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md:prose-h2:text-[40px] prose-h2:leading-[38px] md:prose-h2:leading-[48px] prose-h2:mb-[.625rem] prose-h3:text-blue prose-h3:text-[28px] prose-h3:leading-[36px] prose-ul:ml-0 md:prose-ul:ml-12 prose-ol:ml-0 md:prose-ol:ml-12 marker:prose-ul:text-blue marker:prose-ol:text-blue "> <h2>Our mission is to develop champions in tennis, education and wellness.</h2> <p>The Harlem Junior Tennis and Education Program (HJTEP), is a not-for-profit organization that has kept its doors open nearly 365 days a week for the past 50 years to boys and girls who reside in the high-risk, low-income neighborhood of Central Harlem, and other parts of NYC. The majority of our student-athlete population are students of color.聽During the school year we serve 800+/- students, and enroll between 150-300 students in our summer programs.</p> <p>What our student-athletes experience on the courts, and in our education &amp; wellness programs, develops the whole child鈥攊n sports, school and life. Tennis teaches kids essential life skills, sportsmanship, self-discipline, social and emotional competence, as well as how to fight obesity and lead healthier lives. Each week, they also dedicate time to improving their academic excellence and communication skills, working on self-development, and a consistently supported positive code of conduct.聽 We leverage tennis as a medium to provide academic and athletic support, and to promote physical and mental wellness among a diverse group of inner-city youth.</p> <p>Champions in school, tennis, and life, our success is measured holistically: encapsulating what children do on the court, how they perform in the classroom, and how they navigate their futures. Participation in HJTEP's enrichment programs instills students with confidence, strengthens executive functioning skills and character to help them become leaders in their communities and beyond.<br /></p> <p>Review our <strong><a href="">2021 Annual Report</a></strong>.<br /></p> </div> <div class="px-10 py-12 mb-10 border-y-2 border-green lg:flex lg:gap-12 lg:items-center"> <div class="text-green font-semibold text-[80px] leading-[90px]"> 95% </div> <div class="prose prose-p:text-[28px] prose-p:leading-[42px] prose-p:text-blue prose-p:font-semibold"> <p>95% of our participants earn a high school diploma, compared to the 67% of students who graduate from high school citywide and only 25% in Central Harlem.</p> </div> </div> <div class="mb-10 prose prose-p:mb-6 max-w-full prose-h2:text-blue prose-h2:text-[32px] md:prose-h2:text-[40px] prose-h2:leading-[38px] md:prose-h2:leading-[48px] prose-h2:mb-[.625rem] prose-h3:text-blue prose-h3:text-[28px] prose-h3:leading-[36px] prose-ul:ml-0 md:prose-ul:ml-12 prose-ol:ml-0 md:prose-ol:ml-12 marker:prose-ul:text-blue marker:prose-ol:text-blue "> <h2>Our Student-Athletes</h2> <p>HJTEP youth take tennis seriously, knowing it will enrich their lives. Equally important, our program emphasizes educational assessment and excellence, wellness and nutritional support, opportunities for self-development and character building through a positive code of conduct. As they perfect their game and apply the values we teach, they become productive citizens in school, career and life.</p> <ul><li><strong>25% earn tennis scholarships to leading colleges</strong></li><li><strong>65% receive non-athletic financial aid</strong></li><li><strong>80% of HJTEP graduates聽attend college at leading private and public institutions</strong><strong></strong></li></ul> <h2>Our Graduates</h2> <p>Our graduates enroll at top colleges and universities, including:</p> <ul><li>Colby</li><li>Columbia University</li><li>Dartmouth College</li><li>Hampton University</li><li>Harvard University</li><li>Howard University</li><li>Morehouse College</li><li>Mt. Holyoke</li><li>NYU</li><li>Rutgers University</li><li>Syracuse University</li><li>Temple University</li><li>Tulane University</li><li>Xavier University of LABuild Champions in Tennis and Life</li></ul> <h2>Build Champions in Tennis and Life</h2> <p>We rely on financial support from individuals and institutions to provide equal access to the sport of tennis and our proven educational and wellness programs for our neighborhood youth.</p> </div> <aside class="bg-blue border-b-[10px] border-green mb-10 -mx-5 lg:mx-0"> <div class="px-4 py-[35px] lg:py-0 lg:px-0 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-[auto_auto]"> <div class="grid items-center mb-4 lg:px-10 lg:mb-0 lg:min-h-[194px]"> <h3 class="text-light-green text-2xl leading-8 lg:text-[28px] lg:leading-[36px] font-semibold">Help us open the door to tennis, education, and wellness programs to more of our neighborhood youth.</h3> </div> <div class="relative flex lg:justify-center items-center lg:min-h-[100px] lg:before:bg-[url('../images/bg-hero-sm.jpg')] lg:before:absolute lg:before:inset-0 lg:after:bg-blue/60 lg:after:absolute lg:after:inset-0 lg:px-4 xl:w-[300px]"> <a href="/ways-to-give/donate" class="button medtolarge min-w-[220px] z-[1] relative">Donate</a> </div> </div> </aside> </div> <aside class="mt-10 sm:mt-0 sm:self-start sm:sticky sm:top-0"> <div class="mb-8 bg-footer-light-green"> <h2 class="bg-green text-dark-blue text-[28px] p-5 flex items-center justify-between gap-10"> <span>Become a Partner</span> <span><img src="/images/icon-racquets-blue.svg" alt="Blue tennis racquets" width="62"></span> </h2> <div class="p-5"> <p>Interested in supporting our聽programs?</p> <a href="/ways-to-give/partnerships" class="mt-6 button medium hollow">Learn More</a> </div> </div> <div class="mb-8 bg-footer-light-green"> <h2 class="bg-green text-dark-blue text-[28px] p-5 flex items-center justify-between gap-10"> <span>Ways to Give</span> <span><img src="/images/icon-heart-blue.svg" alt="Blue heart icon" width="50"></span> </h2> <div class="p-5"> <p>Join the HJTEP family by聽making a one-time or monthly gift online or by mail, bequests, planned giving, donating stock or options via wire transfer.</p> <picture> <source type="image/webp" srcset=" 680w" sizes="33vw" > <img src="" srcset=" 680w" sizes="33vw" height="400" width="640" class="w-full mt-5 hidden lg:block" alt="Aerial on-court tennis practice scene including many kids within the Armory" loading="lazy" > </picture> <a href="/ways-to-give/donate" class="mt-6 button medium hollow">Donate</a> </div> </div> <div class="mb-8 bg-footer-light-green"> <h2 class="bg-green text-dark-blue text-[28px] p-5 flex items-center justify-between gap-10"> <span>Subscribe</span> <span><img src="/images/icon-mailing-list.svg" alt="Envelope with @ symbol" width="62"></span> </h2> <div class="p-5"> <p>Receive our news and updates in your inbox. Subscribe to our mailing list.</p> <div id="mc_embed_signup" class="mt-6"> <div id="mc_embed_shell"> <form action=";id=ec9d35a0fe&amp;f_id=00ce22e0f0" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank"> <input type="hidden" name="tags" value="15367911"> <label for="mce-FNAME"> <div class="sr-only">First Name <div class="right required"><span class="asterisk">*</span> Required</div></div> <input type="text" value="" name="FNAME" class="w-full p-4 leading-none border bg-footer-light-green border-dark-blue text-dark-blue placeholder:text-dark-blue placeholder:text-4" id="mce-FNAME" required="" placeholder="FIRST NAME"> </label> <label for="mce-MMERGE3" class="block mt-4"> <div class="sr-only">Email Address <div class="right required"><span class="asterisk">*</span> Required</div></div> <input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="w-full p-4 leading-none border bg-footer-light-green border-dark-blue text-dark-blue 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0-.447 2.318c0 .823.15 1.596.447 2.318a6.032 6.032 0 0 0 1.226 1.896 5.756 5.756 0 0 0 1.818 1.278c.692.31 1.433.466 2.223.466.79 0 1.53-.155 2.224-.466a5.785 5.785 0 0 0 1.817-1.278 6.041 6.041 0 0 0 1.226-1.896 6.034 6.034 0 0 0 .447-2.318c0-.824-.15-1.595-.447-2.318a6.013 6.013 0 0 0-1.226-1.896 5.766 5.766 0 0 0-1.817-1.279 5.374 5.374 0 0 0-2.224-.466c-.79 0-1.53.156-2.223.466-.693.311-1.299.736-1.818 1.279a6.004 6.004 0 0 0-1.226 1.896Zm1.34 4.04a4.495 4.495 0 0 1-.331-1.722c0-.607.11-1.181.332-1.722a4.474 4.474 0 0 1 .914-1.42 4.3 4.3 0 0 1 1.36-.954c.52-.23 1.071-.346 1.653-.346.581 0 1.132.116 1.651.346.52.232.973.55 1.361.954.387.405.693.878.914 1.115.333 1.722s-.11 1.18-.333 1.722a4.462 4.462 0 0 1-.914 1.42 4.26 4.26 0 0 1-1.36.953 4.008 4.008 0 0 1-1.652.347 4.015 4.015 0 0 1-1.653-.348 4.28 4.28 0 0 1-1.36-.953 4.473 4.473 0 0 1-.914-1.42Z"/><path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M56.468 12.315c.014-.486-.071-.863-.256-1.135-.184-.27-.456-.492-.811-.664a7.923 7.923 0 0 0-1.34-.47 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