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International Transfer Students </span> </li></ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="additional-move"> </div> </aside> <!-- googleon: index --> <div class="main universal" role="main"> <!-- googleoff: all --> <nav class="breadcrumbs"> <a href="" rel="home">Home</a><a href="">Admissions and Aid</a><a href="">Undergraduate Admission</a><a href="">International Students</a><a href="#" class="current">International Transfer Students</a> </nav> <!-- googleon: all --> <section class="content"> <h1 class="title">International Transfer Students</h1> <div class="editor clearfix"> <p>Transfer Applicants are those students who have already begun university level study at another institution either in the United States or abroad.</p> <p>Students who have completed the equivalent of a United States Bachelors degree and are seeking a second degree (even if in a very different field of study) are usually recommended to apply to a Fordham University graduate level program or in some cases to our undergraduate Fordham School of Professional and Continuing Studies. Second degree seekers should generally not apply to the traditional undergraduate colleges at Fordham University.</p> <h3>Transferring Credits</h3> <p>If accepted to Fordham University, transfer applicants will receive a transfer credit evaluation which outlines what previous coursework is being considered for credit at Fordham University. Generally, Fordham University gives credit for courses of three credits or more, with a result of C or better and for which Fordham offers a course equivalent. Fordham University may transfer up to a maximum of 60 credits (approximately two years of study) from other institutions.</p> <h3>Fordham Educational Structure</h3> <p>Please note that all Fordham undergraduate students are expected to complete the Core Curriculum and Specific Major Requirements to graduate with a Fordham degree. Students applying from international universities where their tertiary education has been focused on a single subject area, should keep in mind that undergraduate transfer to Fordham University will require completion of a number of liberal arts and sciences coursework. This may require additional semesters or years of study.</p> <h3>Deadlines</h3> <p>Fall Semester Admission<br/> Deadline: June 1 // Notification Date - Rolling after June 1</p> <p>Spring Semester Admission<br/> Deadline: November 1 // Notification Date - Rolling after November 1</p> <h3>Requirements</h3> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20161125122742/"><strong>Fordham University Common Application</strong></a> with essay and $70.00 fee<br/> </li> <li><strong>Professor/Faculty recommendation and letter of good standing</strong> from your current institution.<br/> </li> <li><strong>Transcripts from all university study</strong>*<br/> A transcript is a list of courses taken and grades received. All transcripts should be original documents submitted directly from your school to Fordham University's admission office or copies certified by the school or an <a href="">EducationUSA center</a>. If the transcript is in a foreign language, please provide a certified English language translation of the document with your application.<br/> <br/> *All transfer applicants to Fordham who wish to have past international coursework considered for transfer credit should have their international university transcripts evaluated by <a href="">World Education Services</a> (WES). Results can be electronically forwarded to the Fordham University Office of Undergraduate Admission. Please plan appropriate time to have your transcripts evaluated.<br/> <br/> International transfer students applying to the Gabelli School of Business at Rose Hill should note that previous university matriculations of one year or longer may require students to complete additional semesters and summer terms to fulfill all graduation requirements. We are not currently accepting transfer applications for the Gabelli School of Business at Lincoln Center.<br/> <br/> Expected academic preparation includes completion of these courses with satisfactory results: <ul> <li>English Composition II</li> <li>Macroeconomics</li> <li>Microeconomics</li> <li>Finite Mathematics</li> <li>Calculus</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Transcript from the secondary school or high school</strong> from which you graduated<br/> </li> <li><strong>English language proficiency exam results</strong><br/> Non-native English speakers should submit results from TOEFL, IELTS, PTE-A or CAE exams (required minimum scores listed):<br/> - 90+ iBT TOEFL (Fordham code is 2259)<br/> - 575+ PBT TOEFL<br/> - 7.0+ IELTS<br/> - 62+ PTE-A (Pearson Test of English - Academic)<br/> - 67+ CAE (Cambridge English Advanced)</li> </ul> <p>As an alternative, local applicants can also take the Fordham University ESL placement evaluation at the <a href="/web/20161125122742/">Institute of American Language and Culture (IALC)</a> at our Lincoln Center campus. Please email <a href=""></a> or call +1-212-636-6353 to arrange this. Results will then be forwarded to the Undergraduate Admission Office upon request.</p> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20161125122742/"><strong>Financial affidavit</strong> (AFCOE)</a> and supporting financial statement(s) and the data/photo page of your current passport.</li> </ul> <p>Enrolling students currently in F-1 status must have their SEVIS records transferred to Fordham University. Please complete the top portion of the <a href="">Transfer Form</a> and have the remaining section completed by your current institution's Office of International Services.</p> <p>*Important to note that there are special application procedures for students interested in majoring in <a href="/web/20161125122742/">dance</a> or <a href="/web/20161125122742/">theatre</a>.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- googleoff: index --> <footer class="footer"> <div class="row twelve-hun-max"> <div class="small-12 columns no-lr-pad-large"> <div class="small-12 large-9 column no-l-pad"> <div class="small-12 large-5 column no-lr-pad logo"><a href="" title=""><img src="" title="" alt="Fordham University"></a> </div> <div class="small-12 large-8 column slogan"><span>New York is my campus. 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