British Comedy: Absolutely list
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Bert Bastard: Hokey Cokey (Series 3, Episode 8 - 1991) 8. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Diarrhoea (Series 4, Episode 3 - 1993) 9. Animal Rights Activists (Series 1, Episode 6 - 1989) 10. Calum Gilhooley: Booking a Flight (Series 3, Episode 3 - 1991) 11. The Journey of Life (Series 1, Episode 1 - 1989) 12. Bert Bastard: Sports Day (Series 3, Episode 1 - 1991) 13. Calum Gilhooley: The Pursuit (Series 4, Episode 4 - 1993) 14. The Nice Family: The Secretary of FIFA (Series 3, Episode 5 - 1991) 15. Peter & Jennifer Wells: Crisis Aid Collection Point (Series 3, Episode 8 - 1991) 16. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Drink Driving (Series 3, Episode 8 - 1991) 17. Calum Gilhooley: Plane (Series 3, Episode 1 - 1991) 18. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Eating Out (Series 4, Episode 5 - 1993) 19. Calum Gilhooley: Post Office (Series 1, Episode 6 - 1989) 20. Calum Gilhooley: Jehovah's Witnesses (Series 2, Episode 2 - 1990)ONION JACK1. Calum Gilhooley: Booking a Flight (Series 3, Episode 3 - 1991) 2. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Taxi (Series 3, Episode 2 - 1991) 3. Calum Gilhooley: Post Office (Series 1, Episode 6 - 1989) 4. Bert Bastard: The Over-80s Disco (Series 3, Episode 5 - 1991) 5. Bert Bastard: Haddock and Peas Series 2, Episode 4 - 1990) 6. The Lavatory Express with Frank Hovis Series 4, Episode 1 - 1993) 7. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Diarrhoea (Series 4, Episode 3 - 1993) 8. The Nice Family: The Secretary of FIFA (Series 3, Episode 5 - 1991) 9. Peter & Jennifer Wells: Crisis Aid Collection Point (Series 3, Episode 8 - 1991) 10. Bert Bastard: Sports Day (Series 3, Episode 1 - 1991) 11. Stoneybridge Town Council: New Slogan (Series 1, Episode 6 - 1989) 12. John: Calum Gilhooley (Series 1, Episode 1 - 1989) 13. I'm OK Thanks (Series 2, Episode 1 - 1990) 14. Bert Bastard: Hokey Cokey (Series 3, Episode 8 - 1991) 15. Calum Gilhooley: Plane (Series 3, Episode 1 - 1991) 16. Scribing Scandal (Series 2, Episode 4 - 1990) 17. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Eating Out (Series 4, Episode 5 - 1993) 18. Stoneybridge Town Council: Olympic Bid (Series 2, Episode 4 - 1990) 19. Bert Bastard: Making Dinner (Series 1, Episode 3 - 1989) 20. DIY with Denzil: the Hoover (Series 4, Episode 4 - 1993)FAVOURITE EPISODESHOLY GODIVA1. Series 1, Episode 1 (1989) 2. Series 3, Episode 1 (1991) 3. Series 2, Episode 4 (1990) 4. Series 3, Episode 2 (1991) 5. Series 1, Episode 6 (1989)ONION JACK1. Series 1, Episode 6 (1989) 2. Series 3, Episode 1 (1991) 3. Series 1, Episode 1 (1989) 4. Series 3, Episode 5 (1991) 5. Series 2, Episode 4 (1990)" /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <link rel="image_src" href="" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" /> <style> /* latin */ @font-face { font-family: 'Bitter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: local('Bitter Regular'), local('Bitter-Regular'), url( format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; } /* latin */ @font-face { font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: local('Open Sans Regular'), local('OpenSans-Regular'), url( format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" /> <script> var page = { basedomain: '', userdomain: '', cdnlocation: '', realuserid: '', pageusername: '', limageurl: '', backgroundimagehost: '', headerimagehost: '' }; var facebookAppId = '38129419404'; var globals = { localdevelopment: false } </script><script async src=""></script> <link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='/apple-touch-icon.png' /> <title>British Comedy: Absolutely list</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="description" content="Part of the British Comedy CollectionSERIES SCORESSeries 1: 5.83 Series 2: 5.63 Series 3: 6.63 Series 4: 5.33FAVOURITE SKETCHESHOLY GODIVA1. Bert Bastard: Haddock and Peas Series 2, Episode 4 - 1990) 2. DIY with" /> </head> <body data-trigger-login=''> <div class='sb-slidebar sb-left mobilesidemenu'> <div class='mobilemenu' style='width: 260px;padding-top:20px;'> <div class='mobilemenuheader'>Explore</div> <a href='' style='color:#d9c89c;'> Lists</a> <a href='' style='color:#d9c89c;'> Reviews</a> <a href='' style='color:#d9c89c;'> Images</a> <a href='' style='color:#d9c89c;'> Update feed</a> <div class='mobilemenuheader'>Categories</div> <a href='' class='moviesmenu'>Movies</a><a href='' class='tvmenu'>TV Shows</a><a href='' class='musicmenu'>Music</a><a href='' class='booksmenu'>Books</a><a href='' class='gamesmenu'>Games</a><a href='' class='dvdsmenu'>DVDs/Blu-Ray</a><a href='' class='personmenu'>People</a><a href='' class='artmenu'>Art & Design</a><a href='' class='placesmenu'>Places</a><a href='' class='webtvmenu'>Web TV & Podcasts</a><a href='' class='toysmenu'>Toys & Collectibles</a><a href='' class='comicbooksmenu'>Comic Book Series</a><a href='' class='beautymenu'>Beauty</a><a 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<div class='notesviewimage'> <a href=''> <img src='' alt="Absolutely" class='pure-img' /> </a> </div> <div class='title'> <div class='titlerating pure-hidden-xs'> <span> <img src='' title='People who added this item' alt='People who added this item'/> 3 </span> <span> <img src='' title='Average listal rating (1 ratings)' alt='Average listal rating (1 ratings)'/> 6 </span> <span> <img src='' title='IMDB Rating' alt='IMDB Rating'/> 8.3 </span> </div> <div class='titletitle listcounter'> <a href=''>Absolutely</a> </div> </div> <div id='text_17237688' class='text listnote' data-itemid='17237688' data-isnewformat='0'> <center>Years: 1989-1993<br /> Broadcaster: Channel 4<br /> Genre: Sketch<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes<br /> Stars: John Sparkes, Jack Docherty<br /> Episodes: 28<br /> Episode Average: <b>5.893</b></center><blockquote><center>BEST EPISODES:<br /> <b>Series 1, Episode 1</b> (1989), <b>Series 3, Episode 1</b> (1991)</center></blockquote> </div><div id='currentlisttype158187tv' class='rateaddcustomlists notesviewactions'> <div class='pure-g'> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24 pure-hidden-xs pure-hidden-sm'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-10-24'> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class='itembox notesrow' data-gpid='1221495' data-itemid='17237723'> <div class='notesviewimage'> <a href=''> <img src='' alt="Absolutely Everything: All 4 Series " class='pure-img' /> </a> </div> <div class='title'> <div class='titlerating pure-hidden-xs'> <span> <img src='' title='People who added this item' alt='People who added this item'/> 1 </span> <span> <img src='' title='Average listal rating (1 ratings)' alt='Average listal rating (1 ratings)'/> 6 </span> <span> <img src='' title='IMDB Rating' alt='IMDB Rating'/> 0 </span> </div> <div class='titletitle listcounter'> <a href=''>Absolutely Everything: All 4 Series </a> (1989) </div> </div> <div id='text_17237723' class='text listnote' data-itemid='17237723' data-isnewformat='0'> <blockquote><center>Some short linking items have been left off the lists of sketches.</center></blockquote><center><h2>SERIES ONE</h2><a href="/viewimage/14757877"><img src="" loading="lazy" style="float:left" width='150' /></a><a href="/viewimage/14757877"><img src="" loading="lazy" style="float:right" width='150' /></a><b>(1989)</b><br /> 6 episodes<br /> Series Score: 35<br /> Episode Average: 5.83<br /> Perfect 10's: 1<br /> </center><blockquote><center>S1E1<h3>EPISODE 1</h3>Originally broadcast: 23 May 1989<br /> Directed by: Phil Chilvers<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Office: This Is Radical Television --- Office: Job Interview<br /> <b>DIY with Denzil: Pedwar's Legs</b> --- Office: Bass Guitar<br /> Ordering Pizza --- Mr. Don & Mr. George: Undertaker --- <b><i>The Journey of Life</i></b><br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: : Burial --- The Little Girl: Death<br /> Bert Bastard: Phone Book --- John: Calum Gilhooley<br /> Fashions for the Summer of '89 --- Getting to Work<br /> The Nice Family: Television Programmes<br /> </center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14745843"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"The next most important thing is tools. And the most important tool is yourself. I am a tool."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 5 - ONION JACK 5<br /> <b>TOTAL: 10</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S1E2<h3>EPISODE 2</h3>Originally broadcast: 30 May 1989<br /> Directed by: Phil Chilvers<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> <b>John: Valerie Jane Turpett</b> --- Trying to Watch a Film<br /> <i>Just an Ordinary Guy</i> --- <b>The Little Girl: The Queen</b><br /> The Nice Family: Mother's Hamster<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Interlude & Words --- Go On,Do It Now!<br /> Immigration Officer --- So, Did You Do It?<br /> Bert Bastard: Rowing Boat --- DIY with Denzil: Shelves<br /> The Commissionaire: Taxi for Wilson</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14745865"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"This is a question I cannot answer. I.... I have known this woman for five minutes, and already we are swapping amusing uterus anecdotes."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 2 - ONION JACK 2<br /> <b>TOTAL: 4</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S1E3<h3>EPISODE 3</h3>Originally broadcast: 6 June 1993<br /> Directed by: Phil Chilvers<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> The Death of Herbert Blackford --- <b>The Royal Visit: Rehearsal</b><br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Names --- Fire Brigade: Maple Gardens<br /> The Nice Family: Points of View --- The Royal Visit: Counting Down<br /> Clown Court --- The Little Girl: The Creation of Man<br /> <b>Bert Bastard: Making Dinner</b> --- Fire Brigade: The Rescue<br /> Publicity --- Mr. Johnson --- The Royal Visit: She's The Queen</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14745869"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to go for a dump!"</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 3<br /> <b>TOTAL: 6</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S1E4<h3>EPISODE 4</h3>Originally broadcast: 13 June 1989<br /> Directed by: Phil Chilvers<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Awkward Bank Cashier --- Billy: Newagents<br /> Vikings: Who Should Be King? --- <b>Mr. Don & Mr. George: Saving Money</b><br /> <b>The Foot Theatre</b> --- Scottish Country Dancing<br /> John: Robin & Annabel --- At the Opera: The Man Onstage<br /> DIY with Denzil: Glwb Sboncyn --- At the Opera: That Man's There<br /> The Nice Family: Christmas Lists --- Vikings: Curry</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14745879"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Oh, yes, you've got to get up pretty early in the morning if you want to watch TV-AM."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 2 - ONION JACK 2<br /> <b>TOTAL: 4</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S1E5<h3>EPISODE 5</h3>Originally broadcast: 20 June 1989<br /> Directed by: Phil Chilvers<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> The Little Girl: Mrs. Lady --- Gwyn: Newsagents<br /> <b>S.J.F.A Quarter Final Draw</b> --- Trying to Be Heard<br /> Dancing to Greensleeves --- Othello Auditions --- You Hippie!<br /> Something a Little Different --- Lazy Housemates --- The Binema<br /> Beefeating for Beginners (Part 7): Confidence In Your Costume<br /> <b>The Entrepreneur</b></center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14757862"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Number four... Numero... four... Clachnacudden."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 1 - ONION JACK 1<br /> <b>TOTAL: 2</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S1E6<h3>EPISODE 6</h3>Originally broadcast: 27 June 1989<br /> Directed by: Phil Chilvers<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> <b>Animal Rights Activists</b> --- Bert Bastard: Brighton Beach - Friday Morning<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: New Slogan --- <i>The Shape I'm In</i><br /> Bert Bastard: Brighton Beach - Friday Afternoon --- Gwyn: Court<br /> The Little Girl: Christmas --- <b>Calum Gilhooley: Post Office</b><br /> Socially Awkward Party Guests<br /> Bert Bastard: Brighton Beach: Saturday Morning<br /> The Nice Family: Mail --- Joining the Army<br /> Bert Bastard: Saturday Afternoon</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14757860"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Keith, have you any idea how difficult it is to smuggle three giraffes through customs? They don't fit up your bottom! I can testify to that."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 4 - ONION JACK 5<br /> <b>TOTAL: 9</b></center></blockquote><br /> <br /> <center><h2>SERIES TWO</h2><a href="/viewimage/14757877"><img src="" loading="lazy" style="float:left" width='150' /></a><a href="/viewimage/14757877"><img src="" loading="lazy" style="float:right" width='150' /></a><b>(1990)</b><br /> 8 episodes<br /> Series Score: 45<br /> Episode Average: 5.63<br /> Perfect 10's: 0<br /> </center><blockquote><center>S2E1<h3>EPISODE 1</h3>Originally broadcast: 22 August 1990<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark, Alan Nixon<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> <b>I'm OK Thanks</b> --- <b>Mr. Don & Mr. George: Wallpaper</b><br /> Library Book Emergency --- Stunt Doubles --- Kids: Put Them To Use<br /> Partings --- Driving Test: Road Signs --- Ransom Tape<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Wrap It --- The Commissionaire: Postcard<br /> Royal Guards --- Send My Love --- The Little Girl: Birth<br /> The Nice Family: Travel Agents<br /> </center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14757876"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"What do we want? Well, nothing much really, I've got most things I need, but if you were to push me, I wouldn't say no to a blender."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 3<br /> <b>TOTAL: 6</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S2E2<h3>EPISODE 2</h3>Originally broadcast: 29 August 1990<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark, Alan Nixon<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> <b>Calum Gilhooley: Jehovah's Witnesses</b> --- The Graet Thynko<br /> Billy: Only Two Schoolchildren at a Time Please<br /> Calum Gilhooley: Photographs --- <b>True Feelings</b><br /> Perkins & Perkins: Letters --- Delivering Bad News<br /> Catholic Fashion Show --- Perkins & Perkins: Naked<br /> Old Artist --- Perkins & Perkins: Perkins<br /> DIY with Denzil: Pregnant --- <i>I Wanna Have a Baby</i><br /> Calum Gilhooley: Seat Spotting --- Mr. Don & Mr. George: Four Croissants</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14757888"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Ah, no, she isn't actually, no. She's just like every other baby in the world... an ugly little pink bag of shit."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 3<br /> <b>TOTAL: 6</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S2E3<h3>EPISODE 3</h3>Originally broadcast: 5 September 1990<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark, Alan Nixon<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Disease of the Week: Thrumble Nose --- <b>Mr. Don & Mr. George: Signs</b><br /> The Tour Guide: Alexander Pope<br /> What Animals Say?: Goldfish, Cows, Flies --- Billy: Football<br /> <b>McGlashan: Chairs, Lip Licking, Hats, the English...</b><br /> A Squadron of Antique Chippendale Furniture<br /> McGlashan: The World Cup Draw<br /> The Little Girl: Telephones & Televisions --- McGlashan: Bananas, Jokes<br /> What Animals Say?: Frogs --- <i>Sensible Hair</i> --- Hair For Mice<br /> The Tour Guide: D.H. Lawrence --- The Commissionaire: Airport<br /> McGlashan: Periscopes, Running the Country<br /> The Tour Guide: William Makepeace Thackeray<br /> </center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14758392"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"See what you've just done there. Aye, that's down to us too. Aye, that was Malcolm, Malcolm in the 17th century. First guy ever to do that. Yeah, famous nation of lip-lickers, us. Aye, the rest of the world'd be going around with big dribbly lips if it wasn't for us."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 3<br /> <b>TOTAL: 6</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S2E4<h3>EPISODE 4</h3>Originally broadcast: 12 September 1990<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark, Alan Nixon<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Peter & Jennifer Wells: Adopting a Kenyan Baby<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Olympic Bid --- <b>Scribing Scandal</b><br /> <i>Mr. Muzak: Clever, I'm Frightfully Clever</i><br /> <b>Bert Bastard: Haddock and Peas</b> --- Fun As a Nun<br /> We'd Like to Point Out --- <i>Mr. Muzak: Trousers</i><br /> The Little Girl: Dentist --- <i>Mr. Muzak: Wonderful</i><br /> Three's a Crowd --- Panic at the Vets --- Robin & Annabel: First Date<br /> John: Telephone --- Robin & Annabel: Picnic --- John: Pub<br /> Jack & Moray</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14758390"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Now, the other important alterations are... Moses and the Burning Bus... The Sermon On the Mounty... A Plate of Locusts... The Father, the Son, and the Holy Guest... and er, last but not least... Noah's Arse... and er, contrary to popular belief, the animals did not go in two by two."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 4 - ONION JACK 4<br /> <b>TOTAL: 8</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S2E5<h3>EPISODE 5</h3>Originally broadcast: 19 September 1990<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark, Alan Nixon<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Frank Fan Club --- <b>Tired: Alarm Clock</b> --- <b>DIY with Denzil: Celebration</b><br /> Gwyn: Unpredictable --- Waiting Room: Biting Nails<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Holiday --- Waiting Room: Terribly Peckish<br /> The Importance of Childhood Experience<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Repair Man --- Tired: Cab<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Shower --- Dubbing a Mexican Film<br /> The Little Girl: Police --- Christening --- Name That Gargle<br /> <i>Start Wearing a Suit</i> --- Tired: Hello Mum</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14761269"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Oh, yes, and which particular part of the home will this taste like? Baked stair carpet, I think."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 2 - ONION JACK 2<br /> <b>TOTAL: 4</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S2E6<h3>EPISODE 6</h3>Originally broadcast: 26 September 1990<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark, Alan Nixon<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> DIY with Denzil: Illtyd --- Ladies First --- <b>The Little Girl: Aeroplanes</b><br /> <i>The Nice Family: This Is the Countryside</i><br /> Paternity Case --- Giving Up the Booze --- Card Game Confusion<br /> The Surgeons: Dancing --- <b>Bert Bastard: Christmas</b><br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Tomato Soup --- Preparing For a Beauty Contest<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Twin Town</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14761268"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"I likes Christmas. All them carol singers coming round. I loves that, cos then I can open the door to 'em, and I can say... BUGGER OFF!"</i></center></blockquote></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 2<br /> <b>TOTAL: 5</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S2E7<h3>EPISODE 7</h3>Originally broadcast: 3 October 1990<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark, Alan Nixon<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Hopping Cowboys --- Waku Taki --- The Poet: No Ladies<br /> Auchtercheuk Bowling Club Meeting --- Billy: Fishing<br /> The Poet: Bendy --- Prisoner's Diary --- Goodbye Baz<br /> The Poet: Walking Tree --- How to Meet Pretty Ladies<br /> Robin & Annabel: Wedding Present Showing --- <b>Car Mechanics</b><br /> <b>The Nice Family: Caught in the Act</b></center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14761311"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Father, who's Mr. Lovepump?"</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 2 - ONION JACK 2<br /> <b>TOTAL: 4</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S2E8<h3>EPISODE 8</h3>Originally broadcast: 10 October 1990<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark, Alan Nixon<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Casting for Man in Sketch --- The Positive Aspects of Old Age<br /> Loving the Camera --- Art Gallery Opening<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Sausage --- The Little Girl: Buildings<br /> Coffee, Dick? --- Mr. Don & Mr. George: Agnes & Dolores<br /> <b>Bert Bastard: Suicide Note</b><br /> <b>Calum Gilhooley: Charged with Harassment</b> --- <i>Stop This Killing Now</i></center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14761324"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Bloody bugger! You did that on purpose, you bastard! I'll bloody have you! I'll commit suicide if it bloody well kills me. That's quite funny that is. Ha ha, it's quite amusing that, ha ha ha."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 3<br /> <b>TOTAL: 6</b></center></blockquote><br /> <br /> <center><h2>SERIES THREE</h2><a href="/viewimage/14757877"><img src="" loading="lazy" style="float:left" width='150' /></a><a href="/viewimage/14757877"><img src="" loading="lazy" style="float:right" width='150' /></a><b>(1991)</b><br /> 8 episodes<br /> Series Score: 53<br /> Episode Average: 6.63<br /> Perfect 10's: 1<br /> </center><blockquote><center>S3E1<h3>EPISODE 1</h3>Originally broadcast: 17 May 1991<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> <b>Calum Gilhooley: Plane</b> --- Peter & Jennifer Wells: South African Prisoner<br /> <b>Bert Bastard: Sports Day</b> --- Nice Cop, Nicer Cop<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Promotional Vido<br /> The Little Girl: Doctors<br /> McGlashan: The Hurly-Burly Bag & Nip Nap Shite<br /> Face Fun --- McGlashan: The Border</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14761840"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Then there's the All-Comers Having a Nice Cup of Tea. The winner is the person who gets any tea in his mouth... at all."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 5 - ONION JACK 5<br /> <b>TOTAL: 10</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S3E2<h3>EPISODE 2</h3>Originally broadcast: 24 May 1991<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> <b>Mr. Don & Mr. George: Medical</b><br /> 25m Freestyle For Really Very Bad Swimmers Indeed<br /> Do You Own a Black BMW? --- DIY with Denzil: Welsh Institute of Wood<br /> The Tour Guide: Gatewood Cemetery --- Dead Determined Fundraiser<br /> Restaurant: Clueless Diner --- The Lobster<br /> Restaurant: We've Run Out of Food --- <i>Grooving With the Guys</i><br /> <b>On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Taxi</b> --- The Plumbers</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14761856"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"I want to share with you an experience I had a few weeks ago. I had the misfortune to be taken short in a public house, and the gentleman's lavatory just happened to be out of order. So the landlord said to me, "Frank, why don't you use the ladies'?" But they wouldn't keep still."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 4 - ONION JACK 4<br /> <b>TOTAL: 8</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S3E3<h3>EPISODE 3</h3>Originally broadcast: 31 May 1991<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Peter & Jennifer Wells: African Child --- <b>Calum Gilhooley: Booking a Flight</b><br /> <b>Bert Bastard: Shopping</b> --- <i>There's So Many Ways To Die Your Death</i><br /> Jeff the Parkie --- Tamzin the Top Model<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Satellite Interference<br /> The Heuropean --- Mr. Don & Mr. George: Broken Mirror<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Vote of No Confidence</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14761871"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Well, it's GILHOOLEY. That's G for... Gnome... Aye, gnome, that's G for gnome, like I said. N for... Gnome. O for nothing. M for Medicine. And E for Edson. GNOME."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 3<br /> <b>TOTAL: 6</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S3E4<h3>EPISODE 4</h3>Originally broadcast: 7 June 1991<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> <b>DIY with Denzil: Gwenedd's Birthday</b><br /> <i>Mr. Muzak: There's Only One Me</i> --- Séance<br /> <b>On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Mediterranean Holiday</b><br /> Nessun Dorma --- Flustered Bride --- <i>Mr. Muzak: One-Man Band</i><br /> Wedding Video --- Hotel: Dress Code --- <i>Mr. Muzak: Underwater</i><br /> Hotel: Bed --- Art Love Death --- Hotel: Noise<br /> Playground Police --- Hostage Situation</center></blockquote></center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14766187"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"I had a couple of weeks on a little Greek Island called Anus. Anus in the Sun, aye. I thought it was quite well-named, actually, because all the sewage from all the Mediterranean came out into the sea just there. They had big signs up on the beach saying, 'Now, wash your hands.' If you wanted a tan, you went for a swim."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 2 - ONION JACK 3<br /> <b>TOTAL: 5</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S3E5<h3>EPISODE 5</h3>Originally broadcast: 14 June 1991<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Little Tartan Drummer Girl --- The Ancient Language of Braid Scots<br /> <i>The Singing Man: I Sing Three Songs</i><br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Stoneyvision<br /> <i>The Singing Man: Nice Letters From the Ladies</i><br /> Calum Gilhooley: Opinion Poll --- <i>The Singing Man: My Jacket</i><br /> <b>Bert Bastard: The Over-80s Disco</b><br /> <b>The Nice Family: The Secretary of FIFA</b> --- The Little Girl: School<br /> Heart Transplant --- DIY with Denzil: Illtyd & Gwenedd<br /> McGlashan: Speech --- Blind Beggar --- McGlashan: New Map of Scotland</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14766190"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"The secret with a woman is to stimulate her clematis. Give it a bit of the old... You can't go wrong."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 4<br /> <b>TOTAL: 7</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S3E6<h3>EPISODE 6</h3>Originally broadcast: 21 June 1991<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Peter & Jennifer Wells: Christmas Presents<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Annual Dinner Dance - Awards Ceremony<br /> <b>Nobody's Listening</b><br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Annual Dinner Dance - Erch Plays Beethoven<br /> <b>Billy: Drugs</b><br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Annual Dinner Dance - Frank Hovis<br /> The Art of Mime --- Car Park Meeting<br /> The Many Talents of Miss Hardy<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Annual Dinner Dance - Fish Impersonator<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Baby Names --- A Complaint<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Annual Dinner Dance - The Hills of Buccleuch</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14766211"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Anyway, the reason I got put on this Earth is, yeah, is so that I could be a super-human bobsleigh man. Yeah, yeah, that's right. I coulda been an Olympic champion at pentathlon or any sport I wanted. But, er, I fancies bobsleigh because you can go faster than the speed of snow, right."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 2 - ONION JACK 2<br /> <b>TOTAL: 4</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S3E7<h3>EPISODE 7</h3>Originally broadcast: 28 June 1991<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> McGlashan: News & Sport --- <b>DIY with Denzil: Codfyl</b><br /> Mr. Muzak: Restaurant --- Do You Think I'm Bald?<br /> <b>On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Pubic Hair</b><br /> Doing It Yourself at Home: Cutting Hair --- Court: Baseball Player<br /> What a Great Party --- Student Writing a Letter<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Shop --- Doing It Yourself at Home: Making Clothes<br /> Elvis Fan Club: There's Only One Elvis<br /> DIY with Denzil: Dancing with Gwenedd --- Elvis Fan Club: Best Lookalike </center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14766235"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Gwenedd, Gwenedd, I took the precaution of marrying the most repulsive woman in Swansea. What more could a man do?"</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 2<br /> <b>TOTAL: 5</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S3E8<h3>EPISODE 8</h3>Originally broadcast: 5 July 1991<br /> Directed by: Alistair Clark<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> <b>Peter & Jennifer Wells: Crisis Aid Collection Point</b><br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Selecting a Celebrity for the Summer Jamboree<br /> It's All Gonna End in the Middle of the 21st Century<br /> On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Drink Driving<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: George - You're Simply the Best<br /> <b>Bert Bastard: Hokey Cokey</b> --- The Victoria and Albert Museum<br /> Calum Gilhooley: Late Videos --- The Little Girl: Family<br /> The Game Is Up</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14766251"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"I'll tell you what the point is. The point is that we're two very high-up professionals who've gone to all the trouble of cramming these valuables into the Volvo, and we do not expect to come here and be made a mockery... of... by a sullen unimaginatively dressed parasite who apparently gets his kicks hanging around a dank musty junk shop that smells like the geriatric ward of the Royal Astley Hospital, and who apparently gets his kicks pricing, or should I say fingering old ladies' underwear."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 4<br /> <b>TOTAL: 8</b></center></blockquote><br /> <br /> <center><h2>SERIES FOUR</h2><a href="/viewimage/14757877"><img src="" loading="lazy" style="float:left" width='150' /></a><a href="/viewimage/14757877"><img src="" loading="lazy" style="float:right" width='150' /></a><b>(1993)</b><br /> 6 episodes<br /> Series Score: 32<br /> Episode Average: 5.33<br /> Perfect 10's: 0<br /> </center><blockquote><center>S4E1<h3>EPISODE 1</h3>Originally broadcast: 22 January 1993<br /> Directed by: Graham C. Williams<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> McGlashan: The Scottish Daily Truth --- <i>The Laughing Man: Porsche</i><br /> <b>Calum Gilhooley: Appendix</b> --- Bert Bastard: Atlas<br /> The Laughing Man: Follow, Honk, Smash, Accountant<br /> The Little Girl: Old People --- Dressage '92 --- The Photographer<br /> <b>The Lavatory Express with Frank Hovis</b><br /> <i>Mr. Muzak: The Full Restaurant Experience</i><br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: Don's Job --- The Laughing Man: Belly Laugh<br /> The Nice Family: Mother</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14770564"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"A few weeks ago, I sprained my penis quite badly... running for the bus. You shouldn't masturbate when you're running for the bus, I know... but... what was I supposed to do? The bus was coming... and so was I. It made me limp, I can tell ya."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 4 - ONION JACK 3<br /> <b>TOTAL: 7</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S4E2<h3>EPISODE 2</h3>Originally broadcast: 29 January 1993<br /> Directed by: Graham C. Williams<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> <b>Stoneybridge Town Council: The Stag Night</b><br /> <b>Peter & Jennifer Wells: Fostering</b> --- The Surgeons: Bicycle<br /> Office Humour --- Gwyn: Shaving --- Open Championship Golf<br /> <i>It's So Hard Meeting People</i> --- DIY with Denzil: Llandudno Neck<br /> Mr. Muzak: Ladies Ladies --- The Tour Guide: Blenheim Palace<br /> No Frills Wedding Dress</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14770570"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"And now, an inflatable lady!!"</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 2 - ONION JACK 3<br /> <b>TOTAL: 5</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S4E3<h3>EPISODE 3</h3>Originally broadcast: 5 February 1993<br /> Directed by: Graham C. Williams<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Posh Couple: Dinner Party --- The Laughing Man: Crazy<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: We're Not Jehovah's Witnesses<br /> <i>My Packed Lunch</i> --- Mr. Don & Mr. George: Who Was It?<br /> <b>On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Diarrhoea</b><br /> The Laughing Man: Sex, Alert, Credits<br /> <b>Bert Bastard: Mobility Scooter</b> --- Game Show Hostess<br /> The Nice Family: The Facts of Life --- The Surgeons: Lucky Dip<br /> The Laughing Man: Fall Down --- Lady Camilla</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14770572"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"You know, you know, ladies and gentlemen... In all my distress, I found it strangely comforting to think that my poo-filled trousers were helping to feed the starving million in our world. The Lord moves in mysterious ways. And perhaps what happened in my trousers today was one of his movements."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 2 - ONION JACK 2<br /> <b>TOTAL: 4</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S4E4<h3>EPISODE 4</h3>Originally broadcast: 12 February 1993<br /> Directed by: Graham C. Williams<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> <b>DIY with Denzil: The Hoover</b> --- <i>I Wanna Change</i><br /> <b>Calum Gilhooley: The Pursuit</b> --- The Little Girl: Trains<br /> Peter & Jennifer Wells: Environmental Holiday<br /> Billy: Smoking --- Mr. Wiggy<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Independence for Stoneybridge<br /> The Laughing Man: Torremolinos<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: The Bruceland Border<br /> The Laughing Man: Falling Off the Bar</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14770684"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"No, Denzil, and you know what they say... cleanliness are next to Inverness."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 3 - ONION JACK 4<br /> <b>TOTAL: 7</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S4E5<h3>EPISODE 5</h3>Originally broadcast: 19 February 1993<br /> Directed by: Graham C. Williams<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> The Nice Family: Undesirables --- Sacked Cleaner --- Fish Attacks<br /> <b>Peter & Jennifer Wells: Soup Kitchen</b> --- Gwyn: Teeth<br /> The Tour Guide: Eastern Blocbusters Tours --- The Surgeons: Donor<br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: New Car --- Billy: Beer<br /> <b>On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Eating Out</b><br /> <i>Yes, It's a Bank Holiday</i></center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14770685"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"Even I was surprised by what turned up on my plate at Café Cackapoopoo. How can I describe it? I don't want to offend anybody. Let's just say I ordered number two on the menu, and I got what I ordered."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 2 - ONION JACK 2<br /> <b>TOTAL: 4</b></center></blockquote><br /> <center><h2> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </h2></center><br /> <blockquote><center>S4E6<h3>EPISODE 6</h3>Originally broadcast: 26 February 1993<br /> Directed by: Graham C. Williams<br /> Written by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty,<br /> Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy, John Sparkes</center></blockquote><blockquote><center><center><b>SKETCHES:</b><br /> Mr. Don & Mr. George: The Adventures of Schedule D Man<br /> Gwyn: Tape Dispenser --- Mr. Don & Mr. George: Superheroes<br /> Bert Bastard: Cup of Tea --- Mr. Don & Mr. George: Still Stationary<br /> Posh Couple: Waking Up --- Bert Bastard: Cheese & Biscuits<br /> <i>Mr. Muzak: Just Ask Me</i> --- Mr. Don & Mr. George: Walk<br /> <b>The Little Girl: Government</b> --- Calum Gilhooley: Directions<br /> On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Fart Attack<br /> Stoneybridge Town Council: Pop Music Charity Single</center></blockquote> <blockquote><center><a href="/viewimage/14770702"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='400' /></a><br /> <i>"And the boss of the government is called... um... yes, Sergeant Major. And, um, he has got plastic hair and skin like ash and glasses. And a special long mouth like Mr. Plug. And he does have a mouth like a squeaky door like this... And he was borned out of the lady with the pointy nose and the handbag and the hair like a helmet whose name was Mrs. Scratchy. And she did always say, 'The baby's not for burping'."</i></center></blockquote><blockquote><center>HOLY GODIVA 2 - ONION JACK 3<br /> <b>TOTAL: 5</b></center></blockquote></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center></center> </div><div id='currentlisttype309491tv' class='rateaddcustomlists notesviewactions'> <div class='pure-g'> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24 pure-hidden-xs pure-hidden-sm'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-10-24'> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='sectiondescription'> <center><h3><br /> <br /> Performers</center></h3> </div> <div id='section_2' class=''> <div class='itembox notesrow' data-gpid='1257796' data-itemid='17548035'> <div class='notesviewimage'> <a href=''> <img src='' alt="Peter Baikie" class='pure-img' /> </a> </div> <div class='title'> <div class='titlerating pure-hidden-xs'> <span> <img src='' title='People who added this item' alt='People who added this item'/> 0 </span> <span> <img src='' title='Average listal rating (0 ratings)' alt='Average listal rating (0 ratings)'/> 0 </span> <span> <img src='' title='IMDB Rating' alt='IMDB Rating'/> 0 </span> </div> <div class='titletitle listcounter'> <a href=''>Peter Baikie</a> </div> </div> <div id='text_17548035' class='text listnote' data-itemid='17548035' data-isnewformat='0'> <center>A FEW OF HIS CHARACTERS</center><center><h2><b>01 - <a href="/viewimage/14745882"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14757863"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 02<br /> <br /> 03 - <a href="/viewimage/14758388"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14761303"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 04<br /> <br /> 05 - <a href="/viewimage/14766244"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14766236"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 06<br /> <br /> 07 - <a href="/viewimage/14770563"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14770568"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 08</h2></b></center><br /> <center><b>01. John: Robin & Annabel</b> (S1E4 - 1989)<br /> <b>02. Stoneybridge Town Council: New Slogan</b> (S1E6 - 1989)<br /> <b>03. Mr. Muzak: Clever, I'm Frightfully Clever</b> (S2E4 - 1990)<br /> <b>04. The Nice Family: Caught in the Act</b> (S2E7 - 1990)<br /> <b>05. The Singing Man: Nice Letters From the Ladies</b> (S3E5 - 1991)<br /> <b>06. Elvis Fan Club: There's Only One Elvis</b> (S3E7 - 1991)<br /> <b>07. The Laughing Man: Follow, Honk, Smash, Accountant</b> (S4E1 - 1993)<br /> <b>08. Mr. Don & Mr. George: We're Not Jehovah's Witnesses</b> (S4E3 - 1993)</center> </div><div id='currentlisttype1351265tv' class='rateaddcustomlists notesviewactions'> <div class='pure-g'> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24 pure-hidden-xs pure-hidden-sm'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-10-24'> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class='itembox notesrow' data-gpid='116620' data-itemid='17548038'> <div class='notesviewimage'> <a href=''> <img src='' alt="Morwenna Banks" class='pure-img' /> </a> </div> <div class='title'> <div class='titlerating pure-hidden-xs'> <span> <img src='' title='People who added this item' alt='People who added this item'/> 11 </span> <span> <img src='' title='Average listal rating (11 ratings)' alt='Average listal rating (11 ratings)'/> 6.8 </span> <span> <img src='' title='IMDB Rating' alt='IMDB Rating'/> 0 </span> </div> <div class='titletitle listcounter'> <a href=''>Morwenna Banks</a> </div> </div> <div id='text_17548038' class='text listnote' data-itemid='17548038' data-isnewformat='0'> <center>A FEW OF HER CHARACTERS</center><center><h2><b>01 - <a href="/viewimage/14745844"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14745868"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 02<br /> <br /> 03 - <a href="/viewimage/14757891"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14761267"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 04<br /> <br /> 05 - <a href="/viewimage/14761855"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14761872"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 06<br /> <br /> 07 - <a href="/viewimage/14770566"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14770571"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 08</h2></b></center><br /> <center><b>01. The Little Girl: Death</b> (S1E1 - 1989)<br /> <b>02. The Nice Family: Points of View</b> (S1E3 - 1989)<br /> <b>03. Old Artist</b> (S2E2 - 1990)<br /> <b>04. DIY with Denzil: Illtyd</b> (S2E6 - 1990)<br /> <b>05. The Tour Guide: Gatewood Cemetery</b> (S3E2 - 1991)<br /> <b>06. Stoneybridge Town Council: Vote of No Confidence</b> (S3E3 - 1991)<br /> <b>07. Peter & Jennifer Wells: Fostering</b> (S4E2 - 1993)<br /> <b>08. Game Show Hostess</b> (S4E3 - 1993)</center> </div><div id='currentlisttype468133tv' class='rateaddcustomlists notesviewactions'> <div class='pure-g'> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24 pure-hidden-xs pure-hidden-sm'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-10-24'> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class='itembox notesrow' data-gpid='141663' data-itemid='17548039'> <div class='notesviewimage'> <a href=''> <img src='' alt="Jack Docherty" class='pure-img' /> </a> </div> <div class='title'> <div class='titlerating pure-hidden-xs'> <span> <img src='' title='People who added this item' alt='People who added this item'/> 0 </span> <span> <img src='' title='Average listal rating (0 ratings)' alt='Average listal rating (0 ratings)'/> 4 </span> <span> <img src='' title='IMDB Rating' alt='IMDB Rating'/> 0 </span> </div> <div class='titletitle listcounter'> <a href=''>Jack Docherty</a> </div> </div> <div id='text_17548039' class='text listnote' data-itemid='17548039' data-isnewformat='0'> <center>A FEW OF HIS CHARACTERS</center><center><h2><b>01 - <a href="/viewimage/14745864"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14745880"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 02<br /> <br /> 03 - <a href="/viewimage/14758404"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14761323"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 04<br /> <br /> 05 - <a href="/viewimage/14761839"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14766189"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 06<br /> <br /> 07 - <a href="/viewimage/14770713"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14770686"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 08</h2></b></center><br /> <center><b>01. Mr. Don & Mr. George: Interlude & Words</b> (S1E2 - 1989)<br /> <b>02. The Nice Family: Christmas Lists</b> (S1E4 - 1989)<br /> <b>03. John: Telephone</b> (S2E4 - 1990)<br /> <b>04. The Positive Aspects of Old Age</b> (S2E8 - 1990)<br /> <b>05. Peter & Jennifer Wells: South African Prisoner</b> (S3E1 - 1991)<br /> <b>06. Stoneybridge Town Council: Stoneyvision</b> (S3E5 - 1991)<br /> <b>07. Mr. Wiggy</b> (S4E4 - 1993)<br /> <b>08. Mr. Muzak: Just Ask Me</b> (S4E6 - 1993)</center> </div><div id='currentlisttype551997tv' class='rateaddcustomlists notesviewactions'> <div class='pure-g'> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24 pure-hidden-xs pure-hidden-sm'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-10-24'> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class='itembox notesrow' data-gpid='870927' data-itemid='17548040'> <div class='notesviewimage'> <a href=''> <img src='' alt="Moray Hunter" class='pure-img' /> </a> </div> <div class='title'> <div class='titlerating pure-hidden-xs'> <span> <img src='' title='People who added this item' alt='People who added this item'/> 0 </span> <span> <img src='' title='Average listal rating (0 ratings)' alt='Average listal rating (0 ratings)'/> 0 </span> <span> <img src='' title='IMDB Rating' alt='IMDB Rating'/> 0 </span> </div> <div class='titletitle listcounter'> <a href=''>Moray Hunter</a> </div> </div> <div id='text_17548040' class='text listnote' data-itemid='17548040' data-isnewformat='0'> <center>A FEW OF HIS CHARACTERS</center><center><h2><b>01 - <a href="/viewimage/14745872"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14745866"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 02<br /> <br /> 03 - <a href="/viewimage/14757883"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14761340"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 04<br /> <br /> 05 - <a href="/viewimage/14766210"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14766234"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 06<br /> <br /> 07 - <a href="/viewimage/14770602"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14770730"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 08</h2></b></center><br /> <center><b>01. John: Calum Gilhooley</b> (S1E1 - 1989)<br /> <b>02. The Nice Family: Mother's Hamster</b> (S1E2 - 1989)<br /> <b>03. Mr. Don & Mr. George</b> (S2E1 - 1990)<br /> <b>04. Stoneybridge Town Council: Twin Town</b> (S2E6 - 1990)<br /> <b>05. The Many Talents of Miss Hardy</b> (S3E6 - 1991)<br /> <b>06. Court: Baseball Player</b> (S3E7 - 1991)<br /> <b>07. The Photographer</b> (S4E1 - 1993)<br /> <b>08. Office Humour</b> (S4E2 - 1993)</center> </div><div id='currentlisttype1233401tv' class='rateaddcustomlists notesviewactions'> <div class='pure-g'> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24 pure-hidden-xs pure-hidden-sm'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-10-24'> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class='itembox notesrow' data-gpid='134296' data-itemid='17548041'> <div class='notesviewimage'> <a href=''> <img src='' alt="Gordon Kennedy" class='pure-img' /> </a> </div> <div class='title'> <div class='titlerating pure-hidden-xs'> <span> <img src='' title='People who added this item' alt='People who added this item'/> 3 </span> <span> <img src='' title='Average listal rating (3 ratings)' alt='Average listal rating (3 ratings)'/> 6.3 </span> <span> <img src='' title='IMDB Rating' alt='IMDB Rating'/> 0 </span> </div> <div class='titletitle listcounter'> <a href=''>Gordon Kennedy</a> </div> </div> <div id='text_17548041' class='text listnote' data-itemid='17548041' data-isnewformat='0'> <center>A FEW OF HIS CHARACTERS</center><center><h2><b>01 - <a href="/viewimage/14757894"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14745878"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 02<br /> <br /> 03 - <a href="/viewimage/14758391"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14761270"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 04<br /> <br /> 05 - <a href="/viewimage/14761854"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14766186"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 06<br /> <br /> 07 - <a href="/viewimage/14770567"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14770565"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 08</h2></b></center><br /> <center><b>01. The Commissionaire: Taxi for Wilson</b> (S1E2 - 1989)<br /> <b>02. Scottish Country Dancing</b> (S1E4 - 1989)<br /> <b>03. Stoneybridge Town Council: Olympic Bid</b> (S2E4 - 1990)<br /> <b>04. The Importance of Childhood Experience</b> (S2E5 - 1990)<br /> <b>05. Restaurant: We've Run Out of Food</b> (S3E2 - 1991)<br /> <b>06. Art Love Death</b> (S3E4 - 1991)<br /> <b>07. McGlashan: The Scottish Daily Truth</b> (S4E1 - 1993)<br /> <b>08. Open Golf Championship</b> (S4E2 - 1993)<br /> </center> </div><div id='currentlisttype509702tv' class='rateaddcustomlists notesviewactions'> <div class='pure-g'> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24 pure-hidden-xs pure-hidden-sm'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-10-24'> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class='itembox notesrow' data-gpid='1069027' data-itemid='17548043'> <div class='notesviewimage'> <a href=''> <img src='' alt="John Sparkes" class='pure-img' /> </a> </div> <div class='title'> <div class='titlerating pure-hidden-xs'> <span> <img src='' title='People who added this item' alt='People who added this item'/> 0 </span> <span> <img src='' title='Average listal rating (0 ratings)' alt='Average listal rating (0 ratings)'/> 0 </span> <span> <img src='' title='IMDB Rating' alt='IMDB Rating'/> 0 </span> </div> <div class='titletitle listcounter'> <a href=''>John Sparkes</a> </div> </div> <div id='text_17548043' class='text listnote' data-itemid='17548043' data-isnewformat='0'> <center>A FEW OF HIS CHARACTERS</center><center><h2><b>01 - <a href="/viewimage/14745842"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14757864"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 02<br /> <br /> 03 - <a href="/viewimage/14757875"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14757887"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 04<br /> <br /> 05 - <a href="/viewimage/14761838"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14766212"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 06<br /> <br /> 07 - <a href="/viewimage/14770740"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> <a href="/viewimage/14770569"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='200' /></a> - 08</h2></b></center><br /> <center><b>01. Bert Bastard: Phone Book</b> (S1E1 - 1989)<br /> <b>02. Gwyn: Newsagents</b> (S1E5 - 1989)<br /> <b>03. The Nice Family: Travel Agents</b> (S2E1 - 1990)<br /> <b>04. DIY with Denzil: Pregnant</b> (S2E2 - 1990)<br /> <b>05. Stoneybridge Town Council: Promotional Vido</b> (S3E1 - 1991)<br /> <b>06. Stoneybridge Town Council: Annual Dinner Dance - Frank Hovis</b> (S3E6 - 1991)<br /> <b>07. Dressage '92</b> (S4E1 - 1993)<br /> <b>08. The Surgeons: Lucky Dip</b> (S4E3 - 1993)<br /> </center> </div><div id='currentlisttype1304710tv' class='rateaddcustomlists notesviewactions'> <div class='pure-g'> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-7-24 pure-hidden-xs pure-hidden-sm'> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-md-10-24'> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div style='margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:4px;'> <button class='facebook-button-link' onclick="openWindow('');return false;"><img src='' /> Share on Facebook</button> <button class='twitter-button-link' onclick="openWindow('');return false;"><img src='' /> Share on Twitter</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class='pure-u-1 pure-u-lg-8-24 contentfont'> <div class='viewcontentright'> <div class='rightcontenttop'> <div class='add-items'></div> </div> <div style='margin-bottom:10px;'><br /></div> <div style='background: #e8e8e8; padding:12px; border-radius: 6px;-moz-border-radius: 6px;-webkit-border-radius: 6px;margin-bottom:12px;padding:4px 10px 10px 10px;'><div class='small'>Voters of this <a href='/tvshows'>TV Show</a> list</a> - <a href='/list/british-comedy-absolutely/votes' rel='nofollow'>View all</a></div><div><a href=''><img src='' alt='wendy' title='wendy' width='40' height='40' loading='lazy' /></a><a href=''><img src='' alt='kathy' title='kathy' width='40' height='40' loading='lazy' /></a><a href=''><img src='' alt='Kandi' title='Kandi' width='40' height='40' loading='lazy' /></a><a href=''><img src='' alt=' Georgini' title=' Georgini' width='40' height='40' loading='lazy' /></a><a href=''><img src='' alt='milica' title='milica' width='40' height='40' loading='lazy' /></a><a href=''><img src='' alt='Onion Jack' title='Onion Jack' width='40' height='40' loading='lazy' /></a><a href=''><img src='' alt='JROCK1772' title='JROCK1772' width='40' height='40' loading='lazy' /></a></div></div> <div style='overflow:auto;margin-bottom:20px;'> <center><a href="/viewimage/16003537"><img src="" loading="lazy" width='300' /></a></center><blockquote><center><b>Part of the<br /> <a href="">British Comedy Collection</a></b></center></blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><center><h3>SERIES SCORES</h3></center></blockquote><blockquote>Series 1: <b>5.83</b><br /> Series 2: <b>5.63</b><br /> Series 3: <b>6.63</b><br /> Series 4: <b>5.33</b></blockquote></blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><center><h3>FAVOURITE SKETCHES</h3></center></blockquote><blockquote><center><b>HOLY GODIVA</b></center></blockquote><blockquote><b>1. Bert Bastard: Haddock and Peas</b><br /> Series 2, Episode 4 - 1990)<br /> <br /> <b>2. DIY with Denzil: Pedwar's Legs</b><br /> (Series 1, Episode 1 - 1989)<br /> <br /> <b>3. Bert Bastard: The Over-80s Disco</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 5 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>4. Scribing Scandal</b><br /> (Series 2, Episode 4 - 1990)<br /> <br /> <b>5. Bert Bastard: Mobility Scooter</b><br /> (Series 4, Episode 3 - 1993)<br /> <br /> <b>6. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Taxi</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 2 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>7. Bert Bastard: Hokey Cokey</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 8 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>8. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Diarrhoea</b><br /> (Series 4, Episode 3 - 1993)<br /> <br /> <b>9. Animal Rights Activists</b><br /> (Series 1, Episode 6 - 1989)<br /> <br /> <b>10. Calum Gilhooley: Booking a Flight</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 3 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>11. <i>The Journey of Life</i></b><br /> (Series 1, Episode 1 - 1989)<br /> <br /> <b>12. Bert Bastard: Sports Day</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 1 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>13. Calum Gilhooley: The Pursuit</b><br /> (Series 4, Episode 4 - 1993)<br /> <br /> <b>14. The Nice Family: The Secretary of FIFA</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 5 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>15. Peter & Jennifer Wells: Crisis Aid Collection Point</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 8 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>16. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Drink Driving</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 8 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>17. Calum Gilhooley: Plane</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 1 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>18. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Eating Out</b><br /> (Series 4, Episode 5 - 1993)<br /> <br /> <b>19. Calum Gilhooley: Post Office</b><br /> (Series 1, Episode 6 - 1989)<br /> <br /> <b>20. Calum Gilhooley: Jehovah's Witnesses</b><br /> (Series 2, Episode 2 - 1990)</blockquote><blockquote><center><b>ONION JACK</b></center></blockquote><blockquote><b>1. Calum Gilhooley: Booking a Flight</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 3 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>2. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Taxi</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 2 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>3. Calum Gilhooley: Post Office</b><br /> (Series 1, Episode 6 - 1989)<br /> <br /> <b>4. Bert Bastard: The Over-80s Disco</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 5 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>5. Bert Bastard: Haddock and Peas</b><br /> Series 2, Episode 4 - 1990)<br /> <br /> <b>6. The Lavatory Express with Frank Hovis</b><br /> Series 4, Episode 1 - 1993)<br /> <br /> <b>7. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Diarrhoea</b><br /> (Series 4, Episode 3 - 1993)<br /> <br /> <b>8. The Nice Family: The Secretary of FIFA</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 5 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>9. Peter & Jennifer Wells: Crisis Aid Collection Point</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 8 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>10. Bert Bastard: Sports Day</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 1 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>11. Stoneybridge Town Council: New Slogan</b><br /> (Series 1, Episode 6 - 1989)<br /> <br /> <b>12. John: Calum Gilhooley</b><br /> (Series 1, Episode 1 - 1989)<br /> <br /> <b>13. I'm OK Thanks</b><br /> (Series 2, Episode 1 - 1990)<br /> <br /> <b>14. Bert Bastard: Hokey Cokey</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 8 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>15. Calum Gilhooley: Plane</b><br /> (Series 3, Episode 1 - 1991)<br /> <br /> <b>16. Scribing Scandal</b><br /> (Series 2, Episode 4 - 1990)<br /> <br /> <b>17. On the Lavatory with Frank Hovis: Eating Out</b><br /> (Series 4, Episode 5 - 1993)<br /> <br /> <b>18. Stoneybridge Town Council: Olympic Bid</b><br /> (Series 2, Episode 4 - 1990)<br /> <br /> <b>19. Bert Bastard: Making Dinner</b><br /> (Series 1, Episode 3 - 1989)<br /> <br /> <b>20. DIY with Denzil: the Hoover</b><br /> (Series 4, Episode 4 - 1993)</blockquote></blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><center><h3>FAVOURITE EPISODES</h3></center></blockquote><blockquote><center><b>HOLY GODIVA</b></center></blockquote><blockquote><b>1. Series 1, Episode 1</b><br /> (1989)<br /> <br /> <b>2. Series 3, Episode 1</b><br /> (1991)<br /> <br /> <b>3. Series 2, Episode 4</b><br /> (1990)<br /> <br /> <b>4. Series 3, Episode 2</b><br /> (1991)<br /> <br /> <b>5. Series 1, Episode 6</b><br /> (1989)</blockquote><blockquote><center><b>ONION JACK</b></center></blockquote><blockquote><b>1. Series 1, Episode 6</b><br /> (1989)<br /> <br /> <b>2. Series 3, Episode 1</b><br /> (1991)<br /> <br /> <b>3. Series 1, Episode 1</b><br /> (1989)<br /> <br /> <b>4. Series 3, Episode 5</b><br /> (1991)<br /> <br /> <b>5. Series 2, Episode 4</b><br /> (1990)</blockquote></blockquote> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; background-color: rgb(243, 243, 243);"> <div id="vuukle-quiz"></div> <div id="vuukle-ad-3"></div> </div> <script> var VUUKLE_CONFIG = { apiKey: "42164773-827e-42bd-8c5c-91bb25840611", }; (function() { var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = ''; (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })(); </script> <h2 class='headingunderline'>Added to</h2> <br class='clearboth' /> <div class='add-to-list' data-area='list' data-productid='4111434'> <button class='button-link add-to-custom-list-button'> <img src='' /> Add to list </button> </div> <br /><br /> <div style='background: #e8e8e8; padding:12px; border-radius: 6px;-moz-border-radius: 6px;-webkit-border-radius: 6px;margin-bottom:14px;padding:14px;'><h2 class='headingunderline'>Related lists</h2> <div style='margin-bottom:6px;float:left;width:100%;'> <div><a href=''><img src='' width='80' height='80' loading='lazy' 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