Help for Service: Wiki: ManageProject — Project Kenai

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On this tab, you can select more than one license. Each license has a link to a description of the license. </li><li> <a href="#Image"><b>Image</b></a>&mdash;Upload an image for your project page. </li><li> <a href="#Links"><b>Links</b></a>&mdash;Add a set of relevant links to the sidebar that's displayed to the left of your project page. </li><li> <a href="#Members"><b>Members</b></a>&mdash;Manage members of your project. </li><li> <a href="#Features"><b>Features</b></a>&mdash;Manage the following features: <ul><li><a href="#IssueTracking">Issue Tracking</a></li><li><a href="#MailingLists">Mailing Lists</a></li><li><a href="#SourceCodeRepository">Source Code Repositories</a></li><li><a href="#Wiki">Wikis</a></li><li><a href="#MessageForums">Message Forums</a></li><li><a href="#Downloads">Downloads</a></li><li><a href="#Chat_Room">Chat Room</a></li><li><a href="#Website">Website</a></li><li><a href="#WikiHomePage">WikiHomePage</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="#Emails"><b>Emails</b></a>&mdash;Customize the email that is sent automatically to new members of your project. </li><li><a href="#WebHooks"><b>Web Hooks</b></a>&mdash;Supply a URL to a web page where you have code to handle JSON output from project events, like commits to a code repository. </li><li><a href="#Analytics"><b>Analytics</b></a>&mdash;Use Google Analytics to get statistics on your project. </li></ul><p><span id="Settings"/></p><h2><a name="Settings_Tab"></a>Settings Tab</h2> <p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/><i>To open the page this tab is on, see <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>This tab enables you to set basic settings for the project, available when the project was first created. You can change any of the settings on this tab. For example, if you just chose defaults or did the bare minimum to get the project created, you can fix that on this tab. You can also use this tab to delete the project. The <i>Delete</i> button is at the bottom of the page. </p><p><b>Note:</b> The project name, which is part of the project URL, is not on the Settings tab because it cannot be changed once the project has been created. </p><p>For more information on creating projects, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Creating a Project</a>. </p><h3><a name="Project_Settings"></a>Project Settings</h3> <ul><li> <b>Project Owner</b>&mdash;Initially, the username of the Project Kenai member who created the project. Project ownership can be assigned by the owner to any administrator of the project. </li><li> <b>Project Title</b>&mdash;A descriptive title that will be shown in lists of projects. Maximum of 40 characters. (for example, <tt>Project Kenai</tt>) </li><li> <b>Description</b>&mdash;Enter a detailed description of your project, including things like development status. Maximum of 500 characters. </li><li> <b>Tags</b>&mdash;Tags are search terms that users can use to find your project. </li><li> <b>License</b>&mdash;The source code license that you require members of your project to agree to when they participate in, and especially when they contribute to, the project. Choose one or more from the list. </li><li> <b>Parent Project</b>&mdash;If your project is part of another project, you can specify that project here. For example, if your project is a sub-project of a larger project, you would select that larger project as the Parent. Links will be automatically generated between child and parent projects. </li></ul><h3><a name="Deleting_a_Project"></a>Deleting a Project</h3> <p>Only the owner of a project can delete it. To see if you're the owner, check the Project Owner field on the Settings tab of the project's Manage page (see <a href="#Settings" class="internal">Settings Tab</a> above). </p><p>Before you delete a project, be sure to notify all your project members and give them time to move data off the project. </p><p><b>Note:</b> You must remove all members from the project before the Delete button will show. </p><p>To delete the project, click the Delete button at the bottom of the <a href="#Settings" class="internal">Settings tab</a>. </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p><span id="Image"/></p><h2><a name="Image_Tab"></a>Image Tab</h2> <p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/><i>To open the page this tab is on, see <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>On this tab you can upload an image for your project. Make sure you have rights to use the image before uploading it. </p><p>Since the image will be cropped to a square image and resized to 100 pixels by 100 pixels, you might want to work with the image in a graphics editor to get it close to that size before uploading it. In particular, cropping the image to make it square will make the biggest difference. Also, you might need to resave it as a smaller image if it's bigger than 500 KB. </p><p>For example, the following image isn't square. Here's how it looks before uploading: </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>And here's how it looks after being uploaded to the site and automatically cropped and resized: </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>One way to make this image look better is to edit it before you upload it. If you crop it to a square image and center the part you think is important, you're more likely to see what you want on the site. For example, the original image was cropped around the frog's face and made into a square. Here's how it looked after uploading: </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p><span id="Links"/></p><h2><a name="Links_Tab"></a>Links Tab</h2> <p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/><i>To open the page this tab is on, see <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>You can add links that are relevant to this project as a convenience for your members and others looking at the project page. Click <em>Add Link</em> to add a new link. The link text can be up to 25 characters, and the URI must be a fully formed Web address, such as <tt></tt>. </p><p><span id="Members"/></p><h2><a name="Members_Tab"></a>Members Tab</h2> <p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/><i>To open the page this tab is on, see <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>You can add members to your project if they have usernames on this site. To see a list of usernames, click the <i>People</i> link (or right-click it and open it in a new tab or window so you don't lose this settings tab). People can also request to become members of the project by signing up on the project page and requesting a role. If someone does that, you as a project administrator will receive a notification of the request. </p><ul><li> <b>To add a member:</b> Click <i>Add Member</i> and enter the username. Pick an appropriate role (Observer, Software Developer, Content Developer, or Administrator) and status (Active or Inactive). </li><li> <b>To delete a member:</b> Click the <i>More</i> droplist to the right of the member's name and choose <i>Delete</i>.<br/><span id="deleteadmin"/><b>Note:</b> When you delete a member who's in an administrator role, make sure to <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">delete their mailing list subscriptions</a> as well. You have to do this because administrators are automatically subscribed to the project mailing lists when added to a project, but they aren't removed from mailing lists when removed from the project. </li><li> <b>To change a member's role or status, or to substitute a new member:</b> Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the member's name, change the settings, and click <i>Update</i>. </li></ul><p><span id="roledefs"> </span> Here's a quick guide to the default definitions for project roles: </p><div style="overflow-x: auto;"><div style="margin: 0px 2px 0px 2px;"> <table -><tr valign="top"><td><b>Role</b></td><td><b>Description of Default Permissions</b></td></tr> <tr valign="top" style="background-color:#F1F1F1;"><td>Administrator </td><td>King of the Mountain. Owns the project and can perform all project administration tasks. </td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>Software&nbsp;Developer&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>Top level developer. Can do anything with the code and content. </td></tr> <tr valign="top" style="background-color:#F1F1F1;"><td>Tester&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>Someone who's job it is to test the software. Defaults to same permissions as Software Developer. </td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>Content&nbsp;Developer&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>Second level developer. Typically, can edit the wiki, but not commit code. </td></tr> <tr valign="top" style="background-color:#F1F1F1;"><td>Observer </td><td>Here to watch, comment, and connect. </td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>Unregistered&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>Logged in as a Project Kenai user, but not watching or otherwise participating in this project. </td></tr> <tr valign="top" style="background-color:#F1F1F1;"><td>Unauthenticated&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>Not logged in as a user of Project Kenai. </td></tr> </table> </div></div> <p> </p><p><b>Note:</b> The project administrator can set the permissions for all the roles to those that make sense for the project. Each feature described below under Features Tab has its own permissions settings. Also, a single member can have more than one role. For example, if Content Developers have permission to add, delete, and change pages on the project wiki, but someone in a Software Developer role typically does not, a member who is permitted to both check in code and write wiki pages could be given both roles. </p><p>For a table showing all the default permissions settings, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Default Project Activity Permissions</a>. </p><p><span id="Features"/></p><h2><a name="Features_Tab"></a>Features Tab</h2> <p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>On this tab, you can remove project features, add features, like a source code management system or bug tracker, or manage features, for example, by setting permissions for actions for each user role or by changing the feature's name or description. </p><p><b>Note:</b> To open the page this tab is on, see <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>. </p><p>Here's what you can do with each feature. </p><p><span id="IssueTracking"/></p><h3><a name="Issue_Tracking"></a>Issue Tracking</h3> <p><i>This feature is on the Features tab on the Manage page, as described above under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>Issue tracking is a feature that helps you keep track of bugs and feature requests. You can have two issue trackers for a project. </p><p>For general information on working with issue tracking, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">About Issue Tracking</a>. </p><p>There are two issue trackers that are directly supported, Bugzilla and Jira. If you prefer to use an issue tracker external to the site, you can do that by specifying External Issue Tracker when you add an issue tracker (see <a href="#addinganissuetracker" class="internal">Adding an Issue Tracker below</a>). The following figure shows the issue tracking section of the Manage page with an existing issue tracker: </p><p><span id="issuetrackermainfig"/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/><b>Note:</b> The message saying that you cannot add another issue tracker is replaced by Add when there is no issue tracker, as you can see below. </p><p>You can do the following management tasks with issue tracking. </p><p><span id="addinganissuetracker"/></p><h4><a name="Adding_an_Issue_Tracker"></a>Adding an Issue Tracker</h4> <p>If you see <i>Add</i> next to the Issue Tracking feature name, you can add an issue tracker to your project.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/> </p><p><b>Note:</b> If you add an issue tracker, your project automatically gets an Issues mailing list tied to the issue tracking system. </p><p><b>To add an issue tracker:</b></p><ol><li> Click Add next to the Issue Tracking feature name. You see the following inline dialog open:<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> Add a Display Name for your issue tracker and pick the tracker you want to use from the Issue Tracker droplist. </li><li> Optionally add a description. </li><li> For the <b>Issue Tracker</b> droplist, if you choose Jira or Bugzilla, click the Add button, and your issue tracker will be hooked up to your project. </li><li> For the <b>Issue Tracker</b> droplist, if you choose External Issue Tracker, a URL field opens:<br/><br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> Enter the URL where your issue tracker is located, then click the Add button to add it. For example, as shown in the figure above, if your project is JRuby, you might enter <tt></tt>. </li></ol><h4><a name="Deleting_an_Issue_Tracker"></a>Deleting an Issue Tracker</h4> <p>Click <i>more</i> to the right of the issue tracker name and click Delete. </p><dl><dd><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></dd></dl><p><b>Note:</b> After the issue tracker is deleted, <i>Add</i> appears next to the Issue Tacking feature name. </p><h4><a name="Renaming_the_Issue_Tracker"></a>Renaming the Issue Tracker</h4> <p>Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the issue tracker name. </p><dl><dd><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></dd></dl><p> In the Edit dialog, you can change the Display Name that users of your project see for your issue tracker, as well as the description. </p><h4><a name="Managing_Issue_Tracker_Roles_and_Tasks"></a>Managing Issue Tracker Roles and Tasks</h4> <p>From the Project Kenai point of view, the tasks users can perform in an issue tracker (like creating bugs, editing bugs, and so on) depend on their roles in the project. You can't change the issue tracker permissions for individual project roles in Project Kenai as you can with other features, but you can move your project members to new Kenai roles. To see how the roles map for each type of issue tracker, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Issue Tracking</a> on the Default Project Activity Permissions page. </p><p><b>Note:</b> In addition to <a href="#Members_Tab" class="internal">changing your members' roles in your Kenai project</a>, you can change individual users' roles in the Jira issue tracker, and you can change what groups can do in Bugzilla. </p><ul><li> In Jira, you can change user settings as described in <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Setting User Roles for the Jira Issue Tracker</a>. </li><li> In Bugzilla, you can assign group controls to your project as described on the Bugzilla help page <a class="external" href="">Assigning Group Controls to Products</a>. </li></ul><p> For information on the Kenai roles, see the <a href="#roledefs" class="internal">role definitions</a> above. </p><p><span id="MailingLists"/></p><h3><a name="Mailing_Lists"></a>Mailing Lists</h3> <p><i>This feature is on the Features tab on the Manage page, as described above under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>You can add new mailing lists, delete lists, and manage them here. </p><p><b>Note:</b> If you add an issue tracker, your project automatically gets an Issues mailing list tied to the issue tracking system. If you add a code repository, your project gets a Commits mailing list tied to the source control system. </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>You can do the following management tasks with mailing lists: </p><ul><li> <b>Adding a Mailing List</b>&mdash;Click <i>Add</i> next to Mailing List and then enter the URI and name of the mailing list. The description is optional, but useful for your members. The URI becomes part of the URL for the mailing list and can consist of letters, numbers, and underscores only. </li><li> <b>Deleting a Mailing List</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the mailing list name and choose <i>Delete</i>.<br/> <img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> <b>Editing a Mailing List's Settings</b>&mdash;Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the mailing list name and change any of the fields described in Adding a Mailing List above.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> <b>Setting Role Permissions</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the mailing list name and choose <i>Set Role Permissions</i>.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/><br/>You see a table of checkboxes showing roles and actions those roles can take with this mailing list. (For information on the roles, see the <a href="#roledefs" class="internal">role definitions</a> above.) <ul><li> <b>View List</b>&mdash;Allowed to see the list online. </li><li> <b>Administer List</b>&mdash;Allowed to add and remove subscribers, rename list, make list moderated or not, add moderators, add list owners, and so on. </li><li> <b>View Archive</b>&mdash;Allowed to see the archive of mailing list messages. </li><li> <b>Close List</b>&mdash;Allowed to shut the list down. The archive remains available, but the mailing list becomes inactive. </li><li> <b>Moderate Posts</b>&mdash;If the list is moderated, receives posts and is responsible for approving them before they go to the list. See <i>Send Scheme</i> below for information on making a list moderated. </li><li> <b>Compose on Web</b>&mdash;Allowed to compose messages on this site with the email editor. Users who aren't allowed to compose on the web must use their own email clients to send emails to the list. </li><li> <b>Subscribe to List</b>&mdash;Allowed to subscribe and receive messages from the list. For example, you could limit this permission to members of the project. </li></ul></li><li> <b>Managing a List</b>&mdash;Click the list description link (for example, <i>Commits Mailing List</i>) and choose Manage List under that list item. For more information, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Managing a Single Email List</a>. </li></ul><p> For general information on using mailing lists, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">About Mailing Lists</a>. </p><p><span id="SourceCodeRepository"/></p><h3><a name="Source_Code_Repository"></a>Source Code Repository</h3> <p><i>This feature is on the Features tab on the Manage page, as described above under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>You can choose a supported source code management (SCM) system, Subversion, Mercurial, or Git, and your project will be set up with a repository for that SCM. If you choose External Source Code Repository, nothing will be set up for you on this site, and you have to do it yourself as described below under <a href="#addexternalrepos" class="internal">Adding an External Repository</a>. </p><p>You can have more than one repository of more than one type. This feature lets you add, delete, and manage repositories, and also lets you determine who can check files in and out and who can browse your repositories. </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>You can do the following management tasks with source code repositories: </p><p><span id="add_scm_repository"/></p><h4><a name="Adding_a_Subversion,_Mercurial,_or_Git_Source_Code_Repository"></a>Adding a Subversion, Mercurial, or Git Source Code Repository</h4> <p><b>Note:</b> If you add a code repository, your project also gets a Commits mailing list tied to the source control system. </p><p>To add a Subversion, Mercurial, or Git repository: </p><ol><li> Click <i>Add</i> next to Source Code Repository and then enter the Display Name and the Name of the repository.<br/>The Name is used in the repository URL and has to be unique for this project's repositories. It can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores. <br/><span id="image_add_scm"/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> Select which Source Control System type you want this repository to be, Subversion, Mercurial, or Git. </li><li> Set the email commit message type, as described below. </li><li> Click the Add button. </li></ol><h4><a name="Adding_an_External_Repository"></a>Adding an External Repository</h4> <p>To add a repository for your project that's external to this site: </p><ol><li>Click <i>Add</i> next to Source Code Repository and then enter the Display Name and the Name of the repository as described above. </li><li> Select <i>External Link</i> from the Source Control System droplist. </li><li> Enter the URL or command line for checking out the source code. This URL is displayed as text that a project member can cut and paste into an SCM client later.<br/>For example, for the GlassFish project on, you might enter<br/><tt>cvs -d :pserver:{username} checkout glassfish</tt></li><li> Optionally enter the URL for browsing the source code. <br/>For example, for, this is usually something like<br/> <tt></tt></li><li> Click the Add button. </li></ol><p><span id="scm_commit_email_settings"/></p><h4><a name="Setting_Size_of_Email_Commit_Messages"></a>Setting Size of Email Commit Messages</h4> <p>Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the repository name. </p><dl><dd><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></dd></dl><p> Change the Commit Message Type (shown in the <a href="#image_add_scm" class="internal">figure above</a>) to: </p><ul><li> <b>verbose</b>&mdash;With each commit to the repository, send an email that contains a full log of all changes made. </li><li> <b>compact</b>&mdash;With each commit to the repository, send an email that contains basic commit information only. </li><li><b>none</b>&mdash; Disable commit emails entirely.<span id="addexternalrepos"/></li></ul><h4><a name="Deleting_a_Source_Code_Repository"></a>Deleting a Source Code Repository</h4> <p>Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the repository name and choose <i>Delete</i>. </p><dl><dd><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></dd></dl><p> You will be asked to confirm the deletion because deleting a repository can destroy a lot of code and code history. </p><h4><a name="Editing_a_Source_Code_Repository_s_Settings"></a>Editing a Source Code Repository's Settings</h4> <p>Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the repository name. </p><dl><dd><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></dd></dl><p> The fields you can edit are described above under <a href="#add_scm_repository" class="internal">Adding a Subversion, Mercurial, or Git Source Code Repository</a>. You cannot change the type of repository, but you can change the feature name, display name, and commit message type. </p><p><span id="scm_role_permissions"/></p><h4><a name="Setting_Role_Permissions"></a>Setting Role Permissions</h4> <p>Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the repository name and choose <i>Set Role Permissions</i>. </p><dl><dd><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></dd></dl><p> You see a table of checkboxes showing roles and actions those roles can take with a repository. The tasks you can set for the various roles are simple: <i>Perform Checkouts</i> and <i>Perform Checkins</i>. </p><p><i>Perform Checkouts</i> includes source code browsing, so changing permissions for this task also changes who can browse your source code. </p><p>For information on the roles, see the <a href="#roledefs" class="internal">role definitions</a> above. </p><p><b>Note:</b> Changes to repository permission don't take effect immediately, but take about 15 minutes to propagate. </p><h4><a name="Copying_an_Existing_Subversion_Repository_Into_Your_Project_s_Subversion_Repository"></a>Copying an Existing Subversion Repository Into Your Project's Subversion Repository</h4> <p>If you have an existing external Subversion repository that you would like to begin using in your Kenai project, you can: </p><ul><li> Point directly to it as an external repository, as described above at <a href="#Adding_an_External_Repository" class="internal">Adding an External Repository</a>. </li><li> If your repository's number of revisions is less than 1,000, you can use Subversion's <tt>svnsync</tt> command to directly copy your entire existing repository into your Kenai project's svn repository, as described below. You must be a project administrator to use <tt>svnsync</tt> with your project's repository. </li><li> If your repository has more than 1,000 revisions, you are encouraged to follow the instructions at <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Migrating an Existing Subversion Repository to a Kenai Project Repository</a>, which tell you how to set the repository up to be copied and how to contact a Project Kenai administrator to schedule the transfer. </li></ul><p><b>To copy the repository with <tt>svnsync</tt>: </b> </p><p><b>Note:</b> SSH access is faster and more secure than HTTPS access. Therefore, these instructions assume that you'll use SSH. </p><ol><li> If necessary, set up a Kenai repository as described above at <a href="#Source_Code_Repository" class="internal">Source Code Repository</a>. </li><li> If necessary, set up your local system to use Subversion as described at <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Accessing a Subversion Repository</a>. </li><li> To set up SSH: <ul><li> If you're on a Linux, Mac, or UNIX system, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Generating an SSH Key</a>. </li><li> If you're on a Windows system, see: <ul><li> <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Generating and Using an SSH Key on a Microsoft Windows Machine</a></li><li> <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Setting Up Cygwin to Use SSH on a Microsoft Windows Machine</a></li></ul></li></ul></li><li>On your local system, run the following <tt>svnsync</tt> commands and substitute your username and the URLs for your project repository and your external repository:<br/><pre> &gt; svnsync init svn+ssh://&lt;your-username&gt;;project-name&gt;~&lt;project-svn-repos&gt; https://www.&lt;some-site&gt;.org/&lt;your-ext-project&gt;/svn/&lt;your-repos&gt;</pre><pre> &gt; svnsync sync svn+ssh://&lt;your-username&gt;;project-name&gt;~&lt;project-svn-repos&gt;</pre></li><li>If the transfer is interrupted or there's an error resulting in a hanging lock, use the following command to clean things up:<pre> &gt; svn propdel 'svn:sync:lock' --revprop -r 0 svn+ssh://&lt;your-username&gt;;project-name&gt;~&lt;project-svn-repos&gt;</pre></li><li>Verify by checking out your project and making sure that history has been preserved. If so, you are done.<pre> &gt; svn co svn+ssh://&lt;your-username&gt;;project-name&gt;~&lt;project-svn-repos&gt;</pre></li></ol><p><b>Note:</b> You don't have to set up the <tt>pre-revprop-change</tt> hook. It's already set up for your Kenai Subversion repositories. The Kenai hook script requires only that you be a project administrator. </p><p>For more information on <tt>svnsync</tt>, see <a class="external" href=""></a>. </p><p>For general information on working with source code management and repositories, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Source Code Management</a>. </p><p><span id="Wiki"/></p><h3><a name="Wiki"></a>Wiki</h3> <p><i>This feature is on the Features tab on the Manage page, as described above under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>A project can have one wiki that can have many pages. </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>You can do the following management tasks with wikis: </p><ul><li> <b>Adding a Wiki</b>&mdash;Click <i>Add</i> in the Wiki heading bar and give the wiki a display name and an optional description. You can also set the name of the home page, which defaults to Home. </li><li> <b>Renaming a Wiki</b>&mdash;Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the wiki name.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/>You can change the name users of your project see on the project page. You can also change the description here, as well as the home page, as described below. </li><li> <b>Setting the Wiki Home Page</b>&mdash;Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the wiki name and enter a wiki page name in the Wiki Default Page field. This sets the page that displays when the user clicks the wiki's link on the project's home page. </li><li> <b>Setting Role Permissions</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the Wiki's name and choose <i>Set Role Permissions</i>.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/> You see a table of checkboxes showing roles and actions those roles can take with the wiki. The tasks you can set for the various roles are simple: <i>Delete Pages</i>, <i>View Pages</i>, and <i>Edit Pages</i>. Think about who you want to give access to the wiki and set up roles accordingly. For information on the roles, see the <a href="#roledefs" class="internal">role definitions</a> above. </li><li> <b>Making the Wiki Home Page Your Project Home Page</b>&mdash;See <a href="#WikiHomePage" class="internal">WikiHomePage</a> for more information. </li></ul><p> For general information on working with wikis and using wiki formatting tags, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">About Wikis</a>. </p><p><span id="MessageForums"/></p><h3><a name="Message_Forums"></a>Message Forums</h3> <p><i>This feature is on the Features tab on the Manage page, as described above under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>Message Forums, or just forums, are message boards where your members can discuss the project. </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>You can do the following things with forums: </p><ul><li> <b>Adding a Forum</b>&mdash;Click <i>Add</i> next to Message Forum and then enter the URI and display name of the forum. For example, you might want to create a forum for reporting bugs with the URI <tt>bugsforum</tt> and the display name <tt>Bugs and Feature Suggestions</tt>. The description is optional, but useful for your members. </li><li> <b>Deleting a Forum</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the forum name and choose <i>Delete</i>.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> <b>Editing a Forum's Settings</b>&mdash;Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the forum name.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/> Change any of the fields, which are described above under Adding a Forum. </li><li> <b>Setting Role Permissions</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the forum name and choose <i>Set Role Permissions</i>.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/><br/>You see a table of checkboxes showing roles and the actions each role can perform. The actions <i>Create Post</i>, <i>Edit Post</i>, and <i>Delete Post</i> allow users to edit and delete only their own posts. The action <i>Edit or Delete Any Post</i> allows a user to edit and delete any post in the forum, and by default applies only to the Administrator role.<br/><br/> As an example, you might want only project members to be able to add posts, edit them, and delete them, but you'd like everyone to continue to be able to read all posts. Under the Unregistered role, you uncheck <i>Edit Post</i>, <i>Create Post</i>, and <i>Delete Post</i>, and then you click Update. For information on the roles, see the <a href="#roledefs" class="internal">role definitions</a> above. </li></ul><p> For general information on using forums, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">About Forums</a>. </p><h3><a name="Downloads"></a>Downloads</h3> <p><i>This feature is on the Features tab on the Manage page, as described above under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>A project has one Downloads list for project files that you want your members to be able to download, such as the latest build of the project. </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>You can do the following management tasks with the Downloads list: </p><ul><li> <b>Renaming the Downloads list</b>&mdash;Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the download list's name.<br/> <img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> <br/>You can change the name users of your project see on the project page. You can also enter a description for the list. </li><li> <b>Deleting the Downloads list</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the downloads list name and choose <i>Delete</i>.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> <b>Setting Role Permissions</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the download list's name and choose <i>Set Role Permissions</i>.<br/> <img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/> You see a table of checkboxes showing roles and actions those roles can take with the download area. The tasks you can set for the various roles are simple: <i>Upload Files</i>, <i>Download files</i>, <i>Edit upload</i>, and <i>Delete upload</i>. <br/><br/>By default, uploading files to the list, deleting a file from the list, and changing the information displayed for a file in the list can only be done by a project administrator. Additionally, by default, anyone can download a project's files. If you want to change these defaults (for example, to limit downloads to project members), you can do that here. For information on the roles, see the <a href="#roledefs" class="internal">role definitions</a> above. </li></ul><p> For general information on working with the Downloads list, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">About Downloads</a>. This page also tells you how to <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">get a summary of data about your project's downloads</a>. </p><p><span id="ChatRoom"/></p><h3><a name="Project_Chat_Room"></a>Project Chat Room</h3> <p><i>This feature is on the Features tab on the Manage page, as described above under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>A chat room is an area where your members can discuss the project with IM (instant messaging). You can have one chat room per project and use the Project Kenai chat client to access it. You can also use your own client, like <a class="external" href="">Pidgin</a> or <a class="external" href="">Adium</a>, or you can use NetBeans 6.7 and later. See <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">About Instant Message (IM) Chat</a> for more information on using IM chat clients. </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>You can do the following things with chat rooms: </p><ul><li> <b>Adding a Chat Room</b>&mdash;Click <i>Add</i> next to Project Chat Room and then enter the display name of the chat room. The description is optional.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> <b>Deleting a Chat Room</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the chat room name and choose <i>Delete</i>.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> <b>Editing a Chat Room's Settings</b>&mdash;Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the chat room name and change the chat room's display name or its description.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> <b>Viewing Role Permissions</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the chat room's name and choose <i>Set Role Permissions</i>.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/> You see a read-only table of checkboxes showing roles and actions those roles can take with the chat room. Basically, anyone can use the chat room, but only administrators can create or delete one. </li></ul><h3><a name="Website"></a>Website</h3> <p><i>This feature is on the Features tab on the Manage page, as described under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page" class="internal">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>A Website is a set of web pages that you have uploaded to Project Kenai to use as your project's public home page. This home page is accessed through a web browser at the URL <tt>http://<i>your-project-name</i></tt>. The site can be a public face for users of your software and can include multimedia, your own CSS, and your designed HTML pages. Content for the site could include software downloads and release information, upcoming plans, marketing information, and so on. Additionally, a Java-based project could host its Javadoc here. </p><p><span id="manage-website-image"/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>You use a WebDAV client to upload a set of HTML, CSS, image, and other files for your web site to <tt><i>your-project-name</i></tt>. For information on uploading files with a WebDAV client, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Working With Your Project's Website</a>. </p><p>If you don't set this feature, the URL <tt>http://<i>your-project-name</i></tt> defaults to your project home page, <tt><i>your-project-name</i></tt>. </p><p>This web site is completely under your control. It does not have any of the automatic navigation you see with pages in Project Kenai, like the left navbar that links to your project features, the breadcrumbs list, or search. If you want the user to be able to navigate to your project, you must supply the links yourself. </p><p><b>Note:</b> Your project will continue to have a project home page accessible from Project Kenai. The project website does not replace the project home page, making the project website useful as a site for users of your software. The project home page can continue to be used by developers and others who want to participate in the project on Project Kenai. If you want to customize the project home page, see the section, <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">WikiHomePage</a>. </p><p>You can do the following things with this feature: </p><ul><li> <b>Adding a Website</b>&mdash;Click <i>Add</i> next to Website and then enter a display name and description for the site. The description is optional. <br/> <b>Note:</b> This option doesn't add the actual web site, but just turns the feature on so that accessing the URL <tt>http://<i>your-project-name</i></tt> shows the web pages you uploaded with your WebDAV client to <tt><i>your-project-name</i></tt>.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li><li> <b>Deleting a Website</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the <i>website</i> name and choose Delete. (See figure <a href="#manage-website-image" class="internal">above</a>.)<br/> <b>Note:</b> Choosing Delete doesn't delete the files you uploaded. It just turns the feature off so that users no longer see your web site. </li><li> <b>Editing a Website's Display Name and Description</b>&mdash;Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the <i>website</i> name and change the Website's display name or description. (See figure <a href="#manage-website-image" class="internal">above</a>.) </li><li> <b>Setting Role Permissions</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the <i>website</i> name and choose <i>Set Role Permissions</i>. (See figure <a href="#manage-website-image" class="internal">above</a>.) You see a table of checkboxes showing roles and actions those roles can take with the download area. The tasks you can set for the various roles are simple: <i>View Website</i> and <i>Update Website</i>.<br/><br/>By default, anyone can see your web site, but only project administrators, software developers, and content developers can add or delete files.<br/><br/> For information on the roles in this table, see the <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">role definitions</a> table in <i>Managing a Project</i>. </li></ul><p><span id="WikiHomePage"/></p><h3><a name="WikiHomePage"></a>WikiHomePage</h3> <p><i>This feature is on the Features tab on the Manage page, as described above under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>.</i> </p><p>A Wiki Home Page is a way to provide a customized project home page for your project. You <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">edit your project's wiki Home page</a> to add the content about your project that you want people to see on the Project Kenai site. After you set this feature, project administrators continue to see the default home page. For all other users who are permitted to see your wiki pages, this page replaces the default project home page. </p><p>To control who sees your wiki pages, see <i>Setting Role Permission</i> above under <a href="#Wiki" class="internal">Wiki</a>. </p><p><b>Note:</b> You can have both a wiki home page and a <a href="#Website" class="internal">project website</a>. The wiki home page replaces your project home page and is for use by developers and other Project Kenai members who want to participate in or learn about your project. The project website is available externally to a wider audience and can be used to provide information to the users of your software, such as information on the latest releases, plans for upcoming releases, marketing information, and so on. </p><p><span id="manage-wikihomepage-image"/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>For example, here's how the default project home page for the Bluebird project looks: </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>And here's the new project home page in the Bluebird wiki: </p><p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>As you can see, with the customized wiki home page, all the project navigation is still available in the left navigation bar, and you provide the look you want for your project page. </p><p>You can do the following things with this feature: </p><ul><li> <b>Adding a WikiHomePage</b>&mdash;Click <i>Add</i> next to WikiHomePage and then enter a description for the page. The description is optional.<br/><b>Note:</b> Add doesn't add a page, but simply changes your project home page from the default home page to your wiki Home page.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/><br/></li><li> <b>Deleting a WikiHomePage</b>&mdash;Click the <i>more</i> droplist to the right of the <i>wikihome</i> name and choose <i>Delete</i>.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/><br/><br/><b>Note:</b> Delete doesn't delete a page, but simply changes your project home page back to the default home page.<br/><br/></li><li> <b>Editing a WikiHomePage's Description</b>&mdash;Click <i>Edit</i> to the right of the <i>wikihome</i> name and change the WikiHomePage's description.<br/><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/></li></ul><p><span id="Emails"/></p><h2><a name="Emails_Tab"></a>Emails Tab</h2> <p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p><i>This feature is on the Emails tab on the Manage page, as described above under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>. </i> </p><p>This tab enables you to customize the email that gets sent when you add a new member in the <a href="#Members_Tab" class="internal">Members tab</a>. You can edit any of the fields, and you can use a set of predefined template variables in the email, such as {{project_display_name}}, which cause text to be inserted when the email is sent. </p><p>The template variables are listed at the bottom of the page with some of the default values filled in. Here's what they would be for the Bluebird project: </p><ul><li> <b>host:</b> &nbsp;<tt></tt></li><li> <b>project_display_name:</b> &nbsp;<tt> Bluebird</tt></li><li> <b>project_url:</b> <tt> &nbsp;</tt></li><li> <b>role_display_name:</b> &nbsp;<i>the member's new role on the project</i></li><li> <b>signature:</b> &nbsp;<tt> The Project Kenai Team</tt></li><li> <b>wiki_home_url:</b> &nbsp;<tt></tt></li></ul><p><span id="WebHooks"/></p><h2><a name="Web_Hooks_Tab"></a>Web Hooks Tab</h2> <p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p><i>This feature is on the Web Hooks tab on the Manage page, as described above under <a href="#Opening_the_Manage_Page">Opening the Manage Page</a>. </i> </p><p>This tab enables you to set a URL, a callback to a page that can accept web hook data from your Project Kenai project. Web hooks provide a way for you to handle data resulting from changes in your Kenai projects on a web page of your choosing (as opposed to using something like an RSS feed). In this tab, you provide the URL of the web page that has code to interpret and handle the JSON data sent by Project Kenai. In addition, you need to click the checkbox next to the features you want to track. At present, there is one feature you can track, source code repository updates. </p><p><b>Note:</b> A web hook is automatically disabled after 10 failed connection attempts. After a web hook is disabled, you must change the URL to re-enable the web hook. </p><p>For general information on working with web hooks, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">About Web Hooks</a>. </p><p><span id="Analytics"/></p><h2><a name="Analytics_Tab"></a>Analytics Tab</h2> <p><img src="/web/20101109030409im_/"/> </p><p>This tab enables you to add the tracking code from a profile you have set up on Google Analytics so your project's web page statistics can be gathered by Google. Click Add Analytic, add the tracking code code to that field, and click Add. Within 24 hours you will have data on your project in your Google account. For more information, see <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="internal">Using Analytics With Your Projects</a>. </p><p><table><tr><td style="height:500px;">&nbsp;</td><td style="height:500px;">&nbsp;</td><td style="height:500px;">&nbsp;</td></tr></table></p></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!--END CONTENT AREA--> </div> </div> <div id="footer" style="position:relative"> <a href="/web/20101109030409/">Home</a> <span class="separator">|</span> <a href="/web/20101109030409/">My Page</a> <span class="separator">|</span> <a href="/web/20101109030409/">Projects</a> <span class="separator">|</span> <a href="/web/20101109030409/">People</a> <span class="separator">|</span> <a href="">Contact Us</a> <span class="separator">|</span> <a href="/web/20101109030409/">Join Now</a> <span class="separator">|</span> <a href="/web/20101109030409/" target="_blank">Documentation</a> </div> <div id="footerCurves"></div> <div style="padding-left:75px;"> <ul class="hList"> <li><a href="" title="Oracle"><img alt="" src=""/></a></li> <li><a href="" title="OpenSolaris"><img alt="" class="reflect" src=""/></a></li> <li><a href="" title="MySQL"><img alt="Mysql" class="reflect" src=""/></a></li> <li><a href="" title="GlassFish"><img alt="Glassfish" class="reflect" src=""/></a></li> <li><a href="" title="JRuby"><img alt="Jruby" class="reflect" src=""/></a></li> <li><a href="" title="Rails"><img alt="Rails" class="reflect" src=""/></a></li> <li><a href="" title="Netbeans"><img alt="Nblogo" class="reflect" src=""/></a></li> </ul> </div> <small class="finePrint"> <a href="/web/20101109030409/" class="largeOverlayLink" title="Terms of Use">Terms of Use</a>; <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>;<br/> &copy; 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates<br/>(<a href="/web/20101109030409/">revision 20101105.21b2604</a>) </small> </div> </div> <!-- popups that are anchored to specific elements --> <div class="popupMenuShadow" id="contextMenuShadow"></div> <div class="popupMenuContainer" id="contextMenu"> <div class="popupMenu inline"> <div class="upArrow"></div> <div class="header"></div> <div class="contextMenuBody" id="contextMenuBody">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> <!-- large content loaded via ajax. 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