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Your privacy is important to us.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy discloses the privacy practices and procedures of Genesis Global Group and its affiliates (collectively, “GGG” or “we” or “us”) in connection with our websites (“Sites”). By visiting and using GGG’s Sites, you are giving your consent to the terms outlined in this Policy.</p> <h2>Information You Provide</h2> <p>Information you provide to us through our Sites may include, but is not limited to:</p> <ul class="disc"> <li>Contact details, such as your name, email address, postal address and telephone number;</li> <li>Usernames and passwords;</li> <li>Educational and professional background information;</li> <li>Comments, feedback, and posts; and</li> <li>Interests and communication preferences.</li> </ul> <p>You may be asked to provide additional information when participating in a survey by GGG.</p> <p>Financial Information - Financial information and payment data (e.g., credit card numbers) that you provide to us via our payment links is encrypted by using secure socket layer (“SSL”) encryption technology, which employs a 128-bit encryption system. Your financial information is safeguarded and may only be accessed by GGG employees who maintain password and job-required access rights.</p> <h2>Automatically Collected Information</h2> <p>Information automatically collected occurs by our servers and through the use of cookies (small text files sent to your computer), web beacons (also known as clear or single pixel .gifs) and other related technologies tells us how you use our Sites. This information includes, but is not limited to:</p> <ul class="disc"> <li>Internet Protocol ("IP") addresses used to connect your computer to the internet;</li> <li>Computer, device and connection information, such as browser type and version, operating system, mobile platform and unique device identifier ("UDID") and other technical identifiers;</li> <li>Uniform Resource Locator ("URL") click stream data, including date and time stamp, referring and exit URLs, search terms you used, and pages you visited or searched for while using our Sites; and</li> <li>The physical location of your device in order to provide you with relevant content for your location.</li> </ul> <p>Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser settings to remove or reject cookies. Disabling cookies in your browser, however, may prevent access to some features of our services. We do not link the information we store in cookies to any personally identifiable information you submit while using our Sites. We also use Web beacons to deliver cookies, count visits, understand usage and campaign effectiveness and to tell if an email has been opened.</p> <h2 class="phi">Protected Health Information</h2> <p class="phi">Under the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1986 (“HIPAA”) and its regulations related to patient privacy, GGG is required to provide you with a <a href="" class="highlight"><strong>Notice of Privacy Practices</strong></a>. Some of our Services (e.g., the “Patient Portal”) collect Personal Health Information (“PHI”) and our use and disclosure of PHI are specifically governed by our Notice of Privacy Practices.</p> <p class="phi">Various GGG webpages give users the option to make electronic payment for certain services. Information from these bill payment links do not display or transmit any PHI about you or information from your account. GGG maintains all PHI within the GGG information system (“IS”) firewalls that operate on separate GGG mainframes/servers. The general public does not have access to our mainframes/servers, and therefore cannot access to your PHI.</p> <h2>How We Use Your Information</h2> <p>GGG uses information collected through our Sites for purposes described in this Policy or disclosed to you on our Sites. For example, we may use your information to:</p> <ul class="disc"> <li>operate and improve our Sites and services;</li> <li>respond to your comments and questions;</li> <li>provide and deliver products and services you request;</li> <li>send you related information, including confirmations, invoices, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;</li> <li>better understand you so that we may tailor services based on your interests, preferences, needs and specialties;</li> <li>communicate with you via email about commercial, non-commercial, sponsored and non-sponsored information (if you do not wish to receive these kinds of emails, you may choose to opt out by contacting GGG at; and</li> <li>provide you special offers, promotions, surveys and other information, as well as products, events and services of ours, our affiliates and non-affiliated third parties (if you do not wish to receive these invitations, you may choose to opt out by contacting GGG at</li> </ul> <h2>Disclosure of Your Information</h2> <p>GGG does not share personal information or mobile information with affiliates or third parties for marketing and/or promotional purposes. Further, GGG does not share personal information or mobile information unless one or more of the following circumstances applies:</p> <ul class="disc"> <li>With your consent;</li> <li>With third party vendors, consultants and other service providers with whom we contract with to help us provide our Sites and services;</li> <li>To comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal process or to respond to lawful requests;</li> <li>To protect our rights and property or the rights and property of our agents, customers, and others including to enforce our agreements, policies and Terms and Conditions of Use;</li> <li>In an emergency to protect the safety of GGG and its customers;</li> <li>In connection with or during negotiation of any merger, financing, acquisition or bankruptcy transaction or proceeding involving sale or transfer of all or a portion of our business or assets to another company.</li> </ul> <h2>Third Party Links</h2> <p>GGG’s Sites may contain links to a number of third party websites that may provide useful information. Links that transfer you to a third party website are not maintained by GGG and may contain different privacy policies than that of GGG. GGG is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of third party websites.</p> <h2>Data Security</h2> <p>GGG uses reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, copying, use or destruction. All data gathered by our Sites is stored by us in a secure, password-protected database and only we have access to this database. No method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure; as a result, we cannot guarantee absolute data security.</p> <h2>Privacy Choices</h2> <p>If you create an account on any of our Sites we will retain your information for as long as your account is active. You may amend any inaccuracies or update your profile, including your personal information and email preferences, at any time. You may opt-out of any promotional emails at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions in the promotional emails you receive from us, by updating your email preferences or by sending an email to</p> <p>If you request to deactivate your account or delete your personal information, we will endeavor to fulfill your request, but some personal information may persist in backup copies for a certain period of time and may be retained as necessary for legitimate business purposes or to comply with our legal obligations.</p> <h2>Changes to Our Policy</h2> <p>GGG reserves the right change this Policy to reflect changes to our practices from time to time. Any changes will be reflected on this page. Review this Policy periodically to ensure that you are aware of any changes.</p> <h2>Minors</h2> <p>GGG is committed to the protection of children's privacy, security, and safety. Our Sites are created for an adult audience and are not designed or intended to attract children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly solicit, collect, or accept any information from children on this Site. If you become aware that your child has provided us with information without your consent, please contact us at</p> <h2>Contact</h2> <p>Our goal is to respect your privacy and we encourage your feedback to help us improve our Policy. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at:</p> <p><em>This Privacy Policy was last updated on December 30, 2015</em>.</p> </div> </section> </main> <div id="modal"> <!--<div id="redirect-modal" class="modal_overlay"> <div class="modal _redirect"> <span class="modal_icon"></span> <p class="modal_text">You are about to be redirected to an external website</p> <div class="modal_row"> <button id="modal-close" class="btn">Cancel</button> <a href="" class="btn _submit">Continue</a> </div> </div> </div>--> <div id="optin-modal" class="modal_overlay"> <div class="modal _optin"> <span class="modal_icon"></span> <p class="modal_text">Before you download, please fill out some info so we can discuss our services with you</p> <div class="modal_body"> <form class="form specific" data-sth="downloads"> <div class="form_msg"> <p class="status">Thank you for your message!</p> </div> <div class="field required"> <input placeholder="Optional" class="if" type="text" name="d_name" required /> <label for="last-name">Name</label> </div> <div class="field required"> <input placeholder="Optional" class="if" type="email" name="d_email" required /> <label for="email">Email</label> </div> <div class="field"> <input placeholder="Optional" class="if" type="number" name="d_phone" /> <label for="phone">Phone</label> </div> <input type="hidden" name="link"> <input type="hidden" name="key_code" value="517fbbb8a3724099eac23b713223315d"> <input type="hidden" class="timer" name="timer" value=""> <label style="display: block;height:0;"> <input type="text" name="catch" style="height: 100%; border:0; padding:0;"> </label> <div class="modal_row"> <button id="modal-close" type="button" class="btn">Cancel</button> <div> <a href="" class="btn _submit">Skip</a> <button type="submit" class="btn _submit">Continue</button> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="footer"> <div class="footer_bg in_view_check"> <div class="footer_content"> <div class="footer_container container"> <div class="footer_info"> <div class="footer_info_wrap"> <img class="footer_info_img" alt="Icon Map" src="" /> </div> <span class="footer_info_text">1000 Waterview Dr<br>Hamilton, NJ 08691</span> </div> <div class="footer_info"> <div class="footer_info_wrap"> <img class="footer_info_img" alt="Icon Phone" src="" /> </div> <span class="footer_info_text _strong"> 510-649-9016<br> </span> </div> <div class="footer_info"> <div class="footer_info_wrap"> <img class="footer_info_img" alt="Icon Fax" src="" /> </div> <span class="footer_info_text _strong">609-227-0255</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="subfooter in_view_check"> <div class="subfooter_content container"> <div class="subfooter_links"> <a class="subfooter_text" href="">Terms of Use</a> <a class="subfooter_text" href="">Privacy Policy</a> </div> <p class="subfooter_text">©2024 Integrated Analytical Solutions, Inc., All Rights Reserved.</p> </div> </div> </footer> </body> </html>