CINXE.COM About Us : How the project is funded

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As the owning and managing organization, Erowid Center covers server space and bandwidth costs, and invests hundreds of staff hours per year on DrugsData administration, answering questions, and maintenance.</p> <p>In 2016, Erowid Center dedicated over 700 staff hours to this project, and paid $67,500 in direct costs to the analytical toxicology lab that conducts the testing, in addition to $8,100 in other lab-related direct costs.</p> DrugsData subsidizes the costs of testing that are not covered by co-pays. Currently, lab-related direct costs are US$150 per sample analyzed.</p> </div> <!-- Start Right Sidebar --> <div id="Sidebar"> <div class="SidebarModuleTop"> <div class="SidebarModule"> <h3>Send in a sample for testing</h3> <p>DrugsData tests all psychoactive drugs including ecstasy tablets, powders, research chemicals, novel pschoactive substances, and other drugs through our licensed laboratory. Ecstasy/Molly tablets cost $100. Recreational drug powder/crystal/blotter costs $100. Pharmaceuticals, supplements and all others cost $150 per analysis. </p> <a class="SidebarButton" href="/send_sample.php"><span>Learn more</span></a> </div> </div> <div class="SidebarModuleTop"> <div class="SidebarModule"> <h3>Support DrugsData</h3> <p>Should the public have access to independent analysis of the products they consume?</p> <p>The vast majority of analyses of over-the-counter, prescription, and recreational drugs are performed in secret with no independent oversite or review. No other historical record, free from politically-controlled agencies, is currently available in North America nor most other parts of the world.</p> <p>DrugsData, a project of Erowid Center, needs the support of professionals, students, parents, individuals with means, and small foundations for a total yearly budget of around $120,000 USD. Erowid Center's general budget and the co-pays we require fund most of this cost.</p> <a class="SidebarButton" href=""><span>Donate now</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Right Sidebar --> </div> <!-- End Content Wrapper --> <div id="PushFooter"></div> </div> <!-- End Outside Wrapper --> <div id="Footer"> <!-- Start Footer: includes/footer.php--> <div class="FooterRowOne">&#169; <a name="copyright-footer">Copyright 2001 - 2024 Erowid Center.</a> All rights reserved. By using this site you agree not to publish results or analysis of our data without written permission from Erowid Center.<br/> Permission required before reproducing or using in other software or system. DrugsData is a project of <a href="">Erowid Center</a>. </div><br/> <div class="FooterRowTwo"><a href="/results.php">Test Results</a> <span class="FooterDivider">&#183;</span> <a href="stats.php">Test Result Statistics</a> <span class="FooterDivider">&#183;</span> <a href="about_data.php">About Tests &amp; Data</a> <span class="FooterDivider">&#183;</span> <a href="about.php">About Us</a> <span class="FooterDivider">&#183;</span> <a href="contact.php">Contact Us</a> <span class="FooterDivider">&#183;</span> <a href="about_funding.php">Support DrugsData</a> <span class="FooterDivider">&#183;</span> <a href="send_sample.php">Send in a Sample for Testing</a> </div> <!-- End Footer : includes/footer.php --></div> </body> </html>

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