Institut national de l'audiovisuel | INA
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15.12 10.767 15.073 10.922 15.027C10.9456 15.0202 10.9691 15.0134 10.9925 15.0065C11.0794 14.9812 11.1658 14.9561 11.254 14.934C11.417 14.893 11.583 14.858 11.749 14.825C11.7748 14.8196 11.8006 14.8142 11.8265 14.8087C11.9067 14.7917 11.9871 14.7746 12.068 14.761C12.253 14.729 12.44 14.707 12.627 14.686C12.6645 14.6819 12.7018 14.6772 12.739 14.6725C12.7932 14.6656 12.8471 14.6587 12.901 14.654C13.182 14.63 13.464 14.617 13.75 14.617C14.035 14.617 14.317 14.63 14.598 14.654C14.6519 14.6587 14.7058 14.6656 14.76 14.6725C14.7972 14.6772 14.8345 14.6819 14.872 14.686C15.059 14.707 15.246 14.729 15.431 14.761C15.5119 14.7746 15.5923 14.7917 15.6725 14.8087C15.6984 14.8142 15.7242 14.8196 15.75 14.825C15.917 14.858 16.082 14.893 16.245 14.934C16.3383 14.9575 16.431 14.9846 16.5235 15.0117C16.541 15.0168 16.5585 15.0219 16.576 15.027C16.732 15.073 16.887 15.12 17.04 15.172C17.149 15.21 17.258 15.25 17.367 15.291C17.516 15.349 17.664 15.409 17.811 15.473C17.8228 15.4782 17.8345 15.4834 17.8463 15.4886C17.9403 15.5303 18.0336 15.5716 18.126 15.616C18.272 15.686 18.415 15.759 18.557 15.835C18.5873 15.8515 18.6175 15.8678 18.6478 15.8842C18.7165 15.9212 18.785 15.9581 18.853 15.997C18.998 16.081 19.139 16.17 19.279 16.261C19.3036 16.2767 19.3282 16.2923 19.3529 16.3079C19.4175 16.3488 19.482 16.3896 19.545 16.433C19.697 16.537 19.844 16.648 19.99 16.761C20.0133 16.7787 20.0368 16.7961 20.0602 16.8136C20.1071 16.8484 20.154 16.8833 20.2 16.92C20.406 17.087 20.606 17.261 20.799 17.443C20.8015 17.4455 20.8042 17.4477 20.807 17.45C20.8097 17.4522 20.8125 17.4545 20.815 17.457C21.013 17.645 21.203 17.842 21.387 18.045C21.414 18.076 21.4403 18.1077 21.4665 18.1395C21.4927 18.1712 21.519 18.203 21.546 18.234C21.67 18.379 21.793 18.525 21.909 18.677C21.9511 18.7313 21.9909 18.7874 22.0308 18.8439C22.0498 18.8706 22.0687 18.8973 22.088 18.924C22.189 19.064 22.289 19.205 22.383 19.35C22.442 19.442 22.498 19.536 22.554 19.63C22.64 19.772 22.724 19.916 22.803 20.063C22.856 20.163 22.907 20.264 22.958 20.366C23.031 20.513 23.1 20.663 23.167 20.814C23.212 20.919 23.257 21.025 23.299 21.132C23.3098 21.1592 23.3215 21.1858 23.3332 21.2124C23.3486 21.2474 23.3639 21.2822 23.377 21.318C25.077 19.165 26 16.522 26 13.75ZM13.75 0C21.331 0 27.5 6.169 27.5 13.75C27.5 17.217 26.202 20.496 23.858 23.042L23.863 23.066L23.58 23.356L23.575 23.361L22.61 24.348L22.593 24.271C20.119 26.361 17.026 27.5 13.75 27.5C10.474 27.5 7.381 26.361 4.906 24.27L4.889 24.348L3.919 23.355C3.91771 23.3544 3.91683 23.3533 3.91584 23.3521C3.91529 23.3514 3.91471 23.3507 3.914 23.35L3.636 23.065L3.641 23.042C1.297 20.496 0 17.218 0 13.75C0 6.169 6.168 0 13.75 0ZM17.0865 8.6666C17.0865 6.8276 15.5895 5.3306 13.7495 5.3306C11.9095 5.3306 10.4135 6.8276 10.4135 8.6666C10.4135 10.5066 11.9095 12.0036 13.7495 12.0036C15.5895 12.0036 17.0865 10.5066 17.0865 8.6666ZM18.5865 8.6666C18.5865 11.3336 16.4165 13.5036 13.7495 13.5036C11.0825 13.5036 8.9135 11.3336 8.9135 8.6666C8.9135 5.9996 11.0825 3.8306 13.7495 3.8306C16.4165 3.8306 18.5865 5.9996 18.5865 8.6666Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <svg class="js-connexion d-none d-sm-block me-4 ms-4" style="cursor: pointer;" width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.30652 22.5478C5.30172 22.5662 5.29691 22.5846 5.292 22.603C7.583 24.797 10.57 26 13.75 26C16.929 26 19.916 24.797 22.207 22.603C22.201 22.5808 22.1951 22.5583 22.1892 22.5357C22.1794 22.4983 22.1696 22.4608 22.159 22.424C22.125 22.311 22.09 22.198 22.052 22.086C22.011 21.964 21.967 21.843 21.92 21.724C21.877 21.614 21.833 21.505 21.786 21.397C21.735 21.282 21.682 21.167 21.626 21.054C21.574 20.948 21.521 20.843 21.465 20.74C21.405 20.63 21.342 20.522 21.278 20.415C21.218 20.314 21.157 20.214 21.093 20.117C21.024 20.012 20.953 19.91 20.88 19.809C20.812 19.714 20.744 19.621 20.673 19.529C20.596 19.431 20.516 19.335 20.435 19.24L20.4349 19.2399C20.3599 19.1519 20.285 19.064 20.207 18.979C20.123 18.887 20.035 18.799 19.946 18.71C19.9359 18.6999 19.9258 18.6898 19.9157 18.6797C19.8448 18.6086 19.7735 18.5373 19.7 18.469C19.6246 18.3994 19.5466 18.3331 19.4686 18.2668C19.4514 18.2522 19.4342 18.2376 19.417 18.223C19.33 18.148 19.243 18.074 19.153 18.002C19.0732 17.9399 18.9914 17.8811 18.9098 17.8223C18.8902 17.8082 18.8706 17.7941 18.851 17.78C18.8257 17.762 18.8007 17.7439 18.7757 17.7259C18.7077 17.6768 18.6402 17.6281 18.57 17.582C18.4868 17.5265 18.4011 17.4748 18.3159 17.4234C18.2935 17.41 18.2712 17.3965 18.249 17.383C18.2219 17.3667 18.195 17.3502 18.1681 17.3338C18.0976 17.2907 18.0274 17.2478 17.955 17.208C17.871 17.1615 17.7847 17.1189 17.6987 17.0765C17.6701 17.0624 17.6415 17.0482 17.613 17.034C17.5854 17.0204 17.558 17.0066 17.5306 16.9928C17.4577 16.9561 17.3849 16.9194 17.31 16.886C17.2074 16.8398 17.1027 16.7988 16.9982 16.7579C16.9805 16.7509 16.9627 16.744 16.945 16.737C16.9175 16.726 16.8902 16.7148 16.8628 16.7036C16.7888 16.6733 16.715 16.643 16.639 16.616C16.5456 16.5832 16.4506 16.5546 16.3556 16.526C16.3204 16.5154 16.2852 16.5048 16.25 16.494C16.2158 16.4837 16.182 16.4731 16.1483 16.4625C16.0803 16.4412 16.0128 16.42 15.944 16.402C15.8196 16.3691 15.6928 16.3433 15.5664 16.3177C15.5506 16.3144 15.5348 16.3112 15.519 16.308C15.481 16.3002 15.4432 16.2915 15.4056 16.2829C15.3472 16.2696 15.289 16.2563 15.23 16.246C15.0908 16.2211 14.9501 16.205 14.8092 16.1889C14.7861 16.1863 14.7631 16.1837 14.74 16.181C14.7078 16.177 14.6758 16.1724 14.6437 16.1678C14.5951 16.1608 14.5464 16.1538 14.497 16.149C14.25 16.128 14 16.117 13.75 16.117C13.499 16.117 13.25 16.128 13.002 16.149C12.9526 16.1538 12.9039 16.1608 12.8553 16.1678C12.8232 16.1724 12.7912 16.177 12.759 16.181C12.7369 16.1836 12.7148 16.1861 12.6928 16.1886C12.5511 16.2048 12.4102 16.2209 12.27 16.246C12.2023 16.2572 12.1351 16.2727 12.0681 16.2882C12.039 16.2949 12.01 16.3017 11.981 16.308C11.9675 16.3107 11.954 16.3135 11.9406 16.3162C11.8111 16.3424 11.6818 16.3685 11.555 16.402C11.4906 16.4191 11.4273 16.4389 11.364 16.4588C11.3271 16.4704 11.2902 16.482 11.253 16.493C11.2188 16.5034 11.1845 16.5137 11.1502 16.5239C11.0529 16.5529 10.9553 16.582 10.86 16.616C10.7903 16.6406 10.722 16.6685 10.6536 16.6964C10.6218 16.7094 10.59 16.7223 10.558 16.735C10.5421 16.7413 10.5262 16.7476 10.5102 16.7538C10.4022 16.7964 10.2943 16.8389 10.188 16.886C10.1057 16.923 10.026 16.9635 9.94634 17.004C9.92924 17.0127 9.91214 17.0213 9.895 17.03L9.8949 17.03C9.77594 17.088 9.65697 17.146 9.542 17.209C9.48094 17.2427 9.4215 17.2788 9.36188 17.3151C9.32776 17.3358 9.29358 17.3566 9.259 17.377C9.147 17.444 9.036 17.511 8.927 17.582C8.85835 17.6278 8.79189 17.6757 8.72518 17.7238C8.70152 17.7409 8.67783 17.758 8.654 17.775C8.6382 17.7864 8.62237 17.7978 8.60654 17.8091C8.5182 17.8726 8.4298 17.9362 8.345 18.004C8.26711 18.0651 8.19158 18.1293 8.11561 18.1938C8.10575 18.2022 8.09588 18.2106 8.086 18.219C7.989 18.301 7.892 18.384 7.798 18.471C7.72423 18.5386 7.65361 18.6093 7.58265 18.6803C7.57378 18.6892 7.56489 18.6981 7.556 18.707L7.55596 18.707C7.46598 18.797 7.37699 18.886 7.291 18.979C7.22303 19.0531 7.1574 19.1304 7.09205 19.2073C7.08336 19.2176 7.07468 19.2278 7.066 19.238C6.984 19.334 6.903 19.431 6.825 19.53C6.75502 19.62 6.68804 19.713 6.62105 19.8059L6.621 19.806C6.547 19.909 6.475 20.012 6.405 20.118C6.342 20.214 6.282 20.313 6.222 20.412C6.157 20.52 6.094 20.63 6.033 20.741C5.978 20.844 5.925 20.947 5.874 21.052C5.818 21.166 5.764 21.281 5.713 21.398C5.666 21.505 5.622 21.614 5.579 21.723C5.532 21.843 5.489 21.963 5.447 22.085C5.409 22.197 5.374 22.31 5.34 22.424C5.32821 22.4649 5.31739 22.5063 5.30652 22.5478ZM26 13.75C26 6.996 20.504 1.5 13.75 1.5C6.995 1.5 1.5 6.996 1.5 13.75C1.5 16.522 2.422 19.165 4.122 21.318C4.13633 21.2804 4.1521 21.2442 4.16779 21.2081C4.17838 21.1838 4.18893 21.1596 4.199 21.135C4.242 21.026 4.287 20.918 4.334 20.811C4.399 20.662 4.468 20.514 4.54 20.369C4.591 20.265 4.643 20.162 4.698 20.06C4.775 19.915 4.858 19.774 4.942 19.634C4.95314 19.6156 4.96425 19.5971 4.97535 19.5787C5.02201 19.5012 5.06853 19.4239 5.117 19.348C5.21 19.205 5.309 19.066 5.408 18.928C5.42948 18.8984 5.45059 18.8686 5.47172 18.8387C5.51059 18.7838 5.54954 18.7288 5.591 18.675C5.705 18.526 5.826 18.383 5.948 18.24C5.97211 18.212 5.99547 18.1837 6.01881 18.1553C6.04969 18.1179 6.08054 18.0805 6.113 18.044C6.296 17.842 6.486 17.645 6.684 17.457C6.68738 17.4536 6.69124 17.4505 6.69522 17.4472C6.69947 17.4437 6.70387 17.4401 6.708 17.436C6.898 17.257 7.095 17.085 7.299 16.92C7.34592 16.8819 7.39468 16.8462 7.44373 16.8102C7.46681 16.7933 7.48996 16.7763 7.513 16.759C7.657 16.647 7.803 16.537 7.954 16.433C8.02361 16.385 8.09577 16.3396 8.16794 16.2941C8.18597 16.2828 8.20401 16.2714 8.222 16.26C8.361 16.17 8.501 16.081 8.646 15.998C8.72861 15.9495 8.81413 15.9038 8.89884 15.8586C8.91359 15.8507 8.92832 15.8429 8.943 15.835C9.085 15.759 9.228 15.686 9.373 15.616C9.477 15.566 9.583 15.519 9.688 15.473C9.835 15.409 9.982 15.349 10.131 15.292C10.24 15.25 10.35 15.21 10.46 15.172C10.613 15.12 10.767 15.073 10.922 15.027C10.9456 15.0202 10.9691 15.0134 10.9925 15.0065C11.0794 14.9812 11.1658 14.9561 11.254 14.934C11.417 14.893 11.583 14.858 11.749 14.825C11.7748 14.8196 11.8006 14.8142 11.8265 14.8087C11.9067 14.7917 11.9871 14.7746 12.068 14.761C12.253 14.729 12.44 14.707 12.627 14.686C12.6645 14.6819 12.7018 14.6772 12.739 14.6725C12.7932 14.6656 12.8471 14.6587 12.901 14.654C13.182 14.63 13.464 14.617 13.75 14.617C14.035 14.617 14.317 14.63 14.598 14.654C14.6519 14.6587 14.7058 14.6656 14.76 14.6725C14.7972 14.6772 14.8345 14.6819 14.872 14.686C15.059 14.707 15.246 14.729 15.431 14.761C15.5119 14.7746 15.5923 14.7917 15.6725 14.8087C15.6984 14.8142 15.7242 14.8196 15.75 14.825C15.917 14.858 16.082 14.893 16.245 14.934C16.3383 14.9575 16.431 14.9846 16.5235 15.0117C16.541 15.0168 16.5585 15.0219 16.576 15.027C16.732 15.073 16.887 15.12 17.04 15.172C17.149 15.21 17.258 15.25 17.367 15.291C17.516 15.349 17.664 15.409 17.811 15.473C17.8228 15.4782 17.8345 15.4834 17.8463 15.4886C17.9403 15.5303 18.0336 15.5716 18.126 15.616C18.272 15.686 18.415 15.759 18.557 15.835C18.5873 15.8515 18.6175 15.8678 18.6478 15.8842C18.7165 15.9212 18.785 15.9581 18.853 15.997C18.998 16.081 19.139 16.17 19.279 16.261C19.3036 16.2767 19.3282 16.2923 19.3529 16.3079C19.4175 16.3488 19.482 16.3896 19.545 16.433C19.697 16.537 19.844 16.648 19.99 16.761C20.0133 16.7787 20.0368 16.7961 20.0602 16.8136C20.1071 16.8484 20.154 16.8833 20.2 16.92C20.406 17.087 20.606 17.261 20.799 17.443C20.8015 17.4455 20.8042 17.4477 20.807 17.45C20.8097 17.4522 20.8125 17.4545 20.815 17.457C21.013 17.645 21.203 17.842 21.387 18.045C21.414 18.076 21.4403 18.1077 21.4665 18.1395C21.4927 18.1712 21.519 18.203 21.546 18.234C21.67 18.379 21.793 18.525 21.909 18.677C21.9511 18.7313 21.9909 18.7874 22.0308 18.8439C22.0498 18.8706 22.0687 18.8973 22.088 18.924C22.189 19.064 22.289 19.205 22.383 19.35C22.442 19.442 22.498 19.536 22.554 19.63C22.64 19.772 22.724 19.916 22.803 20.063C22.856 20.163 22.907 20.264 22.958 20.366C23.031 20.513 23.1 20.663 23.167 20.814C23.212 20.919 23.257 21.025 23.299 21.132C23.3098 21.1592 23.3215 21.1858 23.3332 21.2124C23.3486 21.2474 23.3639 21.2822 23.377 21.318C25.077 19.165 26 16.522 26 13.75ZM13.75 0C21.331 0 27.5 6.169 27.5 13.75C27.5 17.217 26.202 20.496 23.858 23.042L23.863 23.066L23.58 23.356L23.575 23.361L22.61 24.348L22.593 24.271C20.119 26.361 17.026 27.5 13.75 27.5C10.474 27.5 7.381 26.361 4.906 24.27L4.889 24.348L3.919 23.355C3.91771 23.3544 3.91683 23.3533 3.91584 23.3521C3.91529 23.3514 3.91471 23.3507 3.914 23.35L3.636 23.065L3.641 23.042C1.297 20.496 0 17.218 0 13.75C0 6.169 6.168 0 13.75 0ZM17.0865 8.6666C17.0865 6.8276 15.5895 5.3306 13.7495 5.3306C11.9095 5.3306 10.4135 6.8276 10.4135 8.6666C10.4135 10.5066 11.9095 12.0036 13.7495 12.0036C15.5895 12.0036 17.0865 10.5066 17.0865 8.6666ZM18.5865 8.6666C18.5865 11.3336 16.4165 13.5036 13.7495 13.5036C11.0825 13.5036 8.9135 11.3336 8.9135 8.6666C8.9135 5.9996 11.0825 3.8306 13.7495 3.8306C16.4165 3.8306 18.5865 5.9996 18.5865 8.6666Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <span> <div class="openid-connect-login-form" data-drupal-selector="openid-connect-login-form" id="block-openidconnectlogin"> <form action="/login" method="post" id="openid-connect-login-form" accept-charset="UTF-8"> <div> <input data-drupal-selector="edit-openid-connect-client-generic-login" type="submit" id="edit-openid-connect-client-generic-login" name="generic" value="Connexion" class="button js-form-submit form-submit btn__connexion btn__text d-none d-lg-block" /> </div><input data-drupal-selector="form-zlkpsan2kfywvhibaxzz8uwigcivxcn2erjzpgh9edc" type="hidden" name="form_build_id" value="form-zlkPsan2kFywvhiBaXzz8uWIGciVxcN2ERjZpGH9edc" /> <input data-drupal-selector="edit-openid-connect-login-form" type="hidden" name="form_id" value="openid_connect_login_form" /> <input data-drupal-selector="edit-origin-url" type="hidden" name="origin_url" 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14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z"/> </svg> <span class="ms-3">Regarder </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide content-une--third"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/2010-yves-coppens-raconte-pourquoi-lucy-s-appelle-lucy" target="_self" style="width: 100%"> <div class="content-une-img--mobile lozad" data-background-image="" data-cache-rev="162190" style="background-size: cover; width: 100%; height: 560px; background-repeat: no-repeat; filter: brightness(0.7);"></div> <div class="title-une title-une--mobile"> 2010 : Yves Coppens raconte pourquoi Lucy s'appelle Lucy <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-une texte-une--mobile"> <div class="retour"> </div> <div class=""> <div class="btn btn-voir-une"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" 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1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">Les plus <em>consultés </em>en ce moment</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/mercosur-agriculture-france-elevage-poulet-bresil" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="161890" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">1983 : la guerre du poulet débute entre les éleveurs français et brésiliens</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Une partie des agriculteurs se mobilisent pour dénoncer la concurrence déloyale que fait peser sur eux l’accord du Mercosur, avec, en toile de fond, la crainte d'une casse sociale. La concurrence internationale a débuté bien avant le lancement de la réflexion sur le Mercosur en 1999. Dès les années 1980, les éleveurs de volailles dénonçaient une concurrence déloyale avec le Brésil utilisant un argumentaire assez proche de celui d'aujourd'hui. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/proces-aix-en-provence-gisele-halimi-crime-viol-1978-1980" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="155791" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">La médiatisation du procès pour viols d'Aix-en-Provence en 78, un tournant majeur en France </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Gisèle Pélicot, violée et droguée à son insu pendant 10 ans par son mari, a demandé à ce que le procès de ses agresseurs ne se fasse pas à huis clos. Une position qui vise à faire « changer de camp » la honte. En 1978, Anne Tonglet et Araceli Castellano, soutenues par l'avocate Gisèle Halimi, avaient accepté, elles aussi, la publicité du procès de leurs agresseurs. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/zoos-humains-pascal-blanchard-xix-kalina" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="158617" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">L’histoire des zoos humains, du début du XIXe à l’entre-deux-guerres</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Des descendants de Kali’na, Amérindiens de Guyane et du Suriname exhibés comme des sauvages à Paris en 1892, réclament la restitution des restes de leurs ancêtres conservés au musée de l’Homme. Comme eux, des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont été ainsi exposées dans des zoos humains dans le monde, du début du XIXe siècle à l’entre-deux-guerres. Pour l’INA, l'historien spécialiste du fait colonial, Pascal Blanchard, décrypte ce phénomène. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <div class="block-hub block-hub--zoom marginTop6"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-content-center flex-wrap flex-row-reverse " style="background: #ffe900; color: Black;"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center firstBloc"> <div class="firstBlocMargin"> <h2 class="title-bloc-medium mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> Madeleine, 20 ans, résistante </h2> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> LUMNI ENSEIGNEMENT - Madeleine, 20 ans, résistante est une web-série d'animation en deux volets sur une combattante hors norme de la Seconde Guerre mondiale qui vient de nous quitter : Madeleine Riffaud. </div> <div class="mt-3 contentBtn"> <div class="blocArticle"> <div class="btn-n2"> <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle">Voir sur <em>Lumni enseignement</em></span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex align-items-center mt-4 mt-lg-0 secondBloc" style="background: #ffe900"> <div class="centerDiv d-none d-lg-block"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 448px; height: 448px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_450x450/public/2024-11/Visuel_MR_EP01.jpg?h=31979cc6&itok=xJtexPqA" data-cache-rev="" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 450px; height: 450px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 450px 450px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="centerDiv d-block d-lg-none" style="margin-top:-60px"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 298px; height: 298px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_450x450/public/2024-11/Visuel_MR_EP01.jpg?h=31979cc6&itok=xJtexPqA" data-cache-rev="" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 300px; height: 300px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 300px 300px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">La <em>40e campagne</em> des Restos du cœur</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/1986-coluche-raconte-l-origine-des-restos-du-coeur" target="_self" class="children-link"> <div class="bloc-contenu "> <div class="mt-sm-0 mt-4 block-hub-border widthBlocEncadre"> <div class="d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column-reverse justify-content-between "> <div class="maxWidth360"> <div class="d-flex flex-column bd-highlight mb-3" style="height: calc(100%); min-height: 165px;"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-3 mt-sm-0">Coluche raconte l'origine des Restos du Cœur </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc texte-bloc--padding-right mt-5"> La 40e campagne hivernale des Restos du Cœur débute le 19 novembre. Lancée en 1985 par Coluche, la distribution de repas a connu une forte progression et les demandes d'aide alimentaire qui devaient être temporaire explosent. Coluche raconte ici la genèse de sa démarche et les débuts de son association caritative. </div> <div class="mt-sm-auto mt-5 d-flex justify-content-end pe-3 text-align-right childUrl"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="divCenter"> <img class="lozad img-fluid" data-src="" data-cache-rev="161638" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> <div class="separatorVertical separatorVertical--blocContenu"> </div> </div> </a> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/restos-du-coeur-coluche-inauguration-chapiteau-gennevilliers-1985" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="161644" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">En 1985, Coluche lance la première campagne des Restos du Cœur sous un chapiteau à Gennevilliers</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> La 40e campagne des Restos du Cœur débute le 19 novembre à Gennevilliers (Hauts-de-Seine). C'est là que Coluche avait installé le chapiteau originel. Retour sur les lieux le 21 décembre 1985, le jour du lancement de l'opération caritative. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <a href="/actualites-ina/passe-compose-figures-du-siecle-grands-entretiens" target="_self" class="children-link"> <div class="block-hub block-hub--zoom marginTop6"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-content-center flex-wrap flex-row-reverse " style="background: #0086b1; color: white;"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center firstBloc"> <div class="firstBlocMargin"> <h2 class="title-bloc-medium mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> «Passé composé, figures du siècle» : l’INA construit la mémoire de demain </h2> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> Construire la mémoire de demain avec les témoignages des personnalités qui ont marqué l’histoire contemporaine : telle est l’ambition de «Passé composé, figures du siècle», une série d'entretiens filmés par l’INA et désormais accessibles à tous. </div> <div class="mt-3 contentBtn"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-n2"> <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle">Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex align-items-center mt-4 mt-lg-0 secondBloc" style="background: #0086b1"> <div class="centerDiv d-none d-lg-block"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 448px; height: 448px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="" data-cache-rev="158149" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 450px; height: 450px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 450px 450px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="centerDiv d-block d-lg-none" style="margin-top:-60px"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 298px; height: 298px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="" data-cache-rev="158149" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 300px; height: 300px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 300px 300px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/bernadette-despres-tom-tom-et-nana-dessinatrice-bande-dessinee-rire-enfant" target="_self" class="children-link"> <div class="block-hub block-hub--zoom marginTop6"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-content-center flex-wrap flex-row-reverse " style="background: #ffe900; color: Black;"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center firstBloc"> <div class="firstBlocMargin"> <h2 class="title-bloc-medium mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> Bernadette Després, l’espiègle dessinatrice de «Tom Tom et Nana» qui inspirait des bêtises aux enfants </h2> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> Bernadette Després, dessinatrice de BD, est morte à 83 ans. Pendant près de 30 ans, elle a donné vie à «Tom-Tom et Nana», deux gamins espiègles, pas avares de bêtises. Les archives dévoilent le portrait d'une femme, qui comme ses petits héros du quotidien, adorait la vie et les rires. </div> <div class="mt-3 contentBtn"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-n2"> <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle">Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex align-items-center mt-4 mt-lg-0 secondBloc" style="background: #ffe900"> <div class="centerDiv d-none d-lg-block"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 448px; height: 448px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="" data-cache-rev="162211" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 450px; height: 450px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 450px 450px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="centerDiv d-block d-lg-none" style="margin-top:-60px"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 298px; height: 298px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="" data-cache-rev="162211" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 300px; height: 300px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 300px 300px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-right"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">L'élection du <em>président </em>américain</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/donald-trump-president-etats-unis-premier-mandat" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="161266" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Le premier mandat de Donald Trump en dix archives</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> À l'issue de l'élection du 5 novembre dernier, Donald Trump a été élu président des États-Unis face à Kamala Harris. Il devrait être investi le 20 janvier prochain. En attendant, retour en archives sur son premier mandat, de 2017 et 2021. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/elections-americains-donald-trump-2016" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="161263" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">9 novembre 2016 : la surprise de l'élection de Trump dans les matinales</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> L'ancien président Donald Trump est réélu à la tête des États-Unis. En 2016, son élection n'avait pas été prévue par les sondages. La surprise de l'arrivée du magnat de l'immobilier à la tête des États-Unis avait fait l'effet d'une bombe. En France, les résultats étaient tombés à l'heure des matinales. Fabienne Sintes, Mathieu Coache et Patrick Cohen étaient à l'antenne ce jour-là, ils nous racontent. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/donald-trump-milliardaire-new-york-immobilier-faillite-divorce-yacht-casino" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="161260" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">De la fortune à la banqueroute : comment Donald Trump a forgé sa force de caractère</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Le 5 novembre 2024, Donald Trump a été élu pour la seconde fois à la tête des États-Unis. Ce pari fou - et réussi - est à l'image de la façon dont le milliardaire mégalomane mène sa vie depuis les années 1990 : avec insolence, autosatisfaction et une bonne dose de chance. Retour en archives sur les débuts de son ascension. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">Au menu : poulet <em>brésilien</em> et pomme <em>chilienne</em></h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/mercosur-agriculture-france-elevage-poulet-bresil" target="_self" class="children-link"> <div class="bloc-contenu "> <div class="mt-sm-0 mt-4 block-hub-border widthBlocEncadre"> <div class="d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column-reverse justify-content-between "> <div class="maxWidth360"> <div class="d-flex flex-column bd-highlight mb-3" style="height: calc(100%); min-height: 165px;"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-3 mt-sm-0">1983 : la guerre du poulet débute entre les éleveurs français et brésiliens</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc texte-bloc--padding-right mt-5"> Une partie des agriculteurs se mobilisent pour dénoncer la concurrence déloyale que fait peser sur eux l’accord du Mercosur, avec, en toile de fond, la crainte d'une casse sociale. La concurrence internationale a débuté bien avant le lancement de la réflexion sur le Mercosur en 1999. Dès les années 1980, les éleveurs de volailles dénonçaient une concurrence déloyale avec le Brésil utilisant un argumentaire assez proche de celui d'aujourd'hui. </div> <div class="mt-sm-auto mt-5 d-flex justify-content-end pe-3 text-align-right childUrl"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="divCenter"> <img class="lozad img-fluid" data-src="" data-cache-rev="161890" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> <div class="separatorVertical separatorVertical--blocContenu"> </div> </div> </a> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/agriculture-libre-echange-arboriculteur-pommes-manifestation-france-communaute-europeenne-chili-concurrence" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="162334" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Concurrence internationale : dans les années 1990, le symbole des pommes chiliennes </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Les agriculteurs français, emmenés principalement par la FNSEA, protestent depuis le 18 novembre contre l’accord de libre-échange entre l’Union européenne (UE) et les pays latino-américains du Mercosur (Brésil, Argentine, Paraguay, Uruguay). Ce secteur professionnel alerte depuis plusieurs décennies sur les conséquences de la multiplication d'accords de libre-échange. Exemple avec le cas de l'importation de pommes chiliennes au tournant des années 1990. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">Fairouz <em>90 ans </em>de talent</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/beyrouth-liban-chanson-fairouz-fayrouz-arabe-tube-concert-bercy" target="_self" class="children-link"> <div class="bloc-contenu "> <div class="mt-sm-0 mt-4 block-hub-border widthBlocEncadre"> <div class="d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column-reverse justify-content-between "> <div class="maxWidth360"> <div class="d-flex flex-column bd-highlight mb-3" style="height: calc(100%); min-height: 165px;"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-3 mt-sm-0">En 1988 à Paris, Fairouz chantait pour Beyrouth, ville martyre</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc texte-bloc--padding-right mt-5"> L’État d'Israël mène une guerre destructrice contre le Hezbollah au Liban et dans certains quartiers de Beyrouth. Des centaines de victimes civiles, dont des enfants, sont à déplorer. Rendons hommage à la capitale libanaise en écoutant la plus grande chanteuse du monde arabe, Fairouz, qui n'a jamais quitté la ville lors de la guerre civile de 1975 à 1990. </div> <div class="mt-sm-auto mt-5 d-flex justify-content-end pe-3 text-align-right childUrl"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="divCenter"> <img class="lozad img-fluid" data-src="" data-cache-rev="162163" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> <div class="separatorVertical separatorVertical--blocContenu"> </div> </div> </a> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/liban-fairouz-chanteuse-chanson-liban" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="162166" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Fairouz en 1988, «l'ambassadrice du Liban auprès des étoiles»</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> La chanteuse libanaise Fairouz (qu'on peut aussi écrire Fayrouz) fête ses 90 ans le 21 novembre 2024. L'artiste est un monument des mélopées arabes depuis des décennies dans son pays. Elle chante inlassablement l'amour et la paix pour son pays, le Liban. En 1988, Antenne 2 dressait son portrait à l'occasion d'un concert à Bercy. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/violences-faites-aux-femmes-lente-evolution-societe" target="_self" class="children-link"> <div class="block-hub block-hub--zoom marginTop6"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-content-center flex-wrap flex-row-reverse " style="background: #ffe900; color: Black;"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center firstBloc"> <div class="firstBlocMargin"> <h2 class="title-bloc-medium mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> Violences faites aux femmes : une lente évolution </h2> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> Lundi 25 novembre, c'est la journée internationale pour l'élimination de la violence à l'égard des femmes. À cette occasion, les journalistes de l'émission «INAttendu» s'intéressent au point de vue des hommes violents et reçoivent Mathieu Palain, journaliste et romancier. </div> <div class="mt-3 contentBtn"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-n2"> <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle">Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex align-items-center mt-4 mt-lg-0 secondBloc" style="background: #ffe900"> <div class="centerDiv d-none d-lg-block"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 448px; height: 448px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="" data-cache-rev="162361" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 450px; height: 450px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 450px 450px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="centerDiv d-block d-lg-none" style="margin-top:-60px"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 298px; height: 298px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="" data-cache-rev="162361" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 300px; height: 300px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 300px 300px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">Chantal Akerman, le <em>cinéma</em> au féminin</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <a href="/actualites-ina/chantal-akerman-exposition-jeu-de-paume-cinema" target="_self" class="children-link"> <div class="bloc-contenu "> <div class="mt-sm-0 mt-4 block-hub-border widthBlocEncadre"> <div class="d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column-reverse justify-content-between "> <div class="maxWidth360"> <div class="d-flex flex-column bd-highlight mb-3" style="height: calc(100%); min-height: 165px;"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-3 mt-sm-0">«Chantal Akerman parle à chacun d’entre nous»</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc texte-bloc--padding-right mt-5"> <strong>EXPOSITION - </strong>Avec « Chantal Akerman. Travelling », le Jeu de Paume met à l’honneur le travail de la cinéaste, artiste et écrivaine belge Chantal Akerman. Partenaire de l’événement, l’INA s’est entretenu avec Marta Ponsa, co-commissaire de l’exposition. Entretien. </div> <div class="mt-sm-auto mt-5 d-flex justify-content-end pe-3 text-align-right childUrl"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="divCenter"> <img class="lozad img-fluid" data-src="" data-cache-rev="159565" alt="Le sourire de Chantal Akerman, réalisatrice de «&nbsp;Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles&nbsp;», élu «&nbsp;meilleur film de tous les temps&nbsp;» par la revue britannique Sight &amp; Sound du British Film Institute. Crédits : 1978. Collections CINEMATEK &amp; Fondation Chantal Akerman © Babette Mangolte © Adagp, Paris, 2024."> </div> </div> </div> <div class="separatorVertical separatorVertical--blocContenu"> </div> </div> </a> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_360x270/public/2024-10/Capture%20d%E2%80%99e%CC%81cran%202024-10-17%20a%CC%80%2010.24.04.png?h=09f43661&itok=VvLEiBu6" data-cache-rev="" alt="Akerman"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">«L'Homme à la valise»</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Une femme revient dans son appartement et y découvre un inconnu avec qui elle doit cohabiter. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder sur <em>madelen</em></span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <a href="/actualites-ina/musee-de-la-maison-gainsbourg-serge-gainsbourg-peinture-brigitte-bardot-marseillaise" target="_self" class="children-link"> <div class="block-hub block-hub--zoom marginTop6"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-content-center flex-wrap flex-row-reverse " style="background: #b3ddf4; color: ;"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center firstBloc"> <div class="firstBlocMargin"> <h2 class="title-bloc-medium mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> Visite (guidée) du musée de la Maison Gainsbourg </h2> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> Partenaires de la Maison Gainsbourg, nous sommes allés à la rencontre de Sébastien Merlet, commissaire du Musée de la Maison Gainsbourg. Ce fin connaisseur de «l'homme à la tête de chou» nous fait découvrir plusieurs objets insolites de la collection : un trésor de plus de 400 objets qui retrace la vie et l’œuvre de l’auteur du «Poinçonneur des Lilas». Visite guidée. </div> <div class="mt-3 contentBtn"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-n2"> <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle">Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex align-items-center mt-4 mt-lg-0 secondBloc" style="background: #b3ddf4"> <div class="centerDiv d-none d-lg-block"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 448px; height: 448px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="" data-cache-rev="162247" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 450px; height: 450px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 450px 450px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="centerDiv d-block d-lg-none" style="margin-top:-60px"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 298px; height: 298px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="" data-cache-rev="162247" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 300px; height: 300px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 300px 300px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">Une page de <em>pub</em></h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_360x270/public/2024-10/Capture%20d%E2%80%99e%CC%81cran%202024-10-29%20a%CC%80%2012.40.46.png?h=09f5195c&itok=vEoU6i9t" data-cache-rev="" alt="infinitif"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Infinitif</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> 1981 : la mode à tous les temps sur un air de Richard Gotainer </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Voir</span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_360x270/public/2024-10/Capture%20d%E2%80%99e%CC%81cran%202024-10-29%20a%CC%80%2012.41.22.png?h=ff145e7e&itok=H2MS3V2k" data-cache-rev="" alt="knorr"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Bouillon de poule</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> 1988 : ça vous arrange bien les bidons </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Voir</span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_360x270/public/2024-11/Capture%20d%E2%80%99e%CC%81cran%202024-11-22%20a%CC%80%2012.03.54.png?h=f0a4d229&itok=0tXXQQHI" data-cache-rev="" alt="carambar"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Les 70 ans d’une friandise culte</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> 1986 : Abracarambar ! </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Voir</span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="gtm-print-list position-relative marginTop6"> <div class="blockOverflow blockOverflow--railActu"> <div class="block-hub block-hub--margin50 position-relative"> <p class="outline rail_actu">Actualités</p> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <h2 class="title-bloc">Les <em>actualités</em> de l'INA</h2> <div class="d-none d-sm-block d-lg-flex align-items-end justify-content-end zIndex"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-n2"> <a href="/actualites-ina" target="_self"> <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle">Voir toutes les actualités</span> </button> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-slider block-slider--railActus block-slider--actus 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On doit être irréprochable » <div class="dateAgenda mt-3" style='display:none;'></div> </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="swiper-slide children-link carousel-actu" style="background: #0086b1; color: ;"> <div class="ContImg d-none d-sm-block" style="margin: 65px auto; border-radius: 0; width: 286px; height: 325px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_288x327/public/2024-06/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202024-06-25%20092547.png?h=ad190ff3&itok=p3BuoFdT" data-cache-rev="" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width:288px; height: 327px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat; background-size: 288px 327px;"></div> </div> <div class="ContImg d-block d-sm-none" style="margin: 15px auto; border-radius: 0; width: 263px; height: 258px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_288x327/public/2024-06/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202024-06-25%20092547.png?h=ad190ff3&itok=p3BuoFdT" data-cache-rev="" style="top: -1px; 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left: -1px; width:288px; height: 327px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat; background-size: 288px 327px;"></div> </div> <div class="ContImg d-block d-sm-none" style="margin: 15px auto; border-radius: 0; width: 263px; height: 258px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="" data-cache-rev="126466" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width:288px; height: 327px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat; background-size: 265px 260px;"></div> </div> <div class="title-bloc-small"> «Le film "Shoah" ne répond pas à la question du pourquoi ?» <div class="dateAgenda mt-3" style='display:none;'></div> </div> </a> </div> <div> <div class="d-none d-md-block"> <div class="swiper-button-next"> <svg width="45" height="39" viewBox="0 0 45 39" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M45 19.7667C45 19.5096 44.946 19.2577 44.8483 19.0237C44.7506 18.7923 44.6117 18.5815 44.4343 18.4041L27.126 1.0982C26.3726 0.344872 25.1511 0.344872 24.3977 1.0982C23.6443 1.85152 23.6443 3.07278 24.3977 3.8261L38.4146 17.8384L1.92857 17.8384C0.864 17.8384 0 18.7023 0 19.7667C0 20.8312 0.864 21.6951 1.92857 21.6951L38.4146 21.6951L24.3977 35.71C23.6443 36.4633 23.6443 37.682 24.3977 38.4353C24.7757 38.8132 25.2669 39.0009 25.7631 39.0009C26.2569 39.0009 26.748 38.8132 27.126 38.4353L44.4343 21.1294C44.6117 20.952 44.7506 20.7412 44.8483 20.5098C44.946 20.2758 45 20.0239 45 19.7667Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <div class="swiper-button-prev"> <svg width="45" height="39" viewBox="0 0 45 39" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M45 19.7667C45 19.5096 44.946 19.2577 44.8483 19.0237C44.7506 18.7923 44.6117 18.5815 44.4343 18.4041L27.126 1.0982C26.3726 0.344872 25.1511 0.344872 24.3977 1.0982C23.6443 1.85152 23.6443 3.07278 24.3977 3.8261L38.4146 17.8384L1.92857 17.8384C0.864 17.8384 0 18.7023 0 19.7667C0 20.8312 0.864 21.6951 1.92857 21.6951L38.4146 21.6951L24.3977 35.71C23.6443 36.4633 23.6443 37.682 24.3977 38.4353C24.7757 38.8132 25.2669 39.0009 25.7631 39.0009C26.2569 39.0009 26.748 38.8132 27.126 38.4353L44.4343 21.1294C44.6117 20.952 44.7506 20.7412 44.8483 20.5098C44.946 20.2758 45 20.0239 45 19.7667Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="d-md-none d-block"> <div class="swiper-button-next"> <svg width="24" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M23.3333 9.99983C23.3333 9.86616 23.3053 9.73516 23.2547 9.61351C23.204 9.49321 23.132 9.38359 23.04 9.29136L14.0653 0.293749C13.6747 -0.0979164 13.0413 -0.0979164 12.6507 0.293749C12.26 0.685414 12.26 1.32037 12.6507 1.71203L19.9187 8.99728L1 8.99728C0.448 8.99728 0 9.44642 0 9.99983C0 10.5532 0.448 11.0024 1 11.0024L19.9187 11.0024L12.6507 18.289C12.26 18.6806 12.26 19.3142 12.6507 19.7059C12.8467 19.9024 13.1013 20 13.3587 20C13.6147 20 13.8693 19.9024 14.0653 19.7059L23.04 10.7083C23.132 10.6161 23.204 10.5065 23.2547 10.3862C23.3053 10.2645 23.3333 10.1335 23.3333 9.99983Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <div class="swiper-button-prev"> <svg width="24" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M23.3333 9.99983C23.3333 9.86616 23.3053 9.73516 23.2547 9.61351C23.204 9.49321 23.132 9.38359 23.04 9.29136L14.0653 0.293749C13.6747 -0.0979164 13.0413 -0.0979164 12.6507 0.293749C12.26 0.685414 12.26 1.32037 12.6507 1.71203L19.9187 8.99728L1 8.99728C0.448 8.99728 0 9.44642 0 9.99983C0 10.5532 0.448 11.0024 1 11.0024L19.9187 11.0024L12.6507 18.289C12.26 18.6806 12.26 19.3142 12.6507 19.7059C12.8467 19.9024 13.1013 20 13.3587 20C13.6147 20 13.8693 19.9024 14.0653 19.7059L23.04 10.7083C23.132 10.6161 23.204 10.5065 23.2547 10.3862C23.3053 10.2645 23.3333 10.1335 23.3333 9.99983Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-block d-sm-none divCenter mb-5" style="width: fit-content; width: -moz-fit-content"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-n2"> <a href="/actualites-ina" target="_self"> <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle">Voir toutes les actualités</span> </button> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">INA HIP-HOP : <em>montez</em> le son !</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/deenasty-hip-hop-scratching-dj-rap-musique-france-stalingrad-graffiti" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="159121" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">DJ Dee Nasty : «Mes 28 000 disques, ils apprécient que je les joue et j'apprécie de les jouer»</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Dee Nasty, le pionnier du deejaying en France, est dans «ORIGinaL» pour INA HIP-HOP. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/adn-mc-solaar-rap-musique-hip-hop-gainsbourg-lapointe" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="157291" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">MC Solaar, le sage poète du rap français dans «adn»</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> À travers les archives, le rappeur raconte dans «adn», l'émission de l'INA, comment il a trouvé son flow calme, à l’origine de la popularisation du rap en France. Et évoque ses filiations avec ses idoles du rap, de la variété et de la poésie françaises. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/la-haine-mathieu-kassovitz-film-comedie-musicale-rap-hip-hop" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="157282" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">«La Haine» : l'analyse d'un phénomène par Mathieu Kassovitz</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Lancée le 10 octobre 2024, la comédie musicale, «La Haine» est l'adaptation par Mathieu Kassovitz de son film culte sorti en 1995. Un long métrage qui a marqué son époque. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <div class="block-hub block-hub--zoom marginTop6"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-content-center flex-wrap flex-row-reverse " style="background: #ffe4b1; color: Black;"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center firstBloc"> <div class="firstBlocMargin"> <h2 class="title-bloc-medium mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> «Hélène, aide-moi !» : plongée dans le courrier des fans d'«Hélène et les garçons» </h2> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mt-2 widthBloc widthBloc--pleineLargeur"> LA REVUE DES MÉDIAS - Quelques milliers de lettres de fans de cette sitcom diffusée de 1992 à 1994 sur TF1 ont été sauvées de la destruction et sont conservées par l'INA. Nous les avons consultées. </div> <div class="mt-3 contentBtn"> <div class="blocArticle"> <div class="btn-n2"> <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle">Lire sur <em>La revue des médias</em> </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex align-items-center mt-4 mt-lg-0 secondBloc" style="background: #ffe4b1"> <div class="centerDiv d-none d-lg-block"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 448px; height: 448px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_450x450/public/2024-09/LRDM%20H%C3%A9l%C3%A8ne.jpg?h=f37d28a9&itok=7_7WYh3k" data-cache-rev="" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 450px; height: 450px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 450px 450px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="centerDiv d-block d-lg-none" style="margin-top:-60px"> <div class="ContImg" style="width: 298px; height: 298px; transform: rotate(0deg);"> <div class="lozad" data-background-image="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_450x450/public/2024-09/LRDM%20H%C3%A9l%C3%A8ne.jpg?h=f37d28a9&itok=7_7WYh3k" data-cache-rev="" style="top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 300px; height: 300px; position: absolute; transform: rotate(0deg); background: no-repeat;background-size: 300px 300px;cursor:pointer;"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">Les <em>pépites </em>!</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/retraite-club-troisieme-age-relations-sociales" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="148225" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">À Lyon en 1977, le club des retraités s'était installé à la maison des jeunes </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Retour en 1977 pour une immersion dans un club de retraités du quartier lyonnais de la Guillotière. Un joli récit sur les relations intergénérationnelles et les remèdes à la solitude. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/course-cycliste-paris-butte-montmartre-sacre-coeur-jeux-olympiques" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="150049" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">La butte Montmartre : une course cycliste redoutée des coureurs et adorée du public </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Samedi 3 août, le quartier pittoresque de la butte Montmartre a servi de décor à la course en ligne cycliste des Jeux olympiques, donnant lieu à des images d'une ferveur incroyable. Retour en archives sur quelques anciennes courses mémorables de ce quartier. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/18-aout-1959-l-austin-mini-se-devoile" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="151408" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">18 août 1959 : l'Austin Mini se dévoile </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> L'Austin Mini a 65 ans ! Elle a été révélée pour la première fois au public le 18 août 1959. Portrait d'une petite qui a tout d'une grande. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">Les <em>podcasts </em>de l'INA</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_360x360/public/2024-07/Monte_Cristo_3000_sans_Fculture_0.jpg?h=2e940e88&itok=9rpw-mv-" data-cache-rev="" alt="monte christo"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Le Comte de Monte-Christo </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Trahisons, vengeances, amours et rédemptions, retrouvez les aventures d’Edmond Dantès dans cette adaptation d'Alexandre Dumas diffusée en 1980 et 1981. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Écouter </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_360x360/public/2024-07/3000_3000_Vie_d%26%2339%3Bavant_JO_V6_0.jpg?itok=rJVCUuo0" data-cache-rev="" alt="vie d'avant"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">La vie d’avant (spéciale JO) </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> 1984. Gilbert et de Claire partent en cure de remise en forme dans un village de vacances du Club Med en Corrèze. Au programme équitation, tir à l'arc, tennis, et body building. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Écouter </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_360x360/public/2024-07/Les_archives_du_crime_Petiot_0.jpg?h=2e940e88&itok=UrY-NZug" data-cache-rev="" alt="petiot"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">L’affaire Docteur Petiot </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Après les affaires Landru, Marie Besnard et Christian Ranucci, "Les Archives du Crime" s’intéressent au Dr Petiot, tueur en série sous l’Occupation. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Écouter </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">Retour <em>vers </em>l'info</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/chouette-d-or-tresor-30-ans-chasse-au-tresor" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="156352" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">«La chouette d’or», la plus longue chasse au trésor </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Jeudi 3 octobre 2024 au matin, l'un des co-organisateur de «La chouette d’or», la plus longue chasse au trésor du monde, a annoncé sa fin. Elle avait été lancée en France, il y a 31 ans, le 15 mai 1993. Quelqu'un aurait trouvé, quelque part en France, dans un coffre, la statuette tant recherchée. Les chasseurs de trésor s'étaient cassés les dents sur l’emplacement du butin. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/aide-medicale-etat-histoire-etrangers-situation-irreguliere-loi-immigration" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="158212" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">L’AME, au cœur des tensions depuis sa création</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Le Premier ministre Michel Barnier va-t-il supprimer l’AME ? L’AME, c'est l'aide médicale d’État destinée aux étrangers en situation irrégulière sur le sol français. Pour la droite, elle cristallise les tensions depuis sa création, il y a plus de 20 ans. La gauche, elle, la défend. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/niki-de-st-phalle-art-peinture-artiste-feministe" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="156898" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Niki de Saint Phalle, une artiste féministe</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Charlotte Le Bon incarne Niki de Saint Phalle au cinéma. Une artiste phare du XXe siècle qui a fait de la défense des femmes son fil rouge pendant toute sa carrière. Retour en archives. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div 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<em>préférée </em></h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/actualites-ina/archive-preferee-camille-diao-lio-murielle-cerf-marie-trintignant-feminicide" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="147244" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Camille Diao : «Lio avait 10 ans d’avance» sur les violences faites aux femmes </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/actualites-ina/mon-archive-preferee/archive-preferee-pierre-haski-urss-apostrophes-communisme" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="137800" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Pierre Haski : «On pouvait s’engueuler à la télévision française pour savoir si le communisme c’était bien ou pas bien» </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 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<div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">La <em>revue </em>des médias</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between 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6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Lire sur <em>La revue des médias</em></span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_360x270/public/2024-10/La%20Croix%20-%20Carine%20Fritel%20%282%29%20%281%29.jpg?h=9efb3b97&itok=EVP1a1GF" data-cache-rev="" alt="ina"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Les révélations sur l'abbé Pierre font réagir les lecteurs de « La Croix »</div> <div class="dateAgenda 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</div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_360x270/public/2024-10/Prison%203.jpg?h=058174c3&itok=BWYkA7XF" data-cache-rev="" alt="ina"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Comment les journalistes enquêtent sur la prison</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Lire sur <em>La revue des médias</em></span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">«adn», l'<em>émission</em> de l'INA</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/farida-khelfa-adn-mannequin-mode" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="148036" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Farida Khelfa dans «adn» : «La muse est une artiste» </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Farida Khelfa, «c’est une star !». C’est ainsi que Jean-Paul Gaultier parle de sa «muse» dans une archive diffusée dans «adn». Celle qui a été mannequin vedette de Goude, Gaultier ou Alaïa revient sur cette époque où elle était le visage et le corps qui inspirait les créateurs. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/lio-adn-emission-feminisme" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="135100" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Les mots de Lio, la combattante : «Les grises sont pleines de surprises» </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> L'artiste protéiforme est l'invitée de «adn», l'émission de l'INA. Elle revient sur sa vie, ses douleurs et ses sources d'engagement. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/adn-mazarine-pingeot-francois-mitterrand" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="159337" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Mazarine M. Pingeot et «l’identité éclatée»</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Dans «adn», l’émission digitale de l’INA, Mazarine M. Pingeot revient sur la révélation de son existence dans «Paris Match», sur ses liens avec son père, François Mitterrand, mais aussi sur son œuvre d’écrivain et de philosophe. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="block-hub gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-flex align-items-end title-left"> <div class="divArrow"> <svg class="arrowTitle" viewBox="0 0 53 62" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.5004 62C26.8547 62 27.2018 61.9256 27.5242 61.791C27.843 61.6563 28.1335 61.465 28.3779 61.2206L52.2216 37.3736C53.2595 36.3355 53.2595 34.6527 52.2216 33.6146C51.1837 32.5766 49.501 32.5766 48.4631 33.6146L29.1572 52.9267L29.1572 2.65714C29.1572 1.1904 27.967 -1.09423e-06 26.5004 -1.15833e-06C25.0339 -1.22244e-06 23.8437 1.1904 23.8437 2.65714L23.8437 52.9267L4.53423 33.6146C3.49632 32.5766 1.81724 32.5766 0.779326 33.6146C0.258597 34.1354 2.29301e-06 34.8121 2.26312e-06 35.4959C2.23339e-06 36.1761 0.258597 36.8528 0.779326 37.3736L24.623 61.2206C24.8674 61.465 25.1579 61.6563 25.4767 61.791C25.7991 61.9256 26.1462 62 26.5004 62Z" fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">L'album <em>photo </em>de l'INA</h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/actualites-ina/l-album-photo/album-photo-paris-sous-la-neige-dans-les-annees-60" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="162259" alt="La forte chute de neige du 11 janvier 1966 avait paralysé la capitale. Crédits : INA."> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">À quoi ressemble vraiment Paris sous la neige</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> ALBUM PHOTO - Voici un retour en images sur les différents épisodes neigeux qui ont touché la capitale dans les années soixante. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/actualites-ina/l-album-photo/l-album-photo-le-couple-mythique-delon-schneider" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="151423" alt="Romy Schneider et Alain Delon posent sur une terrasse à Cannes où ils sont tous deux invités pour le Festival.&nbsp;Crédits : Jean-Claude Pierdet 7 mai 1962. "> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Romy Schneider et Alain Delon, un couple mythique à Cannes </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/actualites-ina/l-album-photo/album-photo-noel-fete-fin-annee-reveillon-nouvel-an" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="162235" alt="Jacqueline Joubert fête Noël avec des enfants devant les caméras de l'ORTF en 1955. Crédits :&nbsp;Gérard Landau."> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Les fêtes de fin d’année dans les années 50, 60 et 70</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> ALBUM PHOTO - Vitrines, illuminations, cadeaux, Père Noël... L’équipe de la photothèque de l'INA vous propose un voyage dans le monde merveilleux des fêtes de fin d’année. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lastBlocTheme"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="block-hub block-hub--orientation"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-content-center flex-wrap pb-5"> <div class="d-flex align-items-center firstBloc p-2 p-lg-0" style="background: #ffffff; color:Black"> <div class="divCenter blocLeft"> <h2 class="title-bloc-medium mt-md-5 widthBloc"> S'orienter dans la <em>galaxie</em> INA </h2> <div class="texte-bloc mt-4 widthBloc"> <p>Vous êtes particulier, professionnel des médias, enseignant, journaliste... ? Découvrez les sites de l'INA conçus pour vous, suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux, inscrivez-vous à nos newsletters.</p> </div> <div class="mt-4 btn-ghost"> <a href="/galaxie-ina" target="_self"> <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg><span><p>S'orienter</p> </span> </button> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex align-items-center firstBloc p-2 p-lg-0" style="background: #ff7766; color:Black"> <div class="divCenter blocRight"> <h2 class="title-bloc-medium mt-5 widthBloc"> Suivre Lumni Enseignement </h2> <div class="texte-bloc mt-4 widthBloc"> <p>Lumni Enseignement, c'est la plateforme éducative dédiée aux enseignants éditée par l'INA. Des milliers d’archives audio et vidéo recontextualisées, des articles et des parcours pédagogiques pour tous les enseignants et leurs élèves.</p> </div> <div class="mt-4 btn-n2"> <a href="" target="_blank" id="url-decouvrir"> <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> 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fill="black"/> </svg> </div> <h2 class="title-bloc">Le temps du <em>cool</em></h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/en-1970-cat-stevens-chante-lady-d-arbanville" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="154930" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">En 1970, Cat Stevens chante «Lady d'Arbanville» </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> C'est l'une des plus grandes ballades mélancoliques de Cat Stevens : «Lady D'Arbanville», écrite en 1970, évoque la fin d'une histoire d'amour, celle que le chanteur vivait alors avec l'actrice Patti D'Arbanville. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg 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class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="157540" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">1974 : la première Fiac à Paris</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Cette année, la grande foire d'art contemporain Art Basel Paris se déroule du 18 au 20 octobre au Grand Palais. Il y a quelques années, cet évènement, c'était la Fiac ! Mais saviez-vous que la première édition s'est déroulée en 1974 ? Retour sur cet événement en images. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="/ina-eclaire-actu/mode-hedi-slimane-dior-celine-chanel-lvmh-pinault" target="_self" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="" data-cache-rev="156805" alt=""> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">2003 : Hedi Slimane, «le styliste pour homme le plus intéressant au monde»</div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Le créateur Hedi Slimane a quitté Celine où il était entré en 2018. Retour en quelques archives sur ce qu'il a apporté à la mode. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder </span> </button> </div> </div> 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class="title-bloc">Et le jeudi soir, c'est <em>Rembob'INA...</em></h2> </div> <div class="mt-5 blocThematique gtm-print-list"> <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-around justify-content-xxl-between flex-wrap d-block"> <div class="bloc-contenu"> <div class="widthObjet widthObjet--blocContenu"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="children-link"> <img class="img-fluid lozad" data-src="/hub-p/public/styles/crop_scale_360x270/public/2024-04/Capture%20d%E2%80%99e%CC%81cran%202024-04-02%20a%CC%80%2010.01.26.png?h=deff3289&itok=NI24KO2G" data-cache-rev="" alt="nina simone"> <div class="title-bloc-small mt-4 mb-4">Nina Simone : le concert inédit </div> <div class="dateAgenda mt-3"></div> <div class="texte-bloc mb-4 mt-2"> Rembob'INA met à l'honneur une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle avec son premier récital en France à Juan Les Pins en 1965. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" 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d'Emmaüs est en compagnie de deux proches collaborateurs, Martin Hirsch et Laurent Desmard. </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class=""> <div class="btn-link-arrow" > <button class="btn-hub"> <svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 18 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.7518 7.48075C17.7518 7.38075 17.7305 7.28275 17.6919 7.19175C17.6534 7.10175 17.5986 7.01975 17.5286 6.95075L10.7008 0.21975C10.4036 -0.07325 9.92173 -0.07325 9.62452 0.21975C9.3273 0.51275 9.3273 0.98775 9.62452 1.28075L15.1539 6.73075H0.760791C0.340834 6.73075 0 7.06675 0 7.48075C0 7.89475 0.340834 8.23075 0.760791 8.23075H15.1539L9.62452 13.6818C9.3273 13.9748 9.3273 14.4487 9.62452 14.7417C9.77363 14.8888 9.96738 14.9618 10.1632 14.9618C10.3579 14.9618 10.5517 14.8888 10.7008 14.7417L17.5286 8.01075C17.5986 7.94175 17.6534 7.85975 17.6919 7.76975C17.7305 7.67875 17.7518 7.58075 17.7518 7.48075Z" fill="$hubsvg"/> </svg> <span class="libelle" >Regarder sur 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