News of the Year in Review</a><BR> <A HREF="mikedylan-xmas1214.html">Christmas in Brooklyn with Family</a><BR> <A HREF="man-spreading.html">Photos: Man-spreading - Leg Crossing</a><BR> <A HREF="We'llMeetAgain.html">Photos: We'll Meet Again ... Various Themes</a><BR> <A HREF="metaphysical_experience.html">Photos: The Metaphysical Experience With Ellie Crystal</a><BR> <A HREF="metaphysical_experience2014.html">"The Metaphysical Experience" Revisited With Tom and Ellie - YouTube</a> <BR> <A HREF="">"The Metaphysical Experience" Meditation - YouTube</a><BR> <A HREF="12.12Effect.html">Photos: The 12/12 Effect and Synchronicities - Clients, Greg, Ellie, and Tom</a><BR> <A HREF="EllieMarsala.html">Photos: Ellie and the Color Marsala</a><BR> <A HREF="Ellies9Year.html">Photos: Fun With Clients and Spirits - The 9 Year Ellie's Triple Whammy</a><BR> <A HREF="TheGift.html">The Gift - Ellie's Dream - Schrodinger's Cat</a><BR> <A HREF="We-interrupt-this-dream.html">We interrupt this dream ...</a><BR> <A HREF="OrionSpacecraft1214.html">Orion Spacecraft, Orion Connections</a> <BR> <A HREF="Wanderers2014.html">Wanderers 2014</a><BR> <A HREF="dec28-goodriddanceday.html">Good Riddance Day</a><BR> <A HREF="pain1214.html">Pain</a><BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> NOVEMBER<BR> <A HREF="Thanksgiving11.27.2014.html">Thanksgiving in Westport</a><BR> <A HREF="SciencePseudoscience1114.html">How scientists can learn what distinguishes science from pseudoscience</a><BR> <A HREF="VerrazanoBridge-Turns50.html">50 Years Ago the Verrazano Bridge Opened</a><BR> <A HREF="ships1114.html">Ships: MS Quantum of the Seas, Steamboats, Philadelphia Experiment, Ellie's QE2 Adventures</a> <BR> <A HREF="inRetrospect.html">in Retrospect ... 11/11 ... Veterans Day</a><BR> <A HREF="gay-music1114.html">Gay in Country Music</a><BR> <A HREF="homes.html">Why We Choose The Homes We Do</A><BR> <A HREF="PaperBagSpeedDating1114.html">Paper Bag Speed Dating</a><BR> <A HREF="speedating.html">Speed Dating</a><BR> <A HREF="celebrities-issues1114.html">Celebrities Help Us Understand Issues and Mental Illness</a><BR> <A HREF="soul_files.html">Crystalinks Files about The Soul</a><BR> <A HREF="food1114.html">Diet Suggestions - November 2014</a> <BR> <A HREF="ElliesAdventures1114.html">Ellie's Bay Ridge Adventures, Lorraine, Princess Dena, The 99 Cent Scarf</a><BR> <A HREF="CMAsSeparations2014.html">2014 County Music Awards - CMAs (Text and Video)</a><BR> <A HREF="nyc-marathon2014.html">New York City Marathon - Return to Standard Time - Time Travel</a> <BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> OCTOBER<BR> <A HREF="halloween2014.html">Ellie's Halloween Blogs 2014 - Science and Pseudoscience</a><BR> <A HREF="halloweennasa.html">Halloween Photos From Astronomy Picture of the Day</a><BR> <A HREF="paleontology1014.html">Paleontology & Archaeology October 2014</a> <BR> <A HREF="phaistosdisc.html">Decoding the Phaistos Disk</a> <BR> <A HREF="Radicalization.html">Radicalization - 2014</a><BR> <A HREF="Scorpio-Rising.html">The Following Events Took Place October 22-24, 2014</a> <BR> <A HREF="food1014.html">Food Articles October 2014</a><BR> <A HREF="Education-Uncertain-Future.html">Education and the Uncertain Future</a><BR> <A HREF="bully.html">Bullies: School, Work, Mental Illness </a><BR> <A HREF="leaving-relationship1014.html">When Do You Know It's Time to Leaving a Relationship</a><BR> <A HREF="depression-obesity1014.html">Obesity and Depression</a><BR> <A HREF="essentialoils1014.html">How to Use Essential Oils Properly and Conditions They Can Remedy</a> <BR> <A HREF="art-therapy1014.html">Art as Therapy</a> <BR> <A HREF="vbterrace1014.html">View of the Verrazano Bridge from my Terrace</a><BR> <A HREF="Spreading.html">Spreading ... The Watercolor Tapestry</a><BR> <A HREF="turning40-2014.html">Turning 40 in 2014 and Loving It</a><BR> <A HREF="mindfulness.html">Mindfulness: How to be in the moment</a><BR> <A HREF="ElliesOffice1014.html">Ellie's Office - Therapists' Spaces</a><BR> <A HREF="WeatherMojo.html">Ellie's Weather Mojo</a><BR> <A HREF="aliendream1014.html">Wake up Dream - In Search of The Master Plan - Ancient Aliens</a><BR> <A HREF="BayRidgeStreetFair914.html">Ellie at the Third Avenue Festival - The Muslim Woman in Black and Terrorism</a><BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> SEPTEMBER<BR> <A HREF="UmbrellaRevolution14.html">2014 Hong Kong Protests - "Umbrella Revolution" - Umbrella Symbolism</a><BR> <A HREF="NationalWomenFitnessDay14.html">Ellie on National Women's Health & Fitness Day</a><BR> <A HREF="RoshHashanah.NewMoon914.html">New Moon - Rosh Hashanah</a><BR> <A HREF="mtshasta.html">About Mount Shasta, Robert's Adventures</a><BR> <A HREF="NationalWomenFitnessDay14.html">Ellie on National Women's Health & Fitness Day</a><BR> <A HREF="Libra2014-CreatingBalance.html">Libra 2014 - Creating Balance - Visualization Exercise </a><BR> <A HREF="empty-nest-syndrome14.html">Empty Nest Syndrome - September 2014</a><BR> <A HREF="sugar914.html">6 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar</a> <BR> <A HREF="sugar.addiction.html">Sugar Addiction</a><BR> <A HREF="brainfood914.html">The brain can be trained to prefer healthy food</a><BR> <A HREF="Diets914.html">Any diet will do if you stick to it</a><BR> <A HREF="understandingemotions.html">How Well do You Know Your Own Feelings?</a><BR> <A HREF="selfawareness914.html">Self Awareness vs Self Help - Einstein Quotes</a><BR> <A HREF="divorce-decreedegree.html">Divorce Decree of Degree? NJ Laws Change</a><BR> <A HREF="IfIWokeUpWithAmnesia.html">#IfIWokeUpWithAmnesia</a><BR> <A HREF="cheapestairfares.html">Cheapest Days to Fly Are ... </a><BR> <A HREF="jobs914.html">10 Fastest-Growing Jobs In America</a><BR> <A HREF="confidence914.html">8 Scientifically-Backed Ways To Feel More Confident</a><BR> <A HREF="BootsontheGround914.html">Boots on the Ground - Iraq, Africa</a> <BR> <A HREF="ImBack914.html"> "I'm baaack!: Hillary Clinton, Randy Quaid, "Independence Day", Masonic Program</a><BR> <A HREF="ISISCrisis914.html">The ISIS Crisis, 9/11, Sarah and Amaan in Iraq</a><BR> <A HREF="911.2014Joanne.html">Joanne's Contribution to the National September 11 Memorial Museum</a><BR> <A HREF="laborday814.html">Labor Day 2014: Economy and Education</a><BR> <A HREF="matrix914.html">September 2, 2014, Matrix</a><BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> AUGUST<BR> <A HREF="escape-hologram814.html">Proving We Exist in a Hologram</a><BR> <A HREF="evp.html">EVP: Electronic Voice Phenomena</a><BR> <A HREF="Crystalinks19.html">Crystalinks Turns 19 - Awards - Virgo Transition</a><BR> <A HREF="earthquakes.vocanoes814.html">Earthquakes and Volcanoes</A><BR> <A HREF="BrockenSpectre">Brocken Spectre</a><BR> <A HREF="RobinWilliams814.html">Remembering Robin Williams</a><BR> <A HREF="gods.of.fate.html">Do you believe in Fate? Egyptian God Shai</a><BR> <A HREF="cropcirclesadventures814.html">Crop Circles 2014 - Roswell Rock and Chisledon Crop Circle</a><BR> <A HREF="signalsspace814.html">Signals From Space</a><BR> <A HREF="AfricaBlackContinent.html">Africa the "Black Continent"</a><BR> <A HREF="supermoon-vb814.html">Supermoon Over The Verrazano Bridge, Beach, Lighthouse by the Bay</a><BR> <A HREF="lighthouses.html">Lighthouses</a><BR> <A HREF="HarborLights.html">Harbor Lights</a> <BR> <A HREF="RosettaSpaceProbe.html">The Journey of the Rosetta Space Probe</a><BR> <A HREF="StudentBodies.html"> University Choices</a><BR> <A HREF="facialbeauty-math.html">Facial Symmetry, Health, Attraction, Golden Ratio</a><BR> <A HREF="focusing.html">Focus and Attention - Distractions Kill Both Time and Quality</a><BR> <A HREF="positvechanges814.html">How to make positive changes in your life</a><BR> <A HREF="narcissism.html">Narcissism</a><BR> <A HREF="evp.html">Electronic Voice Phenomena: Research and Personal Experiences</a><BR> <A HREF="BrightonBeachMemoirs.html">Ellie's Brighton Beach Memoirs and Reunion</a><BR> <A HREF="hippies.html">From Hippie to New Ager</a><BR> <A HREF="woodstock814.html">Ellie at Woodstock ... 45 years later</a><BR> <A HREF="rhodeisland-reptilian.html">Narragansett, RI Adventures - Ellie morphs into a Reptilian</a> <BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> JULY<BR> <A HREF="MovesMemorabilia.html">Memorabilia - Ellie Young</a><BR> <A HREF="dinoevolution714.html">Dinosaur Evolution into Birds - Ellie Morphs into a Reptilian</a><BR> <A HREF="2014Israel-GazaConflict.html">When Lightning Strikes: 2014 Israel-Gaza Conflict Worsens</a><BR> <A HREF="Washing714.html">How often should you wash your sheets, pets, hair and more?</a><BR> <A HREF="GenuinePerson.html">6 Signs You're A Truly Genuine Person</a><BR> <A HREF="foodcravings.html">Food Cravings</a><BR> <A HREF="howtokeepcalm.html">5 Surprising Things That Keep You Calm</a><BR> <A HREF="stress.eating.html">Stress Eaters May Burn Fewer Calories</a><BR> <A HREF="friends_genetics714.html">Do friends have similar genomes?</a><BR> <A HREF="TheApology.html">The Apology</a><BR> <A HREF="july2014change.html">July 2014 - Making Changes</a><BR> <A HREF="spielberg714.html">Reality is an Evolving Biogenetic Experiment</a><BR> <A HREF="rob-selfie714.html">The Spirit in the Selfie</a> <BR> <A HREF="Leo714.html">Sun in Leo, Cave with Aurora Skylight, Midnight Sundogs</a><BR> <A HREF="nyc.taxis.html">The Evolving New York City Taxi Scene</a><BR> <A HREF="supermoon714.html">Supermoon July 2014</a><BR> <A HREF="July4.2014.html">July 4, 2014 Adventures and Links<BR> <A HREF="samstone.html">The Adventures of Samantha Stone</a><BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> JUNE<BR> <A HREF="ar614.html">Visual Learning vs. Reading Text</a><BR> <A HREF="utahadventures614.html">Ellie's Utah Adventures - Ellie Morphs Into a Reptilian</a><BR> <A HREF="fathersday2014.html">Father's Day in Connecticut by the Stream</a><BR> <A HREF="elliephotos614.html">Ellie's Spring Photos</a><BR> <A HREF="reality.alorithym.html">If the World is a Computer, Life is an Algorithm</a><BR> <A HREF="newmoon.ramadan2014.html">The Man in the Window- New Moon in Cancer </a><BR> <A HREF="workfear614.html">Tips to Overcome Work Fears</a><BR> <A HREF="destination.meditation.html">Destination Meditation</a> <BR> <A HREF="ddaynormandy614.html">D-Day Allied Invasion of Normandy ... 70 Years Later</a><BR> <A HREF="donutscronuts614.html">Doughnut & Cronuts</a><BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> MAY<BR> <A HREF="children.newmoon514.html">Children and the New Moon in Gemini</a><BR> <A HREF="managingtime514.html">Ways To Manage Your Time</a><BR> <A HREF="couplessimilardna.html">People are more likely to choose a spouse with similar DNA</a><BR> <A HREF="painthreshold514.html">Do Men Have a Higher Threshold for Pain?</a><BR> <A HREF="transitionevent514.html">Transition Event</a><BR> <A HREF="rockpaperscissors.html">How to Win at Rock-Paper-Scissors</a><BR> <A HREF="snowdenwilliams514.html">Brian William Interviews Edward Snowden</a><BR> <A HREF="22.html">Number 22</a><BR> <A HREF="offspringsexdetermination514.html">Influencing the Sex of One's Future Offspring</a><BR> <A HREF="Camelopardalids2014.html">Camelopardalid Meteor Showers May 24-25, 2014</a><BR> <A HREF="FairyCirclesSoAfrica.html">Fairy Circles of South Africa</a><BR> <A HREF="BayRidgeHappenings514.html">Bay Ridge Happenings: Murder and Mayhem</a><BR> <A HREF="RubiksCubeTurns40.html">Rubik's Cube Turns 40</a><BR> <A HREF="">Women in Journalism - Barbara Walters Retires</a><BR> <A HREF="wardogs.html">Dogs in War</a><BR> <A HREF="911MemorialMuseum.html">9/11 Memorial Museum</a><BR> <A HREF="lipstickplant.html">Mother's Day 2014 - The Lipstick Plant</a> <BR> <A HREF="chibokkidnapping2014.html">Capturing the Moment | Time is Art</a><BR> <A HREF="cloudsjesus.html">Jesus Cloud Formation</a><BR> <A HREF="pareidolia.html">Jesus is Toast - Pareidolia</a><BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> APRIL<BR> <A HREF="Santorini.Thera.html">Santorini - Volcano Thera</a> <BR> <A HREF="graduates.jobs2014.html">Smart Job Search Tips for the Class of 2014</a><BR> <A HREF="bloodmoons2014-15.html">Eclipse Series, Four Blood Moons</a><BR> <A HREF="taxes2014.html">Tax Season 2014: Payments, Refunds, Quotations</a><BR> <A HREF="WorldAutismAwarenessDay2014.html">World Autism Awareness Day</a> <BR> <A HREF="FreeWill.html">Explaining The Illusion of Free Will</a><BR> <A HREF="Thisiswhy.html">This is why I stopped teaching and don't want to remarry</a><BR> <A HREF="FordMustang50.html">April 17, 2014 - Ford Mustang Turns 50</a><BR> <A HREF="60yearslater.html">60 Years Later: April 1954 - April 2014 - Alien Encounter</a><BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> MARCH<BR> <A HREF="vacations2014.html">Vacations 2014</a><BR> <A HREF="callofthewild.html">The Call of the Wild Syndrome</A><BR> <A HREF="ProjectionsinTime.html">Projections in Time</a><BR> <A HREF="conspiracies314.html">Malaysia Flight 370, Conspiracies</a><BR> <A HREF="PiDay3.14.14.html">Pi Day 3.14.14 - Happy Birthday Albert Einstein</a> <BR> <A HREF="daylight.saving.time.eintein2104.html">Daylight Saving Time With Albert Einstein & Ellie Crystal</a><BR> <A HREF="goodbye.donny.html">Goodbye Donny ... When A Friend Crosses Over</a><BR> <A HREF="Danny911Spirit.html">Danny, A Spirit from 9/11 Visits Ellie</a><BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> FEBRUARY<BR> <A HREF="WhateverMovesYouInEndTimes.html">Whatever Moves You In End Times </a><BR> <A HREF="coded.curriculum.html">Life is Based on Coded Curriculum</a><BR> <A HREF="computerhacking2014.html">Computer Hacking 2014</a><BR> <A HREF="aboutlife.february2014.html">Memos About Life ...</a><BR> <A HREF="turnonadime.html">Life can "Turn on a Dime"</a><BR> <A HREF="ellieoldestcrystal2014.html">I am not the Oldest Crystal on Earth .... </a><BR> <A HREF="stevejobs214.html">Happy Birthday Steve Jobs and Terry Semel</a><BR> <A HREF="snowstorm214.html">Crash!! Another Winter Storm</a><BR> <A HREF="FadetoBlackSequenceDreams.html">Fade to Black Sequence Dreams</a><BR> <A HREF="buried.alive.html">Buried Alive - Emotional, Physical, Dreams</a><BR> <A HREF="Facebook10.html">Facebook Turns 10</a><BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> JANUARY<BR> <A HREF="spermdonor2003.html">The Sperm Donor Relationship 2003</a><br> <A HREF="spermdonor2010a.html">The Sperm Donor Relationship 2010</a> <br> <A HREF="spermdonor2014.html">The Sperm Donor Relationship 2014</a> <BR> <A HREF="What.Is.My.Purpose.html">What is my Purpose? The M.A.D. - Make a Difference - Moment</a><BR> <A HREF="crazycomedians.html">Are Comedians Crazy? Does Talking to Spirits Mean You Are Crazy?</a><BR> <A HREF="DivorceCorp.html">"Divorce Corp."</a><BR> <A HREF="losingit2014.html">Losing it in 2014 - Weight Loss, Exercise, Stress, Mindfulness, Meditation</a><BR> <A HREF="supernova36around1.html">Supernova - 36 around 1</a><BR> <A HREF="IncandescentLightbulb.html">The End of the Incandescent Light Bulb</a><BR> <A HREF="WinterInserts.html">Winter Inserts</a><BR> <A HREF="snowflakes.html">Snowflakes: Fractals, Mandalas, History, Snow Art</a> <BR> <A HREF="SnowLandscapes.html">Snow Formations</A><BR> <A HREF="snowflakemed.html">Meditation in Snow </a><BR> <A HREF="telekinesis.emotions.html">Telekinesis is Emotionally Driven</a><BR> <A HREF="freuds.ashes2014.html">Ellie Meets Sigmund Freud</a><BR> <A HREF="EvolutionSchemvolution 2014.html">"Evolution ... Schemvolution 2014 Style"</a><BR> <A HREF="IfIWerePresident2014.html">If I Were President</a><BR> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> <center><A HREF="archives2015.html"> <IMG SRC="2015-roadsign.jpg" border=0> <p> <p style="font-size:20px"/>Ellie's Archives 2015</A> <P> <p style="font-size:20px"/> <A HREF="elliesarchives.html">Archived Blogs and YouTube</A> <P> <p style="font-size:20px"/><A HREF="elliesworld.html">Ellie's World Daily Blog</A> <P> <p style="font-size:20px"/><A HREF="directory.html">Alphabetical Index</A> <P> <p style="font-size:20px"/><A HREF="index.html">Crystalinks Home Page</A> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> <center><A HREF="reading.html"> <IMG SRC="reading2015.jpg" width=700> <p> <p style="font-size:20px"/>Psychic Reading or Counseling Session With Ellie</a> <P> <BR> <HR> <P> <BR> <A HREF="sabook.html"> <IMG SRC="sacoverartsm.jpg" border=0> <p> <p style="font-size:20px"/>Sarah and Alexander</A> <P> <BR> <P> <BR> <center> <p> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Web Site: --> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! --> <!-- Begin function goToURL() { window.location = ""; } // End --> </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <form> <input type=button value="Donation to Crystalinks" onClick="goToURL()"> </form> <!-- Script Size: 0.91 KB --> <P> <BR> <P> <BR> <center><form action="" id="cse-search-box" target="_blank"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-0405918776181157:nyci3t5s84j" /> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="ISO-8859-1" /> <input type="text" name="q" size="50" /> <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search Crystalinks" /> </div> </form> <script type="text/javascript" src=";lang=en"></script></center> <P> <BR> <P> <BR> <A HREF="advertise_crystalinks.html"> <IMG SRC="crystalinksad.jpg" border=0><BR></a> <P> <BR> <P> <BR> <P> <BR> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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