The Daily — Census of Environment: Renewable freshwater from 1971 to 2021

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Tracking water yield over time provides information to help understand changes in water resources available for human use and ecosystem needs." /> <meta name="STCkeywords" content="Environment, Land, oceans, ecosystems and biodiversity, Environmental-economic accounts, stcfree" /> <meta name="dcterms.creator" content="Government of Canada, Statistics Canada" /> <meta name="dcterms.issued" title="W3CDTF" content="2024-09-19" /> <meta name="dcterms.modified" title="W3CDTF" content="2024-09-19" /> <meta name="dcterms.subject" title="gcstc" content="none" /> <meta name="dcterms.language" title="ISO639-2" content="eng" /> <meta name="STCtopic" content="Environment" /> <meta name="STCtopicID" content="38" /> <meta name="STCsubtopic" content="Environment (general); Land, oceans, ecosystems and biodiversity; Environmental-economic accounts" /> <meta name="STCsubtopicID" content="38 ; 3802 ; 3805" /> <meta name="STCtype" content="none" /> <meta name="STCsource" content="none" /> <meta 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area. Tracking water yield over time provides information to help understand changes in water resources available for human use and ecosystem needs.</p><p>In&#160;2021,&#160;1,225&#160;cubic kilometres (km<sup>3</sup>) of renewable freshwater was generated in the south of Canada, where most people live. This volume corresponds to an average&#160;0.47&#160;cubic metres (m<sup>3</sup>) of water per square metre (m<sup>2</sup>) of area. To put this in perspective, in&#160;2021, Canadian households used a total of&#160;3.2&#160;km<sup>3</sup> of water nationally.</p><p>Since&#160;1971, the annual water yield for southern Canada has varied from&#160;0.45&#160;to&#160;0.60&#160;m<sup>3</sup>/m<sup>2</sup>. However, there are differences in the geographic and seasonal distribution of renewable freshwater resources and in the changes observed over time. These factors can influence water management decisions by governments, public utilities and others.</p><h2>Decreasing summer water yield on the coasts</h2><p>Changes in water regimes typically evolve over many decades. When comparing water volumes generated in summer, differences can be observed over the last three climate normal periods (1971&#160;to&#160;2000,&#160;1981&#160;to&#160;2010&#160;and&#160;1991&#160;to&#160;2020).</p><p>While the west and east coasts typically have the highest average water yields in the country, decreases were seen over time in the Pacific Coastal and Fraser&#8211;Lower Mainland drainage regions, as well as in the North Shore&#8211;Gasp&#233; and Maritime Coastal drainage regions.</p><p>Average summer volumes increased in some regions. Notably, they tripled in the Assiniboine&#8211;Red drainage region, from&#160;0.93&#160;km<sup>3</sup> for the&#160;1971&#160;to&#160;2000&#160;period to&#160;1.53&#160;km<sup>3</sup> for the&#160;1981&#160;to&#160;2010&#160;period and&#160;2.72&#160;km<sup>3&#160;</sup>for the&#160;1991&#160;to&#160;2020&#160;period. Despite this increase, water yield in the Assiniboine&#8211;Red drainage region and other drainage regions in the Prairies remained among the lowest in the country.</p><p>Monitoring water flows over time can provide insights on the influence of climate change on the hydrological cycle.</p><h2>Changes in peak flows</h2><p>Peak water flows follow distinct patterns in different areas of the country because of factors such as the timing of spring snowmelt and precipitation. For example, in the Great Lakes drainage region, peak monthly water yield is generated in the spring. In the Pacific Coastal drainage region two peaks are typically seen: one in June and a smaller one in October.</p><p>In the Great Lakes and Newfoundland drainage regions, median monthly water yield during the spring peak period has decreased over the last three climate normal periods. Conversely, peak water yield during the month of June increased in the Columbia drainage region, rising from&#160;17.29&#160;km3&#160;for the&#160;1971&#160;to&#160;2000&#160;period to&#160;18.50&#160;km3&#160;for the&#160;1991&#160;to&#160;2020&#160;period.</p><p>Other monthly changes have been observed. A noticeable shift has occurred in some of the western drainage regions where summer yields have decreased, while spring volumes have increased. In the Fraser&#8211;Lower Mainland drainage region, for example, the median water yields were higher in April (18.4%) and May (15.2%) for the&#160;1991&#160;to&#160;2020&#160;period, compared with median water yields for the earlier&#160;1971&#160;to&#160;2000&#160;period. Changes in periods of high and low flows can have implications on the potential for flood risks and water shortages.</p> <div class="panel panel-default sd-thumbnail"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h2 class="chartt"><strong>Map&#160;1&#160;</strong> <a href="mc-d001-eng.htm"> <img class="pull-right" src="/dai-quo/img/magnify-clip.png" title="Enlarge map 1" alt="Thumbnail for map 1: Annual water yield per area in selected drainage regions, 2021" /></a><br /> Annual water yield per area in selected drainage regions,&#160;2021 </h2> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <a href="mc-d001-eng.htm"> <img src="mc240919d001-eng.png" class="sd-chart-thumbnail" title="Enlarge map 1" alt="Thumbnail for map 1: Annual water yield per area in selected drainage regions, 2021" /> </a> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default sd-thumbnail"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h2 class="chartt"><strong>Chart&#160;1&#160;</strong> <a href="cg-d001-eng.htm"> <img class="pull-right" src="/dai-quo/img/magnify-clip.png" title="Enlarge chart 1" alt="Chart 1: Average summer water yield in selected drainage regions" /></a><br /> Average summer water yield in selected drainage regions </h2> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <a href="cg-d001-eng.htm"> <img src="cg240919d001-eng.png" class="sd-chart-thumbnail" title="Enlarge chart 1" alt="Chart 1: Average summer water yield in selected drainage regions" /> </a> </div> </div> <div id="jointrel" class="sd-jointrel"><h2>Did you know we have a mobile app?</h2><p>Download our mobile app and get timely access to data at your fingertips! The <a href=";utm_medium=web&amp;utm_campaign=statcan-statcan-sma-24-25">StatsCAN</a> app is available for free on the <a href="">App Store</a> and on <a href="">Google Play</a>.</p></div><div class="panel panel-Default sd-noteuser"> <div class="panel-heading sd-noteuser-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">&nbsp;&nbsp;Note to readers</h3> </div> <div class=" panel-body sd-noteuser-body"> <p class="sd-first-para">Statistics Canada's <a href="">Census of Environment</a> program reports on ecosystems in Canada, providing information to help Canadians make evidence-based decisions to protect, rehabilitate, enhance and sustain our environment. It follows the internationally accepted environmental-economic standard for producing information on ecosystems' extent, their condition and the services they provide.</p><p>New estimates of water yield are now available in tables&#160;38-10-0283,&#160;38-10-0003,&#160;38-10-0091,&#160;38-10-0095&#160;and&#160;38-10-0174. This includes new estimates of annual, seasonal and monthly renewable freshwater for the standard climate normal periods&#160;1971&#160;to&#160;2000,&#160;1981&#160;to&#160;2010&#160;and&#160;1991&#160;to&#160;2020. These data allow Canadians to analyze historical long-term patterns in annual, monthly and seasonal water yield and compare geographical distribution of renewable freshwater across Canada from&#160;1971&#160;to&#160;2021. Information is available for southern Canada and by drainage region (<a href=";TVD=134769">Standard Drainage Area Classification</a>) and ecoprovince (<a href=";TVD=426171">Ecological Land Classification&#160;2017</a>). Southern Canada is a statistical area delineated by the north line, which separates it from the northern portion of the country. </p><p>Geospatial files and metadata are also available. They cover annual water yield from&#160;1971&#160;to&#160;2021&#160;for southern Canada and thirty-year averages over the climate normal periods:&#160;1971&#160;to&#160;2000,&#160;1981&#160;to&#160;2010&#160;and&#160;1991&#160;to&#160;2020.</p><p>Water yield estimates are derived from data on the monthly volume of unregulated flows in Canada's rivers and streams. Although water yield estimates the volume of renewable freshwater, it also includes non-renewable water sources such as meltwater from receding glaciers.</p><p>For more information on water yield, see the article "<a href="">Freshwater in Canada</a>," in <em>Human Activity and the Environment</em> (<a href="/en/catalogue/16-201-X" title="Catalogue number 16-201-X"><span class="navaid">Catalogue number</span>16-201-X</a>), and "<a href="/en/catalogue/16-001-M2009007">The Water Yield for Canada As a Thirty-year Average (1971&#160;to&#160;2000): Concepts, Methodology and Initial Results</a>," as part of the <em>Environment Accounts and Statistics Analytical and Technical Paper Series</em> (<a href="/en/catalogue/16-001-M" title="Catalogue number 16-001-M"><span class="navaid">Catalogue number</span>16-001-M</a>). </p><p>Additional information can be found in the <a href="">Physical asset accounts</a> section of the <em>Methodological Guide: Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounting</em>.</p> </div> </div> <h2>Products</h2> <p>The "<a href="/en/catalogue/16-510-X2024001">Water yield: Geospatial files</a>" and "<a href="/en/catalogue/16-510-X2024002">Water yield: Data product specifications</a>" are now available in <i>Census of Environment: Spatial information products</i> (<a href="/en/catalogue/16-510-X" title="Catalogue number 16-510-X"><span class="navaid">Catalogue number</span>16-510-X</a>).</p><h2>Contact information</h2><p>For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free <span class="phone">1-800-263-1136</span>; <span class="phone">514-283-8300</span>; <a href=""></a>) or Media Relations (<a href=""></a>).</p> </section> <div class="pagedetails"> <dl id="wb-dtmd"> <dt>Date modified:&#32;</dt> <dd><time property="dateModified"> 2024-09-19 </time></dd> </dl> </div> </main> <footer id="wb-info"> <h2 class="wb-inv">About this site</h2> <div class="gc-contextual"> <div class="container"> <nav> <h3>Statistics Canada</h3> <ul class="list-unstyled colcount-sm-2 colcount-md-3"> <li><a href="">Contact StatCan</a></li> <li><a href="">Trust Centre</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="gc-main-footer"> <div class="container"> <nav> <h3>Government of Canada</h3> <ul class="list-unstyled colcount-sm-2 colcount-md-3"> <li><a href="">All contacts</a></li> <li><a href="">Departments and agencies</a></li> <li><a href="">About government</a></li> </ul> <h4><span class="wb-inv">Themes and topics</span></h4> <ul class="list-unstyled colcount-sm-2 colcount-md-3"> <li><a href="">Jobs</a></li> <li><a href="">Immigration and citizenship</a></li> <li><a href="">Travel and tourism</a></li> <li><a href="">Business</a></li> <li><a href="">Benefits</a></li> <li><a href="">Health</a></li> <li><a href="">Taxes</a></li> <li><a href="">Environment and natural resources</a></li> <li><a href="">National security and defence</a></li> <li><a href="">Culture, history and sport</a></li> <li><a href="">Policing, justice and emergencies</a></li> <li><a href="">Transport and infrastructure</a></li> <li><a href="">Canada and the world</a></li> <li><a href="">Money and finance</a></li> <li><a href="">Science and innovation</a></li> <li><a href="">Indigenous peoples</a></li> <li><a href="">Veterans and military</a></li> <li><a href="">Youth</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="gc-sub-footer"> <div class="container d-flex align-items-center"> <nav> <h3 class="wb-inv">Government of Canada Corporate</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">Social media</a></li> <li><a href="">Mobile applications</a></li> <li><a href="">About</a></li> <li><a href="">Terms and conditions</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy</a></li> </ul> </nav> <div class="wtrmrk align-self-end"> <img src="/wet-boew4b/assets/wmms-blk.svg" alt="Symbol of the Government of Canada"> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <script> modifyBreadCrum(); function modifyBreadCrum(){ let dailyEn = "n1/dai-quo/index-eng.htm"; let dailyFr = "n1/dai-quo/index-fra.htm"; let breadcrumb = document.querySelector("#wb-bc ol.breadcrumb"); if(breadcrumb === undefined || breadcrumb === null || breadcrumb.children.length == 0){ return; } let lastListNode = breadcrumb.children[breadcrumb.children.length -1]; if(window.location.href.indexOf("daily-quotidien") != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf("dai-quo") != -1){ let href = window.location.href; let env = href.split("n1")[0]; href = href.indexOf("eng") != -1 ? 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