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toggleImgSrc('m837_img400', 'images/plus.png', 'images/minus.png'); return false;" class="inactive level1 haschild" href="unique-cultural-history"><span >Why Greece</span></a> <ul class="treemenu_m837_parent_400"> <li class="inactive level2 "> <a title="" class="inactive level2" href=""><span >Unique Cultural History</span></a> </li> <li class="inactive level2 "> <a title="" class="inactive level2" href=""><span >Ideal Climate</span></a> </li> <li class="inactive level2 "> <a title="" class="inactive level2" href=""><span >Natural Environment</span></a> </li> <li class="inactive level2 "> <a title="" class="inactive level2" href=""><span >Gastronomy & Hospitality</span></a> </li> <li class="inactive level2 "> <a title="" class="inactive level2" href=""><span >Infrastructure</span></a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="inactive level1 haschild "> <a title="" onclick="javascript:$('.treemenu_m837_parent_441').toggleClass('open'); toggleImgSrc('m837_img441', 'images/plus.png', 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</li> <li class="inactive level1 epub"> <a title="" class="inactive level1" href=""><span class='span_epub'>Scientific e-Publishing Services</span></a> </li> <li class="active level1 dm"> <a title="" class="active level1" href=""><span class='span_dm'>Events & Destination Management</span></a> </li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="amodule" id="am_821"><div class="htmlbox"><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="amodule" id="am_822"> <div class="showform"> <div class="showform"> <script type="text/javascript" class="execonAjax"> function submitform(formid) { document.getElementById(formid).submit(); } function remove_msg() { setTimeout(function(){ $(".savemessage").fadeOut('slow'); }, 1000); } </script> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-9"> <div id="main" class="normal"> <div class="amodule" id="am_35"> <div class="hidden">608811212</div> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery.blockUI.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" class="execonAjax"> $(document).ready(function() { }); </script> <div style="display: none;" class="statuscont statuscont_475078042"> <span class="statusmsg" id="statusid"> </span> </div> </div><div class="amodule" id="am_378"><div class="htmlbox"><h2>Events &amp; Destination Management - DMC</h2><h3><span style="color: #f15c24;">Corporate Events</span></h3><p>Corporate events should be more than just an obligation鈥攖hey should be an opportunity to inspire, engage, and leave a lasting impact. At CONVIN, we specialize in transforming your company events into memorable experiences that resonate with your audience and reflect your brand's values.</p><p>Say goodbye to monotonous gatherings where enthusiasm is absent. With our expertise, we bring creativity and energy to your events, ensuring they are not only enjoyable but also effective in achieving your goals. Our team studies your company's objectives, crafting every detail to align with your corporate identity. From innovative invitations and bespoke decorations to tailored menus and custom artistic performances, every element is designed to enhance your event's success.</p><p>Our track record speaks for itself. We have organized highly successful corporate events both in Greece and internationally, demonstrating our ability to deliver exceptional results.</p><p>Our Corporate Event Services Include:</p><ul><li>Tailored Event Planning: Detailed organization of the event, customized to meet your specific needs and goals.</li><li>Diverse Venue Options: A wide selection of locations and setups to perfectly match your event's theme and purpose.</li><li>Creative Design &amp; Production: Crafting and producing invitations, menus, brochures, and more, all designed to reflect your brand.</li><li>Multimedia Production: Creating informative films and presentations that effectively communicate your message.</li><li>Souvenir &amp; Gift Procurement: Conducting market research and sourcing memorable promotional gifts.</li><li>Press &amp; Media Coordination: Composing press releases and promoting your event through various media channels.</li><li>Artistic Event Creation: Proposing unique and high-quality artistic performances to elevate your event.</li><li>Participant Transportation: Coordinating smooth and reliable transportation for all attendees to and from the event.</li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p><h3><span style="color: #f15c24;">CONVIN Powers Huawei's Global Launch</span></h3><p><img src="assets/Huawei_CONVIN_sm.jpg" border="0" width="800" height="316" /><br /><br />CONVIN supported Huawei in the successful launch of their Alpha Series Antenna at the Global Antenna Technology &amp; Industry Forum 2024 in Athens. Huawei鈥檚 groundbreaking product required a sophisticated, well-coordinated event to match its innovation. Through careful planning and efficient execution, CONVIN ensured the event鈥檚 success, highlighting their capacity to deliver high-profile corporate events on a global scale.<br /><br /></p><h3><span style="color: #f15c24;">Destination Management</span></h3><h4><span style="color: #f15c24;"><em>Why Choose Greece</em></span></h4><p>Greece is a land of timeless beauty and rich heritage, positioned at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Its profound historical and cultural legacy continues to influence the modern world in literature, art, philosophy, and more.</p><p>Despite its size, Greece offers an astonishing variety of landscapes:</p><ul><li>Majestic Mountains: Perfect for exploration and adventure.</li><li>Biodiverse Lakes: Home to rare bird species and serene natural beauty.</li><li>Lush Forests: Ideal for those seeking tranquility and connection with nature.</li><li>Over 2,500 Islands: From arid islands characterized by the iconic blue and white hues to verdant ones where forests meet emerald waters.</li></ul><p>Every corner of Greece is an archaeological treasure trove, and each town boasts its own unique history, traditions, and attractions. Moreover, Greece is a culinary haven, offering fresh, locally-sourced ingredients like vegetables, legumes, olives, fruits, fresh fish, and seafood, all of which make its cuisine a true delight.</p><p>Since hosting the Olympic Games in 2004, Greece has undergone significant infrastructure development. Modern harbors, airports, motorways, subways, and accommodations now dot the country, built to the highest international standards, making Greece a top choice for both conferences and tourism.</p><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="unique-cultural-history" style="text-align: center; font-size: 16px;"><button style="background-color: #f15c24; border: none; color: white; padding: 20px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; margin: 4px 2px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 8px;">Read more about Greece</button></a></div><h4><span style="color: #f15c24;"><em>Our DMC services</em></span></h4><p>Our deep passion for Greece and our belief in its potential as a premier conference and tourist destination drive us to continuously explore and uncover its hidden gems. We are committed to highlighting the quality of our region by rigorously researching and evaluating our suppliers to ensure the highest standards of service.</p><p>Whether you need to organize a conference, corporate event, promotional event, or leisure travel, we are ready to meet your every requirement. We recommend only the best hotels, restaurants, transportation, and multilingual, experienced guides, ensuring top-notch services at competitive prices.</p><p>Our DMC Services Include:</p><ul><li>Accommodation: Bookings in selected 3, 4, or 5-star hotels.</li><li>Travel Arrangements: Assistance with air tickets, ferry tickets, and car rentals.</li><li>Yacht Charters: Offering luxurious yacht rentals for an exclusive experience.</li><li>Luxury Transportation: New and luxurious buses with professional drivers, as well as private transportation with luxury taxis or limousines and English-speaking chauffeurs.</li><li>Guided Tours: Expertly guided tours in multiple languages by licensed professionals.</li></ul><p>Let CONVIN be your trusted partner in event and destination management, ensuring every detail is perfect and every experience unforgettable.<br /><br /></p><p><span style="color: #f15c24;"><strong>Cultural Immersion: Crafting Unforgettable Destination Events in Greece</strong></span></p><p><strong>Dance into Greek Heritage: An Evening of Greek Dancing<br /></strong>Discover the magic of Greek culture through a captivating Greek Dancing Class. This exclusive event invites you to experience the vibrant rhythms and rich traditions of Greece in a setting where sophistication meets natural beauty.</p><p>Join us for an evening where you鈥檒l be guided by experienced instructors through traditional Greek dances, offering you an authentic taste of Greece鈥檚 cultural heritage. This one-hour class not only promises to teach you the graceful moves of Greek dance but also aims to foster a sense of community and connection among participants. The event is designed to create an engaging and enjoyable atmosphere, encouraging camaraderie and memorable interactions.</p><p>Whether you鈥檙e a dance enthusiast or simply curious about Greek traditions, this class offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Greece鈥檚 lively heritage. With laughter, learning, and socializing on the agenda, you鈥檒l leave with cherished memories and new friendships. Don鈥檛 miss this chance to experience Greek culture in a truly enchanting setting.</p><p><strong>Implemented at IGARSS 2024</strong>, this event provided a vibrant and engaging way for attendees to connect with Greek heritage in a memorable and interactive way.<br /><a href="news-2024"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Read more</span></a></p><p><strong>Embrace the Spirit of the Olympics: A Symbolic Marathon at the Panathenaic Stadium<br /></strong>Step back in time and embrace the legacy of the ancient Olympic Games with a symbolic marathon at the iconic Panathenaic Stadium, originally built in the 4th century BCE. This historic venue, which hosted the revival of the Olympic Games in 1896, provides a profound link between ancient and modern athletic traditions.</p><p>This unique event transcends a typical race; it鈥檚 a celebration of athleticism, historical heritage, and the enduring spirit of competition. The stadium鈥檚 white Attic marble and storied past create a powerful backdrop for this unforgettable experience.</p><p>Participants have the option to complete between 0 to 10 laps, with a focus on personal achievement and the joy of the journey rather than competitive victory. For those preferring a more reflective experience, the marathon offers a rare opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich historical tapestry of a globally significant monument.</p><p>By taking part in this symbolic marathon, participants honor the ancient ideals of the Olympic Games while connecting with the timeless values of sportsmanship and human endeavor.<br /><br /><img src="assets/CONVIN_website_photo_Events_sm.jpg" border="0" width="600" height="237" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></p><p><strong>Implemented at WCT 2023 and ISBI 2024</strong>, this event allowed delegates to experience the thrill of running through history and celebrate the profound legacy of the Panathenaic Stadium.</p></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-fluid"> <div id="why-greece" class="normal"> <div class="amodule" id="am_858"><div class="htmlbox"><div class="mightySlider mightyslider_modern_skin why-greece"><!-- PARENT --><div class="frame"><!-- FRAME --><div class="slideelement"><!-- SLIDEELEMENT --><div class="slide1" data-mightyslider="cover: 'images/site/why-greece-1.jpg'"><!-- SLIDE --><div class="container"><div class="mSCaption whiteTitle" data-msanimation="{ speed: 300, style: { top: 30, opacity: 1 } }"><div class="content-border"><h2>Why Greece?</h2><h3>Unique Cultural History</h3><p>Greece is considered to be the cradle of Western culture and democracy. In recent years, has become a top tourist destination, both for Europeans and for people from every corner of the Earth. The combination of state-of-the-art facilities and the unique cultural history attracts travelers, who wish to experience a voyage to the past and enjoy the present.</p></div><p><a href="unique-cultural-history" class="moreButton">READ MORE</a></p></div></div></div><div class="slide2" data-mightyslider="cover: 'images/site/why-greece-2.jpg'"><!-- SLIDE --><div class="container"><div class="mSCaption whiteTitle" data-msanimation="{ speed: 300, style: { top: 30, opacity: 1 } }"><div class="content-border"><h2>Why Greece?</h2><h3>Ideal Climate</h3><p>The climate in Greece is typical Mediterranean, mild with almost 300 days with sunshine, in Athens and the Islands, throughout the year. The daily mean temprature in athens in the winter is above 10掳C (50掳F)&nbsp;and during the summer, even if the daily mean temperature is relativly high with 27,5掳C&nbsp;(81,5掳F),&nbsp;the low relative humidity (below 50%) and the NE-wind from the Aegean Sea maintain a very pleasant feeling. One can say that the summer in Greece lasts from April to October, sometimes until November.</p></div><p><a href="ideal-climate" class="moreButton">READ MORE</a></p></div></div></div><div class="slide2" data-mightyslider="cover: 'images/site/why-greece-4-2.jpg'"><!-- SLIDE --><div class="container"><div class="mSCaption whiteTitle" data-msanimation="{ speed: 300, style: { top: 30, opacity: 1 } }"><div class="content-border"><h2>Why Greece?</h2><h3>Natural Environment</h3><p>In Greece, the wide range of geomorphologic conditions enables a high diversity in the ecosystems. The sea is the most consistent influence on the physical environment of Greece. The elaborately irregular Greek coastline, the longest in the Mediterranean Basin, counts 13.700 kilometers (8.500 miles).</p></div><p><a href="natural-environment" class="moreButton">READ MORE</a></p></div></div></div><div class="slide2" data-mightyslider="cover: 'images/site/why-greece-3.jpg'"><!-- SLIDE --><div class="container"><div class="mSCaption whiteTitle" data-msanimation="{ speed: 300, style: { top: 30, opacity: 1 } }"><div class="content-border"><h2>Why Greece?</h2><h3>Gastronomy &amp; Hospitality</h3><p>Greeks are known all over the world for their gastronomy and hospitality. In every greek home there is always a place where a guest can stay and there is always enough food to cater to every guests taste. The fact that the word "xenos" can be translated to both foreigner and guest, shows the strong cultural affinity of the Greeks to hospitality.</p></div><p><a href="gastronomy-hospitality" class="moreButton">READ MORE</a></p></div></div></div><div class="slide2" data-mightyslider="cover: 'images/site/why-greece-5.jpg'"><!-- SLIDE --><div class="container"><div class="mSCaption whiteTitle" data-msanimation="{ speed: 300, style: { top: 30, opacity: 1 } }"><div class="content-border"><h2>Why Greece?</h2><h3>Infrastructure</h3><p>Greece has a developed Infrastructure, that enebles the flawless integration of every aspect of an event. Starting from the Athens International Airport, one of the best in Europe, and following to the Highways, one can reach the modern city hotels and resorts in Athens and mainland. Further, through domestic flights and highly modernised seaways there is a variety of islands offering plaesant travel extensions.</p></div><p><a href="infrastructure" class="moreButton">READ MORE</a></p></div></div></div><div class="slide2" data-mightyslider="cover: 'images/site/this-is-athens.jpg', link: {url: '', target: '_blank'}"><!-- SLIDE --></div></div></div></div></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="container-fluid newsletter-subscribe"> <div class="container"> <div id="newsletter-subscribe" class="normal"> <div class="amodule" id="am_806"> <div class="showform"> <div class="showform"> <script type="text/javascript" class="execonAjax"> function submitform(formid) { document.getElementById(formid).submit(); } function remove_msg() { setTimeout(function(){ $(".savemessage").fadeOut('slow'); }, 1000); } </script> <script type="text/javascript" class="execonAjax"> function save_data_4(curpage, gotopage) { var formdata = $(':input', "#showform4").serialize(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: formdata+"&formid=2&=", url:"[806][action]/savetmpdata", success:function(data) { if(data) window.location=curpage; 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